badzstyx · 2 years
good day tumblr styx nation
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alexfromjersey · 8 months
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓼 & 𝓕𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: jah submits a demo. jenna gets questioned by hudson. fans start to piece things together
warnings: mature language
a/n: I want to quit my job 🙂. I wish we got paid to write fanfiction. I walked 14,987 steps in one single shift
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@ghostridingwhip: aggressive for wat tho?
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@modernbussywhip: SSSHHHHHH I HAVE NEW INFO BOUT JAH'S MYSTERY GIRL! I have two potential candidates and please note that one of them is a little bit of a surprise
@highondatgreen: i thought it was clear that I'm Jah's girl
@ghostridingwhip: @highondatgreen whatever u smoke...slide some over here
@ghostridingwhip: @modernbussywhip who are the candidates 👀
@modernbussywhip: ALRIGHT CLASS IS IN SESSION. Now like I said i have two candidates but it could be more cuz we all know Jah is a hoe...a respectable one tho but i digress.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO UNO: Stacey Vernon, a popular social media influencer on TikTok. She has a twin sister Diana and with Davis, they all attended school together (as she has mentioned in a TikTok video). They were together at Stacey's birthday party not too long ago and even though Jah shut the rumors down of them being together...we never know when it comes to Shiesty.
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@fnthechat: geeeeezzzzz if this Jah's girl....
@behindthespecialk: I love jah but there's no way jah bagged her
@shiestylover: @behindthespecialk: whoa whoa not u doubting my girl's ability to bag bad bitches. you must not seen her roster 😏
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@behindthespecialk: HOW?!?! @sheistylover
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@shiestylover: she just built like that 😏
@modernbussywhip: LMAOOO while we can admire the untouchable rizz Jah has later....we should move on to candidate numero dos because this one...is a little out there but plausible.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO DOS: we all know her, we all love her and it's Miss Jenna Ortega. Now now now before everyone start think pieces just look at my evidence ok come come....evidence number one back when the Scream 6 premiere happened Jah accompanied Davis to it. I'm 95% sure that's where they first met because Jah didn't go to Canada while Davis was filming Scream 6. 1/4
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@modernbussywhip: we all saw jenna appear in Jah's vlog...the eye contact, the sexual tension, everything was there between them. But fast forward a couple of hours later, a fan posted a pic with jenna who was at a restaurant and in the pic u can see a tattooed arm and it's the same tattoos Jah has! 2/4
@modernbussywhip: CONTINUE TO WALK WITH ME! Fast forward more, they follow each other on Instagram and as a jenna fan also...that girl avoids that app like the bubonic plague EXCEPT for when Jah posts...every single post of jah has a jenna like...i don't think jenna even likes her mother's posts so for her to only be on Instagram liking Jah's posts....my spidey senses are tingling 3/4
@modernbussywhip: ALMOST DONE! now we always mess with jah on her Reddit so lately it's been nothing but pics and edits of jenna on it...NOT ONCE has she told anyone to stop sending pics and edits of jenna. AND every time she looks at one...her eyes lights up and she starts to smile and blush! Plus after the Met Gala, Jenna stayed in New York...why did she stay in New York?? Jenna's from Cali across the fucking country and she was seen around the Bronx area....YALL NOT FOOLING ME! 4/4
@fnthechat: if jah managed to bag the baddiest scream queen in existence...imma need her to write a book about how to generate THAT much rizz
@ghostridingwhip: fr...that's like level 100 rizz...past Duke Dennis level of rizz
"Man this is the fucking FIFTH studio I called today and none of them got availability tonight" You groaned out of frustration.
"Why you wait until the last minute to call these studios?" Delyse questioned.
"Well I just signed up for the contest. It was a spur of the moment thing I didn’t really think it through." You said.
Delyse hummed in response and turned her attention back to the food on the stove.
"We can see if Kenny still got his home studio. I think he still live on 33rd" Davis said.
"Bet let's go. We'll be back Ma" You said to your mother and left with Davis.
"You got a song you gonna record?" Davis asked.
"Yeah I wrote it a long time ago. I made the beat and everything" You smiled.
Soon the two of you made it to Kenny's house. You walk into the building and climb up the three flights of stairs, remembering that his elevator never worked. You got to his door and knocked on it.
You waited patiently and slightly out of breath. You knocked again, "Yo Kenny it's me Jah."
Suddenly, the door was ripped opened and a furious looking woman stood there with a crying baby on her hip.
"Uh is Kenny here?" You asked.
The woman laughed sadistically, "Of course you're looking for Kenny. Kenny left four months ago with a skank from Brooklyn."
You and Davis looked at each other stuck on what to say.
"Um...you don't happen to still have his studio equipment?" You asked carefully.
"Nope. I burned it. I burned everything of his" The woman replied.
"Okay thanks" You both gave her a small smile and walked away from Kenny's former apartment. The two of you left the building with you feeling utterly defeated.
"What the fuck am I gonna do? I have to submit this demo by 11:59 tonight" You sighed.
"Don't stress bruh we gon' figure something out. Trust" Davis reassured you. You nodded and took a deep breath in to calm your body down.
London, England
1:23 am
Jenna had just got to her temporary home after a long day of filming. She was exhausted and was glad she had the day off so she can rest properly. She pulled her shoes off and placed her purse on the table.
Just as she was about to sit on the couch, a knock is at her door.
She internally screams before she walks to the door and opens it to reveal Hudson.
Jenna sighed, "What do you want Hudson?"
"I...just wanted to check in on you. I know you've been working hard which could be harmful to the baby" Hudson said nervously.
"Now you care about me and my baby" Jenna said and raised her eyebrow in suspicious at the boy.
"I always cared about you Jenna. If I didn't I wouldn't be here right now" Hudson replied.
"If you cared about me you wouldn't have told my family about me being pregnant. That wasn't something someone who cared about me would do" Jenna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're right. I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't my place to do that and I sincerely apologize" Hudson said.
Jenna hummed in response, not really believing his words.
Hudson sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I truly am sorry and I regret doing it. I just...I just wanted to check on you after everything that happened with Neil on the plane."
At the mention of the male, Jenna tensed. She was doing good with pushing him out of her thoughts. Instead, choosing to focus on her filming. She couldn't and won't let him control her...not anymore. She deserved to be happy.
"I'm fine. I'll handle it" Jenna lied.
Hudson opened his mouth to say something but decided against it after seeing the look on her face.
"Okay...I'll uh...see you tomorrow" Hudson said and walked away from her door. Jenna shut the door after he left and sat on her couch. She was stressed and that wasn't good for her or the baby...she needed to relieve some stress.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i need help
NYC 🩵:
with 👀
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
im stressed
NYC 🩵:
well taking deep breaths and meditating i heard is a good source of stress relief
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
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NYC 🩵:
was that not the right thing to do?
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Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
ah shit
i know what u want
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🤤🤤🤤 vegan food looks bomb don't ya agree
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
I hate you with everything in me 😂
NYC 🩵:
💀💀💀 wym? wat i do? is that not right also?!?
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know that's not what i want
NYC 🩵:
what u want then
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know
NYC 🩵:
i dont know ms ortega
not a mind reader
use your words
A chill went through Jenna's body as she read the message, imagining you actually saying those words to her...under different circumstances.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
don't say that
it makes it harder when you say things like that
NYC 🩵:
ain't it like almost 2 am or something over there
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
nice try
go to sleep
goodnight my honey bunches of oats 😘🥰
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you're annoying 😒
Jenna groaned and placed her phone down next to her. She needed to eat, shower, and sleep. But before she could even attempt to start, her phone dinged again. She grabbed it and opened the message from you, she took a sharp inhale of air.
NYC 🩵:
*attachment: 1 image*
It was picture of you in the mirror with your head titled to the side and tongue stretched out your mouth. Your tongue was naturally long, almost reaching to your chin. But what also caught her eyes was your hand placement which was grabbing your genitalia through your gray sweatpants. That's all Jenna needed.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i take back what i said
You laughed at Jenna's message and fixed yourself before walking out the bathroom. You and Davis got back to your Mother's house defeated from the lack of progress in finding a studio.
You don't know how you were going to finished this demo and submit it in 4 hours.
A knock at the door grabbed your attention, you watched as your mother walks to the door and cracks it open.
"Hey Leon" Delyse smiled brightly at the sight of the man.
"Hey Del, how you doing?" Leon gave her a smile back.
"I'm good just cooking for these clingy kids" Delyse answered and opened the door wider for Leon to see you and Davis.
"Hey Mr. Greenhill" You and Davis simultaneously greeted the older man. Leon chuckled and waved at them.
"Oh I knew I smelled something delicious. Man I missed smelling your cooking reminds me of the old days" Leon flattered.
Delyse let out a little giggle, "Yeah the old days."
The two adults stood in the doorway looking at each other basking in the comfortable silence. Meanwhile, you and Davis looked at each other before looking back at the older adults.
"I...uh just wanted to stop by and say hello. I don't wanna intrude anymore than I already have" Leon smiled at Delyse.
"No, no, no intruding...do you want a plate?" Delyse boldly asked.
It took a moment for Leon to come up with a response but eventually he did, "Uh yeah sure."
The older gentleman walked into the house and Delyse closed the door behind him. Leon pulled off his cap and held it in his hands. He sat next to you at the end of the table.
"How you guys doing?" Leon politely said to you and Davis.
"Eh" You shrugged.
"Eh? Why eh?" Leon questioned.
"Jah signed up for this music competition. Winner gets a five million dollar record deal with Passion Records. The contestants must submit a demo by 11:59 p.m tonight but we haven't found a studio all week" Davis explained.
"And I tried recording it on my phone but the audio is all grainy and hard to hear" You sighed.
"Hmm...can you sing the song you are going to submit?" Leon questioned.
You and Davis glanced at each other again but Davis just shrugged. You scrolled to the notes app and pulled the beat of the song you are going to use.
"Rollin' through with stacks, it's easy, money rainin' down, just like a storm, I got the riches-" You get interrupted by Leon pausing the beat on your phone.
"No" Leon said.
"No? What you mean no? It's a good song" You scoffed.
"Yeah for the early 2015 era when singing about money like that could get you hits. It's 2023 now, people want to hear something different something unique. If I was a judge and I heard that...I would think you're just hopping on the trendy music hoping for yours to be the hit. But you don't realize that everyone is thinking the same thing as you. The only way for you to be looked at twice is if you stand out. Let the lyrics come from within you, come from your heart" Leon explained to you.
Delyse then comes from the kitchen with a plastic bag with aluminum foiled wrapped plates inside.
"Here you go" Delyse smiled and handed Leon the bag.
"Thank you. I really appreciate this Delyse" Leon smiled at her grateful. He stood up from the table and grabbed his cap.
"Once you find those lyrics, come and find me on Southern BLVD but hurry though you got four hours left" Leon said and left the house.
Meanwhile, you sat stuck at the dining room table. Replaying the words Leon said, basically calling your song shit. It stung but deep down you knew he was right. The song didn't feel like you, it felt like a 14 year old wrote it and it wasn't your style.
You glanced at the clock on the wall as you grabbed a pen and paper. 7:48 p.m. Your eyes then glanced down to your phone and an unopened message from Jenna.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you have to be the greatest partner alive 😏
"Have to be..." You muttered to yourself. Instantly, your hand starts to move by itself as you write down the lyrics to your new song.
Let the lyrics come from your heart.
Two hours later, you finally finished and made your way to Southern BLVD with Davis tagging along.
"Why Southern BLVD though? What's here besides crackheads and prostitutes?" Davis commented.
The two of you continued walking down the block until you start to hear the sound of music. The closer you got to the corner, the louder and clearer the music became. It was street drummers and Leon was in the middle of them playing the electric guitar. You and Davis watched in amazement as he kept up with the drummers until they finished their last cord together.
The small amount of people that were gathered applauded them and a couple gave a few dollars before walking away.
"Yo I ain't know you could play the guitar Mr. Greenhill" Davis said.
Leon chuckled, "I'm a man with many talents son." The older male turned to you.
"I'm assuming you got something better with you this time" Leon teased.
You laughed, "Yeah I do. Wrote it from the heart like you said."
"Alright, well you better warm up that voice. You got a song to perform" Leon smiled and patted your back.
"Wait what? Right now? In public?" You questioned.
"Uh yeah. You need to submit that demo in two hours. I checked to see if you submit a live version of your demo and it said you could so get a move on" Leon said and stepped to the side.
"I don't got a beat though I just have the lyrics" You said. You were really trying your hardest not to perform in front of people severely underprepared.
"Don't worry about that" Leon said and placed the guitar over his shoulder.
Leon then played a cord on the guitar, soon the bucket drummer started feeling the vibe and matched the cord Leon was playing. Then you heard someone sweeping from behind you, it surprisingly also matched with everyone. You start to nod your head, feeling the rhythm and you grabbed the beat up microphone from the ground.
Davis pulled out his phone to start recording you.
"Can't wait for you to get home, we ain't got to go nowhere. Airplane on my phone, it can wait til the morning. I can't fathom why you choose me out billions but I'll take it" You sung. You felt your eyes close as you got lost into the music.
Soon, you finished off the song to a large crowd cheering and clapping at your performance.
"I told you let the lyrics come from your heart. You made magic tonight Jah, take pride of your work" Leon educated you.
You nodded at him and walked over to Davis who was fiddling with his phone.
"And submitted" Davis smiled at you as he submitted the demo on the competition website.
"Hard part is over for now. Now we wait" You exhaled deeply.
a/n: if you put a buck in my cup I will shut the fuck up… but you ain’t gotta be a baller to give me a motherfucking dollar…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re @fillthwvoid
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cambrioleur · 8 months
Random observations on this season (updating)
Episode 1
I don't think we've ever seen Assane do a genuine fourth-wall break before
OK so Claire has a last name now
Assane really expected that he could just show up and Claire would just fall at his feet
I'm surprised Benjamin is just allowed to continue working at his shop
This feels better-edited than Parts 1 & 2
Name a more iconic duo than Belkacem and failing constantly (she really doesn't listen, does she)
Episode 2
Philippe Courbet sighting
NEVER invite Guédira to a funeral lmaooo
Hang on I'm just now realizing that Juliette is at this funeral, too (she's standing in the second row behind Benjamin and Claire and honestly doesn't seem too upset about Assane's "death")
I like how in the flashback Babakar tells Assane that he reminds him of his mother and then it turns out she was a criminal
This seems to be around the time of Raoul's birthday again; he really can't catch a break on that
Episode 3
New shipping war just dropped: Guédira/Belkacem vs Guédira/Fleur
That bit where Claire was outright begging Benjamin to tell her Assane was alive and he couldn't...that was sad
But then it was followed by Benjamin doing the "uhh my FRIEND just died" act with Belkacem which was funny
This gang of thugs is trying a little too hard tbh
Assane's disguise in this episode is fucking terrible lol
The basketball coach disguise, on the other hand, is the only time I've genuinely thought he wasn't recognizable
Episode 4
Ironically that coach persona is probably the best parenting Assane has ever done
Claire? Doing things that are vaguely cool?? That feels illegal. Also, she looked so proud of herself for swiping that book, lol
Betraying Benjamin was certainly...a choice on Assane's part ("everyone disliked that")
This episode is going to devastate the show's Tumblr fandom
Episode 5
Assane trolling the shit out of Guédira will never not be funny
These 1998 flashbacks are pretty dark actually
Honestly the way Claire got that reveal out of Benjamin was very well-played on her part
Guédira out here looking like present-day Ringo Starr with that disguise
Aww look at Assane playing the matchmaker for Guédira and Belkacem, heh heh
This is easily one of the funniest episodes
Except Benjamin is straight up not having a good time -- it looks like he got beaten up in prison
Episode 6
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not totally sure Benjamin knows that Assane betrayed him. It's possible he just thinks that he fucked up with the bracelet and then missed a cue in the maze
"Pasta with ketchup" jesus fucking christ Claire that sounds horrendous (although I'm guessing the only reason they did that was because of the ketchup-bottle reveal)
Assane really has Claire's number because he's now seduced her twice under two different identities
IDK whether or not Raoul has figured out that the coach is his dad but it's funny that he still seemed to be shipping it either way
It's nice that we get to see Claire's more playful side in this season, like her messing with Assane by acting really flirty with "Alex" after she realizes they're the same person
INCREDIBLE casting for the younger and older versions of Keller tbh; they easily look like they could be the same person
Episode 7
What a nice family reunion...it would be a shame if something happened to it...
The flashbacks are significantly darker than the present timeline this time around
Guédira finally got to arrest Assane, good for him!
The scene at the train station with the letter from Assane to Claire sort of reminds me of the ending to A Tale of Two Cities, which I had to read for AP prep a while back
Oh look, Hubert Pellegrini is back
So they're CLEARLY setting up another season with this ending
The choice of people to show on the montage there was interesting, lol
I could see a Juliette antagonist arc happening tbh
Maybe Assane's mom isn't all she seems either
And what about Benjamin? If he turns against Assane the viewers are going to lose their minds
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bonefall · 9 months
can clerics be lawyers? if so, maybe cinderpelt being the lawyer for squirrel & leaf? who are the options that you are thinking of?
I've got a rough outline of the Trial of Squirrelflight's Horror in mind with some neat new deets, let me toss them together so you can see what I'm trying to do here. I'll also post a "Wanted Ad" of traits the cat needs to display
But to quickly answer directly; Yes, Clerics can be lawyers. However, Cinderpelt might not fit specifically, because this lawyer needs to be equally antagonistic as well as protagonistic. This won't be a Lizardstripe situation.
Squirrelflight's Horror is a book that is setting up the events of TBC.
First of all, it's setting up how no one immediately caught Bramblestar being replaced by an impostor. He is not a popular leader, with a long list of controversial choices.
(unfortunately, the fact he was suddenly good at making names stood out more than his cruelty.)
Second of all, we're going to set up some tumult in StarClan.
When Squirrelflight and Leafpool die this time, it's actually their uncle Iceheart who "fetches" them.
He died in the Battle of the True Eclipse, having a rematch with Tigerstar. So they haven't seen him in a while.
From him, they learn there's been delays in StarClan cats coming up and down. But he'll walk them up. (Iceheart replaces a cat named Blade completely.)
Squirrelflight really doesn't want to go, since her grandson Hollylark (from Fallenleaf x Cinderheart) just died, leaving her apprentice Sparkpelt (from Bramblestar x Jessy) alone with newborns.
There's also been a couple shuffles in the cats they meet up in StarClan, let me go over them;
Squirrelflight is barren and had a miscarriage, back in Po3. She was only a moon pregnant (equiv: 4-ish months in a human)
She never gets back with Bramblestar after his treatment in BB!OoTS, he has Spark and Alder with Jessie.
SOOO I don't actually have a place for Dandelionkit and Juniperkit because I really do not want BB to have Angel Fetus Children like canon lmaooo
Flickerkit and Larksong are here though! Their new names are Flickerflame (starclan-given) and Hollylark (to show that Larksong and Hollytuft have been combined).
Shrewpaw, now Shrewface, has been Squirrelflight's guardian angel for her whole life. She learns this here.
When apprentices and kits die, they get full names and the ability to choose the age they appear as, barring certain circumstances.
Hollyleaf, now Fallenleaf, is not dead so she is not here.
Squirrelflight's mentor was Goldenflower, not Dustpelt. They are BOTH here though.
When Squilf and Leafpool get to StarClan, they learn that they've lived VERY controversial lives, and now need to be judged. That brings us to...
Actually does not go over as harshly as it did in canon. Squilf is going to be the one getting interrogated, sorry girlie
The main purpose of this one is to show how the trials work for Squilf later. I'm also planning for the same Lawyer who handles Leaf to handle Squilf too.
However, Leafpool is still grilled. The line, "Why do you think you're worthy of StarClan?" is used.
Breaking the code to be with Crowfeather is brought up, countered with "she came back and stayed, because the Clan did not have a Cleric."
When the Three are brought up, it's addressed with the Queen's Rights. She "did what she was supposed to," giving her children to Squirrelflight to raise.
She spent her whole life obeying, even at personal pain to herself, and served her Clan loyally despite momentary lapses in judgement.
It was a traumatic thing to go through, but still results in an easy ruling; Worthy of StarClan.
Leafpool chooses to stay in StarClan, and they watch her body die down on Earth, plus the following vigil
Squilf's Trial is a lot more complicated.
Fire Alone, as an ideology, involves a TON of codebreaking... which she has done, often. Especially during the events of Squirrelflight's Horror where she has been forced to defy Bramblestar's direct orders several times
She's lived her whole life with the knowledge that unjust laws MUST be defied.
I think she should also kill someone in defense of the Sisters tbh. Like let's really make this worse than canon and give them something worth interrogating her about. WAS it okay to kill that person in defense of someone outside the Code?
It's not just Squirrelflight that's in question here; it's Fire Alone itself. WILL StarClan accept the idea that the Code applies to outsiders as well?
VERY IMPORTANT: This is why I do not want the Lawyer to be someone who is a Fire Alone supporter. Squirrelflight is defending it, AND herself
Iceheart, Firestar, Sandstorm, Bluestar, and all of her allies grow more and more agitated as the Trial goes on. Her enemies do as well.
Before the ruling, the entire jury is in a FEVER PITCH. Thunderstar, the Judge, cannot roar loud enough to get them all to quiet down. In fact, he makes it worse
Ashfur is one of the named "enemies" of Squirrelflight, and one of the loudest for her damnation.
The court cannot calm down enough to cast a ruling. It's starting to break out in actual fighting, Squirrelflight casts a glance at Leafpool
She's trying to yell that she needs to go home, people need her, she doesn't have time for this
And then she feels a squeeze on her ankle
Yowling with alarm, Squirrelflight feels herself sliding down into the clouds, away from the furious chaos that is engulfing StarClan. It becomes a shining speck on the horizon as if she's falling out of a dream
She's screaming for Leafpool, reaching out her claws for StarClan, convinced that she's just been damned and is being dragged down to the Dark Forest
She awakens in her nest, back in her body
With her son Jayfeather next to her.
As she stirs and begins to raise her head, she hears Lionblaze bellow, "YOU GLORIOUS BASTARD YOU REALLY DID IT!!" before dogpiling her
Jayfeather looks surprised that it worked at all at first, before huffing proudly
Jayfeather: "never ask me for anything ever again"
The last of a golden glow fades from his eyes; he has used the last drop of power he had left. He later shares that he doesn't think it would have worked if Squilf hadn't still been hanging on.
Fallenleaf rushes in next, followed by grandchild Ivypool, her first apprentice Rosepetal, her best friend Daisy, and by that point the Cleric's den is bursting.
Bramblestar is poking his head in, but realizes pretty quickly that he is Not Welcome, and stares longingly.
After her cuddles and hugs, Squirrelflight brings up Sparkpelt. She NEEDS to see Sparkpelt. Sparkpelt needs to know she's okay, and that her mate and poisoned child reached StarClan.
The lawyer can't be someone who's entirely on Squirrelflight's side. It's someone who is challenging her, but not entirely unsympathetic.
It needs to be someone she knew in life. Lawyers are never people who are strangers, which rules out Yellowfang who I had been heavily considering.
Ideally it's the same lawyer between Squilf and Leafp, just so we can spend plenty of time with the character and use Leaf's trial to show their personality.
Hmm.... you know, now that I'm thinking about it... what if it was ASHFUR?
Maybe even have him blackmailing Squilf... "I'll be fair, for you, of course... just promise to do whatever I say, and I'll save your sister. This is your chance to make up for everything you did to me..."
That could be pretty fun. AND be good setup for BB!TBC.
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panelshowsource · 5 months
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i will work on that and post a set this week :) kiell was very fun!
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hmm i can't say i'm sure about sandi — though i'm loving her hair this series and she's beautiful as ever!
i would also love to know anything about miles' new show, if anyone has details about it to share 🥺 it's gotten lots of positive reviews, pretty solidly 4/5 stars everywhere i've seen. but even without a personal panelshowsource follower review i recommend getting a ticket!! and then coming back and telling us about it!!
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hello and thank you :) sure, i put that on my drive for you here. enjoy!
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he actually is 100% that bitch
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i don't have this on drive atm only because it's really so easy to source. both were just posted in tv_bunny a couple of weeks ago, for example 🥲 i recommend heading over there and making a request, and someone will have links for you right away! lmk if you have any issues
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does watching it on dailymotion work for you?
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hello! yes, you can find ladsladslads over in the standup folder :)
their breakup was certainly intense for them both... i think i recall sara saying around the time-ish that she had expected they would really be together for the long haul, so as things began to disintegrate she was very disoriented. i also recall there being a bit of an ugly period between them — like, publicly — which was unfortunate, but they both seemed to be carrying their own bitternesses and that was surely hard
it's funny — i talked a bit about this a couple months ago, but thinking about them both reminds me so much of the rhlstp with john kearns: he talked about how, in this day of social media, audiences expect comedians to show themselves on stage, to give you that peek behind the curtain and personal anecdotes/opinions/details, and really share who they are with you — and he doesn't like that expectation. he's doing surreal and often absurd comedy, playing a character who's almost nothing like him at all, so the real john doesn't need to bleed through for the show to work. but people like sara and john...they use the stage as a form of therapy; sara uses it as a form of workshopping, communicating, connecting, sharing; i often think john is grasping, sometimes desperately, at the opportunity to be seen and heard. (his new show howl, which has gotten quite good reviews, is about his sobriety, for example!) so even though there were aspects of their breakup experience that were intense and very personal, i really hope that sharing them helped them both :)
hope we'll get to see his new show howl sometime soon, which is about his sobriety!
i have my theories about how john will be on taskmaster... let's just say, i think he'll be quite earnest and try very hard, and i think what alex has said about it being very difficult to do a character on taskmaster/the show showing people's true colours will be very relevant LMAO i can def see john coming on and trying to be cool and collected and just breaking down LMAOOO but agree it will be interesting! and personally i do always love the dynamic between greg or alex and one of their good friends heh
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ultraviolet-ink · 3 months
What do you think about asoryuu?
Oh boy, this one's going to be a bit loaded, so here's a bit of a preemptive apology for a ramble/word vomit/rant on my end. Suffice to say ASRY is a NoTP for me. When I was first getting into DGS all the way back in 2019/20, I was a bit ambivalent towards the ship. I had only watched a playthrough of the first game, and I had the feeling that Kazuma was going to come back, but the ship didn't really scream to me at that point, and it kind of befuddled me to see how it was so popular (and a bit of a tangent, I think people only really ship the 1-1 dynamic, but that's a convo for another day). If you even look at the header of my blog, it is no secret that I ship Ryuususa, and it is my OTP. When I had watched the fifth case on the playthrough, I was sold on that ship, and the last moments really sealed the deal for me-- there's something really compelling about the goodbye scene between Susato and Ryuunosuke at the docks, and the localization legitimately made me cry (happy tears of course!) Being a little naive, I started to post about it and I got... a LOT of harassment calling me a lot of names/accusing me of being okay with a lot of really horrible things (intrusive thoughts WHOOOOOOP). The harassment was so bad that I only recently opened up to my therapist about what had happened, and I was pulling away from servers/people I thought I was friends with/wouldn't treat me horribly. I found a lot of solace with people who were also violently harassed pre-localization (shout out to the Baroryuu community, you all were really kind to me, and I am proud to also be a Baroryuu lover <3), when I say it was drama filled pre localization, I mean it. I can even point out when my harassment started to March of 2021 when someone on twitter said not to read my dgs fics since I was a proshipper (I hadn't even called myself that at this point, and honestly I don't really use that title [idk how else to describe it lol], but I do follow that philosophy and call myself anti-harassment), and since I hadn't had a twt at that time, they linked to my ao3, and since I put my tumblr on my fics, I got a LOT of disturbing anons. Even when I made my server, I used to have a link that anyone could click on (word of the day is naive lmaooo), and I got a lot of creeps coming in trying to surveil the server and make sure their friends weren't in it (one person was even trying to get access to the nsfw section which was FUN). After reading this, you're probably thinking "what does this have to do with ASRY?". A lot of the major bullies in fandom HEAVILY shipped ASRY, and would harass people who shipped other ships (Baroryuu and Asobaro shippers were racist, Homuryuu shippers were okay with incest because of that stupid "greatest family in the world" line, etc.). All in all, it came with a lot of entitlement and anger that other peopled DARED not to ship that ship. Those sorts of people really tainted the ship for me. As for the ship itself, I can definitely see why people love it a lot (especially 1-1), but I really didn't like Kazuma in 2-4/5. I found him to be really particularly awful and obtuse (which, makes perfect sense in the story! Who wouldn't be in his position?). I was also mad that he only said ONE (1!!!) thing to Susato when he got his memories back (despite HER recognizing him and getting the ball rolling), and it was basically "Thanks for helping out my friend, bye!" (#justiceforsusato lol). Even at the end of the game, I still was mad at Kazuma and didn't really like him. It's only due to my friends (namely @leafyemeralds and her VERY GOOD TAKES in our convos) that I eventually started to warm up to him. Now he's my personal punching bag to Atone(tm) XD I suppose TL;DR I'm not a big Kazuma fan, harassment made me really dislike the ship, so I don't ship it (also, can ASRY shippers tag their stuff? this is more of a problem on twitter, but it happens on tumblr. Filters can only work if they're there =3=)
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kissyck · 2 years
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hiii besties!! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been on/posted on here and i’ve missed y’all <3 i did some cc shopping and finally opened sims yesterday for the first time in months. made this lil simmie and did a quick edit to post! i’m going to start getting caught up on reblogging and replying to asks, sorry that it’s been such a delay! (also am currently working on some new nails *wink* *wink*) love and appreciate all you lovely humans so much <33
more in depth update below the cut for those interested :)
so i genuinely have no idea how to do quality update posts, but i guess i’ll just go in order of events.
i would say july was fairly eventful. i finished my infusion treatments at the hospital, which ended up making me feel SO much better (i had severe anemia). i genuinely didn’t realize how bad the physical and mental toll that it was taking on my body. i gamed a LOT, just had lost pretty much any interest in the sims. fall guys had become my fixation, and i had started a perfection save in stardew which also became the only thing i wanted to do. i bought more squishmallows. i got another piercing in my ears, and that same day i got fitted and met with a physical therapist so i can start the painfully long process of getting a new wheelchair. i saw a rainbow while driving home from my dad’s house. i took wayyyy too many pictures of my puppy who’s literally ginormous now, and taking all the pics of my kitties!! july ended with a mini road trip to see a comedy show, and i took pictures of clouds the whole way there.
the beginning of august was bittersweet, but was followed by one of the best days i’ve had all year. august 1st i hung out with my best friend in the whole universe before she moved 13 hours away. we’ve dealt with long distance before and talk every day, but this is definitely the farthest we’ve ever been from each other. i’m soo happy for her and am so excited to see all the amazing things she’s gonna do in the future. a few days later, i went on another road trip to nashville!! another bestie of mine was having a concert that i could not miss. plus i love nashville, so i will take any excuse to go. this trip was one of the trips EVER!! i got to see a lot of my internet friends too that i never get to see and i love them all so much. the concert was SOOO good <3 ugh i wish i could go backkkk. i also bought more squishmallows in nash lmaooo. they’re addicting. the rest of august was pretty much uneventful. i played stardew and fall guys with friends, animal snuggles bc they’re all terrified of storms and we had some bad ones, and i bought myself a fancy new mechanical keyboard (the new logitech one from the aurora collection!!) it’s so beautiful, i literally cried when i first opened it.
september was eh. i started a new animal crossing island, which i spent a lot a time playing. that and any animal snuggle i could get. the end of september was a bit rough, i was in pretty low spirits. i lost a close friend of mine earlier this year and it was her birthday. i couldn’t stop thinking about her, which was also making me think of my dog that i had also lost earlier this year (both happened on the same day). there was also some other family stuff, so i didn’t love the end of september. good things did happen though! my furbaby niece came to live with us again. i missed her so much. she’s the cutest lil peanut ever. and i went to the movie theater which was fun! also prepped for my birthday trip since we were leaving the first of october!
and now we’re in october. this month so far has been good! it started with another road trip for my birthday (i turned 23 on oct 4!) this was hands down one of the most fun trips i’ve ever been on. we went to austin for a concert two nights in a row and they were both just so magical. i dressed up fun and went shopping too (yes i bought more squishmallows) honestly that trip would have to be it’s own full post bc so much happened. have just been chilling ever since. was supposed to go on another mini road trip yesterday for a concert but pneumonia went through our house (i didn’t catch it thankfully) so that kind of threw a wrench in our plans. oh and dr. ms. taylor alison swift released an album and it has such a chokehold on me it’s not even funny. i literally cannot describe how much i love her. every time i’m listening to it, my puppy runs in and comes to listen too. she’s got TASTE :) oh and omg i almost forgot, i reached perfection in stardew!!!!!!! this is the first time i’ve ever done that and it was so fun.
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jb2856 · 1 year
The Bodyguard - Part 2
Din Djarin x Fem!reader
Fic Warnings: 18+ only please. use of you/you’re and Y/n, no descriptive character details but afab reader, death, angst, fluff, kidnapping, attempted murder?
Listen don’t talk to me about how I change the way it’s written probably a million times. It’s fiiiineee it just for fun right? Lmaooo
I know this one is kinda short also, I’m sorryyyy. But there is definitely another part
Again constructive criticism is welcome, and if you enjoy please please please reblog!!!
Requests are open!
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After searching the room, Din finds a trail of blood. That makes his heart race, terrified of what they might do or have done to you. As the other guards are still searching he follows it out your window, climbing up and dropping down.
His feet slam to the ground, and Din flicks the heat signature mode on in his visor and advances, hoping to find trace heat from footsteps. The blood trail is helping, luckily this kidnapper does not seem very skilled.
He treks through the forest and follows the trail for about 20 minutes, finally coming to a stop. Now at a clearing, there is a makeshift camp set up. Din spots 4 signatures.
He evaluates the area when his blood runs cold, he hears your voice. He can’t see you. He wants to tear these men apart for taking you.
He moves in closer at the sound of a struggle, praying to the maker that you’re alright.
Y/n wakes up abruptly at the feel of a cloth covering her mouth, she whips her arm up to wack away the offender, with her hidden knife in hand but they smack her hand away and pin her down before she could react properly.
The man grunts quietly, did she manage to hit him?
It’s too dark, she can’t see anything.
She yelps as the man shoves her hard, as she is struggling to get free. The chemical seeping into her lungs is making her sluggish, unable to react.
Still aware, she blearily watches as a man grabs her and throws her over his shoulder. She notices a spot of blood on the stone floor.
Going in and out of consciousness, she isn’t sure how but they’re now in a forest. Y/n recognized the sounds of frogs and insects chirping in the summer air, she cracks her eyes open. Her mouth is gagged. As they continued forward, she groggily takes in her surroundings, thinking of a way to free herself. She stares at the ground, dusty dry earth clouding behind them.
Y/n slowly becomes aware of her limbs, her ankles and wrists are tightly bound. She doesn’t see a way out of this, that causes her to slightly panic. Her heart rate increasing. She knows she needs to stay calm, but training situations are entirely different than the real thing.
Where was Din?
Eventually they come to a stop, and the man drops her to the ground near a crackling fire. She groans in pain as she hits the ground, her shoulder giving a sharp searing pain.
As Y/n looks up, two other men stare at her. She blinks up at them, harshly breathing through her nose.
One man comes up and removes the gag, her eyes whip to him. He was wearing white robes, his hood effectively covering his face. Instantly she’s speaking.
“What the fuck!” She pants out, loudly. “Who are you!?”
“We are part of The Dead Eyes.”
She scoffs, “of course you are.”
“Shut up.” He kicks her legs, and has her grunting at the force.
“Ow? That hurt.” The man glares at her in response, that has Y/n smirking a little. The man turns to another one, the one who had dragged her here. He was wearing all black, she didn’t recognize any of these men.
“So what now?” The man in black says.
“We wait for the boss, Tully.” The man in white responds.
Then the third man speaks up. “What is he going to do?” This one seemed worried, and almost.. afraid?
“What do you think, you idiot. Kill her.” The man in white responded, clearly agitated.
Your face scrunches in annoyance, but deciding to listen and not say a word, you secretly work your hands behind your back. The band they used to bind you was loose, your hand small enough to work it’s way out.
You didn’t have a plan for your ankles yet, one problem at a time.
They continue talking as you attempt to free yourself.
“I heard the fleet is being moved.” Tully says. “Are we finally making a move?”
“I’m sure the Boss wants to claim the area as soon as we kill her and deliver the body.” Says the man in white. You scowl at their conversation. “He wants to rule over the area.”
“Why?” Speaks up the quiet one.
The man in white scoffs, “really?” He looks to Tully and they both shake their heads. You get the sense the quiet one doesn’t want to be here, maybe he had been forced to join the syndicate.
Your hand breaks free of the bind, you give a silent cry of relief. You test the bonds on your ankle, but you notice a clear rip in it. You think if you just separate your ankles quick enough it will break clear through.
Before you make a move you glace around the surrounding area, the man in white has his back to you, a blaster sticking out the back of his waist band. Tully is in front of him, unarmed as it seems. You glance quick at the quiet one, you don’t think he’s a threat.
You take a deep breath and spring to your feet, ripping them apart quickly and reaching for the man in whites blaster. You manage you get it, shooting him in the chest as he whips around. He falls dead to the ground.
Tully comes for you, his hands raised. He knocks the blaster from your own, and grabs your wrists quickly pinning them behind your back.
You attempt to kick at him, and try to struggle out of his grip with no luck.
“You little bitch.” He sneers.
You rear your head back, smacking his nose fully on.
“Fuck!” He roars in anger, his hands slip and you whip out of his grip. Backing toward the edge of their camp, you chance a glance at the quiet one. He is still sitting silently by the fire, watching in astonishment.
Not a threat. Good.
Tully comes after you again, but before he takes more than two steps he’s falling forward. Dead. Something had pierced clean through his chest.
It looks like a light saber? But it was black… it unlike any you’d ever heard of. You watch the man fall, and your eyes trail back up and widen at the sight of Din heavily breathing, the saber extended by his side, the stars overhead glinting off his flawless armor.
He was…captivating.
“Din!” You gasp. He starts toward the other man, and you’re rushing towards him, hands out. “No!”
Dins visor whips towards you. “He was with them.” His hand extends, pointed toward the young man.
You shake your head, “I don’t think it was willingly Din.” He glances once more toward the man, he was sitting there his hands now up. He was practically vibrating off the log he was sat on. Clearly scared out of his mind. Din sharply nods his head once, in agreement.
But then he’s breaking his stance, returning his saber to his belt, and rushing towards you.
“Are you well?” He asks, urgently. His voice dripping in concern. His hands are patting you down, searching your body for injuries.
Is that Fear? Is he scared right now? He had admitted to you once he had been scared for you, but it haven’t been anywhere near this bad. His behavior seems…different.
He’s still searching, so you reach up and grab his wrists, stopping his frantic movements. You look at him and speak calmly. “I’m alright. It’s okay.”
He’s quiet for a moments his chest still slightly heaving.
He sighs loudly, “Who were they?”
“The Dead Eyes.” You respond, rubbing your wrists. Din notices and reaches to soothe them for you, that makes you grin slightly.
The man speaks up. “Listen we should really get out of here.” He’s shifting nervously, looking all around the campsite. “The boss is going to come back.”
“Who?” Din demands gruffly.
“Lord Calrin.” He says shakily, eyes shifting back and forth between Y/n and Din. “The leader of the Syndicate.”
“Calrin?” You say, confused, shaking your head.
His eyes shift to you, “yes.”
“Describe him,” you demand. “Now!”
He’s shaking visibly now, “I..I..” he stutters.
“Answer her!” Din growls, stepping towards him. Intimidating.
“I-I can’t! He’s always in white robes, he wears a black collar, and a hood!” He’s gasping, tears tracking down his face. “I don’t know what he looks like! I swear that’s all I know!”
Your face is scrunched in confusion. Dread fills your body. Calrin, white robes, a black collar? It can’t be. Can it?
“Din.” You whisper, “it’s my uncle.”
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rebouks · 1 year
How would you recommend growing a community on tumblr? I have struggled with this in the past and have recently gotten back on here. Love your content!
Aweee thanks nonny and welcome back! 🤗 I'll try my best, but I'm no expert aha.. here are a few tips/ideas I think might help you make the most of being here on simblr ❤
Don't be afraid to show the love! Leave likes/comments on peoples posts, even the old ones. Everyone enjoys some good ol' like spam.
Reblogging takes that love a little further, but don't stress and feel like you have to, it's your blog!
Talk to people! Take the time to reply to comments, tell people how much your enjoy their stuff, weigh in on the various daft discussions we all have on here about stupid shit.. like your favourite ice cream flavour or some shit idk 😅 don't be scared to join in is all I'm sayin'.
Follow some tags. Following the ts4 or sims 4 tag for example will fill your dash with people you might not have found otherwise.
Keep an eye out for other new/returning simblrs via the "new simblr" tag. Maybe make your own intro post whilst you're at it.
Hear me out on this one.. but I like to do this thing I call a simblr deep dive. I take a lil' look-see at the notes on peoples posts and check out the blogs liking their stuff, then I check out their notes and and go those blogs, etc etc lmaooo.. Honestly I've found so many new people doing this, it's really fun seeing where you end up aha. For some reason, I always end up in ts3 territory 🤔
Tag people! I wouldn't overdo it or spam.. but if you use a gshade preset someone made, a pose, or a sim from a sim dump etc etc feel free to say a quick thanks and show 'em what you're up to! Most people appreciate the thanks and would love to see how you're enjoying their creations.
Similarly, maybe take part in some simblr tag games and tag the people you'd like to get to know better! I'd tag them accordingly tho cos some people block these (they can get a bit spammy ig, just don't go nuts and it'll be fine)
Take part in/host your own challenges. Bachelor(ette) challenges for example are a great way to meet some new mutuals. I know it's kinda scary to apply/take part in these things sometimes but they're always heaps of fun so it's worth it!
Expand your horizons. I'm not telling you what to enjoy here but if you only look out for one type of content you're gonna miss some good shit! You might find some inspo or something new to enjoy.
I think this one goes without saying, but be friendly! You don't have to enjoy everyone's content on here but if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it.
Try not to stress over your notes/follower count. Take quality over quantity and just try to enjoy yourself! The numbers might come (or not) but it's not important as long you're having fun.
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claireofluxembourg · 5 months
1. I thought you deleted your account because it was not showing and I was like no!! 2. Why does royal fashion police criticize Kate so much? Like I get the lack of work calls for criticism but like she praises Meghan and stands up for Meghan when Kate gets the same hate. I understand that there are some Kate stans that can not handle criticism at all but like Sussex stans are also up there. 3. How dumb does a guy need to be to cheat 😩 like Alexander girls are following you because of your family history and maybe looks and you’re dumb enough to respond on your account and you just got married! I wish Denise were still here! She’s have a field day. Is there anyway to relay this tea to her? 4. Charlene’s clothes are probably gifted/sponsored. Monaco royals are like walking billboards. 5. I’m in the few but I like MT, but her clothes aren’t always flattering for her figure though I love she takes risks. I’m actually surprised the cost of her clothes isn’t talked about more. 6. Stephanie I love you but it could be better but her smile makes up for it so I’m like yeah whatever lol
WHAAAAT? Lord, the world would end and I would still be here lmaooo shout out to CoolGirlTactics who plotted to kick me out of the fandom kasfkasfkasf
My theory is that because they compare Mary and Kate a lot it makes her bitter (as if there's any competition when both of them are completely different people) because she's Australian too so she shits on Kate and supports Meghan because she's the Anthitesis of Kate. But she only supports Meghan for likes tbh and to seem woke.
Literally that tea was so out of my radar because I don't fuck with pretenders (lol) but the fact they got married like five seconds ago and apparently he's cheating is literally terrible.
UFO No More has a very detailed explanation about how they count the items and the criteria but some people don't know how to read and then go and talk shit like RFP or any other Twitter Keyboard warrior. I would suggest everybody to read the disclaimer lmao.
Trust me when i said I've been keeping an eye on her wardrobe for a couple of years now. Obviously I don't follow her as much as I did before because I think she's a bully but the way she revamped her style needs to be talked about, I think her uniform is really good. Fingers crossed she wears more McQueen. Also funny people are so shocked that two rich countries have royals that dress themselves like rich people.
Steph literally can do nothing wrong in my book. Her style is abysmal? yes but she is an asset to the GDF, she has no scandals and makes cute babies so she's forgiven.
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oodlyenough · 2 years
in the wake of the true colours hype last year i decided to rank every LIS game + dlc and then ... never published the post bc the fandom was so full of people picking fights with each other lmao
but now the fandom is dead and my opinions have not really shifted at all so here is my extremely long-winded opinionated post on life is strange lmao:
#1. life is strange
lis1 my beloved...
honestly i just love this game. all my qualms are fairly minor. I like the stupid dialogue -- I think it has more character and is more memorable than same-voice quipmachine dialogue that is trendy in lots of media, and captures the spirit of the way teenagers talk even if not the slang specifically. i love the way every part of the game serves the theme -- from the photo collectibles and max's photography interest to the idea of capturing moments in time, time travel, etc. rewind is an absolute galaxy brain mechanic to introduce into a choice game, used to great effect.
i LOVE the nightmare sequence, and i even love the ending choice that again serves the theme of "you cannot rewrite time to fix all your mistakes". i love having a murder mystery time travel game where the central relationship is two girls falling in love. 10/10. my beloved. #2. true colours
i love true colours a lot! i thought decknine made massive strides between BTS and this, and it made me more optimistic for the future of the franchise. i was so happy to love it
i loved alex and thought she was a wonderful, complex, well-performed character. i thought the empathy was used really interestingly, i liked seeing the world through other characters' emotions. i loved the core cast of supporting characters -- steph, ryan, gabe, charlotte, riley, duckie, they're all characters i got attached to and wanted to form good relationships with. i liked that it was a murder mystery. i liked getting to follow NPCs like bald guy and the ice cream couple through the game. when i first finished, i was like, wow this really gave lis1 a run for its money in my affection...
however, on reflection, i wish TC had pushed a bit further in a few things. i wish more choices felt like actual dilemmas instead of simply Good Choice and Bad Choice -- for eg i would like to see a serious consequence to *not* taking charlotte's anger, instead of only bad things happening when you do. i wish the end scene with the council played a bit differently, where the support of the council mattered more, or your choices in the jed speech mattered more. i wish that the friend you didn't romance didn't vanish off the face of the planet after the council meeting. i wish we'd had more time to get to know steph and ryan. i wish more licensed music had been integrated into scenes, instead of cordoned off into the zen moments. i really missed the end-episode music montages!
so, while i do still really love TC and it's a strong #2, it is still #2. #3. dlc: farewell i thought farewell handled the bittersweet nature of the day very well, even before it first clicked with me it was *that* day in particular. it was fun to see young max and chloe, and great to hear ashly burch and hannah telle back in their roles. it's fair to say this DLC was fanservice, but as a fan i felt serviced, lmao.
however the ending scene is maudlin for the sake of being maudlin. it's unbelievable to me that the caulfields just drag max away mid-funeral without even a goodbye lmaooo... like come on... #4. life is strange 2 honestly this ended up higher than i thought it would lol the nicest thing i can say about lis2 is it took a lot of risks. unfortunately almost none of those risks paid off for me.
I like sean himself, and his little journey of self discovery in ep 3 was super endearing to me. lots of the scenery was beautiful. the lis1 easter eggs were everything i wanted them to be and i appreciate dontnod giving them to me. I respect the work that went into the branching endings and morality/brotherhood system, even if I found the final choice itself infuriating. i'm not *in theory* against games being Political, provided they know what they want to say.
but i didn't like not having the power, i didn't like not having a familiar setting and NPCs to get attached to over the course of the episodes, i didn't like the time jumps between episodes where i just had to catch up via sean's journal, i didn't like what i felt was the player's lack of control in directing the story, and i didn't even like a lot of the plot execution (for eg the karen plotline was not what i wanted from karen at all), i didn't like that the core mechanic was babysitting simulator at a time i was already feeling exhausted by that genre.
i struggled to connect to daniel and not connecting to daniel undermines the entire emotional core of the game. i resented my overall feeling that the game itself saw sean as a sacrificial lamb whose life was forfeit in favour of daniel's. i felt railroaded by the plot constantly and was frustrated watching sean do things i would never have chosen, or daniel do things i had explicitly tried to choose against. i was extremely uncomfortable watching a 16 year old be hate crimed every episode. i thought the game's politics were muddy at best, far less progressive than it thinks they are and offensively milquetoast at worst, like #NotAllCopsing me at the eleventh hour at trump's fucking wall, or having the audacity to have an NPC tell sean "they don't hurt children" at the border detention centre in the middle of the real life child separation crisis.
but ultimately this wound up placed in the centre of my rankings because despite my personal feelings being primarily negative, i at least respect the scope of what this game attempted to do, and think it was a more ambitious project than what follows.
#5. dlc: wavelengths I feel like I can't in good conscience rank Wavelengths any higher, bc even though it never made me *angry* and I personally enjoyed playing it more than lis2, it ultimately felt like an underused concept that had about one chapter of interesting development out of four. I really liked the autumn sequence, and learning about Steph's baggage from Arcadia Bay, and seeing Mikey. I also liked Duckie and Gabe's calls. those things all helped me gain perspective on the characters and relationships in TC and even in BTS.
But the radio tasks were repetitive, and overall it felt like a missed opportunity to do so much more to flesh out Steph's life in Haven -- her friendship with Gabe, and Ryan, and Charlotte, etc. So many of those callers could've been characters from Haven and helped the town feel more fleshed out. We could've had consequences (however mild -- an angry email or happy email) for how our ad reads went. We could've... done a lot more, honestly. I had fun with the dating app, but it felt pointless, knowing in TC she's single anyway. The plot thread from autumn felt incomplete to me because it *so obviously* set up Bae-route Steph reconnecting with Chloe or TRYING to reconnect with Chloe, even a google search, and then just didn't go there at all. It was more or less a shrug of a DLC for me and I feel like I couldn't genuinely recommend it to TC players unless they *really* love Steph.
#6. before the storm
the thing about before the storm is I REALLY wanted to like it. i love chloe, i was interested in seeing rachel, and more of arcadia bay. i wanted to love it!! there are moments in it i do like, chloe's dream sequences are mostly pretty cool, it's got a decent soundtrack that is mostly used well, it has some good visual moments like the stars in rachel's room or the flashback story with rachel's biomom. steph and mikey are alright here, and it's nice to see them blossom into fuller characters in wavelengths and TC. that end montage to "bros" by wolf alice was a+, probably my favourite part of the game. SOME of the moments of chloe's early lesbian crisis moments were well done (others um... very much not so, imo.)
but ultimately... this story wasn't a story i really needed to be told, and i resent what it brought to the lis1 timeline. it actively makes parts of lis1 worse or more nonsensical. i think chloe makes a better deuteragonist than a player character, and having us play an established character with defined canon behaviours was a mistake. (we should've played rachel!!!) i thought the rachel they wrote was inconsistent not only with LIS1 but within itself, creating a vaguer and ultimately less interesting version of the character than i was able to imagine just based on lis1 alone. i thought the joyce-david-chloe drama was very poorly handled and what they accomplished was making david even more of a ridiculous caricature and joyce even less sympathetic than she was in lis1 when she shrugs off david's abuse. i didn't like how they wrote amberprice, and i resent that i'm stuck with this bland interpretation now forever. in a prequel to a game where you find out a teacher is drugging young girls, a character who will eventually be killed by this *can drug another girl for comedy to steal her role in a play* and no one in-universe bats an eye. also all of episode 3 was hot garbage trash from basically top to bottom, closing montage excluded.
also, all the scab VAs are not good. some of the voice acting is distractingly bad. or perhaps it was the director. everyone takes extremely long pauses between words whenever they want to emote. why? david marijuana.wav
ultimately, even though there were parts i liked, the parts i don't like annoy me more because they are not only in bts, they have infected the LIS1 lore, wavelengths and influenced the way fandom, the comics and now d9 treat the characters. so... 👎🏻 #7. dlc: captain spirit this really offered me nothing i'm ngl. i was not into child abuse simulator, i was irritated that it was being branded as a taste of lis2 yet gave me nothing i liked, was bored the whole time, was not into playing a ten year old white boy in a series that, to that point, was about gay girls coming of age. just did not enjoy anything about this tbh
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samsspambox · 2 years
greetings, sam! if i may, i’d like to ask a question regarding a possibility you suggested in the tags of @/surely-galena’s post regarding giann not having a sprite
it was suggested that giann’s lack of a sprite may allude to him having lost his memory and you had raised the possibility of giann wanting to lose his memory. i’m curious as to why you had thought so 👀
although it’s perfectly understandable if you do not wish to answer as it has been some time since the theory was posted!
have a pleasant day ahead!
: ⚜️
good morrow fleur-de-lis nonnie!! that's a fancy emoji u got there jksbdcbjks you're always welcome to ask questions here! and i'm not about to pass up a chance to put my theory-approved tinfoil hat on!
you're right, i did suggest that giann could've wanted his memory erased! now, here's the thing: i guess i can say this is a theory within a theory. this is kinda relating to my giann is a filthy mastermind theory in which giann fakes his own kidnapping in order to hide from... someone idk. but his best chance at survival is hiding.
now, we know dr. richter is capable of hypnosis. this practice can suggest the mind to do different things, it's how some people are able to quit smoking, break phobias, or just change their behavior. (consult ur doctor to see if hypnosis is right for u lmaooo that's my legal disclaimer here). in popular media, at least, hypnosis fucks with your memory. if we take the bit in the giann is a mastermind theory, the one where he's hiding in plain sight at the giannovyn mental research center, then it makes sense for him to get his memory wiped. he's out of the playing field, might as well make sure that he stays out until vyn is ready to bring him back into play (as per a mutual agreement. you can't hypnotize someone into doing something they don't wanna do.)
alas, as you've said, it's been a while since this theory was posted. what are my thoughts now? well, it's not looking pretty, people. so: giann is one of the only people without a sprite that is important to the story. take marius' personal story 4: the main perpetrator of the impersonation was someone who's sprite was introduced that same chapter. giann was introduced in a flashback via marius' rrg card. so, following this logic: i don't think giann is going to get a sprite. i feel like he's dead. galena does a really good job as breaking down why she thinks giann is dead in the post you linked (and i shall also link here) and after a good chunk of the year and how i see the story progression going, i stand firmly with galena on this one.
theres also a thing i've been thinking about related to this and ironically, the fic i'm writing. galena, in her post, talks about how memory is an important part of the game, and also links this post by zak about memory. why is this important specifically? because of the effects of the nxx drug/flora x/X03A. i have a running theory on luke being affected by the drug which then leads to his illness, and in his anni card it states that it's neurological. it checks with how the drug itself works: "It affects the brain in many different ways. In children still developing it causes delays in growth. In adults, it makes them unstable, prone to depression or other mental ails." (that's,,, a quote for the fic i'm writing LMAOO) so who's to say the drug doesn't cause memory loss? what if giann is afflicted with the same stuff luke has, only it's worse on him? that the reason he doesn't have a sprite is because he lost himself?
*shrug* there's a lot of things that it could be. the theory holds up if you look at it through that lens, but i'm more inclined to say that they offed giann. after all, that makes for more conflict in the nxx and sometimes conflict drives the story. it all depends on your point of view.
thank you so much for this question fleur nonnie! i hope you stick around!!!
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juneviews · 1 year
i really think you'd enjoy "the end of the world with you". only 4 out of 8 are out rn. it's japanese and it's on the mature side. im saying this mostly bc it's not a highschool plot lmaooo. (also imminent death lol.) the lead characters are in their 30s. but yeah it follows a very (very) small group and there's one week before the end of the world. i guess it'll lead towards healing and redemption. and one episode = one day... lmao i'm really bad at selling stuff but here you go 😅
oooh, I thought it had ended already! I might check it out, but the last anon who talked to me about it told me one of the characters is quite toxic which... I have very low patience for those these days, so... yeah. I'll wait until the show finishes airing & will make my decision then!
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kulemii · 1 year
Top five things you love about Big Fish Husband, go!
weird, tumblr is dating this dec 1st but i only received it in my ask box a few days ago. idk how long ago you sent this but regardless- i'm sorry for your wait! from five to one. let's get into it, shall we?
YAKUZA 5 SPOILERS AHEAD (cw; there might be whore behavior...i'll try to tone it down just be aware 💜)
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NUMBER 5: STRONK (with proof) & THICC & LORGE
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i am... weak to a strong, THICC man, okay? does his head look like it was plopped atop his shoulders as an afterthought? yes! thick head, thick neck, thick shoulders, thick back. where do my arms go? he so wide! i'm a short, stubby gworl. if he looks like he could bench press me and our inevitable five kids, i invite him to get started on #1 😏. can't help it.
i've said this a bajillion times but i am loyal to my favorite seiyuu and hiroki yasumoto is someone at the top of that list. masa caught my eye just because He, HOWEVER it was when he spoke that my brain went ❗❗❗❗ and lo and behold, it was The Man! i already had an interest but then i had to cling to masa on sheer principle after that. it was the law, ya know? gotta follow the law 💜
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this will be the last on the physical bits of him- it's not ALL physical babe! but... there are some things about aizawa, physically that i think are so appealing and i love whenever i have the opportunity to point them out to people. when i talk about people about him, lots of people cite his body as the thing that made them realize that he was attractive and that's totally cool! like, 100% there's nothing wrong with that- in fact i think that he would appreciate that his body is so loved because he's spent a ton of time building it to become what it is! and my, is it a marvelous one at that. however, there are other things! like, for example- his absolutely gorgeous deep olive skin tone and the way his koi works against it- the darker color of it i mean. they work so well together! and when he gets sweaty??? GOD! so amazing! he's got such pretty eyebrows- they're sharp and expressive and you can tell when he's got something on his mind, well before he even opens his mouth. his hair looks SO SOFT! i have so many headcanons about his hair omg. the TEXTURE of his skin like OMG!!!! pores, moles, stubble- HE HAS EVERYTHING AND IT'S SO CUTE <3 i love just....admiring his face 💜 his eyes; he's got some of the prettiest eyes in the series if you ask me and you have so i'll say it again 📣AIZAWA HAS SOME OF THE PRETTIEST EYES IN THE SERIES~! i wish rgg took better care of them throughout because there are times in the game (not cutscenes) where his eyes aren't lined up properly with who he's speaking with and the lighting in addition to that give them a really funky look. but aside from that- they're literally so beautiful, like they twinkle under moonlight! THEY TWINKLE BABE!!!!! no but fr, just the shape of his eyes themselves MWAH chef's kiss! speaking of kissing-- nah i ain't gonna do it- this bullet's gone on way too long lmaooo
NUMBER 2: PASSIONATE (and a lil sensitive uwu)
gimme a big man with a little character that he is over-protective (+ willing to risk his life) over and i will slap him with the gentle giant trope and never look back. honestly, i didn't have to go outta my way for this one- the writer's did it themselves! they made him 8'6 and morinaga 4'11 and was like 'ok morinaga, you're the big brother here annnd action🎬' then aizawa was like 'my aniki broke up with me on a sticky note and idk what to do with my life. 🥺🥺pls halp' and i was like, 'that there, is a sensitive big man. i can do something with that.' i've done so much with that omg. ALSO, seeing him get all riled up when he wanted to speak his mind 🥰 love me a fictional man with fuse shorter than my pinky <3. bonus points if he's sooo dumb about it too.
masato is a nepobaby... and despite being handed the keys to two castles, the king went and fucked off with them both and the price? snow nap. frozen nipples! ICONIC BEHAVIOR IF YOU ASK ME AND YOU ARE SO 📣ICONIC BEHAVIOR! aizawa said, that he doesn't care about an inheritance- his dad's probably loaded now- was, rip lol. he was believes in hard work begetting reward. aizawa says NO to nepotism! er, despite sorta kinda basically still sorta kinda benefitting from that nepotism because how else would he have gotten a shot at kiryu (and have himself be heard) if he weren't someone at least vaguely plot relevant...... fourthwallmachinebrokelol WE'RE ALL HYPOCRITES HERE~!!! just making inferences based off other shit he said, i don't think he's all too fond of the old guard remaining in major seats of power. and like, sure that might make him a wee bit ageist but like.... anyway, i'm all for someone deciding their company sucks but they still want a promotion and then challenging one of the board members to hand-to-hand combat. it's a power move, really. everyone should give a shot, i support them. with a kiss if their name is masato aizawa and they look good in a silk purple button-up 💜
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
The Crown S5E10 Commentary
Non-Spoiler Review: That was so underwhelming. It just sealed to me what an uneventful season this was. I feel like Peter Morgan only went off on Ep 3, 4 then 7 to 9 then called it a day. I don’t know what exactly went behind the scenes to make him chicken out of going full on with the punches like he did in S4. Anyways here’s my live reactions as I watched it but I’m too annoyed to do a proper season review so lemme direct yall to my lovely mutual @mermaidsirennikita Caro’s post that outlined everything I felt about the season (I do disagree on some points but I’ll cover that in my post tomorrow or something when I’m done being mad - also hi Caro its viscountessevie’s side acc lol) 
Spoilers Under The Cut
Dodi and Mohammed!! I've missed them Shksjs Dodi is officially an LA producer Not him bidding against Michael Douglas for a house
The way I really thought it was gonna be Diana 🤡🤡 But it's just Barbara Gordan Sr (Erin Richards played her in Gotham) bdjdjdk
LMAOOO DIANA VOTING NO FOR THE MONARCHY Isn't this a lie tho?? I'm pretty sure she wanted William on the throne eventually... Oh well fiction wise it's fucking funny This voting scene is brilliant I love it so much What a great cold open!
(I forgot I watched the cold open last night before falling asleep and am rewatching this bit again for my commentary and GOD IT'S EVEN MORE HILARIOUS A SECOND TIME)
Oooh it's Lizzie's birthday Lmaoo not her getting gag gifts from everyone BUT CHARLES Between the boring ass book he got for Di and this, he really is the worst gift giver huh Not Chucky being jealous of Pedodrew's stupid gift Damn Charles really is a masochistic always watching these programs that make him upset Lmaooo not Edward and Pedodrew taking the piss out of him
God Queen Mother shut the fuck up you racist bitch "The Great Chinese Takeaway" 🙄 For fuck's sake and everyone laughing. God fuck these racist asses. Yeah this might be a fictional scene but YOU KNOW these bitches have said worse things behind closed doors. I cannot WAIT til the Queen Mother dies; she's so insufferable. Yall did not compare the liberation of a former colony to an ex attending a wedding jfc yall are the worst Charles is gonna fuck up the Hong Kong trip just watch
Random tangent but Fly Like An Eagle is on Glen Powell (Hangman in the Top Gun sequel)'s playlist for his character and now there's a plane while the song is playing, I fully expected Glen to come out of that plane why am I like this 💀💀
Anyways hiii Dodi what a cutie Is Barbara Gordan Sr playing his wife? Nope she is not. Who is Kelly?? Why do we need to know her Is this scene necessary Peter Morgan?? OH?? HE'S SLEEPING WITH HIS ACTRESS?? Dodi wtf don't be one of those gross producers Oh wait is that his fiancee he dropped for Diana oop Also why did I think she was his ex wife that happened way back in the 80s dhdjkd I'm sorry but I did not need to see that scene lmao it could have been an email Dodi really has a type huh Ew he's doing coke God he really became a Hollywood cliche huh I mean I never knew much about him so I can't say if this is accurate or not but if it is, bro why did you become a Hollywood cliche
I never followed Tony Blair's politics but we like him right?? In that case, Charles you're nothing like him How has the second Mrs. Al Fayed not aged at all 👁👄👁 It's been at least a good 7 years since Ep 3
Don't be fucking crude Mou Mou Let them speak their native language Kelly Yeah it's rude but you're giving White Woman rn djdkkdkd Heini is right lmaooo Okay actually they did do well with her make up to age her a little
WHAT?? His only talent is women??? "One day you'll hit the jackpot"???? What does that meannnn Mou Mou Peter Morgan are you implying Dodi was a golddigger omg This is so uncomfortable pls Kelly is like ???
Damnn let's go Labour Party let's gooo Ohmygod that's Tony Blair?? Huh the one time the irl person is more attractive 💀💀 the actor is fine but Tony Blair was a DILF back in the day come on
Tell me why I feel sad John Major lost 😭😭😭 He was just so nice this season dhkdjd Lmao this historians convo is so meta especially since Peter seems to have a bias for John Major and have given him a hot actor and made him really chill and cool this season Lmaooo Lizzie you did not just say he's your favourite PM LOL bro it's fine the Brittiana is old af time to decomission her
"The youngest Prime Minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812" WELL Rishi Sunak is coming for that title 25 years later yall "And you're still a young man too" LIZZIE STOP LYING HE'S GOT A FULL HEAD OF WHITE HAIR Johnny Lee Miller playing him doesn't make him less old djdkkd
Can you imagine if the note to Blair had said "GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN" lmaooo Johnnn why you lying "A great job" as if you didn't spend this season just babysitting the royals
This boat nonsense plot line is so fucking stupid and pointless. Peter Morgan THIS could have been an email. I do not care for this shit at all They just sound like rich brats which we already knew they were So you could have used another example to show that
NEW BRITAIN SHDJJDJS This is so stupid omg It's just a fucking boat Lizzie let it go
Like I get sentimentality and all but don't anchor (pun absolutely intended) yourself and your sense of self worth to a old piece of metal Like That I would be alot more sympathetic (because we all have sentimental things tied to our memories)1 if they weren't old rich white people who caused so much pain whining about a luxary no one else can afford and expecting the government to keep funding it
HAHAHHAH HE'S IN BUSINESS WHILE THE REST ARE IN FIRST CLASS PLEASEEEE I CACKLED "You're going to have to be very brave" 💀 Camilla it's just business class yall need to calm the fuck down
What the fuck is this visual Mans is not left out of anything This visual metaphor falls so fucking flat when he's literally usually the one drawing the curtain on people Peter Morgan what are you doing
Omggg the Cantonese burning the British flag What icons They're so right for THAT
Okay Heini has grown on me Girlie really grew into her place in the Fayed family huh Good for her "You were so much more than a model. You were a socialite" MOU MOU WHAT This is so cringey pls
I have gone 20 mins after the cold open without Diana WHERE IS SHE Oh lmao here she is I missed you bby Awww her friendship with Mou Mou is everything I wanna h u g her Her voice is always on point I'm shook
God the flashes give me such anxiety The foreshadowing really gives me the deepest pit in my stomach Oh gosh the offer to Saint Topaz,,, the beginning of the end 😭😭 I don't want her to goooo Yeah Elizabeth took a few eps but she finally grew into the role as Diana we love to see it!
We hate Charles but damn doesn't Dominic look good in a uniform God I hate it here Also booo let Hong Kong be it's own country just passing it off to another country I can't even I get so anxious seeing the rainfall on everyone's head they're gonna catch a cold Dominic lost the Charles voice, it needs to be steeper bud
Charles don't be fucking weird Why did you link the ages to her relatives and husband and now son Don't say it Nope yall are not brothers stfu He said it 🤡 Welll he made Blair say it
Lmaooo Blair sick of the yacht talk too hsjjdkd Why do you feel bad sir?? Bruh it's just a boat 💀
YALL JUST GOT DIVORCED A YEAR AGO - Chill the fuck out Chucky Lmaoo Blair is right he was going behind Lizzie's back and briefing against her They always do this They brief against one another It's messy af
The amount of Charles cocksucking happening in this episode is gross Peter Morgan WHAT did he threaten you with Why are you trying to make him out to be this modern innovative man Was he??? Was he really??? Charles so self serving I cannot LMAO NOT CAMILLA WITH THE KNOCK OFF REVENGE DRESS YOU WILL NEVER BE HER
"Friendly invasion" Okayyy China whatever helps you sleep at night
Helloooo Martin,,, I really am a simp for Martin huh. Listen this season hasn't given me a single person in the main Royals other than Diana to feel anything for So Martin's hotness it is I can't believe I'm saying this: but Lizzie should have said No 😭😭 Martin snitching on Chucky hsjdjdk She's gonna TEAR HIM APART
There's 12 minutes left and this is such an unimpressive finale wtf Peter Morgan bruh what are you doinggg I told myself I won't follow press after the mess than is the Bridgerton production team But I NEED to know what Peter was thinking outlining this season The potential was there and yet it flopped Only Eps 3, 7 to 9 were solid episodes
Lmaooo affair "Divorced man whose wife is still alive" I'M SCREAMING Can't believe I'm agreeing with Charles abt his rls rn Oh never mind fuck you Charles No one brought up Diana why you gotta drag her name through the mud K Chucky sureee Camilla has Did their spin doctor write this episode??
SCREAMS "I don't think it's my behaviour threatening its (the monarchy) survival" Rip him apart harder Lizzie come onnn Yesss throw the whole monarchy away Yeah they yeeted yall cos you OPPRESSED THEM FOR 50 YEARS, idiots
I feel nothing for this stupid ship and her farewell God this is so depressing and underwhelming This ep should have just been the cold open only tbh If you aren't gonna commit to the end of the Diana era then leave it all completely to S6 which is so disappointing, I thought they were finish Diana's story this season I was mentally prepared for that And now I gotta be sick again worrying about it and then mentally prepare for it again before S6
That's it??? That was so underwhelming???
40 mins of white people whining abt their boat and losing a country to independence Then 15 mins of Diana's death foreshadowing?? 5 mins of Dodi being a Hollywood producer cliche and Mou Mou being a dick to Kelly??
That's all??? Bruhhhh
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seelestia · 11 months
so imagine this, dainsleif with person who is also from khaenrhi'ah but they're hiding it (they usually have blonde hair, blue hair, light skin, yk, dainsleif looking ppl, and by hiding it I'm thinking like wig or hair dye or whatever teyvat has and some face covering iykwim) and this person avoids dainsleif because the past is unpleasant but dainsleif is following them cuz gut feeling
why can i never think of a conclusion omfg alright yeah just take that ig
also did i mention that i finally have sets on my characters heh (only the dps characters though, and ayato is still a hutao support lol)
AND I GOT KAZUHA AND NAHIDA WWWHWHH (i was gone for a while cuz mental health and stuff so I'm saying all this rn)
and idk how to end this either so
THAT'S ANGSTY OML .... i think dain would follow them because 1) suspicions and 2) guilt since he failed to protect his people in the past, so this man would passively have war flashbacks as he follows this person (he can never rest /j). but like it'd be such a good trope if the reader was an ex-khaenri'ahn who despised him for failing to protect their nation (similar to the abyss order) OR OR if they were his ex-lover whom dain still had unresolved feelings for ..... ARE WE SEEING THE POTENTIAL HERE ??? this is so big brain of you, nonnie.
someone with an ayato who doesn't even have a two-piece set effect will forever be you in my eyes LMAOOO. i'm still sticking with my two-piece glad and two-piece whatever set combo these days except for my future wanderer (bcs i have a stupidly nice 4-piece pavilion chronicle after farming it for months) !! anon, i am so excited for his rerun i cannot even describe it .... kinda crazy how i went from being a supporter of your #1 scara stan dreams from the sidelines and now i'm in your club 😵‍💫
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