#I feel like that really misses the point of how ANNOYING pawns can be throughout the game even when they aren't threatening promotion
absensia · 1 month
A BLACK PAWN. You are a black pawn. Don't let the pawn be misleading, this means you're full of potential. Being the pawn, you're one of two pieces that can move first. But since you're black, you're always one step behind white. Who is it that you're trying to catch up to so badly? Black doesn't always mean you have to be in someone else's shadow. If anything, it means that you can be one step ahead of them, hiding intelligence that no one would consider you even have. Be careful how you use this information because alone a pawn is easy to fall, but too smothered and you won't be able to move. Regardless, you'll become a force of nature by the end of your journey. What would you sacrifice along the way is, perhaps, a better question than what will you become at the end.
tagged by @0azrae7, @ethicsbutcher, and @swanlock <3 / tagging @rosetem, @uendelig, @ow1et, @damnatius, @koldnuya + you!
#our dearest and most damnable charlotte.#ofc it is the black pawn it was NEVER gonna be anything BUT the black pawn#the duality of being on the front lines but also having to be on the back foot from the start#while these sort of chess symbolism things like to focus on how the pawn can promote (usually to a queen) if it reaches the other side...#I feel like that really misses the point of how ANNOYING pawns can be throughout the game even when they aren't threatening promotion#the focus on promotion makes it seem like /besides/ that single “power” the pawn is 100% useless#when really.. the pawn is crucial in almost every (?) aspect of the game despite being taken for granted#it's one of those things where... you don't notice how important it is UNTIL it's gone u know?#like you don't realize just how bad your position is until mid-game you see how shit your pawn structure is compared to your opponents#and having that shit structure or being 1-2 pawns down suddenly are huge problems for you to have to contend w for the rest of the game#but I digress; what I'm trying to get at is that pawns can be unassuming yet so dangerous in that way.. just like Char#another point I'll make is the fact that pawns (being the first pieces played) are the subject of gambit openings#you gambit/sacrifice a pawn in the beginning in exchange for (usually) a positional advantage early in the game#this pawn can usually be won back later if all goes well#but the sort of inherent ... expendable quality of the pawn? is very much a Char narrative theme 😔#there's more... but I'm going to spruce up the chess meta I have for Char now bc really... it was inevitable#don't mind me rambling and rambling this is what happens when you place me in proximity to chess <3
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hecallsmehischild · 3 years
Recent Media Consumed
A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories by Robin McKinley. Not bad for a fantasy short story compilation, but as I read the stories I felt like too many questions went unanswered, or the answer wasn’t clear enough. I know there’s an art to not answering questions and making that intentional, but I didn’t pick up the feeling of the author being intentionally vague. It was still fun to read. I’m really just in a fantasy binge mode.
Fire and Water by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. Both books are collections of short stories based on elemental spirits. Eh…. they were okay. Didn’t like them as much as the others.
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Hard book to get through. There’s so much monologuing and it doesn’t all make sense to me. People seem to be talking trite nonsense half the time and then being unbearably deep the other half. It is an interesting look at morbid aspects of the human heart. Might be that it’s a bit over my head to appreciate fully, but I’d like to read at least one more by this author. Maybe The Brothers Karamazov.
Hello Dolly. (mini liveblogging of reactions) There are way too many musicals I have not gotten around to seeing, simply because I have old favorites and sometimes it’s hard to get out of a rut. I am two minutes and four seconds in and CLEARLY not watching this before now was a failure on my part. I am in awe of the opening sequence that is just a series of legs and feet, but they are all moving to the music and they tell a dozen different stories that are very easy to understand even without seeing anybody’s top half, this is EXCELLENT framing and shooting and I feel like I’m in for a real treat. (In the middle of “It takes a woman”) I cannot tell you how much I missed over the top satire. This very much has the feel of My Fair Lady’s “With A Little Bit of Luck”. But then it’s taken up by the protagonist with an entirely different tone and WHAM the feels hit. I’m not enjoying all of the musical numbers, but there’s this one bit in the middle of the song about dancing where Dolly accepts a dance invitation from the grizzled old groundskeeper, and seeing this high-class looking widow take his invitation without a shred of irony, and to see him take her dancing in such a way that shows he’s clearly done this for many years and may be a widower himself, it’s just this strange sweet kind of moment that’s meant to be savored. And then again WHAM this high class widow, whenever she has a musical number in private, just NAILS you with her song and performance and all her emotions. Barbara Streisand was incredible, absolutely incredible. A lot of the other characters don’t really feel real, they feel like Musical People. She slips on the clothes of a Musical Person but then she drops the facade and shows you how hard all this is for her and it’s incredible. The movie is worth it just to watch HER. Even if it is very stressful watching her manipulate conversations and move people around like pawns. I have to say I do not, for the life of me, understand why she wants a relationship with Mr. Horace Vandergelder, or why he agrees. They look like they’ll make each other miserable for life.
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Nezha. Holy. Cow. Okay it doesn’t make total sense to me, not all the way through, but I chalk that up to missing cultural/lit knowledge and translation issues. Setting that aside, animation was gorgeous. Story was fun, but also compelling. There was some gross-out humor, but I’ve seen worse. And the climactic fight scene? Man. It went SO LONG but I didn’t even care. Some fight scenes drag on, but this one could have been twice as long and I would have been fine with that. The creators of this film really went all out with creativity and variety all throughout the film. I don’t totally understand the ending but I would love to see more (as the credits scenes hinted that there might be more). Oh wait, there is more and it’s called Jiang Ziya…
The Mitchells vs The Machines. This movie was so full of heart and also so full of complete over the top dumb goofiness. It kind of reminded me of Despicable Me in that way. Definitely brought a smile to my face.
Star vs the Forces of Evil. I had to re-watch through Eclipsa’s and Meteora’s arc because I’d seen that much before, but too long ago to remember. I re-watched it, then settled in for the last season which I hadn’t seen before. Watching through the new content and… I’m… disappointed. Story seems to be all over the place. The conflict is so forced it hurts. People are flatter than flat. And they’re all idiots. I feel like the show is trying to reach for a moral and don’t even know what that is from episode to episode. Wow. And as I go into the final arc, it just gets worse. Ham-fisted with zero focus and twists out of the bloody blue that make zero sense. You know… this series was hard to get into because characters were annoying and gross at the start. But then it added depth to each character and made me care about them as it went along. But everything after Eclipsa became queen has flushed all of that down the toilet as fast as possible and it is maddening to see that story-trust wasted. Nothing means anything in this story, that’s the conclusion I end up coming to. Nothing means anything and there is nobody worth caring about. I am radically disappointed. And kind of angry at the sheer number of levels at which the storytelling became terrible.
Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. I wasn’t sure how I’d handle another controller-based game after getting so accustomed to Breath of the Wild (I’m on a second re-play of that, I play it whenever my brain is on the fritz so badly that I can’t do anything else). But it turned out to be pretty easy to get into. The hardest part is getting stuck about how to solve certain puzzles and trying to figure it out over and over. Sometimes I figure it out, but sometimes I need to look up a hint online. I’m almost at the end of the game and I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. I want to play more Zelda games...
Katamari Re-Roll. This is so stupid. I mean, SO VERY STUPID. And so much fun. You start off as this tiny little person just rolling a ball around and you can pick up anything smaller than you (thumbtacks, coins, caramel candies) and as your ball gets bigger, your options open up (mice, carrots, eggs, crabs) and open up (shoes, toys, cats, dogs) and open up (humans, food carts, cows). I hear you get to roll up houses at some point. I’m looking forward to that. For now I’m at the level where I’m rolling up a lot of people. They’re all wiggly and shrieky. It’s funny. There’s a time limit on each level, and you have to reach a certain size by the time limit, which is the only really annoying thing about it. But I’m still having a lot of fun.
World of Warcraft: Classic. Of all the games I never thought I’d play, this is probably toward the top of the list. I don’t like the concept of grinding. I like story. But after playing Breath of the Wild, I also found out that I love exploration/open world type games. My husband helped me build a character and we ran around doing quests and levelling up. Now I’m a level 17 Dwarf hunter who does skinning and leatherworking. I have a pet wolf named Chompers. I’m having a lot of fun. Probably not obsessive levels of fun, but enough fun that I’m happy to sink a couple several-hour sessions a week into playing.
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beebrainedstudios · 3 years
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NOTE: I know I posted this before, but I wanted to make a new post for it, as a) I’m working on Emira now so it would fit to have them posted close to each other, and b) I don’t think the previous post showed up in tags even when reblogged (I tried, then deleted it when it didn’t work). I also finished the Steel Prince comics, so my opinions have changed a bit (I still think he’s very well-written no matter how angry he makes me, especially with the context of the comics, but he’s definitely made some mistakes, and Maxim, no wonder Antari have a problem with you). So, I’m copy-pasting the original post+tags with minor edits in the hopes it works this time; apologies for the repeat everyone! 
BTW I know this character is generally disliked by the fandom; that’s totally cool, he’s not my favorite either. But I do think he’s interesting, so with the headcanons below I tried to extrapolate/explain (not excuse!) some of his actions. If you disagree/think I’m reading too far into it/think I missed something, PLEASE take all of this with a grain of salt. 
Copy-Pasted Stuff:
Next up for the refs, Maxim! A complicated design for a complicated man. My opinions on Maxim went from love to hate to “I wish you knew what you were doing;” he’s a really fun character, especially with the context of the Steel Prince comics. That being said, just like with the Danes I’ll be including design notes and headcanons under the cut, which may include spoilers for the comics; ergo POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR STEEL PRINCE. You have been warned. Also, my writing got really small on this ref, so I recommend clicking the image if you want to read the ref notes.
Anyways, on to Maxim!
- First up, hair. Maxim has a multitude of locks that all vary in length; he grew them out after he took the throne and has barely cut them since. There’s no specific way Maxim likes his hair, as he’ll arrange it into various different styles depending on his mood. The gold rings are actually there to help with this process, as they allow him to move each lock individually with his magic when he’s putting it up. This variable ring structure has the added bonus of creating a cool rippling effect when his magic activates; when Maxim quite literally gets heated, his influence spreads to the rings and any other small metal objects in the area, allowing his locks to shift in the heated air in an effect Rhy jokingly refers to as a “solar flare.” Maxim’s mood can actually be gauged purely by how much his hair moves or how warm he is, which is a trait his family finds endearing even if he himself finds it mildly annoying- after all, it’s difficult to come off as calm and composed if everyone in your kingdom knows your hair will give away how ticked off you are.
- As for his outfit, I love the asymmetrical geometric aesthetic put forth in the comics for Red London royalty; naturally, I leaned hard into this aesthetic and then immediately hid it all behind overly-complicated armor. Maxim is a huge armor nerd- anything metal is his specialty, and he prides himself immensely on both his armor and his weapons. He got his armor early in his youth and fiercely maintained it throughout his life until he was as attached to it as Kell was to his coat; he likes to swap parts around from multiple sets to create new looks. This is considered light armor for Maxim- at minimum he’ll have his crown and breastplate on. It’s very rare to catch him without any gear, but on the rare occasion one does, they’ll find he has a very similar outfit to Rhy, especially from the waist down. Fun fact, both he and Rhy’s pants are based on fencing knickers (fencing uniform pants), since both myself and VE Schwab are fencers.
- Maxim has many scars from his time at the Blood Coast, including two nasty ones on his brow and nose. He used to be rather embarrassed by them until he met Emira, who loved his scars as a part of him and told him so constantly. Now, like his armor, they are a source of pride.
- Speaking of pride, Maxim takes a lot of it in how he looks, especially with his hair, eyes, and clothes. As such, Rhy learned most of his knowledge about maintaining his appearance from his father; the only thing Maxim couldn’t contribute to was Rhy’s hair care, as that is something his son has more in common with his mother. Maxim often wakes himself up by doing his hair and picking out his jewelry in the mornings, and if he’s feeling particularly bold he may even slip on some golden eyeshadow or a flashier necklace. Maxim has never mistaken the value of appearances in how someone feels about themselves either; he is liberal with compliments in the palace both to family and staff, as he knows someone does their best work when they feel happiest in their skin. He takes particular care to comment on Kell’s coat and hair, as he knows his adopted son’s appearance is a point of self-contention that he doesn’t want to foster.
- Maxim’s sword is like Kell’s coat; he carries it everywhere- even to social functions- and is unashamedly fond of it. It is essentially the larger version of the royal half-sword that Maxim can wield in either hand (he’s ambidextrous!) and can even change the style of; if he wishes for it to be a two-handed sword, he only has to stretch the grip with his magic. Maxim can heat it forge-hot without it melting; in this state it’s incredibly dangerous and can cut through almost anything. There are two easter eggs in the runes on the sword, if anyone wants to look close enough to find them!
- All of Maxim’s stuff is sun-themed as a half-callback to the Maresh symbol, which has given him the additional title of the “Molten Sun,” an affectionate term used by guards to refer to their commander-in-chief. Maxim is really close to his guards and treats them as extended family; after all, he used to be one of them. He knows most of them by name and is fiercely protective of them- anyone who tries to mess with his staff as a whole is due for a personal warning from the king to desist, which is best heeded if one doesn’t want to drink their meals for a week.
- As said on the ref, Maxim is big. He spends a lot of his free time training as a nervous habit, which regardless of effect on his psyche keeps him in tip-top shape at all times. He’s easily as tall as Holland and is one of the few people Kell must stand upright with to look in the eye. He’s also immensely strong; this man could probably bench-press three guards in full armor with Emira sitting on top. I’ve seen some people suggest Athos alone could win in a fight against him before- maybe its due to the state of my own design for said Dane (in summary, scrawny as heck), but the only way I can see that going down in a one-on-one confrontation is with Athos getting punted like an angry white football. Personal preference, I guess.
- Now for personality! Maxim is a lover and a fighter, beloved and seen by all in his kingdom as a ray of sunshine, especially after the stormy clouds of his father’s cold and strict reign. He is as kind as he is tall and spends a lot of his time helping citizens solve problems or simply drifting around the palace, ready to aide his staff in their jobs. He’s vibrant and animated, too; the palace is often stirred to life when the sun rises by Maxim’s “quiet” singing as he heads towards the kitchens. Little does everyone know, behind that cheery and loving facade is an incredibly calculating individual. Maxim was born and raised only to be the perfect war king by his father Nokil with little personal care or respect for Maxim’s wishes, and though Maxim vowed to never be like him, some of Nokil’s parenting still unfortunately rubbed off. Maxim is always watching for threats and prepping for battle, mentally, physically, and otherwise; a threat to him or his kingdom is constantly around the corner, as far as he’s concerned. He must have a plan at all times or else he gets anxious and defensive, and if he’s backed into a corner, he’ll choose a risky course of action over no action at all (ergo, the Osaron fight). Maxim may be deeply loving, but he can’t help but see people’s worth to the kingdom first; when he’s feeling stressed it takes real effort for him to step back and see people as people instead of pawns he’s trying to get across the board.
- As far as hobbies go, Maxim doesn’t spend much of his free time on himself; he’s a full-time father, king, and husband, which leaves little room for downtime. Most of what he has left over he devotes to training, courtesy of his father’s horrible “kingdom-first” mindset that has still scars his adulthood. Still, Maxim does have a few interests he fosters; he loves cartography (a trait he shares with Kell) and likes to make his own maps by hand. He also loves chess, music, and gem/metal geology- if Emira wasn’t already in charge of the kingdom’s finances Maxim would have spent it all on new gemstone inlays or gold decorations. He’s still a fun-loving man, even if he doesn’t know how to spend much time on himself.
- Maxim is a very caring father and husband; he loves his family to bits and is completely devoted to them, even if he sometimes royally slips up when things get difficult. He and Emira both believe in equally sharing parental duties, so he spent a good chunk of his time when Kell and Rhy were growing right beside them, guiding them along. Contrary to what one may think, Maxim was the parent Kell was always closest to; they could often be found together in the map room, Kell watching with fascination as Maxim carefully traced the lines of landmarks and geographical features, switching his quill between hands when one grew too tired. Meanwhile, when Rhy wanted to hang out with his father, they both would spar with wooden swords or play games like hide-and-seek or chess together. It was largely due to Maxim’s own poor father that Maxim was unable to properly communicate with Kell post-ADSOM; he simply assumed a little distance would do them both good, unaware that he was both continuing a cycle of neglect by repeating his father’s mistake and giving Kell the one thing he didn’t need (for those who don’t know, Nokil- Maxim’s dad- sent Maxim to the most dangerous part of the empire, the Blood Coast, because Maxim disobeyed him. Maxim emotionally did something very similar in AGOS by treating Kell coldly). Nonetheless, Maxim never stopped considering Kell a son and recognized his mistake; unfortunately, by the time he saw his error in the cells, he was in too deep to give Kell the freedom he needed and Kell was too angry to try and compromise until circumstances were more favorable. Maxim also never stood up for Kell against Emira; between his wife and his son, he always assumed Kell was the stronger of the two and would eventually stand up for himself. This, as we all know, turned out to be false, and Maxim regretted it for the rest of his life that he never tried to talk to Emira about her treatment of the second son of the Maresh family.
So yeah, sorry for the long wall of text! I really like Maxim as a character (even if I acknowledge he struggles badly as a parent) so I wanted to give him more depth and a design worthy of his complexity. I hope you enjoyed it; if anyone has any questions or comments I’d love to hear them!
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
28. Part 2
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Resting my hands over my stomach, throughout this pain of being ever so sick. There is one thing, I have a little pouch so my baby is growing, I mean that does happen but I can now see the pouch growing, it’s so adorable, I am in love. I am in love with my baby, my precious baby. I am feeling very tired though, I need a nap already “does this mean I am dumped?” Cassius is still on stage one, his mind is so simple at times. He is still on the dumping part, he is really on that part still, did he comprehend what I just said “what do you think?” I questioned “well you said you was leaving me, right?” why is he so slow when it comes to relationships “I did, yes but what did I say Cassius, tell me that?” I want him to repeat it “that you want me to remember this moment and I will, Sofia you the only one I have dated. The only one I actually want to be with Sofia. I ain’t had a girlfriend before!” he said so loudly “you a virgin!” that kid overheard, I couldn’t help but laugh “Cassius, ignore him. You leave him alone, just speak lower but proceed” I was enjoying his little statement “well you know me, I haven’t had this. If you do go then I won’t be getting a new girl, I am just going to remain single and just help you bring up our kid together, if I can. I don’t want to be away from you Sofia, I am sorry. From the bottom of my heart I love you, and I honestly want you to know how deeply sorry I am. I don’t want to lose you, I don’t want you to leave me” he still thinks I am “Cassius I said I want you to remember this moment, I didn’t say I would leave you. You need to understand what we are, it’s us against what you are going through, I am here for you. You blow up, I am not leaving you I am just not having your shit. I get it that you thought you chosen that life over me, but I know you are stuck. I didn’t know much until your mom told me, I get it and I do understand that you are stuck. You need to to talk to me Cassius, you have issues. I do too but you know my issues, I always wanted my dad, I didn’t get that but I got you to love me now, I was scared of men but thanks to you I am not. I am safe with you, I am never scared of you but you need to talk to me, you help me so let me help you, this is what relationships do Cassius, I am not running away, I am running to you. Think about that” Cassius put his head down, I think he understands now.
Cassius paid for my hot chocolate which was cute, I like that. Walkng out of the diner, holding the door open for him “I thought you was going to walk far but you didn’t, it was only like down the street” I snorted laughing “you think I would walk far? I think not” holding my hand out to him “I love you Cassius, I do. But I want you to know how to handle situations, when I am there. I am there for you, I am there to help you. You snap at me if I say anything when you are in a mood, that needs to not happen. Unless I know the situaton then I don’t mind” he needs to understand how to handle situations “I get it, I am ready to talk” looking up at him “you don’t have too now Cassius, I can wait for you. I don’t want you to do it because you feel like you need too” Cassius held my hand eventually, it took him awhile “I know but I think I will always have issues with this, I don’t think there will be a way of overcoming this and this is what hurts. As a boy, I mean a man myself it’s your dad you look up too, that is my dad. I won’t lie, I had a good childhood, ten and under I would say, even younger. I was so happy, two twin brothers. It was just boys. I was all about it, I had brothers to play wrestling with, shit was good. My dad would be there, he would actually tell us to fight and my mom would be so annoyed. Then my mom was pregnant again, it’s Jasmine, shit was ok. It’s like when she was born or maybe shit was undercover but the vibe changed. I was about twelve when my dad woke me out of my sleep, it was late night. It was dark, he was high I think. He took me out” Cassius paused “Cassius we can wait, honestly” it pains him and I don’t like it.
He is such an emotional soul really “nah I am good, so yeah we went out. It’s my dad so I was good, we probably going to get some food, father and son. I was happy, I didn’t care he woke me. I respect him, he is a respected man in Brooklyn. Like niggas would say, oh you Carnell son, he a good man. I am happy, so we erm. We didn’t go to where I assumed, we erm ended up at this house he goes to me father and son keep secrets. First time I saw drugs, like the white stuff. I was like oh right. He told me to get out of the car, I followed him in. I was so scared because the house, thinking back that it were a crackhead place. Walked in and I didn’t fully go in, I stayed kind of out of the place. So my dad is talking to this woman, and there is like five guys there. The woman looked terrible, and my dad and the female just started getting heated. She stood up and the next thing my dad punched her out cold, she was on the ground not moving and my dad wouldn’t stop. The guys in the room eventually got up and told him to stop, he was like you pay me money bitch, you don’t call me a bastard. It’s so clear seeing that. I cried, my dad walked passed me. I chased behind him, got in the car and he goes why you crying? I didn’t raise no bitch, you will learn one day. You tell your mom you will see so I didn’t. I went back home, went to sleep. So that was the first time, and then once a week this kept happening. He would take me, then I was like fourteen, it stopped. Not sure if my mom found out but it stopped. I told Myles and Kyle, they was both like oh your dad is so cool. I never told them my dad hit a female but they respected my dad” we stopped walking abrutly as we got close to the hotel “then shit changed again, this time it was when I came home from school. The house was just a house, everything was gone. My mom crying, she kept saying your fault, you owed them niggas. Now I remember what happened to that female so I went to my mom and was like stop it, I seen what he did. All I know is that he has never done that to my mom. So my dad dragged me a long, and goes you see that. We have nothing, people are going to kill me, I need to move shit. My dad was never the boss, see I am and he hated me for it but he was never good. He would have us sell shit in school. He said” Cassius laughed “if you get caught and locked up, you can sell in there. Make money, don’t worry about it. He pawned me off to the guy that he was dealing for” Cassius shook his head, I want to cry but it’s too late I am already.
Cassius laughed shaking his head “that guy had more of a heart, he said you can go. I was so tired Sofia, I had school and doing that at night. I was failing and I was so good. Myles and Kyle their parents didn’t understand why they was failing but it was my fault, so the guy said I can go. I went to my mom crying. Mind you I have been doing this for a few years now but I was done. I am failing, I cried to my mom. I want out, with the look in her eyes she knew and she said that is fine. You can baby, not knowing he was fucking never going to let me do that. That night I heard it all, they argued and he hit my mom. He said I can beat your mom everyday or you make life easier for the family and do the thing, to see the look on my mom’ face I was like ok, that was it. Then I was making money. So much money and my dad goes how? I told him I took out the boss and now I am the boss, bitch niggas get owned and I pointed at him. I am like twenty two now, so I ain’t forget what he did. That day I beat my dad, I beat my own dad. My mom said she wanted him around still. Jordan saw me beat him, that little nigga hated me but never knew why. My dad remains quiet now, my mom is boss in that house and thinking back now. I was so doomed, he knew I was clever. My siblings had the normal life, and as an older sibling. I am glad it was me not them but he fucked me over. So that is why I am not like him. I think Jordan may have seen my dad hit my mom before but like I said I was busy and too tired I had school and the other shit. So I can only assume he thought being a dickhead to girls, he learnt that from my dad. Now I am doomed to have this on my head, to know I can never relax stresses me and I always knew that. I didn’t have time for girls, I didn’t want to get close to one because then that means kids, that means more worry. I wanted to be a lonely man so I could die alone and not worry what I leave behind, so you know I don’t end up like my dad and lose my mind. So if I get shot dead then nobody would miss me and then shit just moves on, you know? I think about these things, I always did want a kid but I knew that if anything happened to me, that kid won’t have a dad so I just set myself up for being this, being this lonely nigga. I accepted it Sofia because I didn’t want you stressing about me when I do that already” I couldn’t contain myself, I just cried. Everything he has told me, built up in my heart.
I want to be silent and cry but I can’t “Sofia don’t cry, it’s fine. Now I am here with you, it’s ok” I sobbed out crying, wrapping my arms around his body “I met you, you know. Shit changed, I came out and walked into my home and saw you. You changed my life Sofia, it’s ok but you know, that is how I felt and feel somtimes” Cassius wrapped his arms around me “you got me now, it’s fine. My dad does taunt me, you right. He will always do that to me. I think he hates that I cried to my mom, I exposed what he did to me to my mom and he blames me that he had to hit my mom for it, which I didn’t know but it is what it is. Don’t cry Sofia, honestly don’t” Cassius is so calm and here I am crying “but you had to go through that, you never said Cassius. I guess we both seen things, god. That is awful. You was so happy as a kid” looking up at Cassius “I seen the picture your mom showed me, you was so happy. Always smiling, it was like life came at you fast. I bet you was heartbroken” Cassius nodded his head, lifting my hands up. Holding his face in my hands “I love you, I am sorry you had to go through that and ruin your life, you never knew what having a life was. You gave that up Cassius. When the girls met you and you came to Miami and they was like he is so awkward, I mean at times you was very closed off and I don’t blame you for that, you didn’t know how to express yourself and then you saw us all having normal lives and jobs, god I am so sad” I don’t think I will stop crying now.
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To think I have not cried even after talking about what happened to me, I don’t know. I think everytime I think of it I become so immune to the hurt that happened, I know I have to learn things. This whole experience with Sofia has been nothing but that, I have had to adapt to it. Even with this baby, it’s going to be learning again. I didn’t include them in my life, I didn’t expect to feel love anyways. I did used to feel love but that left me when I know what my life would be, full of loniless. I mean the whole thing I am used too now, I have never felt so much emotions but it is because of Sofia, she brings that out. Sofia is in the bathroom, I am not sure if she is applying makeup or crying, she won’t stop crying but I didn’t really want her to know, it’s nothing nice but I have said it. I find it weird that I didn’t cry, maybe it’s just me. I am not sure, but I am hoping to do better and learn. I have to explain to Myles and Kyle, it’s like this again. I am ruining their new life, I am not asking for them to come back so they can go but don’t mean they won’t get targeted. You think Sofia would be proud of me if she knew my name was in the local newspaper because they raided a fake ass warehouse acting like they didn’t get tipped, I am going to control them “you know, I don’t want to talk about what happened but you said you took out the the boss, was that you?” Sofia asked as soon as she got out of the bathroom “that was me, if that was my life. I might as well live it better than what he could do, nobody is loyal. People are loyal to the money” my burner phone started ringing “please don’t do things like that now” seeing it’s Ethan calling “I am not, I have people to that now” answering the call “yes” better be important “shall I wire it?” I paused thinking “it’s too much, no. Don’t wire anything, you keep shit lowkey right now, you hold it. Then what you need to do is find a business, find the owner and take the business from them. Wait on it first, I need to make a call. Don’t wire anything, tell the boys to just relax, I want to be quiet for a while, tell them they will get paid still. I have a plan” well coming up with one “I already like the sound of it, Cassius. Thank you for keeping me and believing me, I am not taking from what Lamar did but thank you for not killing me” licking my lips nodding my head “it’s cool, speak soon” disconnected the call, Sofia just gave me that look.
“What is your plan?” Sofia asked “there is a bar in Brooklyn, rather popular” Sofia squinted her eyes at me I just smiled “the one my friends and I always went too, the nice one I met you at?” nodding my head “the guy that owns it does drugs on the low, he’s being trying to come up. We about to make a deal, Sofia I just don’t want you to not worry” Sofia walked over to me slowly “I want you to tell me, I am not hapy but I hope this is you trying to change things Cassius” I swallowed hard “I don’t know how too, I am stuck Sofia. I have to be careful. I will try to think of something to try and get out but I will try” I have to be honest with Sofia “I understand, just don’t do anything that means I will lose you. My heart is so heavy, it’s not because if the argument but your dad. He took you to a place and you saw that” I swallowed hard “we both seen things, this is why shit doesn’t scare me at times. He darkened my heart” Sofia sat on the bed across from where I am sat “god, like I cry thinking about it. Like I say to myself you came into my life and you literally changed it, you saved me but I’ve really just saved you. We was supposed cross paths. I am sorry I called you your dad. I understand and he’s really a bad guy, you’re not that” Sofia is just an emotional mess “look, we can go see the house still. I text Gio, we need to clear our minds and move but I understand you more” I don’t understand myself but least Sofia does.
“Cassius, what did you do here?” Sofia pointed at her car door, I paused knowing what I did “seriously!? I am still paying for this car and you do this, wow. That looks so bad” I cringed “I can get it fixed, I just kicked it. I can buy you a new car it’s nothing” Sofia frowned at me “I want my car, just fix that thank you” I am forever doing something stupid, I guess this will always be me from now on “it’s fine Sofia, I can get it fixed” I hope she drops it now “you really kicked my car, like I feel so sad my poor car. She didn’t do anything to you Cassius” I guess she isn’t going to drop it “she didn’t but she was there, I will get it fixed or maybe sell it. We will never know” I will just probably fix it because she won’t accept a new car or maybe I will get her another car, I don’t know yet “Cassius, I want to ask a real question. When will you leave that life? I just want to know” a question I don’t know myself “I mean you are going into business now? So you are expanding?” licking my top lip “it’s like asking when will they come and shoot me or arrest me, I can’t say Sofia. I don’t know” she’s asking like I know “ok sarcastic, you know at times you can be very moody” she says that but she be breaking my train of thoughts, I like to think a lot but there is always so much going on with a woman around.
I am impressed already “the constant cancelling, didn’t think you would both ever come” shaking Gio’ hand “a lot has been going on” Gio smiled “it’s ok, I have been excited to show you the end result and as you can see, the gate, the fencing around the home. You have this remote and you press this button, this is for the gate and it opens it” watching the gate open, if you for example been away and the lights have been off and you press this, the lights at the side of the drive way light up, then we have the garage door button, and you know how that goes. I will set you up with the apps on the phone that can control the house, there is cameras all around the house, also some inside the house. But come” I am impressed, like this is some type of palace. Something I have seen on the movies, it’s doesn’t look like the house I saw last time, it’s changed so much.
“So as you remember, this was kitchen and living area but we have knocked this out. We have made this kitchen slash dining and lounge as you drew it. We also decided to put privacy windows downstairs. You can see outside fine but inside nobody can see” Sofia looks so happy “I said it to you, I goes the most time spent will be this area. This will be the place where most people spend their time. I just love the fact you incoroprated the couch living area and dining and oh my god! The kitchen, my fucking chest. It’s beautiful!!” Sofia screamed out “it’s huge” walking slowly ahead “marble countertops, L shaped kitchen, plenty of space to cook. I know you wanted stools here but it didn’t look well but we have the dining table here. You said you wanted it a relaxed area and this really is. Where the family can all get together and smile and laugh together” I think I will spend most of my time here actually, I can see it “actually Gio, we didn’t say because we didn’t know but I am preganat so now we need a baby room to be done but not yet” Gio gasped “oh my god, congratulations. To the both of you, aww such a precious moment” I grinned “thank you, Gio. I wanted to know if in this home you can fit a safe here” I need to think ahead “erm yes, there is space of course” I need one, Sofia just side eyed me “I am paying for it” there should be no issue here.
This house thing doesn’t really make me happy, what makes me happy is to see Sofia happy. She is very happy about the house, it’s her dream. This whole house is her dream, I have given her the rights and she can do what she likes “the bedroom is nice, we can have a lot of sexy time” that’s all I can think of “Cassius, think of all the hugs and snuggles we can have in front of the fire. I am so excited” Gio looks so happy with himself “I got to say Cassius, you have shocked me with the money. I asked and you gave straight away, even overpaid” I smiled at him “well, being an accountant I just saved for this moment. It’s her dream, you know” Sofia walked back in the bedroom “also, the TV in your room. You can switch to the cameras at any time on all of the TVs, they are linked” least I know my family will be safe, that is the main part of things.
Telling Kyle and Myles this has been playing on my mind, they are going to be annoyed. I can say it to them, they know and I ain’t lying to them. We was originally going to go to eat but I think we need privacy, Myles is the only one to be in his home currently so we came here “Cassius” Sofia touched my arm as I knocked on the door “huh?” looking behind me “a gun?” reaching behind my back, seeing the gun has been exposed “I always carry it, just stop acting shocked about things” pulling my top over the gun “bro” dapping Myles as I walked into his home “Myles, thank you for letting us use your home also” walking down the hallway “nice home, Isabella” smiling at her “Kyle” dapping him, he didn’t bother to get up “Amira” placing a cigaerette between my lips, I need to smoke right now. Sofia should be ok, I am away from her “your home is beautiful, honestly. Girl, the high celings. We just saw our home, it’s looking so good” watching the girs sit down, blowing the smoke out from my lips waiting for them to sit down.
Kyle just eyed me up “never a good luck” Kyle said “has things ever been good, I mean yes money wise” pacing away to the window “well yeah, you gain us all money” opening the window and threw the cigarette out, closing the window as I blew out the last of the smoke from my lips “so Zed is dead” walking back over to my spot “he dead, why?” Myles asked “because he killed Lamar” I said as Kyle pointed at me “I told you Myles, I said it. I said it to you, but how?” Kyle questioned “the way Lamar died, we taught him better. He knew, that was a set up, he knew that person. Ethan kind of gave it away, he killed Zed. I said to him that I either kill you or you kill Zed. So he did it, he was up to something. He took out Lamar because Lamar was telling everything to me of course” with the look on Kyle’ face he knows already “you never left Cassius, you didn’t attempt to leave. You are a liar” Kyle spat “but you are out of it? You’re free so why you upset? I am telling if you want a cut then you can be back in but if not then so be it. You still my friends” Kyle hit Myles arm “you heard this nigga, acting like we free because if they come for you then they will come for us! How the fuck are we free? You said a break free time coming here, we came here for that Cassius. You have a whole child coming and you telling me you back in the shit?” he telling me shit I already “what choice I got nigga!? Talk to me, what choice do I got because when niggas go cold on the cash and drugs they fucking speak and then I can’t trust anyone to run it, to take over because they want to come at me. Best way is this” Kyle shook his head, Myles is awfully quiet.
“Cassius, listen to me. I told you we were making too much money, we needed to leave. Things were too bad for us to stay and you want to remain. It’s crazy talk” Kyle said “But Kyle, he is right. How can we leave such a thing? We run Brooklyn, for us to just stop people start talking. We feed them dealers, once that is cut off people start singing” Myles got a brain “I am not doing much, I am here. I am buying some business, we are going to clean the money that way, look like we are legit. You know, you are my family so I wanted to tell you. You all are free, it’s me. It’s my name they say, you ain’t read. I was in the local newspaper, talking about they raided my warehouse but nothing was found, they acting like they close to finding evidence of wrong doing but I tipped them off. I am playing them at their own game. I am and will be one step ahead of them” Kyle sighed out “you’re getting so big that it’s scary Cassius, I am not lying bro” placing my hands on my hips just looking over at Sofia, she put her head down.
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So, I finally watched Boku No Mirai. I wasn’t able to the day it came out because I was in class all day. By the time I got home I basically sat in complete exhaustion until I passed the heck out. BUT my feelings under the cut. Note: It is currently 9am, I am sleep deprived and slightly sugar high. It might get a little off track.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to watch this last movie or not. I, like the rest of you, am tired. So, so tired. I was afraid that it would make me angrier than I have been. It’s been three years. I just wanted it to end, but I was afraid of it ending.
I loved it. I cried five times throughout the movie. I was able to appreciate Meiko as a character. The thing that I was worried about the most and hated the most about Tri was rectified.
Does that mean I don’t have my problems with Tri? Heck no. But I’ve been angrier at Loss. But let me go through it.
I watched 4 of the 6 movies with my friend and fellow rp partner @spiritxgun and maybe he can speak of his own thoughts and feelings on the movies. We marathoned Digimon 01 together and went straight to Tri. We initially only meant to watch the first two movies. The first because I thought it was good. The second because it centred around Mimi, and she is the whole reason we watched. Since 02 barely has Mimi in it, there was little point in slogging through what I considered a terrible series just for 2 episodes where she was actually featured as a full character and not just seen for 3 seconds.
But Boku no Mirai crept up on us and I asked him to watch with me, and since we were going to watch the ending, why not the whole thing. Cue marathon. Anyways, sorry for the long sidenote.
Going back to the Real World, the kids have a quiet moment as they basically wait for what to do next. There’s a lot of unsureness and waiting. But there was a good scene with Yamato and Gabumon that I’m glad was there.
I’m not sure why Ordinemon preferenced going after Meiko on the pier and not Hikari in the bed. Ordinemon is 50/50 both their partners. Maybe Meiccoomon just held stronger influence. That’s likely it. Now it’s a desperate race to defeat Ordinemon.
I’m actually quite happy that Homeostasis wasn’t made out to be evil. Or that Yggdrasil necessarily went crazy. She was just doing what she thought was best, and I think it was rather kind of her to take the time to warn the children they were going against what she thought was against everyone’s best interests for peace, order and balance. Others may not see it as kindness, but that’s what I took away. These were her charges and while she doesn’t have a full range of human empathy, it is required, I think, to some degree to keep balance.
It just turns out the kids didn’t want her balance if it meant rebooting everything all the time. You know what? Good on them. I was starting to get annoyed that it felt like the kids were just caught between two feuding gods and had no business doing anything. So being proactive and fighting against her wishes was wonderful.
I also loved that Hackmon actually felt the most empathy toward the children. At least that seemed to be what was hinted with his words of ‘this isn’t what I wanted, either.’ Of course I can’t quote verbatim.
Actually, thinking of Hackmon and how James was surprised at Hackmon being Jesmon, I realized that we never saw Alphamon’s other forms. Any of them. Coupled with that, the mystery of the fake Gennai since Gennai was being kept with the 02 kids. Maybe Fake!Gennai is Alphamon?
Both of us wanted Fake!Gennai to die. Both of us thought at the same time how hilarious it would be if he got caught in the crossfire while gloating and just ceased.
I’m glad actually that one of my fears was proven wrong. I was hoping that Tri wasn’t just an excuse to establish the formation of the Royal Knights. That somehow Homeostasis wasn’t going to be overthrown for Yggdrasil, that constantly malfunctioning thing and get established a round table of knights that never seem to get along and always feud with one another and fall apart at the seems, replacing the concept of a Digidestined/Chosen Child for that.
I’m happy that the world isn’t idyllic and perfect like 02′s epilogue depicted. I hated it. Even as a child I thought it was too simplistic and fanficcy. Of course it sucks that everyone but the Chosen detest digimon now, but at best I expect an uneasy acceptance of digimon with fluctuating parts hate, neutrality and like for digimon as the world comes to terms with the idea of the Digital World existing alongside theirs.
I’m also glad that the memories of the digimon were restored. I know a lot of people hate the idea of their memories coming back. But it wasn’t the idea of the memories coming back that irked me. It was the status quo of the relationships not changing. At all. None of the digimon acted any differently or formed different relationships with their partners despite the lack of memories. Gatomon/Tailmon retained her Champion form despite the reboot making it so that in the new Digital World’s history she no longer had to struggle under Myotismon. But it seemed like the reboot wasn’t a complete clean slate. The history still affected the digimon in some way, and I think that was a hint that the memories would return. That something would be restored. I just wish there was a more visible contrast to there being a change in the first place. But I would have been just as angry if the memories had been returned in the same movie it was revealed they were definitely lost.
I’m sorry but Memory Loss for Drama/The Sads just is really a pet peeve of mine. I am who I am because of who I was, and my memories are a testament to that. So such a concept as one’s memories is important to me, personally. I don’t expect anyone else to share my feelings on the matter.
Regarding Wizardmon, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I think it was great how he was shown, but considering his hat was on the poster I would have liked to see him have more screen time. But seeing him there still made me cry and whisper soundlessly to James and somehow he still heard me through my microphone. How, I have no idea because honestly I was that quiet.
Since we’re talking about characters making appearances, I’ll also talk about the 02 kids. I am one of those people who don’t really give a fuck about the 02 kids. Sorry, but they more annoy me than anything. Except for maybe Iori and MAAAAYBE Ken. Maybe. If I hadn’t known that Tri was supposed to focus on the 01 kids I’d be more upset. But since it was very clearly established it wasn’t going to be on the 02 kids, I was satisfied with the idea that the kids probably wouldn’t actually be SEEN until the 6th movie and lo and behold I was right.
The movies do actually a good job with never letting us forget that the 02 kids are missing. But it was very evident we wouldn’t see them until the end. Why the 01 kids never wondered why they were absent, I’m not sure. I figured they moved to go to different high schools. An explanation just for clarity would have been nice.
The password for unlocking Meiccoomon’s memories was good, man. James was there speculating it would be Meiko’s name. But he figured that would be too simple. When he asked what I thought, I said ‘Ta much’ and TA DA! I win~
On Mimi, I was actually super happy that Mimi was so empathetic and passionate in this movie. I loved how she picked up Koromon. I wanted her to comfort him more. There wasn’t a lot of her in terms of screen time, but I was happy with what was there. It felt very ‘her’ to me, or how I always saw her to be.
The pacing was better than the last two movies. The animation budget seemed to be better, but I think there were a few quirks of what felt like a running-low-on-budget production, but it wasn’t as bad as that frigging montage of stills in Loss. That took both of us out of the story.
The second reboot itself felt a little iffy. Maybe I’d be more pissed if I hadn’t immediately thought of the concept that they already justified such a possibility with their more philosophical discussions previously. Plus it was definitely in line with Homeostasis and what she would do. Going back to Hackmon, I’m glad someone, even if it was Meiko, finally brought up the idea of whether or not Homeostasis even cared about them as people or was heartless, and going after Hackmon. Hackmon, likewise, I’m glad told Meiko to shut up about apologizing. But in a nicer way.
There was no repeat of conversations unlike Symbiosis, which started feeling repetitive. So that was good.
Both Maki and Daigo seemed to have died. Maki I stopped caring about, though I recognize the tragedy of her character. A Chosen fallen into despair and gone astray. She was abused and cracked under pressure of being a pawn. Daigo got his heroic farewell and I wouldn’t have been happier any other way. Even though he was the favourite of the newcomers. I just wanted him to be happy, but if he can’t be alive and happy, I’m glad he’s at least still happy while dead.
Orinemon’s ass shots were distracting. There’s no getting around that. Seriously who fucking flies like that? How is that natural looking in any way shape or form? It’s not aerodynamic by any means. Sure, her wings double as hands doubling as digimon n stuff but feetwings still need aerodynamic everything to fly properly. Legs down and bent over is not that.
I’m glad at least it felt like no other character got that treatment. Lillymon once with the flying I guess. But they could have been so much worse with Angewomon and Rosemon and they weren’t.
Yamato’s quip about shooting for space irked me. I’m sorry but why the fuck? Just a casual ‘lol I guess I’ll be random and quit my music career to 1-Up/Emulate Taichi’. You did NOT earn that! GTFO with it you are still a musician to me and always will be. Shoot for the stars in your music videos you absolute loser dweeb.
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/30 NXT 12/02 NXT UK 12/03 Smackdown 12/04 Takeover War Games 12/06 + Main Event 12/03
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...Yeah hi, what the fuck is with the doll trapped inside of the table? Is that a metaphor for Alexa??
I’m so happy for her being able to have segments with Orton. Good for her.
Alexa’s like a mere inch taller than me so she’s a nice gauge as to to how tall the men’s roster is in comparison, and Randy? Fucking tall.
So the writing was on the wall; Fiend cares about Alexa (whether the nature is abusive is irrelevant to this point) and Randy has figured out how to use Alexa as a pawn to manipulate Fiend. I was kind of hoping Fiend/Alexa were in control of the gameboard, but it seems I’ve been duped.
The only complaint I have about this is how... compliant and helpless Alexa was in this segment. She’s not only been possessed/traumatized into caring about Fiend, but furthermore she does care about him, so why wouldn’t she be fighting against Randy when she was in his arms? The writing of her character in this particular segment seemed shallow. I know she can play whatever emotion they want from her, so to not ask for any emotions at all is curious.
Also the only person who isn’t a heel here is Alexa, and I won’t really hear any argument on the manner. Fiend is a predator at best. Orton is a psychotic douchebag.
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My head hurts. Imagine Becky being stuck in a tag team with Lana rather than throwing a huge fit about not being able to defend her title for fucking months.
“Sarah you wouldn’t understand, but Shayna and I are about to-- *starts smiling like a fucking idiot*” Wow I want to defend wwe’s incessant need for giving Lana a storyline but I’m so fucking tired of abysmal promos. God. I. Miss. Becky. WHY is the Raw women’s champion wrapped up in this??
“First of all... ew.” lolololol
Shayna’s hatred for Lana is fucking hilarious.
Why is it, whenever Nia and Shayna do their dual barricade ragdoll move, Nia always gets the lighter one?
Nia fucking pummeled Lana lmao.
I kind of wish this story had a live crowd, I’d like to see if all of this was actually buying Lana some goodwill from the audience.
Hilarious watching Lana sit on the bottom rope for a few seconds before climbing through onto the apron, before slinking down to a sitting position, before finally collapsing onto the floor barely peering into the ring. Tf is she doing rofl.
Now she jumped up onto the apron lacking any enthusiasm, tagged herself in, and is climbing onto the turnbuckle while seemingly sobbing. What in the fuck lmao.
God Asuka is working overtime here.
*Bonus* online exclusive: how fun, Lana and Asuka are singing and dancing together. This division is turning into a garbage fire rq.
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Oh is Mandy still out with an injury in kf?
Love it when new debuts get no fucking entrance. Yikes.
Mia Yim had such a dope theme song and entrance, I can’t believe it’s been scrapped so that she can call herself “Reckoning” and hang out in some dead-end group. Shame.
Oh my god. Mia loses to Dana via rollup after taking virtually no offense. What a waste of everyone’s time. I see this going nowhere, absolutely nowhere.
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*Bonus* online exclusive: lmfao the Nikki Cross interview was worth a mention. First off, Nikki looks gorgeous. Second, I feel like this is the beginning of her run of not appearing on Raw because she isn’t deemed developed enough outside of a tag team, which is sad. Third, rofl @ her giving Sarah sheep’s stomach chicken to eat, I have no words. Anyway, she should be a solid midcarder. Get it together wwe.
Highlight: Probably the Nikki Cross online exclusive
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They got Shotzi something that glows. Wow.
Why is there a silhouette as if Io isn’t already added to the team? Why wouldn’t she be? Shayna was in last year’s, why wouldn’t Io be in this year’s? Is this supposed to be suspenseful?? lmao plz.
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Indi did not take a bullet for you, she was just an idiot. Also why does this bitch still have a neck brace on? It was an Eclipse, let’s get real for a second.
Why you acting like your team is cohesive anyway? Doesn’t Dakota hate you? Didn’t Toni just turn heel for virtually no fucking reason, after defending/consoling Shotzi and attacking Candice like a sore loser? *sigh*
I know fans are really into WarGames but I find the alliances really fucking weak every year. It’s as bad as Survivor Series, just with more weapons and brutality.
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So Xia Li lost some matches and now she’s being tortured... okay. I’m gonna keep my comments on this to a minimum cuz I can tell this will be some long-term story.
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Oh I really like how their respective team members are standing up in the back on balconies. I really fucking like the layout of this arena. Huge fan.
Why Shotzi vs Raquel though? Why is the team captain fighting? That’s not typical for these, is it?
Ugh failure to throw Shotzi through the ropes. There’s just... a skill gap in the division, you know? And Shotzi and Raquel are on the lower end of that gap. I don’t care if people love Shotzi, she’s MILES away from being a champion. What saves her is her risk-taking, but it’s just a matter of time before that bites her in the ass.
Shotzi’s offense is doing a minimal amount of potential damage to her opponent while taking herself out in the most convoluted way possible. She’s Sasha Banks on steroids.
You call it innovative, I call it foolish.
Raquel just standing there waiting with stairs in her hands. Beast.
Shotzi can’t have a kf leg injury, that negates 95% of her offense!
Limpy vs Gimpy
Setting up that ladder in the corner was clunky as shit.
A pure ladder stip is hard to have in a women’s singles match, but this match is a big pile of meh.
Honestly I’m not about to complain about all of these women getting involved because this is borderline boring.
AYYYEEE it’s Io! Io saved this match tbh. Love her, THAT’S my champion.
Give Shotzi’s team the advantage, I doubt they win anyway.
To be honest; you have former nxt champion Ember Moon, inaugural UK champion and former nxt champion who fought against Charlotte fucking Flair at WrestleMania Rhea Ripley, and current champion that beat Charlotte fucking Flair for the title Io Shirai. The idea of that team losing is laughable at best in kf. But they will, cuz fuck babyfaces.
*Bonus* online exclusive: What surprises could you possibly have in store aside from some random weapons? Also fuck your howl. Edit: she was talking about her stupid new tank, wasn’t she...
Highlight: Io showing up at the end of the ladder match
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Who’s this green-shirt bro and why did he run over there to break up the brawl as if there aren’t 2 dozen officials already? Men needlessly getting involved in women’s fights irritates the shit out of me.
He also got in the way of the shot for the majority of this clip. I hate him. 
I hope Jinny wins this future match.
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This Aleah girl is like a cross between Kacy and Alexa, and honestly I hate it. Which is odd cuz I love them. She pisses me off though. Not sure what to make of it.
So supposedly Valkyrie is undefeated? That’s good. Let’s keep that going.
Valkyrie has nice counters and is super athletic. I say this every time I watch one of her matches but she deserves more praise.
I hate that women on UK get so little time. Send Valkyrie and KLR to nxt and send Dakota and Rhea to the MR, thanks.
I’d pay to see Valkyrie vs KLR too!
Still not a fan of Valkyrie’s finisher. Love her gear though, it looks different.
Highlight: Always a pleasure watching Valkyrie
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Lmfao Bayley “fails” to break the count before rolling back outside, so she rolls back in and fucking stomps her feet while yelling at the ref. She’s good. She’s good at the basics, good at paying attention to her surroundings, and good at improvising.
Bayley and Nattie are smooth together. They’ve never had a match, right? Other than this?
Love how Bianca has all of Bayley’s attention.
Bayley just used Nattie’s discus clothesline against her lmao. What a troll.
I remember when Bayley tapped, her entire fanbase was crying claiming she was buried. Watching it myself, she is so obviously entering into a program with Bianca. Christ 90% of her attention was on Bianca throughout the match.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Bianca just told Bayley her hair ain’t even and she looks dusty, good fucking bye.
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mmmm not sure if Sasha has the admiration of the wwe universe. Look she’s a remarkable talent in the ring, but she is insanely annoying outside of it. She’s changed nothing from the time she was heel, other than no longer cheating to win. She obnoxiously cackles, she’s egotistical, she gets along with legit nobody. I’m not convinced the crowd would even cheer her, even if she’s one of the best bell to bell. Her fans can call her the number 1 babyface, but that’s a stretch if I’ve ever heard one.
“I won the first 2 women’s mitb” aaggghhhhh I hate that Carmella still claims that. Debatable. De-ba-ta-ble.
Lol “I can’t help if men are obsessed with me,” alright sure. That’s good tbh. Carmella is a notorious cheat but regardless, that’s good.
Well the reason y’all never faced one on one is because Carmella’s a Smackdown veteran and you just got here, but I digress.
So where’s the army that still runs around crying that Becky buried her when she called her the greatest woman to never be great (facts)? Where’s the outrage for Sasha demeaning Carmella and claiming she’s not in her league? Sasha fans are wild.
“With half the work I’m better than you. I held onto that Smackdown woman’s title longer than all of your title reigns combined.” omg she’s dead. Shots fired, target hit. Someone call Sasha a hearse. 
Instead of sitting there making ugly faces, Sasha really should’ve gotten up and left. Lick her wounds or something kekek.
Highlight: I’m into this Bayley/Bianca thing they’re building
Takeover WarGames:
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I just think it’s so cool that wwe shelled out the money for a Black Sabbath song. Of course they can afford it, but for a Takeover? Points.
Nobody wants to come take out Candice rq? No? Nobody at all???
Oh hell yeah Dakota gets to start? Good for her, since she skipped out on it last year.
I don’t fucking get Ember Moon’s persona, but I like her lit gear tonight.
“Aiming it square at Team LeRae” sometimes I wonder if Vic is simply blind.
The concept of this match is fun, but it always feels a little hollow until the match actually starts.
So cool that they got Wade Barrett on commentary in nxt.
Sloppy headscissors by Ember, but Dakota sold well per usual. Not sure why they’d have Ember run the marathon.
I’d pay so much money to see the 4hw in a WarGames match.
Oh that’s cool, Raquel put her hand up to protect Ember’s face from Dakota’s kick. We appreciate a performer that protects her coworkers.
That sunset flip powerbomb by Shotzi onto Raquel off the ropes was neat.
Toni up in here just removing all the turnbuckles. I wonder if running into exposed turnbuckles actually hurts that much.
Toni barely taps Ember with a kendo stick and she acting like she’s dying.
Man that 6 woman thing was so choreographed. Even did a countdown.
Io ma’am we don’t-- we don’t need ladders... okay. Okay.
Io scaling the cage and Raquel knocking her off like in Super Mario Brothers.
I feel like WarGames is convoluted enough, but sure, let’s get into the winter of overbooked women’s matches. New season, same bullshit.
AHAHAHAHAH IO’S FUCKING SMILE. She is standing on top of the cage putting a garbage can over her head, and has the audacity to wear a shit eating grin. I cannot, this girl is crazy and I love her.
Stupid spot? Maybe. Is Io batshit insane for jumping like 10 feet down completely blind? Absolutely. Points.
CLEAN ddt by Io onto Raquel. Spiked.
Candice is dumb. Got a trash can lid standing opposite Shotzi who’s wielding a chair. Candice throws the lid, says ‘hold on’, then climbs through the ropes to grab a kendo stick while crying ‘help’. Grabs her kendo stick, goes to bat against Shotzi, gets her hand smashed lmao. Idiot.
Oh that was perfectly timed. Dakota busts Shotzi with a chair strike and barely even begins to turn around before Io missile dropkicks the chair into her from out of nowhere.
Dakota stuck a trash can over Io and then did a double stomp that impacted the trash can so badly she couldn’t slide it off lol. eesh.
Is Ember gonna attempt to Eclipse someone onto a set of upright chairs... Omg no. You’re gonna take the brunt of this, jfc don’t.
Oh good god what a fucking beautifully bad idea. I hope you’re okay bro. Man Dakota FLIPPED over. Nasty, nasty move.
That Storm Zero through a trash can was ace. Honestly I see a lot more potential for Toni here in nxt than over on UK.
This is a really good match. 
It’s not that I hate the coffin drop off the ladder onto Candice, but Candice really ruined it by preemptively grabbing a chair and holding it on top of herself. Kind of spelled out exactly how that was gonna go.
Io and Rhea make an amazing team.
Rhea and being thrown into the cage on the outside of the ropes, name a more iconic duo. I’ve heard that’s the worst part about cage matches cuz your skin legit gets dragged against the links as you slide down.
Holy shit Io just got powerbombed through a ladder. OOF.
That’s the ending?? Raquel pinned Io for the ending??? Holllllyyyy shit.
Interestingly enough, I’d have to say the 2 team captains did the least amount of notable work.
What took out Shotzi: On screen the last bump she took was her coffin drop onto Candice, which kept her from saving Io. Mess.
Some great spots for sure. Recency bias might be a thing, but I feel like I enjoyed this one more than last year’s.
Highlight: That Eclipse onto the chairs to Dakota was WICKED
Main Event:
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Main event giving people promo time? Is this typical??
Okay look. You acknowledged Alexa is brainwashed. You acknowledged that she chose him (even though she’s brainwashed so you really shouldn’t be upset). Now you’re claiming SHE came out and slapped you, as if you haven’t been relentlessly bothering her about her boyfriend that she chose because she’s brainwashed, and as if you weren’t the one who came out and confronted her. Is this not super problematic to anyone else??? Nikki this doesn’t make you a victim or even a decent person/friend lmao.
It’s a good promo though. Good delivery, very buyable.
I know Lacey’s being a bitch, but it’s an awful hair style, Sarah. I’m sorry.
Lmao Lacey is so god damn funny when she has someone to play off of. I can see the appeal in her and Peyton, I can see it. I can see it. The pairing should absolutely not last long because Lord they’re abysmal in the ring together, but outside? Swell, just swell.
Lacey will always have a job solely for her character work if nothing else.
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Haha Lacey running from Nikki. She’s a treat.
Really thought that spinning heel kick was gonna be the end of it.
This match is definitely Main Event(tm) worthy, but I’m glad it has some semblance of a story going into it.
Peyton’s jump kick looks dumb.
Probably for the best that Nikki loses this, even if Peyton is awful.
*WarGames was definitely the highlight in an otherwise really lame week of wrestling. I don’t even have a runner-up, I’m just thankful for WarGames.
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truly-morgan · 3 years
Morgan simply rambling about their ocs part 1
So I got four likes on my post about rambling about my ocs, so that’s enough for me to do it anyway. I waited to talk about how they came to be and how they evolved (since many are from easily 8-9 years ago). They won't be in chronological order, mainly because it been too long for me to really remember that, but also all the original thing that could have helped me figure that out are now gone or have new date of creation. I can remember maybe who the 3-4 first are, but that's as far as my memories go.
I'd love to go over what design they went through, but tumblr wouldn't allow me to do that, so I suppose I'll do that on a later time.
They were, for a large part of them, meant to be used for rp (boy do I miss doing those), a lot of the other just growing around them as side characters and world building. So I'll most likely go over those that were originally meant to be used in rp, since the other characters came much more later and have obviously less development.
Anyway, hope y'all love this long post about my ocs.
Jack Auchter (previously Jack Miller)
First original character I ever made (meaning: not a naruto/my candy love oc), it was actually my brother’s character in a way, as I created him out of his suggestion. It is to say, he has change a lot.
He started as a lone ex-secret-military guy, trying to go back to a normal life despite his violent past, with some hint of losing someone before. I had created him as being seen like an horrible monster by the villager living close to were their base was and him just ending up quitting at some point. That whole secret military was a rather vague idea (I still have to work on that even).
Then he grew into becoming a more friendly characters. Really kind to people, ready and wanting to help anyone. This is where I implanted the whole reason why he got out of it, basically after losing his two best friends, blaming himself for what happened.
Now he is still a pretty gentle young man, wanting to help people the best he can, keeping a lot to himself as he tries his best to just live a normal life, as normal as it can be with all the nightmares and old habit. He still blames himself for not being able to save Yannis and Matthew, (where I also decided to work more on these two)
I cannot remember all the little changes, but he slowly grew throughout the years and it funny to look back at how much more depth he has now.
Evan & Ethan Matsui (+kuro) (previously Tatsuya and Tenbatsu)
I am 90% sure they are the “second” characters I created. They were inspired from two thing: twins oc a friend I had at the time had + Fruit Basket, or more specifically the cat zodiac part (for those who know).
Surprisingly they didn't changed too much, the demon is the one who did the most in a way. They were twins from a family stuck with a demon, needing a vessel to keep him “harmless”. The tradition was a weird “the purest and sweetest heart must be used, to 'appease' the demon”, and Ethan was just that. Evan begged to take his place because he sneak to see what the old vessel was like and saw how it would destroy the joyful person his brother was. So Evan ends up being the one stuck with Kuro, Ethan never leaving his side and wanting to protect him from the demon. Evan grows to be a rather solitary man, trying to stay away from people as much as people, only letting his brother close, despite scared that the demon would us him to get to Evan. Ethan grew to be a loving young man, doing his best to protect his brother.
They didn't changed too much, I most likely made them to be even closer, looking after each other and pretty dependant from on another. I added a little more depth and story around the curse, making it more logical, but also making the reason behind they close bond better.
Like I said, Kuro is the one who changed the most. At first he was an entity simply wanting to kill and be violent, trying to harm Ethan just so he could make an opportunity to take over Evan's body. Then he became this demon who's annoying Evan 24/7, trying to steal his body, but less by using Ethan as a mean to do so.
Now Kuro has grown to be this demon who once wanted to us Ethan as a pawn to his taking over the body, but ended up growing found of the young man (because of him also showing kindness to him despite it all). He's as much of an ass to Evan, having for objective to take over the body at some point, but not as much. The two even sometime agree to switch if its about a difficult situation Evan couldn't deal with.
So it pretty much went from the twins being against the demon, to the three of them having a weird relationship, not quit enemies, but not quit 100% trusting either.
Haru Sasaki
Of course, I just HAD to create a bad boy at the time. Of course I needed one. Haru's characters as changed a lot, but to be have more detail added to him and not to only be a bad boy.
He started as a teenager who became such a violent kid because that's what people expected from him. He hated and was hated by his mother because she had him at 17 (and kinda fucked over her life plan). And he was a loving brother. That was pretty much it, a kid missing his dad, who was violent and got into fight all the time, with no friend and love his sister a lot.
Then I decided to had in his hobby cooking, making him a great cook. That was a genius idea I had, because it became an important part of his characters and a goal I could give him (good job me).
Then I decided to had two other little delinquent to follow him around. At first I wrote it more as him letting them stick around out of just not being able to get ride of them, to changing it to him slowly warming up to them and taking care of them too since they aren't bad kid. Lets not forget him working in a flower shop with a sweet lady seeing the good in him.
Now this is what Haru is: someone who grew up with the expectation to become someone violent who cause trouble (he does, a lot), but who is actually really kind and a very protective brother, who aspire to be a cook on day with the encouragement of his sister, with two idiots for friend (but who just need some love too).
(note: also, somewhere towards the start of my rp with him, I made cherry his favourite aliment. Dunno how it became like this, I was often using this as his snack and it just... somehow became his whole thing. Cherries.)
Akainu Fuyuda & Kyosuke Hamada
They were probably created in similar times, as they pretty much go hand in hands.
Kyosuke started as a test subject who was there since he was born because of his telekinesis power, and Akainu was one of the nurse helping take care of him. I had made Kyosuke to be much more prone to have his sanity snap and want to kill people, where Akainu was a rather sadistic man with little to no regards to his test subjects. Their relationship was based on a mixed of interested for his art and power (for Akainu) and hate mixed with some want to absolutely annoy the shit out of the scientist (for Kyosuke).
Akainu is the one who changed to most, going from the sadistic and uncaring scientist for one who take care of his test subject as best as he can, who can't get along with his colleague (other than two) and who is overworked (an absolute workaholic also). Kyosuke is less of a wild one as he was, still an annoying little shit, but less in the “sanity goes bye bye” kind of way. He's tired of being tested one, but a routine as settle between them and Akainu tries to make it less bad. He will sometime snap if pushed pass his limits or when thing just get way too overwhelming, as a defensive mechanism.
Their relationship became less of a “I want to study/kill you” and more of a “We are both tired of this, but at this point it too late to change anything, but i'll still annoy the shit outta you”. Honestly the only consistent theme as been Kyosuke's dad hatred towards him for the loss of his wife.
Not gonna lie, I wonder how it would feel to write Akainu as a more sadistic man again, I realised that only after taking a look back at older stuck I wrote with him,
Alexy Leblanc
Oh boy this one was me going ape shit in the sadistic department, like I was really hard and angsty one some characters, but Alex? You'd believe I hated him or something (despite me very much loving this character). (tw: mention of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, skip to next character if this is too sensible for you)
So Alexy started as having the absolute worst life. Being physically beaten by his dad and his classmate, also being sexually abused by those two group. Like, the world was against him and somehow the teacher never found out or just didn't gave a single shit about it.
For a long time I made his treatment just a little bit worst, then I calmed it down a bit for something “more possible” where he was just bullied at school, yet had the same treatment from his dad.
Then, about a year ago, I decided “boy would it be nice to start making him feel nice” and despite his story basically being the same, he ain't stuck in this endless teenager cycle and I'm finally making him grow and slowly heal from his trauma with the help of a friend.
The story around him is the one who changed the most, as his character always stayed a rather quiet young man who was scared to get close to people In fear of getting punish for it. The change in that character is more of adding growing to him rather than actual change in the core of who he is.
Am still unsure where all this dark part came from, I suppose I needed that one character, as people around me also had character with rather deep, hard and dark stories. Am really happy to finally work on making him slowly heal from that, I feel like now this is something I would find more interesting to work on, rather than nonstop angst and abuse.
Kadir & Tamir (previously Kira & Ryu)
Tamir was the first one I created, he was actually a random character I drew in class before also created Kadir as someone who wanted to kill him. Their dynamic was inspired from what I saw of Izaya and Shizuo relationship (note “I saw” since I haven't read or watched drrr yet). It was pretty much Kadir hating Tamir and wanting to capture him as a bounty hunter, where Tamir was a pickpocket who would always play around with him.
Tamir started as a sneaky pickpocket who didn't care about anything but having fun and annoying people. Kadir started as a bounty hunter with great strength and anger issue. That was pretty much what they were and their relationship was very much just one-sided hate while the other is playing with the other anger.
Tamir stayed rather similar, despite his background story slowly building up more and see what his power actually are. He's still the demon who likes to joke around, steal stuff and cause problem. I'd say these part just became a stronger part of him, since he was just a random doodle at first he was rather plain. Kadir is still easy to anger, but it way less of being angry all the time. He's less always on Kadir trail as he was before and does so mainly when they meet or when he feel like he could finally win over him. His background as also evolve a lot.
They have a sort of frenemy kind of relationship, where they always fight together but don't actually hate each other (or at least not like it was at the beginning of their relationship).
Micha & Cyrus (previously ??? & Kiyoshi)
Micha is basically what happen when you give up another character and use their trope to create another one. I had a fallen angel before, but never actually did anything with it, so I created Micha.
He changed a lot over the time. He was first rather plain, being the owner of a bar somewhere (don't ask where, am as uninformed as you on that). Polite to client, yet distant about who he was with a vague past about how he became a fallen angel and why he didn't like heaven (basically being to what an angel is supposed to look like and being pushed aside a lot, he decided to do his best to get kicked out but not kill).
Then I gave him more depth, also throwing at him Cyrus, an amnesic angel who didn't remember who he was. Micha was then a little more friendlier, still not getting close to people, but still ready to help the people in the village he settled in. Cyrus was created as a very innocent and naïve characters (due to his amnesia), down to his design being rather innocent and cinnabun-ish.
Then in more recent time, Micha personality is pretty similar, but I also changed a little bit what his reason to be a fallen angel is (will be touch a little more if I finish my animatic :'D). He's more invested in the little village he settled in, rather found of the humans there. Cyrus changed a little more. He is a little less of a pure baby who's extra naïve and innocent. He's still rather naïve by time and clueless on some thing, but less child-like (even his design became a little more mature as an attempt to clash a little with his personality). Still a very kind and loving person tho.
Their relationship pretty much stayed the same, as Micha is still taking care of him and protecting him of potential danger as he did in the past.
Frederick Wilson (previously Frédéric ???)
Fred is also a rather old character of mine, yet his characters is somewhere between changed and not changed?!?
He started as a playboy who don't give a shit about people feeling, sleeping around a lot and legit every night in bars. That was the biggest part of his personality.
He is still playboy, love to party, drink and sleep around, but even if he still don't look for long term relationship, his less on the cruel “Am not making it clear, but it also your fault for getting your hopes up” and more on the “Yeah, no, am just looking for sex”. At least he's more honest on that point, still not a a good boyfriend, as he never take it seriously, only goes along for some times. Part of his motivation is not to follow in the step of his father and brother, who are men that don't take responsibilities and pretty much don't seem to care about people's feelings.
It shows better when I write him with his best friend, he's not as much of an ass as he seems to be.
Stanley Murphy (previously Shinji ???)
I'd like to say Stanley didn't change much, but it not exactly true? He was at first a young man who works as a waiter to show you can live just as well without high studies (I wasn't too much into the idea of “you much go to university to have a good life”). A good working young man, helping people when he can a living happily with his cat.
Somewhere along the line I made Frederick and Stanley to be best friends, don't ask how or why it came to be despite being rather different from one another, it just did and now I cannot separate them.
Stanley slowly grew to be the son of a rather wealthy family who had too much being pushed on him and part of what he decided was partly to rebel against his family, but also because he didn't actually had any goal in life. He's still a very hard working person, really loving of those who get to be close to him and who tries to live a good life. He's probably even one of the reason why Frederick didn't became an absolute garbage man.
Samuel Roy
Samuel is a cold hearted hitman, who became one rather young too. I feel like most of his characters just became the same, but push the button for more.
Insomniac, caffeinomane, misanthrope, don't really care who the target is (unless it's a kid, see later for Mike), live a lot day by day and knows he will most likely not die a painless and happy death.
That's the whole essence of Samuel, most of these were there when I first created him, I simply pushed some of those to an extreme. I still need to better his background story and how he ended up being a hitman.
I also added a second person who managed to get close to him, Michael Drake, who's a good friend of him and also his doctor when he ends up hurt out of what he can deal with. They lost touch when Samuel suddenly disappear and it took a couple of years before he finally learned what his job was, but ended up not telling anyone else and acting as if not knowing most of the time, under the promise that Samuel would never do anything to a child.
Samuel is a character I played a lot, but also one I really enjoy playing for some reason (There are a couple of character I really like playing).
Damn I did only 14 characters, yet I have so many more (but a couple o those “didn't changed”, or at least not enough for really doing a part). I feel like this rambling didn't showed much how they changed, but I know they did (but mostly because am the god who created them).
Welp, hope y'all did understood my rambling, don't be shy and ask me anything if you are curious for more, my inbox is open for that.
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gregoryjdillerblr · 4 years
2020: Pandemic, Murder Hornets, Riots and Protests, Monoliths, and the Rise of TikTok and OnlyFans.
2020 sure has been a strange and difficult year. Like everybody else, I was really looking forward to enter the new decade, the 2020s. My goal was to get on my own two feet and seek out a publisher to publish my books, something I have been wanting to do for many years now but kept pushing off because I was taking a hiatus and stuck in daydreaming of it happening instead of actually trying. Of course I’m doing it now, re-editing my novels while writing a new project, as well as seeking publishers to publish short stories with. But I’m here talking about 2020, since it’s near the end of an odd year
I remember back in December, riding the bus to the mall, where one crazy passenger was telling the bus driver that there was a virus wiping out China, that they were dropping like flies, and that Bill Gates was behind it all. My first thought was that this guy was fucking crazy; even the bus driver seemed to be annoyed by him. The man kept repeating himself all throughout the bus ride, and I couldn’t tell you how many times he said that this was Bill Gates doing, and that China was being wiped out.
A few months went by, and the Coronavirus found its way to the Untitled States. I am a movie goer, and I remember watching The Hunt in theaters just when the virus was hitting the US, me posting my movie ticket on my social media accounts that I wasn’t going to let the virus stop me watching the movie. Little did I know The Hunt was going to be the last movie I ever saw in theaters, and that Regal Cinemas would be closing theaters for good in the following months. I live near downtown Ithaca, NY, and the movie theater that was nearby in the Commons was Cinemapolis, who play a lot of more independent films than mainstream films. It was in this theater I watched films like Climax, Color Out of Space, The Lighthouse. Of course, the theater was forced to shut down. It’s still in the air whether the place has closed down for good or wait to reopen. Now I pass it and see the inside of it (the entire front is glass), noticing they had torn floorboards up and remodeling the place. 
I streamed films, paying the rent from as low as $6 to $20. I like to review, to talk about the films (and books I’ve read) I’ve watched recently. It’s the nerd in me that wants to talk about art and storytelling. It was cool seeing the films that were supposed to be in theaters at home. But knowing that these films were supposed to be in theaters, I couldn’t help but feel that I was missing that experience, to go to a theater, to pick out a seat (it’s usually in the middle for me), hoping to see new movie trailers I haven’t seen before, and experience the film in surround sound and on the big screen (I’m not a popcorn guy, I don’t buy it). 
Some films have been pushed back while others were streamed. I’m still waiting films like the wendigo horror flick Antlers, Godzilla Vs. Kong, The Conjuring 3, Tenet. HBO Max has announced it will stream three of the four films. Antlers was my biggest anticipated horror film of the year, and I still hope to God they would eventually stream the film rather than push it back. 
I work in retail. I was a department manager until about half way into the year, and when the whole pandemic started, there was a high demand to keep up with the flow of the almost endless flow of customers. When businesses were forced to shut down, people began to shop out of boredom. The store I work at saw an increase flow of customers. One of my good buddies and coworker told me that he helped a college girl who told him this was her very first time shopping, and she didn’t know how prices of meat work. Our store then laid down stickers to try to control customer flow, which aisle they are allowed to enter and which aisle they didn’t. Half the customers listened to the signs, and the other half didn’t. For those that didn’t, I pinpointed the signs out, and the main response I got was, “Oh, I didn’t see that there.” Eventually it got so common I stopped trying to pinpoint it out. I was a department manager, but I couldn’t enforce it like the upper management, but even they stopped trying, because there wasn’t really anything we could do to enforce it. 
Some customers got mad at other customers who weren’t wearing masks. Some of them argued. Some of them shouted at employees when customer hosts ask if they could give them a mask if they came in without one. It got so bad to the point that the store had to hire a third party security to help enforce the mask rules. But as of right now, there really isn’t much anybody to do to enforce it unless it’s enforced by state law. 
Because customers fear of going inside, online shopping saw a huge increase in sales. It got to the point that we department managers were called to help the online pickup crew. The lead manager over online pickup approved overtime, and a few of us were allowed to go in two hours ahead of our shift and help them out, just trying to fulfill orders the best we can. 
Toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning wipes, hand soap and sanitizers, rubbing alcohol, and Clorox and Lysol cleaners were wiped out. We saw many shelves emptied, naked to their metal frames where product was supposed to be. The company limited to a certain number of selected items so it was fare for all customers to buy, but the getting the supplies became difficult. Warehouses were getting low, and some even ran out of products that till this very day they are still out of. I was in charge of the frozen food section in my store, and I began to see a trend of what items were being wiped clean. Can fruits and vegetables were hit hard in the grocery department. The frozen fruits and vegetables were next. Everyday I had pull and breakdown a lot of emptied display boxes, and praying that the products would be coming soon. 
Things have slowed down, when businesses were up and running again, but to this day we are still having difficulties in getting some supplies in, or keep on the shelves. Toilet paper and paper towels slowed down, as well as hand sanitizers and soap, but good luck trying to get cleaning wipes and air sprays. Those are still gold.
With a pandemic comes the consequences of unease. When George Floyd was killed while a police officer was kneeing on him, suffocating him, the United States blew up with riots and protests. Major cities saw riots, businesses burning down. Police were shooting rubber bullets into crowds, including journalists. We saw much more police brutality in the videos that have gone viral. Police pushing elderly folks, cracking one’s head open in Buffalo, a city that’s just about three hours away where I live. In Rochester, a city that’s two hours away from me, saw some riot damage but nothing compared to those in other cities. In Ithaca, we only saw protests, nothing breaking out into riots, however, police did arrest a few protesters one night, after some of them blocked their way when the police were trying to rush to a crime scene. 
Some rioters took advantaged. They targeted business owners and killed them on the spot. Some injured police officers, and some protesters managed to block them before rioters got the chance to kill them. A retired police chief was killed while responding to a jewelry and pawn shop being robbed. Young 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people and injured a third while trying to act as a mercenary for the police.  
Coronavirus cases spiked from large gathering of crowds, as America seemed to be on the heels of an apocalypse, torn apart by civil unrest. Protests were not only happening in the United States but in other countries as well, each trying trying to fight what is right. Videos have gone viral showing how police use their power in position, though some of them prove that some officers do what is right. I won’t go into much details about the riots and the protests. I do believe some police officers shouldn’t be police officers. I do know a few in my personal life, some of them more strict than others, but they are nevertheless good people; we just need a better system to separate the bad from the good.
Before George Floyd was killed, Asian Murder Hornets found their way across the ocean. In Washington State, a beekeeper noticed his hive was killed, their heads chopped off. He then collected the predator. It was confirmed to be an Asian Giant Hornet. There was then the fear that I saw online that these hornets were already their way across America, and a couple of my Facebook friends have had claimed they saw them in New York State. Because of George Floyd being killed wrongfully, the murder hornets became old school news. However, in October, there was the first confirmed case of a murder nest in Washington. It is believed the hornets have arrived on ships, since they cannot cross the ocean just by simply flying. 
During all of this, the US Government have confirmed that UFOs exist, providing us declassified footage. But we became forgotten about it, haven’t we?  Because deep down we already knew UFOs existed. 
As if 2020 couldn’t get weirder by the end of it, a silver monolith was found in Utah. It became instant news, as many people claim it was aliens that have planted the monolith there. Once it was all over the media, the monolith disappeared, but soon after there was one that had suddenly “popped” up in Europe. When that got viral, that monolith disappeared and another one came up in California. I figured it was a group of underground people on the internet discussing their plans to make 2020 weirder than it already was, and recently an Instagram post confirmed this, as the artist of the monolith in Utah is now trying to sell it. Sorry, guys, not really an X-File case. 
There were also the California wildfires that burned 4,359,517 acres of land, from 9,279 fires. California seemed to be suffocating with black smoke as fires rage. The smoke eventually reached across the nation. New York City was seen in a fog like state. Viral videos showed mountains of fire, as many forests were perished. Many were forced to evocate their homes, which many were left to burn. Homes and lives destroyed. As if things weren’t apocalyptic enough in 2020.
TikTok saw an increase. People began to make viral videos and challenges on the popular app. We see people making comedy videos. We see people make music videos. We see stupid challenge videos, trying to make a challenge go viral. We see people try to get though the day, no matter how difficult it was for them. Social media is a powerful tool these days, and the TikTok app seems to be one of the more recent ones that can make you instant internet famous, despite that countries are trying to ban it because the app was created by the Chinese. I do plan on getting TikTok shortly, if they don’t ban it (which I honestly think they won’t, but we’ll see). 
Another increase in popularity is the much more controversial website OnlyFans. Since many were forced to go jobless when businesses were shut down, many turned towards online to make money. OnlyFans was growing, but 2020 bloomed the website. Popular celebrities began to turn toward it, rather to release behind the scenes of photoshoots, songs, exercise tips, etc. Of course, OnlyFans is known for its popularity in the ever increasing of nudes or pornographic like content. Famous adult entertainers to maybe the girl next door use OnlyFans to earn money as they sell sexual content on the site. Because this is being 2020, and people are stuck in homes or single and the difficulties of dating someone, OnlyFans is a way to release that sexual tension, and those that are releasing content to make money. However you want to view it, OnlyFans is popping up everywhere on social media, and it’s a site that isn’t going away anytime soon.
Looking back at 2020 now, it has been a fast and surreal year. Liker everybody, I hope this pandemic goes away soon, despite that it’s looking like it may end next summer, the way they are predicting. I hope whoever is having difficulty that 2021 would be much more positive, that things will work out together. My message overall is this: please be kind to one another. Times are tough right now. Be positive, smile under your mask, and things will work out in the end. Cheers. 
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the-signs-of-two · 7 years
I have an exam today, so this’ll be quick, but just... no worries, guys. No worries. I’ve obviously not had time to do a full subtextual analysis of mirrors and symbols and everything, but honestly... I don’t think the Johnlock plot is buried deep enough for that to be strictly necessary anymore. This is literally the top layer of this episode:
Sherlock returns from his 4-minute exile high as a kite, but he’s also drunk on a mixture of extreme joy and extreme sorrow. He’s joyful that he’s back and alive and with John, but he’s also heartbroken that John has chosen to be a husband and a father and fulfill his duties to his family. During the next weeks, Sherlock busies himself with cases as he always does when he’s actually hurting so much that he can’t stand being fully present in his own life. He fiddles constantly with his phone/heart, but it’s neither fulfilling the purpose of distracting him nor fulfilling the purpose of helping him track down Moriarty. He’s completely passionless and it shows in the fact that he’s lost his edge, he doesn’t seem enthusiastic when solving cases at all anymore. Sherlock, though, is adamant that he is going to protect the life John seems to want to lead, even though John’s choice breaks his heart.
Meanwhile, John is feeling absolutely miserable in his family. He obviously loves his daughter, but being a father and a husband is simply unfulfilling for him in every way. He misses Sherlock, who spends a lot of time away from him because he can’t stand seeing John with his family, and he literally cannot stand being around Mary. As a result of all this frustration and bottled up emotion, John considers cheating on Mary with the first woman to show any interest in him and accepts her phone number, sending her a text. Notice how Mary and Rosie aren’t enough to make him throw away the phone number. That night, though, he receives a text from Sherlock (it’s quite obvious from the facts that the two texting know each other well, that they haven’t seen each other for a long time and that Sherlock texts “Miss you”, paralleling “Miss me?” from TAB) and decides then and there that he isn’t going to start an affair.
This cheating bit seems to worry a lot of people, but it really, really shouldn’t. First of all, it shows that John is human too and a fully fleshed out character with complex problems. Second of all, can it get much more Johnlock than this? John is so miserable with Mary that he’s willing to start an affair with a random woman he randomly meets in a bus. The image of his own wife and child on his phone isn’t enough to make him forget about it, but one text from Sherlock on his phone is enough for him to break it off before it even starts (on the grounds that he is “not free” and not on the grounds that he is “married”, indicating that he’s thinking of Sherlock here, not Mary). Moftiss could not make it any clearer that the one John loves is Sherlock, not Mary. I mean, think about it. He is willing to cheat on his wife and the mother of his child, but he is unwilling to “cheat” on Sherlock, whom he isn’t even in a relationship with. Seriously. That’s the show. Right there, that’s actually what we saw last night.
It also means that when John sees the woman from the bus while on the plane, he is not fantasizing, he’s feeling guilty. Remember that he’s on this plane with both Mary and Sherlock. And it means that what John is trying to tell Mary in the later parts of the episode is that he isn’t actually a good husband because he has always been in love with Sherlock, not because he considered cheating on Mary for, like, one day.
Then comes the actual case and I’m just going to put this out there: Moriarty is alive. He has been closely monitoring everything, waiting for the right moment to start the final act of his grand plan to burn the heart out of Sherlock and make him into the perfect boyfriend. This is all Moriarty’s doing and this is how he has been planning to burn the heart out of Sherlock all along.
We already know that Moriarty’s main sphere of influence is Eastern Europe and we already know that Moriarty has control over people in the British government. We are also told that AGRA worked/works for whomever pays the most money. So is it really so difficult to believe that Moriarty was the one arranging the hostage situation? That Moriarty was the one ordering Lady Smallwood to send in AGRA? That Moriarty was the one ordering/inspiring/helping Norbury to give it all up? That Moriarty was the one ordering his Georgian helpers to capture Ajay and deliberately let him believe that Mary had betrayed him? Is it really so difficult to believe that Moriarty would willfully create a situation in which he had an assassin running from her past on hand to send into John’s life, but also another assassin on hand to kill her whenever he desired and without it being possible to trace it all back to him? The answer is no. No, it really isn’t difficult to believe that.
So let me propose the following: Moriarty has created a situation in which both Mary and Ajay are his pawns, Mary knowingly and Ajay unknowingly. Mary knows that her mission is to separate Sherlock and John and make John distance himself from Sherlock forever. We can see throughout the episode (and the entire last season) that she is working on this. She’s deliberately planting the idea in John’s mind that the one Sherlock really loves and cares about and needs to be his partner both romantically and when solving crimes is her and not John. And Sherlock, who’s desperate to ensure that John gets the life he seems to want, is playing right into her hand by trying to mend the relationship between them for John’s sake.
Additionally, I think Mary knows the end game. So I think she knows that she’s meant to “sacrifice” herself for Sherlock in the end, meaning that she will die a martyr and thus forever be between John and Sherlock, and she accepts this mission.
At some point, Moriarty decides that it’s time for the last stage of his grand plan and he orders his Georgian helpers to let Ajay go. I mean, the timing of this is way too purposeful for it to be a coincidence. As predicted, Sherlock is willing to give his all to protect Mary/John’s family. And as predicted, Mary doesn’t give two fucks about him and goes off on her own. Mary has now entered the final phase of her mission, showering John with heartwarming letters, praise and loving admiration. She’s never, ever done this before. She knows the game is almost up and she has to ensure that she plays her part convincingly. If she really meant any of this, she would always have acted like this. But she hasn’t.
It turns out that Mary was the one to give Sherlock the clue he needs to solve the case. Surprise. Not.
Then Mary dies just as she was supposed to do. You can even see her glancing up at Sherlock during the conversation and moving closer/more in front of him when she goes to “attack” Norbury and is called back. She knows, guys. She knows what’ll happen. It’s not chance, it’s chess. Also, she doesn’t really hold back her hatred for Sherlock unless John happens to be around, so her legitimately sacrificing herself for Sherlock and thus redeeming herself makes no sense character-wise. Like… she would totally be happy to get rid of her rival without having to do any of it herself if she wanted to be with John, I’m telling you.
Finally, Mary makes the most manipulative death speech committed to television yet. It can basically be summed up as 1) John, you are the most amazing human being ever, I’m so happy we met, never change, I love you forever AKA massive guilt trip, 2) Sherlock, I really do care about you, do you care about me as well AKA planting even more suspicion in John’s mind and 3) Sherlock, it’s alright you didn’t save me, I think we’re even now AKA massive blame game. Also, no. Willfully shooting someone fatally so only a miracle saved them and being ready to take a bullet to save someone but then being prevented from doing so by that someone jumping in front of you to take it themselves is not the fricking same thing, Mary! It doesn’t make Sherlock guilty of your death as you were guilty of his almost-death. Stop manipulating them. Stop.
While this conclusion, that Mary has not in fact redeemed herself but only carried out Moriarty’s orders in order to separate John and Sherlock, is mostly based on logic, there’s also indirect evidence quite visible in the episode itself. In the first plane scene, Mary is sat in the seat closest to the aisle, there’s an empty seat in the middle and a man sitting by the window. In the second plane scene, Mary is sat closest to the aisle, there’s an empty seat in the middle and John is sitting by the window. These two scenes are completely parallels. In the first plane scene, Mary is annoying the hell out of the man and he very obviously just wants for her to leave him alone, an exact parallel to how Mary and John’s relationship is portrayed throughout the entire series, but especially in this episode. Then, Mary fakes feeling ill in order to gain sympathy and it works brilliantly. So we can assume she’s doing the same to John at the end.
For the record, it can also suggest that Mary is faking her death, which could also help explain why she would be willing to go through with it. This means she might return later to finally be revealed as the villain that she is so John and Sherlock can move on with their lives together with absolutely 0 problems, just like how Irene was safe in the end so she didn’t weigh on Sherlock’s mind.
The result is exactly what Moriarty has planned all along. John is devastated. Not because he loved her. He doesn’t cry or go to visit his therapist, which we saw him do after Sherlock’s “death”. Instead, he growls despairingly. This is because he isn’t feeling grief at her death. He’s feeling guilt. Guilt that he wasn’t a good husband for her, or a good father for Rosie for that matter. Guilt that he couldn’t go through with this life but always kept wanting Sherlock instead. Guilt that things didn’t work out the way they should have. This moment brings up all the guilt that has always been in John for loving Sherlock and for not being able to commit to an “ordinary” life as a devoted husband, loving father and professional doctor. That is why he takes it out on Sherlock. He knows deep down that it’s not Sherlock’s fault that Mary died, that it’s not Sherlock’s fault that John loves him more than he ever could possibly love Mary. He feels it’s all his fault because he loves Sherlock and he can’t deal with that. So he snaps. Consider what the situation must look like from John’s perspective. He chose Mary even after Sherlock came back because he felt that that would be safer for him. But he couldn’t do what was expected of him. He couldn’t make Mary happy, he couldn’t stop loving someone else, he couldn’t be invested in their shared life. He might not have actually cheated on her, but she never had his heart and now she’s sacrificed herself to save the one John truly loves. And to top it all off, it seems as if John cannot even be with Sherlock now because Sherlock always loved Mary and not him. So Mary’s sacrifice has all been for nothing. No wonder he’s suffocated by guilt. No wonder he lashes out at Sherlock for indirectly, albeit unwillingly, causing this by being so perfect that John couldn’t help but love him. No wonder his immediate reaction is to withdraw from Sherlock, to declare that he no longer wants Sherlock in his life. When John accuses Sherlock of making a vow he couldn’t keep, who do you really think he’s talking about here? By God, this is painful.
It also works the other way. The heart is now being burned out of Sherlock. Moriarty has successfully carried out his master plan. So I think it’s very reasonable to assume that Moriarty will come back in TLD to try to claim his big prize. I also think it’s very reasonable to assume that the estrangement between John and Sherlock will culminate in TLD. It’ll be horrible. But it also means that everything is ready for The Final Problem. It means that everything is now positioned so the big moment, where Moriarty is defeated and Sherlock and John can finally finally be happy together simultaneously, is just around the corner. Have faith. We’re all going to die watching TLD, but it’ll be okay, because Sherlock and John will end up together in another city, far away from Death.
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