#Handful of Salt
williammarksommer · 2 months
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Handful of Salt
Lines of Salt series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Tmax 400iso
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majestativa · 7 months
In destruction's wake we look alike. Burning gathers us, wounds gather us, conscience gathers us, frailty and suffering and madness gather us.
— Kajal Ahmad, Handful of Salt, (2016)
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lustingfood · 6 months
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Salted Caramel Peach Hand Pies (x)
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cemeterything · 5 months
it is so vitally important to me that after a shower i smell like the soap i used for at least a few hours. i hate weak scented soaps more than anything in the world. i would risk letting sniffer dogs find my scent while on the run to smell like freshly cut flowers.
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Hello this is just to say that I am very interested in that post you mentioned maybe making about indirect communication!
So to define Direct and Indirect communication with a pair of examples real fast:
Direct communication: "Hey, can you do the dishes?" Indirect communication: "There's dishes in the sink." (Please wash them.)
Indirect communication tends to trip a lot of ND, but especially Autistic people up because the implied request in the parentheses... doesn't always come through. So you don't do the dishes, and the Indirect communicator gets frustrated because they thought they had made that request perfectly clearly.
Which, in their defense, they did! ...in their micro-cultural language.
See, the actual purpose of Indirect Communication is to provide some extra verbal personal space and non-aggression measures in micro-cultures where people's personal autonomy has been compromised but there is also a high degree of understood social context.
Hm. That's a weird sentence. Let's try some more examples.
Indirect communication is most common in places or situations where people's ability to stay in their own lane is compromised, but everyone also shares the same base knowledge of what's going on. One example is in large cities, where people are PHYSICALLY up in each other's personal space because they're physically crowded. So cities have etiquette like "Don't make eye contact on public transit unless you actually need to address someone", so that, if people can't stop violating your personal space, they can at least signal non-aggression and give you some privacy. People raised in large cities, or who have lived there for a while all learn these unspoken rules by trial and error, some of us with more errors and trials than others.
Thus, in physically compact situations, "There's dishes in the sink" means "There's dishes in the sink." (I trust that you are already familiar with the social rules that dictate that dishes need to be done, and assume the reason you haven't done them is because you haven't seen the sink yet. I won't insult your intelligence by elaborating on the Do The Dishes Rule, because I know you are smart <3)
Speaking of Privacy, the other place indirect communication is common is in situations where people have Limited Privacy and thus everyone knows what's going on with them, and they know what's going on with everyone else, whether they want to or not. Close-knit families and religious communities often have this shared no-privacy pool, but it can also happen with you and two roommates in a 100sq ft apartment, or on a research vessel in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Since y'all are up in each other's business, indirect communication is there to prevent hostility in close quarters.
This, in a low-privacy situation, "There's dishes in the sink." means "There's dishes in the sink." (I know you are a good and responsible roommate who is maybe a little forgetful, and I trust you to have enough context from living in the live feed of everyone's life to know that I need them done. I won't insult you by suggesting your motivation was malicious in any way, and i trust you to do them <3)
So, to an indirect communicator, that was a perfectly clear request to do the dishes because OF COURSE you'd know what they meant- literally everyone else they deal with is in on this shared knowledge of social rules and daily updates. And not elaborating on that request is an affectionate sign of trust in your competence.
Except, you know. You're not.
So, you try to explain to your indie friend that "There's dishes in the sink." only sounds like an observation, and your brain will not auto-fill in the request like theirs does, so if you want me to do the dishes, just ask with words, okay?
And your indie friend understands this! but then instead of going "Hey, can you do the dishes?" they instead don't say ANYTHING until they're really frustrated with the state of the kitchen, and communicate VERY directly at you, and with great anger.
What happened?
So remember how indirect communication exists to prevent hostility and violence? That's because the threat of hostility and violence is VERY, VERY REAL.
Like you, your indirect communication friend made some mistakes while learning The Unsaid Rules and How To Use The Shared Information Pool, and the social hammer came down on them HARD. Ostracization, ridicule, maybe even actual, psychical harm. So they grew very, very afraid of violating those secret rules, and doubly so with people they like, so your indirect communication friend is facing this HUGE EMOTIONAL BLOCK when it comes to directly communicating with you, because to someone who grew up with their boundaries compromised and the threat of hostility if they violate the communication rules, communicating directly with someone they love feels really, really, really mean and they don't want to hurt or lose you.
For real, "Hey, please do the dishes" sounds like "Hey, please do the dishes." (You fucking moron who doesn't give a shit about our home and probably hates me) to them, and they don't want to talk like that to you. It's like how we never like picking the mean dialogue option in video games.
So instead they... just don't say anything at all, rather than risk a potential confrontation, and then the dishes don't get done and it turns into a REAL confrontation.
What a headache.
So what are we gonna do?
Well, you can't control your friend's actions, emotional reactions or interpersonal skills, but you can manage yours, and you're gonna have to meet them halfway, and it's gonna feel like training a skittish cat that coming out from under the couch is safe. Several-pronged approach:
DO NOT PUNISH BEHAVIOR YOU WANT TO SEE. When your friend does manage to say "Hey, please do the dishes?" don't go "UUUUGH IN A MINUTE." even if you are in the middle of something else and their timing sucks, which is probably does. Stick to either neutral responses ("Cool, let me finish this paragraph and I'll get on that") to positive responses ("Oh, sure! Thanks for letting me know!")
REWARD THE BEHAVIOR YOU WANT TO SEE. -and then actually go do the dishes to demonstrate that this approach not only is safe, it's effective. Also, praise your friend when they do a good job communicating with you. "Hey, thanks for actually asking me to do the dishes, that was really helpful." or "You're doing a great job navigating and giving me directions, this is much less stressful than the GPS" or "Thanks for being honest about how I was annoying you and bringing it up before it became a huge issue." This will kind of feel like you're an actor on sesame street teaching big bird how to say please and thank you, but honestly? that was the age most of us learned our communication skills, and we return to that teaching method because BY GOD IT WORKS.
MODEL THE BEHAVIORS YOU WANT TO SEE. Humans learn by copying, so lead by example with the kind of communication that helps you, and explain why it helps. "Hey friend, a question so I can schedule some stuff- Do you have any plans this weekend I should know about, or am I clear to paint the bathroom?"
This is the one that sucks but YOU GOTTA MEET THEM HALFWAY AND LEARN ABOUT THE CONTEXT POOL. Can't make everyone learn, and Indirect communication has it's uses (especially in modern jobs and social media), so you gotta learn their style too. I literally have a discord server that's just me where I keep notes on the life events and conditions of my friends, coworkers, neighbors and loved ones because I know I won't remember that shit, but they will kind of expect me to, and it's been a lifesaver in both not blundering into social faux pas, and actually getting around my crap memory to know them better. You can also model hybrid communication and practice your indirect skills by using an indirect request opener, but then saying the rest of the implied context aloud: "Hey, there's dishes in the sink. I know you'll do that ASAP because you're cool, I just wanted to make sure you knew they were there and needed to be washed, thanks <3"
Accept that some people aren't gonna change for reasons that are beyond their control and probably have nothing to do with you, and decide what you're willing to invest in learning to deal with them. I still have to play 5D words chess with my mother-in-law, who was raised in a close-physical-space-AND-no-privacy culture and is an excruciatingly anxious indirect communicator as a result. I can't make her go to therapy for the anxiety, and until she does, her ability to communicate effectively probably won't improve. It's got nothing to do with me, even if I'm the person she's most frequently at odds with. As a result, I have extremely limited contact with her. I don't see her for more than a few hours at a time, when we have an activity to do together, and only a handful of times a year. More than that, and I get brainworms by proxy, so for my sanity, I've limited what I am willing to do with her. Maybe your indirect communicator is someone worth effectively learning a second language for, like a lover. Maybe they're someone you can cut out of your life entirely without issue, like a manger at a retail job you can quit. You'll have to decide.
Anyway, that's my raised-bilingual ADHD/Autism Direct/indirect communicator ramble, hope it helps.
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saltedsnailstudio · 9 months
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Jasper Alexander
linocut print on awagami kitakata paper
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cedarboots · 1 year
just got followed by a bot account titled bracing-sea... they're getting smarter
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one has to laugh
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edge-of-the-end · 1 year
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my faves
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yourcoffeeguru · 25 days
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Fine China Retro Salt n Pepper + Mustard Bowl Spoon +Dish Set Hand Painted JAPAN || SWtradepost - ebay
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desceros · 2 months
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ok this one's better. ignore any previous villain donnie's left in your inbox oooo
[meteorologist voice] well folks if you look to your night sky you'll have a chance of catching a special treat tonight! looks like tumblr user desceros has fucking exploded and will be ascending to become a star in our cosmos. wow, what an opportunity to see spontaneous human combustion in real time. truly something special. anyway, back to you, janice
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majestativa · 7 months
No one will record my history nor write my anguish in a novel.
Don't look for me through the narrow frame of earlier times. I am a cloud, I pour down love and poetry.
— Kajal Ahmad, Handful of Salt, (2016)
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rocksunderscore · 11 months
i really fucking wish folks would draw the hermits the way they look irl more often instead of drawing them as skinny, young people/characters
give these grown ass men their facial hair and five o'clock shadows i fucking BEG OF YOU. i just think it's a bit silly when we have such a diverse group of people on a server; different ages, nationalities, body types, facial features, etc and a large majority of art is all skinny young people like who is this??? not my hermits nuh uh
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donttellunclesam · 1 year
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Eddie says he doesn't play favorites in Hellfire (he's a liar)
(close up under the cut)
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lavenoon · 9 months
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A demon cradling their heart, torn between hiding their nature and reaching out
If you haven't read Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse yet I implore you to try it because I am still insane
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goldtealeaves · 18 days
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"And even when I told you I was tired, you made me walk" - Missing Hell, Sushi Soucy
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