#I also will do full art with fallen version but not now bc of the uni
deoccchi · 3 months
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Finally finished this WIP. Dunno what to say and if I even need to explain the main point of this art but, oh well, how long can you stay pure and not fall down?
+ CROP VERSION bc I don't know how much quality tumblr is gonna eat out of my work 😭
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3sinnrsn1angel · 3 months
Introduction Post
- Welcome to 3 Sinners And An Angel, a DNDADS S2 au account/askblog! The au this account will be about is based on Heaven & Hell, where the teens are Demons & Angels (Or Fallen Angels in Link’s case.) The format the story thats being told is basically a social media type thing, using Twinote (an app that makes fake tweets) and original fanart. For more specific information about it, check out this post I made on my main blog!
- I also will occasionally post one-shots on ao3 (moonriverrise (autumnl3av3s)) for this au, though to understand the plot you do not have to read them
- The ask box on this blog will be used for questions to specific characters, and answers will be written and/or drawn out in character! Please don’t ask anything NSFW related or anything of the sort, I will only be answering asks I feel comfortable asking, if an ask is answered by a character not exactly answering it, it is probably bc of in character reasons
- Here is the basic rundown of the au that I have on that post as well:
- Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
- This account is run by one person: My name is Autumn and I go by They/She/He pronouns, my main blog is @risetherivermoon where I post about my ao3 fics and fanart for Dndads as well as other fandoms I’m in,
- All art that is featured on this account is drawn by me, and the story/au was also created by me,
- Any post that is made ooc and/or outside this au in any capacity will be tagged with "ooc 🍁"
- In the same fashion, every ask post will be tagged with "asks 🪽" all story posts will be tagged with "3&1 😈" all oneshot posts will be tagged with "fics 💫" all extra content will be tagged with "extra 🎉" and all works in progress will be tagged with "wips 🎨" (for the sake of easy finding, this post will have all of these tags)
(more stuff under cut, trying to condense the post length)
As an intro/basis here are the accounts for each teen:
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(The PFP full image + Textless version)
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bluebeaniefrog · 2 years
So I have fallen ass-backwards into (back into?) The TMNT fandom and had the idea for a ROTTMNT x TMNT!2012 fic hit me like a rubber chicken. All I've got so far is that 2012 turts show up in Rise!verse bc reasons and Rise end up just pranking the shit out of them. Because they were raised by an actor, and they're little shits. They would absolutely do this.
Inspired by the uniquely Australian urge to mess with people for no reason, and for other Aussies to join in on the act, no questions asked.
What I have so far:
2 year after Krang
Rise!folks = Rise!Raph 19, Rise!Donnie & Rise!Leo 18, Rise!Mikey 17, Casey Jr 18
Rise!turts all look WAY older than their actual age, bc Rise were created to be supersoldiers. you can't tell me that Draxum didn't fiddle with their DNA to make them more dangerous/efficient/etc.
The massive growth spurt they all had means they're all like a foot taller than they were during the movie.
This does not help poor Casey Jr (who goes by CJ, purely to make things easier)
He kept accidentally calling Leo "dad", to the point where Leo started to respond to it
This did not help CJ.
CJ ended up getting a concealment broach, and uses it to make himself look like a mutant turtle.
When asked why, he says "because" (he wanted to fit in, and topside NY still freaks him out too much.)
Hey, trauma isn't logical
He keeps his hair as a turt though, which weirded everyone but Leo out until they got used to it.
And four fingers instead of three (purely so he knows which one to flip people off with)
When he uses the broach, he can make himself look any age he wants. Usually, he chooses anywhere between the ages of 8–12.
This was originally an accident, but Mikey encouraged it, as well as acting his apparent age while cloaked, as a healing method and a way of reclaiming his childhood.
They eventually figure out that CJ is kind of flipping between voluntary and involuntary age regression
Leo starts actually being a father to CJ while he's regressed and he absolutely thrives.
Donnie managed to recover Shelldon's memory drive from the wreckage post Shredder
He also started kind-of-but-not-really-more-like-less-than-half sharing his lab with Draxum after the yokai starts living with them full time
Thus meaning that sometimes things (like leftover ooze) might be left lying around
Unrelated, Draxum found a three-legged turtle hatchling and decided to keep it as a pet
Everyone else finds it weird, but it's not an issue
Until the turtle somehow manages to get into Donnie's lab, EAT Shelldon's memory chip  and then trip into a bowl of ooze.
They manage to somewhat calm down, and then the new turtle tot speaks in a kiddy version of Shelldon's voice, and calls Donnie "Dada".
Cue the second freakout in as many minutes.
So now Donnie has a kid as well.
They figure out that Shelldon is now the equivalent to a two-and-a-half year old toddler.
Splinter doesn't know how to feel
He technically has grandkids now, but his kids are still kids!
Also it's Draxum's fault (again) so he doesn't know whether to thank him or throttle him
2012!verse turts appear bc reasons
They are all 16 (set early-like/s2-ish)
Rise peeps all have a standing agreement to prank the living daylights out of any alternates they come across.
They unanimously decide to tell 2012 that they are all 10 years older than they actually are, and to leave out the fact that CJ and Shelldon are not actually their biological children.
Coincidentally, Mikey had been practising his hyper-realism and special effects make-up skills for his online art degree that morning, and used Donnies shell as the canvas.
So now Donnie's shell now looks like one big burn scar
They very much use this to their advantage. *Cue evil laughter*
Draxum shows up in the middle of them all trying to figure out what to call each other
2012 turts freak the fuck out when Rise!Mikey calls him "dad"
12!Mikey: "wow this really IS an alternate universe your Slpinter isn't even a rat!" Rise!Mikey: What no this is Draxum. Splinters our other dad."
Cue yet another freakout from the 2012 folks.
Draxum sees them and goes "another lot of turtles? Free reign to fuck with them and be the dramatic ass bitch that I am? Count me the fuck in" and goes absolutely ham
CJ comes in uncloaked but regressed, calling Leo "dad"
12turts freak out (12!Leo: "I'm a DAD????? ....wait isn't that CASEY WTFFFF") while Leo puts his dad voice on and reminds CJ to "take off" (read: put on) his cloaking broach
CJ does so.
Yet another freakout from the inter-dimensional peanut gallery
Shelldon starts crying and Donnie goes to grab him (praising his dramatic timing as he does so)
Again: freakout (12!Donnie: "I'M a dad??????")
(Basically the entire fic is just 2012 turts freaking out over Riseverse's ..... everything)
April and Cassandra are in on it, of course
They decide to be little shits and show up in their foot clan uniforms
*Cue 2012 freaking out for the billionth time*
Then Splinter shows up, tells them to shut up, sit down, and talk (ie give their life story)
Or in Rise's case, "life story"
Basically a fic where Riseverse just bullshit the living daylights out of the 2012 turtles. Whether or not the truth comes out, I haven't figured out yet. Either way, 2012!turtles spend the entire time freaking out and go back to their dimension questioning everything ever.
I've got so many ideas I'd probably have to make a separate fic purely for worldbuilding my Rise!AU. Thing is, I actually really want to write this fic, but have no idea where to start. Any tips or tricks to get started, or even someone to bounce ideas off of would be a godsend.
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norfkid · 4 months
was tagged by @patronsaintofdesire to answer these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better! thank you, malina :]
last song: as of writing this, marie doucer, marie colère by manon hollander from the john wick 4 soundtrack. it's essentially a french version of paint it black by the rolling stones & it's a banger
favourite colour: i always say yellow (like a gold yellow, #ffc000), but by that i usually mean the combination of black & yellow. i'm also pretty fond of the greyish-blue i use on my blog (#7b9e9a)
last film/tv show: the last thing i watched in full was point break (ty andrew @busaikuknee for initially convincing me to watch it, "keanu reeves has to learn how to surf to solve robberies" is a truly baffling concept & no one will ever do it again). i say "in full" bc also been revisiting a lot of clips from ip man 1-4 so in my head it feels like i've rewatched those too
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury. i don't have sweet things very often, and while i can tolerate fairly spicy food i just don't enjoy it that much (i'm a massive disappointment to my family)
relationship status: philosophically speaking, aren’t we all single?
last thing i googled: cozmo and vector robots! i saw a video somewhere of these guys and got so excited. they're these rly cute little WALL-E -esque robot friends made by an american robotics/ai startup called Anki, who specialised in robotics technology for children. i looked online to see if they were still around, but they've been discontinued since the company went bankrupt in April 2019 <\3
also related, there's this article from 2019 i read called Discovery of the Uncanny Valley that briefly mentions the Vector robots, but also discusses other examples of technology made in the past that have these human-like attributes given to them. it's a light read & there are some links to other similar articles at the end if you're into that stuff :]
current obsession: well, wrestling is always a given. i've fallen out with njpw for months now, but i've been watching more pro wrestling noah instead & i'm loving it tbh
apart from that, i've been watching a lot of Donnie Yen films bc i'm a little bit a lot in love with the old man (60 y/o btw & looks like that, fucking wild man). and by proxy i've been learning a bit about chinese martial arts (wing chun, in particular (a southern chinese style that influenced guys like ip man, bruce lee, jackie chan, sammo hung, donnie yen, etc etc)) through his interviews and stuff.
it's funny that i'm always so interested in "sports" i can't ever physically do & they always have some element of storytelling/performance and coordination... the martial arts to stunt performance to choreography to dance pipeline is all just so fucking fascinating.
i think chinese martials arts has gripped me bc all these 70s/80s/90s films made in china rely so much on pulling off wild stunts and fights without the budget for cgi and equipment. not to discredit the guys that do their own stunts in hollywood, but it's rare and always cause for celebration... in chinese filmmaking it's so normal. and as a result their performances are just so real and visceral. like, i watch wrestling ffs, ofc i'm drawn to films where storytelling and physicality intertwine. you construct intricate rituals etc etc
on that note, i'm really excited by the new wave of stunt performers turned film directors we've been getting. guys like Yuen Woo-Ping (Matrix Reloaded, Drunken Master) are already established in coordinating incredible scenes and stunts, but more recently: Chad Stalenski (the John Wick films), David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde), Sam Hargrave (Extraction), etc. there's a sort of magic lost in all these mainstream big budget marvel superhero and hollywood action films where fight scenes are so easily ruined by a thousand jumpcuts and wiring and fantasy, but these guys are bringing back that special smth, that authenticity and grittiness (not only in their choreography, but in the filmmaking and cinematography of those fight scenes too). it's so refreshing & i’m fucking nerd sorry
not so much an obsession, but i've also developed a new, old appreciation for woodwork (carving, whittling, joinery, etc) & in another life i think i would have loved to be a carpenter...
last book: admittedly, i don't read. tho i got a joblot of old hellblazer comics from ebay recently and have been meaning to revisit them
looking forward to: not much really... i find it hard to think about the distant future & i don't get that sense of anticipation and motivation from long-term plans. maybe getting this third and last year of uni over and bloody done with? which is incidentally something i'm absolutely dreading (“you need to get a job, you need to get a job, you need to get—”)
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
September 14, 2022
So I’m movin groovin shakin and bakin all right but I had a conversation with one of my rec-writers today and he was basically like “hm, this is not a criticism, but you’ve definitely got a range of stuff you want to study there” and boy howdy I’ve sure taken that as a criticism!  Dude was about to suggest that I do a master’s first (like I got that kind of time, absolutely not).  He’s the nicest most encouraging guy truly but like now I feel like I’m boutta spiral or something sheesh.  I think... I hope... that as I talk to potential advisors (and read their work), I will gain a better idea of whether their interests coincide with mine or not.  I mean I’m a bio major, sure, but I still haven’t had a ton of experience with biological anthropology and all of its various subdivisions.  So like, sure, I could apply to a master’s and all, but I’ve always been this way.  FRANKLY, this is the most narrow I’ve ever been with my interests.  If I had it my way I’d have four very different careers simultaneously.  Is saying that I want to study the human evolutionary line not enough????  Must I also have a focus within that as well?????????   Oh, intellectual promiscuity, how you entrap me so.  (Ain’t that ironic, promiscuity trapping someone (is it ironic or oxymoronic? hm).)
Confession: I still haven’t watched the final uploaded video of my performance last semester.  It’s like,,,, the first concert’s version was very bad compared to the second, and I think I prefer the limbo of not knowing which recording they selected to potentially knowing forever that they chose the bad one.  This is not adult behavior, I know, but I’m more or less a child masquerading as an adult only when necessary, so.  Now.  If I attend any choir house parties, there’s a nonzero chance that they’re going to play it there (bc it was a full choir piece and these folk enjoy singing along to older pieces), and I will be forced to learn.  But there’s also a nonzero chance that they won’t.  Anyway, anyway.
I think... I think I understand why my reading-for-fun has fallen to the wayside: I have to read-for-school so much that turning my brain off and watching a murder mystery (I guessed the murderer in the first ten minutes of “The Noble Art”!!!!  The self-report gave it away, and once you understand that the criminal in all of these episodes is an unsuspected person, my case only grew stronger with time) is much more appealing, even compared to simple YA.  I’ll get back to it, I’m sure, I just need a bit of rest.  The kind which YouTube can provide.
Today I’m thankful to have a person who could be frank with me about how my interests may be perceived even if it causes me to overthink and overstress.  It’s good to have someone to give me an outside opinion, helps me get out of my head a little.  And gives me another something to think about.
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whataphantasia · 1 month
ugh ok that poll i reblogged made me listen to UUFO again and i didnt realize it's been like a few months since i listened to it in full FKKEDN (ok this got long so it's under a cut now)
every song ive just been going "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG" DJAKDJEK IM NORMAL IM NORMAL
i know its cringe to like a camellia album this much but uufo is like. a culmination of a LOT of the things i like, and all of camellias experience leading up to that point yk.. and so much love and effort went into it from so many different people.. auuuughhh
every part of the album comes together... i LOVE albums with a theme and this one is PARANORMAL OCCURENCES and URBAN LEGENDS and shit ITS EVERYTHING I LOVE!! the different pieces of album art... ufo girl... wauuuu wauuuu cries sobs
idc if its uncritical and cringe to love every song i do what i want. i dont rly care abt if a song is structurally good as long as it makes me happy it goes hard (and all of them make me happy)
the website.. so pretty...
ok im gonna go to bed after doinf this but heres a few tracks i want to ramble abt (i wish i could do all of the tracks but i wont (FOR NOW...))
for the longest time buzzbox was my favorite song LOL. it was one of my first songs on the album and the russian bass/hardcore mix is just SO good. idk why i liked it so much honestly, its not rly what i LISTEN to yk. i have a fond memory of making my geometry teacher listen to it in 10th grade and she never let me pick a class song again. SHE LIKED EDM TOO I THOUGHT SHE'D GET IT </33
obviously ghoul is amazing. no notes. everyone loves that song.
speaking of the muzzle facing.. god idk. the melodic metal undertones. i LOVE a big variety in musical textures and this song just SCRATCHES my DAMN BRAIN. the part where it goes *metal guitar riff* *oingo boingo ass scratching noises* ANDJWJDJEJD IM NORMAL (at 1:37)
POLYBIUS GB IS SO GOOD. the way every section of the song builds on eachother AUGH. the final drop with the chiptune/extratone. CAMELLIA AND HIS EXTRATONEY FINAL DROPS ARE SO GOOD WAUUU WAAAA
a lot of what i feel abt polybius gb ALSO applies to final blenderman!!!! except final blenderman has WAYY more electric guitar YEAHHHH!! camellia final drops. the shift from rock guitar to chiptune melody, and an extratoneish finale,, reminds me a bit of million pp actually? haha. it miiiight be my favorite song? it outranked buzzbox a while ago but tbh this place might be slipping for like, the muzzle facing.
i actually didnt like myths you forgot as much as the other tracks when i first listened to it.. idk why? maybe bc it was a little slower? past me has no taste bc this track is so layered. and good. thanks toby fox
artcore is usually an "eh, its good" for me (i have a lot of artcore i enjoy, like fallen symphony) but #1f1e33 is different.. just felt like pointing it out (esp since this album has a longer version of it) like! i never felt BORED! every section builds! and has interesting auditory textures! lol. ig thats how u keep my attention (not that "being boring" is inherently bad ofc)
i have really fond memories of listening to microwave-proof cat in like, 10th/9th grade... sighh that song is so fun. the main melody's texture is just so bouncy. kisses it.
OKAY. DAMN. its 3. i need to go to bed. i'd love to continue rambling abt this though. maybe later.
as of right now my favorite camellia song (outside of this album) is parallel universe shifter :3c yeah, like, his most recent 7 minute song. of course its good. idk just.. it has all the things i like in it. i'd love to be able to one day make music like this song specifically. but point is, it has all of my favorite musical things.. in it. idk how to explain it. the name too. its super personal to me LOL. and the references and callbacks in the song. so tasty
ig another 8+ track edm album i like is also good evening hollowood... can you tell i love paranormal/halloween themed albums. JK LOL the songs in that album have nothing to do with that. while im talking abt t+pazolite i like ponko2 girlish too.. maybe ill dedicate a post to that if i get bored.
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So, I see you write in tags about your OCs. Could you tell us more about them?
I’m going to answer for my “main seven”/my favourites atm, AND for Var, Jose, Eva, and Claudia (these 4 are from a different original universe of mine than the “main seven”) bc I’ve been thinking about them a lot, BUT I have 25 OCs in total… it’s just overwhelming to answer for all of them at once. I hope this is okay!! A main masterpost for all my OCs is coming soon in the new year if Tumblr survives that long!!
Joseph is a 25 year old man. He’s got blondish brown hair and blue eyes. He has anger management issues that are a sure fire way to get him into trouble. He is all too loyal and protective of the people he loves and can love very deeply, which can also get him into trouble. He’s reckless, impulsive, but his heart is always in the right place where his loved ones are concerned.  He has a daughter, Claudia, by his late wife who he loves more than anything in the whole world. He was raising her alongside his best friend, Var, before the apocalypse hit. He later becomes a part of a poly relationship with Var and Eva.
Varisse is also 25 year old. He’s got close-cropped black hair (and a few grey hairs to show the years he’s spent putting up with Jose’s shit), dark brown eyes and dark skin. He is patient, intelligent, and caring, the ying to Joseph’s yang. He tries to try to see both sides of an issue, almost too much so. He worked as a DJ before the apocalypse and he has a lifelong passion for music… though he can’t sing a straight note to save his life, he’d be the first to tell you that, with a rueful smile. He’s known and been in love with Joseph since kindergarten, and was happy to raise Claudie alongside his best friend.
Eva is a 26 years old woman. She has fair hair, green eyes, and pale skin that burns very easily. She tries her best to be brave and level-headed but is far out of her depth, since she’s used to being a teacher and dealing with a bunch of 6 year olds, not hordes of ravening undead. She can still show spine when pushed to it, though, and is capable of ripping apart arguments and ego with no effort at all. She was Claudia’s teacher before and after the apocalypse and over that time developed a crush on both Varisse and Joseph. After they meet up again amid zombie-filled hardship, that crush developed even more and was quickly requited. She’s out of depth as Claudia’s mother but is learning more each day, and is always a pillar of faith for her boys.
Claudia is Joseph’s 6 year old daughter. She may have her father’s sandy-brown hair but otherwise she’s a spitting image of her mother, with her olive skin and hazel eyes (she’s cranky she didn’t get her dad’s eyes). She’s made up of pure precocious intelligence and sass. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, least of all her dad; Varisse is the only person that can order her around and she’ll listen to no matter what. She has no problem with doing what she’s told… so long as that person asks her respectfully, she thinks it’s a good/fun idea, and they don’t try to boss her around. She has her Dad’s recklessness and will and her mom’s wit and cute face, not a great combination if you’re an authority figure, she’s a master manipulator. She’s very proud of her dads and mom and will loudly support them.
June is a demon. They’re agender, have black hair cut down to their chin, olive skin, black eyes, and an oval-shaped face with a sharper jawline. They’re covered in tiny crucifix-shaped scars all over, one in particular above their left eyebrow. They’re tiny (4′9) but armed with a mouth full of razor-sharp shark teeth, hands tipped in claw-like nails, and a ready willingness to use them. They dislike the features of the modern world and are generally a Grinch about everything. They only like about 2 people in the whole world. They believe complaining to be an art form and practice it - regularly. In a nutshell they’re a bitter, cynical, PTSD-filled, cantankerous ball of apathy and hate. They’re the leader of Hell’s pack of hellhounds. They were in a very abusive relationship with Mars but after a particularly horrific event, they left with Dante’s help. They keep a lessor hellhound with them at all times as a companion; on earth, it takes the shape of a small black pug named Taco. They somehow mix not caring about anything and being very Extra. They sleep in expensive silk pajamas. They’re fond of red wine. They also love fast food - they particularly enjoy it when it runs. :) yes June’s my favourite how can you tell
August is a drama queen angel. They’re genderfluid (they go mostly by gendered pronouns but since their gender isn’t clear or pointed out in most posts I make on Tumblr, I use ‘they/them’ as a catch-all kind of thing.) They’re Asian in appearance but since angels are not natural humans, they have silvery-blonde hair down to their shoulder-blades and their eyes are a bright crystal blue (they hate looking so unusual though so most of the time they use dark contacts and hair dye to blend in with the humans.) They’re tall at 5′11 and they love elegant dresses. They excel at dancing (they’ve mastered all kinds but their favourite is ballet) and swordsmanship. They have AD(H)D but rather than sort it out like a normal person, they deny it and disguise it as them just not caring. They also have anxiety and struggle with overthinking. They’re somewhat (understatement) of an alcoholic due to the constant deaths of their mortal lovers from old age, while they themself remain unchanged. They’re aloof and think of themself as superior, though they’re easily flustered if you try and can actually be quite clingy. They’re very emotional despite their shows of coldness in public.
Myriad is a demon. They’re also genderfluid and they’re indifferent to pronouns. They’re very tall at 6′5, they have very dark skin, and wear their black hair in dreadlocks down to their shoulders. Their eyes change colours like a kaleidoscope, shifting eerily between shades of yellow, grey, blue, and green depending on the lighting and their mood. How they treat you depends entirely on how you treat them and others: if you’re kind, they’ll be fine with you, but if you’re a bad person… well, they are the demon of punishment after all. They do have a soft spot for the small, the sweet, and the helpless and can be quite protective, but mostly they’re entirely self-centred and act on their own whims. They’re quite sexually prolific. They enjoy pranks with malicious glee. They’re very physically intimidating. They have 2 sets of fangs, both potent, one full of a paralytic venom and the other an excruciatingly painful and lethal venom. They also have a harmless pet ball python named Albert and their favourite item of clothing is a soft knitted sweater with kittens on it. :D
Ben is a fallen angel/demon. He identifies as male. He’s medium to smallish height at 5′8. His facial features are quite plain, with a slightly crooked nose and a squarer chin. His eyes are calf-brown and his hair, the most noticeable thing about him, is wavy/loosely curly down past his ears and a bright, dark, unnatural red colour (though it is quite natural for him.) He fell in love with a demon and fell from heaven for her, but it turned out that she was tricking him and left him soon after. His angel grace is out-of-control since he is now technically a demon, and randomly bursts out of him every few months, obliterating everything around him with black fire. Despite how volatile he is, he’s a very quiet person who keeps to himself. He has trust issues and is wary of people, and can be quite timid and easily embarrassed. He works on earth as a primary school teacher, since he loves kids and the demons in hell scorn him and he can’t return to heaven. His fashion sense is absolutely abyssal and he dresses like he’s a 90 year old (technically he’s older even than that but, come on, man, get with the times!) He is very, very depressed.
Ginger is a demon. She identifies as a girl and, unlike the others, who are all pansexual, she is mostly only attracted to girls. She is chubby and has carrot-orange hair (thus, the nickname-that-stuck-and-became-her-name-while-on-earth) and pale turquoise eyes. She doesn’t have a filter and loves very loudly, openly, and strongly. She has a big heart but that can be hard to see since she mostly only thinks of/about herself. She has a great need for speed and her version of heaven is being behind the wheel of a fast car. She has a hard time settling down and is constantly itching for her next adventure and/or challenge. She thinks of Ben as a big brother and constantly annoys him like a little sister; she’s the only demon who accepts him as one of them. For somebody who is so loud, she has a hard time really and truly expressing her feelings when she cares deeply about someone. If she has a crush, she is the stereotypical ‘teenager in love’, stuttering and blushing bright red. She swears a lot, is pretty brash, and - you guessed it - has a strong Australian accent.
Mars is a stink man, evil horrible person, most hated OC an angel. He identifies mostly as male with some exceptions. He has white skin, cherubic blond curls, bright golden eyes, a kind, handsome face, and a charming smile. He’s also an abusive piece of shit . He often dallies with the mortals, luring in lovers with charm and sweetness, and then abusing them in every way possible before eventually killing them. If somebody refuses him, he hunts them down, murders their loved ones in front of them, before raping them and murdering them, too. He’s very possessive and volatile and will throw very dangerous tantrums when denied what he wants. He’s spoiled rotten and has never had consequences for his actions. He wears a ring adorned with a crucifix. He’s got an excellent sense of fashion and is very rich. He’s owned a great number of mansions throughout the years and still does, though he currently lives in a very expensive penthouse.
Dante is a demon - a hellhound, to be exact. He identifies as male, and is the only of the seven to have been born a human before being inducted to hell. He’s not very tall but is bulky due to pure muscle, Vietnamese in appearance, with brown skin and a large scar across his collar bone and shoulder like he’d been savaged by a massive dog at some point (spoiler alert: that’s exactly what happened.) His black hair is cut short military-style. He’s second in command of the pack of hellhounds, under only June, who he sort of took under his wing after they left Mars, built them back up from the years of servitude  and abuse. He cares about them more than anyone… That being said, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t call them out if he thinks they’re making a dumb decision. They banter like siblings and he finds great delight in taking his life in his hands and messing up their hair. He’s fiercely loyal but strong willed and will only take orders that he thinks are good ones. A solider born and raised, from human life to demon existence. He loves adrenaline rushes and thinks all fun has to involve danger of some kind. He’s absolutely deadly in a fight, whether it be in his ‘normal’ form with its proficiency with all kinds of weaponry, or his hound form - a mountain of sheer muscle and terrifyingly large jaws. He shows affection in rough ways, such as headlocks and friendly punches, but make no mistake, he really cares. also his ears stick out a bit and he sleeps with his mouth open and hes actually kind of adorable
If you made it this far… thank you so much. Getting questions/messages about my babies honestly keeps me going, so… thank you!!!
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