#Horror Vanguard
monsata · 1 year
"The people who are, right now, while they're listening to this episode, outlining their next Sonic the Hedgehog mpreg fiction are doing more for society than every landlord who has ever lived."
- Ash, Horror Vanguard, 267 - Skinamarink
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
me, my sister, and my ma literally sobbing during 'somewhere that's green' lisTEN
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Great podcast about one of my favorite horror movies that contains the (paraphrased by me) point that -
‘The thing making all the children missing is not the queer vampires, it’s straight society ignoring and not making space for them. The problem is not the gay vampires’
and that the boardwalk culture from the movie could be read as a criticism of the enclosure of the commons and comparing this 80s scene to today’s world, look at how there used to be spaces for teens and young adults to hang out and now a lot of that is gone!
They also talk about children’s abolition, found families, ball culture, the 80s politics, 80s queer culture, the right-wing school litter box conspiracy, horror and comedy, etc.
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johnleavittlives · 1 year
In which I make the argument that the 1992 Suoer Mario Bros movie is Good Actually as well notes on camp, real estate, Fiona Shaw’s willingness to go hard, when sub-text stops being sub and the laser bean that make you a Leninist.
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heartscrypt · 4 months
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errr ahhh um. cfv twst au upon ye (content made for me and only me)
if u couldn't tell kai here is twisted from the beast from beauty and the beast b/c i wanted to make him go through the horrors. i am normal about him
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Dark Folk, Dark Vanguard
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[The “dark folk” -> “caligni” is another retcon that Paizo made towards the tail end of PF1e in order to distance themselves from the OGL. I don’t dislike it, unlike the “arboreals”; it makes sense to me that they would have an endonym. Still, I’m using the dark folk category for the purposes of keeping this new one, from Bestiary 3, in line with the previous dark folk I’ve made.]
Dark Folk, Dark Vanguard CR 5 LE Humanoid (dark folk) This humanoid figure is clad in bands of dark metallic armor, some of which seem to be growing into its skin. It has no eyes, only hollow pits, but seems to sense you effortlessly. It carries a massive two-handed sword.
The dark folk consider variances in births to be omens of great importance, and the dark callers watch especially for those caligni born without eyes. These are taken from their parents at an early age and raised as dark vanguards; trained to use echolocation with their ears and delicate wires of metal implanted alongside armor plating. The dark vanguards are the elite warriors of the caligni, and serve their callers unquestioningly.
A dark vanguard is an obvious combatant by dark folk standards. They are capable of being stealthy, but prefer a forward assault, if only to let less physically strong combatants the opportunity to set up positions. They are trained in martial weapons and teamwork feats, and can temporarily grant their allies teamwork feats as well. They can weave a mantle of shadows around their blades in order to temporarily blind opponents, who are then easy meat for the sneak attacks of dark creepers or stalkers. When slain, they explode, the jagged metal in their bodies being repurposed from defense to offense for one last spiteful strike.
Dark Vanguard     CR 5 XP 1,600 LE Medium humanoid (dark folk) Init +3; Senses blindsight 60 ft., blind, Perception +13 Defense AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (-1 Dex, +2 natural, +8 armor) hp 52 (7d8+21) Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6 DR 5/slashing or piercing; Immune gaze effects, visual spells and effects Weakness vulnerable to sonic Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee masterwork greatsword +11 (2d6+7/19-20) Ranged masterwork composite longbow +4 (1d8+5/x3) Special Attacks death throes, shadowed blade, tactician Statistics Str 20, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 13 Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 19 Feats Broken Wing Gambit (B), Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Skills Bluff +7, Climb +15, Perception +13, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth Languages grafted armor, martial training Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary, pair or troop (3-8) Treasure standard (masterwork greatsword, masterwork composite longbow [+5 pull], 40 arrows, other treasure) Special Abilities Blindsight (Ex) A dark vanguard’s blindsight is based on hearing and vibrations. If it is deafened, it is treated as if it had blindsense instead. Death Throes (Su) When a dark vanguard dies, it explodes. All creatures in a 10 foot radius take 6d6 points of damage, half of which is fire and half of which is piercing (Reflex DC 16 half). The vanguard’s grafted armor is destroyed in this explosion, but its other gear remains intact. The save DC is Constitution based. Grafted Armor (Ex) A dark vanguard gains a +8 armor bonus to its AC without an armor check penalty or reduced movement speed. Martial Training (Ex) A dark vanguard is proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Shadowed Blade (Su) As a standard action, a dark vanguard may channel shadows onto its blade and make a melee attack. A creature struck with this attack must succeed a DC 14 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma based. Tactician (Ex) A dark vanguard gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. As a standard action twice per day, it may grant a teamwork feat that it possesses to all allies within 30 feet that can sense them. The allies do not need to meet the prerequisites for the feat. This granted feat lasts for 6 rounds. A dark vanguard is treated as being a 5th level cavalier for the purposes of the tactician ability, and if it takes levels in cavalier, its cavalier level stacks with this ability.
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moddeerling · 24 days
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Aka: Naoki, why ur dreams so scary dawg
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Edgelord of the Day #39:
Яeversed Toshiki Kai
Series: Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker
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invalidmanokit · 3 months
the black tree virus (mlp infection AU by someone I forget rn), but it's for humans and it's cod characters
What caused this thought was a dream that Wade and Mateo were infected and were in the stage where the roots stop them from moving so they hugged and awaited death in each other's arms so they would die together
(also, does anyone have any info on Cloud Rot? That one was genuinely disturbing it was awesome like holy shit!)
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
can't remember if i've posted this before or not but pls enjoy an anti-capitalist take on little shop of horrors
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starburstsobsessions · 10 months
tw eyestrain colors no gif/minor body horror
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I wanna run against the world that's turnin' I'd move so fast that I'd outpace the dawn I wanna be gone I wanna run so far, I'd beat the mornin' Before the dawn has come, I'd block the sun If you want it done
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yumilattea · 10 months
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Phantom :D
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jackrussle · 2 years
Any links to a Supernatural podcast that involves critical discussion because I’ve been going nuts from the amount of podcasts I like that have randomly brought it up. Unrelated to that I started this homestuck pod and I need 1 of these well read leftists to suck it up and do this for spn RIGHT NOW!!! The only spn pod I've listened to was sinophobic first episode in
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buldrokkastee · 2 years
Petition for Arknights Corporate to release an Aegir vanguard so I can finally stop dragging Thorns’ boyfriend along with the Bloodborne crew in IS2
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hausofmoon · 1 year
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Charisse Moon & Rebecca Ricardo Are Back On Screen Together In The New Horror/Comedy 'Death Becomes Her'!
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tobiasdrake · 15 days
Here we go. It's time to talk about my personal fave. As I said before, this is my Main. In Dragon Ball fighting games, this is the character I seek out to play whenever the roster allows. Also arguably the character who's been done the most dirty by just about every form of Dragon Ball, manga included.
The vanguard of a brand new status quo and a brand new direction for what Dragon Ball would even be, washed away by the tides of a status quo resetting to zero.
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We're here to talk about the champion of Satan City who carries the spirit of Dragon Ball in her heart: Videl.
(And that is one cookie to @jcogginsa who guessed it.)
Videl was a kid with a chip on her shoulder. I mean. How could you not be? Her father was the legendary world martial arts champion who famously defeated Cell seven years ago.
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Don't pay attention to that. He just tripped for a moment. Once he got his second wind, he came right back and showed Cell what for! It was due entirely to Mr. Satan and nobody else that the Earth was spared from the apocalyptic horror that is Cell.
Look, he even said so himself.
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Are you gonna call that man a liar? The man who defeated Cell!? I think we can trust Satan's word over yours.
This is the shadow that Videl grew up under. Raised in what had previously been called Orange City, but was renamed Satan City in honor of the world's greatest hero.
Or "Hercule City/Herculopolis" in the versions that edit out Satan's name.
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As his daughter, Videl has a perspective on Satan that neither the world nor the audience gets to see: He's a womanizing playboy who cashes in on his world-savior fame for booty.
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He also forbids his teenage daughter from dating by putting up the stipulation that any boy interested in her has to be stronger than him, the world champion - A stipulation naturally designed to weed out any possible suitors through intimidation. Wanna date Videl? FISTFIGHT THE MAN WHO DEFEATED CELL.
Oh, but he doesn't teach her a goddamn thing; At least, not anymore, as she does suggest there was once a time when he was her mentor. She's forced to study martial arts entirely on her own because her dad is utterly disinterested in her development in the art.
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This is an angle on Satan we never get to see onscreen. Apparently he's pretty shitty about women. You know, I can believe that.
Videl, when we meet her, is trapped in an unenviable position as a martial artist. She hates what the fame of being a legend has done to her dad and wants to knock him down a peg, but she has no foundation to develop her abilities from. The one man who's supposed to be teaching her isn't doing it, and she's been passively discouraged from pursuing more esoteric martial arts because the world champion said that stuff's all fake.
Videl makes for a fascinating foil to Gohan, because they're both children living in the shadows of legendary fathers.
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Gohan is expected to be Goku's successor, but wants to live a peaceful life of academia. Meanwhile, Videl is being denied the ability to become Mr. Satan's successor, but craves the opportunity to prove herself.
Nonetheless, both of these kids are prodigies. Videl has a wealth of potential. She doesn't even realize that, despite these limitations, she surpassed her father long ago. Despite being a self-taught teenager with zero comprehension of ki cultivation, Videl hones her skills and developers her art the only way that's available to her: By punching it out with armed robbers in the region.
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Backpack Town isn't even her city! She's a one-woman SWAT team for the tri-state area.
As ambitious and driven as she is, Videl is also clever. The anime extrapolates the adventures of the Great Saiyaman into a several-episode arc as Gohan deftly avoids detection by Videl over and over again, but this has the knock-on effect of depriving Videl of one of her best moments.
Because she pegs him instantly. She was already suspicious of Gohan being the mysterious "Golden Warrior", when he tried to use his Super Saiyan form to disguise himself as a superhero.
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Which also showed that she was open-minded about the other people who fought Cell. Satan says they were doing a bunch of tricks, but Videl's willing to consider the possibility that there exist people who can turn blond on command.
And then Gohan did this shit.
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Because he was raised in the woods by the devil and Goku. Despite trying to keep a low profile, he has absolutely no idea what the baseline for ordinary human ability is.
So. Y'know.
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That's pretty fucking suspicious.
Which brings us to Gohan's second outing as Great Saiyaman, and his first meeting with Videl under his new identity. Whereupon she, uh....
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Plays him like a fucking sap. It's a great moment that doesn't get its due if it takes several episodes and misadventures for her to reach this point. Videl is exceptionally skilled in the field of paying attention to that time Gohan jumped thirty feet in the air and naturally drawing conclusions from it.
And also his voice and posture and other dead giveaways. Gohan sucks at secret identities.
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He's just. So obviously Gohan. There's no way anyone would be fooled by this.
But she's not only adequate at seeing things with her eyes; She's also a legitimately brilliant martial artist in her own right. Due to her upbringing, she's had zero experience with ki cultivation for obvious reasons.
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And yet she's talented enough and smart enough to pick up the basics of Bukujutsu in one day.
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Oh, don't mind her; That's just Videl making a mockery of Tsuru-senryu by effortlessly devouring their signature technique. This is Goku's first Kamehameha all over again.
She may have started small but Videl learns fucking fast. She has all of the drive and the ambition that Gohan lacks. She wants to be part of this world, she has a ravenous hunger for self-improvement, she's clever and observant, and she picks up concepts insanely quickly.
Videl is fucking primed to be a key player in Dragon Ball's next generation.
So now we need to talk about what happened to Videl.
Videl has one major fight in the entire series: Her 25th Tenkaichi Budokai bout against Spopovich.
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Which she absolutely dominates. She's stronger, better, and faster than Spopovich. Even the experienced martial artists agree that she's infinity times better than him in every way.
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But there's something wrong with Spopovich. He's a decent martial artist, far from the top; He'd competed in the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai and made it through the qualifiers, but was eliminated in the first round. So, y'know, he had no chance in hell against Videl; She's already surpassed Mr. Satan, who won the 24th legitimately.
Uh, by virtue of none of the Kame-senryu or their rivals attending. Mr. Satan is top dog of the same weight class as Pamput from the 22nd.
But, despite being outclassed in every category, Spopovich is also a dead man walking.
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He's similar to the Androids in a sense. Spopovich has no ki signature at all, nor does he get worn down by the damage he's taking. This is Vegeta vs. 18 and Piccolo vs. 17 all over again; He isn't feeling the pain from the hits she's landing on him, and so he's able to outlast.
But Spopovich isn't an Android. He's more like a zombie?
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At one point, Videl cuts loose and breaks his goddamn neck. Because he's pushing her hard enough that she realizes she needs to go harder, but his body can't take harder. He isn't a match for her. He just. Isn't going down despite not being a match for her.
He can't take this level of force. But he and his ominously vacant absence of ki can put his head right back where it was and continue the fight, no problem. That's honestly scarier than if he'd regenerated.
Also despite not even having the barebones ki signature of a normal person, Spopovich can perform Bukujutsu and fire ki attacks.
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Which a fighter of his meager ability shouldn't even be capable of.
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All of this adds up to an unwinnable fight for Videl and the setup to... Something. This match has been criticized pretty heavily in the fandom because it gets pretty gruesome and doesn't have a payoff.
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We've seen fights go fucking bad for our heroes before. Piccolo once broke all of Goku's arms and legs as well as shooting a hole in his chest, right here in this same arena.
But it's typically building to something. When our heroes get trashed, it's the lead-up to a reversal down the road. Maybe in the same fight. Maybe in a later one. And we seem to be heading in that direction?
After Spopovich and Yamu leave the tournament, we get VIdel a Senzu and she's right as rain.
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Spopovich and Yamu steal energy from Gohan and fly off to Babidi's Ship so they can awaken Majin Buu. Kaioshin recruits the various protags to make that not be a thing that happens. And then. Something switches in the narrative flow of this arc.
You can feel it happen.
As our heroes prepare to pursue Spopovich and Yamu, Videl volunteers to join in as well. She's had her eyes opened to a whole new world or possibilities and is hungry to develop her abilities.
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And. Then. One chapter later. It's suddenly decided that Videl will not be a part of this storyline after all, and she basically leaves the plot forever.
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WHOOPS! Never mind! Didn't want this character here after all. Go home, Videl.
While her adversary Spopovich is unceremoniously unwritten from being a thing that exists.
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Babidi just. Kills him. For no reason. Even though his job isn't done yet. Babidi's like, "Oh good, you collected a fraction of the energy we need; That's fine, you can be fired. I don't need anyone to finish the job."
We're just. We're not telling that story anymore. We already threw Videl in the trash; we don't need her nemesis. We're doing a different thing.
Also, because we still have too many characters in this scene, Dabra erases Krillin and PIccolo with magic spit that never comes up again or is meaningful in any way.
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You'd think this would be, like, setting up something? Like. Having witnessed it ahead of time, Gohan's able to figure out something about the way Dabra's spit works. So when he fights Dabra in a climactic battle, he can turn this around.
Like when Goku was able to counter Tenshinhan's Taiyoken/Solar Flare in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, because he'd seen it before and understood how it works. That's usually what Dragon Ball does with this sort of advance notice of opponent abilities.
But. No. The most this ever comes up again is that it momentarily costs Gohan one of his gloves. It's just here to winnow down the cast because Toriyama brought too many characters to this scene.
You can feel the burnout taking hold. As janky as the Android arc was, the Buu arc's level of jank is through the roof.
And that became it for Videl. Denied any sort of payoff for her one fight and instead relegated to background character, Videl never got a chance to live up to the intriguing potential she was introduced with. She was the face of a new direction for Dragon Ball, a direction that ended up strangled in its crib as the series reverted to old ideas and old formulae - strangling her along with it.
Videl is a character I look at and can't help but wonder what could have been. What could have been if Gohan got to keep his focus, and Videl got to remain a key player in a story about him? What could have been if we got to see Videl developing her skills at the same fever-pace that she learned Bukujutsu with? What could have been if she got that rematch with Spopovich she seemed to have been promised by the narrative, and then got to stay involved throughout the Buu arc?
But I guess we'll never know.
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