partyswirl · 9 months
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hey guys uh i got the dragon slayer passage on my spearmaster playthrough so i went to shoreline. cause i remembered “oh yeah have to go to lttm!” but. apparently that’s not how you get to lttm in spearmaster? cause it literally dropped me off in the shelter right next to this moon which is not in spearmaster’s timelin state???? right now im just trying to go left to escape shore but my game keeps crashing when i get too far i think???????? im on console maybe it’s related to that. please help -
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
our campus: chapter 8 (tom holland fic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: drinking, drinking, more drinking, mentions of sex
word count: 2.6
a/n: sort of a cliff hanger at the end???? we’ll see what happens! 
as always texts are bolded
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
You slowly opened your eyes and were immediately confused. You were in your room, but you felt someone’s arms around you. 
You drank almost an entire bottle of wine last night, so needless to say, you didn’t really remember anything. You didn’t think you slept with someone… But did you? 
The body groaned, but you still couldn’t figure out who it was because the lights were off and blackout curtains closed. You pushed their shoulder a bit and heard a british voice say “Whaa?” 
“Tom?” You asked incredulously. 
“Good morning, darling,” he said. His voice was raspy and low, so incredibly sexy. 
“What are you doing here? Why are you shirtless, where are my pants?! Did we- ohmigod tell me we didn’t…” 
“You don’t remember?” He asked and you shook your head, still very aware that his arm was around you and your legs were intertwined. “Relax, we didn’t have sex, love. We just hung out and then watched a movie and fell asleep.”
“Then where’s your shirt?” He laughed. 
“You’re wearing it. You were cold and wouldn’t let me leave the bed, so I gave it to you.” You bit your lip, very uncomfortable. It was one thing to sleep with someone and not remember it, but to spend the entire night cuddling? You weren’t a couple, who does that?!
“Oh. I’m sorry.” You said and sat up, untangling your body from his.
“What are you apologizing for?” He asked. 
“I mean… I’m your tutor, we’re just becoming friends, it’s weird for us to-to sleep in the same bed together and-” 
“Y/N, slow down. We’re friends. It’s really not a big deal, totally platonic. I mean, c’mon, you’ve never slept in the same bed as Kyle? Or Emily?” 
“No, I have…” “Then what’s the big deal?” He asked. 
“I guess there isn’t one…” You replied. Tom swung his leg over the side of the bed, stretching and getting his stuff together. You couldn’t help but watch his back muscles flex when he stretched. You wanted to run your fingernails along it. 
“I gotta take care of some stuff, I’ll see you later today?” He asked. You nodded. 
“Sure, I’ll see you later. Wait, Tom!” You said before he could walk out the door.  
“Yes?” He turned back to look at you. 
“You’re, uhm… You need your sweatshirt back.” You started to take it off. 
“I’m only going down two floors. You look comfy anyway.” He said and smiled at you before walking out. 
You lied back down in bed, picking up your phone and checking the alerts. You scrolled through all the drunk texts from last night, laughing at a lot of them. 
♡girly girls♡
whaaaaaat em
em what happened
You rolled your eyes and checked the weather report, unsure of what she was referring to. It was the first weekend in February, so you weren’t expecting your weather app to show you a 100% chance of snow starting in a few hours and lasting until Monday night. 
Y/N we’ll be over at 9 to play games, iz you and i are goin to grab the booze, em youre in charge of food
what am i in charge of? 
dont you have homework? plus were using your room, we can take care of all the stuff
are we inviting anyone else?
thank you for asking i would love to invite harrison
im fine with that if i can invite cal
Cal was the nerdy boy from delt who Isabelle was seeing. It was really low key, they’d only gone on a few dates, and things hadn’t gotten physical yet. 
Y/N! invite tom and we’ll make it a total delt nite !!!
yeah ok ill invite him. were gonna be studying anyway. 
wow i expected more push back
were friends now, it wont be weird. its not like its a quintouple date
it is if one of those delt boys has a gay sister
not interested. besides i doubt more than 7 people can fit comfortably in Y/N’s room
fine ill see you guys tonight.
You hopped in the shower, putting on a pair of leggings and a cropped sweatshirt. You decided to text Tom. 
hey so it looks like its gonna snow i was wondering if we could work at my place instead?
also ive been told to invite you to our game night tonight
interesting, because i was already invited
what took you so long Y/L/N?
sorry i was in the shower
likely story
but yeah that sounds great ill see you in a few hours
A few hours. That’s plenty of time for you to put your glasses on, earbuds in, and really focus on your homework. 
* * *
You were pulled from your law reading by a knock at the door. You opened it, seeing Tom in a soccer tee shirt and gray sweatpants. His hair was wet and he ran his fingers through it. 
You hoped he didn’t see the fact that you bit your lip, but you couldn’t help yourself. He just looked so incredibly sexy. 
“You look... “ His eyes scanned your body and you immediately wrapped your arms around you, insecure. 
“No, you just never wear stuff like this in front of me. You’re always so put together.” 
“Your point?” 
“You look cute, that’s all.” Tom said and walked into the room. He thought you were cute? No, you needed to calm down, he’s the biggest player ever, he didn’t mean anything. Just some accidental flirting. 
“I brought tequila, Harrison said it’s your favorite.” He said and dropped his backpack on the floor and put the tequila on the table where you kept your booze. 
“That’s sweet of you, thank you, it is my favorite.” “Really? I thought he was joking.” “No, why?” 
“You’re just… you’re really something else, Y/N.” He said with a laugh. 
You grabbed your notebooks and started the session, you checking his homework, him redoing the mistakes, and you answering any questions he had about the material. 
“You’ve definitely made an improvement,” you said as you finished reading his essay on the power shifts in England from the 1600s to today. 
“Thank you? I think?” 
“You’re welcome. You’re almost there, but you’re still not incorporating this source correctly.” 
“That’s because that source makes no sense. The writing is so convoluted, it’s mental!” 
“Then why don’t you find a new source?” You asked. 
“Well… I thought I’d be easier if I just stuck with this one.” Normally you would have rolled your eyes at that, but instead you found yourself laughing. 
“Read it again,” You said and handed him the library book he was using as his last source, “And if you still can’t understand it, I can explain it or we can just find a new source.” 
You grabbed your own book, Rage Becomes Her, which you were reading for your Women, Politics, and Public Policy class, and started highlighting right where you left off. 
You both got lost in your books, highlighting and annotating in silence. Every once in a while Tom would stop to ask you about a particular passage. 
It was another hour or so before you both heard a knock on your door. You got up to open it, and as soon as you did Emily burst into the room, Harrison right behind her holding three pizzas. 
“TOM!” Emily said and tackled him in a hug. “It’s so good to see you again!” “I didn’t realize you two had met,” you said and helped Harrison with the pizzas. 
“Just once,” Tom said with a laugh. He made himself comfortable on your bed instead of the floor, Harrison took a seat on your comfy chair and Emily made herself comfortable on his lap. 
“I better leave this unlocked,” you said. “I would offer you guys a drink, but Isabelle and Ally are-” 
“Did someone say something about a drink?” Isabelle said, pushing the door opened. 
“What’s up bitches,” Ally said and put a bottle of wine, svedka, prosecco, and a 30 on the booze table. 
“How long do you guys anticipate this storm lasting, because that is a LOT of booze for 7 people,” you commented. 
“Lighten up, babe, it’s not like we have to drink it all tonight.” Isabelle responded. 
“Better to be safe than sorry.” Ally said with a mischievous grin. They greeted the others in the room when you heard a knock on your door. 
“I heard there was a party happening here?” Cal said as he pushed open the door. You closed it all the way behind him so no one else could stumble in. 
After everyone introduced themselves to each other, Harrison said “So what does everyone want to play first?” 
“Oh, you’re new.” Ally said. “See, we kinda of have an agenda.” “Is that so?” Harrison asked. Emily kissed his cheek. “Tell me more.”
“Well the first time we had a snow day, we took turns picking our favorite games, and then we just stuck with that formula. First is A which means kings,” Isabelle said. “Then Emily, which means never have I ever. Then me, which means truth or dare. And then Y/N.” 
“And what does Y/N pick?” Tom asked.
“Y/N picks poker, of course. But most of the time were too drunk to get there.” Ally said. 
“Yeah I really got the short end of the stick there. It’s a good formula, though.” You replied and grabbed a deck of cards and a beer. 
“Let’s go, boys and girls.” You said. Everyone sat in a circle, the beer in the middle like you were worshipping it, and you spread out the cards in a circle around it. You saw Tom and Harrison exchange a look across the circle. 
“Something wrong?” You asked. 
“Well… Don’t judge us, but we’ve never played this game before. They don’t have it in England.” Everyone else laughed quietly at Harrison’s statement. 
“It’s easy. Everyone picks a card, and each card has an action assigned to it. Ace is waterfall,” You said. 
“Two is you, so you pick someone to drink.” Isabelle said.
“Three is me, so you drink.” Cal said as you went around the circle explaining the rules. 
“Four is floor, so the last person to slap the floor loses.” Emily said. 
“Five is guys,” Ally said. 
“Six is chicks,” You said and the circle started again. 
“Seven is heaven, so last person to touch the ceiling drinks.” 
“Eight is date, so you pick someone and whenever one of you drinks the other has to too, for the rest of the game.” 
“Nine is rhyme, so you go around the circle saying words that rhyme and the person who can’t continue the rhymes drinks.” 
“Ten is categories, so it’s the same as nine but with a category of something, like animals.” 
“Jack is never have I ever.” 
“Queen is questions, so the next person who answers a question they ask drinks.” 
“And finally, king is the ruler, so you make a rule that everyone has to follow until the next king is pulled.” 
“Make sense?” You asked. 
“Not one bit.” Tom responded. 
“You’ll get the hang of it, I promise it gets easier.” You said. “Al goes first.” 
“Why?” Harrison asked. 
“Gay goes first.” The four of you said in unison. The boys looked scared. They had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. 
“One last rule. First drink is a shot of your chosen poison. After that, you can drink whatever you want.” You explained as Isabelle gave each person a shot glass and the handles of hard liquor were passed around.
“Four,” Ally said and everyone slapped the floor except Tom and Harrison. Harrison realized first, so you watched as Tom downed the shot across the circle. He tensed his jaw after, which made you wet already. When he saw you looking at him, he winked at you.
Your turn was next, so you quickly pulled a card, a six, so you and the other girls did your shots and then began to pour yourselves your chosen drinks. For you, that was a second shot of tequila and then a rum and orange soda.
“Two.” Isabelle said with a grin. “I choose our kings sponsor, miss Alexandria Park.” Everyone whooped as Ally dramatically took a sip of her beer. 
“Five,” Cal said. The boys took their shots, except Tom who took a sip of his beer. 
“My turn then?” Tom said and drew a card. “Eight. Which one is that?” 
“Date. You pick someone and for the rest of the game whenever one of you drinks, the other has to too.” Cal explained. Tom looked around the circle, but you already suspected who he was going to pick. 
“Y/N,” he said. “Would you care to be my date?” 
“You’re exhausting, Holland. What, are you trying to get me drunk or something?” That shut him up, right as Harrison said ‘seven’ and everyone reached for the ceiling except Tom, who groaned and complained about having to drink again. 
Cal was the one who finally popped the beer and had to chug it. You put the cards to the side and everyone held up ten fingers, already ready for never have I ever. 
Things started off innocent enough, with Emily sharing that she had never peed in a pool. By the time you all went once and it was Harrison’s turn, he made things more interesting. 
“Never have I ever slept with more than 15 different people.” You and Tom were the only ones who clapped. 
Harrison rolled his eyes. “Jesus fucking christ, it’s like you guys were made for each other.” He commented. Your face got red, which Emily noticed, so she went quickly next. 
You finally lost, getting rid of your ten fingers before anyone else. You were always a bag of secrets, and Tom found himself learning more and more things about you he didn’t know. Like that you had a tattoo, or that you’ve gone skinny dipping, or that you’ve never had a gin and tonic. 
You were all wasted, that was clear. Isabelle was in between Cal’s legs on the floor, leaning her back against his chest. Ally was lying on the couch all by herself, upside down. Harrison was in your big chair with Emily on his lap, and you and Tom were on your bed, you lying on your stomach and him sitting against the headboard. 
“Isabelle, truth or dare?” Cal asked. 
“Dare,” she said, looking back at him. 
“I dare you to ditch your friends and come back to my room with me.” He said. 
Isabelle shared a look with all of you before saying “Sorry guys, I’m not one to turn down a dare.” They grabbed the half-drunk bottle of prosecco on their way out. 
“Al, truth or dare?” Emily asked. This went on until Ally passed out from drinking, still upside down. 
“We’ll get her home.” Harrison said. He picked Ally up as Emily collected their stuff and bid you and Tom good night. You both sat in silence for a few minutes, when Tom’s phone lit up. 
“Do you mind if I chill here for a while? I’ll stay on the couch if you want to go to sleep, but Harrison just said him and Emily want some alone time and her roommate is home.” 
“Of course, I don’t mind.” You responded. You stumbled off the bed, going to pour yourself another drink. 
“Ok, Y/N.” Tom said, moving so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Truth or dare?” You turned to look at him and saw a dark look in his brown eyes. 
“I dare you to kiss me.” 
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cosmicpixel01 · 7 years
The Stains of Yesterday
Hey guys! I dont write much but I really wanted to write something to accompany this piece i drew for @thelostmoongazer​‘s HATIM Au! I probably might have butchered charactization a little bit but heck I had fun with this.
Enjoy the fic! Bendy’s thoughts after getting out of the studio, and going to live with Henry.
In a sleepy, cramped house in the blue-grey neighborhood, Bendy would have never thought to have been relieved by the onset of rain. The worn grandfather clock ticked to the current time of 5:32 am, the ticking of the second hand droning on with the passage of time, time that Bendy somehow wished he could understand.
Just days ago, he would have been scrambling to find some sort of shelter from the rain, wherever he could, he hated when his ink would run and stain the inside of his clothes, it would make them dry and scratchy once they dried off again and it could stay that way for weeks. But now… he was inside of a small, dry house. One that he would call home, had he ever known what that was like in the first place. What he knew of home was seen in the kindness others had shown him, whenever that might have been, whenever it passed by. It made him feel belonged, even if he eventually became bitter, and shrugged it off as an illusion of such. He had always felt so...foreign, in this world where he was told he would never belong… not without him.
The constant rambling of his thoughts had been absolutely maddening lately. He could barely sleep thinking of all that had transpired at the studio; whatever sleep he did manage to aquire was littered with nightmares, a broken record of words and phrases and actions that led to him and his friends being ushered quickly into a tired house with a tired animator; scarred from some sort of horrible mutation that was brought upon him against his will, by none other than his very own creator. All of this in an otherwise quiet town; set to the rhythm of its grandfather clocks. 
What felt like years happened in minutes, did he ever wish he could understand the unforgiving ticking of time.
As thunder sounded, Bendy curled up into the blanket in the strange house. There was a scarce amount of furniture, a thin layer of dust on everything that had yet to be cleared away since Henry’s return. He glanced out of the window which had already begun to gather stray drops of water that had fallen from the sky. Bendy muttered to himself. “Looks like it’s gonna come down pretty hard-”
“AHHHAH!!!” Bendy jumped as the lightning bolt sounded closeby, and he clutched the blanket closer to himself, embarrassed by his outburst, cringing at the sound he felt linger in the quiet room. The noise settled, the clock kept ticking, yet his discomfort remained.
He didn’t deserve to be here. A jumpy mess of a toonish demon; a runaway reject whose every move seemed to have been WRONG somehow. Everything he did, everything he said, everything he felt. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
He stared at his hands, clenching and unclenching his cold fingers.
As if being real ever felt right.
Footsteps padded in from the kitchen, and Bendy turned to face the animator, walking into the living room in a white tank and a pair of grey sweatpants. He’d been recovering slowly, and Bendy had been tending to him, bringing him water and food and changing the sheets and pillow that had been soaked with the ink that Henry’s body was trying to purge itself of. 
Henry’s mutation into...whatever Joey was trying to make of him, had luckily not gone through entirely. This left Henry human… but just barely. And seeing Henry go through the painful aftermath made Bendy’s chest feel heavy.
“You okay?” Henry asked, leaning against the doorframe for support. His face and shoulders were decorated with vein-like patterns of black, permanently infused into his skin and staining his blood vessels. His body chemistry was permanently altered by the events at the studio, pain etching itself through his body with the ink and his blood constantly trying to figure out which one belongs.
“Yeah,” Bendy shrugged, holding the blanket against himself. “M’ fine, sorry if I woke ya. I get s’a little early fer me to be shoutin like a banshee.” Bendy feigned a smile, but it wavered seeing Henry trying to hide his concern. He looked back down at his feet, which were dangling over the edge of the couch.
“Considering Boris won’t even leave the covers, you’re no trouble. Keh heh heh. *cough* Cough* *sigh* heh.” Henry tasted ink with his coughs, and took the handkerchief out from his pocket to wipe away the taste. Bendy said nothing. “So, how’d you sleep?” As if Henry even needed to ask. 
The toon had barely slept a wink since that last night at the studio; between taking care of him and helping his toon friends get adjusted to the real world, he’d been stress melting for the last week over seemingly inconsequential slip-ups, and the grey circles under his eyes had been getting more and more apparent. “I slept okay. It’s raining pretty hard.” Bendy said mesmerized, gazing out at the sky.
“Yeah, I uh, gathered that.” Henry joked, somewhat disappointed when Bendy didn’t catch on and call him out, nor reciprocate his sarcasm. Bendy liked to remain light-hearted, as was his cartoonish nature, so whatever he was thinking about had to have been pretty serious. Walking into the kitchen, Henry started on a cup of coffee, putting on the kettle and pouring spoons of instant coffee into a mug. He peered into the fridge to find something to eat, but everything had to be cooked, and he wasn’t feeling up to it at the moment. He picked up the Egg carton, noting the drips of black ink on the top, probably from when Bendy attempted to make breakfast the other day. Successful in cooking... if the goal was half-burned, yet simultaneously half-raw eggs and a glass of milk.
Feeling a pang in his chest, he gripped the front of his shirt and quietly shut the door to the fridge, coughing into his handkerchief to see a large blot of ink dripping from his mouth. He slipped his hand under his shirt, feeling across the large, jagged scar. Where his heart was was where most of the pain was concentrated. He remembered that Bendy told him it might be doing that because it’s filtering out a particularly bad patch of blood; but it didn’t make the process any more enjoyable. He spat into the sink and got a cup of water, but could barely keep it down before he violently started coughing again. “Henry?” Bendy called out from the living room, hearing Henry hacking up a lung. “You okay? I can bring ya the coffee when it’s done if ya wanna stay in bed fer a little while longa’!” After clearing his throat and stifling the last of the coughs, Henry called back. “No it’s fine! *Cough* I need to get back up on my feet more around this house anyway; *cough! cough*” “Ya Shore?” Bendy questioned, still concerned. Henry wiped the ink from the side of his mouth, and went to the doorway, giving Bendy a wary smile and a thumbs up. He didn’t want to let himself get back to bed so easily, besides, Bendy sucked at making coffee.
Bendy couldn’t help but smirk; he was a resilient old man, he gave him that. Resilient, or just stubborn as all hell, he thought to himself. Whatever it was, it worked.
After a couple of minutes, Henry walked into the living room and looked over at Bendy, who was watching the rain fall on the window. “Mind if I join ya?” Henry asked, holding up the cup of coffee and motioning to the couch. Bendy silently scooted over and Henry sat next to him, gazing out at the window as well. “Ya cold?” Bendy asked, nothing the breath that wafted into the air with each word. Henry waved him off, leaning against the couch cushion comfortably.
“Don’t worry, I’m not actually… that cold at all. Heh, who knew demonic rituals could uh, make a guy- not that cold? Yeah I didn’t know where I was going with that either- Just uh, tryna make conversation...” Henry coughed uncomfortably, trying to shrug off his awkward remark. He noticed Bendy was looking at his hands; the black, inky veins clearly visible in this cold weather.
He looked down at his left palm, a solid, black inky spot that radiated to his fingers, try as he might he couldn’t wash it away, and trying acetone had been a mistake that he wished to not have a repeat of. He shifted his right hand uncomfortably, remembering the insatiable burning sensation, reminiscent of alcohol on an open wound, only much, much worse. Turning to Bendy he saw the little devil staring right at him.
Bendy turned his gaze quickly to the outside, though Henry saw he clutched the blanket a little tighter. Henry shifted on the couch, sitting up a little straighter. He felt at the sides of his eyes, knowing that the ink had turned his sclera a light shade of grey, his iris almost completely black, a stark difference pale hazel it was. It was a jarring difference.
“...Hey,” Henry started, “it wasn’t your fault you know. You couldn’t have known he would do that. He isn’t…. Joey wasn’t right in the head.” Bendy continued to stare out the window, yet he had curled his tail around himself at the mention of Joey’s name. “I… I let myself get tricked by him, I followed the letter inside, and... I let curiosity get the best of me and I-”
“If it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t yours neither.” Bendy snapped, turning to Henry. Henry gazed at him, not expecting him to respond in that way. Seeing his expression, Bendy turned away from Henry, biting his tongue, he seemed somewhat ashamed by his impulsive statement.
“No hey, you’re right, you know? It wasn’t my fault, I’m sorry.” Henry said nothing, waiting for Bendy to break the silence.
“No,” Bendy started, a sigh in his voice. “I’m sorry, don’t ya get it ya big lug? ...I can’t stop thinkin ‘bout… what he said.” Bendy sighed, letting the blanket fall off his shoulders as he turned his eyes back to the window, to the direction of the old studio. “I ran away, it was ME who decided to do that. An’ I left my friends behind so that- that monster- could do hell knows what ta them. They told me to leave but if I had just- if I had just t-tried harda’...”
Bendy let out a sharp exhale, as if the air in his throat  was beginning to choke him. He swallowed, holding his glove to his eyes. “And then you-” his breathing wavered a bit and he pressed his eyes against the couch, a dribble of ink starting to form on his temple. “Ya looked so scared- And I’m…. ‘M sorry…” He started to shake and Henry held his shoulders, feeling Bendy flinch slightly in his hands.
“Shh hey, no one’s making you talk okay? You don’t owe me an explanation.” Henry let go of Bendy’s shoulders and Bendy looked at him, waiting for him to say something. Henry didn’t know what else to say, but made an attempt. “Look uh…. Geez, I know what happened back there was…. God dammit, it was fucking horrible okay? It was an absolute goddamn nightmare, for everyone, for all of us. And I know you don’t want me to sugarcoat it either; but believe me when I tell you that nothing that happened was YOUR fault.” Henry said, pushing a finger into Bendy’s chest accusatorily. Bendy flinched into the motion, but scowled up at henry indignantly. “What do you think would have happened if you stayed? Joey would have needed a sacrifice eventually, it was only a matter of time before he brought me to the studio. All that would have happened is you would have suffered; and hell, you might have even gone crazy! Been turned into god knows what Joey was trying to turn you into!”
“Well MAYBE, tha’s wha woulda been fer the best!” Bendy snapped, standing up on the couch, snarl in his jaw. He started at the confused and surprised look in Henry’s eyes, yet he didn’t stop looking at the animator. He sat back down, tense, and let the blanket fall down around his shoulders. “Then you woulda killed me, and I’d be better off like that, rather than havin’ been scamperin’ around this town like a rat for the last thirty years. I never belonged, anywhere.” Bendy looked down at his hands, bandages falling off of his old gloves. “And I still don’t belong. Not with you, not with Boris and Alice… maybe the studio really was where I was supposed to be, maybe that place was all I was. And now it’s just-”
Bendy stopped abruptly seeing Henry sit up, and he flinched hard, gritting his teeth. He shut his eyes, mind going through everything he must've done wrong and how he was about to be retaliated against. After fearful moment, he realized Henry had taken him up into a firm, yet caring, embrace.
He untensed slowly, letting his fists unclench themselves, and his heartbeat slow down. He sat dazed, dissociating for a moment before feeling moisture on his shoulder, and a sob rise up in Henry’s throat. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Henry as well, trying to fight back tears that threatened themselves as they welled up in his pie-cut black eyes.
“Now come on…” Bendy started, voice starting to waver. “Now… wh-why are YOU cryin’, old man?” Henry sniffed, and held onto Bendy tighter.
“I never would have wanted to just kill you, Bendy. I couldn’t have just done that; not as easily as you would have thought.” Henry said, breathing heavily. The sobs made it harder to breathe, but he didn’t want to let go. “You’re not just better off dead; I don’t know what he told you or what he did but it’s n-not- true. He’s a fucking liar, nothing but a liar.” He held Bendy’s shoulders and Bendy looked to him, shocked at his change in disposition. “I designed you Bendy. I poured my heart into your design; your personality. You were meant to be so much…. Energetic, happy-go-lucky, mischevious and fun-loving- But all of it just went so wrong…” His shoulders became heavy, and he lightly ran his thumb across Bendy’s cheek. “He really hurt you, didn’t he?”
Those last words rang through Bendy’s ears like the sound of a clock striking the hour. He held his chest and clenched his teeth, shaking his head before burying himself into the animator’s shoulder. He sobbed heavily, and Henry held onto him, letting him let it out. Bendy couldn’t handle it, what transpired at the studio, the reminders of everything Joey had done before, the years of lost hope and pessimism and hunger… all those years of just trying to make it as an outcast, and now, he just couldn’t handle needing to come to grips with reality, a reality he’s been skirting on the edge of for nearly 30 years.
What he tried to say came out as incoherent rambling, about Joey, about Boris, Alice, about Henry and about the guilt he felt. He rambled about his fear, anxiety, and what he couldn’t explain, a heaviness that he couldn’t put a finger on.
He felt as if Henry was going to disappear, and he would wake up on a street corner somewhere, needing to find a place to dodge out the rain. It’s just what he was used to, it’s what felt familiar. But instead Henry wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, and wiped the ink running down his cheeks softly as Bendy’s breathing calmed down, and even offered him something to warm to drink.
It felt alien to have someone there. He felt undeserving of it all, and yet as he looked down into the cup of hot chocolate that Henry put in his hands, he felt warm inside. Someone who cared about him. He knew that feeling once, but it quickly soured with time. But looking at Henry’s face, the look of concern even while he was at this low point, one he never saw on Joey; it made Bendy feel just a little more real.
They sat in the living room in silence, while Bendy quietly sipped his cocoa, and Henry his coffee, as the sky greyed a little more, as the sun shined behind the rainclouds.
“Th...thanks.” Bendy said, breaking the silence. Henry smiled, and Bendy smiled back, genuinely.
“It’s the least i can do. Trust me on this.” 
After a few more moments, Henry spoke up again. “So, *cough* I know you don't want to go into detail, and that’s okay. But, you’ve been very distant lately. Is there anything particular on your mind?”
Bendy didn’t stop looking over into the direction of the studio, still holding the cup tightly even after he drank the last of its contents. His tail slowly curled around him, and he glanced down into his reflection on the porcelain.
“Joey.” He stated plainly. Just hearing his name, even out of his own lips, stirred such an indescribable discomfort in him. Henry’s eyebrows rose in surprise ever-so-slightly, and Bendy gazed back out the window. “Eva since I left, it felt like that studio was tryna draw me back. Somehow, in some way, I always felt the need to go back there.” He fidgeted slightly, and put the cup in the floor, laying his hands in his lap. “As if… it really was my home. That it really was where I was meant to be.”
Henry wanted to say something, but knew Bendy wasn’t done saying his piece. He sat still, slightly leaned in as he sat. Waiting, listening.
“Joey… he told me this. He wouldn’t let me forget. ‘The studio is where you’re meant to be, Bendy.’,‘You can’t escape your past, ink demon.”... Y..’You belong to me, Bendy.’ an’ I just…. Can’t stop thinking about it.” Bendy wiped a bit of nervous, dripping ink off with his two index fingers, and gazed at them as a shadow seemed to fall over his face. “I could control the ink, only in the studio could I do that. I was connected to it. An’... it really did feel like, that was where I was meant to be. He clenched his fist, looking at the blanket which he then clutched against his body.
“No matta how much I hated every bit of it.”
“An even if that isn’t where I am now- Even if it’s not home to me anymore- I know that the past is what makes ya… an’- I don’t wanna BE made of- that. I don’t want t-to- think all I am was Joey’s- runaway demon’. The devil that made him do those things.”
“Bendy,” Henry sighed, “it’s…. Well it’s OKAY to feel like you belonged there. It was the only place you knew. It’s where you, well ‘grew up’ I guess, god I’m, I’m not good at the reassuring thing; sorry about that.” Henry shifted on the couch, leaning back and staring at the ceiling. “But, I think I kinda get what you mean. Even if it was bad, it’s not like you have much to compare it to. Yours was what we’d call a ‘hard knock life.’”
“Wha’s that?” 
“Well basically, it’s when life kicks you down, and then things just kind of pile up after that and you’re not really sure what getting up feels like, because you’re just always in the gutter? Not, like, literally, though. It’s more of a metaphorical thing.”
“Can ya be a tad more clea’?”
“Well your life, frankly, has been shit.”
Bendy’s eyes widened at the blunt statement and he suddenly snickered at that, in a sort of self-deprecating kind of way. “Yeh, heh, can’t argue wit that.” He scratched his chin, smiling to himself. In a way it was  just, kind of reassuring to hear that all the terrible things he’d gone through were, in fact terrible. That he lived a “hard knock life”, and that nobody was trying to sugarcoat it.
“But, ya know,” Henry started. Bendy looked back up to him, and Henry rubbed the back of his head. “You, well, you have a home here now. So, maybe we can change your whole, shitty life thing? That is, if you’d like to stay. Boris and Alice are welcome to stay too, you know.” Bendy’s tail swung behind him slowly, taking in what Henry said.
“Wh… ya-ya really mean that? You’ll let me stay here?!”
“Well, yeah. I’ll of course ask Alice and Boris too, but for however long you want to stay, my home is your home. I can’t just leave you guys-” Henry stopped as Bendy pulled him into a firm hug, burying his face into his shoulder, unable to hide the wide smile that spread across his face, and the tears that pricked the sides of his eyes.
A surprised Henry reciprocated the hug, grinning softly at the toon, who couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “Hey come on now, we’ve had enough waterworks for one day, don’t you think?” Bendy laughed, wiping his eyes with his palm.
“Psh, I ain’t crying; Ts’ the humidity er somethin’... allergies. I’m tired. Yadda yadda.” Bendy smiled at Henry, a genuine, happy smile. “Thanks… ol’ man.”
Henry patted Bendy’s head, smiling in return.
“Heh, your welcome. There’s that award-winning smile.”
A rumble of thunder sounded outside, and Bendy stared at the sky as the rain picked up in intensity. Droplets of rain cascaded down the pane, pooling at the sill and dripping off into the back porch. Bendy shivered, a cool breeze passing through the room, and he pulled the blanket over to himself.
“Keheheh *cough* bet you you’re glad I saved ya from that rain, huh?” Henry needled at the little devil, nudging his side. Bendy cocked an eyebrow and offered a teasing smirk.
“Ayy hey hey fat chance ol’ man! I’m the one who saved YOUR butt, rememba’?” Bendy pointed a finger toward Henry, and Henry pushed it away, with a sarcastic eyeroll accompanying the playful gesture.
“Yeah yeah, sweating the little details… I’m glad you’re here too.” Henry smiled tiredly at the little devil in front of him, and Bendy smiled too, sighing softly. He rested his head on Henry’s chest, hearing his slow, calming heartbeat. It was slower than the ticking of the clock, slower than a normal heart too; but nevertheless, Henry made him feel safe.
He yawned, tail curling over the edge of the couch, and his eyelids got heavy on him as he laid his head on his arms. It wasn’t long before he had dozed to sleep, the sound of raindrops on the sill and on the roof above his head.
Henry watched the rise and fall of the little devil’s chest as he laid on him, noting how tired the poor guy was. He’s only been taking care of him and his sorry ass for the last week, it was no wonder the guy practically passed out from exhaustion. Henry worried, how was he going to be able to handle the toons? He would need to clean out that guest room somehow, find space for the three of them, need to figure out how to get them adjusted to life outside the studio, all it’s brightness and loudness it’s tendency to be overwhelming, even to a seasoned veteran like himself. He glanced over at the clock; it was nearing 6 am. Has it only been half an hour? His coffee had barely even gotten cold.
He laid his hand on Bendy’s head as he snored softly, and watched the rain wash away the stains of yesterday. They would figure things out. In time.
Thank you for reading! Comments are always appreciated!! I tried!! haha
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random quotes i dont want to lose
I KNOW I EVEN LOOKED UNDER THE VOLCANOE!!-me talking about missing crab :( it was shiny and RIGHT THERE...so i hugged it-katie a Dumb: "Epic fail," a phrase used to make fun of someone's failed attempts, written by people living in their parents' basements. Dumb: "It's like a car crash, you can't look away," a crude attempt at justifying having terrible tastes in entertainment. If you fall off the Sears Tower, just go limp and pretend you're a dummy and maybe someone will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.-owlcity Few things in this funny world make me laugh harder than Patrick Star. That silly little sea star is hilarious.-owlcity My buddy asked me to look after his pet goose while he was away. The goose and I watched movies and went for rides on my motorcycle.-owlcity Have u ever run out of toilet paper & tried wiping yourself with the empty cardboard tube? I just tried 4 u. Doesn't fly right.-dane cook did you just try to shoot me with the wii remote?-mariah **on a horse** dont grab on to me-me i have to or ill fall off!-mariah TUCK&&ROLL mariah tuck and roll-me PRINCE CHARMING: knows all the words to the veggie tales songs :) Ghandi once said that what ever you do in life is insignificant, but that it's very important that you do it. I tend to agree with the first part.-remember me "if i wasn't watching a sad movie right now there would be a hole in the wall..." "what movie?" "saving private ryan" "oh NICE" wait. we arent going outside for a tornado drill?-sammie t. "whoa turn your torch down hot rod" koss boss taylor swift songs are what every girl wants to say justin bieber songs are what every girl wants to hear This is for the people who fought for this country and died so that we could vote. This is for all the people who live their life with love and this is for the people who live their lives in hatred because they're only trying to be loved. This is for all the believers and non believers and for our future generations who will get to vote because of the people who have fought for this country and most of all this is for the people whose main goal in life is to make this world and this country far better then it has ever been- stevie wonder "a lot of people ask me 'hey duncan are you sure you know how to fix buses' and what i say to them is no i don't but i did stay at a holiday inn last night" "If there is an eternal heaven, may it be blessed by horses, especially those who have arrived there via hard passage. And if there is an eternal hell, may the gyps, barbers, and butchers enjoy there stay"-the horse god buit "holy crap the swat teams guns are HUGE" "HOW BIG?!?!" "like the size of two louies!"-marian My stomach yearneth for the ubiquitous golden arches of burgerdom. my second fear in life is pooping while giving birth.- krissy. because i took karate-ALYSSA HA! because your asian-me always be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle we stopped checking for monsters underneath our beds because we realized they were inside us At a certain part in your life. Probably when too much of it has gone by. You will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are. Especially for everything that made you so different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself, "But I am this person." And in that statement, that correction, there will be a kind of love. everything is amazing and no one is happy also realized today that she reminds me of my mother and i dont like it- alyssa johnson GINA the trees say something-mariah what do they say?-me .....ronald.-mariah Did you see that guy in the car-mariah no...why-gina he was KINDA attractive-mariah i slept in castles and fell in love because i was taught to dream ♥ "one day this year... we will have a conversation.."-mariah or one day he will transfer to a different class because he thinks youre mute-me you cant even imagine the heart attacks ive had, the hot flashes that have burned me, or the awkward moments that i have been through and rofl that could also be the case-mariah when i saw you i fell in love, and you smiled because you knew- william shakespeare rice is a great thing if youre hungry and want to eat two thousand of something I love photos, because the best thing about it is that it never changes even when the person in it does the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do i lie awake but im still a dreamer to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exsist thats all. even after all this time the sun never says to the earth "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky-Hafiz Art is our only salvation from the horror of existence when i was a little girl i used to read fairy tales. in fairy tales you meet prince charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so your always know who his is. Then you grow up and you realize that prince charming is not as easy to find as you thought. you realize the bad guy is not wearin a back cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair.- Taylor Swift we never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public it's like pull my finger except it's pull my tail and _______-mariah *playing tennis ball lands on the line* Me-is it out if it lands on the line? Mariah - well... in wii tennis it's in Mariah-movie night? Me-heh. at your grandma's? outside? facing he who shall not be name's house? *mariah talking about being hungry and having no food* But I need sustenance-Mariah eat your words. they're big-me "it's always those people who seem so happy all the time, so you never suspect it... I just want to be there for them, because no one deserves to feel so hopeless that living becomes unnecessary..." "there's no string in my pants and I think my underwear is showing"- Mariah "I don't know the actual meaning of maturity, but for me maturity is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back" "and if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer because there is something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who told you to quit" "Great horses are not often easy horses. They have big egos and idiosyncrasies and quirks and foibles. Horses of a lifetime do exist, but only for riders so skillful, tactful, and courageous that they can unlock and then reveal the brilliance of their equine partners.” — Denny Emerson "If you want to know what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph" “I have about a kajillion faults but I love really hard. I cry a lot. I laugh a lot too and sometimes make other people laugh so hard their stomachs hurt. I care about every single living thing this galaxy has cooked up and am passionate about the life that surged through their veins or roots. I will help, always, if asked. I can speak in lots of accents, maybe not well, but I do it anyway. I believe in miracles living in ordinary things and I am not afraid of death. I am not so great at crowds. I wish on superstitious things. I write a lot, and am still baffled you read…I think we are going to be ok. I think we have work to do.” "Never wish anything away. Not even the pain, it’s here for a reason. If you ask for a sign, expect it to come. And if you find someone you love, keep them close, forever, in whatever way you can." "Crushes—the best and worst parts about being single. A lot of people think it’s the nights, but I still find hope in the darkness, magic even; it’s easier for me to imagine a sweeter ending when the stars are out." "Something inside of me died quite a while ago. But it could come back. I could." There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.— Zayn Malik
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