#I focused on Ichiki this time around.
pumpkinfiction · 2 years
I Can’t Fight
“Moroha you got to learn to dodge with your hands! Not your face!” Inuyasha scolded putting one hand at his side and the other point at his fifteen year old.
Moroha gave him an all too familiar cocky grin. “C’mon old man! You scared to hit a girl” She teased hopping from side to side, her fist still up.
“No! I'm scared I’m going to give my kid a black eye—!” He barely missed the foot in his face. Pushing it away and gaining himself some distance he looked up to see his daughter staring at him with something in her eyes that could only be said as feral.
Inuyasha had started training Moroha when she was only ten, five years later here he almost got her stinking foot crushed into his face. Who knew his little girl would be such a good sparring partner. Gone were the days his baby girl brought him flowers and asked him to braid her hair and now the future where she was this little devil combination of Kagome and himself.
“Cheap shot Kiddo!” Inuyasha laughed, cracking his knuckles. Moroha stuck out her tongue and used her two fingers to motion him forward. All her mother was there.
Oh Moroha was on her ass in seconds. Whining like a baby as she stared up at the blue sky, the sun being blocked out by her father.
“Looks like your old man still has some tricks up his sleeve.” Inuyasha chuckled and reached his hand down for her to take, which she did and he pulled her up onto her feet. Looking over to his right he saw Ichiki sitting on the porch watching intensely with blue eyes, Inuyasha gave him a thumbs up.
“Well Ichi you were keeping score, who won?” Inuyasha called out to his little boy. He had given him the job of keeping score of the sparring matches because Inuyasha got worried about him sometimes. Kids needed stuff to do to pass the time.
“Moroha lost by one, if she had won this one you guys would have tied.” Ichiki said, showing the count with his fingers.
“Dammit.” “Damn. I’m getting rusty” the daughter-father duo cursed.
“Language you two!”
Inuyasha's ear twitched looking up at his wife. Kagome had just walked out of their hut with a basket on her hip.
Walking up to her leaving a grumbling Moroha, he stopped right in front of her. His wife was taller by standing on the porch.
“You heading out ‘Gome?” Inuyasha asked, putting his hand on top of Ichiki’s head who was sitting next to him. His son giggled as he ruffled his short hair.
“Yeah Kaede needs me, her back has been really bad lately.” Kagome said, frowning slightly, “it's just the curse of old age I guess.”
Inuyasha watched as she shook her head as if to get rid of an idea that popped up in it. Kagome's beautiful smile returned. “I was going to take Ichiki with me.” She gestured to their boy with her open hand.
Inuyasha leaned down to him, Ichiki may be sitting down on the porch but the boy was still smaller than most his age. “You want me to save you bud? Your moms just going to tell you about plants and junk.” He whispered. Wiggling his fingers on ‘plants and junk’.
Ichi shook his head, and got up to stand next to his mother. “Thanks but I’m good.”
Inuyasha's smile wavered, Kagome and Ichiki started walking toward the direction of the village “…Okay, well if you change your mind your sister and I will just be bonking heads here” he called out once they got some distance.
All he got was a wave goodbye.
Inuyasha’s Forest was usually quiet but today near The Sacred Tree you could hear small heavy breathing. At the base of the tree was a small boy punching air mumbling to himself.
“Okay so..” he thought it over. “You block with your hands, cover your face. If you can’t see, you're as good as dead.” Ichiki told himself, rehearsing his fathers words.
The ten year old had told his mother he was going to play in the forest while she did her priestess chores, she didn’t mind. Their home wasn’t too far from The Sacred Tree, or The Bone Eaters Well.. Their small hut was right between these two special places, but that was a long story to remember another day.
Right now Ichiki had to think about what his father told his sister during training today.
Ichiki couldn’t fight, he himself came up with this conclusion. One Air punch.
He didn’t seem to have demonic powers. Two punches.
“Remember your footing…” he mumbled, jumping on his heels, spreading his legs a bit.
His spiritual powers he did have could be strong in the future , but everything he’s been learning there has nothing to do with self defense. Three punches.
Backing up a bit, Ichi attempted a kick, like the one Moroha had done to surprise their father. He backed up too much though. Gravity took control and he felt himself fall backwards onto the forest floor with the fallen leaves. They cracked as he landed, it was Fall they were dead already.
“Dang it.” Ichiki muttered, looking up at the forest, some trees still had leaves struggling to hold on. Maybe he was in denial.
“What on earth are you doing down there quarter demon?”
Ichiki gasped and immediately sat up, leaves falling from his white hair as he did so. His eyes were met with a familiar small figure, green skin holding the “dangerous” Staff Of Two Heads. He smiled.
“Hiya Jaken!” Ichiki gushed, the green skinned demon was always a way to cheer up fast.
Jaken just rolled his eyes at him. “Did it ever occur to you child that some demons may not even see you as quarter demon and more like a snack?” The green imp told Ichiki like it was a fact and not a question.
“Ah I don’t have much meat on my bones” he laughed standing up brushing the leaves off his clothes. “I probably wouldn’t be too filling.”
“A snack boy, not a meal.” Jaken was rubbing his temple now, as if it was in pain.
All Ichiki could do was chuckle, he always needed to be right, there was no point in saying anything. Usually when Jaken was around the village it meant he was here with Sesshomaru visiting Rin. Jaken will wait in the forest for his lord to return and if Ichiki was in the area he liked sitting down with him in silence and waiting with him. If he was lucky his Uncle would come around and give him acknowledgement.
Ichikis current smile cringed because when he thought about it, the most he got out of his Uncle Sesshomaru was a wave, maybe a word or two. Huh.
“You didn’t answer.” Jaken’s voice snapped Ichiki out of his thought process. Looking at the imp he tilted his head in a dog-like manner. “What?”
“Why were you on the floor?”
“Oh I uh, I was fighting, well pretending to fight I guess.” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. “I was trying to copy my dad, I don’t really know how to fight, I just copy what my sister learns.”
Jaken seemed like he had something to say about that but a cold voice from above beat him to it.
“My brother has already failed the bloodline in more ways than one.” looking up, Ichiki saw his uncle fall down to the earth gracefully like the leaves falling off the Fall trees.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken gasped in delight. Like a pet waiting for his owner to come home.
“It doesn’t shock me that he would continue.” Sesshomaru said, looking down at him with his piercing amber eyes.
“Uncle Sesshomaru?”
“Nephew.” One word, but acknowledgment nonetheless. Ichiki smiled and Sesshomaru just looked at him. The cold wind blew through his short hair and around his uncle’s. Being so long it moved it around but never in his face.
Sesshomaru turned and began to walk away, and Jaken followed. This was normal when it came to their interactions.
Ichiki didn’t want to be alone for much longer so if his uncle was taking leave maybe he should go back to his mother.
He was just about to turn away when his uncle spoke.
“Training by your father won’t make you into the fighter you wish to be.”
Jaken stopped in his tracks and looked at his lord in shock, so did Ichiki. Sesshomaru took a small breath and looked at the small boy.
“To fight you must be the predator and never the prey. When you attack, you attack to kill.” He said in a tone that made his nephew shiver.
Kill. A common word used in this time period. Not even unusual to a ten year old like himself and yet it seemed cruel.
“Why?” Ichiki asked so quietly that the wind could take it away if it wanted to.
Sesshomaru looked away from and began to start to walk away again, he made a motion with his fingers this time though. It was such a small gesture that Ichiki could have missed it. It was the same way his father told his children to follow him.
So that’s what Ichiki did, he followed Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken deeper into the forest, and it became his first real day of training. With his uncle of all people.
The end.
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ephemeralfall · 4 years
romance headcanons
ROMANCE HEADCANONS Stolen from: @butterflyheartflutter  Tagging: Whoever, but especially @monelloprincipe @carnalis-luxuria  @sa-ki-to @motokatsu-dr @melxxxmode
Name: Ichiki Akihito
Nickname: Aki, and probably a few others that are better left in the dark.
Gender: Cis male. 
Romantic orientation: He identifies as pansexual and feels attraction towards any gender, but he’s actually very slow at forming a romantic connection.
Preferred pet names: He adores pet names coming from his partner or his closest friends, and he’s happy with whatever as long as they come because he has a softness for being shown verbal affection. He doesn’t like them so much from strangers. And if he calls a stranger sweetheart, it’s not a good sign. 
Relationship status: Taken and very happily so.
Favorite canon/Fandom ship: I’ve gone along with writing a semi-canon ship (someone he was rumored to be dating at the time) once and it went horribly wrong. In general, I prefer organic ships over pre-established and plotted. I love his current relationship. 
Favorite crossover ship: I’m old and I don’t know what this means help
Opinion on true love: It exists. He’s sure of it. 
Opinion on love at first sight: He believes in chemistry and attraction at first sight, but love is something that needs a deeper connection.
How ‘romantic’ are they?: He’s an extremely romantic soul. He believes in love in all of its forms. He doesn’t even strictly keep his romantic thoughts in the context of a relationship or love: if caught in the right mood, he could go on about the universe and nature and Earth and science in extremely poetic and romantic ways.  In the context of a relationship, he never stops courting his partner. Whether it’s little gifts, romantic dates out of the blue, setting up a room of his house according to a theme so they can live in a fantasy for a little while. He has genuinely so much fun spoiling the living hell out of the person he’s dating and interested in. 
Ideal physical traits: He’s weak to sweet, delicate faces. Possibly people smaller than him. TINY HANDS.
Ideal personality traits: Curiosity. It’s literally the first thing he notices in someone. If someone asks him a lot of questions of any nature, whether it’s music or life or science or the world, then he’s immediately interested. He likes a quick wit and a preference for long aimless debates for the sake of debating, he thrives on intellectual connections of any kind. He likes to see people who embrace their freedom, he can’t relax around those who are too controlled and always on guard.
Unattractive physical traits: Lazy appearance. Despite being the kind of dude who’d go out in a loose tank top and distressed jeans if no one stopped him (and an incredible collection of hippie-looking pendants, rings and earrings), he has a completely subconscious preference for those who are into fashion and are attentive to current trends. He also in general doesn’t feel attracted to extremely muscular people (but can appreciate nice abs).
Unattractive personality traits: Inability to keep a good conversation going. He’s awful at small talk and will absolutely drop a conversation if all it focuses on is weather and work, because his shyness acts up when he feels like he’s the only one to be genuinely interested in knowing more. Lack of humor, stiffness in general are a no. 
Ideal date: The most ideal date for him is probably being out in nature in any way. A hike to an abandoned place reclaimed by nature, a picnic close to a forest, fruit picking. He does like nice dinners, museums and clubs too. And staying home with take out in front of documentaries. In general, he just really wants to spend time with the person he likes.
Do they have a type?: Oh yes. He likes them tiny, pretty and feisty. Better if they have dimples. (I’m not joking, his last three relationships included dimples.)
Average relationship length: I pulled out the calculator to offer an accurate average and 10 months came out, which is... not at all accurate. But in general it seems like if the 2nd/3rd month mark is surpassed smoothly, then he’s ready to commit for the long haul. 
Preferred non-sexual intimacy: He loves cuddles. Playing with hair or his hair being played with, his tattoos being traced or someone lazily drawing on his skin, hand holding and generally being close while reading or watching something. He’s a physical person so he definitely likes connecting with physical closeness.
Commitment level: He’s a complete flirt and an incurable manwhore until he decides to commit, and then he really commits. He can still flirt purely out of playfulness but he’d never even look at someone else, and he’s always more than ready to put a stop to the flirt and games if he has the impression the other person hasn’t realized he’s just joking. 
Opinion of public affection: He loves it. He doesn’t like feeling like a secret or something to keep hidden, so he’s wary of those who prefer a relationship to stay strictly private. He’s always ready to sneak in little gestures of affection even with the risk of being recognized by fans, and he loves going on vacation to places where he and his partner are less known and recognizable so they can openly hold hands, kiss in public and act like a normal couple.
past relationships?: He’s had more short-term flings than I can count but only one other important relationship before his current one. It sadly left him wary and with a good bunch of trust issues he’s not completely aware of, but that he’s been working on as they come up in his current one. 
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