#SMBC journey update
edenfenixblogs · 1 year
Hahhaha. Well… My aunt now knows through my mom about the whole SMBC thing and about me being demisexual/demiromantic (my mom didn’t out me without permission. I never came out to most family, but I also never stayed in the closet. If it came up it came up and I gave my mom the OK to talk about it).
Aunt is very excited. But now that she knows, I think that I have about 0.0189 seconds before the rest of my family knows. LOL. She’s got a big mouth. She pumped my mom up and got her more excited about it all, too. My heart is racing. Every day it feels a little more real. But it’s very exciting. I didn’t expect to have so many updates when I started making these tumblr posts, but here we are.
Also, my mental health is kicking ass!!! God I love being on the correct dosage of meds. Being able to function is A++++++ 50000000/10 do recommend.
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smbc-momma-to-be · 2 years
Intro 💕
Hello! I'm Fox, and I'm planning to be a Single Mother By Choice!
Some important things about me:
I'm 22 (born in 2000)
I love reading
I've wanted to be a mom since I was but a wee little child
I'm nonbinary! (They/Them)
And I'm a creative with a bunch of other projects going on
Now, before we get too far ahead, I know my age may be a fact to pause on considering this blog will be dedicated to my journey towards being a single mom by choice. I have quite a few heavily personal reasons that I've greatly considered and have decided that this is the best course of action for me and that I'm ready to proceed.
I will be updating this post soon with some goals, but I've been planning this for a while and I'm so dang near close to finally being fully ready (Mostly waiting on a call back from my ob/gyn, and finalizing picking a donor), so hopefully pleasant updates to this account overall!
If you too are planning or already are a smbc, please feel free to shoot me a message so we can become friends! It'd be nice to build up a little community here, or rather, just in general haha
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Empowerment Articles
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
New enrollment period for my medical plan started today. Before I was excited that they covered some minor fertility benefits—testing, some minor procedures.
Now they fully cover IUI (including medication!!! Which is so rare!!!!) without documented infertility or proof of a partner (OMG! Asexual-friendly care?! Fuck yes!!!)!!!!
And if IUI doesn’t work, then they fully cover IVF!!! What?! Including medication and testing!!!
I’ve been saving a lot of money for awhile for this process and now, god willing, I won’t have to use it and can save it for maternity/newborn care.
It’s so hard not to use all of these benefits right now. I still have to stick to my plan/timeline of waiting 3 years. So I’ll be 34, almost 35, when I officially start TTC. The planning process is important. Things aren’t quite ready for a baby. But now that I have parental support, a just-in-case parent for Baby, and coverage that will literally save me thousands of dollars as well as protect savings I had already set aside for that purpose, it’s so tempting to start now. I’m so scared that by the time I’m ready, the rug will get pulled out from under me. But I can’t think like that.
No. Must wait. Gotta get my mental health more squared away (I’m fine. Just wanna feel fully confident for when hormones hit), lose some weight, and get a bit more of a support system for the day-to-day life with a baby. Plus finding a donor, even from a bank, will take time. Wanna make sure I make the most ethical choices available to me. I also gotta keep working on my move to Scotland plans. Right now it seems best to have a baby here in the US then move sometime before baby starts school. Maternity leave here wouldn’t be as good, but that’s ok cuz I’d be able to work from home. Eek!
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
My mom just brought up SMBC with me! For the first time! Like she didn’t wait for me to mention it in conversation! And she was supportive!
I’m happyyyyyyyyy
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
Today I woke up early to do some Important Things. And for a wide variety of reasons, I wasn’t able. It was so stressful and I felt truly awful. I really felt like a failure. Especially cuz I was trying to do these things specifically to prove to myself I was on track for my SMBC journey. I was so dejected and wanted to cry. I texted my mom that I felt shitty and like a failure.
My mom has made no secret of her skepticism of this process. She’s working on it. Recently, my mom has unintentionally said some things that really upset me or hurt my feelings regarding the SMBC process. On the one hand, I didn’t want her to say, “see, this is why I’m concerned” or “you need to sort this out before you have a baby…” Both of these things are true. That’s why I’m not having a baby right now. But I really didn’t need to hear it.
Luckily, I didn’t hear it!!! Instead, she just said that when I have a kid these things will come up and this is how you move past it. It was exactly the support I needed. It was the first time she acknowledged the SMBC plan as an inevitable AND she didn’t use it as a chance to try make me doubt myself. (She would never try to do that on purpose, but conversations with her about this have been very fraught, because it’s so outside the realm of what she has experience with.)
She met me where I was, and instead of making me feel worse she helped me feel useful and practical. But more importantly, it was the first time I brought up the SMBC journey that she didn’t immediately change the subject or express a concern. She just accepted it as a thing that’s coming in my life and helped me deal with it.
It’s scary to think about parenting single as someone with ADHD but all I need—all I’ve ever needed—from those closest to me is just to have them to talk to.
As a side note, I’ll be thrilled when my new meds arrive. God it’s so hard to function with half a brain and no sleep. (That said, the no sleep part is good practice, too)
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
My mom called to talk about baby names. It was so cute!!! And so unexpected!!! She randomly initiated the subject.
Family support is #1 important to me and I’m so happy she’s finally on board fully.
Time to refocus on me and work on saving money and losing weight. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
Omg!!! I guess my mom realized she fucked up the other day, because she’s fully back on track to being excited. She just told me she picked out a spot in her house she’s gonna turn into a reading nook for her “grand baby!” This is the first time she actually mentioned anything about this with some actual excitement. Not just warnings of how hard babies and pregnancy are. :))))))
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
Had a 2.5 hour chat with a friend of the family SMBC today. Got good support. My mom had some backsliding recently, but I think I corrected it. Only time will tell. She still has trouble understanding that I’m not making this decision lightly or because of hormones. This is something I always wanted.
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
Awww. Mom is now sending me articles about baby safety. LOL. She’s a great mom. She adjusts to things slowly but she’s always great given time.
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year
So the thing that’s keeping me awake tonight…
The thing that’s keeping me awake tonight is where to live by the time my baby will start school. Part of me feels it’s stupid to worry about it this early. Assuming I get pregnant right away when I start IUI in 2-3 years (unlikely), that means moving would have to happen by 7 years from now.
However, immigration is logistically HARD and it needs to be planned far in advance. My dilemma is between physical and emotional quality of life.
My financial situation in this country is pretty good. It’ll likely be a lot harder if I move somewhere else. Also, I can work from home with good benefits and a reasonably predictable schedule. Also, very importantly, all my friends and my parents are here. My kid will already only have one parent. I want them to have as much of a support system as possible. I want them to be close to their grandparents. The idea of raising a baby far from my mom is heartbreaking and terrifying. And immigration also means I’d have to find childcare during the days while I work, which is a whole other expense I would not have here. So would school uniforms, which are not much of an expense here.
On the other hand, what if I get sick? What if baby gets sick? Where does the health insurance come from then? What about fucking gun violence? How can I live day to day knowing my kid might get gunned down at their fucking desk? Does anything else really matter when staying here means such a high level of risk for baby? When I get old, will my retirement be enough to avoid burdening baby? Here, social security is drying up, and any and all social safety nets are being gutted. Living somewhere that values social welfare, somewhere I know unexpected health complications won’t ruin my child’s and my financial future is so appealing. So is living somewhere that higher education doesn’t cost as much as a large house in a major city. And if I did stay here, where would I send my kid to school. Even with all the other risks, there’s still the other problems of public v private and the quality of schools in my area.
And if I do move, where would I go? My top two options are Scotland and Canada. I have very feasible paths to visa and citizenship in both places.
Canada is closer and means my family could be a lot more involved in baby’s life. The logistics of moving would be a lot simpler and my career means I’d end up in a pretty liberal province which is great. I do have a family member in Canada, too, which is nice. But I don’t have any particular connection to Canada, emotionally. I think I’d feel more like an outsider there. The cost of living where I’d have to end up is as high as it is where I am now, except I’d have more monthly expenses.
Scotland is very much my speed. A lot of my educational curriculum was from the UK because of IB and also just a randomly tremendous amount of British teachers. I’ve spend substantial amounts of time in the UK and in Scotland specifically. I like how many travel opportunities there are in Scotland: so many countries close by! I think I’d integrate better there. But also, there’s such high levels of antisemitism, but it’s also less likely to be deadly than the antisemitism in America, because fewer guns. The cost of living is more manageable than where I’d have to live in Canada. But maybe that’s selfish of me to consider Scotland when it’s so far away from a support system.
I have a lot of time to figure this all out. But that doesn’t make it any less important or less nerve-wracking. And I resent this country for being such a mess. I wouldn’t have to think about any of this if we just regulated guns and offered healthcare and education like most other countries. I’m so mad.
Do traditional couples or even nontraditional couples think about all this before having a baby? I feel like most Hereros don’t. Idk. I don’t have any answers right now, and probably won’t for awhile. But I needed to type it all out so I can sleep instead of having this all rattling around my head.
Do traditional couples or even nontraditional couples think about all this before having a baby? I feel like most Hereros don’t. Idk. I don’t have any answers right now, and probably won’t for awhile. But I needed to type it all out so I can sleep instead of having this all rattling around my head.
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