rosetinted-escape · 18 days
Just seen a top surgeon offer a 10% discount if you and your pal go the same day???? That's insane???? Private healthcare is evil.
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ceilidhtransing · 11 days
In light of recent and ongoing UK fuckery, I am so sick and tired of the idea that extremely transphobic things “aren't really transphobic” because they are coming from people who “probably mean well” and “don't hate trans people”.
Yeah, because bigotry can only be perpetrated by people who are actively, consciously hateful, sitting in their villainous lairs and dreaming up new innovative ways to be evil. (Obvious sarcasm.)
Transphobia is not just “when you actively and knowingly hate trans people”. Transphobia is also
A paternalistic attitude that says that trans people can't really be trusted to know themselves or what they want and so need to be gatekept from healthcare by cis “experts”
A refusal to listen to and take into account trans expertise; hell, a denial that trans expertise even exists
The idea that while some trans people existing in society is fine, ideally we should be limiting that number as much as we can
The idea that transition - social or physical or both - should only ever be a last resort after all other “possible avenues” have been explored, because being trans is fundamentally an undesirable inferior state and ideally we should be protecting people from transition for their own good
An attempt to clamp down on the use of “dangerous unregulated private healthcare” and an insistence on “safety” and on “doing things the right way” that manifests in reality as a denial of care because no viable alternatives to such “dangerous” options are actually provided
A carving out of exceptions to the basic principle of bodily autonomy whenever a body happens to belong to a trans person
A total dismissal of the concept of harm reduction when it comes to trans people; the only harm reduction that really matters is making sure no cis person accidentally does anything trans, and that end should be doggedly pursued no matter how many trans people it will harm along the way
An expectation of ludicrously unattainable standards of evidence and success for any healthcare involving trans people, that you would never demand of “normal” healthcare - a >15% regret rate for some common surgery is fine; a <1% regret rate for something trans-related is a national scandal that calls for an immediate inquiry into care standards
The refusal to change policies and approaches that have been demonstrated time and time again to harm trans people, because you view the status quo of cis authority over trans bodies as more important than the survival of the people those bodies belong to
The demand that cis people as individuals, and cis society at large, deserve to have their opinions taken into account regarding how a trans person chooses to live and what they choose to do to their body, and that trans freedom should hinge on cis approval
An assumption that segregation between “normal healthcare” and “trans healthcare” is just natural and necessary, even when it is literally the same procedure or treatment
The welcoming of openly trans-hostile voices into conversations about trans issues to the exclusion of actual trans people, because “it's really important that all views are aired” (apart from the views of trans people, obviously)
The attitude that, no matter how ignorant of, detached from, irrelevant to, and unwilling to learn of trans people's lives you are, your personal consent and satisfaction must be obtained before any progress around trans equality can be made, and trans people must only move at the pace of your willingness to understand and get on board
An insistence on endlessly rehashing the same basic points again and again and preventing any forward movement by repeatedly dragging the conversation back to square one, forcing trans people and their allies to debunk the same nonsense again and again and defend the same well-proven, well-established truths again and again
The denial that transphobia even exists or is a significant problem that needs to be addressed - it's not bigotry, it's just conflicting views! After all, gender identity is a polarising issue!
and so much more besides. Transphobia is a social system, a way of thinking, a set of baked-in assumptions, an institutionalised bias. Conscious, active “hatred” is not a prerequisite for anything listed above, but they are all transphobia, and at the root of all of them is a casual indifference to trans survival, a prioritisation of cis comfort and cis interests over trans lives, and an instinctive valuing of cis existence over trans existence. A lot of cis people don't even recognise these things as transphobia because they themselves hold those casual prejudices and therefore see the extensions of them as natural.
And at this point, I don't care about “good intentions”. These things are all manifestations of the insidious and deeply evil web of transphobia that prevents trans people from living full lives as equal participants in society. People who keep holding these attitudes and doing these things aren't “basically well-intentioned”; they're just bigots who don't know or care that they're bigots.
Transphobia is not just “when some hateful fanatic says they want all trans people dead”. Transphobia is all around us. Start seeing it.
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cowplant-pizza · 10 months
I'm just curious why, if you've applied for universal credit, you're waiting for them to post you the forms? Applying for this is exclusively online? As for PIP, if you're as ill as you claim you should have scored enough for PIP or gone to appeals/tribunal if you were declined because you'll have enough evidence that their decision was wrong. Maybe exhaust these options to help yourself instead of constantly begging online in an economy where people are using food banks to survive.
ok ableist andy
1. i am currently applying for pip. not universal credit. that is NOT done all online. i need the forms.
2. when i first applied for pip 7 years ago i didnt score high enough. there is a “cool down” period of being able to apply again. hence not being able to go for it again until now.
3. “as ill as you claim to be”. i wouldnt wish my illness on anyone but honestly i think walking a day in the amount of pain i have to to through might make you less of a asshole
3.1. you’re literally part of the problem speaking like this. invisible illnesses exist and are hurting and affecting so many people around the world. thoughts and phrases like this is just fucking rude and ableist. just because you can’t physically see how much pain i’m in doesnt mean its not always there
4. so let me get this straight. you know nothing about my financial issues apart from the fact that i need to “beg for help” every month to be seen my private healthcare instead of relying on an extremely slow nhs, but you decide to shame me for asking for help because in this economy people are needing to go to food banks? you do realise how stupid this sounds, right? i’m quite obviously not expecting anyone who is in a bad position financially to donate to me. at all. ever. if you don’t have the means then that’s absolutely fine??? like why even bring that up? its such a useless point, unless your only jab is at the fact that i’m disabled needing help and the other people aren’t disabled needing help so i shouldnt ask for help because they’re more important and their issues are more prevalent than mine? hmmm ok
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ukftm · 5 months
Hi, I saw the ask about HRT prescribed by GPs without the explicit go-ahead of the GIC while still waiting for an appointment and wanted to share my experience briefly, as my GP did actually prescribe Testogel for me for about 6 months before I had my first appointment, after having been on the waiting list for 5 years. There’s actually a lot of checking and extra responsibility the individual doctor takes upon themself if they do decide to prescribe that because while the GIC doesn’t encourage it they also don’t condemn it. I waited 5 years after being promised an appt after 18 months because of 2 security breaches on their system and my mental health really took a hit and I fell back on bad habits. My GP made a judgement call that ultimately saved my life by putting me on HRT, because she felt that the stagnancy of the system did more harm than good. She was right. She did contact her superiors, the GIC, everyone who she felt needed to know and help — she did everything right and everybody knew what we were doing and why. So I do get that maybe GPs shouldn’t always prescribe HRT since it’s not their ‘call’ or ‘field’, but there are certainly cases where they should get more of a say.
Hi Anon,
Thanks for sharing.
This is correct that in some rare cases GPs will prescribe T before the GICs do. My own GP prescribed me T before he had my letter from the GIC, because he knew my letter was on its way. This was because at that time I had a good relationship with my GP and he trusted me when I said what the GIC would be prescribing.
But the reason we do not stipulate this as an option is because in the majority of cases GPs are not willing to do this and therefore when people read posts like this, it can build up an unrealistic expectation that their GP will do this for them without input from a GIC.
While there is never any harm asking your GP if they will prescribe T before the GICs do, it is really important to not get your hopes up as most will want to stick to NHS guidelines, which are that T should only be prescribed once the GIC has given the go ahead for this (unless private/shared care/bridging).
Another additional thing to be aware of is that with all of the negative spotlight on trans healthcare at the moment, this is also spooking many GPs and they are becoming even more strict on what they will and won’t do for trans patients, even with the GICs being involved.
While everyone’s experiences are different, we stick to the information provided by the NHS so that the information we provide is accurate and everyone knows what to expect when dealing with the NHS.
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violetsandshrikes · 9 months
hi thank u for your addition to my post re: winz dental subsidy! i think personally i earn Just over their limit (like. $18 over) but i know soo many people that this would help enormously so i will spread the word
it really speaks to the ridiculousness of healthcare costs that i can have a salary that’s surprisingly decent, yet the cost of an extraction (cheapest quote i could find) would wipe out my entire spending budget for a pay period. sorry if i’m sorta, dumping all my problems in ur inbox, but recently i had to switch to private mental healthcare because the public system “couldn’t offer the level of support needed” - once i get off the loooong waitlist, i’ll need to put aside 10% of my entire salary just to afford a fortnightly appointment. makes my head and heart hurt because i know i’m in a privileged position where i can put this money aside and i do earn enough, but there’s so many people that don’t have this option.
anyway. thank you again for the link, i’ve already sent it to three friends who i was commiserating about the cost of dental care with - ur a lifesaver ❤️
no, you’re so okay! i had to go private for my adhd assessment and follow up appointments for med adjustments, and i could only do so because i had a scholarship that let me pay for it. it’s really, really hard to see specialists in this country, and we have a lot of people who suffer needlessly and even die on waiting lists.
i saw someone else mentioned it - i hope maybe a hospital dentist could help you out? i do know they’re about to go on strike, but depending on the length it could still be an option.
winz really didn’t advertise the introduction of the dental subsidies when they came in like ~a year or so ago, so i always try to let people know because dental issues are such a pain in the ass, there’s no funding and getting one is guaranteed to fuck up your savings, bills, etc! i hope it manages to help someone regardless ❤️
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ardently-queer · 1 year
It just isn't fair that we don't already live in a world where trans healthcare has advanced enough that we can just pick and choose what effects we do and don't want. Don't want your voice to change but everything else? Sure we can do that. Don't really want the body shape or voice change but you'd be down with extra body hair and bottom growth and maybe a little extra muscle? This option here. Hips yes boobs no? We got you. It's like... it's not exactly that I don't want medical transition for myself. There are things I would like it for. But at present the things I would like to not change outweigh those.
I don't want to change my body so that people perceive me differently, only to have to come to terms in private with a body that I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with anymore. My dysphoria is pretty significant but it is entirely socially motivated, unlike that of many others', and I think medical transition would just eliminate the social aspect and create a whole new personal body aspect and I, don't, want that.
And like this, isn't an advocation against Current trans medicine. Because it works for a lot of people who need it. It just, doesn't work for everyone, and obviously I'm writing the examples and stuff mostly from my experience as a genderqueer trans man but of course other people will have different grumps about the same root frustration. And I don't know how to feel about it except sad and tired. Sorry for the vent. Just. Bleargh.
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diaperalex · 2 years
An important message from Alex (DiaperAlex)
Dear friends,
due to exceptional circumstances, I must take a time out from social networks and my blogs. I will post much less content and might take unsusual time to answer every messages.
Too many things are happening at the same time for me, and I have reached my breaking point where I can no longer keep going the same way without making major changes in my life.
My ME/CFS condition is greatly deteriorating, which is affecting my muscles, brain, heart and lungs. My seizures are coming back, I failed finding any fast alternative to maintain my essential physical therapies and treatments. My ressources are very limited at the moment, inflation, increase of cost for diapers, and extreme abnormal weather damages recently in our area have made things worse for me.
My GoFundMe campaign is unfortunately an unsuccessful one. Other options like selling gears were temporary and didn’t last, because things didn’t go better for me and my health issues like I wished.
I can hold up until August 2022. I will have to suspend indefinitely my essential treatments and physical therapies that our government, healthcare system and insurance will not cover. This means that my health will dangerously deteriorate, and there is a serious threat of life or death situation upcoming by the end of this year.
I am doing everything I can to get the proper services from hospitals asap, but the wait lists are getting worse since the staff is missing everywhere in our local hospitals and outside my area.
Please, don’t hate me for not being perfect and unhealthy. I have to make tuff choices in the next days to literally stay alive. I will not give up. I don’t want to give up. I am also fighting against imminent signs of depression because of all this.
This is exceptional situation, and I apologize for annoying everyone with that. My parents are having serious health issues themselves, but they will help me while I am helping them. What I need is courage, indeed. Support, absolutely! Time to take care of myself very seriously, without any doubt!
What I need? I can’t hide the obvious fact that money rules the world, and it’s even more true when it comes to private healthcare system in an emergency situation. I need donations, solidarity, fast help to maintain essential treatments and physical therapies and medications fees past August 2022.
I know that GoFundMe is not the best fundraising platform. But my campaign is still active.
Another alternative to help me is sending me a PM to ask for my PayPal address for donations only.
I will need time, support, true understanding from all my followers, my friends, my family and acquaintances from all of my social networks at the same time I do what I need to do with my doctors and specialists.
I hope you will understand that this is serious for me, and it could happen to anyone at any age.
Alex (DiaperAlex on Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Diaper-Bois) (Spokesperson for autism awareness)
Spokesperson for ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue syndrome)
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arrowflier · 1 year
Hey Arrow💗Do you have any headcanons on your mind today? (:
Heya friend! I've got a weird (and I guess potentially controversial) one for ya:
Weed is now legal in my state, but women's rights and healthcare are still taking a hit. So when Gallagher-Milkovich Security expands over the state border into Missouri, they pick up some secondary business: as a mobile clinic.
Need some contraceptives or plan B with your cannabis? Ian's got you! Need to get over the border without people knowing? Guess what, they could really use a temporary worker on the home. And if you just need a private space to consider your options away from prying eyes and ears, well, looks like you had too many edibles and need to lie down in the back of the converted ambulance with some totally random reading material for a while.
They only make it that far out once or twice a month--it's a long drive after all--but every stop along the way is glad to see them.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
re: the contraception conversation
it's interesting to talk about this topic! from what you can read online that's available, in the 19th century, common forms of contraception were early condoms, the pull out method, and vaginal suppositories and spermicides. (of course, this is in relation to the US, UK, and some other European nations specifically). the 19th century was actually a time of big social changes around family planning.
more women were discussing and pushing for advocating for themselves in terms of their own autonomy around pregnancy, such as opening up more conversations with their partners about not having so many children/limiting the number of children they had as a family unit. at the start of the 19th century, women had an average of 8 children. by the end of the 19th century, women were having an average of 3 children. so big social changes occurred!
this of course, also led to push back from people/men wanting to exert more control over women's bodies and autonomy. (so by the 1850s, there was more political pushback against family planning, contraception, and even abortion. when in earlier centuries, abortions did not incite such high political strife. by the 1880s in the US, abortion was being outlawed and the American Medical Association was advocating against contraception and stating that only (male) physicians should make decisions about women's autonomy on this issue, that women should not be making such decisions).
when imagining the world that the bridgerton women were living in, i imagine women starting to talk more about family planning. (and perhaps privately amongst themselves, about the pull out or rhythm method). but as for condom use or using spermicides, there was certainly still a social stigma attached to it (i.e., if you use this, then you are sexually promiscuous). from what I understand this stigma did not start to wane until the 1960s and 1970s, so much much later.
of course, there were still women who wanted to discretely explore other options for themselves and could seek out spermicides or suppositories or condoms to try, particularly towards the end of the 19th century when rubber condoms were being introduced. (newspapers were even starting to use coded language to advertise these products).
it is hard to imagine eloise brazenly speaking about condoms and suppositories........maybe in private to her sisters or close friends, beginning to bring it up and supporting a women's right to engage in family planning. and (for me) I could imagine her broaching the topic of family planning to phillip.
anyway, apologies for the essay lol, just wanted to engage in conversation about this, since it is an interesting area to talk about, and I think about it when reading historical romance novels! and I enjoy learning more about it and considering how perspectives about this have changed over the centuries.
I love that you brought it up with a little more of backed up research because sometimes we as modern women forget how much we have advanced as a society in the space of one single generation. And how lucky we are that contraception is available for us in the corner drugstore
Contraception and birth control are a great example of something that we see and support as being incredibly normal but still something our grandmother's couldn't even think of mentioning without being branded as a hussy.
I mean I don't know about you but in the small town I grew up in contraception and birth control barely began to take popularity in my mother's generation, in my grandmother's generation using condoms was not really a thing unless you were super rich and had access to high end healthcare / information on safe sex. And if that's barely going back to my grandparents I cannot imagine the ammout of secrecy the topic of birth control had in the 1800.
Also I was under the impression that even in that century if you knew what french letters were. Condoms had to be ordered and custom made. Aka animal intestines dosed in chemicals for the safe sex experience did not come cheap for the average human.
Again we joke about the pull out method and all that. But not knowing about condoms or having free access to them is a reality that our grandparents most likely had to live with. And people from our grandparents generation are still alive. That means that mentality was still alive not so long ago.
Breaking the taboo around talks of sex and contraception was a thing of this generation and more power to us for opening up new horizons. But Let's not pretend our grandparents were given particularly helpful sex Ed at school unless they were rich. And even then it sucked.
I hope that Eloise does get to have a talk about what safe sex and family planning is from a trusted female, like her mother or her married sister. I agree with you in the context of Bridgerton it's plausible that all the Bridgerton wives had a conversation with their husbands about the pull out method and the options available to prevent having more kids. But it would be an anachronism if condoms appeared to be in popular use in any historical fiction show set earlier than the 60's or the 70's
Sort of how we sometimes think cellphones have been around for a long time and it turns out that no, it's just been over 20 or so years since they became something used in every household
It's one of the reasons I'm glad to have these conversations. For the sake of the women who came before us that couldn't be this open about birth control and contraception. And whished better for the rest of us
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spearheadrampancy · 1 year
im sure this is going to get me shit but i dont really care. its been rattling around my head for a while
a long time ago i saw a post about how the internet is eurocentric. not in terms of "eurocentric beauty" but how the internet focuses on european stuff. i cannot disagree harder with that. i never understood it and every day i understand it less.
i have to go out of my way and have three weather/civil danger apps, two news apps, and two radio apps all with as many notifications on as possible just to even vaguely know what news is going on in my own country. i havent used twitter in something like years because i kept getting minor news from the states even when i had set my interests to not news, and not america. the uk dialect has specifically and noticably changed because how much of america is all over the internet.
every single time i see a post about how "england's much better than the us, they have the nhs!" i almost break down in tears because it just proves how disproportionally american the internet is. americans do not hear about how waiting times for ambulances are easier tracked in HOURS than in minutes. americans do not hear that the urgent medical referral (for cancer) process is supposed to take 2 weeks and the normal referral (any other type) process is supposed to take 18 weeks, yet even before covid and lockdown, urgent referrals were taking over a year. i was given an urgent referral in april 2019. i havent even received my letter saying i am on the triage list. i dont even know what the normal referral wait time is anymore. i was supposed to be given a normal referral also in 2019 for my joints and my gp said "because we live in an area with a lot of older patients, the normal orthopaedic wait time is over 2 years. i will refer to another department as they will be able to triage you quicker". there's countless stories too of mothers with BABIES being unable to get the only lifesaving treatment the kid's condition needs on the nhs, because it's just... not available on the nhs. and nobody but the rich can afford private healthcare. there are no low-tier private healthcare options here. because "well if you cant afford our premium care, use the nhs (:"
the nhs isnt functional. it doesnt work. and the government, instead of fixing it, is considering getting rid of it. do you know how many people will die from this. do you realise this is a very bad situation for us here in the uk. im so fucking tired of americans acting like we have it perfect. we dont. people are dying and they will continue to die. im so tired. im tired of being scared.
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diazsdimples · 12 days
Oh no, I'm sorry for implying it's the same. Midwifery is sort of in the same category than nurses here, so I sort of just went with what I hear about most. Here you're a nurse, but you can specialise in Midwifery. Many of these professionals start private practices as a specialist and don't work at a hospital like nurses and doctors do.
When my sister had her first baby, she had a water birth and had both a doula and midwife at her side. She said it was the best experience she could have hoped for! My parents felt very uneasy about this, because using a midwife/doula only became popular In recent years and it's the norm to use a gynie when you get pregnant. My sister didn't want that though, said it felt impersonal and that gynies don't go into the journey the way a midwife and a doula does. She wanted to have someone she could trust during her pregnancy and birth, support you don't get from a gynie. My sister's second pregnancy was twins and a riskier birth, because c-section is safer with fraternal twins. She was then forced to go with the gynie option and forgo the midwife/doula option, due to all the costs related to each professional's service. Which she really regretted, because having a midwife by her side the first time around made things so much easier and comfortable.
Anyway I'm sorry for the little rant that you probably didn't want to be privy to, lol. I just wanted to highlight that I absolutely do respect midwifes and what they do. We just see them in a different category (nurse + midwife) and it's not everyone that can afford to go this route since it's private and not part of what you get in a hospital plan. Many people also opt to go for a gynie, and get a doula for support which is why my mind webt there.
Actually, I'm not really qualified to talk about this subject because I don't really know much and my sister is literally the only person I know who used the midwife route. Regardless, I have a lot of respect for what you guys do and I didn't mean to compare you to a doula, who is more of a mentor than a medical professional.
No please don't apologise, I deleted the original response cause I realised my reply was really bitchy and that's not what I intended, so I'm sorry for that 🥴
I'm glad your sister felt safe with her midwife and doula! In New Zealand, you're only under the gynae/obstetric team if there's serious complications, but even then you'll have a midwife working in your care. Midwives are also a public health resource here, so there is no cost associated, thank goodness!
A lot of midwives (myself included it seems) have a bee in their bonnet about doulas here, mostly just because we don't really have them? And then the doula's I've met have tried to take leadership and take over the care which is not what they're there for, as you say they're there for support. So that's probably where a bit of that beef comes from. Which is by no means to say all doulas are like that. I feel like I'm talking myself into a hole a bit with that so I'll leave that where it is dkjfsdkjfsd.
But yeah, thank you. Sorry for being a dick initially 😅 I find differences in healthcare between countries so fascinating, and also a little alarming cause it means I'm gonna struggle so hard if I ever move overseas 💀 thank you for sharing yours and your sister's story!!!
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kinocomix · 1 month
update 22: some sneak peeks at something that won't see the light of day until years from now...
the script for TSTW is 34 chapters long. for the most part the end is in sight, i don't expect it to be much longer. will need to send it the beta readers and possibly adjust some things.
the killouete script is 6 chapters long. it's long enough that i could make a prototype and use it to try to find a publisher, we'll see. I really want to finish the script first though.
here is something unrelated that I really want to share. i recently wanted to make a short dora the explorer joke comic, here it is if you were wondering, it's the dumbest shit, but i need it to make my point:
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POINT IS, did you know that canonically swiper has something called swiping disorder, which states that the mask is like... part of his face because he's actually sick? i know that because i spent two hours reading dora the explorer lore.
i then decided it would be fun to redesign swiper, again, trying to get to a point here:
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all of this was in february by the way. i really liked how the design looked. honestly, had i not told you it was swiper you'd have never guessed. it's to be noted that i don't like swiper nor any of the lore attached to him. because my brain is desperate for logic, i wondered if the mask is maybe because of something else.
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i only hyperfixated on Lucha libre and wrestling for two days, not neglecting what i was doing for TSTW and killouette, obviously.
now we're here (the point)
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he doesn't have a name yet. but to the left is the wrestling attire and to the right is what he actually looks like. see? you can't tell anymore.
i have a vague idea of what the story would be about. wrestling is very hard on the body, and once you're a wrestler, there's not many other jobs you can do. some people become actors, others trainers. but for the majority of wrestlers, retiring is rarely an option. wrestling is part of your life in more ways than one. according to my initial research it appears people have a love hate relationship with wrestling. it doesn't always have the best healthcare as is the case with WWE, and can force you to hide who you are out of fear of not having a private life like in Lucha libre.
instinctively i want to explore all of those things. what happens when a wrestler has to find a different job? why would that even happen? what are the weird bureaucracies involved? how does that make them question their decisions and what answers do they find? what even is important enough to give up on something you dedicated your life to?
my WIP answer right now is a kid you love more than life itself. to want to give up everything to make sure you'll be there for your child, not in some hospital or grave; to want to set an example of what to be and how to find happiness despite everything, i think that's worth exploring.
obviously i should state that i won't be working on this until i get around to it, which will take a while given that i want to finish what i"m doing right now first, but we'll get there.
might have to learn spanish in the meantime.
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doctoru-au · 7 months
GP Jobs Gold Coast Uncovered: How to Secure Your Ideal Medical Position Today.
It's easy to feel a bit swamped when you're trying to sort through the numerous GP job opportunities on the Gold Coast, QLD. Trust me, I know that sensation all too well - so many positions on offer, each with its own unique salary prospects and work conditions.
It can feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders trying to make the right choice. Let's take a deep breath and dive into this blog post together where we'll untangle this web by giving transparent insights into what’s available for General Practitioners on the Gold Coast.
We’ll help you identify your job preferences, explore various healthcare environments and even ponder relocation possibilities if that’s part of your equation—think of us as a mate helping out during this critical career juncture! Together, let’s navigate these avenues towards crafting your ideal medical profession story.
Key Takeaways
Many GP jobs are open in Gold Coast, QLD. We are currently looking for GP´s for our modern clinics in Ashbourne, Cran Bourne, Loganholme and North lakes.
Work can be part-time or full-time. Some jobs focus on women's health or veteran services.
Doctors may use mixed billing at their job. It lets them choose how to bill patients.
GPs in Gold Coast earn a lot! They can make over $350,000 each year.
There is a mix of people living in Gold Coast. As a doctor, you will help many types of patients.
The coast is beautiful here. It makes for an amazing place to work and live!
Picking the right job means knowing what you want first. You might move for your dream role too!
Overview of General Practitioner Jobs on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast presents a plethora of opportunities for General Practitioners, with 377 job openings currently available. There is a range of diverse roles in beautiful locations.
Job seekers can find both full-time and part-time positions catering to their preferences. With salaries reaching over $350,000 annually, the earning potential is high for GPs here.
The healthcare sector in Gold Coast offers mixed billing practices or private billing options at several medical facilities including private hospitals and clinics specialising in women's health.
Unique opportunities also exist within medical cannabis clinics and veteran services sectors on the Gold Coast. It's an ideal location offering flexibility not just in terms of working hours but also provides chances to work outside of traditional hospital systems while enjoying a beautiful coastal lifestyle.
Different job locations and opportunities
You can find GP jobs all across Gold Coast.
There's a big range of job types too. You might work with medical cannabis or help veterans. Some jobs serve women's health at private hospitals and clinics. Plenty of part-time roles are out there if you want more time off work.
And it's not all about working in hospitals - there are other interesting places to explore as a doctor.
Focus on mixed billing practices
In a GP job, you could use mixed billing. It means you bill some patients for your time and others can get bulk billed. It lets you decide how to balance your patient care.
On the Gold Coast, many general practitioner jobs offer this choice. This might mean more flexible hours or even better pay. There are also private billing options if that suits you better.
Mixed billing gives you control over your work. This way, doctors can focus on their patients' needs first while earning well at the same time. The goal is always good patient care and fair pay for hard work.
Opportunities in private and public healthcare
There are many choices for work in both private and public healthcare. Private hospitals and clinics look for general practitioners all the time. Some places focus on women's health.
Some jobs have mixed billing, others only do private billing.
Medical cannabis clinics and veteran services also need doctors. These places offer help to special groups of people. They can offer a nice change from other types of doctor roles.
The money you make can be quite high too! You may get more than $350,000 every year at some jobs in Gold Coast QLD! And don't forget about the support staff that will be there to help you out.
Full-time nurses and admin staff will be on hand to assist with your duties.
Benefits of a GP Job on the Gold Coast
The rich diversity of patient demographics in Gold Coast can enhance your medical practice, while the high income potential and the stunning coastal setting add to the appeal of a GP job here.
High income potential
A GP job in Gold Coast, QLD brings a big chance to earn high. Doctors can make from $200,000 to over $500,000 each year. Not many jobs promise such great pay. But being a General Practitioner the Gold Coast does!
By working as a GP here, you can expect an hourly wage of around $150. That is much more than most other healthcare & medical jobs in Australia! More hours mean more money and better living standards.
As you build up your experience and skills, this income only goes up. So if making good money matters to you, know that choosing a career as a GP will be worth it!
Diverse patient demographics
The Gold Coast has people from all walks of life. As a general practitioner, you will get to see and help many kinds of patients. This can make your job very rewarding.
You will meet young families and older folks. You may also work in clinics that focus on women's health. The mix of patients keeps your day exciting and helps build your skills.
Working with diverse demographics also means facing unique challenges. Every patient brings a different set of health issues. Your role as a GP is vital in taking care of these varying needs in the Gold Coast community.
Beautiful coastline setting
Gold Coast is a dream job spot for many. You'll love the stunning coastlines here. Shimmering blue water will be your everyday sight. The Pacific Ocean views make each day at work wonderous.
Many folks come to Gold Coast for fun and rest. This makes our city lively all year round. As a GP, you can also enjoy this city's safe and clean feel after work hours. Work-life balance is easy to find in such a wholesome setting!
How to Find the Right GP Job?
Finding the perfect GP job can be a balancing act between your personal preferences and professional goals. Read on to explore how you can navigate through numerous opportunities, research potential employers, and consider optimal relocation options in Gold Coast!
Understanding your job preferences
You need to know what you want in a GP job. It can be full-time, part-time or even casual. You get to choose the work hours that suit you best. Also, think about where you want to work.
Many jobs are at private hospitals and clinics for women's health.
Decide if a big salary is important to you as a doctor on the Gold Coast QLD. Some of these jobs pay very well. Keep in mind your future goals too. Maybe running your own clinic one day is what excites you.
Doing this will help make your search for Healthcare & Medical Jobs easier.
Researching potential employers
Before picking a job, find out more about your future boss. Visit the webpage for different medical roles. It shows healthcare places that need general practitioners. You may want to work in women's health clinics or private hospitals.
Also, look at what type of billing they do. Some jobs offer mixed billing and some are only private. You can also find jobs in special areas like cannabis clinics or veteran services.
Choose what is best for you and go for it!
Considering relocation options
Moving can be a big choice. But, it may also lead to good job spots in the healthcare field. Queensland’s Gold Coast is one such spot with many GP jobs on offer.
You might find work in places like Southport, Robina, Broadbeach, and Varsity Lakes. Each place has a different feel and type of patients. You could meet people from all walks of life here! This range helps you grow as a doctor.
Another major thing to think about is whether or not you want to move for a full-time role or a part-time one. Both options are here on Gold Coast QLD! The best fit will depend on what you are looking for in your career right now.
Also, some GP jobs might ask you to work at private hospitals or clinics that focus only on women's health. So if this sounds like your interest area, moving could get you closer to such roles!
Gold Coast gives a big chance for GP jobs. You can choose where to work and what kind of billing you want. Plus, the pay is good! Start your career here on Gold Coast by registering today.
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ukftm · 6 months
My little brother has just turned 13 a month ago and has knows he’s trans for a long while and is fully certain he wants to go medical. While our parents are a little split on their opinions on him transitioning, I just want him to be happy - obviously.
Do you know if there’s owt he can do right now medical wise? Being a 17 year old cis guy leaves me with a lot of questions and Google’s a bitch, so I’m not sure what a 13 year old can do for his gender emotions.
Hi Anon,
Due to your brother being 13 he may be prescribed hormone blockers, but that would only been done after a referral from a Gender Identity Clinic. A GP would not prescribe these without the GIC giving the go ahead.
Waiting lists for GICs are multiple years long, so he will want to go to his GP and get a referral. While he will be referred to a clinic appropriate for his age at the time of his referral, depending on where he lives, he could be 18 before he sees the GIC as waiting lists are so long.
So unless he wants to seek the advice of a private clinician who he would have to pay for private advice and who MIGHT prescribe hormone blockers privately, all he can do is get his name on the NHS GIC waiting list and wait until he gets an appointment.
It’s worth noting however that due to the current climate and the negative focus on trans health, accessing trans healthcare both privately and on the NHS is getting more difficult and rules/procedures are getting tighter.
Due to waiting lists being many years long this will give him the time to be absolutely sure of his gender identity and what he wants in terms of surgery once that becomes an option for him.
In the mean time we have a lot of posts about transitioning on the NHS and privately and information on hormone blockers, so it may be a good idea if you have a read of these. Your brother may find our blog helpful for the emotional side of things also as there are plenty asks that may help him understand what he is feeling
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
So the thing that’s keeping me awake tonight…
The thing that’s keeping me awake tonight is where to live by the time my baby will start school. Part of me feels it’s stupid to worry about it this early. Assuming I get pregnant right away when I start IUI in 2-3 years (unlikely), that means moving would have to happen by 7 years from now.
However, immigration is logistically HARD and it needs to be planned far in advance. My dilemma is between physical and emotional quality of life.
My financial situation in this country is pretty good. It’ll likely be a lot harder if I move somewhere else. Also, I can work from home with good benefits and a reasonably predictable schedule. Also, very importantly, all my friends and my parents are here. My kid will already only have one parent. I want them to have as much of a support system as possible. I want them to be close to their grandparents. The idea of raising a baby far from my mom is heartbreaking and terrifying. And immigration also means I’d have to find childcare during the days while I work, which is a whole other expense I would not have here. So would school uniforms, which are not much of an expense here.
On the other hand, what if I get sick? What if baby gets sick? Where does the health insurance come from then? What about fucking gun violence? How can I live day to day knowing my kid might get gunned down at their fucking desk? Does anything else really matter when staying here means such a high level of risk for baby? When I get old, will my retirement be enough to avoid burdening baby? Here, social security is drying up, and any and all social safety nets are being gutted. Living somewhere that values social welfare, somewhere I know unexpected health complications won’t ruin my child’s and my financial future is so appealing. So is living somewhere that higher education doesn’t cost as much as a large house in a major city. And if I did stay here, where would I send my kid to school. Even with all the other risks, there’s still the other problems of public v private and the quality of schools in my area.
And if I do move, where would I go? My top two options are Scotland and Canada. I have very feasible paths to visa and citizenship in both places.
Canada is closer and means my family could be a lot more involved in baby’s life. The logistics of moving would be a lot simpler and my career means I’d end up in a pretty liberal province which is great. I do have a family member in Canada, too, which is nice. But I don’t have any particular connection to Canada, emotionally. I think I’d feel more like an outsider there. The cost of living where I’d have to end up is as high as it is where I am now, except I’d have more monthly expenses.
Scotland is very much my speed. A lot of my educational curriculum was from the UK because of IB and also just a randomly tremendous amount of British teachers. I’ve spend substantial amounts of time in the UK and in Scotland specifically. I like how many travel opportunities there are in Scotland: so many countries close by! I think I’d integrate better there. But also, there’s such high levels of antisemitism, but it’s also less likely to be deadly than the antisemitism in America, because fewer guns. The cost of living is more manageable than where I’d have to live in Canada. But maybe that’s selfish of me to consider Scotland when it’s so far away from a support system.
I have a lot of time to figure this all out. But that doesn’t make it any less important or less nerve-wracking. And I resent this country for being such a mess. I wouldn’t have to think about any of this if we just regulated guns and offered healthcare and education like most other countries. I’m so mad.
Do traditional couples or even nontraditional couples think about all this before having a baby? I feel like most Hereros don’t. Idk. I don’t have any answers right now, and probably won’t for awhile. But I needed to type it all out so I can sleep instead of having this all rattling around my head.
Do traditional couples or even nontraditional couples think about all this before having a baby? I feel like most Hereros don’t. Idk. I don’t have any answers right now, and probably won’t for awhile. But I needed to type it all out so I can sleep instead of having this all rattling around my head.
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