#I make no claims to the accuracy of tiny tot behavior
absinthemadness · 3 years
Imagine Roxas and Axel trying to sleep at like 2am and all they can hear through the baby monitor is “dada” on repeat
The monitor on the nightstand crackled to life. It started with a soft babbling, a tiny yawn and then…
"Dada… dada. Dada."
A small rustle, a babble of confusion. And a twin chorus rising back up.
On it went, a ceaseless chant of two tiny tots, causing the pair in the bed to finally stir. Axel rolled over, squashing his face into the pillows.
"Axel, the girls are awake again." Roxas swatted an arm across space between them, batting at Axel's arm.
"Dadadadada!" Louder now.
"I got them last time. It's your turn." Axel's voice came out muffled, his face still pressed to the pillow.
"Can't fight that logic." Roxas fought a yawn though, glancing at the clock as he rolled out of bed. 2 AM. Both Axel and he looked forward to the day that the girls started sleeping through the night.
Axel rolled over to face the monitor, watching the lights and hugging the pillow to his cheek.
"Dadadadadada…" The chorus trailed off as he heard the door open through the monitor. There was a moment of silence, followed by a flurry of 'Dada! Dada!'
"Shhh, darlings. Daddy and I are trying to get some sleep." Roxas's voice drifted through the monitor, a little crackly but still soothing.
Axel closed his eyes, imagining Roxas reaching down into each crib, tickling the girls' tummies, judging by the giggles.
And then Roxas sang. A soft lullaby that Axel taught him from childhood.
Axel smiled, hugging tight to his pillow.
Both Axel and the twins were fast asleep before Roxas finished singing.
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