#HUGE day for annoying people (me)
shootingstareon · 4 months
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happy 2/2
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firstcow · 5 months
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ayo and cillian at the critics choice awards via
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almoststedytimetravel · 2 months
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the cast of The West Wing at the “National Day of Solidarity” rally outside Walt Disney Studios on August 22, 2023 in Burbank, California supporting the SAG-AFTRA WGA strike
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sebandmia · 3 months
emma stone and ryan gosling dueting “i’m just ken” is my roman empire
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bisexualnatalies · 9 days
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soullessjack · 21 days
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HUGE DAY ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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day6source · 3 months
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240227 day6_kisstheradio
🌙 If you recite the mantra 💥ONE SPARK💥 It creates a flame that won't go out forever I did it with wizards Dahyun & Tzuyu🩷 We also talked about acting with sincere tears and self-composed songs A touching time to convey our feelings for each other I hope TWICE’s ‘strong’ friendship lasts forever 〰️🫶🏻✨
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dayurno · 5 months
defending seth gordon isnt enough i need to have a socratic debate with kevin day about it
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turtlecleric · 5 months
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cubedmango · 11 months
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the sons are returning to me 🥹
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wormshirt · 3 months
Thirteen and yasmin are insane because watching the show it feels like the doctor is genuinely incapable on some level of truly loving yasmin- even to the extent that she fell in love with previous companions.
Hear me out, (this is a bit of a crackpot theory) something about this regeneration, something in the way she seems to be built as a direct reaction to twelve's late-season unabashed emotionally vulnerability- the way he held onto the pain and emotions and held on HARDER when they hurt, and now thirteen wont even pick them up.
Somewhere in those few seconds of regeneration, the regeneration itself must have latched onto the previous doctor's lingering thoughts- all those thoughts, a whole lifetime thinking about how much everything HURT- of much EASIER it would be to just AVOID all of that to just IGNORE it how he didn't HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT. But regeneration is a bit of a tricky process isn't it? You're usually lucky enough to get the right amount of arms and legs. You'd probably have pretty poor luck if you tried politely explaining"I'm just kind of grieving pretty hard right now and my life sucks ass usually and my desire to not suffer and irrationally blame my emotions themselves for this is actually a pretty common response so please don't overreact and make me incapable of proper emotional expression and connection with the people in my life please that'll actually make this WORSE not BETTER." I mean seriously good luck trying to explain those concepts to splitting timelord cells, I can't imagine they're great with conversation.
So the twelth Doctor's dying and one of his last thoughts is "man if I cared about people less I'd suffer less" and the thirteenth doctor is born (in a sense) woth that thought at the forefront. And she still cares!- so, SO much, but... it's.. different. It's not quite CLICKING. anymore. Things that WERE easy or at least DOABLE before just AREN'T now. Or at the very least they feel WRONG. Like walking around in someone else's shoes. In an old coat that doesn't quite fit. In an old face. And then the universe dumps the doctor right into the lap of 3 new companions with no clue about space or aliens or the doctor or any of that. No idea of what the doctor was like before- of what she is capable of now or WAS capable of before, and she doesn't tell them either.
And so she's walking around and she's keeping this ravine of distance between herself and everyone and everything in a way she never has before and there's no one there to call her out on it, but she pretends! She pretends it's not there! And she's really, REALLY good at it this time- maybe because twelve regretted not being better at it himself, even (but that's a different thought). And sure the companions call her out on it, yasmin in particular calls her out on it A LOT, Ryan, too- but they still don't realise the EXTENT to which the Doctor is (failing? refusing?) to connect with them because they have ONLY EVER met THIS DOCTOR and so they don't realise how drastic the difference is. They lack the proper knowledge to REALISE what is even truly going on with the doctor. But the doctor is still the doctor aren't they. And these are still their companions. And frankly, they're still kind of a dick.
So despite their sudden inability to connect with their companions on a level the doctor has never experienced before, and despite these new companions personalities being so unique and their journey with the doctor being so hectic that the doctor and all of them keep chafing and slipping out of the same old Doctor-And-Companion molds that the doctor keeps trying to shove them all into, the doctor wont stop trying to make these old molds fit! And honestly that never ends up being a huge problem for any of them. It's just kind of an interesting aspect of the doctor- a fascinating way that they sort of dehumanize their friends, by just plopping them in a mold and replacing them when they wear out. Because of course you still care for them! But by giving them a ROLE in your life that can just be REPLACED as opposed to letting them exist as a PERSON in your life once they're gone? That makes things easier. That makes the grief easier to bear.
ANYWAYS. back to the yasmin thing. If you remember the Yasmin thing. So. Yasmin falls in love. Of course she does. And the doctor notices. Of course she does. She's old and more people have been messing with her head than usual but she's good with noticing things no matter what else changes about her. And she doesn't say anything. Because she's a timelord! And Yasmin will die, or fall in love with someone else, or turn into a cyberman, or experience one of the infinite possibilities of horrors or wonders in all of time and space that will tear them apart and the doctor will be left alone again, so what's even the point!
Except then Ryan and Graham leave. And then the Timeless Child arc happens. And it wouldn't hurt to feed into it a little would it? Just to keep Yasmin around? Just to keep her from leaving? It wouldn't hurt right? I mean Thirteen could love Yas! She does! Of course she does! Yas is her fam! Her companion! The only one who's stuck with her through it all!- who keeps calling her out, coming back for her, saving her, taking care of her, helping her- and she's grateful! And she cares about Yas! That's not so different from love, right? And love would make Yas stay! And it'd be easy! It'd take what?- a date? Two? Probably! Humans like dates! And romance! And flirting! She can do those! In all honestly she HAS been doing those- (She gets incredibly posessive of anything that becomes part of her tardis, her world, her home, and well, yasmin has been there a long time. And flirting is fun! And a sort of socially acceptable way of staking a claim isn't it? Not to mention the doctor isn't great at denying themself anything that gets another being to feed their ego.) So she leads Yas on a little. Drops hints here and there. She doesn't really know if she means them or not but she knows that she wants Yasmin to stay, that she can't even imagine Yasmin leaving. And that's love right? Or close enough anyways.
So she decides that she loves Yasmin and that she and Yasmin are "together" in a way and decides not to question it further. Because she's placed yasmin in a new companion mold and herself in a new doctor-companion relationship model, and everything's as it should be! and yasmin has no other point of reference for the doctor, so she settles for what she's given. Decides "this is all she can give. She abandoned Ace and Tegan seemingly without a second thought and didn't even apologize- I guess this is how it's always been, with every companion. That's fine! I can handle this! It's worth it for her." And in the meantime The Doctor is sitting there on the other side of the console fully aware of the fact that this is in fact NOT the limits of her affection, but she's HAPPY, or at least as happy as she will allow herself to be with Yasmin.
Yasmin though. Yasmin WANTS more, she DESERVES more and Thirteen KNOWS this, but Thirteen puts her own desire to both keep Yasmin at a distance and avoid desciphering her own feelings above Yasmin. Eventually, Dan calls the doctor out on this. Pretty much just telling her "You KNOW that she likes you. Do SOMETHING about it." The doctor doesn't say anything but does, in a later episode, sit down on a beach and make a wish with Yasmin. "I wish this would go on forever" both meaning she hopes yasmin stays with her forever and that their relationship never progresses. She has everything she needs from yas- which, for the doctor who with previously loves (i am intentionally NOT specifying romantic interests) became OBSESSED with them to the point of not just self-destruction, but universe destruction? Potential INTER-universal destruction in the case of Rose? How could THAT doctor- because YES this is a DIFFERENT DOCTOR, but this is still THE DOCTOR- ever be satisfied with the disconnected relationship she has with Yasmin if she was in love with Yasmin? If she felt THAT WAY about Yasmin? Like she had for all those comapnions that had come before Yasmin that The Doctor had fallen in love with?
#While all of the doctor's previous relationships DID have hard limits and boundaries#that hurt and limited the relationship and companions in a way that resembled thirteen and yasmin's relationship#at the end of the day thirteen and yasmin still felt like strangers when they parted on screen#at least from the perspective of the viewer#And that too- THE DOCTOR LET YASMIN GO#like yeah the doctor has let companions go before#but they have always had to have been PRACTICALLY RIPPED AWAY from the doctor first#The doctordonna killing donna. Rose Tyler trapped in another universe burning up a sun to say goodbye#and then 10 leaving himself with her because he thought it'd be kinder to give her a life with him (however she felt about that).#Clara. nearly tearing up the universe getting yelled at by Me AND Clara and then having a memory-wiping device backfire on him#And The Doctor just let Yasmin go.#okay.#doctor who#dw#thirteenth doctor#yasmin khan#also I get kind of annoyed when people try to paint 13 as not being the huge asshole to yasmin that she was in their dynamic#because she WAS a DICK#she LED YASMIN ON and she KNEW IT#and that's MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FLAW OF HERS#IS THAT SHE'S A SELFISH ASSHOLE WHO PUTS HER COMFORT#AND EMOTIONAL AVOIDANCE ABOVE THE FEELINGA ND SOMETIMES LIVES OF LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE#they just wont allow women to suck. let her suck. she sucks. she's an asshole. let her be an asshole.#twelve was not out there on screen every episode vaping fat clouds and flipping off everyone for you to decide#that 13 was the second coming of the eleventh doctor and a present hand-delivered to you by chibnall#to woobify the doctor again#twelve was all hard edges and rusty nails that were TRYING to giving you tetanus.#that did not get flushed down the drain with thirteen. she just put a blanket over it and asked you to ignore it#and kicked it every time it made a weird noise#also twelve was totally vaping and flipping people off onscreen and she also said FUCK too you can trust me I was there I promise.
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 2 months
so excited to get to explain what folie a deux means to my co workers when the new joker movie drops
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starsummers · 9 months
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the peoples princesses <3
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lyriumrain · 5 months
i think one of my least favourite things to happen in the wake of an internet figurehead being outed as "problematic" (vague term used here to cover the wide variety of ways people can suck), is the inevitable statements being made left and right from the self righteous and the smug, that lecture us on "how could anyone ever watch/listen to/read this person's work? They were obviously always bad and you must've been bad or stupid to ever find enjoyment in what they made. They were also always annoying/boring/lazy and their creations always sucked anyway - can we finally say that now they've been publicly executed?"
the TL;DR of this is "I'm very intelligent and always knew this person was Bad, and therefore everyone else that ever liked them is a dumb cunt."
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
every time i see someone say they hate a female character for getting in the way of their ship and no other reason i start barking and growling like a wild animal
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