#I mean what do the members who speak English think for that matter
shebecreepin · 2 months
Liking kpop as an english-speaker is always a struggle because you’ll be jamming to a song and they’ll whip out the most absolutely-does-not-translate-well english lyrics and you just gotta live with it
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femsolid · 6 months
The documentary showed footage of Depardieu on a trip to North Korea in 2018 to mark the secretive state’s 70th anniversary. The actor, who had travelled to Pyongyang with a TV crew and knew he was being filmed, made obscene comments to women, and about women, repeatedly sexually harassed a female translator and made sexual comments about a child at an equestrian centre whom he saw riding a horse. On Friday, the footage was described by the leftwing member of the European parliament Manon Aubry as “vile”.
So to be more precise since I've seen the footage and I speak french, big trigger warning, Depardieu is looking at a 10 years old korean girl riding a horse and explains that "women love riding horses because they rub their clitoris on it, they cum a lot, the women who ride horses are big whores". Talking about the girl he says "if the horse starts running she'll cum" and the young girl turns towards him and he laughs "yeah, that's right my little girl, keep it up, see how she's rubbing it?". He tells another korean woman (I think she's his interpretor) 'why aren't you riding? It feels good!" before looking her up and down making grunting noises. He later tells her "I want to become a horse to rub against your pussy, you'll scream "my pussy!"". Obviously the north korean people around him can't understand what he's saying and the interpretor is very uncomfortable and confused. Then he's sitting to take pictures with some people, including a korean woman, and he says "go ahead, take the picture while I touch your ass, and your little mussel that must be very hairy and already smelling like a mare." At the hospital a nurse is next to him and he makes grunting noises again. He gives his weight to the interpretor before grabbing her shoulder, she steps back but he presses on and says "that's because I don't have an erection, I weigh more with an erection". Then he's at the airport with the interpretor and he tells her in french "you're gonna go take your shower and you'll be thinking of me", she doesn't understand so he mimicks taking a shower singing and she laughs. He looks at the documentary crew and starts laughing at her and says "her little pussy" before leaving and she's left confused as to what happened. Then his interpretor tries to explain to him the architecture and tells him in french that it's all made of wood, he responds "yes, wood, like my cock" but she doesn't understand, he adds "I've got a wooden plank in my boxers right now, but..." then he looks at the documentary crew and laughs at the fact that she didn't understand again. I mean it's endless, literally any time a woman is around he talks about her genitals and what he wants to do to her using absolutely revolting language that's hard to translate in english. And the poor interpretor, she's so sweet and polite, she took the time to learn french only to be confused by a litany of misogynistic slurs and degradation by a man who tries to humiliate her on purpose.
Depardieu is currently under investigations for multiple rapes, so he wrote an open letter stating that he had never abused a woman in his life, that it would be "like kicking my mother in the stomach", yes again the "I'm not sexist I love my mom" mantra. Yet we have here several instances of sexual harassement that took place in a matter of weeks and on camera without any shame.
Yann Moix, the author of the documentary was happy with it and wanted to do another one, but in the end the documentary never came out and the footage we're seeing has been published without his consent, which made him angry. But hey, you might remember Yann Moix because he made headlines too in 2019:
Moix, the author of several prize-winning novels, added that women in their 50s were “invisible” to him. “I prefer younger women’s bodies, that’s all. End of. The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all,” he said, adding that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. “It’s perhaps sad and reductive for the women I go out with but the Asian type is sufficiently rich, large and infinite for me not to be ashamed.”
So, a man who has a fetish on asian girls, probably a user of prostitution, went to an asian dictatorship with a fellow rapist where they sexually harassed women and girls. I also remember Yann Moix saying on TV that Michael Jackson could not possibly have raped a kid because he was a kid himself (in his head or something).
Back to Depardieu:
The documentary also interviewed the actress Charlotte Arnould, who went to the police five years ago, accusing Depardieu of rape and sexual assault on two occasions at his home in Paris in 2018, when she was 22 and Depardieu, a friend of her father, was 70. Depardieu was placed under formal investigation for alleged rape and sexual assault in the case in December 2020. Depardieu’s lawyers have denied all allegations against him. Arnould told the documentary that she had been anorexic at the time of the alleged attack and it had been “absolute horror”. In Thursday’s documentary, the actress Sarah Brooks, who appeared in a TV series with Depardieu in 2015, alleged that one day, while the actors were standing for a photo, he had repeatedly forced his hand into her shorts, despite her repeatedly pushing him off. When she protested to those TV crew around her that Depardieu had put his hands in her shorts, she claims the star replied: “I thought you wanted to succeed in cinema,” and everyone laughed.
And let's remind ourselves that Depardieu admitted to raping girls during his youth. Yes he literally said so to a TIME reporter in 1978 "I had plenty of rapes, too many to count." Asked if he had participated in rapes, Depardieu said yes. "But it was absolutely normal in those circumstances," he added. Depardieu later denied making the statements and threatened a libel suit against TIME and any news organization that reprinted them. "It is perhaps accurate to say that I had sexual experiences at an early age," the actor said in a statement. "But rape -- never. I respect women too much." The statements were on tape so he definitely said that and that's why his threats were ignored. And in any case, he said the same thing to french men's magazine Lui: he said he participated in gang rapes: "we raped a lot of girls with my buddies, but I would always go last because I was the youngest. The girl would say "go on, let's end this I can't take this any longer."" This has all been known since the 70s. While in the USA they tried to boycott him after that, nothing happened in France. He was born in 1948 so he's been raping women and girls for around 60 years and is only now being investigated for a couple of them.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
Hello, I saw that requests are open, so may I have headcanons of Bayverse Optimus prime, Drift, Ironhide, and, Jazz with a female human s/o who bottles up her emotions, 'cause she's scared that s/o will only look like a burden, being somebody to "put up with", s/o acts like this because when she was younger her family members who call her "sensitive" or "dramatic" when it comes to s/o's feelings, they even neglect s/o about how she feels. If this request feels too bothering for you to write, feel free to ignore this, and I hope that you'll carry on well with school :)
      BAYVERSE x fem human reader
    『 optimus ,, drift ,, ironhide ,, jazz ,, female human reader 』
  -> bots w/ fem human s/o who bottles their emotions
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, angst ,, few tws
  — here you go 😎🙏 im trying my best w/ school but its kinda trash tbh 🙄 the only thing that makes it worthwhile is hearing my english teacher talk about how hot megan fox is 💀💀
optimus prime ::
• hes used to this ,, seeing those around him hide their true feelings ,, its often seen due to the war ,, and it brings him grief to see that those around him act this way
• though he knows that humans are more prone to actually show how they feel ,, yet hes come across a few cases where thats not what it is
• you just happen to be one of those ,, where you dont show how you truly feel to those around you
• when he confronts you about it ,, his spark aches at the truth ,, quick to reassure and comfort you that thats not the case
• you dont burden him at all ! nor does it make you sensitive or dramatic ,, it makes you human ,, makes you sentient and makes you who you are
• he holds you close during those times ,, when you happen to loosen up a bit and cry silently ,, hes there for it and reminds you that no matter what others say ,, hes glad you trust him enough to show these feelings
• hes glad that youve opened up to him about this ,, and hes right there for you through it all
jazz ::
• jazz is one of the few who actually doesnt mind showing how he feels or what he thinks ,, its what makes him who he is
• that doesnt mean hes seen those who dont act that way ,, and youre no exception
• he’s more than quick to tell you that he wont think of you in such a way ,, that he wont see you as a burden or dramatic
• when you do become open about your feelings ,, hes more than proud of you for doing so
ironhide ::
• ironhide happens to do it sometimes ,, where he keeps his feelings locked up ,, but only when it’s necessary
• he acts and talks how he feels when its needed ,, speaks for himself and how he feels about something
• and if you happen to do this ,, he’ll help speak for you on some parts ,, if you allow him
• he wont push you to show how you truly feel ,, but he’s definitely there for you whenever you wish to show your true feelings
• he savors the nights when you do ,, when you loosen up and play around a bit ,, it brings him joy to see you happy for once
drift ::
• hes more calm and collected than others ,, though he doesnt hide his emotions ,, and from being around three certain autobots (hound - crosshairs - bumblebee) ,, hes used to seeing those express their feelings quite often
• so upon learning that you hide them ,, hes shocked ,, and wants to know why ,, yet he doesnt push
• he knows that humans are emotional by nature ,, that they show their emotions quite often ,, yet there are times where that isnt the case
• when you do trust him enough to tell him the reason behind it ,, he comforts you ,, spark sadden at what you went through
• he’ll hold you and hush you ,, saying its not true and he wouldnt think any different of you ,, but he wont push you to force your feelings
• when you happen to show them around others ,, he stays silent yet hes happy and proud for you
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strawberrycarat · 1 month
CCXP Mexico - Omelete Stage HOTD
So, I've seen a lot of people complaining about the Omelete stage yesterday... and I, honestly, as a Mexican, I agree. There was someone else saying some pro-things to it, and I do agree in some points, but I disagree in others.
First of all, you must know that yes, Mexicans are a more effusive public, so I was kind of surprised they all behave well (trust me, we can be more chaotic). I think the problem was the hosts and the event arrangements.
We're not as punctual as we should, in any event, honestly. Usually we know that if something is set to, I don't know, 10am, it usually starts 10:30 or something. So I wasn't surprised they started late. What did surprised me was the chaos during the interview (yes, it is a more informal stage, but that doesn't mean the host should be less professional - I didn't see the same problem in Brasil, for example, and it was a shock to see two of the hosts were the same that last year). Some of the questions, to my own personal taste, were meaningless (like the same boring questions the actors have already answer a lot - brasil CCXP included - like which team are you, etc.). Some questions were alright (like the one of the makeup/hair, etc.), but it did seem unconfortable for the actors in some points of the interview - like telling Ewan many girls would like him to stay in their houses - there was something similar in Brasil, but I think it was better managed. —Also, I felt like the girls-hosts were competing for attention? I don't know - the men seemed a bit ignored—...
Now, I do disagree in a point someone said before. It doesn't matter if we're in Mexico, there are host that can speak perfect English and that don't have the problem of the language barrier. I think they needed to choose better hosting and I don't know if it was a good choice to have so many hosts (4 was too much - I think 1 or 2 that knew how to handle the interview and the audience should've been a wise choice - specially since they were 4 cast members - and I think for the time they didn't gave the actors a lot of time - which is a shame since they travelled all the way here). One of the host asked the questions of the teams and after Tom, I saw Ewan taking his mic, but one of the hosts started to talk and she didn't let him finish).
I'm not surprised Ewan's ear-thing failed, but I think he did handled so well and he seemed so polite to the technician that went to change it in the middle of the interview.
Another thing that was con: it was on Sunday and the CCXP announced the actors one week before the event. Mexico is a huge country and to make that travel in such a short notice is hard to do (money, arrangements for an hotel, etc). And, even if there were a lot of people from other States going to the CCXP, they probably left for their homes on Sunday because Monday is a work-day. So I think that's why it was more empty than other days.
Oh, and the arrangements. I think they did have a better arrangement in Brasil. Here, the actors had to run from one stage to another (the omelet thing was at 5:15 and the other stage at 6:00 - and since the first one started super late...). I think it would've been better if they had the omelet stage before (or even on Saturday) to have all the fans concentrating in one of them and not choosing one.
Also, the thunder stage seemed more professional - there was one host who seemed to concentrate in more elaborate questions and the mariachi at the end - genius!
I really hope this doesn't discourage the actors from coming again. I think, since it was the first time with the CCXP it was meant to have many errors, but in general I think it was a good event. I just think they could've do better with the HOTD cast - it was a shame. The actors were sweethearts, though, and I am glad they liked Mexico - I can't wait to see all the other interviews they did !
Anyway, it was MY opinion, as a Mexican who wasn't able to go (again - time, money and work didn't allowed me), but who was refreshing all the time to see every detail of the event.
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ggukkiedae · 2 months
Episode 1: Mark tells how he became a K-pop idol. Haechan talks about his supportive mother. Hannah talks about what made her who she is today.
content warning: subtle indication of hannah’s abusive dad
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(dialogues written in italics are spoken in english. this only includes hannah’s parts, not the whole documentary. some lines are either taken directly from the boys on the docu or altered slightly)
in the beginning there’s a clip of her sitting after mark
then a clip of her doing a deep breath after mark’s “okay, i’m ready”
after mark trying to answer what does neo culture technology mean, it shows her
she snorts
HANNAH: “You really wanna know?”
when discussing 2018 it shows her after doyoung who discussed the albums they release
HANNAH: “It was a whole new vibe from what i was used to with dream”
after haechan talking about how covid affected them, she was shown
HANNAH: “It felt like everything stopped. I remember hearing the news, looking at Mark and Hyuck, and just wondering about what would happen”
in the la airport clip, it shows jaehyun helping her push a baggage cart while greeting the people cheering for them before cutting to hannah in an interview
HANNAH: “It was honestly really strange to experience that again”
HANNAH: “The start of this, all of this, goes way back to childhood”
a clip of her walking is shown amidst the montage
through the montage while johnny, yuta, and haechan spoke, there are clips of the group rehearsing with her smiling at the members and hyping them up
after the clip of mark looking tired there’s a clip of hannah walking to the side and closing her eyes like she was struggling to keep them open
JAEHYUN: "Mark, Haechan, and Hannah must be having a hard time"
there are clips focused on her, haechan, and mark in the midst of filming
JUNGWOO: "Mark, Haechan, and Hannah shift between NCT Dream and 127"
JOHNNY: "The three of them have a lot on their schedule. I can see that they’re struggling to keep up with it. But I can see that they want to do it. I’m proud of them."
after the shot of haechan sitting on the floor, it shows hannah and taeyong, the leader’s back to the camera while hannah nods and says something to him
he pulls her to him, letting her close her eyes and lean her weight against him
after johnny, jungwoo, and doyoung speak about mark working hard, it’s her
HANNAH: "I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody spend more time perfecting what he learned and what he wants to do than Mark does"
after mark goes through the doors towards the end of his part, he looks up and straight into the camera and hannah’s voice is heard “I look up to Mark.”
cut to her in the interview
HANNAH: “I’ve never told him this, but the way he gives everything thrown at him no matter what unit or task he gets, he gives his everything every single time. He works really hard, and that’s something I admire about him… I really hope he doesn’t watch this.”
after taeil talking about haechan being affectionate, it shows a clip of haechan pulling hannah next to him on he couch
HANNAH: "From the very first second we met, he just knew how to make me feel better. He’s the type of person who can lift your mood and make you feel better, all while being someone you can rely on"
after mark, doyoung, yuta, taeyong, and johnny spoke about haechan towards the end of his part, it showed her
HANNAH: “Hyuck… he’ll always do well. He’s naturally smart, gifted, kind, and I couldn’t be happier to call him my twin flame. I believe in him, and he’ll always have me in his corner cheering him on and supporting him.”
after he talks about to what he wants in his future, a door appears
it zooms into the door then shows real life haechan
he lies back down where he previously was
haechan closes his eyes and turns to his left
once the scene cuts mid-turn, it shows hannah in his place turning to her left, pulling a blanket up to her chin
there’s a close up of footsteps, making hannah stir in her sleep
her eyebrows knit together and she mumbles “go away. please.”
it cuts to her in her interview
HANNAH: "Becoming a trainee was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. I remember wishing I could fly away and escape to somewhere I could be happy."
clips of her laughing with her members appeared while she continued to speak
HANNAH: "I got that. Funnily enough, I did struggle a bit with the opportunity I was given. I just wasn’t used to the environment I was suddenly placed in"
JOHNNY: "I’m pretty sure Hannah was terrified of me when we first met" *laughs*
it shows clips:
hannah tucking herself to johnny’s side
johnny resting his arm around her or messing around with her by carrying her in his arms like she were a baby
JOHNNY: "But it was the first time I really felt that instinct of “I have to look after this kid”. She’s practically been my kid since then"
TAEIL: "So many people thought she was cold at first, but Hannah is actually a very loving person"
JUNGWOO: "As a trainee, I always thought she was intimidating"
there are clips shown:
her distributing their takeout
her helping Doyoung with his mic pack
a mini compilation of her standing next to Jungwoo in his first few appearances as part of 127
JUNGWOO: "But being added into NCT, and to 127 specifically, would have been a lot harder for me to adjust to if I didn’t have her with me."
TAEYONG: "It’s interesting because, while Mark and Haechan have always seemed like kids to me, Haeeun, our Hannah, always had an air of maturity to her"
there are clips played while taeyong continued speaking:
her giving comments while monitoring their dance
her seriously watching their performance director explain things
her cooking for the members
TAEYONG: "When she first joined us, she almost seemed to adapt the parent role she has in Dream to us." *laughs* "It was a whole two years before we got her to promise to act more like a maknae, and it only happened when she was an adult"
it cut back to the black room where footsteps echoed instead of a ticking clock
hannah curled into herself
a young voice speaks, but only like he was yelling from the distance “are you okay? what made you like this?”
there’s a close up of hannah’s eyes opening
she jolted upwards, but the scene cuts mid-jolt to show a young girl in her place sitting up in panic, a big white cloth with shadows showing a room as her background
“i don’t like to remember my childhood. at least, not the parts back in my house in england.”
the sound of a door opening made little hannah turn in fear, but she relaxed when a female figure entered the room
the shadow interacted with the young girl’s shadow, stroking the younger’s hair in a calming manner
“but the parts i do like to remember, it was my mom. she treated me with all the love she had, and made sure i had the chance to do what i love”
the camera zoomed in on the girl’s shadow then back out to show her in a gymnastics leotard and sweats
“as soon as i could run, mom signed me up for gymnastics. i went almost every day because i loved being able to do such big movements like that. i entered cheerleading programs for kids as well, learning to be a flyer. then, i came across the studio beside our gym and saw people dancing”
first, the girl did a few cartwheels
the next moment, she picked up pompoms and did a few cheer poses
she then put on a jacket and “walked”
her shadow came in contact with the shadow of a dance studio building, and she stopped
the shadows shifted to look like the girl was standing in front of a window while shadows inside danced
“i decided to add dance to my usual activities. i did all this just to stay out of the house”
it showed the girl doing a quick open style dance before the shadows went crazy
she looked scared
then the shadows stopped in the form of a house and there was silence
she “walked” forward, and the house zoomed in until the front door opened
she froze upon the sight of the shadows of her parents fighting
“the house was either completely silent or really loud. only the extremes. my father wasn’t the best person, but he used to promise me he’d protect me from getting hurt. i trusted him wholeheartedly. that didn’t last forever.”
“i didn’t know for how long it was going on, but his real personality eventually reached me”
it showed the shadows, the father looking like he was angry while the mother looked like she was trying to calm him down
the shadow of the father pushed the shadow of the mother down then turned to the little girl
his shadow got bigger as if he was walking closer to her, footsteps echoing as the only sound until his shadow covered the whole screen, engulfing her own shadow and making the screen go black
“we moved away as soon as we could after that, and mom legally left him, but we didn’t have the proper means to earn anymore.”
the screen was black as she said that before it cut to the shadow of golden gate bridge
the young girl was now hand in hand with an actual woman as they met up with another shadow
“we moved to san francisco to stay with mom’s sister since she offered to help us. i didn’t want to burden my mom since i felt she was healing"
"so i learned to do things on my own. at ten years old i started taking myself to my classes, cooking myself food, doing chores, and whatnot”
the scene cut to show the young girl doing whatever hannah was saying in her narration before the scene changed to the young girl dancing
“i was twelve when i realized i wanted to help earn money for mom. i did it in the best way i could think of as a kid. dancing on the streets”
a close up of a shadow of a man walked towards her, bending down to talk to her shadow
“a man approached me. he asked for directions to a hotel. in my minimal knowledge of korean, i brought him there, trying to keep up with his conversation.”
as the young girl walked with the shadow, it slowly zoomed out to reveal taeyong playing the part of this man
“then, he gave me the chance to audition to be an idol. i knew being an idol could earn well enough to help mom live the life she deserves, so i accepted”
the camera zooms in to the little girl’s hand shaking taeyong’s hand
it zooms out now to hannah dressed in simple shorts and a sweater with the background now pink
“it was hard, you know? mastering korean, learning vocals and rap, and mastering dance while focusing on trying to earn that way."
"not to mention, it was hard to trust people after someone who is supposed to love you and your mom endlessly broke your trust”
hannah sat on the floor and leaned against the pink background
she looked up as a shadow appeared on the side
it zoomed in to the shadow then zoomed out to reveal johnny smiling at her
“but youngho oppa found me. he became my friend, encouraged me, supported me, helped me, and took care of me.”
johnny held his hand out for her
she took it and let him pull her up
then the pink background fell to the ground, showing the rest of 127 waiting for her
“he opened my world to enjoying life as performer rather than just focusing on practicality and introduced me to the people who i’d eventually learn to fully trust with my life and my love alongside my mom”
johnny pulled her over to the other 127 members, where haechan immediately attached himself to her in a hug and the others showed her affection in different ways as well
JAEHYUN: “I think ever since debut, Hannah has only ever glowed brighter.”
DOYOUNG: “She didn’t realize it, but she was made to be taken care of.”
there are clips playing:
jungwoo feeding her
johnny tying her hair up for her
jaehyun throwing her over his shoulder while they laughed
DOYOUNG: “I’m really glad she let us in enough to help her see that she doesn’t have to be so grown up all the time.”
HAECHAN: “Our Haeeunie has so much on her plate, but she’s realizing she doesn’t have to be alone.”
there are clips shown:
mark helping her in the recording studio
doyoung taking plastic bags from her
haechan pulling her closer to him in the midst of a crowded airport
HAECHAN: “I’m making sure she’s never going to have to feel like she has to do everything on her own and that she’ll never feel the hurt of broken promises ever again. We all are.”
MARK: “She’s my little sister, you know? We’ve been through practically everything together. Dream, 127, U, SuperM, hell even variety shows!”
clips are shown:
young her and mark on set for chewing gum
her and mark on tour with 127
them filming in dubai for jopping
various split-second cuts of her and mark on variety shows they were sent on together
MARK: “I’ve seen how much she’s grown, and it makes me pretty happy to witness her allowing herself to live her youth freely. If anything, she’s gonna have to stick with me forever, because I love having her as my little sister. It just wouldn’t be the same without her... Please don't show this to her.”
it cuts back to the 127 members surrounding hannah, smiles on their faces as they walk away
HANNAH: "It's a little strange. You can say I arrived in 127 ready to mother the members and take care of everyone and myself. Instead, they took care of me and taught me to be a kid again. I'm in my early twenties, and they still treat me like I'm a young teen. It's nice to know I can trust my life and my self in their hands, though."
hannah looks back and makes eye contact with the little boy who initially asked her what made her that way in the beginning
the little boy nodded at her then took the hand of the little girl next to him
the little girl waved at hannah telling her “you don’t have to grow up yet. you’re not on your own”
hannah waved back as the little boy and little girl walked towards a door
mark called out to her, making her look at him holding his hand out to her. she took his hand and looked back at the kids
they went through the door and into a cartoon world as mark’s narration about his dream when he was younger started, like the little cartoon boy was telling the little cartoon girl a story
while he was narrating, the two cartoon kids grew into adults
cartoon mark wrote:
cartoon hannah touched the writing
HANNAH: “To live a life and a career that we’ll be proud of for a long time. Just act our age and do the best we can with each other by our sides”
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drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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While in the middle of practicing, our Manger walks in with a girl she looks young. Maybe she is a trainee. I hear my hyungs telling me to stand straight, and we introduce ourselves, waiting for the mysterious short girl to tell us who she is. "Yes, this is enhypen, I do excuse the language barrier. Only about two of the boys speak English. But we do have a translator just in case. Now, would you like to introduce yourself or?" She smiles, looking up at him. "No, it's fine, thanks. Hello everyone, my name is Wesley or Wes for short if you struggle with it. I've been told your names, though you will have to give me a moment because I'm terrible with names." Once her words are translated, we all laugh softly with her. "I'm 17 years old, I think it changes though with the weird aging system. You all have here, but I'm going to be your choreographer for this upcoming comeback. I know I'm young, so you all kinda are thinking the same thing, but I can promise you I have experience and I'm hoping to work with you." I hear her age and stand shocked, I mean, we've had dancers and choreographers, but none were as young as her.
"Well, I want to let you know that you can rest easy. Wes wouldn't be working with you if she didn't have experience. She worked with a number of artists, mainly with new jeans. Creating all their dances." My hyungs start to go up and introduce themselves personally as I sit in the back staring at her. She is really short, or maybe I'm really tall. Well, I'm taller than everyone, but you know. "HI, um, I don't know if you're shy, because well I'm shy as well I wouldn't have come up to you either, you're kinda intimidating." I hear her say, I was so lost in thought I didn't notice she had already introduced herself to all my other members already and now me. I finally look down and stare at her, realizing she is, in fact, speaking English. "I'm niki. Nice to meet you," I say as best as I can with my poor English skills. Jake hyung had been teaching me for a while, but the language never really stuck. I really gotta pay attention more.
"Hello, niki, this is weird. I could've sworn someone told me your name was riki. I don't know. I must be hearing things. But I do speak Korean, not 100% fluent, but enough to have a decent conversation. Your manager didn't really bother to ask. I heard you came up with the previous choreography for your last comeback. I watched it and it was really good. Sorry, I'm rambling and nervous." I watched her let out an entire conversation in just one breath. "My English isn't the best. I'm sorry, but I did work on the choreography, and it was alright. The fans didn't really like it, to be honest." I remember being completely crushed watching them choose the dances for everything except the one I made, even going as far to explain their dislikes with it or telling me to stick to what I know best. It was a nightmare.
"Dude, you're super talented, and to be honest, the majority of the fans that didn't like your dance were korean and low-key. I just don't wanna see you succeed. I heard you all have more international fans than korean fans anyways so it shouldn't matter." I smiled at that thought. She was really nice. "Thank you, I noticed you don't use any korean terms, you know." She hasnt addressed my age since the conversation started. I figured it was just her trying to get to know me. "Oo right, sorry, then I lowley be feeling awkward with those names. Anyways, oppa, you're a good dancer, and I look forward to working with you. Hopefully, you can help me with this choreography."
Her smile was the prettiest, my heart danced when she called me oppa. No one really does since everyone I meet is older than me. It is refreshing to talk to someone around your age. "You're younger than me, I just assumed with all your accomplishments and stuff you were way older. I mean, you've done superbowl shows and the Renaissance tour, so this is crazy. That makes you even more amazing." She looks away shyly, reaching we are the only two in the practice room now. Wow, gotta thank my hyungs for giving me this moment later. "I was born in the same year just in November, so you're like a month 1 month older, I guess. Sorry for the oppa thing, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. So many Koreans, especially guys, encourage me to say it, but I don't know. It feels weird sometimes. Just had to work really hard and take a lot of overly hard classes to graduate earlier and get here, you know." I grab her hand holding it in my own while checking to make sure she is OK with it, "I wasn't ever good at school, so I stuck to what I knew. But that makes you smart, beautiful, and talented. You can continue to call me oppa by the way, I like it."
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Thank you so much for making Latina!reader imagines!!! I was wondering if you could do one that features bad bunny? Like he is either an ex or a very close friend of the reader who's Mexican/Puerto Rican and Harry gets jealous and starts questioning if she would be better with someone like that? Basically he just sees her in her home and her roots and how she has a life that doesn't revolve around him like his other girlfriends had
Sorry it's so long!! But pls don't think you even need to think about this. Just a thought from my over active mind. <333 estás tan increíble
umm...of COURSE i will :))
"Like this, bubba, see?"
You did the steps, nice and slow so he could watch where your feet were going, then stopped, gesturing for him to continue.
Harry did his best to replicate what you'd just done, following along to your count of, "Five, six, seven, eight!", but to no avail. He kept forgetting which foot went where and tripping over himself. He prided himself on being good at most things he did, but dancing seemed to be the one thing he couldn't quite grasp. A fact you both knew, that you had no issue with, but Harry insisted that you teach him.
You didn't know where this sudden fixation on learning to dance came from, but you were more than happy to show your boyfriend a couple basic steps. Not that you were a professional by any means, but that didn't matter. Growing up, dancing was as common as eating. Your parents would have house parties and when it was time for bed, you would go to sleep, but the party continued well into the morning downstairs. When you were old enough, you joined in on the fun, and dancing had been a way for you to let go and forget about any worries ever since.
Dancing followed you in a non-professional sense most of your life. In college, you and your roommates were known for throwing dance parties, and it became a way for you and the other Latin American students to connect, bonding over songs you all collectively grew up with and the ones your generation discovered on your own.
When you brought Harry home for the first time, you worried he would have a hard time fitting in. Some of your family members didn't speak English very well, or at all, and you knew that stepping into an entirely different world would be something of a culture shock for your newly minted boyfriend. But you really liked him, could see a future that lasted a lifetime with him, and once everyone in your family saw that, you knew there wouldn't be any problems.
And perhaps you didn't have enough faith in Harry, because he charmed every single one of your family members, even the ones you had to translate for. It went so well, you weren't even sure why you were worried in the first place.
Fast forward to a couple years later, and he was the love of your life. You went with him on tour when you could, singing every word to each song he performed, and he washed your hair and rubbed your back when you were stressed.
Without realizing it, you'd left that party-life behind, staying in with Harry or coming home at a reasonable hour when you did go out. You didn't dislike the life you were living, you couldn't be happier, but there were moments where you looked back and wished Harry was into going out just a little bit more. When you first started dating, you'd gone to a couple clubs together, but it just wasn't what you were used to. Your lives were different in a lot of ways, not in a bad way, just very different.
Why Harry wanted you to teach him to dance was a mystery to you, but it was an opportunity to step into your world a bit, to see a side of you he didn't often get to. That's what you assumed his reasoning was, at least, and it was, but it was also a lot more.
"I don't know why I can't get it," he said, and you could hear inklings of frustration start to enter his voice.
"It's okay, bubba," you said, going over to him. "Dancing isn't meant to be thought about. You just gotta feel it."
"I am feeling it," he grumbled, but you didn't take it to heart. One thing you learned about your boyfriend was that if he didn't get something right away, he immediately wanted to quit, but you weren't letting him off so easily.
You and Harry kept at it for another half hour, but he just kept getting more and more frustrated, which made him harder to teach. You finally called it a day, not wanting to get into a fight over nothing, and gave him his space to calm down while you went up to shower. When you came back downstairs, you almost died from a cuteness overload.
Harry was trying, counting the steps out loud and holding his arms out like they were on your hands and waist. As you watched from afar, you saw him start to get it. He wasn't very smooth, but he had the steps down, and seeing him try so hard was probably the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
"That was great, bubba," you said, taking a chance by interrupting him and letting him know you'd been watching the last few minutes.
He startled a little, but he wasn't angry with you for spying on him. "You think so? I feel silly."
"That's just because you didn't have a partner."
You got up and went over to where he was standing in his living room, the couches pushed back to create a makeshift dancefloor. Grabbing Harry's phone, you queued up a Bad Bunny song, but before you could set it down, he asked you to change it.
"Can I ask why?" you asked after putting something else on.
"Didn't you have a one night stand with him?"
If you had been drinking something, you would've sprayed it all over Harry, soaking his face and shirt. "What? Where the hell did you hear that?"
"Did you?" he asked, his face red. From anger or embarrassment, you weren't sure. Probably both, and you felt the same.
"No, I did not have a one night stand with Bad Bunny," you said, realizing that that was probably the most bizarre sentence you'd ever said in your life. "He bought me a drink once, but that was about it."
You gave him a flat look. "Yeah. Oh. You'll be happy to know you're the only celebrity I've slept with."
"I'm sorry, I know it wasn't my place to ask," he said. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, trying to avoid your stare, but he couldn't for long. You would pin him with your, I want the truth and I want it now, please, stare until he told you where he came up with that idea.
"When your friends were over that one time, you were all talking so fast I could hardly keep up," he said. You recalled the event in question. Your friends wanted to get together, but you were staying at Harry's place that weekend, so you'd originally told them no. But Harry surprised you and said they were welcome anytime.
"I remember," you said.
Harry had slowly picked up Spanish over the years, but sometimes when you spoke with friends and family, you spoke to fast and he couldn't quite catch everything.
"I heard the name, and they all kept pushing you around and teasing you. It's like they wanted you with him instead of me."
Now you felt like a dick.
You recalled you and your friends revisiting that particular memory. You'd all gone to Puerto Rico for a summer vacation, and Bad Bunny was just becoming a household name. It was that classic cliche of you being seen across the bar and him ordering you a drink. The most you'd done was go over, thank him for it, then talk to him for about ten minutes before one of your friends said they were done for the night, so go home with him or them. You weren't really in the mood for anything, so you said your goodbyes to a future Latin American superstar and went back to your hotel. Imagine your surprise a few weeks later when the guy who bought you a drink at a small club in Puerto Rico was suddenly everywhere. You didn't talk about it often, but your friends did like to joke about, "what could've been," and "what were the chances." It was all harmless, and you were happier than ever, but Harry obviously didn't feel that way.
"Harry, what's this really about?"
He wouldn't look at you, which was how you knew he was really upset. "I just feel like you would be happier if you were with someone who could...I don't know, relate to you better or something."
Sighing, you took his hand and led him toward the couch. He was all sweaty, but you didn't care, pulling him so that he was resting comfortably between your legs. As you ran your hands through his hair, you said, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"You make me happy like no one else, bubba. Words can't describe it," you said, brushing his cheek with your thumb idly. "We come from two different worlds, but I don't think that's a reason for us to not be together, do you?"
"No," he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I get so insecure about that stuff. You make me happy like no one else too. I'm just scared to lose that, I think."
"Don't be sorry. You know I get that way sometimes too. Let's try and talk about it next time and not bottle it all up, okay?"
"Okay. Kiss?"
You leaned over him and kissed him upside down. When you separated, he turned over so that you were chest to chest and had better access to you. Squishing his cheeks together, you kissed him again, but when you pulled away, you kept his lips puckered.
"And for the record, my friends and family all love you. I know you know that."
"I do," he said, his words muffled from the way his cheeks were all squished together. "Your sister said she couldn't wait to pass off Lord of the Rings marathons to someone else."
"You know what, just for that," you said, standing up and searching for his TV remote. Harry was mock-begging and pleading for you not to put on your favorite films, but you knew he wasn't serious. Not totally, anyway.
Halfway through the movie, he kissed your temple and squeezed you closer to his side. "I still want to keep learning, though. The dancing."
"You got it. I've been told I'm an exellent teacher," you said, grinning but not taking your eyes off the screen.
"Debatable," Harry teased.
"You're gonna wish you hadn't said that. I was nice to you before, but I'm gonna be a drill sergeant now."
Harry only laughed and squeezed you tighter. Tipping your head towards him, you saw that he was already looking down at you, waiting. When you kissed him, you knew everything was gonna be just fine.
i realize that i've put this couple through a lot. i promise they're very happy and in love and do more than just cry and get insecure about their relationship. the next time you see them they'll hopefully be doing something fun and not just talking about their feelings lol
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team-council-two · 1 year
Are there uhmm honorifics in russian? Like sir or ma'am or Herr? I'd like to know some family related ones, some business toned ones, and like, friendly ones between friendly friends.
Thank you for your time, kind admins
I love this question so much! This is gonna be long, oh my god. I'll start with some general information and then give some specific examples.
"Ты" and "вы"
So, unlike English, Russian allows two ways of addressing people instead of one.
"Ты"/"ty", which I'm going to spell as "T" to save time, is a casual "you", suitable for talking to a friend or colleague, to a family member, to a child, or to a stranger that you are reasonably sure is considerably younger than you.
"Вы"/"vy", which I'm going to spell "V", again to save time, is a polite "you", suitable for addressing a stranger, a person in a position of power such as a teacher, or a higher-ranking colleague, or someone presumably older than you.
This distinction is quite important.
Using T where V is required will make you sound disrespectful. People can actually get offended, especially older people who can very reasonably demand that you "don't T" them.
On the other hand, using V where T would be more suitable can create a very uncomfortable situation. The person might feel distanced, or worse - think you're mocking them, using a polite manner ironically.
Why does this matter?
Because using T or V defines the entire, uh, manner of your communication! Some words won't apply to people you're on V-terms with, and others won't apply to those you use T with!
Basically, I'm going to try and separate various honorifics and forms of address into these two categories and then try to fit various TF2 characters into these categories as well, based on what kind of manner I think Heavy would use with them.
It's also worth noting that using a certain manner with someone doesn't always mean they're gonna be using the same manner for you. For instance, a teenage student would always use V with a teacher, but a teacher would almost always use T.
So what does Heavy use?
Well, we know from the Russian dub of the game that he uses T with Medic.
He also uses V with the Engineer. I find it fascinating because they're about the same age and exactly the same rank - they're both mercenaries on equal rights - which means Heavy uses V out of pure respect and admiration.
He would definitely use V with the Administrator.
And with Miss Pauling too, even though she's younger than him. She's his boss, after all.
He would definitely use T with Scout.
With all the others it could go either way. He would definitely use V when they first met, but would eventually switch to T, as it often happens.
Oh, btw it pretty much never happens the other way. Using T is considered something of a "next step".
If you headcanon Pyro as nonbinary, Heavy might use V to avoid gendered language, but I won't go into details here.
Why is that important? He doesn't speak Russian to them.
Well, no, but he thinks in Russian! And he would think in T/V terms, too. And that would define the language he would use with them.
I promise the specific examples are coming, bear with me.
Let's talk about names.
"But I know all about names" no you don't.
Okay, as it functions in English, a person has a First Name, a Middle Name (or several), and a Last Name, which is their family name - "Tavish Finnegan DeGroot". Or, well, you could go about this even simpler and skip the middle name - "Dell Conagher".
In Russian middle names traditionally do not exist. I say "traditionally" because who knows what the young folks are up to these days, but by the proper naming conventions that would definitely be really important at the time Heavy was born, there are no middle names in the Russian language.
Instead, we have a patronymic. Well, a lot of them. A patronymic is your father's name with a proper ending attached to it. Think last names such as "Johnson" and "Stevenson" - yup, those were patronymics some hundred years ago.
How does that relate to honorifics?
There are a lot of ways to combine a First Name (F), a Last Name (L), and a Patronymic (P)!
L-F-P is the proper official model. It's not really used outside really formal business or legal procedures, such as getting married or getting sued. Or. Well. One of those two things, really.
F-P is the usual polite structure. If a Russian stranger wanted to be polite with Heavy, they would say "Михаил Whatever-you-headcanon-his-dad's-name-to-be-ович". If someone wanted to talk to Zhanna in that same manner, they'd have to say "Жанна Her-father's-name-овна". It's a very Gimli-son-of-Gloin kind of structure.
Some parents also use it mockingly to lightly scold their kids. "Яна Father-овна, what do you think you're doing?"
I just realized you probably need me to translit all that. Oh god, uh.
Mihail Whatever-you-headcanon-his-dad's-name-to-be-ovich.
Zhanna Her-father's-name-ovna.
I'm gonna type in Latin letters from now on. And I promise specific examples are coming!
Calling someone by just their patronymic is considered friendly and very, uh, familiar. Casual-like. Somewhat rude, even. You have to really make sure you're allowed to do that before you make an attempt.
A name typically has a full and a short form, much like in English. James - Jim, Mihail - Misha. Except in Russian, there's an even shorter short version, used only when addressing the person directly. It's used all the time, you should make sure to use that in writing, otherwise it sounds really unnatural.
Okay, great, can we get some SPECIFIC WORDS now?
Let's start with the ones you already know.
Well, it's the Soviet Union. How about "comrade"?
That one's fine, if overdone. It was really in use back then.
Except it doesn't really mean a comrade, as in "friend" of some sort. It's typically all very official, followed by a last name or a rank.
Yeah, a rank. Like a military rank. Soldier would be "Comrade Sargeant" - "товарищ сержант".
"Comrade Medic" would be a thing, too, as long as they're not too well-acquainted.
Pretty much any "Comrade Class" would work, except "Comrade Scout", because we're using T for him, remember? It doesn't go with a T! I told you it was important, ha.
Beware though, nobody says "comrade" these days. Ever. Not a thing.
So it's not like "sir" or "ma'am"?
Ah, no. Afraid not.
The closest to "sir"/"ma'am" I can think of is гражданин/гражданка, which is - don't laugh! - "citizen".
It's almost always followed by a last name, but never by a rank or title, so it wouldn't really work with the mercs. It's only for civilian context, you see?
We also don't pepper it into our regular speech. Where you'd say "yes, sir", we'd just say "yes".
I'm actually having trouble with this at work. I'm so very much not used to saying "sir" and "ma'am". It's not that I'm being disrespectful, but I constantly forget to say it! Argh.
Oh, "citizen" is also not in use anymore. Unless it's some police procedural on TV.
How do you address someone you don't know, then? What if you need to get someone's attention and you don't know their name and patronymic?
Well, just "мужчина"/"man" and "женщина"/"woman" is fine, really.
"Девушка"/"girl" and "девочка"/"girl (child)" if she's young.
"Молодой человек"/"young man" and "мальчик"/"boy" if he's young.
They're fine. They're only rude in English. We say them all the time. "Woman, you dropped something!", "Man, could you hold the door, please?", "Boy, where's your mom?". It's fine. It's polite, I promise.
What about family?
Ah, that depends on the family.
Here's a funny example from my own family. I have a grandma on my father's side. Well, my mother - her daughter-in-law - calls her "mom", but addresses her with a V, as a way of being respectful. I, on the other hand, although way younger, use T with her because she's my grandma and she doesn't mind at all and that's how she taught me to talk to her.
So it all depends on the kind of dynamic you have. The level of respect, the traditionalism of it, how old your folks are and how much they go outside.
Bear in mind you can absolutely cuss a bitch out while still using V.
And friends?
"Bro" migrated into Russian some years ago. We have the whole "брат-братан-братишка" (brother-brother (informal)-brother (small) shtick but it's a little, uh, complicated. It gets mocked a lot. There's a bit of a subculture around the people who say it.
Really, we just call people by their names. I'd love to see more of that in fics. Heavy wouldn't go "sis" @ Zhanna, but he would say "Zhann", as a shorter and more casual form of address. She'd call him "Mish". We love to see it. They're besties.
That's still not very specific though.
Ah, well, here's a few odd examples.
"Мужик"/"muzhik" is something Heavy would say. It means "man", but, like, in a casual and friendly manner. I say that to my friends who are men. He would say that to everyone but ONLY once he's on T-terms with them. I told you it was important. He wouldn't say it to Scout though. Maybe in a moment of transgender affirmation. Once. But never again.
"Чува��" is "dude" but it fucking sucks to say, idk, 0/10, would not say that. Adults never say it tbh. Kids these days don't say it either.
"Madam" (from French) was popular way back in the day. "Madmuazel" aka a bastardization of "Mademoiselle" is also out there but more sarcastic. Both used with V.
"Чел"/"chel", short for "chelovek" ("human") - another version of "man", basically. With T.
"Парень", "приятель" - guy, pal, pally, dude, fella. Can be genuine or sarcastic. Both male and used with T.
"Тётя" or "тёть" - kinda like ma'am but disrespectful. Literally means "aunt", figuratively - any woman who's any amount of years older than you and a bit of unpleasantness to have around. Not to confuse with "тётя [name]" which is literally "aunt [name]", in an affectionate way and not necessarily towards family.
"Дядя" or "дядь" - a male version of that. Also on both cases the second version is less respectful.
"Начальник" - "boss". Goes with T better than with V, ironically.
"Народ" - "people". Can be either really epic or really casual. A way to address multiple people.
"Братва" - "brotherhood" (derogatory). Sounds like. Uh, it's hard to explain. You guys remember Shark Tale? When, in Russian it's called Underwater Brotherhood, with that specific word for brotherhood. It has that kind of energy.
That's about it! There's a good Wiki page about these things, I recommend skimming through it, though some terms are a bit underexplained there in my opinion. Thanks for asking, and sorry if this post reads a bit haphazard. I'm rusty.
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mimikoolover · 11 months
I hate to say it but I feel a lot of disappointment with Jk, so much so that I’ve mentally checked out of his release and want to hear nothing of it anymore. It’s just disappointing to see him sellout like this, his interviews aren’t making things better bc how can he say he just wants to be more famous/be a giant pop star, what happened to just loving to make music ? Feel like idek know him like I thought I do. I’m also stuck between if I should be mad at him or not bc at some level he did know this was going to happen, knew they were going to push him more than the other members(we literally see him planning to be big in suwitcha ep). He seems so arrogant and full of himself nowadays. Not an ounce of gratitude??? No thankyou, nothing. Straight up asking for more, as he knows scooter is preparing him an English album. Don't know how long he's gonna go well with this bitchy attitude. Idk how he can change like this or maybe the older humble JK was all a facade. Didn't he also said that ? Anyway, it's just a matter of time till Jimin gets done with his bs and drops him. Idk how long Jimin can pretend to be happy and supportive of him even while being arrogant af.
so let’s start with the obvious: fans don’t know the celebrities/idols they’re fans of on a personal level. what you and i assume about any idol can be completely wrong however i feel it’s the same with random people as well. sometimes i hear from people what they assume about me and i’m shocked because it’s so different to how i actually am. unless you’re close friends with someone or on a family type closeness level, i don’t think you can assume to know anyone and as long as you recognise that, you’re cool. your message is also completely biased and i hope you recognise that too.
that said let’s assume jungkook has changed or his humble self was a facade. this would depend on your definition of humble. i wouldn’t say jungkook was humble as in what i saw in him was he was severely lacking any type of recognition for himself. this is what i think people interpreted as humble. it was however not good for jungkook and i say this as someone who never gives themselves credit.
what has changed is that he doesn’t sweat his “mistakes” anymore. this makes him more confident. another thing that makes him more confident is how he is challenging himself right now. i feel like if you want to be fair to him you have to admit (and give him credit for) how he’s getting out of his comfort zone. recording a full song in english, working (alone) with people who only speak english, going on a morning show, an evening show, stationhead livestreams, doing a lot of that in english, not even mentioning how much frankly courage it took for him to shoot the mv he did on his own, record the explicit version of seven and release it…all that was new to him and these are the things that allow you to grow as a person. with this comes confidence which people can confuse with being cocky.
on the other hand jungkook is also honest. he is telling you how it is and trust me everyone in the industry wants to be a global superstar. even if they deny it and say they only do it for the sake of the music. the two can coexist at the same time. jungkook goes on live, he talks in interviews and he’s telling you exactly what he thinks and feels. that is so rare it’s laughable people don’t appreciate it more. you may call it arrogant but he’s very self aware and let’s be honest, would you want someone who’s underestimating themselves or would you want to be a fan of someone who understands the situation they’re in and acknowledges it? he knows how big he and bts are. why pretend otherwise? he is showing gratitude by going live at ass o’clock, always talking about how much army means to him (well the ones who genuinely support him) and being as honest as a celebrity possibly can be. he’s grateful for his true fans but i think fans also need to understand that while they are putting massive amounts of money, time and effort in, jungkook did his part as well. he worked hard for us (while being ill too during promo). fans also need to recognise that they’re not the sole cause of his success - the GP does actually like him. yes without fans he wouldn’t be where he is but he also put the work in and should be able to be proud of that without minimising his efforts.
he’s also at an age where people tend to figure themselves out more and i know cause i’m in the same boat. i can see he’s going through that. chapter 2 i think is really allowing them all to get out of the comfort bubble of the group and grow as people on their own which is great. inevitably, jungkook being human, will change over the course of his lifetime just like all of us.
i’m not going to entertain the BS about how he’s pushed more than the other members because I don’t think that’s fair to say. they’re all getting different opportunities and dare i say it is their choice. i know jimin wasn’t happy with how long his promo was but unless he talks about it in more detail i refuse to put a lot of weight on it because i don’t know how much promo he wanted to do. as far as i can see they’re all getting to do what they want to do and they’re booked and busy.
as for jimin dropping jungkook that’s just what you want to see and it realistically isn’t going to happen. i highly doubt jimin is pretending anything😂that’s just wishful thinking. i’m not even going to go into anything specific that happened recently because there’s no point, it’s a given that they will remain close and i have full trust in that based on being a fan for 6 years.
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choliosus · 3 months
Happy one year to the QSMP!!!!
There’s a lot going on with the server right now that is being sorted out, but I just want to share my appreciation for every part of this project.
This server means so much to me. I used to watch DSMP and it will always hold a special place in my heart, but as anything does, it ended. It was already dwindling out but I think the thing that really did it was technoblade passing. And I’m gonna be honest I’m still not over that. I watched him more than any other creator, he means so much to me. The time in between his death and the start of the qsmp was especially sad. I was just missing a lot. Him, the server he played on, that community, etc.
I wanted to engage with the content from the people that he played with, but it was hard. Every update about him, such as technodad streaming, dream making the song about him, was a lot emotionally.
Also not to mention I was sooo hyperfixating on both him and the dream smp as a whole. So it left a big void in my life. I wanted to be wholeheartedly invested in something again.
Around the beginning of 2023, I started watching old Quackity vods and that became my new comfort thing. Just the silly ones where he was watching soap operas and stuff.
Then not so long after I had started doing that, he announced the QSMP. I cannot describe to you my excitement. That week or so before it started I was just so excited. And before that lmaoooo I was not thriving. School was crazy busy, I cut my own bangs and it looked terrible, and that pretty much exemplifies where I was at.
I remember switching to slimecicle’s perspective at some point during the first stream and I followed him, fit, roier, and Mariana as they went mining and were very silly. I smiled the whole time. And then, I watched more the next day, and the next day.
I had forgotten what it felt like to be a part of something that was actively taking place. It had been a while since that was how the dream smp was. I would go weeks or months without any updates, and I would just be by myself reading fanfics.
It felt really fucking good to be able to enjoy something new. Not to replace what I had before, but to start a new adventure. That’s what it feels like to me.
There was a lot to keep up with at first and luckily I had social media to sum things up for me.
Fast forward and the Brazilian members join, then the French. Each time I was a little hesitant to accept them with open arms into my mind palace but it wasn’t very long until I couldn’t imagine the server without them.
And from day 1 I was so impressed with the planning and story of the server, forcing people to stay interested. That’s something the dream smp didn’t have. I honestly don’t think I would need any of the events to have a good time, but oh my god do they make it so fun.
And the animatics???? Hello?????? I love it so much.
Now I’ve learned to accept any new members immediately. Korean members join? TIME TO DRAW THEM!
Quackity started this project with a clear vision. It is so clearly a huge passion project for him. I don’t doubt for a second that it will keep going no matter what happens.
This server has exposed me to so many creators I would never have even heard of and that’s the point. I only speak English. Without this server, I would not know half of my current silly little blorbos.
I can’t believe how creative and funny Roier is. I think about Cellbit Bagi’s lore all the time. I find myself saying “I am the best!” After Etoiles. I’ve tried to absorb as much of the fuga impossivel lore as I can. I adore Baghera’s chaos. Even some of the English speaking people I didn’t really watch that much, like jaiden, fit, even slimecicle, who I now watch probably more than anyone else.
The other day, I watched the stream of cellbit and roier playing hospital 666. In Spanish!! I don’t speak Spanish!!! I only understood about half of what they’re saying and I’m sure that half is because of QSMP. That’s incredible. This is something so much bigger than any one of us.
QSMP has given me so many people to start watching and drawing/writing/thinking about. It has given me hours upon hours of laughing and smiling. It has given me a new hyperfixation to occupy my thoughts before bed.
It means so much to me. Ever since it started, I’ve been so much happier. I could never have imagined something like this would come around. Honestly, there is not anything like this. It is the first of its kind, hopefully not the last 👀
A year went by fast. And I’m so glad to have been here since the beginning. But even then, new people join this community all the time. That’s so cool. This server has in just a year added so many more content creators, and by extension, fans. It’s insane.
And I am so, so excited for what the future will bring us 😊
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 11 months
What do you think
Jikookers are always "Jimin is my bias but..."
"As if JK and Jimin aren’t close and talking all the time about their work. Logically speaking they probably planned for a tie between their projects…it’s too much to be lazy styling or coincidence. "
There's literally months of evidence of them not knowing a lot of things about each other but okay.
"It makes the most sense from a business standpoint…the lead singer…sellout king…arguably the most popular member and he sounds great singing in English. That’s a stockholders dream."
That's why they're not angry and they don't care. Because they actually genuinely believe he deserves it more than Jimin. They believe Jimin is not enough for the same treatment.
Nobody wanted special treatment for Jimin, everyone wanted the SAME treatment for all of them. Isn't that what ot7 is supposed to mean?
It's not that Jimin only wasn't promoted enough, he was actually sabotaged and pushed down so they'd have Jungkook standing over his head.
This is not real success. They're literally magicians making you believe something that never existed before. Someone who used to get at most 4 million debut streams for all of his songs, suddenly getting these numbers is not realistic.
You know what, it's even insulting to Harry that they're comparing them because after 1D Harry spent two years working on his first album, and he had released three full solo English albums before he reached massive mainstream success. And his streams still aren't nowhere near this. No matter where you look at it from, it's just not real. Nothing about the "success" of this song is real. They've been saying fastest to reach 100 itunes when itunes preorders were opened for two weeks before release. It wasn't two hours, it was two weeks.
And Spotify now can actually add streams days later? Be for fucking real.
His versions don't even have the same id code and they're still combined, while Jimin got split and never put back together. Jungkook's CD was restocked in a couple of days, Jimin's has been out of stock for months. It's not only that they did more for Jungkook, but they didn't do anything for Jimin.
Completely missing the point of singing in English. He will be singing in English because if he sings in Korean nobody would give him the time of the day. It would take him 10 years, the time it took BTS -who actually had real success- or even more as a soloist, to be sort of taken seriously in the US while singing in Korean. And his English is actually awful.
I better not see any fake woke armys making rants about "stop asking them to speak in English!!1!1".
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vintagemulti · 1 year
hey! can you do a little word guide for writing common stuff in Scottish? like 'you, you're, your' or what'd you call your family members or common stuff that happens in family events like Christmas, family dinners and all or common words which slip through no matter what with examples. i mean if you're okay with it. would be great help for writing soap. cuz in fics when he is vulnerable, its good to see him slip into Scottish and also the s/o wanting to know all of him in his language yknow 😅 sometimes google isnt enough and being true to the character's culture and stuff means a lot to me. [been going through you're blog its great]
of course!! thanks for asking instead of just guessing :)
so for words that just kind of slip in if you’re talking to someone it’s something like this;
- aye / naw (yes / no)
- how’s you (how have you been)
- youse (you guys / all of you )
- hen (pet name for women doesn’t really matter who)
- where abouts do you stay (where are you from)
- oh aye and i sailed a banana boat down the clyde (this is for when you really don’t believe something someone’s said, the clyde is a river in glasgow)
other than that i think we basically just talk normally but little slang words do slip in sometimes but it does depend on who you talk to, if it’s someone who doesn’t speak english well or really wouldn’t understand we’d stick to proper english. i recommend watching an episode or two of a show called “still game” to really get a good understanding of how we talk (i’d put subtitles on if i were you lol) and it’s also just a really great show.
as for things that happen on famiky occasions it’s just about the same as anywhere else and i can only really talk on personal experience as my family may be different to others.
on days like christmas we open our presents then go see both sides of the family, have our dinner and go up to my aunt and uncles, but again that may differ between people.
i’d say the only thing that stands out for new years as an occasion is on BBC scotland (our new chanel) they do a hogmanay (is that a common word? my english friend didn’t know what hogmanay was. it’s the 31st of december) broadcast and they do like a countdown to the new year and everyone i know watches it. (i would just watch it on youtube if you really want to know)
sorry if this is a lot lol! thanks for asking again :)
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zlobonessa · 1 year
so. i said that i'm gonna write a thesis on reinhard/regulus completely unprovoked. well i wrote a thesis on them completely unprovoked.
god if only my school english teacher knew what I'm doing with the lessons she taught me.....
0. The Prologue: why am i writing that?
because i want to. i have a brainrot. thanks for the attention.
1. The Parallels
To start off, the first thing we need is to establish who the characters are. i have little to no interest in recycling same old fandom wiki articles, which is why the approach i'm taking here is a bit different: let's study at these characters as paralles of each other.
When you look at Regulus character closely, it becomes apparent that he is written as a parallel, foil to Reinhard. Their upbringings are radically different, but in the such way that they mirror each other: Reinhard comes from a wealthy aristocratic family, since birth receiving privileges most people could only dream of; Regulus was born in a poor family with little to no opportunities; they both have alcoholic fathers, but Heinkel despises his son, while Regulus' dad loved him; some would say that Reinhard grew up having everything except that one thing that mattered, and Regulus grew up not having anything except the one thing that mattered.
(I actually have a couple of objections to this worldwiev, but we are not doing anticapitalism analysis here (yet), so let's interpret it like author intended.)
Their relationships with their own powers are also quite intriguing. The unstoppable force, the unmovable object (what if they kissed?). Their life paths are defined by Sword God and The Gospel respectively. Reinhard doesn't choose to have the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint, but it was destined to be his since day one; Regulus (presumably) takes Authority of Greed willingly, changing his fate from the unremarkable son to the archbishop of the Witch Cult; and yes, they both commit murder of their own family members right after.
Their personalities are also couldn't be more different. Reinhard is everything that Regulus isn't (📌), kind and forgiving, respectful, brave, modest. Regulus postulates that he possesses all these qualities, but in reality, well. And Reinhard, in turn, isn't really sure about actually having these traits.
(and that's where the interesting part comes!)
2. The Interactions
Well, the whole point of ships is to watch how the characters interact, isn't it? Let's look that we have here.
Firstly, the battle with Regulus is incredibly entertaining on its own. Regulus is born to be a chew toy, and it's unbelievably satisfying to see him being thrown in all sorts of garbage.
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Also, the very enjoyable part of this fight is a demonstration of Reinhard's..... well, i don't really wanna call it "bitch side". He deserves it! He applies it to people who are definitely deserve it!
Anyway, here is a compilation of my favourite moments where Reinhard is very politely destroys that little fucker:
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Speaking simply, interactions between Reinhard and Regulus are fun, and isn't it all that matters?
But also.... let's look how the parallels (see part 1) play a part here.
On the first glance, the fight is very classic "good guy vs bad guy". The masks stay on, and all the roles are played. But there's something.....
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.....interesting going on here.
For the brief moments, we get glimpses of the aspects of their personalities that they don't really like to display. Regulus says a lot of things that Reinhard thinks about himself; but the thing is that, at least at some level, Regulus also thinks all that about himself.
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(there is also an absolutely awesome revised version of Regulus' monologue in LN, where instead of mentioning Echidna (?) he keeps going "I'm not wrong I'm not wrong I'm not wrong I'm not wrong" on and on and on. my favourite part honestly.)
Being perceived as someone needing kindness is unbearable for Regulus: for him, deserving kindness means being pathetic, pitiful, lacking something. Reinhard craves kindness, but doesn't think he particularly deserves it: for him, deserving kindness means failing. Regulus dies alone, never understanding what he did wrong. Reinhard wins thanks to support of his friends, and yet his hero mentality also runs way too deep, and he comes out of the battle with the same inability to rely on other people.
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also, this part:
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it's hot, it's brutal and also really sad if you think about it way too much.
3. The Possibilities
So now that we explored that canon has to offer, the question arises: so what?
(or: this is the part where i throw my headcanons at you and make it sound like science.)
The undeniable comic potential of this ship is obvious: the Most Extraordinary guy who never once in his life said "fuck" (even though he is one who deserves it the most) and the Most Ordinary guy who need to have his mouth washed with soap.
(also i need y'all to know what one of the first ideas i had for this ship is very vivid mental image of reinhard holding on a leash a very small and very loud white pomeranian dog. do with this whatever you want.)
But also. Also. This ship has a possibility to be the biggest trainwreck ever. They could make each other worse. They could completly destroy each other's understanding of themselves. I run out of picture limit but that one post "would you date a hater" "in a heartbeat" is soooo reinhardcoded to me. The combination of emotional constipation is abysmal. They are ace4ace to me. The Reinhard's family situation could be the source of the most horrific forbidden romance where you can clearly see exactly why this was forbidden in the first place. They could send Wilhelm in coma. They could send Julius in coma. Do you remember the 📌? The 📌 was there to talk about the two-sided Jealousy: jealousy that the other is who you could never be vs jealousy that the other is who he voluntarily ceased to be. Have i mentioned the potential for Religious Themes? The Natural-Born god vs The Self-Made Devil? Also, the anticapitalism/anti-monarchism? The goldmine right here. The absolutely insane amount of body issues that comes from not being able to feel pain for years? Shaking from only imagining it. Themes of justice, the conversation of necessity to kill people to achieve it? Just waiting to happen. Also may i remind you that Regulus participates in all these conversations which means that all willing and unwilling listeners will get the brain damage but on the bright side this will be incredibly funny. And-
4. The Conclusion
In conclusion, i Am Chewing On Wires. they are So. h elp.
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anonymousfoz · 8 months
The Earth, Stars and Moon (Part 6)
Taglist: @quinnharperwrites, @holdmyteaplease, @yesireadbooks, @teacupsandstarlight, @vite-poh, @theoracleofgiana, @writeblr-of-my-own
Part 5 | Part 7
The gang had been travelling for days now. Neptune was quickly getting adjusted to the new life, but the heat was too much today. No towns had tried anything, meaning their warning had worked and they would be available to stay in Mexico with Wolfie's family. Brother Bear had went ahead leaving Sister Wolf and Neptune behind.
"Give me a minute." Neptune stopped to catch her breath. Sister Wolf didn't have the patience, but she knew this was what she was like years ago.
"The longer you keep going, the better you get." Neptune looked up, using her hand to block the sun out of her eyes. "It's what helped me when I was in your position."
"I know." Neptune took a sharp, but deep breath before continuing to talk. "I just am not built for the heat, despite my dad's job. I prefer to stay in the water or cool of Mexico. When it was cool." Sister Wolf went quiet before picking Neptune up. The teenager quickly got confused before Sister Wolf began talking.
"We would never get anywhere with you slowing down... besides, I too miss the cool of Mexico. The nights of cool or spending the hot days by the coast at mi mama's casa. That's where we are headed now."
"You know your mother?"
"Yes. She's going to adore you like she does to Beary. I don't talk about mi familia mucho, but I care about them. They just don't fully understand what I do. Like, they are mostly supportive, but they don't get it other than I'm killing gringos who keep stealing our people."
"Shouldn't you be happy then?"
"I should, but some family members have issues with it. Issues with me not being catholic anymore and speaking mainly English. They make me choose a life, when I want to balance both, mi hermano Juan is one of those people. He hated me since I came back. He believes I ran off, when I was taken. It's hard to have a family member hate you. It's another for it to be your hermano. He doesn't get along with Beary."
"Does the rest of your family get along with him?"
"To them, he is one of us. No matter what he was raised as or where he was raised. He's pretty much just another hermano to me. His Spanish could always use work. I think he understands it, but can't choose the correct way to say what he wants."
"Dad was like that in Mexico trying to raise me, we had to stay at this large house by the shore. He didn't speak Spanish, he could write and understand it. I would work for one of the older children while he raised the sun and then at night he would help cook and clean. He just can't form the words he wants to say. Takes him a while to think about it, when he can just write down what he wants."
"I never knew that he knew Spanish."
"He is fluent in French but he typically keeps quiet about it." Neptune looked up to the sky before pushing hair out of her face. "He always talks about how he would speak french to Mother Moon back when she was nicer. Do you know what changed her from that?"
"Conflict." Sister Wolf voice took a quick tonal change to one that was more serious than before. "There was a third with your father and Moon. They were always jealous of Moon's relationship with your father and tried to kill her to get to your dad. It caused the tribes to fight and to get others involved. Moon was never able to get rid of them, they are out there somewhere. Doesn't excuse anything she done, but it sometimes makes me feel sad for her. She had to act serious until one day she was no longer acting, she became a hollow vision of her past."
"I never knew that, I always assumed she just changed one day. That makes thing more... complicated. Do you know anything about the third person?"
"Only the myths, they vanished or got turned into a star. Only person who fully knows is your father, since the two were on good terms after the wars. Your father after all was the negotiator, Moon just isn't one who ever forgave people. The story could always be wrong, I only know parts I was told from Beary and Moon. I don't trust her side of it."
"You don't?"
"The tribes she said fought never existed. One did, but they claimed to had never been in a war since they are a peaceful society. Makes me think she's hiding something, she always is. But that's a story for another day, besides we are getting closer."
"You're just a fast walker."
"I been doing this for years and have to deal with a pack of wolves." Sister wolf stopped as she hit a fork in the road. She could either take the shortcut which would have salt spray and unpredictable waves or take the longer path which was safer but they would be there by sunset. "Are you okay with waves?" Neptune got off Sister Wolf's back and walked towards the water.
"Of course. I love the ocean." Sister Wolf smiled and the two began to walk.
Brother Bear walked to the back of the casa. Mamá had told him that someone was there for him, it was strange but he didn't seem to mind. Walking through the large lit home filled the grisly man with a sense of belonging and warmness. He walked through the doors and went onto the porch where Sapphire was waiting. She looked much different since the last time the two had met.
"Sapphire? What's going on?" Brother Bear joined her looking over the coast. The crashing of waves seemed to captivate Sapphire. "Sappy?"
"Would you still... love me even if I wasn't who I said I was?" What? Brother Bear stood confused for a minute, he didn't even noticed she was looking over at him. He thought about it for a minute before realizing that he really didn't know a lot about Sapphire, compared to Father Sun or Sister Wolf. Yet, she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It raised a lot of questions he hadn't thought of before but he had to respond.
"It depends. I fell in love with you for being yourself, just depends how much of yourself is truly you." Sapphire let out an exhale before her gaze returned to the waves, always rising to crash before receding in an endless cycle. "Maybe tell a story? I love stories. They tell a lot about a person and makes you feel better."
"Long ago..."
Three gods lived in peace. One controlled the rays of the sun, his personality shone as bright as the celestial ball of fire. He brought the day, shining light over all before setting it. He was a gentle god and well beloved, but also taken by his counterpart. His counterpart was a lovely woman who was in charge of the night, protecting the innocent sleepers and guiding lost wanders with the stars she placed in the sky. She was know for being sweet, but cruel and manipulative. Her relationship with the gentle god was healthy but signs of conflict arose with the third god. The third god painted the sky with clouds and washed the earth with rain. All weather was in their control, no matter if it was a wispy cloud or a violent hurricane. The third god and gentle god were as close as siblings, something the second god couldn't understand, she grew envious over their close bond. She decided something would have to change to keep the gentle god to herself. All she wanted in her life was the one thing she never had, control. She set a trap, started a war and removed the third god from history; Myths remain, but only her side of the tale while the third god was casted out. Hidden with the aid of the gentle god, one day things would change and vengeance would be gained. But until then, the third god remains in the background casting storms to help the people they cared about.
Brother Bear looked up at the sky as clouds had suddenly formed during the story, he remained silent from all the new information. The story seemed familiar but he couldn't remember where he heard it from before. More questions arose but it was for a later time. Brother Bear went over and hugged Sapphire, holding her in his hands and refusing to let go. Time seemed unimportant to the two as they stood on the porch overlooking the shore. The silence meant the world to them as they would never have another moment like this where they would remain fully alone. No missions, no murder, just them and the shore.
"Do you have to go?" He already knew the answer. "I- Uh... te q... te-te am.. te amo, mi amor."
"You need to work on your Spanish, Beary." Sapphire kissed his cheek and like that she was gone. All that remained was Brother Bear and the misty clouds in the sky.
Sapphire walked through the hills of sand before seeing a bright glow of light.
"A little dimmer next time, Aelius?"
"It's Father Sun to you, besides you looked like you needed a light." Sapphire let out a smile before he continued. "Don't worry, I told her you had a favor to run for me. You can take your time… but you know she's going to find out eventually."
"I'm surprised she hasn't yet." The two began walking, their marks leaving prints in the sand that soon would disappear. "I want to escape but, I don't want to leave Beary."
"Faking your death, would leave him alone. Is it because you two have feelings for one another?"
"There is romantic feelings between us, but I don't know if he loves the true me or the side that has to be present. I want to tell him, but at the same time… I cannot."
"I see. So you put up with her, to spend time with him? He is really worried, he tried to tell me something Moonie does to you. I assume it's not good due-"
"It's not." Sapphire interrupted. "He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with her, he doesn't know how bad it already is. I can deal with it until Neptune gets accepted by a tribe."
"Because of the prophecy? I mean it's the only reason Moon does anything anymore out of fear."
"I doubt it's true anymore, that was set thousands of years ago. But if true, we will have to see." Sapphire had the strangest feeling they were being watched, but Father Sun reassured her.
"Moon isn't listening. And if she sent someone, no one really is as loyal to her anymore. It's a shame how much she changed, but the signs were already there." The disappointment in Father Sun's voice was heavy. "I always think that I had a chance to stop everything, but I was slow to noticing until it was too late."
"It's not your fault. No one could had known what was coming, not even oracles knew." The rest of the walk was more cheerful but these were all thoughts Sapphire had. The walk was enjoyable and very therapeutic as Sapphire loved long walks in the night. Eventually she reached her destinations as she had to a favor for Father Sun, one she was happy to do. It was a perfect night, like the ones Brother Bear used to be scared of, summoned a shovel and began to dig as the rain began to pitter patter on the sand.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Headcanons about my HL OC!
First thing to know, I have one main oc that I sometimes put in other universes. She's like the typical favorite child of mine out of all the OC's lmao. So whenever I am hyper-fixating on a series or game, I put a different version of her in there. She does have her own full story though, but that isn't important for the Heilwald stuff.
This is a long ass explanation. It's the curse of being a fanfic writer as I tried to make it as short as possible yet failed BADLY.
So for the Heilwald Loophole AU: -Her name is Laura (REDACTED). She's 12, just going into her teens, and is the loophole buddy of the player! -She sadly has gotten a huge part of amnesia after the loophole appeared. Why and how no one knows. -She calls herself Heartlock most of the time and thanks to the part amnesia, she thinks it's her last name. Somehow nobody could figure out what it actually is or couldn't tell her. -She kind of has a punk, laid-back energy. She's also chaotic and feral as shit. -She has a few cusses in her sleeves, and just somebody screaming "Language!" won't do much.
-Speaking of language, she's Dutch and can speak English! She's bad at Deutch lmao, which makes her stay at the Klinikum even more chaotic. (She only wants to learn German cuss words to piss Randolph off which causes her to become buddies with the chef) -Her outfit doesn't matter (aka haven't figured it out yet) but she does have a necklace around her neck with a plectrum hanging on it. Although she doesn't remember a lot of her past, she knows that this triangle is the most important thing she possesses. She also loves to dress in black and pink and has upper-arm-length dark brown hair with a braid in front of her ear. -She knows she can play the guitar, but where the guitar is, she's not allowed in. -Doesn't come into the bathhouse. -Backstory in only a few sentences: Had a family with parents and brother. Family died (first brother and mother, later on, the dad). (Older) brother was the one who taught her from young on how to play the guitar. After her family died she had nowhere else to go, until they found out she had a grandfather her dad didn't have contact with anymore whom she never met. They asked him if he would want to take care of her and he accepts, making her move to the Heilwald Klinikum (Surprise, surprise, the old chief is her grandpa.) -This also means she saw the Klinikum before Randolph arrived. Meaning she bonded with a lot of people and saw how most of them changed into horrible things. -She was the entertainer of the patients, playing her guitar in the cafeteria and sometimes hanging around in the patient's rooms on request. -She's closest with Nurse Helene and Astrid. -She also has her own space in the chief's office/room as she was his relative. She could do whatever she pleases, as long as she let the chief do his job once treating a patient. -Only a few staff members know she's the grandaughter of their chief.
With Player: -The first time Player meets her is when he runs away from Randolph. They will run into each other when Player opens a door as she leads him to someplace to hide when Randolph gets close. The next time he sees her is when she's drawing at a table in an unused office where he thanks her for helping him and making an agreement that she will join him. (She sees potential in him to break the loophole after he managed to sedate Randolph)
-She will be the humor break throughout all the horror. Making sarcastic jokes and y'know, being a literal child like she is. Sometimes during peaceful walks where there aren't any dangers around she'll tell some things about the hospital and the staff, including stories from the past and the present. Just like the trash collector's thoughts. She speaks more mysteriously about Randolph and more warmly about the nurses (Mainly Astrid and Helene).
-As she has a bit of amnesia about who she fully is, she will have a moment where she'll remember her true self after going together with the Player (her breaking in) into Hauser's places. Her guitar was stolen found by Hauser and taken to the attic a few months ago. When she gets the urge to hold the guitar she also gets the urge to play a little. When she does play a few chords, she'll find that something feels missing. Once she notices the plectrum around her neck, she undoes it from the necklace and holds it up in the air, ready to strike the strings, only to get huge parts of her memory back and know her real name and why she's here.
-I don't remember where this stuff is from, but one time the Player got knocked out, and instead of going through a loophole he kept lying on the ground passed out. He wakes up with Heartlock by his side and asks her why she does it and all she says is. "You got knocked down BAD, so I just lied down with you so you wouldn't feel embarrassed. She kicked your ass hard though. I've been lying here for at least 20 minutes!"
-Sadly for her story, she will die in the end. I'd like to think the Player tries multiple attempts to save her from her demise by trying different tactics and places to loop too but still fails to do so. She will be killed by a mutant after leading it away from the Player who's in trouble, saving him. She knew he would be the one to end the loophole, and knowing she had nothing to go to after the loophole ended, she decided to sacrifice herself for the others. The last time before the player leaves her corpse, he lays down beside her, as a call back to the "You passed out and I don't want you to be embarrassed" moment.
-The loophole he goes in then is one of the last ones, before the dental stuff happens. Something happens in the hole, and he wakes up in Randolph's area. Surprisingly, Randolph isn't there to greet him at the door. The only thing he finds there is Heartlock's plectrum lying on the same table she drew at on their first proper meeting. He takes it with him as a lucky charm before going to Helene and the dental place.
Headcanons of Heartlock with Randolph cus they have such a fun dynamic (I included a few headcanons of you and other HL writers.:
-They have this kind of hate-like dynamic.
-"What's with this sassy… lost child?"
-Has no idea she's his former chief's relative as there are no notes to be found about her, only that she's an important patient that has a permanent stay until reaching proper adult age. The workers who know her very well also don't tell him about it as they don't trust him.
-She disliked this guy's guts upon first meeting him. She also isn't sure if he had something to do with her grandfather resigning, but at first, she's wary of him.
-Warming up was hard from both sides. Randolph wasn't used to a hyper child walking into his office and making themselves at home, yet once he told her (a few weeks in) to get out he started missing the usual background noise of her shuffling around or humming a tune.
-Although he is now the chief of the place, he still allows her to have her space in the chief's office although she doesn't go there often anymore. (Unknoweling showing that he likes her presence.
-First tried to discipline her to stop cursing, only to realize after some time that didn't do shit and started cursing himself around her.
-She sometimes assists him out of her own free will, like asking if he wanted something to drink when she's going to walk around for a moment. Beware though, if she's pissed off at him you can 100% expect it to be a salty drink.
-She jokes around a lot with him and her current goal is to hear him actually laugh. For now, after 4 whole months, she managed to get a slight chuckle out of him which he still denies till this day.
-Is one of the only few people to be allowed to call him by his first name.
-At one point Randolph wants to stab her with a syringe and on the other hand he would crush your jaw if you lay the wrong hand on her.
-Randolph is the reason she's not allowed to go into Hauser's place anymore. She tried getting her guitar back so many times but every time he put it somewhere else. Once having enough of it, Hauser told Randolph that she was vandalizing his place and should be banned. It worked and she still has a grudge against Randolph because of it.
-Heartlock loves surprise-hugging people, especially aggressive ones. This goes on once they are further in their bonding progress. She once tried to surprise hug him from behind, only to get jabbed in the neck with a syringe. She immediately bolted out of the room to yell out to the closest nurse to catch her as she didn't want Randolph to do it (Not that he would lmao).
After that incident, she didn't speak to Randolph for two full weeks and did pranks on him to annoy him even more. Like wetting a few documents so he has to redo them, replacing sugar with salt for his coffee, etc. He ends up begrudgingly apologizing to her but also warned her to speak up before hugging him from behind, to which she replied that it would not be a surprise hug anymore if she had to yell before taking action. They're still figuring this one out but right now, she hasn't given him a hug yet. And seeing her hug all the other staff (before their mutation took place), made Randolph feel quite sour.
-During the downfall of the Klinikum, she hit depression. As if her family's death wasn't enough, seeing this place fall and the patients slowly getting neglected started breaking her spirits. From faking her smile whilst entertaining people, to fully giving up on entertaining at all she now roams the halls out of pure boredom.
-They don't get into a father-daughter bond but his way of grounding her is placing her in the padded cell for a few hours. She doesn't go insane though, but thanks to sweetly convincing Nurse Anne to let her keep her drawing supplies, she drew over the walls to make it easier to cope with her alone time. And to make it easier for future patients. They somehow failed to get the scribbles off the walls. Randolph never made a comment about it.
-Also when it's her turn for checking up on dental care, Randolph takes good care of her. Like, normally checking it without any jaw pressure therapies. Other people have to suffer though.
-She has blackmail from Randolph thanks to being located close to the office. (I headcanon that there must be a secret room somewhere close to the chief's office where she can slack off to which is close to next his office, making her sometimes see and overhear certain things.
-Probably started a rumor that Randolph is somehow gay and everyone has heard that rumor at least twice. Guy can't do shit to stop that rumor though as he couldn't land any bitches.
-I'd like to think before Randolph's mutation began and Heartlock dies, she excuses herself from the Player before he enters the Bathhouse to talk to Randolph. They meet up and she tells him how she truly feels about him and what he's done to the place. Telling him he's become a monster for making this loophole happen and that she's now stuck with it, seeing her only chance of freedom as literal death, basically stating a hidden depression lingering back there. After saying she hopes the Player wins and tells Randolph her real name after remembering it, she leaves him be to return to the Player. Randolph got himself stuck in a room after that and only loud screams followed after. He has no idea that she died until he saw the plectrum in the player's hand before falling into the loophole.
-It is said about her that she was the only spark of light the hospital had left of happiness and hope. After she was found dead, a few lights in the hospital dimmed. But the loophole light got brighter.
If you have any questions, just ask lol! I'd love to hear more about your OC Jackson soon as well. (If you have anything more to tell about him that is) Wondering if those two would meet they'd get along?
OMG I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Such a chaotic small child. Lol
Idk why but I can just imagine Jackson and Laura running from one of the staff members who speak in German while chasing the player, with Laura responding in a horribly pronounced German curse word, and Jackson just screaming "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING AND THAT MAKES IT SCARIER!!!"
Anyways, as payment for this lovely information, here is some more information about Jackson:
Jackson gets tired extremely easily. This, combined with him being extremely light, results in him being extremely easy for a staff member to just pluck off of the floor and run off with. Like, if you push him he will just fall over, that's how light he is. It is really concerning.
Jackson doesn't understand basically anything in German besides "I don't speak German." "Can you speak English?" "Hello" "Good afternoon" "Help me" and "kiss me". He only learned the last phrase because a girl in highschool spoke German, and he wanted to shoot his shot (didn't succeed, sadly. Got water thrown at him). However, sometimes he mixes the phrases up whenever he gets really scared, which results in him saying "kiss me" at random instead of like... "Hello" or something. Almost got knocked out at the Oktoberfest because of this. Also, probably got pinned down by Dr. Randolph at one point, tried to scream "Help me" so the player would help, only to scream "Kiss me". Caused Dr. Randolph to pause for a second, extremely concerned and confused as to why the man he just threatened to remove the liver of is now screaming at him to kiss him, which gave Jackson the chance to literally slip away due to his scrawny self just crawling out of his grasp. Jackson learned nothing from that encounter besides the fact that screaming "Kiss me" to enemies might be a good tactic in fight or flight scenarios. (New fear response unlocked: flirt)
Jackson loves mashed potatoes and squash because they are easy for him to eat and filling. He has a hard time eating anything involving meat due to it being a coarse food, but he does so, anyway. He is allergic to carrots, apples, cherries, and a bunch of other foods, but is completely unaware of it, due to the reactions being more internal (causing damage to the esophagus without an easily noticable reaction, thus making food more difficult to eat overtime), so he eats them because he likes the taste.
Jackson has a slight avoidance of food. He will eat at least twice a day, but he sometimes decides to forego eating, even when hungry, due to it being painful to swallow. He does indulge in a lot of food whenever there is something easy to swallow or food that is just too tasty to pass up. Another time when he will eat a lot of holidays, because he feels he would be out of place or impolite if he doesn't. This has resulted in times when he was little where others at parties would, half-jokingly and half-concerned, ask if he was being starved at home. Just imagine a scrawny little kid chowing down on 12 plates of mashed potatoes with melted cheese at a Christmas party, then you might get the concern.
He would also vehemently refuse going into the bathhouse. He would take one step in their, see Dr. Wolfram, then back the hell outta there. He would be way too embarrassed by just walking into a room with a shirtless man, because poor Jackson is bisexual and in denial, and it would just startle him so badly. Also add the fact that he is like... In a completely different country, so he is extremely unsure if walking into a bathhouse at a hospital and seeing the aqua therapy instructor in nothing but their swimsuit is normal, and he is too embarrassed to ask questions.
Jackson is probably going to survive. Not without a few mental scars, but he will survive.
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mysticdragon828 · 8 months
You there! Yes, the Persona fan behind that screen there! Are you seeking a Discord server to hang out and talk about the series? Somewhere, perhaps, small and cozy, as opposed to one of those huge discord servers where you could feel icy glares on the back of your head? Well, have I got a place for you! It's called Tanaka's Amazing Warehouse, run by yours truly!
Got questions about it? Look down here!
What is it? - It's a mainly Persona-themed server, with a side of other Megami Tensei games!
Is it active? - Kinda? Sometimes? Can't say it's always active, but every now and then we get chatty! But if you ever do want to strike up a conversation there, you will probably get a reply no matter the hour of the day, so go for it!
Is it centered around a particular Persona game? - Nope, we have channels for all of them!
Are Persona and other Megami Tensei games the only things you talk about there? - Nope! There's channels for other games, other series, various arts, memes, and of course a general chat!
Is it LGBTQ+ friendly? - Yes, absolutely! I mean, I'd be a hypocrite if it wasn't lmao
Is there an age limit? - As long you're above what's stated by Discord TOS (13+), you're allowed to join the server, but be forewarned that there is a mild degree of NSFW allowed(*) there, as the admin (me) is an adult.
What language is it? - Unfortunately, it is strictly English-speaking, as I'm not bilingual, but I will probably allow brief conversations involving other languages if you can find someone else there who speaks it? I dunno how likely that is, but more power to you if you do find someone who speaks your language there!
Is there a verification process? - Not exactly, but there is an automatic role assignment that takes place upon joining the server. If you don't automatically recieve the access role when you join, DM me on Discord(**) please!
(*): "mild degree of NSFW allowed" = as far as certain demon/persona designs across the franchise goes, but no deep discussion about it
(**): "on Discord" = my username there is mysticdragon03, and please dont dm me on here, id just get confused lol
If this didn't answer all your questions (somehow), just DM me here and I'll do my best to tell you whatever you need to know about it!
Thinking of joining? We'll be waiting!
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(ps, i would love for this to get a bit of traction at least, so if you're interested or think some of your followers might be interested, reblogs would be appreciated!)
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