#I love playing as Noah w/ the thought of deceiving everyone...
lost-external660 · 1 month
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Updated PC sheet! Recently made my new guy Noah as a sort of PC/LI oc because it'd b cool to romance a cult boy in this game
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Request: Imagine playing hide and seek with the lost boys and it's turning out that every boy is in love with you and wants to 'hide' with you to do stuff so you go with Felix since he always seems odd and cold. Turns out he is also in love. In the end pan gets also jealous when he finds out what they did while hiding (what they did is up to you if you like that request:) )
Pairings: Felix x reader
Warnings: there's no smut but there's a heated make out session 🤣
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I have been living on Neverland for as long as I could remember and to say that I was a little uncomftorble at times is a huge understatement. It's not that I'm happy here because believe me, I am, but the constant flirting of the boys just got too much at times, they would really start to peck my head and as sweet as the boys could be it would just get annoying. If it wasn't Noah commenting on the way my ass moved as a walked, or James saying to his friends about how much he'd love to have my lips on his, it was Will bragging to everyone about the things he would do to me if we were alone. No matter what, every single one of the lost boys had something to say about me, even Pan had an opinion, but there was one boy who hadn't commented on my body once, Felix.
He was odd, to put it lightly, keeping to himself a lot, we never really spoke other than an awkward 'hello' if we were ever alone with one another. If I were being completely honest, at first I thought he was gay, not that that's a bad thing, he just had never expressed a desire to have me, wether that be in a sexual way or not and if I was the only girl that had stayed on the island for years then I would've though the boys would jump at the opportunity, but not him. He was always so calm and collected, never once showing a hint of emotion, but the slightly red scar that ran down is face gave me some idea about the boys temper. His eyes were the complete opposite from the angry red scar that was permanently etched into his skin, his icy blue orbs remained cold and hollow, never once faltering or giving away any clues as to what he was feeling.
The sun had set on the island long ago, the sky burnt a golden glow no more so that the stars could come out and play. The cool breeze of the night sweeped it's way through the island, touching every plant and animal in sight, dipping into every cave and touching every river or stream. We all sat around aimlessly in a circle on the dirt floor, everyone waiting in anticipation, eager to see what game we were going to be playing tonight.
“I have an idea!” a lost boy exclaimed, excited to share., everyone's ears perked up at his voice, leaning in closer to find out what his suggestion is "How about we play truth or dare?"
"No, Alex, we played that last night, remember?" Another boy chipped in, clearly annoyed at his friend "How about we play hide and seek?"
The boys pondered on the though for a while, still not everyone was in total agreement.
"I’ve got an even better game!" A boy named Oscar exclaimed as he crawled his way up onto a rock.
"What’s your bright idea this time?" Another lost boy chimed sarcastically, making a few other boys laugh, even I let out a little giggle.
"Its called Caterpillar. It’s like hide and seek but when you find someone, you stay by their side the rest of the game!" He exclaimed proudly.
The boys all exchanged glances at each other, smirking into the night, was there something I was missing? One by one the boys eyed my hungrily, causing my arms to explode with goosebumps. I kept my e/c eyes focused on the dirt ground, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.
All the boys had seemed to reach an agreement
"Ok, what are you all waiting for? Everyone Scram! Ten seconds to get to your hiding spots!" Pan boomed as he got up to his feet, his thick British accent standing out loud and clear for everyone to hear.
Within a flurry of laughs and scurrying, everyone seemed to vanish into thin air as they blended in perfectly. Peter climbed up a tall evergreen tree as fast as he could, his rough hands scrapping along the bark and started to count down at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed through the trees, reaching every nook and crannie on the island, undoubtedly reaching the ears of the lost boys.
"Ten, Nine..."
Quickly, I rushed to my feet, taking off into the forest as fast as my small legs could carry me. There was a burning in my chest as I pushed my legs harder, my body was screaming for more oxygen as I keep on pushing, the jungle around me became a blur of dark green as I ran further and further. Finally, deciding that I had come far enough I began to slow my pace down until my light jog became a steady walk. With nothing to but wonder around, hoping that I didn't bump into Pan, I had nothing to do but be alone with my thoughts. Looking down at my feet I made sure that I didn't stumble over any stray logs or tree roots, but making sure that I wouldn't trip up sure didn't stop me from falling over as I smacked into something hard.
"Woah." A familiar voice cooly exclaimed "You better watch were you're going."
Looking up, my eyes were met with none other than Felix. His icy blue eyes stared back at me coldly as his tall body loomed over mine. The scar that ran down his face was almost completely cover by his hood as his wooden club was slung effortlessly over his broad shoulders. I was stuck in place, permanently staring up at him.
"Well," he spoke, sticking out a hand for me to grab onto "looks like we're stuck with each other for the rest of the game."
I smiled up at him as our fingers intertwined causing butterflys to aimlessly flutter around in my stomach, why was I feeling like this? I had never felt this way around any of the boys before, what made Felix so different? Shrugging off the thought and the weird feeling which welled in the out of my stomach, I got back up onto my feet.
"Uh... thanks" I said as we began to walk, not fully sure if I had just imagined his fingers lingering on mine or not, "You know I'm kinda glad I ran into you and not one if the other boys."
He looked at me confused, "and why's that?" He asked, his voice was as deep and husky as ever.
"Because, you don't try to flirt with me 24/7 Like everyone else." I said.
"What, you're telling me that our one and only lost girl doesn't like the attention?" He says sarcastically, placing a hand on his chest in fake shock causing me to let out a little giggle.
"Well, ok I do kinda like the attention, the boys can be so sweet to me but it just gets annoying sometimes." I explained.
His face softened and the corner of his lips curled up as he let out an low chuckle.
"Do my ears deceive me, or did I just hear the almighty, cold-hearted Felix giggle."
I couldn't be sure if it were my eyes playing tricks on me or if it was just the lack of light hiding it well, but I couldve swarn I saw a light brush dance across the second in command cheeks.
"Shut up." He said, turning his face around in an effort to try and hide it from me, in the process giving a glimpse of his very nice jaw line.
Finally, we had arrived at a quite spot, somewhere deep in the jungle of Neverland. We took a seat in a secluded, well hidden area were no one would be sure to find us, the bushes and trees kept us well hidden from everyone's else. An awkward silence hung over the both of us, nether of us really had anything to say.
"So...." he began, but we both knew that this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere.
You know that awkward giggle people do when you have nothing to say to each other so you just end up retardedly laughing? Well that's exactly what I was doing.
"What's so funny?" The tall blonde asked me, with a bashful smile on his face.
"Ah, it's nothing." I said, returning to the awkward silence "ok, I have a question."
He looked at me with a raised eye brow "And what would that be?"
"When I first came to the island, what did you think of me?" I asked innocently.
"Well don't get me wrong I obviously thought that you were pretty." He said as pink dust coated his cheeks "I also had my doubts about you, I wasn't sure if you could handle what the island would throw at you, but now I know that you can."
"Awww, you had me at 'I thought you were pretty'" I joked.
"Oh, fuck off." He said letting out a little laugh before our surroundings became silent once again "So, what did you think of me?"
"Honestly?" I asked "I thought you were gay."
If Felix was drinking water he would've spat it out, looking back at me in disbelief.
"W-why did you think I was gay?" He asked me in shock.
"Well, like I said before you never flirt with me like the other boys do so I just kinda thought...."
"I. Am. Not. Gay." He said, looking me right in the eyes.
The tone of his voice sent a shiver to run up and down my spine, but I couldn't work out weather it was because I was scared or not.
"Are you sure?" I teased.
"Yes! I've been here for over a hundred years, I think I would know if I was attracted to boys." He laughed at me.
"Well what if you didn't know?" I suggested "What if you just haven't had your sexual awakening yet?"
He chuckled at my comment, "Still, I'm not gay."
"Prove it." I said to him.
He looked me dead in the eyes, hesataiting for a moment before grabbing my by the collar of my cloak and smashing his lips against mine. To say it was perfect was an huge understatement, the kiss was sweet with whispers of desire. His hands moved to the smol of my back, pulling me close towards him until my legs were resting ether side of his torso. Our tongues met as they danced together, my finders intertwined themselves into his blonde hair, causing him to kiss me harder. Slowly, his fingertips wonder further down my back landing in my ass before squeezing.
"Felix." I whispered against his lips, he took that as an invertation to pull me in even closer, my chest was flushed against his while his hands travled up my thighs gentally rubbing circles on my clit through my underwear. Moaning into the kiss I started to grind myself against him, causing small grunts to fell past the boys lips.
"You have no idea how bad I've wanted this." He whispered hungrily in my ear before returning his lips to mine. I felt my cheek reden as he smirked into the kiss as a consequence of my reaction.
"Y/n?" Someone asked.
Quickly pulling away from Felix, I turned to face the boy. There stood a tall boy, no older than sixteen, his brown eyes stared at us in shock.
"U-um... Nick!" I exclaimed, not expecting anyone to find us.
"Uhhhh guys!" He yells over the the group of lost boys which were undoubtedly watching mine and Felix little rondevouez through the bushes "I found them!"
"Oh so they were here-" Pan says, stepping onto out little hiding place, his eyes darkened when he saw his second in command sitting on the floor, a dark blush coating his cheeks and me awkwardly sitting beside him, "Come on boys, let's go back to camp."
The boys left, leaving me and Felix awkwardly sitting beside each other.
"So uhhhh...." he began, scratching the back of his neck "I wouldn't mind doing that again."
He bit his lip as I leaned in, straddling his waist once again before kissing him deeply.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET OUT!!! Anon, I hope you're still here and you can across this I just want you to know how sorry I am and I really hope you liked the story 😍❤ xxxxx
@britishfangirlxo @lady-of-lies @nevereverlandboys
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