#I am fighting my demons not to make this into another doujin
neeruwu · 2 years
hidekane brainrot bUT
Hide being quinx test subject 0, Marude used that to keep Hide alive after his way too passionate makeout sesh with Kaneki
Subject 0 stayed in a coma, but his wounds did heal. The first month or so, Hide had similar symptoms to the rc cell disease, and everyone was starting to give up hope for the project, but soon the symptoms started to go away and he was left a quinx in a coma.
Then Haise got approved for field work, getting the quinx assigned as his squad. After their first few missions together, Hide started waking up. Shirazu was the first to see him. When he went to say hello to Haru, he accidentally walked into Hide's room. The only words exchanged were "Shit, wrong room! Sorry man"
The second person to see Hide was Urie. No words were exchanged, as they met during one of Urie's surgeries. Hide was getting his own check-up and Urie saw the scars all over his body and face, assuming it was a human investigator with a weird scent.
Haise never actually saw Hide. They'd pass eachother in the hallways, Haise would pick up a familiar scent that made his heart ache and his hands tremble, the monster inside him screaming louder than ever before. But by the time he turned around, all he saw was a tuff of blonde hair disappearing behind the corner.
Marude had nothing to do with the quinx squad, aside from Hide, but it drove him absolutely up the wall whenever their teams would work on a case together and the ghouls would run away because Urie and Shirazu were arguing, Saiko was sleeping or Tooru was too afraid to do anything. They were uncoordinated, and none of them had the desire to listen to their squad leader, who was a lot stronger than he looked. So Marude just came over to Hide one day with a massive stack of papers.
"The quinx are stupid. They need a brain."
"They have Kaneki."
"Your boyfriend is the dumbest one of them."
So when the quinx were woken up early one day and called in for a meeting, even Haise was surprised. As their leader, he should be in the loop about these things, but even he felt like a kid being scolded by the elders.
Marude told them that they needed better strategies, or all the resources were just wasted on a project destined to fail.
"You'll be mentored by Subject 0."
The room was heavy with silence. Everyone was told there was no Subject 0, that he died within 24 hours of his initial surgery. He was always used as an example of the risks they'd be taking if they joined the quinx squad. So why was he here? And why was he a young adult, Haise's age, looking perfectly happy and healthy. The strangest part about him, though, was that he was wearing a mask and no uniform.
After countless cases in which Hide was the brains but never the brawns, Haise decided to ask why he doesn't carry a quinque, since his kagune obviously never developed. Hide simply told him that he doesn't like them.
But when they found out, after a year of working with him, that he is in fact fully capable of using his kagune, and what his kagune could do, they all suddenly understood why he never used it.
Hide's kagune at first glance looked exactly like their leader Haise's. But when it's brought together above Hide, it forms a giant eye that screeches so loud everyone just blacks out and Hide is forced to fight alone against the ghouls left standing.
After two years of working together, Hide jokingly proposes overthrowing the CCG. It was at dinner, so everyone just stopped eating to look at him.
"It's just a joke! Unless..." He'd say with a wink
The third year is when things started to go to hell. Shirazu dies, Urie develops a kakuja, Tooru goes rogue, Haise remembers.
Kaneki remembers.
That was the hardest part for him. Having to come back home with everyone locked in their rooms all the time was one thing, but opening the door to an armful of sobbing Kaneki was another. For the rest of the day, the only words uttered were "I'm sorry." "It's okay."
And then Hide overthrows the CCG
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birdmenmanga · 6 months
spent some time reading manga today, using the random button on mangadex as per the usual.
[Will These Words Reach You] first off was this cute yuri story about a woman who had quit her job and taken a vacation where she met another woman studying abroad and they get close despite the fact both of them can only use broken english to communicate (their first languages are japanese and spanish). very cute and sweet but is labeled as "doujin" for some reason even though it works very well as a stand-alone story and I can't find what it's a doujin of. It's a good light-hearted read (below left)
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[Suuji de Sukuu! Jyakushou Kokka] then we had an isekai story about an aspiring mathematician becoming the princess's war consultant, which you would THINK is a strong premise; however the main girl's boobs are so fucking annoying and distracting that it was actively making my reading experience worse despite a reasonably strong plot. It's so clear that the author doesn't believe in the power of his subject matter or his writing or whatever that the panel compositions keep focusing on boobs. boobs. boobs. annoying as hell man why can't you just stay in your lane and talk about game theory. fuck off. I haven't watched no game no life in ages but I think the plot of this is more solid and the mathematics more coherent but the boobs just piss me off so bad. and I LIKE boobs too. that's how you know you've really flubbed it. still on the fence as to whether I'd recommend it. (above right)
[Zettai Unmei Houteishiki] we also had some old-looking yaoi (off the top of my head the artstyle looked maybe... late 90s or early 2000s? [note: checked it and it came out 2004. nailed the artstyle dating]) that was about 1 volume long; unmemorable, melodramatic, and overall not great. god what eve was the plot... okay son of a yakuza family who is high-school aged fell in love with this photographer guy years ago but the rest of his family (2 older siblings, also both guys) chased the photographer guy off behind his back and he's feeling wet and pathetic about this. not great. don't recommend.
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[Café Kichijoji de] there was also a slice-of-life comedy about 5 guys working at a cafe. to me it just felt like a deeply underbaked version of hana-kimi's humor, and some of it was pretty mean-spirited too, like one of the guys being sad that only the "ugly" (masc and butch) girls wanted to text him. also do not recommend. (above right)
[Yaoguai Mingdan] and lastly there's a fantasy story about some college student who is suddenly surrounded by a lot of dangerous demons fighting over him. Seems like classic harem fare but it doesn't really bother me that much. Obviously also using sex as a bait to get people to read it, like suuji de sukuu up there but this at least is very forthcoming about "I need your semen and I am going to fuck you right now" instead of continually taking boob shots that are not remotely relevant to the plot at all. god, I'm just so mad at what they did to suuji de sukuu. as a person I'm just straight up more interested in statistics than I am about daoist demon mythology but maybe it's because of that I can appreciate yaoguai mingdan in a way I can't with suuji de sukuu like I'm not gonna be upset at the depictions in yaoguai mingdan because I don't know shit you know. also I grabbed the cover picture on mangadex but holy shit the artist's art gets way better lmao
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I dunno. suuji de sukuu just felt more misogynistic as a story (which could have been fixed entirely if the main character had been a girl by the way), and while the author claims they love math it just comes off as insincere. like if you REALLY believe math is genuinely cool and is worth studying you wouldn't resort to low concepts like boob fanservice. read suugaku golden instead. yaoguai mingdan committed to the bit about sex hard and that's what I like about it. yeah!! the dryad is harvesting energy to get revenge on humans!! sure sure I can buy that. the bit about the love hotel the main character keeps getting dragged into against his will getting blown up time after time with the bill for repairs getting shoved on him because all the other supernatural parties are too busy duking it out in a secondary location? that's funny! that's really funny!! like it knows it's "low art" and accepts it and embraces it and there's something true and beautiful about that in the same way chainsaw man is. also the scanlation groups who have been working on yaoguai mingdan have been going THROUGH it I think I'm not even 70 chapters in and the scans have changed hands multiple times LMAO
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ryqoshay · 5 years
Happy Life: Angelic Doujin
Primary Pairing: YohaRiko Words: ~1.2k Rating: K AU: Angelic? Time Frame: I’m going to say post college for now Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Reading the first chapter of my new fic, Heavenly Life: Cursed Blood is recommended prior to reading this. Yes, that is a shameless shill, but I hope with good reason.
“Riri, this… is really good.” Yoshiko set down the last page.
“You really like it?” Riko asked.
“Like it?” Yoshiko grinned. “I love it! Fighting with daggers and a scythe and dark magic sounds fun. And Riri is right there to heal and help and stuff when things get tough. And Phobetor can talk, and he’s a bratty little familiar, but loyal. And Mari… well Mari is being Mari. Gods, I don’t think I could serve under a captain like that…” A thought occurred to her. “You’re not going to make me do that in a later chapter, are you?”
Riko smiled at her girlfriend’s reaction. “We’ll see.”
“Riri…” Yoshiko whined, earning a laugh. “Anyway,” she regained her composure, but didn’t lose her excitement “I think you nailed us all pretty good here.”
“Thank you, Yocchan.” Riko replied with a smile before reaching to collect her work. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Just a moment.” Yoshiko blocked her. “I want to look at a few things again. Your drawing has really improved.” She shuffled through the pages to find what she sought, chuckling as she passed the images where her in-story self was oblivious to having been run through with a spear. But she had to pause on the depiction of Riko’s character. By the gods did she love that outfit.
“Are you sure you don’t want to post this?” The younger girl asked after a while of admiring the art. “I could guarantee some readers right off the bat if I were to announce this on my stream and put a link in the description. My little demons would love it. You know they would.”
“Hmm…” Riko pulled into herself a bit.
Yoshiko recognized this behavior and immediately stood to make her way around the table. Upon reaching her girlfriend, she leaned down and draped herself over her shoulders and hugged her gently.
“You know I’d never force you to do something you’re not comfortable with, Riri.” The blue-haired girl assured. “I just think your art is amazing and is worth sharing with others. I know how much joy you get from sharing your music, and this manga of yours is just another expression of your artistry.”
“I know.” Riko replied, pushing into the embrace a bit. “It’s just… It’s a bit embarrassing…”
“Embarrassing? Why? Because you used our real names?”
Yoshiko pursed her lips. “I was kinda wondering about that, to be honest. I mean, I don’t really mind, and I’m sure my little demons online would love it, but… Why not just change the names? You know, like that old show, <The story you are about to hear is true.>” She dropped her tone to mimic the iconic introduction in English. “<Only the names have been changed to protect the angels.>”
“<Innocent.>” Riko corrected.
“I know.” Yoshiko giggled. “<Only the needle should be changed to protect the record.>”
Riko sighed and shook her head as the other girl stretched the joke farther than was necessary. “I tried changing the names.” She admitted. “Came up with several for each of us, but as soon as I got caught up in the story or the drawing or whatever, I would forget and go back to using our real names. Eventually, I just gave up.”
“Hrm… Well, you could always change it digitally once you scan it in? Maybe I can help with the typesetting?”
“It also just doesn’t feel right.”
“My dreams have become so vivid as of late, and it is very clearly us. It’s hard to imagine us as anyone else.”
“But we’re angels.”
“Doing cool angel stuff like flying and fighting demons and stuff.”
“Well again, it doesn’t bother me. And I doubt Mari would mind.” Yoshiko chuckled at a thought. “Heck, I could see her trying to figure out how to use it as advertising for her hotels.”
Riko laughed lightly as well. “That does sound like something she might try.”
“Although… Don’t normal fic and doujin readers often frown on self-insert stories?”
“Well my little demons are far from normal, and I really don’t think they’d mind.”
“I hadn’t honestly thought about the self-insert thing, but now…”
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you more hesitant to publish…” Yoshiko thought for a moment about where to steer the subject next. “Will you include any of the others?”
“I don’t know.” Riko replied. “I’ve only ever dreamt of you, me and Mari for some reason.”
“Maybe because we spent so much time together as Guilty Kiss?”
“Or maybe because you and Mari were the focus pair of that angelic themed photoshoot?”
“I still think they should have chosen you instead of me.”
“Yohane is a fallen angel.” Yoshiko reminded. “My ‘Cursed Blood’ wouldn’t have done well there. Riri on the other hand is a perfect fit for an angel theme.”
“Oh c’mon.” Yoshiko rocked side to side a bit, pulling Riko along. “One of these days you’ll have to accept it.”
“I know…” Riko said with a small smile that her girlfriend couldn’t see. “But I suppose I could add the others. I’d just have to figure out how to fit them in, since I don’t remember dreaming about them.”
Yoshiko laughed. “Well now that you’ve said it, you know fate is going to figure out a way to make you remember. I believe certain individuals wouldn’t take too lightly to being forgotten.”
“You know, Riri, if you publish this online now, you’ll have enough time to build up a bit of a fanbase before the next Comiket.”
Riko chuckled. “You’re obsessed with that event.”
“Because it’s awesome.” Yoshiko stated definitively. “Anyway, once you get some dedicated readers, you can print some paper copies and sell them at Comiket. I’d even help you get and run your vendor stand.”
“You want me to sell this?”
“I think it would sell just fine.”
“You may be biased.”
“Of course I am, but that’s not the point. You might be able to work out some trades with the other vendors, which means you could get some of your favorite romance stuff at cost.”
Yoshiko grinned as she heard her girlfriend’s sharp intake of breath that indicated she understood what was being suggested.
“A~nd, I’d be willing to make us outfits so we could cosplay as our characters.”
“You want us to cosplay… as ourselves?” Riko asked incredulously.
“Well, fictional angelic versions of ourselves, but yeah.”
“Unless of course you wanna swap like that one Halloween.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll post it.”
“You will?” Yoshiko blinked. “Wait, the cosplay thing is what did it for you?”
“Only because I want to see my Yocchan in this outfit.” Riko started to stand up.
“Well you kinda already did.” Yoshiko pointed out as her girlfriend turned toward her. “Didn’t you say it was based on that one photoshoot? I mean don’t get me wrong, it was a good set and I’d be happy to try to recreate it…”
“Or out of it.” Riko closed the distance between them and pulled the younger girl into a hug.
“Huh? Out of… Oh…” Yoshiko managed to get out before Riko leaned down and pressed her lips against hers. “You know,” She pulled away after a moment “I have plenty of other angel outfits that we could wear right n…” She was cut off again by Riko. This time, she got the hint and reciprocated immediately.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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Unpopular character you love? (not hoshi)
The saltiest cracker you know is me, Bepsi!23. Unpopular character you love?
Ah SHOOT. YOU TOOK MY EASY ANSWER. JERK ! Meanie !!! U big pizza slice !
aababbaa but! I do have one I really wanna talk about!Under the cut you see, for I ramble a lot.
- Hifumi !
I love him man.There’s so much about his character that’s so relatable and lovable to me. I think that’s why DR1′s amazing theme of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” really comes on in with him. On the outside he looks like as one would expect of a gross anime fan. Fat, not attractive, pretty gonk-y, speaks all fuckin over the top like an anime, so on and so forth. But it’s when you learn about him that really makes him super fucking amazing.His past is like, something that I can relate to myself in a bit. As someone that ‘became a bully to stop the bullying’ and stopped when he could like… find enjoyment and fun in an anime character and put all of his effort into that instead. He’s drawing because he shows appreciation for her, and that’s super sweet. And quick tangent before I continue, but “he only makes hentai” is a bad argument. Like, he does and I ain’t gunna vouch that he doesn’t but lots of people do. What’s wrong with it? Like, is it a crime to make that stuff??? Clearly not if Doujin creators are a big deal in Japan, able to have hour long lines at their stands at conventions, with people willing to purchase their merch with devoted fans. Like, ppl are so quick to demonize sexuality it’s CRAZY.
Anyways, back on topic. He’s got a great personality. He’s like, a bit of a stuck up jackass when ya first see him, but it’s the later interactions that just really sell it for me. He’s got some of the FUNNIEST lines in my opinion, between saying that his punches towards Ishida will go faster b/c he has no arm hair so there’ll be less wind resistance, or his numerous anime and videogame quips (”rebooting my devices; please stand by”, “You haven’t reached that point in our friendship! You don’t have enough friendship points to be asking those questions!”, “If he tries that (in context it’s mondo going to attack monokuma) Oowada Mondo-dono’s health will go to zero!”, “the whole anime plotline for the first episode outside the trash room”, for a few) are all just absolutely stellar to me. He’s unabashedly awkward because he’s just so confident in himself and what he loves, and it makes me happy to see him so enthusiastic!
Speakin of that, let’s go more into it!!He’s so passionate about himself, and just has a gay ol time doing everything. It’s absolutely amazing honestly. His speaking is just so energetic! He’s so happy to do what he does as an artist and I absolutely love it! It’s almost inspirational, that he can be so unabashedly confident and happy about his skill, and it shows just how much love he puts into his art. And real talk here, but Hifumi isn’t even that much of an asshole. Like, people make him out to be some kinda monster, when that’s absolutely not the case. “he killed Ishimaru though!” yeah, because Celes lied and said that Ishimaru sexually assaulted her, took what would be at that point Hifumi’s close friend, and said Ishimaru planned to kill him and probably everyone else. Like, murder is still wrong, but he didn’t do it because “oh celes asked me to”. He did it for his sense of justice- in that he hated to see someone like Celes be hurt. : / don’t diss my dude for tryin to protect a friend yo. His spats with people are less mean spirited and just more fun and lightheared dickery. Like, when you crack shit with your friends. He picks fights, but it’s never out of malicious intent. It’s like having a good time or trying to lighten the atmosphere, albeit in his own goofy anime way.Even in Chapter 2, the spat he has with Fukawa in the library over literature and doujin isn’t as aggressive as it prolly should be. He takes most insults with stride (unless they insult the 2-D works of course!!) and it feels a lot more like a cliche anime rivalry (esp. when he says shit like “you are my ARCH NEMESIS, I can’t make you tea!” when Fukawa asks why he only made some for Celes). At least, that’s what Yamada thinks.
He’s confident, which a lot of people always like to assume makes someone a dick or feature it as a negative trait rather than a positive one, when it can go both ways. Hifumi being able to have such high standards that he openly admits to not reading other people’s works because he can just write a story he wants to see himself can be considered narcissistic, but having the confidence to sell his works starting from high school (prolly when they were more pg and ‘fade to black’) and get over 10,000 copies sold is something to be proud of and I’m glad that he is! It’s a stigma that artists have to hate themselves, or suffer for their work, but I disagree. When an artist is healthiest and happiest in their mind, that’s when they make the best work. Vincent Van Gogh made the Starry Night when he was in a hospital getting better for his depression and mental relapses after all. Hifumi’s not fit, and he definitely has some areas where people would consider him unhealthy such as his eating habits and whatnot, but he also focuses on being happy and being himself as a first priority. He eats because he enjoys it, and remembers to have all his meals. He does what he likes without actively hurting others, because he just enjoys doing it, and he loves to promote his favorite anime character. He’s a dorky geek that says shit like “swag” and fuckin says “i forget not everyone is as savvy as I am” which is just so fucking amazing to me it’s both hilarious and fun.
Also haha, the fact that he’s making Doujin from a character who’s overweight is kinda nice to me, because she’s not a “conventionally attractive” anime girl with big titties and a small stomach; she’s chubby and different, and I think that’s nice to show what Hifumi’s interests are as well as what anime really means to him. It’s not just about getting his rocks off, it’s about the fun and enjoyment and the feelings that anime can give you and what your mind can do. It’s why he had a dream about going on a date with a magical girl, the kinds of characters who inspire friendship and happiness, for fucks sake. When he was lonely and had no friends and became a bully to counteract the way people treated him, he found something that would be there for him, and he wanted to support it ever since. Which is a powerful and very overall positive message to give people.
But he has great messages too. Messages about being able to be yourself and have fun, no matter how “dorky” or “lame” your interest might be to others. He encourages people to have fun in their own ways, even if he wants to promote Princess Piggles, with lines such as “what might be boring to me might be another persons moespiration! With that in mind, look for your own!” and “In a sense, a geek is like an expert. That’s right, a total expert! A successful musician must necessarily be a music geek, a good movie director is a movie geek. You see? It’s those experts, those geeks who open up the world to others!”. It’s positive and nice, and it forms who he is as a person.
No one’s perfect, and neither is he, but he’s pretty damn good. And I’ll defend him with every fiber of my being for just how real he feels.
I personally believe it’s because this fandom has a definite bias against male characters that aren’t distinctly attractive, as you can see Hoshi gets ignored quite a lot compared to all of the other males (even being the ONLY male left out of the halloween drawing!! Let alone he gets left out of most fan merch.) and he’s honestly one of the most down to earth and downright cool dudes in DR. I don’t want to change either of them, because I think their looks only make it better for their backstories and who they are as characters! So even if Hifumi gets like no fanart, and Hoshi struggles with getting new content, I’d rather have them the same way they are now, rather than make them attractive. Because I think that the way they are, only makes them better.
And that’s my short version essay on why I think Hifumi’s super rad and more people should give him a chance. Of course he’s a very hit or miss kinda person with his comedy, but if Tsumugi’s obscure anime references were fun for you, then Hifumi’s really good too! ^p^b
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
Trying Something
An NSFW smut tyvan requested by @demonic--disaster on bbs shipping discord. I was intended to post this after It’s too gay to be fucked 3 (minicat) but today is BBS Rare Pair Time so i decided to post this first! :)
Characters: I Am Wildcat, Vanossgaming Pairing: TyVan Rating: NSFW smut. Kinda pwp.
Hope y’all enjoy this!
After a long day of recording another Fortnite video, Tyler can feel his body is heating up all of a sudden. Maybe it's because it's been days since the last time he had sex, or maybe it's because of an annoying fan who can't stop yelling about "OMG I SHIP U TWO SO MUCH XDXDXD" sent him a book (It's called a doujin or something? He has no idea) on twitter, maybe it's because he felt curious to try something that the characters in that book do. The point is, right now he just need to take care of his need, not with his hand but with his boyfriend who is also recording some videos in another room.
He gets up and walked to the Canadian's room who is now yelling and laughing about something. A little flame of jealousy flickered inside him because of how much Evan is having fun with his friends, but eh, that's kinda pathetic so he brushed those possessive thought off his mind. Why does he have to be jealous and angry when Evan’s clearly having fun with their friends? I mean, he knows Evan wouldn't be that easy to leave him. He had 'ruined' him by making sure he can only feel good with him after all.
The American moved closer and wrapped his arms around the Canadian's neck, who jolted in surprise. He glances up towards the larger man with annoyance. "Jesus, you scared the shit outta me."
"Sorry." the other chuckled before he buries himself in Evan's soft, raven-colored hair. Technically nuzzling the other hair with his face while one of his hand trailing over his chest.
Evan gasped from the touch, hand holding Tyler's wrist tight. "N-Not now. I-I'm recording."
He can hear his friends asking him what the fuck is he doing, but that doesn't stop Tyler's hand from rubbing his hardened nipple over his t-shirt. Evan's spontaneously bought his hand to his mouth, trying to hold his moans from coming out. Tyler always knows where his sensitive area is. This is not their first time after all, and it can be a problem because the larger man loves teasing him. Like what happens right now.
"Evan..." he can barely heard his name being uttered by Tyler so huskily, as his body’s shaking from the sensation of having his sensitive nipples pinched and rubbed, and this is bad because their friends can hear him moaning and whimpering if he doesn't stop the call.
"S-Sorry... a-aah, i gotta go!" Evan's pretty sure their friends can hear that moan slipped from his lips, fortunately he ends the call before anyone can say anything about it. He moved Tyler's hands away from his body and spin his chair around to face the larger man. Brown eyes glaring at those mischievous blue eyes.
"You dick."
Annoying grin plastered on the American’s face made Evan want to punch him so badly. "Let's go to bed."
Hearing his boyfriend said that in a low, almost-growl voice, Evan knew that isn't a request or such. That's an order, and to be honest he do feel a little bit turned on. He can feel lust starts building up inside him, and he do feel aroused because it's been a long time since they had sex. So with one fast move, he quickly removed his headset and stood up before he planted his lips on the other man's, kissing him hard.
Tyler's hand moved up to the other's neck until he tangled his hand on Evan's black locks, pushing his head forward, deepening the kiss. He can feel Evan's hand pressing his chest, leading him out of the room while he keep kissing him with vigor, until they finally reached their bedroom.  Evan quickly pushed the larger man to sit on the bed, sitting on his lap before he give the American another kiss. The kiss is passionate and full of desire, and Tyler grinned against his lips, knowing how much the Canadian want this.
Wet tongues fighting for dominance, muffled moan can be heard from the Canadian as Tyler's hand moving south, holding his hips while Evan's hands holding the larger man's shoulder. Their breath are heavy when they break their kiss, a trail of saliva connecting Tyler's to Evan's red, slightly swollen lips. The American pulls the shirt the other's wearing over his head with ease, throwing it to the side until it hits the wall before he attacked the other's neck. He can feel his boyfriend’s gripping his shoulder tighter as he nipped on the skin.
"Fuck." Evan curses when he felt Tyler's other hand pinching his hardened nipples, his most sensitive area. His hands now wrapped around the American's back. He missed this feeling, having his boyfriend marking him as his, touching him so sensually and rough at the same time on his sensitive area.
The action went on a few minutes, Tyler nipping and licking on Evan's neck until visible red marks appeared on his skin while the Canadian moaned at the feeling, fingers occasionally brushing over the American's back, telling him to go faster or slower. However, Tyler decides to stop for some reason. And Evan gave him a disappointed sound.
"Why did you stop?"
Tyler's blue eyes staring at Evan's half-lidded gaze. He looks like he’s about to say something before he shook his head and glanced down. This action makes Evan curious about what happened to his giant boyfriend.
"What? What are you trying to say?" asked the Canadian, fingers now trailing over the American's soft, brown locks. But the other only shook his head as a reply.
"It's fine."
Tyler then leaned forward, intending to silence the shorter with another kiss (and also because he can't help but wanting to kiss him again). Evan moved quicker though, he bought his hand over the other's mouth before he can trap him into another passionate kiss.
"Seriously, what are you trying to say?" he asked again, voice full of curiosity and annoyance at the same time.
The larger man removed the other's hand from his mouth before he gave him a glare. "Nothing! Jeez, can you shut the fuck up and let me kiss you?!" Tyler retorted, but Evan wouldn't buy it.
"No, you can't continue until you tell me what's wrong." the Canadian said, arms crossing in front of his chest and Tyler groans in frustration.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" the other's yelled. This is just the worst thing happened to his life, all he wants is to have sex with his boyfriend after not getting that sweet ass for days and now he will leave him hanging? His boyfriend really is a jerk.
But then, he WOULD let him continue if he tell him what's in his mind. But fuck no, he wouldn't do that. That is too embarrassing and weird...
Well, it’s not THAT weird but it's still weird! And Tyler doesn't want to tell Evan that because Evan would probably tease him afterward like he usually did!
But ugh, he can feel his pants tightening. Heat pooling around his stomach as lust and desire burned inside him, and he would literally 'die' if he doesn't do anything to take care of those feeling, those need. So with one long, deep sigh of frustration, he glanced up. His eyes gazing upon the Canadian's beautiful eyes that staring at him with stern look.
"Okay, fine! My fucking God, what a dick."
Evan grinned victoriously, letting out a chuckle before he kiss the man in front of him on the cheek. "I just want to know what's been bothering you."
Tyler sighed again. His hands reached for his pants' side pocket, grabbing his phone before his fingers touches the screen. He looks serious for a second, as if what he will show to his boyfriend is like a top secret documentary. But after searching for a few seconds, he bring the hands his phone to Evan. "I... I want to try this with you."
Evan furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused before he grab the phone and take a look it. "What the fuck?" he murmurs as Tyler buries his face on his hands, face turning red from embarrassment.
The phone is showing a page of some Japanese comic book (manga if he remembers correctly), where there is two characters. One female and one male.
The male is laying on top of the female's lap, which Evan realized that the female has a pair of really big boobs that Evan knew is impossible in real life (at least without surgery and such), along with thick thighs. The male’s sucking on the female's nipple while his hand’s pinching the other.
The female’s brushing the male’s black hair while her other hand's jerking the male's leaking cock up and down fast. The male showed a great pleasure from that action while the female’s moaning and squirming,
Evan stared at the image for a moment, then stared at his embarrassed boyfriend in front of him. He kept glancing towards the phone and his boyfriend for a few seconds before he erupted into laughter, to which Tyler responded with rage, telling him to shut the fuck up.
"See?! This is why i didn't want to show you!" Tyler shouted angrily, snatching his phone from the other's hand and throw it to the side of the bed. He lightly punches the Canadian's shoulder when Evan wouldn't stop laughing.
"O-Oh, you fucking weeaboo, Is this what you do when we're not having sex? Jerking off to a manga or whatever the hell that called?" Evan teased between his wheezes, and Tyler give him a death glare.
"Of course not, you dumb fuck. Some crazy fucking fan sent it to me on twitter." he replied grudgingly, ruffling his hair in frustration. He looked away, refusing to meet Evan's gaze
Wiping away his tear from too much laughing, Evan pulled the larger man closer to him before giving him a small, quick peck on the lips. It's kinda cute to see Tyler getting embarrassed because of this. He himself doesn't really care about it, really. It doesn't look bad or weird, it's basically just nipple play and a handjob. Both of them are usually done within their sex round, and he loves when Tyler’s just biting and sucking on his nipples, so he has no problem if Tyler wants to do that with him.
"Alright, let's try it." The Canadian's blunt statement made hos boyfriend stares at him with surprise, as if he just told him he's pregnant or something.
"Are you serious?" The American asked, eyebrow rising as if to say is he really serious about that. He isn't sure if this is one of Evan's joke or he actually wants to try it as well, but he really hope it's the former because he can feel his pants getting tighter and tighter, along with his almost-uncontrollable lust.
Evan nodded in confirmation as he gets up and sits on the bed. "Yeah, don't tell me you don't want to?" with playful tone on his voice, the Canadian signaled his boyfriend to lay on his thighs.
The American looks dumbfounded, before he crawls over to the bed where his beautiful lover is. He stared at the Canadian's hesitantly, in case his boyfriend decided to say 'haha jokes on you!' or something similar. They had a relationship for years now, and he knew the other likes to playing tricks on him, so he stares at him suspiciously because of that.
Evan rolled his eyes. "Do you want to do it or not? C'mon, big boy." the shorter male said and with one hesitant look, Tyler lay on the bed with his back against the mattress, while he rest his head on Evan's lap.
Tyler can see Evan's pecs up close here, and he really want to starts licking and sucking on that brown, hard buds. He can feel his breath getting heavier each time he stares at his boyfriend, so he look away. However, his body jolted in surprise when he felt Evan's hands trailing over his crotch. Palm pressing against his clothed erection, sometimes along with a squeeze. And it makes Tyler bury his face on the Canadian's pecs.
The American wastes no more time. He latched his lips on the other's tan skin, giving nips and kisses trailed down to his abs. He can hear Evan gasped and let out a whimper from his action, while squeezing and rubbing his clothed erection. When he felt Evan unzipped his pants, he lift his hips up so the other can took his pants, along with his underwear off.
Eyeing at the big, thick erection, Evan can feel himself at the sight. It always amazes him how large and hard the American is. It's so hard, and he loves everything about Tyler's dick. The veins on it, the size of it, how hard it is, he loves it so much. Even when he wrapped his fingers around the organ, it felt like he was gripping a rod or something.
Tyler shuddered as he felt cold air on his crotch, he finally took one nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue and licking around it which caused Evan to moans in pleasure. He kept on licking before he felt the Canadian's hand on his hard member starts moving up and down at slow pace. Muffled moan can be heard from the American's, which sent a pleasurable zaps running through the other's body. It felt so fucking good, the sensation drove both of them crazy in no time.
When he feel the motion on his dick starts getting faster and faster, Tyler's licking turned into sucking on the sensitive area, and loud moan slipped from Evan's mouth. The larger man's hand starts moving to tease Evan's other nipple, fingers brushing over the hardened buds before he pinch it hard. Evan gasped and cursed in surprise on that, and he starts using his finger to press and rub the leaking precome over the head. The action makes Tyler buckle his hips up, practically fucking Evan's hand wrapped around his dick. The mind-numbing pleasure had fully consumed them as they both lost in their pleasure and desire, showing no sign to stop.
This action went on several minutes, before both reached their peak. Evan was first, the sensation of having his sensitive area sucked and pinched hard made him came with a loud cry of Tyler's name, he made his pants wet from the orgasm. His body went weak right after that, although his hands still moving fast up and down on Tyler's hard cock, determined to bring the American to his orgasm.
Tyler came with muffled moan on Evan's nipple, his cock twitching couple times before spurting jet of sperms a few times, coating his belly and the Canadian's hand with his thick essence. His body shaking, and he bites on the nipple as he rode out his orgasm.
Harsh panting and heavy breath can be heard as they both rest. They haven't even 'fuck' yet and they already had one of the most intense, best orgasm of their life. They silently thanked thay 'crazy, annoying' fan for sending those cursed manga to Tyler's twitter. They wouldn't have this pleasure if they didn't send Tyler that.
Tyler leaned back. He let go of Evan's nipples from his mouth and his hand. the small buds is now red and hard from what Tyler did. He then sit up in front of the Canadian, who looked so sexy in his post-orgasmic state that it made Tyler aroused once more.
"How is it?"
Evan smirks and stare at him with half-lidded gaze. "That... was amazing."
Hearing that, the American cupped the Canadian and bought him into another kiss. Evan's wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck, and Tyler's hand tangled themselves on Evan's hair. Their kiss is slow and passionate, full of love and desire. Moans can be heard from both of them before need for oxygen make them parted away. They can feel their erection sprung up again after the steamy make-out.
"Round two?"
"Round two."
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