#I think it’s a barred owl
toadalled · 6 months
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My dad and I came across the coolest sight on our camping trip: An owl haloed by the full moon rising.
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If Amity's role in the hexsquad eco system is keeping Hunter humble then I think that Gus' role is keeping Amity humble. All three of them get along and like each other a lot but they will not hesitate to rib one another if they think someone's forgetting their roots.
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proton-wobbler · 8 months
So no clue what the phenomenon is called, but I've got that thing of "whenever you hear noises you have to repeat them" thing that some ADHD people have. It's not an always thing for me, but I do it A Lot when I'm out birding. I'm no good at it, of course, as I have a human mouth and no syrinx (a bird's voicebox), but that doesn't stop the chickadees from thinking some kid-chickadee is singing really badly in their territory, as chickadees love to throw down.
The problem is when you repeat a Barred Owl song (because ohmygod their song is amazing!) and the male of the pair thinks you sound juuuuuuuuust enough like an owl that he decides to scope your location. The amount of impulse control you gain when faced with the fact an owl would gladly smack the back of your head for singing terribly is incredible.
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tsuchinokoroyale · 5 months
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#I was talking to some buddies about lies of p and sekiro and how LoP’s defense as offense mentality helped get into sekiro#but then how sekiro overwrote that mentality with its own “offense is the best defense” mentality#or “hesitate and you lose” as Grandpappy isshin would say#and how the switch for the change for me was genichiro who I think is one of the best designed bosses in gaming#you CAN’T play too defensively with him because he’s happy to pepper you with arrows from a distance#and then the moment comes when you realize your sword interrupts his bow attacks sekiro truly begins as a game#lady butterfly is also a good fight but all her moves bring her to you so there’s less incentive to be as aggressive#vs genny baby who will back off and fire off his bow if you let him#this isn’t even like a video of me playing perfectly but I LOVE getting my feudal edgelord corner stunned and just bursting him down#I kinda hate the owl shinobi fight bc he hits too hard and his attacks just aren’t interesting to react to#but it’s also possible to corner stun him and just go to town on his health bar#owl father and inner father are much better fights and I actually really enjoyed inner father a lot#but the Ashina family fights are absolutely stunning achievements in game design imo#perfectly balanced to be difficult but fair and visually stunning to boot#even if there is a layer of artificial difficulty in the final battle with the flowers obscuring their swords when they’re crouched#but the animations are solid enough that there are enough other more subtle differences like how hes shifting his weight#if he’s centered he’s going to lunge but if he’s angled he’s gonna sweep#I had so much fun with LoP and sekiro 🥰🥰🥰 I crave more…#I can’t say the combat in Elden ring gorilla gripped me like these two games have but I like HAVE to play dark souls I know this#sekiro#tsuchi plays games
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wraenata · 10 months
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I have returned from camping. I'm going to try and make it through my dash but I'm not sure if I will be able too. If I missed any posts I'm sorry!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
hiiiii midasss
not a continuation of eldritch horror reader, but i REALLY. REALLY LIKE VERY TALL READER. A LOT.
it would be hard to hide, but imagine how fun it would be .. i mean, what’re they gonna do about it?? carry us off to jail? no, man, no. we can step on them. squish :]
and when i say tall, i’m talking like, AT LEAST 7 feet. quite possibly 10 feet tall. big guy.
i want to be able to pick someone up and throw them like a football.
-owl anon who was hearing bird chitters while writing this
i might bring a more detailed snack of eldritch horror reader later
oh em gee bird chitters guys
also if makes sense if you think about it, since they on your screen are itty bitty so
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the-golden-ghost · 1 month
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ceruleanvulpine · 1 year
huge respect to @myxinidaes for reblogging that post with 100 birds
#ok im gonna try to list 100 birds. house sparrow song sparrow fox sparrow white-throated sparrow dark-eyed junco#robin. ovenbird. hermit thrush. carolina wren. cardinal#carolina chickadee. house finch. purple finch. goldfinch. white-breasted nuthatch#red-breasted nuthatch. hooded merganser. american coot. wood duck. mallard duck#surf scoter. ruddy duck. black duck. northern shoveler. common loon#crow. fish crow. raven. turkey vulture. bald eagle#feral pigeon. mourning dove. turkey. quail. AMERICAN WOODCOCK#solitary sandpiper. herring gull. great black-backed gull. piping plover. killdeer#yellow-rumped warbler. pine warbler. palm warbler. black and white warbler. i cant think of a fifth warbler. red tailed hawk#cooper's hawk. osprey. barn swallow. tree swallow. blue jay#peacock. egyptian goose. peregrine falcon. merlin. canadian goose#green heron. starting to struggle here. flamingo. skua. albatross. great blue heron#barn owl - snowy owl - great horned owl - barred owl - WHAT was that little owl in central park called - uhhh mandarin duck#chicken. california condor. rose finch (there are many but i dont remember any of the weirder species). adelie penguin. emperor penguin#northern mockingbird.. starling.. grackle.. african gray parrot.. monk parakeet#stellar's jay ... baltimore oriole.. argh what's the other oriole we get. DOWNY WOODPECKER.. hairy woodpecker... pileated woodpecker#red-headed woodpecker. red-bellied woodpecker. ruby-throated hummingbird. scarlet macaw. whooping crane#whippoorwill. snowy egret. great egret. european robin. bird of paradise#there's a warbler that's just 'yellow' right? yellow warbler? cormorant...#struggling with some where i cant remember the exact name like was it a 'double crested' cormorant or something else.#zebra finch .. blue-footed booby... pelican....#australian magpie. The Other Magpie. ibis (nonspecific). potoo. EASTERN BLUEBIRDDDDDD !!!#ceruleanrambling#now i can go read yours
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plslemmedie · 7 months
Sister put me into closet, I can’t get out. She’s not homophonic, I’m just literally locked in a closet right now
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meraxes-of-new-albion · 7 months
Trick or treat!
A bit belated but!
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Treat :)
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toadalled · 6 months
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The owl and the full moon…
I turned to dad after I snapped these pictures and said “I think we were just blessed.”
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drawbudd · 11 months
Question, how do you think hunter's heat resistance works
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elliejaybird · 2 years
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@dry-gold I actually did a casting call that included specific mention of Australian and New Zealand voice actors but only two ever auditioned and unfortunately neither fit what I was looking for in a voice. In the end I am very happy with Charlie Rowen’s take on the character.
As for the soundscape, the primary track is Australian, but there are birds from other locations mixed in at odd intervals as well. (You’ll just have to stretch your suspension of disbelief when the toucan-like birds squeak with the voices of jackdaws and herons.)
Anyway, thanks for watching! I’m glad you enjoyed it, despite the slightly strange geography.
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afieldinengland · 2 years
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imagine making a good owl house oc
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couldnt be me (it isnt me)
yes they have a curse yes theyre edgy no i dont care
the edgy colors get a pass though because theyre based on bearded vultures
their name is ripley and theyre the stupidest creature in every realm which makes sense because theyre pretty much an edgy self-insert
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crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
so i think a barred owl stared into my soul today
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