#I mean they haven't known peace since October
jewishraypalmer · 6 months
1 week until Percy Jackson and no one who follows me will know peace
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actual-changeling · 9 months
winter returns. aziraphale does not.
there have been a lot of internal arguments throughout september and october, but eventually crowley decided to transfer all of his plants and a handful of other important belongings to the bookshop. he wasn't leaving it except to nip over for coffee or take the bentley on a drive so it wouldn't get cranky, so why bother returning to his flat?
it turns out to have been the correct choice.
before the first snow, before the nights got longer than the days, long before the end of the year, crowley cranked up the heating in the shop and curled up in his armchair once more. he does not quite hibernate as such, but he comes close while in his serpent form.
muriel, who has taken to not addressing him by name at all after crowley had told them several times to drop the 'mr. crowley', gently picks him up throughout the day and allows him to settle where he pleases. mostly around their shoulders, sometimes along one or both of their arms; other times he seeks out the warmth radiating from their skin coiled up tightly in their lap.
no one sees the serpent of eden dozing on a lower angel's stomach, and no one hears when they read to him, talk to him.
"he will come back, you know. eventually. i haven't known you for long, but i can feel how much you mean to him."
"it was kinda weird at first since you're a demon, but i- well. miss nina said we are friends, and miss maggie agreed."
"i've never seen snow before; it's pretty. hopefully you're not cold."
no one sees him pressed against the window, uncaring for the chill forcing its way through his slim body, staring up at the sky in a fashion unheard of for snakes, waiting, waiting, waiting.
crowley tries to dream of the garden again, seeking out the blurry memories of warmth and ethereal protection, remnants of a grace he is no longer allowed to carry within himself. the sweet aroma of ripe apples, the smell of blooming flowers and desert sand soaking in their first taste of rain, the feeling of feather-rippled wind catching in his hair, a caress that isn't one, a touch that could be one in a few millennia.
crowley tries to dream of peace, but no matter if he wakes or sleeps, all he gets is smoke and ash and a profound sense of loss so ancient he aches and aches and aches.
still, he waits until that is all he is, a desperate wish shaped in his image.
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lesbianmulcahy · 2 years
Father Mulcahy for the character meme!
Thank you so much!! And thanks also to @klingersgender and to the anon for also asking Mulcahy! Sorry this took a moment
Favorite thing about them: augh to choose... I think what makes him stand out so much in my head (and sorry that i'm gonna sound sooo pretentious. but this is THE blorbo from my shows for me) is the way he cares SO MUCH and how much he just wants to be worthy and useful and liked, and how that manifests in that kind of quiet kindness he has. Maybe I just like insecure characters. Also I love that he can be so funny, his humor makes me think of Spock (blorbo from TOS (the original shows), except he tries a little more. But there is that similar kind of deadpan, especially during the later seasons, I think
Least favorite thing about them: I mean the fact that he's out there like voluntarily is :/ yeah. I'm sorry that's such a boring answer but like. he definitely has his faults but I think they are funny so I like them actually
Favorite line: I love "Well, I'm very good at keeping secrets. There are some things I won't even tell myself". Also I am still obsessed with "My parents wished that I had been a girl, hence my name Francis". Fucked up that he said that actually, I haven't known peace since
BROTP: Oh... I do love his relationship with Klinger, I think they have such a fun dynamic,and it goes pretty much all through the series too. Like espevially during the early season they just vibe so hard. ALSO Sarah from Aftermash. They are SUCH a fun couple I'm sorry to talk about Aftermash so much but Sarah my BELOVED and she and Mulcahy are just. fucking insane
OTP: I'm going to refer you all to this post. I simply think he and Sidney had a wild relationship spanning from 1943 through the war and then when they meet again in 1954. It happens I know it cause they told me <3 But also you can talk me into thinking any ship is good and fun. I do like him and Hawkeye too
NOTP: I don't think I have any grounds to like.. actively judge anyone's ships, looking at mine. I guess I'm not a fan if pairing him with women
Random headcanon: I think he and Klinger share the brown cardigan since we see both of them wear it! Oh also maybe more inch resting, I think he started trying to learn the names of some of the surgical instruments after Carry On Hawkeye! I want him to go into nursing school actually
Unpopular opinion: I don't think that I've seen enough popular opinions about him to have any unpopular ones. Is it unpopular that I think that he doesn't have any kind of inner turmoil about queerness. His guilt and inferiority complex come from different things
Song I associate with them: Accidentally started associating him with Syksyn Sävel by Juice Leskinen, especially the part that goes like "Take me into your dreams, even if I board other trains / it's october and you can see it on me / When I get close to you, even the gods believe in me / Although I always don't myself". A less embarrassing answer would probably be Laughing With by Regina Spektor
Favorite picture of them:
Here are some!! Tbh I could pic any images and like. Those would be my favorite. I simply like his shape :)
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Thank you one more time for asking!!!
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