finns-gay-thoughts · 8 months
happy national boyfriend day to the love of my life <3
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
everyone is threatening me with seokmin today .
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psikhika · 1 year
gone on three dates w/ this boy i've been seeing and. i think. i like him a large amount
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prettyboybun · 10 months
It's probably a result of Missing My Boyfriemd (/lh) but... rn I'm just in the mood to submit so much easier than I usually do 👉👈
Just wanna nuzzle into him, bucking my hips on nothing, til he presses his leg between my thighs and lets me grind on that. Then I wanna be taken care of since I'll be so good for him already <3
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It's been far too long since we've had a dose of Prudaci. This isn't a full blown drabble, but I hope this puts a smile on your face ^^ I hope I still remember how to write Audaci 😅
"So I pull the cloth through the loop?"
"Yeah. I had trouble with it the first time too, haha."
The nightmaren stood still with his chin tilted up, giving his girlfriend the room to work with his neck tie. He couldn't help the smile on his face; it was always nice to be close to her, and the look of concentration and curiosity on Prism's face with the cloth in her hands was adorable, "How can you get dressed like this everyday? It feels like it takes a long time."
Audaci chuckled, partially in amusement and partially out of nervousness. Prism didn't say that with frustration, he could tell that it was a genuine question for him. But he didn't want to come off as pretentious to her. Especially not when they just started out, "Well, it can sometimes. But in Nightmare, this is kind of the norm. You know? I mean- not that Nightopian fashion isn't nice!-"
"It's ok, 'Daci! I know what you mean." Looking away from the tie, the celestial smiled cheerfully at him and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, giggling when her boyfriemd squeaked in response. She didn't look offended at all as she focused back on trying to learn how the purple cloth worked, "We do focus more on convenience and comfort with our clothes. Is it a status thing with you guys to dress nicely?"
"Hm... Yes and no." Audaci hummed, trying to just focus on how loving and understanding Prism was rather than his fear of frustrating her, "I mean, I'm not a first level nightmaren, but I prefer dressing like this. And NiGHTS and Reala don't usually dress up in suits. But it is mainly expected that the higher your status is, the more you can afford on your appearance."
"Ah, I see. And it also depends on the person's style, right?"
"Yeah, exactly."
"That is something we have in common with our clothes. Everyone has their own style!" Prism nodded, beaming a little when she finally managed to pull the tie up properly. Audaci returned her smile, reassuring her that she got it right, "I want to try dressing like you, one day. What do you think?"
'Oh Wizeman, you'd look so pretty.' That thought almost escaped the nightmarens lips, but he stopped himself in time and just nodded, "I think you'd look amazing, dear. Do you wanna try to go shopping sometime next cycle?"
"Yeah! That sounds like a fun date!" Prism's wings somehow fluttered faster at the suggestion. It managed to pull a chuckle out of Audaci, she really was a little ball of sunshine, "There are suits or dresses that can fit around my wings, right?"
"Admittedly, probably not. Not a lot of nightmaren have wings. But there are definitely clothes with low cuts in the back. Will that help?"
"Oh, of course!" Prism nodded excitedly before setting herself down on the ground. Now that Audaci was dressed for the day, the two headed out their door, ready for their outting, "That actually might be better. Less fabric around the wings to get tangled in, and I wouldn't have to spend too much time pushing them through slits. That's something frustrating with nightopian clothes that we go through."
"Sounds like we both go through fashion struggles, haha." The second level grinned before leaning down to place a sweet kiss on Prism's forehead, his smile growing as she let out a happy trill, "I love you, Prism."
"I love you too, Audaci."
Just some nice banter between lovers. That's what I mean at least XD I hope you like this, even if it's not too big ^^
This is so cute I have no words 🥺
I miss drawing these two sm I wanna draw the tie thing now- Thank you so much 😭
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quinnick · 1 year
It's 11/11 Hand over the El headcanons 🔫
Hah, I saved this also for a rainy or a day I didn't want to do my job. So no everyone knows how long I have been hoarding asks afjfjfmfnf
More El hc thatay overlap or not with my other batch
Her and Will get up to so much trouble. So much. They like to get into trouble at school and have been to detention together a few times. Joyce and Hopper I feel like would always fall for their excuses and lies. Jonathan knows the truth but he doesn't snitch.
El can basically get away with anything by putting on her best sad performance. She just mopes a little bit and wins everyome over. The only person vaguely immune to this is Hopper. Only because he has lived with El longer.
She finds it funny to refer to Mike as her ex-boyfriemd. Especially if Will refers to him as his boyfriend. "Hey this is my boyfriend Mike." "This is Mike. My ex-boyfriend."
Sometimes El won't want to talk for a whole day so everyone just lets her follow them around with 0 questions asked.
She still likes to go shopping and always insists on going if Max visits. She also insists on going with Nancy if the Wheelers come and visit which Jonathan likes to get jokingly upset over. "Why don't you just go with Mike and Will." "Ew"
Okay, thats all for now. Sorry for typos. Just got off work
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recents · 1 year
my boyfriend is so boyfriend. hes sooooo boyfriend. hes so BOYFRIEMD.
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hoppinkiss · 1 year
thinking about tackling j.aal for a hug and he makes a "whooah" noise and then does that big growl-chuckle of his and squeezes the life out of me
I lov my big alien boyfriemd
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philoaks · 9 months
I watched that brittany broski video reacting to boyfriemd asmr and the submissive bf one had me cringing so hard cause why was he stuttering like that. My submissive boyfriend would never speak to me like that. I would stop him
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werefag · 1 year
my boyfriend loves me so much more than your boyfriemds He made me a cute pink mug and sent me like 3 cards and baked me cookies and
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matrizart · 3 years
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Date night :)
Bonus below because I stand by my hc that Joe is kinda shy whilst in a relationship
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larabar · 3 years
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said something embarrassing, probably
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lostboysluvr · 3 years
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I love this scene where Paul lives and successfully gets revenge on the Frog bros :))
ik i’ve made a similar gifset back on my old blog but these r much cleaner w better colouring you’re welcome
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wave-man · 2 years
one of my magnet posts being directly above the "you cant fuck magnet man" post is a personal attack /j
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jrueships · 2 years
Giannis really didn’t have to do Marcus like that 😭
Oh no.... the bfs are fighting 😮?!??!?!?
Okay i just opened the link and.
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🙁🙁🙁🙁 UM. perhaps my propaganda is working a bit... TOO well-
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literally what the fuck is going on
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