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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
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Well it's Cap's turn now- (2/2)
Again TW: for cringe, mention of murder etc etc. And mega cringy cringe as hell.
₊˚꒰🦴⸝⸝︰ 𝐆𝐏!𝐂𝐚𝐩⤿ 🥀 ⌗
✧ ┊• Too kind to be a murderer (cringy start oml..)
✧ ┊• Captain Underpants would always stay with his sidekicks for a while so Jerry and Toilette can check the others.
✧ ┊• Since Cap and Krupp are separate, I am not sure if Cap will have to fight him or ignore his existence. But it's hard for him to forget all the things that happened.
✧ ┊• Back then when Cap and Krupp were sharing one body, things weren't easy for Cap to deal with the battle without getting worried.
- In this AU, Cap would struggle to control himself, not realizing that they both share the same body which means Krupp would control Cap and messing around with him until he gets bored and stops for a moment.
- Gp!Krupp would communicate with him in his head. Simply making him more stressed and uneasy.
- After the little "incident" Captain Underpants would freak out after finding out he accidentally killed someone during the battle with the monster. This makes him feel more guilty and scared to fight again, feeling like he might hurt someone again. Worst part he doesn't wanna hurt his sidekicks if that happens again.
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✧ ┊• He hates mirrors. Every time he sees a reflection of himself, he will shatter them into pieces. ((That goes for outfits and etc.)) He doesn't wanna remember HIM- (when I say "him" I meant GP!Krupp himself), and he doesn't NOT wanna dress up like him if the boys want Cap to disguise himself as the principal. He doesn't wanna end up remembering all the shit he has to witness if the strange daydreaming moment. He hates his ego so badly.
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He would say stuff like: "I just saw him in the mirror so I had to break it so he doesn't get out of the mirror." Or "I had to rip all these clothes for a good reason and I don't wanna wear them. It feels gross." Which makes no sense but you will know where he's coming from
✧ ┊• He still can fly and stuff so don't worry.
✧ ┊• Cap never knew what is like to swim. Well, he didn't want to release the fucking gory bastard out of him if he soak his head with water after all the weird shit GP!Krupp has said in his mind; "Soak your damn head in the water and see what happens. I promise it won't hurt". Still scared to feel the water or get soaked in it.
✧ ┊• He gets easily curious and looks around to check- all he can do is mess with the plungers.
✧ ┊• Ever since he became in charge of the school for the first time, it wasn't that bad for Cap to be in charge after things were solved
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But have you ever asked what is like to have him in the office? I don't know. Cap finds it stupid and weird. In the office? Why not the classroom or somewhere more comfy? As I said Cap would always stay with his sidekicks and doesn't mind keeping his eyes on things but Jesus fucking Christ being in charge of this school for the first time?? Not really his thing but he had to. It's for the best to keep his sidekicks safe and happy-
✧ ┊• Don't mind if I say this but- Captain Underpants has always been a dad figure to his creators (George & Harold) and it's kinda obvious he doesn't want them to get hurt. Soo him being too close to them seem silly-
Yeahs that's all the cringe facts ew.
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"I understand how you feel. It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about whether you want to be with me or not. That's all that matters to me."
Kitaro Tanjou: Gegege no Nazo - Sayo Ryuuga (White Dress)
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bobmckenzie · 5 months
me: people are way too vain we really need to stop putting so much stock into our appearances it's not that serious
also me: cuts my hair too short and feels PHYSICALLY ILL over it
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miharuhebinata · 1 month
+ original sprite for comparison
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If you haveta assure people you have something under control multiple times I am not poised to believe you
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generallysapphic · 1 year
i’ve noticed black panther x fishman shippers never draw shuri right … she’s either shorter than him, smaller than him, small nose, just something about her is just off..
and this is like a consistent thing from big artists to just everyday doodles
they be drawing somebody but it’s never actually shuri it’s some insert of what looks like themselves tbh and hey if you wanna fuck namor just draw yourself, but if you wanna draw shuri draw her accurately… shuri has a small, damn near invisible nose bridge as most black girls often do. her shoulders are wide, her jaw line is sharp and she it fit, not just skinny. and she’s damn near at namors eye level, if not one inch off. and people who ship them draw her like some petite girl with curly hair whos always looking up to him.
it’s almost if.. they can’t ship the shuri we see in the movie with the namor we know because… she fucking hates him and won’t ever be this girly girl enemies to lovers story they think it is 🫢
and if you got something to say agrue wit ya mama, i don’t give a fuck ! you weirdo, shipping someone with the person who killed they mama, you need to be jailed
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thathilomgirl · 1 year
I know a popular stance for Norman in the fandom is that “he didn’t deserve what happened to him and him doing his revenge/genocide plan is justified“ but like
If ever the day comes that Ayshe’s side chapter gets published and it reveals she does end up avenging her adoptive father by going after Norman, would she even get that kind of justification from the same people?
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glitch-pep · 10 months
Would y'all believe me if I told you that I've been absolutely OBSESSED with this AU for 2 months now and I've been holding back the urge to post about it because I didn't make anything for it yet?
I am very happy to present you,
The Chaotic Crossover AU!
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AU explanation and facts under the cut.
The Chaotic Crossover AU is an au where characters of mine can travel across each other's universes, which allows them to be together. This AU's main focus are the interactions between my oc's, so my oc's are only really interacting with each other and no one else. Also, other random universes might open up for them to explore. Maybe it's just a parking lot, maybe it's an entire jungle... they'll never know until they enter. They enter them through a bunch of labeled white doors that are in a completely white void.
How all of this works, you may ask?
Doesn't matter! This is all purely for the fun of it and no one really questions anything.
So, basically, my homemade idiots (affectionate) hangout and chaos ensues.
Now, some facts about the gang:
Milo in this group is basically a weird mixture of a mom friend and a wine aunt.
Everyone is a member of the Molly protection squad.
Milo occasionally holds her hand in a motherly type of way, because they kept losing her during their hangouts.
Mina holds a lot of the braincells, but doesn't feel like sharing them. Milo is salty at Mina for not sharing said braincells.
Mina in general is still debating which option she finds worse, being with these 3 or with the kids in the culdesac.
They don't know what's worse, when Charlie is being all crazy and loud or when she's awfully quiet.
You should never leave Molly and Charlie in a room together for too long. Molly is very naive and believes virtually anything Charlie tells her.
Like, Molly didn't know what stealing is. And to be fair, she still doesn't, because Charlie told her that it's just 'saving things that don't actually belong to those people, so that they can finally be happy'.
And even though Milo tried to tell Molly the truth, she was so in awe with the idea of it that he didn't wanna break it to her.
Charlie basically acts as a weird sorta mentor that teaches Molly about the most random stuff. Milo usually stops her before she teaches Molly about something she shouldn't know about. (weapons, death etc.) Also, since Molly is the tallest Charlie often climbs on top of her for a piggyback ride.
Milo sees Mina as the grumpy teenager that the parents always drag along on a road trip even though she doesn't wanna go.
No one is really sure what's up with Molly's knowledge of things and her overall mentality, and no one is actually aware that she's an adult.
Charlie always comes up with crazy plans and tries to drag the others along with it.
Milo is the one that calls her out about the problems of said plan.
The Mina and Molly dynamic is basically:
Someone who doesn't care about anything at all, and someone who tends to care about things too much. Which leads to Molly often awkwardly asking Mina if she should worry about things. And Mina often says no for situations that do need a certain level of concern, to which Molly just tries her best to stay positive.
Charlie thinks she's the leader of the group. (It's actually Milo at this point cuz he's the one keeping everyone alive-)
And that's it for now! Except a lot of posts with these dummies. :'] ❤️
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leconcombrerit · 9 months
It's finally dawned on me that I probably won't be able to get back to making art anytime soon.
I'd been trying to make redraws in a vague and a little desparate attempt to do just that ; after all, I'd been wanting to draw stuff lately and even had a few new ideas. They just refused to translate to anything when I actually got in front of my computer -hence the redraws. It had worked quite well until now and given me the boost I needed to start new stuff.
Except even those had started to feel terrible. Understand "boring, ugly, plain, uninteresting or fastidious". Yet looking at the old and new versions side by side, it's obviously much better now. Take those Roman and Virgil ones for example. I did get better. It's not even ugly, even though it's low effort. I've been proud of worse.
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My brain just makes a shortcut from "I'm bored and uninterested and frustrated" to "I'm bored and uninterested and frustrated because this is boring, uninteresting and therefore frustrating". It's like it's finding itself excuses not to draw, or do crochet, or sculpt, or make origami, or read, or watch videos, or talk to people (that includes answering most messages with less than three weeks intervals). Apparently it's "nothing concerning" according to my shrink, since I can still wake up and go to work. But I'm freaking bored.
Also I always get very depresso in September, worsens in January, peaks in February, gets better in April, rinse and repeat. Thank god for Only Friends airing now, my little brother's existence and immaculate taste in music, and my growing interest in tanks. Dunno what I'd do without those guys.
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xiaoluclair · 9 months
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foreignobjecticus · 2 years
I agree that we use too much plastic, and I've spent my whole life trying to cut down. But you can't make me feel that bad when you're the ones manufacturing unnecessarily large plastic containers and filling them with cotton wool to pad them out, when your 120 pill option could fit into your 60 pill bottle absolutely perfectly.
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Don't even talk to me about marketing or standard sizes or whatever. Change the standards. That's what the entire eco movement has been about because the standards are contributing to killing us. Don't sell me a half-empty pill bottle; sell me a pill bottle made to fit your product without excess packaging to prevent breakage from spare space you've created to give the illusion of value for money.
This isn't on the consumer-it's on manufacturers.
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like I feel like Sugar's "did you know I recently had a brother die, too?" does say a lot about how stuck in his own head Carmy can get but at the same time i don't think he's completely oblivious. the thing i keep coming back to is that he's actually very emotionally intelligent/intuitive, like he can read a room and empathize with people and on some level understand what they might be feeling, it's just that when it comes to trying to talk about it he completely stalls out. which is actually a major thing that's showcased in episode 5, is that he's really good at picking up on and kind of working with/bouncing off other people bc he is kinda intuitive like that!! it's just the communication aspect of it all that he sucks at. so you end up with stuff like the opening scene with Syd, just this kind of unspoken communication and half-finished sentences (bc I think she kind of has a similar intuition, just that her thing is that she can't NOT discuss stuff, which can be both good and bad as, ya know, anything can, but that's a different post), and you end up with that interaction he has with Tina about his mom and the smacksmacksmack of the spoon against his palm bc he can't figure out how to say what that conversation makes him feel, or you end up with him knowing that Sugar is gonna be upset and trying to mitigate that (to cut back on stress for himself but also maybe for her, too; like, to spare them both the argument), and you end up with the conversation he has in the alley with Marcus. like, yeah Carmy may be absolute crap at talking about feelings (even the scene with Marcus steers mostly away from emotions talk; except for the one line about making all his anxiety go away, it's all very grounded in actions and happenings) but he's not stupid. he's actually REALLY good at reading people, he's just crap at communicating. (but the thing is, he TRIES. he's Aware that he sucks at this and he is TRYING for his own sake and for the sake of everyone around him. and that's like... half the point, isn't it? choosing to get better [at things, or just in the way of healing]?)
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rmorde · 5 months
And JJK S2 wraps up!
Once again, I'm reminded of how annoying it was that Gojo took the high road with the higher ups. Those wrinkly old good for nothing assholes should have been massacred a long long time ago. They do not actually give fucking damn about peace and order. They all just want power and with Gojo gone they were drunk with it. Idiotic selfish self-centered bastards.
I swear Geto should not have helped Gojo grow a moral principle of killing only when there is meaning to it. It made him less inclined to commit homicide no matter how justifiable it already is. Because while I do see his perspective - *that it is meaningless to kill the higher-ups if his goal was to ensure that the youth would have a better life, it would have been so fucking cathartic if Gojo just Hollow Purple'd them all way back when they set up Yuji to die in the Juvenile Detention Center.
*Gojo is right (as much as it pains me to say it). He cannot kill the higher-ups because he would create a vacuum of power that would have resulted to any of the following: REPERCUSSION 1: Other seniors from the powerful clans would power grab leading to a civil war among sorcerers which can lead to many meaningless deaths. Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies. ---> Less Sorcerers VS Lots of Curses = More Solo Missions. With the unpredictability of Curses, the new gen may even be forced to fight those above their Grade like Haibara. And, as proven in Hidden Inventory, Gojo maybe The Strongest but he cannot be everywhere and save/protect people all the time. The mortality rate of young sorcerers may raise even further no matter how much Gojo, Nanami, Shoko, Utahime, and Yaga overwork themselves to death to mitigate it. REPERCUSSION 2: Other seniors from powerful clans would fill the vacuum of power and unite to expel Gojo from jujutsu society and label him as a mass killer. Again, this can lead to a civil war among sorcerers: those who side with Gojo and those who do not which can lead to many meaningless deaths.
Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies. -> Yeah. Yeah. Gojo is The Strongest. However, people that desire power are not very smart and can do a lot of stupid things (like what the higher-ups did after the Shibuya Incident). They can easily use the mass killing as an excuse to paint Gojo as the new "King of Curses" or something.
It is also highly possible for these power-hungry people to put an exorbitant bounty on Gojo's head that maybe even Mei Mei would be tempted to kill him.
Another likely result is for them to ally with Kenjaku. The Kamo clan did it so easily (if I remember it right). The Zenin clan may even use this as an excuse to also take away Megumi since they can claim that Gojo has gone crazy.
REPERCUSSION 3: Gojo takes all the power for himself and, as I have elaborated from REPERCUSSION 2, he could just be branded as the new "King of Curses" by the others and end up in an unwanted civil war with lots of unnecessary deaths. While he is powerful enough to be feared, envious assholes full of stupidity and hatred towards him can easily override common sense and still pick a bloody fight. Not to mention the ignorant "Yes Men" of the clan heads. So...
Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies.
So... as cathartic as it would have been (like Maki's revenge on the Zenin clan), Gojo cannot exactly kill the higher-ups easily - not for the goal that he had in mind. He has to take the high road and play nice with them so he can focus more on helping nurture the next generation of sorcerers towards a better future.
It's sad tho. Regardless of his efforts to avoid bloodshed among sorcerers and protect the youth, Gojo failed anyway. He even blames himself for the entire fiasco after he got out of the Prison Realm. He doesn't fault anyone except himself (just like when Riko died). Gojo's choice to care doomed a lot of people.
Maybe if Kenjaku hadn't meddled through the Shibuya Incident, Gojo would have succeeded with his plan. He'd continue dancing through the finicky political games of the dying elderly jujutsu higher-ups while acting as a buffer for the new gen sorcerers. Eventually, the old clans would lose their influence as the youth grew strong together enough to change their society and render traditions as obsolete.
Sadly, it was not meant to be.
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finvisual · 1 year
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tons of back and forth about headcannons with one of my buds lead to this <333 (aka dear chris with a biiiit too much time on her hands sewing her own galadriel cosplay. for uhhhhhh, no reason at all.~)
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 8 months
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nicejewishgirl · 8 months
why is this having to wake me up from my sleep? this got worse so much faster. I need to shower ASAP in the morning, finish cleaning my room and charging my devices, wait for the termite guy’s 2pm inspection and leave for Cedars by 3pm. I need help now and that’s I think the fastest possible route in getting there.
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