#I have yet to navigate kofi a bit more since I don’t use it THAT often but I’d certainly like to
sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
Thinking about doing kofi sketch requests as a small side thing with commissions. I’m more worried about generating a backlog but I think if I kept it simple enough (like a black and white sketch like someone suggested) it wouldn’t be that bad
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Away for a Moment
Here’s a smattering of feelings. It’s self indulgent af and sad. So yeah. No specific race or gender of reader. 
Calum didn’t think missing you would hurt this much. 
Find Part 2 Here
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You weren't gone gone. Calum could pick up the phone, tap on your last message to him and pull up your number. He could call. He could lay in bed with the phone pressed up to his ear and wait for your voice to float in through the other line. It would be easy, so damn easy. 
But he knows if he did you wouldn't be able to answer right away. It's barely evening. The sun has just started to caress the horizon through his windows. But you hadn't sent another message to let him know that you had gotten back to your apartment from training. Calum figures that maybe you spent a few extra hours out to get some work done and doesn't want to disturb you.
It's just not the same anymore without you. His bed isn't full like it used to be without you. His kitchen isn't full of music and dancing, and cooing at Duke like it used to be without you. And it's entirely selfish Calum knows the way his fingers ache to craddle your face and the way he wants to tell you to stay with him.
Staying with him would make him miss you less. Staying with him would ensure that the house never feels empty. But having you stay doesn't ensure your dreams. Staying with him means a very real possibility that all the opportunities that you had worked so hard to find would pass you by. Calum can't ask you to stay, but he wishes he had spent more time memorizing the way your shampoo smells fresh from a wash. He wishes he had recorded more of your breakfast concerts.
Still working hard or hardly working? Calum hits send on the text, sitting up on the bed. Everything in him wants you to come bursting back through that door. Everything in him wants to kiss your lips one more time and savor the taste of your fruity gum--a habit you picked up to replace the nervous nail biting.
Everything in him wants his goddamn phone to buzz. But it doesn't.
Calum pads into the music room and office. Duke's still on the couch and Calum's not sure when the old man wondered into the room or why Duke hadn't traveled away from the couch just yet. As he gets closer to the couch, Calum sees what Duke's curled up on--your sweatshirt from your alma mater. The one you couldn't find as you were unpacking boxes and sorting out your closet.
Calum reassured you that you had packed up most of your clothes and that it would turn up eventually. Attempting to move anywhere in a weekend always seemed better in theory, but when training got moved up--you had to get into high gear. Packed to the hilt in his SUV, Calum and you set out for a cross state trip. It was only a few states over. Only put you an hour ahead of him. He could pick you up or you could take the train or a plane for cheap back to LA.
He had already planned to visit you. He said it jokingly to you, but he had cleared his schedule for early October to come visit just for a weekend. He planned that for most of it, you'd be holed up studying or grading papers, but at least for a few hours in the small blimp in time the two of you could sight see and just get fucking lost for once without worry.
Calum snaps a picture of his old man curled up on your old sweatshirt and sends it. I found where that sweatshirt went. I think I'm going to have a hard time convincing him to let me ship it you.
Calum settles onto the rolling chair, staring at Duke and out the window beyond. How could he miss you so fast? It was only a week. Just a week ago he was rearranging sofas and building bookshelves and unfolding your clothes while you put them all on hangers. Just a week ago you were navigating him to the Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Burger King, Chipotle, and Chilis laughing as you confused your right and left for the millionth time.
Just a week ago when you tapped on the wrong Wal-Mart because it was the first one that Maps showed you. Just a week ago the two of you were laughing, curled up under your new bedsheets. "You're gonna leave me for two years, and I can't believe it," he whispered. You had fallen asleep, the fan in the corner of your bedroom blowing a constant stream of cooler air onto the both of you.
And how could Calum say that he couldn’t believe you were leaving him when he left you all the fucking time? How much of a fucking hypocrite could he be to say that? 
He tried to reason with himself. Even though Calum left, he always knew he’d be coming back to you. He knew you’d always be there. And now, his home is across state lines. His house doesn’t feel like his house anymore because he had built a home in you and now you’re not here anymore. This physical building doesn’t really mean jack shit to him anymore with you. And sure it was only two years; it was only two years in total that you’d be away from him. And sure the degree was practically paid for, and sure, Calum couldn’t keep you from chasing your dreams. 
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t miss you while you were out there soaring. 
Was this how his mum felt when he left at sixteen? Did she have a strange bubbling mixture of sadness and pride? Because that’s surely what’s brewing in the pit of Calum’s stomach. That mixture is what makes his fingertips ache. 
There’s still no new message from you. Calum drops his phone to the desk with a clatter, burying his face into the palms of his hands. “God, I should’ve moved with them,” he mutters into the open air. 
The two of you had this conversation a thousand times over. You didn’t want him to move because what would the other guys to music wise while Calum was with you? And what about Duke? And would Calum sell his house or keep it while renting something else for those two years? Your life was a little easier to uproot, since you knew you’d be coming back. This is just a step into the world that you wanted and you didn’t know where it was going to take you from there, but Calum couldn’t be his life on pause.
It’s like bile in his throat. The way the tears are stinging his eyes and his throat starts to burn. The tears are silent. Just the upturn of his lips and the sting of hot and salty water down his cheeks. The amount of things that can change a week are unbelievable and Calum’s not sure how he’s going to make it another eleven months and three weeks. 
His shoulders shake. The heels of his palms don’t do a damn thing to hold back the tears. You’re not gone. He can pick up his phone, tap onto the last message he sent you and pull up your number. He can call. He can sit in this office chair with the phone pressed to his ear and wait for your voice to float in through the other line. 
Calum’s phone finally shakes, it buzzes for a long interval, stops, and then starts again. He’s quick to wipe his hands onto his sweatpants and flip over the device. He taps to answer the call and his phone chimes, the video of you bouncing down a sidewalk fills the screen. “Hey, Cal. Sorry, I hung back to chat with some other student teachers. I think I could shit a brick right now. But I hear a certain old man’s hogging my favorite sweatshirt.”
Calum sniffles, wiping underneath his nose with the back of his hand. “Yeah, that would be Baby Grandpa snuggling up with it.” He’s relieved to see you, to hear the chirp in your voice when previously you cried into your dinner just a week before moving because of the nerves and anxiety. 
Calum’s praying his voice isn’t too croaky, that it doesn’t give him away. But he knows it well. And when your pinched brows and concerned flooded eyes land onto the screen, Calum knows you know. 
“Babe, you alright? Looks like you’ve been crying?”
“I’m-yeah, no, I’m okay. I’m happy to see you.” If he can change the subject he doesn’t have to explain why he keeps sniffling. He doesn’t have to explain why his eyes are no doubt red. 
“Angel, please don’t do that. Tell me what’s wrong.” The white cord of your headphones bounce and he can hears your harsh exhales. And it only reminds him that you’re not here. 
“I miss you.” It’s just one sentence; it’s only three words. But it makes his chest feel like it’s been punched in. It feels like someone’s pulling his spine out through his diaphragm. 
You pause, taking in his red eyes and the wobble of his chin. And you know. You know he didn’t want to admit it, but there was no way to hold it in anymore. “I’m sorry, Calum. I miss you too. I miss Duke. I miss you grumbling that I’m too happy at seven in the morning.”
Calum exhales a little, a small bit of laughter following after it. “Breakfast sucks with you. And I know this is what you have to do for yourself. I can’t stress how proud I am of you for doing this. But fuck, I didn’t realize it’d be this hard.”
People pass you by. Calum can hear them, the muffled parts of their conversation coming through your mic. You are so far away and it’s killing him. Two years. Two years of the two of you building up a relationship in tiny corners and through handwritten letters and stolen kisses and in text messages. Two years and you had cracked the defenses Calum had and he didn’t want to let you go. 
“I’m coming back, my love. There’s weekend trips and school breaks.” 
You get it though. There was a year where Calum was just gone. He was bouncing between time zones and when he did come back home he was prepping for the next leg of a tour, the next leg of promotion, the next part of something. And it’s so hard to create a new routine initially. It’s hard to regulate who you are on your own. 
“I feel like a hypocrite. Because I left. I don’t know. I feel untethered.”
You nod. “I understand that. It’s an adjustment, a huge one. It’s okay to feel a little unraveled.”
“And I don’t want to add onto your stress. I know it’s not easy.” 
“I’m here for you. You know that. Who’s answered your calls at 2 am before?” Calum doesn’t respond. Can’t as another wave of emotion rocks his core and he rolls his lips over his teeth to swallow back down the emotion. “And who do you think is going to be there to answer your call again at 2 in the morning? Or 3? Or 6 in the morning? At noon? At 6:37 in the evening? It’s gonna be me no matter what.”
Calum reclines his head into the cushion of the seat. It’s always been you. You’ve always been there when he needed it. And even if you are miles away, you still responded. You still called back. 
“Thanks,” Calum says. His chin still wobbles. He blinks back the rest of the tears. “So tell me about it. What did you do today? We can talk after you have some food.”
The world continues on about you. More people pass you by and you watch Calum. His eyes are still painted red. But his voice doesn’t break like before. It’s a bit of a breeze so you settle onto the bench for the bus even though you can hear it coming down the street. A strong breeze creates static in your mic for a moment before your voice comes in clearer. 
“We went over one of the assignments in depth that we have to teach. Met some other student teachers. I talked to my faculty mentor about my course schedule and work schedule and they said that I probably should let myself go easy this first semester.”
“So you did drop a class?”
You nod at Calum’s question. The bus rolls to a stop in front of you, but you don’t look up from your phone. “I did. I was scared to because I really wanted to take that class. But I heard it’s also offered in the spring, so I enrolled for it then.”
“Is it with a different professor? Or the same one?”
“Different one.”
The conversation flows until your bus comes back around again and you know you have to take it this time. But you keep Calum on the line. And he’s just watching, with his elbows on the desk and his head supported by his palms, he watches you. And it’s nothing glamorous as the bus rattles and shakes. Your phone lays in your lap, cradled in your hands. Occasionally, you glance down to cross your eyes and stick out your tongue at him and he hums his laughter. 
It’s the little things. Like watching the way your head reclines into the window or how you just know when to pull for your stop. And as you walk down blocks and stop to wave at a dog as the owner jogs past. And Calum knows he’s not there with you. He knows that you’re not walking up to his door, but maybe all he needs are the little things with you. 
“What’s for dinner?” he asks as you step into your apartment. 
“Literally it might be hotdogs because I’m mentally exhausted.”
“You need a veggie too.”
You laugh, keys hitting the counter. “I won’t forget a veggie. I’ll call you back in a bit, yeah? After I eat and get some homework done.”
“Okay. Can that be a daily thing? Just so I know you get back home safely.” It’s soft as he asks, unsure if it makes hims sound overbearing or not. 
“Sure. Once I get my schedule set, I’ll let you know and we can do that. Make sure to send me more pics of Duke though, since know he owns my sweatshirt now.”
Calum stares down at the black screen. You’ve long hung up, no doubts scarfing down the hotdogs you mentioned. And while the ache has subsided, Calum still feels you in every inch of him. He feels the yearning. The sun’s slipped behind the horizon, the last feathers of light won’t last long. And before Calum’s thinking his fingers are slipping over the frets. He bent over the bass, thinking maybe, just maybe the notes will make sense of the feelings in his gut. 
Your phone chimes, pushing rubrics and sticky notes to the side, you pick it up. A notification from instagram, from Calum. The video’s completely dark and it’s just him bent over the instrument as its throaty cries swell. Post you blues, it reads. The caption is tiny, almost missable if you’re not careful. But you see it. If you had any other choice, you wouldn’t have left. If it wasn’t your dream, you wouldn’t have left. 
I love you. Even across miles and interstates and timezones, I love you. 
Calum wants to tattoo the text message to his eyelids, so when he goes to sleep at night or when he closes his eyes to keep form crying, he can see that you’re not gone, just away from a moment. 
@5-secondsofcolor bc my Sunshine asked me to tag her so she could read it after shleeps. 
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banditthewriter · 5 years
I’ll Be Here For You - Five - Billy Russo
Prompt: Hey, can you write a billy russo/reader where the reader's daughter's class is on a field trip in a forest and billy comes along to be like a chaperone with the reader and like everyone including parents and kids are so fangirling over him and the reader and her daughter are so proud. Thanks! Prompter: Anonymous
Proof that I am never done with a fic... here’s part five almost a year after the 4th installment to the I’ll Be Here For You series. 
Disclaimer that you shouldn’t try this at home. Also anyone who has seen Troop Beverly Hills might recognize something from the movie in this. Kudos to you!
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists! Interested in supporting my work? Kofi link in my bio! *gif is mine* Enjoy!
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“Okay guys, we’re going to be heading out shortly. Are all of our chaperones here?”
You opened your mouth to say that at least one was missing when he came strolling through the doors with the other guide. A few of the moms were cursing their luck that an attractive man was joining them on a trip when they weren’t dressed the best.
Most of the kids were excited because they recognized Mr Russo as the soldier their teachers had told them would be joining them. They wanted to ask all kinds of questions, but he was busy with the other guide and making sure everyone was prepared.
You shook your head and looked down at Harper. She had started to smile when she saw Billy, but then she went back to talking with her friends.
When did you get an eight year old? How did this happen?
Her interest in this summer program was one hundred percent Billy’s fault. She listened to him talk about being in the Marines and the things he knew. Of course he steered clear of the worst of it, but Harper seemed interested in the survival aspect.
Fast forward a few weeks and somehow you had been conned into going with your daughter on a hiking trip with Billy as one of the guides. It was a summer program that consisted of classes that taught the kids how to navigate by the stars and survive in the wild. This was just a day trip, but there was a camping excursion in a few weeks if she enjoyed this one.
You weren’t sure you liked the idea of your daughter being able to survive in the wild. She was already too independent by your standards.
Billy made eye contact with you as he went around to meet the other chaperones. You raised an eyebrow at him as your eyes darted over to the Single Moms, capital letters and all. You wouldn’t be surprised if they started talking loudly about their single status before the trip even begin.
“It’s not easy being a single mom,” Deborah said loudly, right on cue.
His eyes grew wide and he looked back at you. You gave him a shit eating grin before you turned around to face Harper and the two other kids she had bonded with; Sherry was ten and Miles was right around Harper’s age.
“Alright guys, wanna go meet the guides before we get on the bus?”
Miles rushed forward before you could say anything else. Sherry was a little slower, looking back to check why Harper wasn’t beside her.
“C’mon Harp, don’t you want to meet the guide?”
You waited to see how your daughter would explain her connection to Billy. But you should have known better.
“Sure, I’ll come meet the guide,” she said with a wide grin as she skipped forward, winking at you.
Well, blinking at you. She hadn’t learned to only close one eye when she was winking yet. You were working on it.
You watched her approach Billy and the other guide, a man named Charlie who looked a little terrified of that many kids being around him While the other kids looked on in awe, Harper didn’t feel the need to play coy. She marched right up to Billy and held out her hand.
“I’m Harper Y/L/N,” she greeted with a wide smile.
Billy’s smirk could easily be misconstrued as a man that was amused by a kid’s antics. You knew that that was at least part of it. The other part was that he enjoyed her devious side.
You had made a mistake letting those two meet. You’d barely had a moment of peace since.
“Nice to meet you Harper. I’m Billy.”
She smiled super wide once more and stepped back so the other kids could introduce themselves. You shook your head and joined the other chaperones.
“God we got a good looking one this year,” Deborah said just loud enough for you and the other moms to hear. “Think he’s into single moms?”
You gallantly held in a snort. Instead of giving your own opinion on the matter, you met eyes with the other guide who still looked a little shell shocked.
It had to be his first time.
“We should probably start loading onto the bus,” you said pointedly as you gestured to your watch.
“Of course,” Charlie said before he blew into his whistle, the sound loud and piercing. “Out to the parking lot so we can leave.”
As the parents got their kids and their things, you hoisted your bag over your shoulder. You might have gotten Billy to show you the essentials so you wouldn’t have to lug around your bag and then, inevitably, Harper’s as well. Billy ended up at your side as the two of you made your way out of the building and into the morning heat.
“How much do you want to bet that Charlie steals a bus and leaves us to the wolves?”
Billy snorted and shook his head. He pulled a pair of Oakley sunglasses off of his collar and put them on. It meant that you couldn’t see his eyes moving over you, but you could feel them.
“So are we playing stranger danger here? If I flirt with you, will you tell my girlfriend?”
You elbowed him gently as you swung the bag around to grab your own sunglasses.
“As long as you don’t tell my boyfriend that I was checking you out in that room, I think we’re good.”
He gave you a wink and gestured his hand out for you to go in front of him. You realized as you moved that he just wanted to check out your ass.
Just for that, you put a little sway in your hips. Why not?
The bus ride consisted of singing. You weren’t sure who had started it, but there was a Frozen sing-along going on and you were about to tear out your hair.
Actually you were pretty sure it was your darling daughter who started it.
“That man is making my mouth water,” one of the other moms said as Billy stood up to go and talk to the bus driver. “Did you see his ass?”
“His ass? Did you see his arms? I’m going to hell but I don’t care.”
You rubbed your forehead and tried not to laugh outright. These women were thirsting over Billy and while you didn’t blame them, part of you wanted to march up to the front of the bus and show them that he was off the market.
Not that you thought Billy would be tempted. The two of you were very serious after two years. After what you both went through at the beginning with Daniel and Billy stepping into the father figure role, you weren’t worried about his eyes looking for greener pastures.
You were a little curious about Harper though. She went between calling him Billy or dad at home, no rhyme or reason as far as you could tell. Would she slip up and call him dad out here?
Billy made his way down the aisle, carefully telling kids to not stand or that their singing was perfect. You couldn’t help the fond smile when he stopped by Harper for an extra moment. He even let his hand brush the top of her head as he walked by, a move that he did at home when she was focused on homework or television.
Then he came towards the back where most of the chaperones were. He didn’t let his eyes linger on you for too long, but you knew that at least one of the moms had to have noticed.
“We’ll be pulling into the lot in about ten minutes. We’ll take a bathroom break and get everyone split up into groups before we head off.”
“Sounds great Mr Russo,” Deborah said as she leaned forward a bit and… when did she unbutton her top that far?
Billy looked at her for a moment before he simply turned back around and made his way back up towards his seat in the middle of the bus. You’d seen him make a strategic retreat on more than one occasion to recognize that that’s what he was doing now.
This was going to be an interesting hike.
The hike went perfectly. Charlie stayed to the edges to make sure the group didn't stray behind or get off course. Billy stayed at the front to lead and take opportunities to teach the kids different things.
He let them navigate by the position of the sun, a compass, and a map. He showed them which plants could be used as nutrients, which could be used as first aid. The kids followed along intently to every word he said.
The chaperones did too. You noticed that their respect for him seemed to increase when they saw how competent he was. And how great he was with the kids.
He didn't pay too close attention to Harper, careful to keep up the guise she started, but you could see the pride on his face when she got something right.
And she was always eager to impress him but was willing to let the other kids get a chance as well.
After the turning point, you were all headed back to the parking lot. There was a rope bridge to cross before you'd have a short distance to hike back to the bus.
While the others crossed, Harper tugged on your hand to drag you over to check out a bird’s nest. It gave the others time to cross.
“What kind of bird is it mom?”
You were about to pull out your phone to Google when you heard a commotion over at the rope bridge. You glanced up in time to see Charlie scrambling up the steep embankment as the rope bridge dangled uselessly.
It had snapped. Time and the elements had eaten away and made it unusable.
You tucked Harper under your arm and breathed out a sigh of relief once Charlie was back up with the others. No one had gotten hurt, but it was a close thing. If you and Harper had been crossing behind Charlie…
No, you wouldn't think about that.
The gap wasn't too wide, but it wasn't something you could just leap. The bridge was useless at this point.
“Y/N, Harper, you guys okay?”
Billy was on the other side looking like he planned on crossing the gap by sheer determination. You gave him a tense smile and waved your hand.
“We’re okay. Is there another crossing?”
Billy nodded but even over this distance you could tell he was frowning.
“It's about a mile past where we turned around,” he said uncertainly.
The turn around point was already a mile from where you were currently. Two miles plus having to double back to get the the parking lot? It'd be dark before you got that far.
“You want a crash course in navigating by the stars kiddo?”
Harper was frowning and you could see the worry on her face. You tried to smile but you weren't looking forward to it.
“Billy, down here,” Charlie hollered from a ways down. He gestured to a tree trunk that had fallen across the gap, bridging from one side to another. “Looks sturdy to me.”
Billy didn't look certain, but it was better than hiking all over the forest to get home. He put a foot on it and then looked over to the two of you.
“I'm going to throw over a rope for you guys to tie at waist length on a nearby tree. Tie it tight. You're going to use it as a guide across, okay?”
He pulled a large coiled length of rope from his pack. To get it across, he tied the rope around a thick branch motioned for you both to stand to the side before he threw it over.
After you untied it from the branch, you went to a tree close to the one that had tipped over to tie it at waist height.
“I can show you some good knots,” Harper said as she approached, biting her lip as she did so.
Your brave girl. She was scared witless and yet offering to help.
“Sounds like a plan to me. Let's see what we got.”
She showed you some knots. Between the two of you, you got the rope tied off. Then you pulled some more rope and a few D rings from your own pack.
Thank you Billy for being paranoid and over prepared.  
You attached the rope around her waist and then around yours. It wasn't perfect, even with Billy shouting suggestions from the other side, but it would keep Harper tethered to you.
It was a steep drop. You hadn't paid attention when you crossed the rope bridge before, but this was incredibly unsafe. You were going to be writing a strongly worded letter once you got to the other side.
If you could keep Billy from going straight to the people that owned the park.
The log looked… unsteady. And tears were gathering in your daughters eyes as you told her to get on first.
“Keep a hand on the guiding rope,” Billy said as he made sure it was tied off on his end. “Keep the other out for balance. One foot at a time.”
You let Harper on first but you kept your eyes on her feet at all times. If the wood looked rotted, you told her to step somewhere else.
Billy coached from the other side too. You could hear the synchronized gasps from the other kids and parents as the two of you slowly made your way over the log.
“Don't look down,” someone warned which made you hiss out a breath when Harper immediately did as much.
“Mommy,” she cried as her knees locked up, fists tight on the rope.
“You're doing good sunshine. Come on, just a little further. And just think, this is so much cooler than just hiking in the woods.”
She gave a wet laugh before she tried to take another step. Her foot caught on a knot and she wobbled a bit so you reached out to steady her.
“C’mon Harp, you're doing great baby,” Billy urged as he stood at the other end of the log, arms up and waiting.
It was probably taking every inch of willpower her had to keep from trying to cross the log and get both of you to safety.
You urged her forward. Once she was moving again, Billy in her sights, she moved a little steadier. You guided her movements from behind, fingers tense on the rope.
Once she was within grabbing distance, Billy pulled her off the log and into his arms. You rushed forward at that point, the tether keeping you close and also because you could take longer steps now.
Harper was holding onto Billy so tightly that you didn't think she planned on letting go. You moved into the embrace and kissed Harper’s sweaty forehead.
“You did great, both of you,” Billy said as he kissed Harper’s forehead and then kissed you. “You're okay, you're both good. You're safe.”
Mutters from the kids and parents reminded you that you had an audience. When you all pulled apart, although Billy was holding yours and Harper's hands, you could see confusion and a little jealousy.
“Oh,” Harper exclaimed as she wiped her eyes as if the whole thing was behind her now, “have you all met my dad?”
Harper was asleep. She has started snoring before you even got her home, so you waited in your car until Billy pulled in and had him carry her.
He stayed in her room to watch her sleep for a little while before he came into where you were washing your hands.
“Hey,” he mumbled into your neck as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
“You did great today,” you boasted as you leaned back to kiss his cheek.
“I felt like I was being tortured seeing you two on that log.”
That was a surprise. You turned around in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I meant as a guide. But what are you talking about, you seemed completely in control.”
He laughed and ducked his head down for a second. You knew him well enough to know he was centering himself, making sure that he was in control of his emotions.
“I held it together because that's what I'm trained to do, sure. But seeing you and Harper in harm's way and me not being able to control the situation? It brought back a lot of bad memories.”
The war. Billy didn't talk about his time in the service that often, but from the little you knew, it had been hard on him.
“You got us back in one piece. You were amazing out there.”
He pressed his lips to yours. The touch was quick, but long enough for you to feel his breath coming in faster.
“It just made me feel helpless. The two loves of my life crossing an unsteady log and all I can do is hold on to a rope.” He shook his head briefly before he pressed his forehead to yours as he explained, “I've never felt that terrified before.”
And it wasn't even a big threat. You smiled and tugged him in closer, leaning so that you could kiss him easily. He returned the kiss eagerly, desperately. His hands clenched against your hips as he pressed you back against the counter.
After both of you had calmed down a bit, you snuggled into his side on the couch. You needed to cook dinner. Or at least order something. And you needed to wake up Harper or she wouldn't sleep tonight.
“She introduced me as her dad,” Billy said in a voice so full of pride that it made you sit back.
“Well yeah, that's what she calls you, right?”
He shrugged his shoulder as his fingers drifted up and down your arm.
“Yeah, at home. In public I'm usually Billy. And when she introduces me I'm either her mom's boyfriend or her step-dad. It's the first time she's introduced me as her dad.”
You bumped your shoulder into Billy's and smiled up at him.
No words were needed in that moment. You were happy with the family you had, even if it wasn't the most conventional. You and Billy had talked about marriage, but it wasn't something either of you felt you had to race towards.
You both knew that it was headed in that direction. You were as good as marries in both of your minds. And Harper considered Billy to be her dad more than she ever felt towards Daniel.
Soon Harper would be awake and you'd have the two most important people in your life within arms reach. Until then, you held on to Billy a little tighter.
You had no regrets.
Let me know if you want to be added to my Permanent Tag List @hermioneshandbag @onebatch--twobatch @smiley-celine @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @starless-skyox @youveseen--thebutcher @citation-is-here @mightymelly @realduckvader @1550kilogramsofsilver @hxbbit @rockintensse @missphanosaur18 @thepuffyeyedpuff @kararanae23 @yessy2012 @gingerstarlight @siriusement @marauderskeeper @xinyourdreamsx @wickidlady @mahalobro @sassygirl25 @maraudereestauderelb @rainyboul @cutie-bug @random-quartz @holamor @lea----b @heyitslexy @detectivebourbon @coffeenmoscato @presstocontinue @elisemockingbird @assbuttwithwings @geeksareunique @siriuslovesmarlene @witch-of-letters @delicatelilyflower @l-l-c-m-w-b @whovianayesha @hiddenprincess @yannii04 @jeanettexkillian @brighteststarinthesky @kilyra @gallxntdean @sweetvengeancee @lady1505 @thedarklightwithinus @ateliefloresdaprimavera @siriuslyimmoony @elodieyung @fudgeflyss @madamrogers @thatwrestlingfan91 @teranya @yesixoxo @sophiabulbu69 @delusionsofnostalgia @effielumiere @mamaraptor @hot-and-spiceyyy @i-padfootblack-things @aya-fay @fcavalerro @sithskywalkers @raquelbc2003 @nildaebony @iwishyoucouldbekissed @lostinthoughts23 @tamanamohain @newtstarmander @suchatinyinfinity @blushingskywalker @queencocoakimmie @funerals-with-cake @love-dria @arrowswithwifi @swiftyhowlz @cheyfleur @dark-night-sky-99 @margot-black @celestegolden @king4thesirens @beautifuldesastre @ashkuuuu @luminex3 @nerdypinupcrystal @curlyhairedblueeyedangel @kryyta @russosprettydiamondnow @myplaceofheavenorhell @cafeconsoya @dorkybryan
Let me know if you want to be added to my Billy Russo Tag List @something-tofightfor @piink-magnolias @hoodedhavok @aylinnmaslow @musingsofbanana @bluebird214 @rileyblues @nerrdstark @that-bwitch @ethereal-heavcns @queenisabella789 @colddecember-night @j-finco @arthoeaesthetixbs​ @tomhiddlestonsbeard @mischiefs-never-managed @romanceyour-ego @evyiione @drinix @sweetheart-im-the-boss @thebabblingbook @katieswinforddiaries @benbarnesfanforever @releasethekracko @itsjustmylifeconfessions @nostalgic-uncertainty @aveatquevale- @clarasworldofwonders @ladyblablabla​ @thehanneloner @hellostarposts @girlwhoisfearless @maria-beretta @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @marcelskittel @fictionwillneverdie @avipshamitra @hysteriadarling @living-on-rice @hello-la-v-en-rose @tiredofthisgeneration @marveliskindacool @giggleberts @stateofloveandvedder @encounterthepast @ironstank @spettrocoli @xserenax-13 @sleepwalkingelite @dreamingofonceuponatime @supernaturalcat7 @rosebunnie @damagelove @iblogabout-stuff @petersunderoos96 @dylanobrusso @littlemermaidprobz @agent-scully-182 @editboutique @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes​ @ania2603 @screwmesiriusblack @figlia--della--luna @balladblood @cloudywithachanceofcupcakes-blog @jessicahh @flightoftheflightrisk @slamharder @roschele 
214 notes · View notes
huihuiheart · 6 years
I will write for everyone at this point. If I do not know who it is that you requested, it will take longer since I would like to check them out before I do anything for them. I will let you know about how long it will take (basically I will tell you if I know them or not). I am open to trying about anything at this point in terms of imagines, stories, and one shots. Just if I haven't done it yet let me know what you want specifically from requesting that!
I have both free requests and commission options available, some are different, so for information please check below:
Free Requests:
Drabble Requests (< 1,000 words): 0/5 taken
In Bed Requests: 0/3 taken
MTL Requests: 0/3 taken
Aesthetic Requests: 0/3 taken
BDSM Party Scene Requests Short: 0/5 taken
Reaction Requests: 0/3 taken
Sugar Daddy Series: 0/3 taken
Stripper Series: 0/3 taken
Bad Boy Series: 0/3 taken
Tattoo/Piercing Artist Series: 0/3 taken
Idol As Your S/O Series: 0/3 taken
In Bed Requests + Drabble: 0/5 taken - $3 (1 Kofi)
BDSM Party Scene Requests Mid length - long : 0/5 taken - $3 (1 Kofi) Long: $6 (2 Kofi)
Sugar Daddy Series + Drabble: 0/5 taken - $3 (1 Kofi)
Stripper Series + Drabble: 0/5 taken - $3 (1 Kofi)
Bad Boy Series + Drabble: 0/5 taken - $3 (1 Kofi)
Tattoo/Piercing Artist Series + Drabble: 0/5 taken -$3 (1 Kofi)
One Shot Requests (1,500 - 3,000 words): 0/10 taken - $3 (1 Kofi)
Fic Requests ( 4,000 - 9,000 words): 0/5 taken -  $6 (2 Kofi)
Fic Requests  (10,000 - 15,000 words total, might be posted in 2 parts): 0/5 taken - $9 (3 Kofi)
Story Requests (16,000 - 25,000 words total): 0/5 taken - $12 (4 Kofi)
Story Requests (26,000 words+) : 0/5 taken - $15 (5 Kofi)
If you don't want to do it on kofi then if you order something from my shop priced for at least that amount I'll count it as well. Just dm me or include the details of how you paid in your ask, or it'll be deleted. Any requests not following these and the following rules will be deleted.
1. With writing I have the most experience with boyxgirl, but I’ll try to write anything as long as you’re willing to be patient with me. 
2. Before asking for something please check to see if it’s open!
3. Please check below for more details before requesting something just so you know a little about what I’m looking for.
- Writing Requests: Basically a one  shot or imagine request for anyone. At least send me what idol/idols, what genre, and if you have an au that as well. The more specific the request the more  detailed and such it’ll be. If there truly is something you want included pease tell me in your request, I won’t just automatically know it.
-MTL Requests: Send a group or listing of idols and what you want my to list most to least about.
-Aesthetics: Request an aesthetic from me, I at least need an idol and whether you want SFW or NSfW. If you want a specific au, color, theme, vibe, so on let me know. Or you can send me something as inspiration. Also if you intend to use it for something like a background/so on please let me know for sizing and other things.
-In Bed Series: Just send ONE idol per request for this. I will give you BDSM Test results and a description. Include if you ant an aesthetic or not.
-BDSM Party Series Requests: Include idol (whether they have been done already or not doesn’t matter),  dom or sub, anyone else you want included in the scene or if it is a solo. And anything specific you’d like included in the scene or to happen in it.
-Reaction Requests: Idols/Groups and what you want their reaction to be to.
- Sugar Daddy Series: Tagged sugar daddy series , look under there for more specifics. A summary of what (I think) they would be like as a sugar daddy (or mommy). Fics can be requested based off these.
-Stripper Series: Ever wondered what your favorite idol would be like as a stripper? Well how about a little taste? Though if you really want it you’ll have to boost their ego a little bit and let them know that. Fics can be requested based off these.
-Bad Boy Series: What kind of bad boy/girl would your favorite idol be? Answers to questions and an inside look at their motives too. Just how bad would they be?
- Tattoo/Piercing Artist Series:  Which would they prefer? Would they do both? What are they like? Get all the information on what would they be like as a tattoo/piercing artist
.-Idol As Your S/O Series: Available in both SFW & NSFW versions, though only one idol per request please. This allows me to include more details, for specific information about that series follow the tag or look in my posts.
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