#I just prefer him with darker hair now ahah
iamhereinthebg · 2 years
Thinking about the survivor quartet/quatuor again
That’s a shame we didn’t get more with those four, they are braincells less I love them a lot 
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Those are old but shhhht
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I have a whole page of doodles with some of my headcanon but they are stupid and I really like their interactions dhskjds
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random thoughts on jon connington’s chapters
This is part 2, part 1 can be found here.
The Griffin Reborn
Aegon and Danerys
The first part of this chapter details Jon Connington taking over his former castle Griffin's Roost as well as remembering how he lost the Battle of Stony Sept.
Some Daniella stans have cried about how the show made her bad (ahah she's already bad), by giving her Jon Connington's supposed endgame. I believe they're partially right. Jon Connington's thoughts on Stoney Sept are foreshadowing of the burning of King's Landing, but of Danerys doing it.
The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
He had lost it all at Stoney Sept, in his arrogance. (...)
And so he swept down on Stoney Sept, closed off the town, and began a search. (...) The townsfolk were hiding him. They moved him from one secret bolt-hole to the next, always one step ahead of the king's men. The whole town was a nest of traitors. At the end they had the usurper hidden in a brothel. What sort of king was that, who would hide behind the skirts of women? Yet whilst the search dragged on, Eddard Stark and Hoster Tully came down upon the town with a rebel army. Bells and battle followed, and Robert emerged from his brothel with a blade in hand, and almost slew Jon on the steps of the old sept that gave the town its name.
For years afterward, Jon Connington told himself that he was not to blame, that he had done all that any man could do. His soldiers searched every hole and hovel, he offered pardons and rewards, he took hostages and hung them in crow cages and swore that they would have neither food nor drink until Robert was delivered to him. All to no avail.
Bobby B was very much loved by the people in general, in fact that's the whole thing with Stoney Sept. The townsfolk hid him because they loved him, despite the violence inflicted towards them. As Connington says, they endured everything for Bobby B's sake, they rebuffed bribes and they endured executions, even a hunger strike. Not one turned traitor, not one turned over Bobby B. Such we have a town hiding a "ruler" they love.
As a side-note, in the books the bells tolled to warn the citizens of the battle and to persuade them to stay inside their houses. It was a statement, marking a rebellion against the invading force and not a surrender signal. I believe it's in the show that is said, bells ring for dead kings, weddings (bride of fire, meaning biurning shit), and the beginning of war (this was waaay before they came up with the accident that is season 8).
Daenerys IV ~ ACOK
(second stanza) A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him. (...) A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. (...) A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.
Epilogue ~ AFFC
Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. (...) He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them."
Aegon (who's associated with boats, the Shy Maid) will be loved, he's the cloth dragon the people are cheering for (it doesn't mean he's fake, LMAO) and Danerys will burn King's Landing in retalliation. Like Cersei Lannister ended up "loved" in the penultime episode of the show, when she took the townsfolk inside the Red Keep. Forced, I know, but that's what they depicted and what Daniella thought just before she burned them all, the townsfolk preferred Cersei to Daniella. And we highly suspect show!Cersei took book!Aegon's role, such it will be him that will be sitting in King's Landing in the books.
The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
"Tywin Lannister himself could have done no more," he had insisted one night to Blackheart, during his first year of exile.
"There is where you're wrong," Myles Toyne had replied. "Lord Tywin would not have bothered with a search. He would have burned that town and every living creature in it. Men and boys, babes at the breast, noble knights and holy septons, pigs and whores, rats and rebels, he would have burned them all.
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he would have burned them all.
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This is Bran's prophetic visions in sequence, linking Drogon, flying over King's Landing, then an "equivalence" between Aerys saying "burn them all" and Danerys with Drogon.
It's also worth mentionioning for the milionth of time, that "Daenerys" is is an anagram for "Aerys End", you know the guy who wanted to burn King's Landing to the ground instead of letting beloved by the people Bobby B take the throne.
The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
He was not wrong, Jon Connington reflected, leaning on the battlements of his forebears. I wanted the glory of slaying Robert in single combat, and I did not want the name of butcher.
Daenerys IV ~ ADWD
Dany was appalled. He is a monster. A gallant monster, but a monster still. "Do you take me for the Butcher King?"
"Better the butcher than the meat. All kings are butchers. Are queens so different?" (...)
What have I done? she thought, huddled in her empty bed. I have waited so long for him to come back, and I send him away. "He would make a monster of me," she whispered, "a butcher queen." But then she thought of Drogon far away, and the dragons in the pit. There is blood on my hands too, and on my heart. We are not so different, Daario and I. We are both monsters.
Danerys accepting her dragon side, which haappens at the end of ADWD and this is why she manages to ride Drogon, is directly connected to being a monster, a butcher. This is word play that translated to the show as well.
GoT 7x02 - Stormborn
DAENERYS picks up a dragon figurine from the table.
DAENERYS: If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back, he'd have invaded King's Landing already.~
TYRION: Conquering Westeros would be easy for you. But you're not here to be queen of the ashes.
DAENERYS puts down the dragon figurine.
TYRION: We can take the Seven Kingdoms without turning it into a slaughterhouse. If the great houses support your claim against Cersei, the game is won.
Danerys clothes when she burned King's Landing have red staining the skirt, like a butcher's apron stained with blood as he works.
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The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
"Wait, I say. Gather our power, win some small lords to our cause, let Lysono Maar dispatch his spies to learn what we can learn of our foes."
Connington gave the plump captain-general a cool look. This man is no Blackheart, no Bittersteel, no Maelys. He would wait until all seven hells were frozen if he could rather than risk another bout of blisters. "We did not cross half the world to wait. Our best chance is to strike hard and fast, before King's Landing knows who we are.
In the show, Danerys is impatient to attack King's Landing, she doesn't want to wait, and has to be convinced REPEATEDLY to not "strike hard and fast". And in one of them, Daenerys and butchering linked together makes yet another appearance (the script above).
Aegon the Conqueror
Maegor the Cruel
Danerys the Butcher. Bitch deserves it.
Aegon and Jon Connington
In the second part of the chapter, Aegon arrives at the Griffin's Roost and Connington and Aegon discuss the attack on Storm's End.
Sansa VII ~ ASOS
The Broken Tower was easier still. They made a tall tower together, kneeling side by side to roll it smooth, and when they'd raised it Sansa stuck her fingers through the top, grabbed a handful of snow, and flung it full in his face. Petyr yelped, as the snow slid down under his collar. "That was unchivalrously done, my lady."
"As was bringing me here, when you swore to take me home."
She wondered where this courage had come from, to speak to him so frankly. From Winterfell, she thought. I am stronger within the walls of Winterfell.
The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
A solid man, and true, Connington thought as he watched Duck dismount, but not worthy of the Kingsguard. He had tried his best to dissuade the prince from giving Duckfield that cloak, pointing out that the honor might best be held in reserve for warriors of greater renown whose fealty would add luster to their cause, and the younger sons of great lords whose support they would need in the coming struggle, but the boy would not be moved. "Duck will die for me if need be," he had said, "and that's all I require in my Kingsguard. The Kingslayer was a warrior of great renown, and the son of a great lord as well."
At least I convinced him to leave the other six slots open, else Duck might have six ducklings trailing after him, each more blindingly adequate than the last. "Escort His Grace to my solar," he commanded. "At once."
Prince Aegon Targaryen was not near as biddable as the boy Young Griff had been, however. The better part of an hour had passed before he finally turned up in the solar, with Duck at his side. "Lord Connington," he said, "I like your castle."
"Your father's lands are beautiful," he said. His silvery hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were a deep purple, darker than this boy's. "As do I, Your Grace. Please, be seated. Ser Rolly, we'll have no further need of you for now."
"No, I want Duck to stay." The prince sat. "We've been talking with Strickland and Flowers. They told us about this attack on Storm's End that you're planning."
Jon Connington did not let his fury show. "And did Homeless Harry try to persuade you to delay it?"
"He did, actually," the prince said, "but I won't. Harry's an old maid, isn't he? You have the right of it, my lord. I want the attack to go ahead … with one change. I mean to lead it."
As I said in the part 1 of this series, there are many parallels between Aegon's story and Sansa's story. One is a future event, where Sansa and Aegonwill escape the toxic mentors that pose as their fake parent (even if Connington isn't 1/10 as bad as Littlefinger).
In Sansa's case, this most likely will happen when she flees north if "Sansa is Grey Girl" theory holds true (and it happened in the show, moreover this is a parallel she has with Arya and Bran as well, both will also have to flee their toxic mentors soon) and she'll grow more independent from Pedofinger as she regains her identity as Sansa Stark and with her cousin (and the North) by her side.
In Aegon's case, we can see that he's already more indepedent than he used to be (it all started when he stepped up at the Golden Company higher-ups and convinced them to fight for him and his cause). Connington suggests this is because the boy is now Aegon Targaryen and no longer Young Griff, in other words Aegon is growing more confident the more he regains his identity.I suspect that like Sansa, Aegon will grow even more confident with his cousin Arianne (and Dorne) by his side.
Sansa II ~ AGOT
When Sansa finally looked up, a man was standing over her, staring. He was short, with a pointed beard and a silver streak in his hair, almost as old as her father. "You must be one of her daughters," he said to her. He had grey-green eyes that did not smile when his mouth did. "You have the Tully look."
Sansa VII ~ AGOT
"I won't." He sounded almost like Marillion, the night he'd gotten so drunk at the wedding. Only this time Lothor Brune would not appear to save her; Ser Lothor was Petyr's man. "You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ."
"Might have been," he admitted, with a rueful smile. "But you're not, are you? You are Eddard Stark's daughter, and Cat's. But I think you might be even more beautiful than your mother was, when she was your age."
The Griffin Reborn ~ ADWD
But when Jon Connington stepped out onto the high battlements, the view was just as intoxicating as he remembered: the crag with its wind-carved rocks and jagged spires, the sea below growling and worrying at the foot of the castle like some restless beast, endless leagues of sky and cloud, the wood with its autumnal colors. "Your father's lands are beautiful," Prince Rhaegar had said, standing right where Jon was standing now. And the boy he'd been had replied, "One day they will all be mine." As if that could impress a prince who was heir to the entire realm, from the Arbor to the Wall. (...)
"Lord Connington," he said, "I like your castle."
"Your father's lands are beautiful," he said. His silvery hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were a deep purple, darker than this boy's. "As do I, Your Grace. Please, be seated. Ser Rolly, we'll have no further need of you for now."
Pedofinger and Ebonington. Leave the children alone! *screams*
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artistrashofmine · 4 years
I got around to finishing that one KamiBaku smut piece from weeks ago, so here it is! 
Pairing: Kaminari/Bakugou W/C: 3131 Rating: Explicit Link: AO3
Kaminari Denki could admit it, he was a bit of a pervert. At least he had the decency to admit it, and it wasn’t something that took up the forefront of his brain like Mineta, no, it was more like, he wouldn’t hesitate to admire, from afar, when it came to a nice figure or a pair of pretty eyes. And who would've thought the subject of his recent admiration was the one known as Bakugou Katsuki, the scary hot-head of 1-A.
How was he supposed to know that the blond was shirtless when knocking on his door. He simply wanted to return the notes he totally didn’t steal from Kirishima who had practically begged Bakugou to give them to him. Denki swore the blond was rubbing off on his hyperactive friend, for when the redhead found out he decided it fit to deem death upon the golden-haired student via returning the stolen notes to their owner. Hence the current situation.
“The hell you doing here?” The blond was quickly becoming less attractive the angrier he got… actually no, he was still hot, hot and angry. He guessed quirks really did say something about their users, hot and angry Explodo-Kills.
Denki didn’t know it was possible for a boy to have such a small waist and compared to his practically sculpted chest, that was saying something. He gave little thought to the attractiveness of males until now. Sure, there were some you couldn’t just ignore, but how the hell did he miss this gem?! Did Bakugou not change in the changing room with them?
“Oi, your fucking brain fried or something?!” Yeah, scary and attractive in all his shirtless, pent up anger… heh maybe it wasn’t just anger he got pent up, that would make sense, wouldn’t it?
Denki yelped as he dodged a hand that swung out to hit him, “chill! I just came to return some notes.”
He held the messy pile out for the other to take, “the fuck you got these for?”
“Kirishima gave them to me.” He failed to mention the part where he saw them laying on the kitchen counter and decided to borrow them for a few minutes in the hope to find the answers to tomorrow’s homework.
“Idiots,” Bakugou stated, grabbing the paper from his hands, ready to shut the door in his face.
“Wait, could it kill you to be a little nicer Kacchan?” He pouted, throwing a foot between the door, preventing it from getting slammed shut.
“Don’t call me that asshat!” The firecracker raged, hissing like a cat.
“Oh yeah, what would you prefer, Katsu~” Maybe he had a death wish but teasing him was well worth it with the pink hue that arose to his face.
“Say it normally!” He held up a fist threateningly.
“Do you even know my name, Katsu-ki?”
The blond sneered, “we’re not on first name bases asshole! And why the hell would I bother to remember some extra’s name?”
“Owch Kacchan… I can make you remember it?” He quirked an eyebrow subjectively pairing it with a wink, and for a full minute the other didn’t move a muscle, his face morphed into shock.
Denki thought he did it this time; the blond was going to kill him, he was dead meat, goodbye cruel world. He jumped back when the other’s jaw snapped shut, he expected some explosions, yelling, death. Instead, red flushed across the other’s skin, his eyes looking anywhere but at Kaminari, sparks exploding from his palms.
That’s when it clicked and suddenly everything made sense, “oh my god, you-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” the blond hissed, gritting his teeth, “whatever the fuck’s going through your head, you’re fucking wrong.”
Oh, Denki highly doubted that, “you know I have a few stress relief tactics, I can show them to you.”
“Fuck off!” He snickered at the distorted expression on the other’s face.
“Come on Katsu~ I can give you a hand.” He pushed the teasing, letting his yellow eyes wrack over the naked chest.
And Bakugou hesitated, “...whatever.”
Denki’s eyes snapped to his face, did he hear that right? Whatever ? That was as much of a yes you could ever draw from the blond, he must have heard wrong.
“ Whatever did you mean about that?” He took a step forward, into the dorm room, the owner of said room refused to budge, his stubbornness only earning an uncomfortable closeness between the pair.
He didn’t think the hot-heads face could get any redder, hell, he didn’t think the blond had the ability to blush in the first place, not that he was complaining.
Bakugou spluttered, “Fucking hell, get out.”
“Ahah, no way! Nice try, but I’m not letting that go!” Denki kicked the door behind him shut, leaning in closer, “what’s the matter Katsu, are you embarrassed because you’re-”
“Fuck off!” The other shuffled back, only provoking the blond to move in closer to the point where he could feel Katsuki’s breath on his cheek.
“-a virgin,” he finished, ignoring the other’s protest.
“The Bakugou Katsuki-” he inched forward, daring to lift his hand so that it swept across his unclothed skin to rest on his small midsection, “-a virgin. Do you even jerk it?”
The other choked, sparks popping in his hands as Kaminari continued, “with that quirk, I bet not, or not often. That’s why you're so short-tempered, huh? Who would have thought!”
“Not everyone’s so fucking horny that they need to jerk off every fucking day.” He defended through clenched teeth.
“So how often do you?” His lips were centimetres apart from the blonds.
“What is this, twenty questions? A fucking interview? You’re such a pain in the mmfp-” Bakugou’s lips were surprisingly soft, smooth and docile, they mingled with Kaminari’s, fit perfectly together.
The hot-head wasn’t a good kisser. Actually, Denki doubted he was trying or knew how to, rather he simply allowed his lips to follow the electrical-users own. And all the darker blond could think was, this is Bakugou . It was Bakugou who was following his lead, making out with him.
“This is your first kiss?” He teased, parting to come to the picture of a dark blush and swollen lips, his eyebrows knitted together per usual, only instead of the signature scowl he was a pout.
If Denki was being honest, it was a cute sight to behold and one of a kind.
“So?” his voice rumbled, “you should be happy if you were a bad kisser, which you probably fucking are, I wouldn’t know.”
Denki broke out in a grin, “oh I’m happy, you know how hot that is? I took your first kiss!”
“Hahh? If that’s all-” Kaminari grabbed the hand that came swiping at him, taking hold of it by the wrist.
“If you want more all you have to do is ask.” He backed the spiky-haired teen towards the bed, taking ahold of the other wrist while he was at it, restraining them above his head.
“Fuck,” the back of the blond’s knees hit the mattress, causing him to fall back, “fucking fine.”
“Fine?” the golden blond repeated, “is-”
“Get on with it!” Bakugou interrupted, blurting the words out at the other who stood above him.
“If you say so,” Denki leaned his to retake Katsuki’s lips, biting into the lower one, sweeping a palm along the hothead’s cheek to guide him.
Soon they found themselves reclining onto the bed, the blond’s head hitting his sheets in the electricity-users attempts to push them closer, his tongue pushing past the plump lips to explore the inexperienced mouth. Katsuki lay slack in his grasp, jaw falling open to allow the invasion, a small grunt emitting from the back of his throat. He couldn’t help it, not with the hands that roamed his body, that groped his chest, as if they were a female’s.
“Shit Bakugou,” the yellow-eyed teen backed off to once again look over his prey, “your body’s so lewd.”
An unrecognizable sound escaped from his mouth at the comment, or maybe it was because of the thumb flicked at his nipples.
“ Fuck ,” Kaminari rolled the hardened nub between his finger and thumb, the blond hissing out a “don’t do that!”
Denki only hummed, lowered his head to kiss his peck, taking the other nipple into his mouth, licking over it, sucking on the swollen skin.
“Hahh,” Katsuki arched his back, hands setting sparks off into his sheets.
“God you’re sensitive,” He parted, squeezing the pair together, “I think you have the best tits in the class, Kacchan.”
“Don’t say shit like that, their not-” he hissed, once again cut off, “ fuck . Stop squeezing them like that .”
Though the erection in his pants betrayed the blond’s words, so did hands that came to map out Kaminiari’s upper body, holding onto his back as if it were a lifeline. Denki was forced to pull him up as he backed away.
“I’m taking our pants off.” He concluded, undoing his own belt, throwing it out of the way and working off his pants and boxers.
“How many times do I have to tell you to just fucking…” Katsuki trailed off.
Denki raised an eyebrow, “just fucking?”
“Jesus how…” He mumbled in return, a quiet curse escaping, “fuck me.”
“That’s the plan.” the electric quirk user wore an amused expression, watching Bakugou’s eyes as they flickered back up to his face.
“That’s not going to fucking fit.”
“That's why I’m going to stretch you Katsu,” He tugged undid the blond’s jeans, “you don’t happen to have any lube, do you?”
“Why the hell would I have lube?”
“I didn’t think so,” he tossed both their remaining clothing off the bed, pulling Bakugou legs apart, placing one on his shoulder, causing his body to fall back onto the sheets.
“What the hell are you doing?” The blond bit his lip.
“Getting you wet.” With that, Denki lowered his head to lick a strip along the other’s entrance, earning a surprised yelp, though it didn’t deter the other who continued to lap at Katsuki’s hole.
The tip of the tongue tracing the blond’s puckering rim before pushing past the tight muscle, slipping into him. Katsuki let out a loud gasp, his body unconscious pushing up against the intrusion, asking for more. The golden-blond hummed, placing a hand on the other’s thigh in attempts to stop his squirming. Katsuki’s other leg hooked its self around his neck, ensuring that Denki stayed in place. Kaminari’s moved his free hand to join his head between the explosion-users thighs, retracting his tongue to fit a finger in his entrance, nipping at the rim with his teeth on the way back, earning a hiss. The digit sunk in with little difficulty, the plush muscle opening or him.
“Uuhh.” God, Bakugou sounded fucked already and they’ve barely gotten started, his leg twitching as he wiggled the finger, pushing it to the hilt along with the saliva that gathered outside, repeating the movement a few more times.
He’d need more for the next finger, withdrawing his hand with a small grunt of complaint about his partner, Denki took the digits in his mouth, wettening them.
“How do you taste so good Katsuki?” He pondered between the appendages, “it’s 'cause of your quirk, right?”
“Don’t say things like that Dunce Face! F-fucking gross!” The blond’s attempt to defend his integrity was cute but useless.
He wasn’t fooling anyone, hard cock on display, leaking against his stomach, legs practically trapping Kaminari between them so desperate for him to continue. And the blond had no problem doing so, returning the two fingers to where they belonged, one at a time, sinking into the pliant hole. Fucik did the hole eat them up, Bakugou was born to be a bottom, he could hardly believe the hothead when he said he was a virgin. Those lustful groans and lewd curses were anything but pure.
Denki couldn’t help but release the blond’s thigh to bring his hand down to stroke his own cock, watching the other’s blissed-out face as he twisted the digits, fucking the greedy opening with them.
“Here,” he pulled them out once again, “you can taste for yourself.”
“ What ?” The other panted, eyebrows knitted together, Kaminari bringing his hand up to hover over the blond’s mouth.
And to his surprise, with a slight moment of hesitation, Katsuki leaned forward, taking three digits into his mouth, tongue swirling around them, a deep hum emitting from him. His fiery red eyes answering to the challenge. He took the fingers to the back of his throat, and Kaminari could only picture that as his dick, making the blond gag on it. He had to remove the hand from his erection before he bust a nut. He had to pull Katsuki’s thighs open again, this time pushing all three fingers in at once.
“Ahh,” The other’s back bowed as they entered, if the stretch caused any discomfort, it didn’t show, maybe he liked it rough, after all, they only lubricant they were using was saliva, and that’s wasn’t exactly ideal.
Denki licked his lips, curling the fingers and shiting them around a few times before, “SHIT.”
There it was, the spot that’d have Katsuki screaming his name in seconds if he wanted. He brushed it a few times as he stretched the blond, actively avoiding hitting it straight on, causing the hothead to push back in messy attempts to hit the spot.
“Come on just fuck me already would you?!” He demanded, finally losing patience, and Denki wasn’t in the right mindset to argue, far from it.
The hand was removed for good, The golden-blond leaning back to rub the head of his cock on the flushed entrance, catching on the rim. He spit in his hand, rubbing the saliva along the length, “ready Katsuki?”
The lustful, red-eyes met his own, “hell yes.”
That’s all he needed, Denki pushed in, groaning as his cock entered the wet heat and tight walls that practically swallowed around him. Halfway sheathed he rested, breathing deeply, watching the blond do the same, squirming and getting used to the bulk of his member. Kaminari couldn’t help but to lean down and take the swollen pink lips against his own, beginning an idle makeout session with the other, hand coming up to rest against his small waste, squeezing it, gaging its petite size.
He parted, “god, you’re going to be so full of me by the end of the night.”
Katsuki quirked an eyebrow gravelly voice giving an affirmative, “better get to it then.”
So Denki’s other hand wrapped around the other side of his small waist and he pushed farther in, pulling the blond along with him until they were bottomed out. He let out another groan at the site before starting off on a slow pace. His dick dragging against Katsuki’s walls, ensuring that he felt every single movement, and with the way the hothead twitched and tighten around him, Denki didn’t think he intended to miss anything, as if he were trying to create a mould of Kaminari’s cock.
He pulled back until the tip threatened to exit before giving a hard, experimental thrust to the hilt. A yelp escaped from Katsuki, his thighs squeezing the golden-blond, so he gave another hard thrust.
This time drawing out a long, “yeees.”
The pace quickened, hard and fast, skin slapping again skin. Bakugou’s quirk setting off in the blankets.  He pulled the blond’s lower body up higher, angling himself, and...
“ FUCK .” Katsuki couldn’t help but scream out, Kaminari’s cock pounding into the bundle of nerves, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“You’re going to have to be quieter, Katsuki.” The other managed, fingers digging into the blond’s hips, “else the rest of the class will hear us. Unless you’d like that to happen~.”
In return the hot-head only bit his lip, though it did little use for seconds later his mouth was hanging back open, lewd sounds escaping from it. And he didn’t dare cover it with his hands that set off inconsistent sparks in the sheets.
“K-Kaminari!” Was the next broken yelp.
“So you do know my name?” He panted, eyes lidded as he looked down at the shaking body, “I won’t let you forget it Katsuki.”
“Denki, Denki…” he tried, “s-shut up… shit... Denki.”
The yellow-eyed hero in training groaned at the sound of his name falling from Bakugou’s lips, he was close. They both were from the looks of it. He quicked his pace, fingers digging in hard enough to break the skin.
“Come on, come on, come on.” He didn’t know if the encouragement was coming from him or the other but it seemed to work, Kaminari shuttering to a halt, cock deep in the blond as he came. His hand releasing the hip to messily jerk his partner to completion. A mewl coming falling from Katsuki as he came, release running over Denki’s fist. He jerked him through it stopping when the blond let out a hiss of discomfort. Only then did he remove himself from the pliant body, falling to the side. Discreetly wiping his hand off on the bedsheets as he caught his breath, Katsuki taking time to do so as well.
“Hey, Bakugou?” The yellow-haired student didn’t move his eyes from the ceiling.
“What?” Came the grumpy, muffled voice from beside him.
And despite his fears, Denki couldn’t help but look over at him. The male had turned over to lay on his stomach, the mess of pale-blond locks upon his head looking worse than ever before. Half his face was smothered in a pillow, the other half stared right back at him.
Denki’s breath hitched, there wasn’t a crease in sight. His face wasn’t wound up in an angry expression. He looked cute, like a curious cat.
“You know…” the yellow-eyed student started, “it’s usually common sense to go on a date first.”
The other’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “what are you getting at?”
The scratchy voice sent a shiver up his back, likely sore from his earlier vocals. And Kaminari could only imagine how sore his body will be tomorrow, if not tonight.  
“We should get dinner.” The golden-blond finally offered.
Bakugou took a minute to think it over, “I’ll cook. Oi what the fuck?!”
Denki grinned, draping himself over the other, snuggling up close, ignoring the grumbling from Bakugou as they settled.
Damn, if this was what it took to finally taste the famous Bakugou cooking, he’d be far from opposed to doing it again.
He had half a mind to tell the blond so, only to be threatened by death, but what did he expect? Not the round of sex to follow.
And if getting Katsuki riled up wasn’t his favourite past time before, it was now.
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custardcove · 3 years
Here’s a fifteen-questions meme I stole from my splat-blog! 
I’m not tagging fifteen people, but if you’re a mutual of mine that wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. 
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Pansy: A flower, if that counts! It’s a family tradition for the firstborn.
Ivan: Not exactly. I share a name with some video game character Alice liked the sound of.
Queenie: Sadly not. While I appreciate that my name stands out, sharing a name with one of my ancestors would’ve been a mark of pride.  
Taylor: Mmmnope. I like ‘Taylor’ enough because it starts with a T like Tomiichi, but I wasn’t named after anybody—though you know, as a point of interest, it was meant to rhyme with my brother’s name!
Neo: I was named after my grandmother.
2. When was the last time you cried? 
Pansy: Aw, man… I try to stay positive around Prim, but I do cry about silly stuff sometimes. Maybe a week ago? Sometimes the past just catches up to you.
Ivan: Longer than I can remember.
Queenie: What an invasive question! I don’t think that’s any of your business. I do not cry frequently.
Taylor: Now why’d you want to know a thing like that? I think I’ll keep it to myself!
Neo: Mind your own business.
3. Do you have kids?
Pansy: Have you met Primrose? That’s my daughter. She’s really sweet, but she’s also quite shy, so please keep that in mind.
Ivan: This is a difficult question to answer. I’d say no. I don’t think granting someone’s wish makes me a father.
Queenie: Not yet. I intend to.
Taylor: Woah, no! Do I look responsible enough to be a dad? Ahah…
Neo: No. I would rather not.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Pansy: I try not to, er, I’m not so great at it. And it’s kinda mean.
Ivan: I get reprimanded for being sarcastic. It happens regularly.
Queenie: What do you think?
Taylor: There’s always room for some well-placed sarcasm!
Neo: Any time I make a joke.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
Pansy: I try to get a good read on folks—so, I guess their whole profile? That’s before I start looking at their individual features. If something sticks out to me from there, I’ll focus on that—but not in a mean way! Like, seeing someone’s smile, or if they’re carrying something, or their size, or claws. That’s what I mean.
Ivan: Their aura. It’s not difficult for me to discern a person’s moral alignment, and that’s important for my role.
Queenie: Their posture, how they walk, how they talk. It’s important for a first impression and can often be an indication of status. Or, perhaps more importantly, an indication of their intent…
Taylor: Their mood! I don’t want to step on the toes of anyone that’s angry, and happier people are more likely to give you the time of day, you know? Improving someone’s low mood is great too, but I have to gauge my limits.
Neo: I’m not known for noticing people. How social they are, I suppose.
6. What’s your eye colour? 
Pansy: Psychic pink! They do that thing where they get more vivid when I use my powers—just the psychic ones, though. And I don’t use those too much ‘cause I risk a headache… still, I like my eyes.
Ivan: Brown, orange.
Queenie: Smoky Quartz.
Taylor: Brown. You know, like coffee? If I were a coffee, I think I’d be a Caffe Latte. … But, yeah they’re darker than that.
Neo: …I don’t mind my eyes being green as much as my hair.
7. Scary movie or happy ending? 
Pansy: Don’t mind either one, but I’d prefer a happy ending, even in a scary movie. That said, there are scary movies I just won’t watch, so I guess happy endings win out.
Ivan: I don’t waste much time watching films unless I’m asked to, but I prefer a happy ending. A good story is the most important, though.
Queenie: Happy endings are far too sappy and saccharine, but I can’t say I receive much thrill from horror either. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy watching them … my favourite part of a movie is criticizing it.
Taylor: Happy endings, please! I can’t understand why anyone would want to scare themselves – unless it’s silly fun, but that’s different. Y’know, not that I scare easy or anything…
Neo: Scary movies tend to be more interesting, but… I don’t have anything against happy endings. Horror isn’t my genre, either, unless it’s psychological.
8. Any special talents? 
Pansy: I have a bit of a green thumb!
Ivan: That all depends on your perspective.
Queenie: I’m an excellent piano player.
Taylor: People tell me I’ve got a lot of charisma, and I consider that a talent!
Neo: I suppose converting myself into digital matter could be considered a talent.
9. Where were you born? 
Pansy: A town not so different from Erryton, actually! It’s not far.
Ivan: Great question.
Queenie: Enigma Island, not far from Thorn’s Peak.
Taylor: Would you believe me if I told you I couldn’t remember? Aha. I know we moved when I was really young.
Neo: Doesn’t matter.
10. What are your hobbies? 
Pansy: Well, like I mentioned, I quite like doing plant stuff. I used to sketch ‘em and make notes about ‘em too, but I stick more to the practical side these days. I also like to bake! Mainly pies, cakes and cookies.
Ivan: I play the flute and cithara. Next question.
Queenie: I have a wide array of hobbies. I enjoy painting, reading, and  playing the piano—as I have already mentioned. While I’m not … particularly adept at sewing, I practice cross-stitch on occasion. I also like to write poetry, and take a bit of interest in botany…
Taylor: Most of my hobbies have some aspect of music tied to them—I like playing the guitar, mixing tracks, and just listening to albums. But I also like playing videogames and taking apart machinery for fun. I can even help people fix things! Er, sometimes.
Neo: I read comics and watch movies, like most people. You wouldn’t be interested.
11. Do you have any pets?
Pansy: Not anymore, but I’ve had two cats – Mr Ravioli in my childhood home, and then Kiki later on. I’ve considered getting another, but I think I should wait until Primmy is a little older…
Ivan: No.
Queenie: Estelle! She’s a darling little kitty-cat and I love her so. <3
Taylor: One dog, a shibe—my father bred his, and I got a puppy. Tadashi!
Neo: My brother makes robots, and we have one of those roving floor cleaners. I would consider that a pet. We call him V.I.N.CENT.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Pansy: I’m not really big on sports – I like magic fights? But I don’t do that a lot now.
Ivan: I may have taken part in some sport or another, but if I did, I did not commit it to memory.
Queenie: I like to swim, though I have not played any sports as such. I have also been horse riding—oh, and I’ve played badminton once or twice.
Taylor: Alice likes table tennis, and we play together sometimes. Apart from that, um… I’ve been asked to play football and baseball before?
Neo: I like to run. Parkour is fun too.
13. How tall are you? 
Pansy: Five foot seven, and I’m the shortest in my family…
Ivan: Depends.
Queenie: A reasonable five feet and ten inches without heels.
Taylor: Ahaha … let’s just skip this one, shall we? You don’t need to know that.
Neo: Taller than you.
14. Dream job? 
Pansy: I’ve pretty much got my dream job, all things considered! I guess I’d like it if I could get paid to do plant study, but I never really had the grades to do that as a job.
Ivan: I’m working on my rank.
Queenie: I have entertained the possibility of having a career before. Hotel management seems like an interesting prospect … or a jeweller, perhaps? Oho, I don’t know if I could be trusted to sell anything. Either way, I’m comfortable enough managing my home and finances.
Taylor: I’ve always wanted to be a big-name tv presenter—hell, even a small-name gameshow host! I’ve not given up on my dream yet, but being a radio show host is close enough. I can use it as a stepping stone. Yeah, a music quiz show would be great…
Neo: I don’t know. Even when it comes to things I like doing, I’m not sure I’d want to make a job out of it. Coding is just convenient.
15. Favourite subject in school? 
Pansy: Science! I also liked geography, ‘cause I was pretty decent at it.
Ivan: I have never attended school.
Queenie: I’ve both been to school and had private tutors, but my favourite subjects were history and literature. They rely on eachother, so were easy to write papers on.
Taylor: Apart from the obvious ‘music’, it was mathematics—and yes, I’m serious! I also liked science and IT.
Neo: From what I remember of school, I liked science and computing classes. The rest of what I learned was from online courses.
 That’s… that’s it? It just ends? Alright then.
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