#I prefer tina/zeke over tina/jimmy jr
loubagoob · 1 year
Does anyone know of any angsty Tina fics, I only ever really see any about Louise...
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pinazee · 2 months
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sailoreuterpe · 4 months
Tina x Jimmy Jr. x Zeke
I ship it!
What made you ship it? Literally all of their interactions have ship tease. Jimmy Junior being so jealous over Zeke, Tina being so jealous over Jimmy Junior, Zeke just being so happy to be with both of them. I ship them in any capacity or configuration.
What are your favorite things about the ship? @br1ghtestlight basically already said everything relevant right here.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? While I enjoy any form of shipping for these three, my favorite is a closed, equal triad. A QPP of zekina with Jimmy Junior seems to be the most popular configuration. That's perfectly fine; I just prefer polycules where everyone is equally in love with everyone else.
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
Bob's Burgers Question and Adult Belcher Kids and Friends Job Headcanons
I recently got into Bob's Burgers and felt like drawing the Belcher Kids, Jimmy Jr., and Zeke as adults (9 years later). I do need some help with design suggestions though. I see Zeke as a tattoo around both upper arms guy (and maybe some in the back) but I'm stumped on ideas. As a ZekexTina shipper the only idea I have is one of his upper arms having one gardenia with weeds wrapping around the upper arm. I don't want Zeke's tattoos to only be about my preferred ship. So any suggestions for Zeke's tattoos will be appreciated. Now onto my headcanons.
Tina - Online (very) graphic novel artist. She makes her money off of making trashy romance novels but her true passion is her webcomic because it's not tied down by any editors and she can create it how she pleases.
Gene - Social media influencer. He started out with Linda trying to help his family advertise Bob's Burgers on the web. He transitioned by making money off of his Youtube channel (or whatever you call it in the Bob's Burgers universe) by doing whatever creative thing he thinks of such as wacky covers of popular songs or food reviews. His channel is whatever he wants it to be and you never know what he plans to do next.
Louise - At 18 she hasn't matured enough to take over her dad's restaurant. She mostly finds a way to cause chaos while still somehow keeping her job on the wharf. Once she grows a bit more, she decides she still wants to run the family business as she did when she was nine.
Jimmy Jr. - Tried to make it in the dancing industry only to see how corrupt it actually was and didn't want any of that. He teaches dancing instead and tries to be the parent figure his father never was.
Zeke - After getting rejected from joining the military (probably from ADHD but you decide), he finds himself going back to train under Bob Belcher to become a chef because Bob was one of the only people that didn't make him feel like a screw-up and he loved how much he felt at home in the Belcher family. He also does self-defense classes as well that Jimmy Jr. and Louise sometimes volunteer to help out (not that much of Louise though because she makes the environment too chaotic and nothing ever gets done)
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
Hi there! For the fandom ask, can I send in Tina x Zeke (Bob’s Burgers) for the ship questions (002), and Suki (A:TLA) for the character questions? (003)
Thanks, and have a nice day/night?
I’m so sorry this took so long, and thank you so much for sending it in! <3
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: 
Tina x Zeke 
When I started shipping them: as soon as I realized how much Zeke seems to like Tina, and when he started proving how well he’d treat her! 
My thoughts: good tier ship, I have nothing but love for them! 
What makes me happy about them: Zeke never giving up, but still not sabotaging Tina and Jimmy Jr, he just wants her to be happy! 
What makes me sad about them: how Tina is literally dating his best friend, and how shit is he treating her ig? 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I honestly haven’t found enough fanfics for me to hate anything? 
Things I look for in fanfic: just for it too exists, haha! 
My wishlist: happy things! 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: idk man :/
My happily ever after for them: Tina becoming a famous romance novelist and Zeke taking over Bob’s Burgers with Louise! Zeke is head chef and Louise runs the business! 
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
Suki <3 
How I feel about this character: I love her! I wish she was in more episodes tho, and that we knew more about her backstory! 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Sokka, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Yue 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Zuko and Toph, I’d love to see them interact more platonically 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I understand why she isn’t always included in art of the Gaang, since was included in so few episodes, but I ofc prefer her to be there ofc! 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more screen time! 
Favorite friendship for this character: Sokka and her, I love that they’re both dating and such great friends! 
My crossover ship: none 
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moose-muffin · 4 years
Here are some of my Bob’s Burgers Tickle Headcannons!! I haven’t seen any so here we go!! I tried to do as many characters as I could (maybe more to come in the future)
-Lee: she is veryyyy good at hiding her ticklisness!! she’s not super duper ticklish but if you can get her good spots you can get her giggling, she doesn’t love being tickled because it makes her feel weak, but she doesn’t mind it sometimes as long as it’s in private
-Ler: OH MY GOODNESS she!! is!! an!! evil!! ler!! Seriously she can look at someone and name they’re tickle spots. It's crazy!! She’s absolutely ruthless and often uses it to interrogate people (mainly her siblings, which lucky for her, they’re pretty ticklish) As well as ruthless she is quite skillful, she often spiders her siblings or pokes, squeezes, jabs, you name it, she can do it!! I could go on forever about how good a ler she is but I’ve got to get to the others
Lee: Oh poor sweet Gene, he is insanely ticklish!! everywhere, he is ticklish everywhere! his worst spots are definitely his stomach and sides and probably his neck!! But honestly even a slight poke could get him giggling!! (Also this boy is canonically pretty ticklish and seems to take a liking to it!!) I would say back when the tickle boat was around he would go on it because he loves being tickled!! He seems to just love to laugh and have fun so I feel like him enjoying tickles isn’t too crazy lol!! He's so so so soooo sweet about it and barely even puts up a fight at all!! He also has the cutest laugh my goodness!! (I love gene 🥺)
Ler: He is a pretty good ler, he often helps out Louise with whatever scheme she may be doing, if she's not tickling him first!! He enjoys being tickled so will often try to initiate it even just offering tickling at the most random times!! He often is on the receiving end but will sometimes feel up to tickling the others, but they seem to know Gene likes it, so they’ll retaliate!!
Lee: awww I love Tina!! She isn’t super duper ticklish but definitely had a few spots I would say her knees, sides, and her ears!! She’s more ticklish in obscure spots which is so cute!! She isn’t tickled super often and doesn’t really mind too much and doesn’t really try to get involved
Ler: She used to tickle Gene and Louise a lot when they were younger!! And she was good!! She still knows how to but often is caught up in her own life, but times do come when she gets to have the tickle fights again and it’s always adorable!!
Lee: AHHHHH!! He is definitely ticklish!! He seems to like tickling over all, giving and receiving!! I would say he’s probably ticklish mostly everywhere but predominantly his stomach and sides and maybe his legs/knees area!! Him and Jimmy Jr. get in a lot of tickle fights which is always adorable
Ler: can’t lie I would say he’s probably an amazing Ler!! He would probably give rougher tickles considering his personality but it works!! (Also he has tickled both Gene and Jimmy Jr canonically so I’m just saying he definitely knows what he’s doing!!)
(you bet your silly little butt I’m writing about the adults!! they deserve some tickles they’re always so highly stressed 🥺)
Lee: oh he is definitely a lee!! (He is also canonically ticklish sooo A HA HA!!) Bob and Linda often have tickle fights when the kids are sleeping!! And sometimes just randomly while the kids are at school because they get bored in the restaurant! Bob is super ticklish on his stomach, armpits, and thighs!! I feel like Bob doesn’t mind being tickled, but it has to be at the right time
Ler: awwww I’m already crying because he’s such a sweet dad 🥺 ok ok but seriously sometimes when the family is hanging out the kids might gang up on him and he will tickle them back and they love it!! (especially gene!!) Bob and Louise have tickle fights sometimes when they hangout as the burn squad, and if gene ever seems sad, Bob will sometimes tickle him to cheer him up (same with Linda because he knows it makes her feel better!!)
Lee: AWWW!! ok so Linda is a very sweet lee, she mainly gets tickled by Bob and sometimes the kids but she’s pretty ticklish, she’s most ticklish on her feet and neck but is at least a little ticklish everywhere!! She always enjoys tickle fights with Bob whenever they happen (she is also canonically ticklish on her feet I’m pretty sure so that’s something!!)
Ler: She can be pretty evil as a Ler!! She uses her nails and is just very very good at knowing how ticklish people are!! She loves to tickle Bob and she thinks it’s adorable!! Her and Gene will sometimes have mini tickle fights because they’re so close too!!
Lee: AWWWW IM NOT OK AHHH!!!!!!! im so sorry but like I love teddy 🥺 he is definitely VERY TICKLISH!! like very very very ticklish no questions asked!! I feel like at one point he had a happy stable relationship with a woman and they got in tickle fights pretty often, teddy is almost always on the receiving end, and honestly doesn’t mind it at all!! he is sensitive to raspberries (going off of that one part from Sea Me Now where Gene says to give him a raspberry AHAHAHAHA) but he seems to be very sensitive to stomach tickles!! (He is also canonically ticklish I’m pretty sure lol from that one scene in Friends With Burger-Fits)
Ler: he honestly doesn’t tickle people very often, because he prefers to be on the receiving end, but again he probably used to get in tickle fights with a girlfriend and would sometimes tickle her!!
Well that’s it for now!! I hope you enjoyed reading these lol this is my first time writing headcannons so go easy on me lol I apologize for any errors of any sorts and if you want/need episodes w/ tickle scenes I’ve got you covered!! Love you all 💓🥺
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mickey-tank-bank · 7 years
@septemberfirst1989 asked for my unpopular bob's burgers opinions and im both sick and a little turnt so im gonna do it. Louigan is bad. Just bad. Smely. Not good. Bad ship. Louise is bi but mostly likes girls. Shes aro but would still be in a relationship but it wouldnt be conventional. Louise and rudy??? Grow up and are very good friends and he seems the type to marry and have kids and she'd be a cool aunt to them bc rudy has no siblings. Can u tell i like louise a lot Gene is panromantic ace-spec and when he grows up writing music and jingles and songs and whatnot he has a few kids with some guy or gal or person he loves and theyre sp happy and hes so good with kids bc he gets them and even as an adult he never loses that special magic and humor about him. Gene and linda are both add and they kinda relate over it sometimes None of the belchers are heterosexual sorry My eye is twitching violently hang on Tammy eventually works on herself and after a lot of development and ultimatums from friends she sorts her shit out. Jocelyn is a lesbian and i love her i love my 80s valley girl lesbian daughter. Zeke is like one of the best characters i love him Tina and jj doesnt work well as a ship to me but id love to see them grow as friends and then maybe?? Something? Jimmy jr is trans and jimmy almost cried when lil jimbert wanted to be called jimmy jr. Gene is nonbinary or genderfluid Bob and warren fitzgerald kinda tried bein boyfriends in high school but didnt want to ruin their friendship. Bob is bi bi bi (bi bi) Calvin is arospec pansexual and wpuld probably consider himself a demiguy or nb if he knew about that. Felix spent his inheritance on sleek postmodern design and the best transitioning money could buy. Cal was pretty active in the lgbtq+ scene in his younger days and always rly wanted to end up on broadway but life happened and also he got stabbed in the face when he was like 18. Linda was punk a s f u c k when she was young and she aint let bob forget it. The kids watch old movies with bob a lot and it influences some of their stories. Bob rly likes 70s and 80s stuff. This isnt exactly unpopular opinions but whatever Im belchoeder ot3 garbage but we already know that Bob has hemophilia and highkey worries abt his kids bc theres a chance they may have it or carry it. Bob is a spoonie he also has stomach issues and depression. Linda had a miscarriage before she was pregnant with louise and it affected her a lot even tho she tried not to let on that it did. Linda prolly had a gf or two at some point. Teddy deserves all the kindness of this earth also teddy would be a really amazing stepdad. Morts jewish dammit and hes bi with a preference for dudes and and and sometimes his work gets to him so the belchers leave him like a nice basket of things to cheer him up. Bob is cute hes so damn cutw im so damn gay id marry that boy if i could hot damn Wrev is so gay folks hes off the deep end here i go whoosh i go quietly into that gay night good night
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tallgirl14 · 7 years
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Zeke & Tina = zina I prefer Zeke over Jimmy jr just saying
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