harmonysixx · 30 days
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MerRavio from @linked-maze! I take no credit for the design, it's all theirs. I'm not big into drawing mermaids, but I'll always make an exception for Ravio and deep sea creatures ✨
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layraket · 4 months
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late but yeah.... it is still 14 i swear....
gay rabits yes sirr
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the-chains-cafe · 1 month
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Am I the only one who wants this outfit? I mean.. it’s ✨shiny✨
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cochineal-leviat · 1 year
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Wrong Dimension
In his attempts to return to his preferred dimension, Magolor stumbles upon a world not so dissimilar from the one he was stuck in. Meeting a man who is cramping on his style.
I loved doing this piece for the colours. It is very purple and acidic green, and it fits Lorule. Since this land has been healing, the grass is not yellow anymore but is still very bright and dusk-like. The background came out really nice.
For anyone who does not know who Ravio is: he and Magolor are pretty similar down to their in-game roles and swarmy business manners. Though Ravio has far more good intentions, he is just sneaky about how he solves his problems. (And a bit of a coward, though he found his own brand of courage in ALBW)
I imagine if Magolor and Ravio met on neutral terms, they would get along like a house on fire. Although once Ravio catches a whiff of Magolor's more shady side, he will probably nope out of there as soon as possible. An interaction between these two before Magolor has been reformed (or as reformed as he is now current day) would certainly be interesting to see.
Choosing Shopkeeper Magolor for this piece was not smart of me with the abundant nature of this piece. But since Magolor has not had a chance to get his old duds back, it would not make sense if he were in his regular blue garb. I also like Shopkeeper Magolor, even if Kirby Clash has made me want to drop-kick him so many times. Idk, I just really like the green, cream and brown of his colour palette.
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fever-project · 4 months
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Sheerow Fakemon concept art doodles, not to scale. The whole line is Flying Psychic type. Sheercon is based on a falcon and Sheerking is based on a King-of-Saxony bird of paradise. Not too happy with Sheercon, but I think I might’ve peaked with Sheerking. His wings are a cape. His feather scruff looks like an ascot.
Also Ravio with a Espeon hood instead of a bunny hood, just because I don’t think any of the bunny Pokémon really fit him. So Ravio’s a Psychic trainer now.
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Not me thinking that my LoZ hyperfixation hasn’t been that long only to find art that I drew when I was about 10 to 11- (probably 11?)
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It turns out I’ve been hyperfixating on LoZ for a very long time now-
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For the screenshot redraw challenge! You don’t have to do all of them lol.
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[Image ID: Three screenshots and a drawing based on the last screenshot. The first two screenshots are Phantom Hourglass Link and Linebeck looking at Stone Tetra, and Wind Waker Link and Medli sitting in the King of Red Lions boat. The last screenshot is of A Link Between Worlds Ravio lounging on the ground, Sheerow hovering over him, saying "You got done in, eh?" In the drawing, the perspective is shifted to behind Link, instead of top down. Link looks over their shoulder with a sigh, looking tired. Their blond hair is fading to pink. End ID]
I forgot what's on which spot in the shop lol. Thanks for the screenshots!
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the-au-collector · 5 months
Random Things I forgot to add in my braindump for my Radio AU:
Twilight is Time and Malon’s nephew. I think I’m going to make his relation through Uli, so that makes Uli and Malon sisters in this AU
Legend used to go to college in Mabe City, but moved away after his Koholint Trauma happened. He still has friends there, like Ralph, Din, and Nayru, but he rarely visits
Sun races cars. Not professionally or for sport, no. She’ll just drive at 80mph down some old country road for the hell of it. Sky and Groose often join her
Sky, Sun, and Groose all came from Sky City. That said, they somehow never met until college. They find this very funny and will call each other “strangers”
Legend and Fable’s biological father is Raven, but he was very inconsistent with his job and eventually left them with Alfon, his adopted brother (and I am realizing I need a family tree for this AU😵‍💫).
Time is an orphan. He was never adopted growing up, but he was closest to the Kokiri family. They had a daughter named Saria who he still calls his older sister. She’s an ecologist now
Time secretly spoils Wolfie
Twilight will take Wolfie for “walks” (aka, he will sneak Wolfie into his and Wild’s house despite there being a strict no dogs policy. Revali has tried getting them in trouble before but hasn’t succeeded yet)
Wolfie is the favorite whenever Wild hosts a party
Time has somehow become emotionally attached to these radio kids. He was not supposed to get emotionally attached
Sky and Sun hope to get married sometime after graduation, preferably sooner than later
First is everyone’s favorite when he’s around. That said, he’s still the oldest and most responsible when having fun.
Crimson swears
Ravio has tried reaching Sheerow to talk
Legend doesn’t drive (anymore)
Warriors has the gaudiest car, according to Legend. Legend’s right
Styla and Legend are like BFFs. They also met when Legend did Fashion Design. Styla often makes costumes for the school plays as well
Shadow hung out with a bad crowd in high school. He’s doing better now.
Where are the colors you ask? Four’s genderfluid so he uses them to indicate his gender. Vio = she/her. Green = he/him. Red = they/them. Blue= any, they don’t care.
Vaati is Shadow’s biological father, who married Four’s mom when Shadow and Four were 12. Four’s mom died when they were 14, then Vaati went into prison when they were 15 (they really are unrelated incidents). They began living with Grandpa Smith after that.
Yuga is Ravio and Hilda’s dad. He’s really strict and not a good person. He wants them both to go into business. Ravio is playing his hand until he can be totally independent. Hilda is a high school senior and wants to major in fine art. Yuga hates this. He especially hates that Ravio is completely supportive of Hilda… and also that Ravio never comes around anymore.
Hilda’s started being invited to Legend’s uncle’s house for holidays. She can’t come to all of them because of Yuga but she does come to Thanksgiving now
Alfon refuses to let anyone be alone over the holidays. He will force Legend and Ravio to bring their friends over if they have no one in the area or anywhere to go
Flora and Fauna grew up under a lot of pressure from their dad. Fauna feels it more since she’s older, but Flora definitely feels it too. They’re both perfectionists
Impa and Purah are Paya’s cousins in this AU. Paya’s very shy so they try to get her to go out more. Paya has a huge crush on Wild and is teased endlessly for it
Flora has this huge crush on this one guy in her anthropology class. His name is Tauro
Age and Wild didn’t get along for a long time after the house fire. Wild got his burns and amnesia from protecting Age but obviously doesn’t remember this. As a kid, Age thought Wild was purposefully forgetting everything. Wild honestly feels horrible for forgetting and is trying to get his memory back, but he hasn’t had much luck
Age and Wild are both named Link. It’s a family thing. They go by their middle names. Wilder is Wild’s official middle name. Age’s official middle name is August.
On the other hand, both Flora and Fauna’s middle names are Zelda. Flora’s full name is Florence Zelda Hyrule. Fauna’s name is just Fauna.
^ this is the same for Dawn and Aurora too
Hyrule, Dawn, and Aurora come from a very small town named Mido. Hyrule would play “Knights of Hyrule” with Dawn in the farm fields all around them. It’s where he gets his nickname from
Hyrule’s friends in high school were Bot, Error, and Bagu
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rastea · 7 months
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oh i havent posted dnd doodles in a bit.
This session was our first puzzle that Ganon managed to find the solution to instantly. Turns out having a man knowledgeable in blood magic is handy to have around.
Naturally Ganondorf has been a bit distant and distrustful of the group (not like the Links are feeling that much more trusting either) but we're all just working together for now to get the fuck outta here. We don't know all his backstory but he seems to recognize things like the light bow so yeah can't blame him being wary.
Ravio's insistence on ignoring any of the elephants in the room and staying cheery seems to be working on slowly charming a few people :)
Aw man I forgot to draw Sheerow hanging out with "Korok". Sheerow's decided to stick to him 'cause he's been so nervous. He seemed to appreciate a birb friend. (oh also that staircase is like one that edges a HUGE BIG chamber so it took them a bit to climb it. Ravio started whining so "Korok" picked him up hahaha)
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sakuramoussy · 1 year
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I’ve been replaying Hyrule Warriors, and I forgot how much I adore my beloved Ravio and Sheerow.
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cloudiilink · 1 year
I wanted to redraw some old art and this is the first victim of the redraws! Lmao
The top is the new one (peep the sheerow painting <3) and the bottom on is the old one from late September 2021 I think. There's such a difference and it makes me so happy to see ngl
If you're unsure you've improved, redraw old art. It's always an ego booster lmao
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Here's a link to the old art if you wanna go have a look at it btw
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And here's the time lapse of the new one <3
I just want to squish them both ok
Thanks for reading this far <3
....Darn it :o I forgot to add legends freckles how rude of me lmao
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blarefordaglare · 4 months
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(I completely forgot to color sheerow but this is like a lazy doodle so I’m not changing it)
Please note that some of the colors (specifically the Lorule triforce on his wings) may not me the accurate colors!
Also his smile in the reference makes my heart melt
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circusislife · 1 year
pinned presentation post!
I'm Circusislife, I go by Circus here! Feel free to give me a nickname if you want! (Just nothing degradatory, or I WILL be coming for you -_- ) :D
If the name didn't give It away, I love circus! I have been going to circus school since before I was 8yo, have over a decad of experience behind be and counting, and cannot see myself quitting It anytime soon! (I'll become a teacher if that's what It takes, but I'll be old dead and burried before anything will be able to take It from me)
I have adhd (and Will fight haters). Was also Lucky enough to get an early diagnosis, so i have picked up a few tricks here and there to deal with it. Feel free to ask for tips! (And unlock the oversharing mode mwahahahha) :D
Been through too many fandoms to list them all, but the main One Is Legend of Zelda, Linked universe in particular.
I study maths at university and love the subject (but university Is mental even when you like It so sometimes I'll complain, don't Mind me then) ;)
fair warning, I do ramble a lot when I start talking, so be ready for an infodump at random times! (:
I have been first sneaked into the walls then shlorped into the Hurricane Family.(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I'm the Pall Weople parental unit and am called with different variations of circus mother by the other Pall dwellers (except for @/6leafclover, my honorary sibling!<3)
Unless you're a murderer, a bully or kick puppies and kittens for fun, there's not much you can do to make me hate you, so this is a safe space for everyone!
I run the Ravio (and Sheerow) RP blog @ravio-the-merchant . If you want some drama and theatrics It might be fun to check out.
Probably forgot something but It eludes me at the moment, so this Is It for now!
Have a nice time navigating this hostel of Chaos!!!<3
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(animation made by @luckybyrdrobyn <3)
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(^^ from @cal-the-duende dearest gremlin! <3)
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(^^by @triforce-of-mischief)
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lazyowl · 1 year
For the ask game: baby
(I am sorry i forgot about this, I think it was a word for a couple of sentence? I can’t remember so have this instead)
"My baby!" Ravio cried out, nearly pulling his hair out with how hard he was gripping it. He was simply cleaning out the bourse turned shop his counterpart oh so generously let him stay at, when said hero came back angrily holding Sheerow tightly in his hands.
"Your ‘baby’ keep stealing from me! I paid for that bow he had no right to steal it!" Link finally released Sheerow, who flew away, not before giving a few peck to the hero’s hand and head, to place the bow at it’s place on the tables.
"Rented it mr hero! It’s still mine and will be returned to me should you fall in battle, which…" the Lolian looked at the state Hylian was in "seem to have been the case." His body language indicated he had no shame in what he did, but his face said he does have some regret over this arrangement, not that the hero could see of course.
Link seemed displease by this, but still left some rupees on the table before taking the bow back and storming off to probably yet another dungeon, leaving Ravio to check that Sheerow was ok and to stew in his own regret and shame.
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nimsahara · 3 years
I made another Tri-Force Heroes headcannon art because I had a lot of fun drawing the last one. Once again using the official art for reference, this time I decided to have Ravio wearing his usual clothes from a Link Between World and Legend wearing the clothes from Jojo’s reference sheet.
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The shading on this was a little harder for me, but I tried my best. I thought about drawing Legend in multiple outfits from triforce heroes but I couldn’t decide on which one, so I went with his Linked Universe clothes (which are hard to draw in toon style). I modified the sword suit for Fable, so it just doesn’t have the hood (just pretend her hair is in a loose ponytail and the way if flows makes more sense). The first post is here if anyone is curious.
Also, here’s Legend in the Legendary Dress because I had to. I’m not entirely happy with this one because Legend kinda looks like he has a mullet but it kinda suits him at the same time. I tried pulling more details from Zelda’s dress in a Link Between Worlds but it was difficult.
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Ravioli Ravioli Ravioli Ravioli
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