#H&R 4x14
canadachronicles · 10 months
"Oh... no. No, never! (...) No, no, we've never dated. No, there's no need to be jealous."
--Sarah (Mayko Nguyen) to Micheal (Andrew Bushell), when he wonders whether she and Charlie (John Reardon) are exes because they "were so in sync at the casino"!
It's true they are not (sigh!) exes, but both Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald) and I reckon the lady doth protest too much!
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giflizgillies · 3 years
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as Fallon Carrington in 4x14 of Dynasty
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as Fallon Carrington in 4x14 in Dynasty
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tuiyla · 2 years
Okay but how incestuous was the glee club really 🤔 who slept with who
Ah yes I'm for sure the best person to answer this, you know, as an ace champion of friendships lol. But hey why not, let's see.
100% canonically slept together (reference episodes, not necessarily when it happened):
Finn and Rachel (3x05, 4x14)
Quinn and Puck (1x04, 1x22, 3x01)
Brittany and Santana (1x13, 2x04, 2x15, etc. etc.)
Blaine and Kurt (3x05, 4x14, etc.)
Mike and Tina (3x05)
Brittany and Artie (2x04, 2x15, etc.)
Puck and Santana (1x13, 2x08, 3x01, etc.)
Finn and Santana (1x15, 2x09)
Brittany and Puck (3x01)
Quinn and Santana (4x14 holy shit I almost forgot about this one, woah) ND members with others:
Jake and Bree (5x something I don't remember season 5) and other McKinley girls
Rachel and Brody (somewhere in season 4)
Puck and Shelby/ and other moms (season 1, 3x06)
Artie with a bunch of girls in NY (5x16)
Brittany and Santana with random McKinley guys (throughout season 1)
something sexual happened with Blaine and Eli C. but we don't know exactly (4x04)
Not outright stated but implied/we can infer based on the nature of the relationship:
Sam and Brittany (season 4, both horndogs who dated for half a season)
Blaine and Dave (most likely in season 6)
Santana and Dani (season 5)
Tina and Artie (fastforward)
Rachel and Jesse (fastforward)
Artie and Kitty (season 5 - is this ever outright stated? not sure)
Kitty and Jake (season 4 - same as above)
EDIT OH Quinn and a few guys, like her professor and Biff. Probably? Idk I for one hope not.
Somewhat iffier in canon but reasonable to assume:
Sam and Rachel in season 6 (is this actual canon?) that is it for this list actually, just Samchel
Seen people say otherwise but I personally don't believe the couples below have slept together:
Sam and Santana (Sam states in season 3 that he lost his virginity around the time he started working at the strip club)
Sam and Quinn (same as above plus plotline about Quinn not putting out)
Quinn and Finn (doubtful from both their perspectives)
Kurt and Adam
Santana and Dave (who even believes this lmao, they were both gay and knew it at that point)
I must have missed some in all categories because these kids were h o r n y.
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forbescaroline · 4 years
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every romantic tvd ship in chronological order: damon salvatore and rebekah mikaelson
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onscreenkisses · 4 years
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K I S S O G R A P H Y : ↳ Colin Farrell (Part 1)
THE RECRUIT (2003) / Bridget Moynahan A HOME AT THE END OF THE WORLD (2004) / Dallas Roberts ALEXANDER (2004) / Francisco Bosch SCRUBS, 4x14 (2005) / Sarah Chalke ASK THE DUST (2006) / Salma Hayek LONDON BOULEVARD (2006) / Keira Knightley IN BRUGES (2008) / Clémence Poésy TOTAL RECALL (2012) / Jessica Biel WINTER'S TALE (2014) / Jessica Brown Findlay MISS JULIE (2014) / Jessica Chastain
requested by anon
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cheryls-blossomed · 5 years
4x14, really could have used that deleted breakfast scene bc this ep was another annoying R ep. I wasn’t feeling the Izzy story, other than for the few WA scenes, this ep did nothing for me. R rushed feelings for Izzy. Cecile & H scenes were okay. It was good seeing how well B & I work as a team. The scene with I sitting on B lap, seeing another ex of how she grounds him.
The deleted burnt toast scene, if kept in the episode, would have made 4x14 so much better than it was. Also, it contextualizes Barry beaming when he’s exiting the elevator and walking into CCPD: just based on the episode’s content, it seems like he’s super happy to be back at work, but obviously the burnt toast scene actually contextualizes this, i.e., that his mind is clearly still on the morning sex he had with his wife 😏. 
I expected this episode to be worse than it was, but the only reason it was not as bad as I had expected it to be, based on the trailer, is because of the Westallen scenes. (But with the burn toast scene, it would have been way better.) As you said, it really highlighted how well Barry and Iris work as a team, and I think the scenes they shared in 4x14 thematically set up 4x15, where they save the city together. Iris obviously recognizes that Barry is frustrated and is doing the most when it came to training Izzy, and she is able to soothe him, while understanding completely that he’s still shaken up about DeVoe killing a number of the metas at Iron Heights. I also like how when Ralph tries to come at Barry sideways about Izzy, Iris immediately defends Barry. Barry and Iris’s final scene together in that episode was also really sweet. 
Ralph and Izzy, and everything to do with that arc was so poorly developed and poorly handled. The Cecile and Harry scenes were definitely better, but they also felt a bit out of place in the episode. Then again, Cecile’s abilities have never made particular sense to me. Overall, I agree that it wasn’t a particularly memorable episode.
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backtothestart02 · 5 years
On a less exciting note... I like the series feature on AO3 a LOT. What I don’t love? How whenever I post a new fic for my RC series & move it to where it would go chronologically in the series, the number doesn’t change. It just repeats.
So, I have 25 fics in the series, but when I moved my 4x10 fic to btwn my 4x07 & 4x14 fic instead of after my 5x05 fic, guess what happened? 5x05 fic is shown as “part 24” of the series, and my 4x10 AND 4x14 fics are shown as “part 21”.
This annoys me so badly.
And the only - the ONLY - way to fix it would be to go into the settings of ALL the fics after my most recent one and take them out of the series & then put them back in in the right order.
My head hurts. I don’t have the patience to go into the settings of like 4 fics multiple times just b/c my hyper organized self needs everything to look accurate. One or two fics, maybe, but FOUR? No.
We’ll see though. I might break. My willpower may be strong or it might be weak, b/c appearance is E V E R Y T H I N G!!!!!
At least when it comes to this. Lol.
Ok. Rant over.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 4x14: “Sex and Violence”
What a tiny foreshadowing moment there. with the meat tenderizer.
It makes me incredibly nervous to hear a person talk in that aggressive tone.
Jesus, dude. Just go to the birthday party.
I would leave the house after that.
RIP Vicki.
Sleeping Dean! It‘s nice to see that he’s under the sheets, sometimes he just sleeps on top of them.
Sam having secret phone calls with Ruby. Boy is he dumb, he could’ve easily taken that outside.
But also,, why not work with Dean to find Lilith??? (I know, I know: psychic powers, demon blood drinking, but also...wouldn’t it matter to Dean to find her? Wouldn’t he at least try to find a way to kill her? Would that be too repetitive of S3? Idek.)
He didn’t even close the door. Sam....
“Want me to paint you a picture?” Does the picture include lies and deceit?
Posing as general attorneys.
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Huh, so he was aware that their relationship was a good one and that he loved his wife...(Jumping forward to the end of the episode, does that mean that had either Sam or Dean killed the other, they would have snapped out of it and realized what they had done?)
“Her name was Jasmine.”
“She was a stripper?”
“Dude, her name was Jasmine.” This was another instance of me and Dean saying the exact thing at the same time on my first viewing.
I really like the focus on the eyes.
Uh, it’s “muerto” Dean, but good effort.
Dr. Cara Roberts.
Agent Stiles.
(Cara is really pretty, and she’s got a pleasant voice.)
...did she get an ex-boyfriend’s name tattooed on her? Girl, why?
Agent Murdock, but “Agent” is too formal. Call him Dean.
r e j e c t e d.
OOOoooohhh look at that flirting.
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Huh, so John used their college funds on ammo; one of the perps used their kids’ college fund for the strip bar.
How they described their sirens: “Perfect, and everything they wanted.”
Oh my god, Dean. Don’t get too excited.
“Jasmine, Aurora, and Ariel.” The Disney princess shout out. My childhood just took a bit of a blow.
Huh, Dean is doing his job.
“I stay out of their hair, they stay out of what little I have left.”
MOTE: siren
Special shout out to Dean who knows/has read “The Odyssey.”
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“Let me guess, ‘Welcome to the Jungle.’ No, no. Warrant’s ‘Cherry Pie’”. I’m personally a “Pour Some Sugar On Me” kind of gal.
“Their song is more of a metaphor.”
“If you were a siren in ‘09 looking to ruin a bunch of morons, where would you set up shop?” A strip bar. Very clever.
“So whatever floats the guy’s boat, that’s what they look like?”
“Yeah, you see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves.” Oohh, you don’t freaking say.
The Siren was right freaking there.
“Hey, Belle.”
So for Lenny, he wanted someone who admired his love and dedication to his mother?
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Well, she’s direct about her wanting to kill his mom.
RIP Lenny’s mom. That is truly terrible.
Dean just angrily staring at Sam’s phone, then decides to confirm his worst thought: Sam’s been talking to Ruby behind his back.
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Dean shows a lot of restraint; he doesn’t even sound the tiniest bit angry when talking to Sam. I’m impressed.
Bobby, my man!
“A bronze dagger covered in the blood of a sailor under the spell of the song.”
That’s kinda obvious guys...
“Supernatural STD.”
Cara only addressed Sam, but not Dean. That’s rude.
Dean gets a taste of the “third wheel” game.
Convenient freaking timing, bud.
Nick Munroe.
Our first look into how Bobby handles phones. I love it, and I love how Dean has kept up this method.
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The “lone wolves” excuse, shut up Dean.
I can’t believe Dean is reluctant to go to the strip bar.
Nick knows and compliments the Impala...
Welp, the blood’s gone.
Dean’s not even looking at the strippers.
So sirens don’t have specific “songs”, but Nick and Dean are bonding over Led Zeppelin.
Huh, the convenient flower...
Same ones in Cara’s office.
“Haven’t you ever been in a relationship where you really loved somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?” Can’t tell if this alludes to Dean or Ruby.
Also, y i k e s. I’m pretty sure a good relationship isn’t supposed to be like that??? Am I wrong or what??
Drinking on the job! 
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Huh, so they got divorced and then he died?
“So you two split up?”
“I suppose that’s a word for it.” “He died” is the better ‘word’ tho.
S A M. Your ONLY plan has a huge dent in it, and you can’t even bother telling Dean about it, goddamnit.
Ohhh, sexy fun times coming up.
(Aren’t there security cameras in that office? Cara probably, at least, got in trouble for this.)
It was really plausible that Cara was the siren.
Sam’s hunch was right.
That was the most unconvincing “no” I’ve heard.
“What’s it with you and banging monsters?” That’s a fair question (except Cara ain’t no monster.)
Control that anger, Sam.
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Dean calls Bobby, leaves a message, then immediately calls Nick.
How can someone look so shady going into a bar?
Nick making his own pop culture references...then follows Dean’s lead with little hesitation. He also loved Led Zeppelin and admired the Impala. Perfect, and everything Dean wants.
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(Plot twist. I meant to say “plot twist”, couldn’t find the words for it, and called it a “metaphorical bass drop” instead. Fuck it, I’m keeping it in.)
Surprise, Sam! Your brother wants to kill you!
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“You’re one butt ugly stripper.”
Ok, but why go after Dean first? If Nick had gone after Sam, would he have still been a man? Or did he sense Sam’s attraction to Cara and decided to leave him alone?
“You poisoned him.”
“No, I gave him what he needed. And it wasn’t some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust. And now he loves me.”
“I mean, watching someone kill for you? it’s the best feeling in the world.” Yikes.
Reading is fundamental; the library is open folks!
“You’re hiding things from me. What else aren’t you telling me?”
“We used to be in this together. We used to have each other’s backs.”
“You know why I didn’t tell you about Ruby, and how we’re hunting down Lilith? Because you’re too weak to go after her, Dean. You’re holding me back. I’m a better hunter than you are. Stronger, smarter.” 
“You’re too busy sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Whining about all the souls you tortured in Hell. Boo hoo.”
Sam’s being a complete asshole, at least Dean’s complaints were legitimate.
They’re gonna have to pay for that door.
Couldn’t he just open the little door to get the ax?
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(Kinda loved how he stabbed Dean with no hesitation, lol.)
RIP siren.
Yeah Sam, now you gotta acknowledge the fact that you just spilled your mean beans.
Bobby’s a responsible surrogate father. :’)
And like a father, he’s reprimanding them for not doing their jobs thoroughly.
The most unconvincing “we’re fine” ever.
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And again, like the great surrogate dad he is, he reassures them.
“You gonna say goodbye to Cara?”
“Not interested.” Ouch.
O H You’re both liars.
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