#I guess I technically do bc I will have a flare that bad again
campirebites · 2 years
u know what actually appreciation post for my joints because yes I’m in pain every day but I haven’t felt like I’ve needed my cane in a couple of weeks so thank u body ur doing a good job
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ama-the-weeb · 11 months
HONGICE WEEK DAY 4!! we're about halfway there! todays prompts: friends (or enemies) to lovers / first kiss!! i did both bc it just made sense. fic under cut (@hongiceweek)
Emil and Leon have been best friends for years. As tradition, they have a sleepover at one of their houses after the last day of school and spend the first day of summer break together. They’ve done this many times now, so why, Emil asks, does this time feel different?
The school year is over now, so Emil’s getting his stuff together because this year, he’s going to Leon’s house. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest – why is he so nervous? Emil thinks about telling Leon he isn’t feeling well and wants to stay home – NO! No, Emil can’t do that! Missing it only makes him feel worse. No. He had to go. 
About an hour later, Emil arrives at Leon’s house. They immediately head straight for Leon’s room to play games together. Emil leaves his stuff on the floor for now.
“So… what game are you feeling?” Leon asks, that cute smile on his face.
“Minecraft, I guess,” Emil mumbles, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks–what the hell is wrong with him?!
“Great!” Leon turns on his console and loads up Minecraft, turning on a controller for Emil. 
For most of the night, they played video games. Emil kept messing up because he found himself staring at Leon. Why did his friend have to be so… captivating?
“Again, Emil?” Leon sighs, turning to Emil. It was then that Emil realized just how close they were to each other. 
“Sorry,” Emil mumbles, his cheeks flushed with pink. “I… can’t help but look at you. You’re so–”
“Handsome? Gorgeous? Fabulous?” Leon suggests.
“Captivating,” Emil finally says. “It’s driving me crazy. It’s making my heart race–”
“Emil, are you gay?” Leon asks out of nowhere, throwing Emil off of his train of thought.
“What? No?” Then, Emil found himself second-guessing himself. “Maybe? I dunno…”
Leon starts laughing. Not a mocking laugh, but a sweet, playful one. Emil feels his cheeks flare red.
“Emil, it’s okay,” Leon reassures him. “I’m not a ruler either.”
Leon must have noticed the confused look on Emil’s face because he then says, “I’m not straight.”
“Oh.” It’s the only sound that Emil could even allow himself to say without tripping over his words. Leon coming out to him like that certainly made him feel better, but he could also feel his heart pounding. Why is his heart pounding?
“In all these years I’ve been alive, I’ve never seen someone have a gay crisis so bad before,” Leon teases. 
“Shut up,” Emil mumbles, finding his words again. 
“You can just ask to kiss me,” Leon says bluntly. 
“Uh, I, um.” Emil starts stumbling over his words again. “I wouldn’t mind if–”
With that, Leon closes the distance between them and their lips meet. 
It’s the first time Emil has ever kissed someone, and he finds himself clueless. The kiss itself feels perfectly fine to him, despite his uncertainty. He hesitantly kisses back. After a few moments of their lips together, Leon pulls back and smiles at Emil.
“Thank you,” Emil mumbles. Leon chuckles a bit.
“After a kiss, I would say ‘I love you,’ but I don’t know if you’re okay with that,” Leon comments.
“I love you too,” Emil mumbles, his cheeks pink.
“But I didn’t–”
“Technically, you did.”
“Oh, well.” Leon giggles a bit and leans in for a second kiss. 
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captainshyguy · 7 years
okay i saw the tdc trailer and here are my thoughts, and also some concerns
happy thoughts
newt calling shotgun....cute 
brenda’s hair looking good 
i mean they do technically have to break into wicked at the end of the last book right, so i guess they’re slightly back on track 
entire squad looking good, like frypan, newt thomas brenda jorge and harriet, vince?? what a fucking group
they’re rly keeping to thomas’s values in the book and im INCREDIBLY PLEASED
bad thoughts
1/10 minho was only there for a spilt second smh 
im still annoyed at how they ruined teresa’s character like??? book teresa, if she rly believed in wicked, would have called them to her location and endangered the others, she would have gone quietly herself!! 
i just???? i really wish they didn’t change how the flare works, and how cranks are, bc it’s just more about zombies and getting bit now but!!!! people who arent immune would become infected by the air anyway!! and it doesnt turn them into mindless monsters after 4 days, it’s supposed to take months (the only reason it’s accelerated in newt’s case is bc of al lthe pain and stress and suffering he’s going through) like?? cranks are supposed to be able to talk you’re supposed to watch them deteriorate, and im hoping that bc of how teresa described her mother succumbing to it, maybe it’s still something that can happen if you’re not immune and just exposed to the air???
but the problem with that is brenda like??? she’s SUPPOSED TO BE IMMUNE and changing that is rly fucking annoying bc like....no offense but only one person in the group that thomas actually cares about is supposed to be not immune and that’s newt....(i mean beisdes chuck but he already died before that became a problem so)
which reminds me im still annoyed at how they killed winston, like again..having him and brenda not be immune is REALLY gonna pull away the impact of when we learn newt isn’t, like in the books, that’s literally a fact that has thomas collapsing to his knees and if we dont get that reaction im gonna sue 
like honestly, why didn’t they have winston die another way, it still could have been awful and emotional, like maybe he loses a leg and loses too much blood and he wants to be put out of his misery, bc he doesnt wanna be fodder for cranks and then they bury him??? 
bc newt is supposed to be the reveal that not all of them are immune and it’s supposed to be fucking devastating
i swear if they have newt get bitten or some shit, then just losing it in the span of only 4 days im gonna be so fucknig mad 
like....he’s my fave but he needs to die it’s the biggest emotional event of the entire books it’s the one that shook all of us but it NEEDS to be done in the way it was in the books (i mean unless they decide to pair him w/ thomas and minho then pls keep him alive and dont do the bury ur gays tropes) 
i mean...lbr they’re not nice enough to give us that rep anyway bah but still then, give me  the way he dies and give me thomas crying and sobbing about it and never being the same and not wanting to just leave him there pLEASE 
hhh i just...im glad they’re slightly bringing it back to the books by having them break in but.....pls dont ruin newt’s arc 
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