#Gym East Melbourne
polijakefim · 1 year
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travis fimmel
Meet the Aussie boy who scored the dream modelling gig as the 2002 tace land body) of Calvin Klein worldwide.
Country boy Travis, 22, hails from a dairy farm in Echuca on the Murray River in north-east Victoria. He was late for some of his early modelling shoots because he had to stay back to milk the cows with his dad
He didn't take to modelling life straightaway Discovered in a Melbourne gym three years ago, he made his agency promise they wouldn't say who they were if one of his mates answered the phone
So he looks familiar? He played a vampire in the Just Jeans TV ad last year and a cowboy in the video clip for Jennifer Lopez's Ain't It Funny.
He was a bit hesitant about the Calvin Klein job. When asked to go to the casting, he said, "No way, mate. I'm not wearing jocks. But he impressed the judges and became the first male model to bag a six-figure, 12-month contract with Calvin Klein
Fancy your chances? Take note: During a stint in London. Travis dated All Saints songstress Nicole Appleton (in between her relationships with Robbie Williams and Liam Gallagher) When asked why they split up he said. She was really boring"
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collingsrealestate · 13 days
Why Work with a Real Estate Agent in Northcote
When it comes to navigating the dynamic property market in Northcote, VIC,  enlisting the help of a professional can make a world of difference. Whether you're looking to buy or sell a property, the expertise and local knowledge of a Northcote real estate agent are invaluable. 
This blog delves not only into why you must work with real estate agents to secure a property in Northcote but also the viability of Northcote as a suburb to reside or invest in property in. 
Living in Northcote
Northcote, located just 6 kilometers north-east of Melbourne's CBD, is a vibrant and eclectic suburb that offers a unique blend of urban convenience and a relaxed community vibe. 
Community and Lifestyle
Northcote is renowned for its strong sense of community and lively atmosphere. The suburb attracts a diverse mix of residents, including young professionals, families, and creatives, contributing to its inclusive and dynamic character. The local community is friendly and welcoming, with numerous community events and activities that bring people together.
Cultural Scene
The cultural scene in Northcote is thriving. High Street, the main thoroughfare, is lined with an array of cafes, restaurants, boutique shops, and galleries. The area is known for its vibrant arts and music scene, with venues like Northcote Social Club and Westgarth Cinema offering a range of entertainment options. Local markets, such as the Northcote Plaza Shopping Centre and the monthly Northcote Night Market, provide plenty of opportunities to shop for unique goods and fresh produce.
Green Spaces
Despite its proximity to the city, Northcote boasts plenty of green spaces. All Nations Park is a popular spot for picnics, sports, and outdoor activities. The Merri Creek Trail offers scenic walking and cycling paths that connect to broader Melbourne’s extensive trail network. These green areas provide residents with ample opportunities to enjoy outdoor recreation and nature right on their doorstep.
Education and Amenities
Northcote is well-served by a range of educational institutions, from highly regarded primary and secondary schools to child care centers. The suburb also has excellent amenities, including healthcare services, gyms, and public libraries. Northcote’s proximity to Melbourne means residents have easy access to the city’s broader amenities and employment opportunities.
Transport and Accessibility
Transport links in Northcote are excellent, with multiple tram routes, train stations, and bus services providing easy access to Melbourne's CBD and surrounding suburbs. This connectivity makes commuting straightforward and enhances the appeal of living in Northcote for those who work in the city but prefer a suburban lifestyle.
Living in Northcote offers a balanced lifestyle with a strong community spirit, vibrant cultural scene, ample green spaces, and convenient amenities. It’s a suburb that perfectly combines the hustle and bustle of urban living with the tranquility of a close-knit community, making it an ideal place for a diverse range of residents.
Why Buying a Property in Northcote is a Smart Investment
Northcote, Victoria, is increasingly becoming one of Melbourne’s most desirable suburbs for property investment. Here are several compelling reasons why purchasing a property in Northcote will prove to be a wise financial decision:
Strong Market Demand
Northcote’s popularity continues to rise, driven by its vibrant lifestyle, proximity to Melbourne’s CBD, and strong community vibe. The high demand for properties in the area often leads to competitive bidding, pushing property values upward. Investing in a high-demand suburb like Northcote ensures that your property is likely to appreciate over time.
Excellent Location
Northcote’s strategic location just 6 kilometers from the heart of Melbourne makes it highly attractive to buyers and renters alike. The suburb’s accessibility, with its extensive public transport options, including train lines, trams, and buses, enhances its appeal. The ease of commuting to the CBD and other parts of Melbourne makes Northcote a prime location for professionals and families, boosting the long-term value of properties.
Thriving Local Economy and Amenities
Northcote boasts a diverse and thriving local economy, supported by a wide range of amenities. The area is well-served by shopping centers, including the Northcote Plaza, trendy cafes, restaurants, and boutique stores along High Street. Additionally, the presence of good schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational spaces like All Nations Park and the Merri Creek Trail makes Northcote a desirable place to live, thereby increasing property values.
Cultural and Lifestyle Appeal
Northcote’s cultural vibrancy and lifestyle appeal significantly contribute to its investment potential. The suburb is known for its lively arts and music scene, with popular venues like the Northcote Social Club and Westgarth Cinema. Community events, farmers' markets, and street festivals add to the suburb’s charm, making it an attractive option for potential buyers and renters looking for a dynamic, community-focused environment.
Strong Rental Market
The rental market in Northcote is robust, supported by a mix of young professionals, students, and families who are drawn to the area’s lifestyle and amenities. High rental demand translates to steady rental yields for property investors. The continuous influx of renters ensures that properties in Northcote rarely stay vacant for long periods, providing a reliable income stream for landlords.
Future Growth Potential
The future growth potential of Northcote makes it an excellent investment choice. Ongoing and planned infrastructure projects, including improvements in public transport and community facilities, are likely to enhance the suburb’s appeal further. As Melbourne continues to grow, Northcote’s strategic location and strong community will ensure its continued development and increase in property values.
Strong Historical Performance
Northcote has shown strong historical performance in terms of property value growth. Over the past decade, the suburb has experienced consistent appreciation in property prices, reflecting its increasing popularity and demand. This trend is expected to continue, making it a reliable investment for those looking to build long-term wealth through real estate.
Investing in property in Northcote is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits. The suburb’s strong market demand, excellent location, thriving local economy, cultural appeal, robust rental market, future growth potential, and historical performance all contribute to its attractiveness as an investment destination. By purchasing a property in Northcote, investors can expect not only capital growth but also a steady rental income, making it a wise and lucrative investment choice.
Real Estate Agents in Northcote: Your Key To Real Estate Success
So why must you work with real estate agents if you’re buying a property in Northcote? Let us count the ways:
Deep Local Market Knowledge
Northcote is a vibrant suburb with a unique real estate market that can be tricky to navigate without insider knowledge. A Northcote real estate agent understands the nuances of the local market, including property values, neighbourhood trends, and the best streets to invest in. This deep local knowledge ensures you get the most accurate information and sound advice, whether you’re buying or selling.
Expert Negotiation Skills
One of the most critical aspects of any real estate transaction is negotiation. Northcote real estate agents are seasoned negotiators who can help you get the best deal possible. If you’re buying, they can negotiate a fair price based on market conditions and property value. If you’re selling, they can ensure you receive top dollar for your property by effectively negotiating with potential buyers.
Access to a Wider Network
Real estate agents in Northcote have extensive networks, including other agents, potential buyers, and industry professionals like inspectors and mortgage brokers. This network can be a significant advantage. For sellers, it means your property gets more exposure. For buyers, it means access to listings that might not yet be on the public market.
Professional Marketing Strategies
Selling a property involves more than just listing it online. Northcote real estate agents use professional marketing strategies to showcase your property in the best light. From high-quality photographs and virtual tours to strategic advertising and open houses, they have the tools and expertise to attract serious buyers and achieve a faster sale.
Hassle-Free Transactions
Real estate transactions involve a lot of paperwork, legalities, and administrative tasks. A real estate agent in Northcote can handle all these details, ensuring everything is done correctly and on time. This support is crucial in avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring a smooth, hassle-free process from start to finish.
Accurate Property Valuations
Pricing a property correctly is essential for a successful sale. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while underpricing can result in a financial loss. Northcote real estate agents conduct thorough market analyses to determine the accurate value of your property. Their expertise ensures your home is competitively priced to attract offers while maximising your return.
Personalised Service
Every buyer and seller has unique needs and goals. Real estate agents in Northcote provide personalised service tailored to your specific situation. They listen to your requirements, offer customised advice, and are there to support you throughout the entire process, making your real estate journey as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Partner With Northcote Real Estate Agents Today!
Navigating the real estate market in Northcote, Victoria, can be complex and challenging without the right expertise. By working with a Northcote real estate agent, you gain access to deep local market knowledge, expert negotiation skills, a broad network, professional marketing strategies, and a hassle-free transaction process. Whether you're looking to buy your dream home or sell your property for the best price, partnering with real estate agents in Northcote is the smartest move you can make.
Buying or selling a property in one of Australia’s most thriving suburbs? Reach out to Collings Real Estate today to talk to one of their expert real estate agents so you can secure your investment goals. 
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allaroundmelbourne · 10 months
Young tradie dies after being crushed on construction site in Melbourne's east
A 25-year-old worker has died after he was crushed on a construction site at a shopping centre in Melbourne's east. The South Morang man has died in hospital after suffering life-threatening injuries at a Blackburn construction site about 11am yesterday, according to police. He was crushed between a steel roof beam and an elevating work platform at North Blackburn Shopping Centre, WorkSafe has revealed."It's understood the 25-year-old was operating the platform boom lift while in the basket when it lifted to roof level, crushing him," a WorkSafe statement reads. A spokesperson for the CFMEU has said the man was a young plumber working at the Maben Group construction site. Maben Group is running a refurbishment of the shopping centre, which includes creating a new supermarket, Gym, Child Care & Medical Centre.
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los-hardos · 1 year
Okay so I have been at Metro Trains Melbourne since 1/2/23, so a little over a month now.
Enjoying it, enjoy working with the people there.
I like my boss Darren O'Connor, a.k.a DOC. Great sense of humour, he appears to be a good judge of character.
Doc also seems to be a good guy and in fact I have to say that I like him. He's funny, isn't aggressive or heavily biased, he's very smart, optimistic and an overall very positive role model. He is someone that is good to have in your life and I'm happy he's my boss and I'd be even happier if I can call him my friend.
Still much to discern with regards to Metro, but so far it's great to be here. It's the meaningful job I've been looking for. I made it!
I've been partying a lot lately, I'd say in the last 6 months I've been partying heavily. The reason is because, well there are numerous reasons.
I have the financial freedom to, I am in a positive state of mind (obviously 😏) and also because I would like a bigger friend circle. I have developed good relationships with the best people I have ever met and I am so grateful.
On top of all that, I've mentally decided that I am open to a relationship. I made that decision on new years of 2022 when I attended a gathering of friends in the east side (Jonny Bombaclat) and Steph was asking everyone essentially what their new years resolution was.
I am feeling positive about this space, I have met someone and she is so wholesome, is the best way to put it. When I talk to her it feels so natural. Anyway
One thing I absolutely must do is get back in the gym and feel physically fit. It can only give me more positivity!
And I hope Dad gets what wants, somehow.
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dolllikelove · 1 year
‘Let it all go and be sexy’: the Asian aunties exploring their sensuality through Zumba
In this Melbourne gym, an army of middle-aged women are finding confidence in the chest shimmies and ‘slut drops’ of the high-energy dance regime * Get our weekend culture and lifestyle email I remember the first time I saw my mum attempt a body roll. The room was lit with multicoloured fluorescent flashing bulbs, and we weren’t alone – we were in a Zumba dance class with 40 other bodies sweating it out in activewear. And there was my 61-year-old Chinese mum, coiling her torso back and forth like I had never seen. I had been to Zumba before, but had dismissed it as a novelty exercise featuring a giddy instructor in a wireless headset and clashing prints. But in this unassuming gym in Melbourne’s south-east, it felt different. The odour of sweat was the same, the dance routines were familiar, but in the front rows of the class were a dozen or so Asian “aunties” – middle-aged women – gyrating their hips in time to the music. Continue reading... http://dlvr.it/Sk2Wkd
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
VCAT rules in favor of the developer of the Melbourne Forward Port project
Grace appeared before the broad-based Independent Anti-Corruption Commission in 2020, as part of an investigation into alleged corrupt land deals in southeast Melbourne, over allegations he paid $230,000 in 2016 to former Casey Mayor Sam Aziz weeks after the Casey Council sale. Action Group Holdings Shopping Center. IBAC has not released its report after this investigation. Nehme said he was preparing to start construction on Port Melbourne early next year. .attributed to him:Monique Westerman “It was a great result,” he said. “We look forward to moving forward and developing the site.” Port Phillip Mayor Marcus Pearl said the council was disappointed and reviewing the VCAT’s decision. The site, which has been ramshackle with broken windows, graffiti and fire damage for years, has been the subject of several court and VCAT cases since it was acquired by Mubarak’s company in 2007. Various iterations of the project have been opposed by residents, council and former planning minister Richard Wynne, the Victorian Port Company, and local MP Martin Foley and TT Lines, which operates the Spirit of Tasmania ferry. An artist’s impression of the planned development of 1-7 Waterfront Place, Port Melbourne.attributed to him:working group australia Previous proposals included a structure that was twice as large, but those plans were gradually scaled back. The latest plan includes 119 apartments and townhouses, with retail spaces, a café and a public gym. Community members, exhausted by years of fighting, have mixed feelings. Some want to keep pushing for a better shade solution; Others want to improve the long-neglected ugly eye. Jill Maddox, Save Port Melbourne Gateway member, said it was “really sad” to think the site was once a community center with a gym, tennis courts and childcare center, protected by a charter that forbids a high-rise building. Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah in 2016.attributed to him:Tertius Picard Maddox said she wanted a development that preserves the sunny foreshores in winter, which have been popular with locals and visitors. “That means I won’t be walking there in the future in the winter,” she said. “We’re losing it forever.” Beacon Cove Neighborhood Association President Eddie Micallef said that while most residents felt it was a poor outcome, the approved plan was better than previous versions. He said the drawn-out process has left the community drained. “They want to see something done on the site,” Micallef said. “The cruise ships come in and the first thing they leave is a blast site.” Spirit of Tasmania will dock in Geelong from the end of October, but Station Pier will remain a major cruise ship destination, with 107 visiting in 2022-23. Heather Consolo, a Port Phillip council member, said that while community fatigue was high, blackout was a priority because it was important to protect the sun in key public spaces on cold days. “You still want to do it right because it’s a massive thing that’s coming into the area,” Consolo said. “My pain is that this goes on for so long.” Sunlight determines whether a space is used for six months out of the year, urban designer Andy Fergus said, and people are “shunning for the sun” in winter because wind and cold affect us the most. loading “If a building overshadows a beach or a park, they will not use that space during the hours of shade,” Fergus said. He said that this is not an argument against development, but more about taking into account orientation and design; For example, a 10-story tall building creates a greater shadow effect than a tall, narrow shadow effect. West of Waterfront Place is 11- to 13-story buildings, while the eight-story buildings are to the east. Micallef said his organization will push for stricter planning controls to prevent future developments from casting a shadow on the foreshore. TThe Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the most interesting daily stories, analysis and insights. Register here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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chrismbr · 2 years
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Walking to work from the gym to the city via the #FitzroyGardens, excited that they’ve replanted these two avenues with my favourite native tree: Grevillea robusta, the silky oak, with beautiful bark, gorgeous leaves, lovely flowers and a stately shape as it grows into maturity. (at Fitzroy Gardens, East Melbourne) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYM0GVBVgH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romanwilliam676 · 3 years
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CrossFit Richmond is the best place if you are looking for Crossfit in Cremorne. They offer personal training, small group classes, CrossFit, as well as nutrition consultation.  Visit https://is.gd/CrossFit_Richmond
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libramc · 3 years
❤️ How to predict WHERE you're going to meet your future spouse through Astrology ❤️
hi guys! in today's post I'm going to show you how to find out where you'll meet your future spouse through your birth chart. this technique was discovered by the astrologer Kapiel Raaj, and it's based on vedic astrology. hence, you're going to need your sidereal birth chart to calculate this. if you already know how to do that, you can skip this part.
first of all, go to astro.com > horoscope and then click on extended chart selection.
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add your birth data by clicking on the 'add a new person' button. it's necessary to have your accurate birth time for this, as it's based on your ascendant.
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then scroll down and click on options for zodiac and houses. choose the whole signs house system and then click on sidereal. after that, choose 'hindu/lahiri' on the ayanamsha button.
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after you've calculated your chart, it will be something like this (this is angelina jolie's sidereal birth chart):
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to calculate where you're going to meet your spouse, we need to first of all take a look at the 7th house lord, which is the planet that rules your 7th house. in this chart it is saturn, as she has capricorn in her 7th house. now that you know what is your 7th house lord, look at where it's placed in your chart. also, keep in mind that since this is a sidereal technique, we're only going to take in consideration traditional rulers, therefore aquarius is ruled by uranus, pisces by jupiter and scorpio by mars. angelina has her saturn in gemini in the 12th house. the opposite sign indicates the circumstances or directly the place where you're going to meet your spouse. in this chart, it is sagittarius. keep reading for an explanation of each sign!!
♈️ aries opposite 7th house lord ♈️
you're going to meet your spouse when doing some sort of physical activity. you may meet them at the gym, or maybe at a sport event like a football match. you could even meet them just by taking a casual walk, and it could be love at first sight. you two may also meet in a place where there's lots of noise and action, maybe even danger, probably not in a quiet place. places that are ruled by aries are palestine, england, hong kong, germany, poland, syria, israel, lithuania, senegal, sierra leone and zimbabwe. as for cities, we have birmingham, cape town, leicester, florence, krakow, naples, utrecht, marseilles and georgia.
♉️ taurus opposite 7th house lord ♉️
taurus loves the finer things in life, so if you have this sign opposite your 7th house lord you may meet your spouse during your chill time. for instance, you may meet them at a spa, at the mall, at the beach... anything that symbolizes relax for you. in addition, taurus also rules finances, therefore you could meet them in a bank or in any place or circumstance where you have to deal with finances, even in a shop for example. also, since taurus rules over the throat and the voice, you may meet at a place where there's singing for instance, or at least there's music playing in the background. last but not least, being an earth sign, taurus opposing your 7th house lord may also indicate that you're going to meet your future spouse in a place where there's lots of green, maybe at the park or in a forest. places that are ruled by taurus are cyprus, tasmania, ireland, capri, rhodes, the greek iIslands, cuba, east timor, serbia, tanzania, south africa and yemen. as for cities, we have lucerne, eastbound, eastbourne, hastings, palermo, leipzig, st. louis and dublin.
♊️ gemini opposite 7th house lord ♊️
with gemini opposing your 7th house lord, you may meet your future spouse through socializing. you could meet them through your friends or through your siblings, maybe they're a sibling of a friend of yours. you could also meet them during short-distance trips, so maybe in a city near you or even on a train, on a bus, etc. communication is going to be involved, and hence you could even meet them at an event where there's the need to talk and / or write. possibly, you may as well meet him online or in school. places that are ruled by gemini include iceland, sardinia, morocco, belgium, wales, eritrea, guyana, kuwait, norway, montenegro, sweden and tonga. as for cities, we have nuremberg, tripoli, san francisco, london, melbourne, plymouth and cardiff.
♋️ cancer opposite 7th house lord ♋️
if cancer is opposing your 7th house lord, then you could have possibly known your future spouse since your childhood. you could have met a school, or to talk in a more general way you may be from the same city. possibly, you could as well meet in a place where there are children, or where there's food. in addition, since cancer is ruled by the moon, you could meet in a place where there's moon symbolism. maybe during a full or new moon. perhaps, you're going to meet near water as well, as cancer is a water sign. places that are ruled by cancer include usa, paraguay, scotland, holland, the bahamas bahrain belize, burundi, cape verde, columbia, comoros, democratic republic of the congo croatia djibouti, kiribati laos, liberia, madagascar, malawi mozambique, rwanda, slovenia solomon islands, algeria, somalia, and south korea. as for cities, we have manchester, new york, stockholm, tokyo, venice, york, amsterdam and milan.
♌️ leo opposite 7th house lord ♌️
with the sign of leo opposing your 7th house lord, you’re likely to meet your future spouse in a place where there’s fun. it could be at a party, during a vacation, at a bar, a restaurant... certainly not at work, that’s for sure. you’ll  meet your spouse in a situation of relax, not of stress. since leo also rules celebrities, you may even meet them in a place where there are famous people, like a concert for instance. countries ruled by leo are afghanistan, india, italy, macedonia, romania, sicily, ecuador, zanzibar, bhutan, bolivia, central african republic chad, the ivory coast, gabon, indonesia, north korea, south korea, kyrgyzstan, malaysia, maldives, nicaragua, pakistan, mongolia, seychelles, singapore, ukraine and madagascar. as for cities, we have bristol, bombay, chicago, madrid, los angeles, philadelphia, rome and bath.
♍️ virgo opposite 7th house lord ♍️
virgo rules over health, and hence you may meet your future spouse in a health-related place. it could be at the doctor’s, at the dentist’s, in a hospital, etc. virgo is also routine, so you may meet your future spouse in a typical day of yours. it could be at the supermarket, at work, while you’re walking your dog, at the gym, and so on. basically, it could be that your future spouse is going to casually approach you in the streets. countries ruled by virgo include crete, brazil, greece, switzerland, turkey, uruguay, west indies, armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, brazil, costa rica, el salvador estonia guatemala, honduras, mali, moldova, qatar and tajikistan. as for cities we have athens, paris, toulouse, corinth, lyons, boston and mexico city.
♎️ libra opposite 7th house lord ♎️
if you have libra opposing your 7th house lord, you may get to meet your spouse in a place that has to do with beauty, so maybe in a clothes shop or at a salon. you may also meet them in a place where there are many people, or even at some sort of event like a marriage. libra also rules over politics and justice, so maybe you could meet them at the courthouse or during election time. countries that are ruled by libra include france, tibet, argentina, austria, burma, canada, china, japan, siberia, botswana, equatorial guinea, fiji, iraq, israel, lesotho, nigeria, palau, saint lucia, saudi arabia, tuvalu and uganda. as for cities that are ruled by libra we have lisbon, frankfurt, copenhagen, johannesburg, nottingham and antwerp.
♏️ scorpio opposite 7th house lord ♐️
scorpio is the sign of darkness, hence if you have it opposing your 7th house lord you may get to meet your spouse during nighttime. scorpio is also about sex, so this relationship could start off as a one night stand, or maybe you may meet in a place where sex is involved. you could also meet them in a place that has to do with death or where there's death symbolism, such as a graveyard (I hope not tho lol💀). you two may also be transforming yourselves when you meet, you could be starting a new chapter of your life to leave toxicity behind your shoulders. you could also meet at a place where you need to be naked, such as a beach or at the spa, or again in a place related to finances and money. countries that are ruled by scorpio include angola, morocco, queensland, korea, syria, norway, the transvaal, bavaria, antigua, barbuda, cambodia, dominica, latvia, lebanon, micronesia, panama, turkey, turkmenistan and zambia. cities that are ruled by scorpio include cincinnati, liverpool, newcastle, washington, vienna, baltimore and new orleans.
♐️ sagittarius opposite 7th house lord ♐️
sagittarius rules over foreign lands, so if you have it opposite your 7th house lord you're most likely going to meet your future spouse abroad. or perhaps, they are foreign and they travel to your country. you may also meet them in a place related to foreign culture, so maybe in a place filled with tourists, or perhaps in an exotic restaurant, perhaps at a sushi bar if you're not japanese for example. it may also be time for you for new experiences, perhaps you're doing something for the first time, such as trying a new sport or taking a plane. you may also meet your future spouse in college or in university, or in general in a place where there's teaching of any kind. last but not least, sagittarius is also a very spiritual sign, so you could meet them in a church, or maybe at an event related to religion such as a marriage, a baptism, etc. countries that are ruled by sagittarius include spain, australia, chile, hungary, saudi arabia, bangladesh, barbados, cameroon, kazakhstan, kenya, libya and mauritania. cities that are ruled by sagittarius include budapest, johannesburg, naples, nottingham, sheffield, sunderland, stuttgart and toronto.
♑️ capricorn opposite 7th house lord ♑️
capricorn is ruled by saturn, the planet of responsibilities, therefore if you have this sign opposing your 7th house lord you'll most likely meet your spouse on your workplace. perhaps they're your boss or a co-worker of yours, or maybe they may even be a customer of yours. you'll surely meet them later in life, when you're at least 27/28 years old, or perhaps when you manage to accomplish something really big in your life, not necessarily career-related. countries that are ruled by capricorn include india, bulgaria, mexico, great britain, albania, afghanistan, lithuania, bosnia, brunei, czech republic, haiti, nauru, slovakia and sudan. as for cities that are ruled by capricorn we have brandenburg, brussel, delhi, mexico city, port said, oxford and ghent.
♒️ aquarius opposite 7th house lord ♒️
you may meet your spouse in any place that has to do with electricity, for instance at a movie theater, at a theme park, at an apparel store, and so on. perhaps even on a public transport, such as a train, a taxi or a plane. also, since we're talking about electricity we can also count on internet, therefore if you have aquarius opposing your 7th house lord you have high chances of meeting your future spouse on social media, such as twitter, instagram, etc. or even through dating apps, such as tinder. last but not least, you may also be introduced to your spouse by your friends, or perhaps they could be a part of your group of friends. you may be both best friends and lovers, you would have a very playful and youthful relationship. countries that are ruled by aquarius include iran, finland, new zealand, russia, sweden, syria, ethiopia, the holy vatican city and sri lanka. cities that are ruled by aquarius include brighton, hamburg, helsinki, moscow, salzburg, st. petersburg and bremen.
♓️ pisces opposite 7th house lord ♓️
if you have pisces opposite your 7th house lord, you may first of all meet your future spouse near water. therefore you could meet them at the beach, at an aquarium, at the lake, at the pool, etc. perhaps even at a restaurant that serves seafood and fish, such as a sushi bar. pisces is also about alcohol, therefore you may also meet them in a bar or at a party where there's alcohol. pisces also rules over art and images, therefore you could meet them in a place where there are lots of pictures and paintings, such as a museum, or perhaps even at the movie theater, at a concert, etc. the club would be an option too, as it combines both alcohol and dancing, two pisces related things. also, it could be very late at night, when you're supposed to be sleeping, or perhaps, you're just sleepy or even drunk. last but not least, this placement usually indicates a soulmate or twinflame connection, therefore you may even meet your spouse first in the 5D than in the 3D, perhaps you feel spiritually connected to them even if you haven't met them yet. you could very likely dream of them as well. lastly, pisces is also about healing, so your future spouse may either work in the medicine field or maybe they're some sort of spiritual healer. you could possibly also meet them at the church or in a temple. countries that are ruled by pisces include normandy, north africa, portugal, samoa, egypt, Scandinavia, mauritius, morocco, namibia and tunisia. cities that are ruled by pisces include warsaw, alexandria, grimsby, jerusalem, bournemouth, seville and cowes.
and this is it! let me know in the comments where you're going to meet your spouse, and if you've already met them feel free to say if this post resonated with your experience!
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libramc xx
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A Look at Several Early Learning Centers in Chatswood, Colorado
When you search for a good early learning center chatswood in the yellow pages, it is more than likely that you will find Chatswood. This is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia and is one of the largest in this region. Chatswood is renowned for its wonderful school systems, with each having three primary schools, two secondary schools and a day care. The childcare that is offered here is amazing and many parents state that they would be surprised at the quality of education that their children receive at this early learning center. All of the schools are ranked very well and are thought to be one of the best in the state.
When you visit a school at any point during the year, you will notice that all of the students are in a great mood. It does not take long to notice that the kids here are always eager to please and get every child involved in every aspect of the lessons. Chatswood is no exception and if you walk into any early learning center in Chatswood, you will see that there are countless bright colored children that are eager to show off their talents. In addition to these extracurricular activities, each of the schools here also have music teachers that can help you teach your child some of the basic chords and different notes that go along with them. There are also art teachers that will assist you as your child gets older and begins to develop skills around art.
These art centers are very nurturing and will provide your child with all of the resources that they need to learn and love to be. You can also find gyms here for your child to use and these gyms will also help develop physical health. Many of the exercise programs that are offered here are designed to increase both cardiovascular and respiratory fitness for your child. These exercise programs are led by professionals who understand how to properly exercise with your child in order to get the most out of the experience.
Many of the gyms at the Chatswood Early Learning Center also offer music lessons. In addition to having a variety of musical instruments available for your child to use, these centers offer musical crafts for children as well. These include such things as finger painting and sculpture. Many of these activities are offered in conjunction with other centers around the area and they are tailored to fit the needs of your child. In addition to these centers, your child will also find a full service library here where he or she can spend hours doing research and enjoying a good book.
Chatswood is home to an early learning center known as the Chatswood Learning Center. This early learning center is geared towards working with pre-school age children. The curriculum and activities at this facility are centered around reading, science, and math. This early learning center was established as a collaboration between the City of Chatswood, the township of Chatswood, and the Department of Education. This partnership has paid off for us as our students often score high on standardized tests once they have attended this early learning center.
The Chatswood Early Learning Center serves many different ethnic groups as well. For example, the center is made up entirely of Hispanic and Native American students. Also, there are a number of English as a Second Language classes offered. In addition, there are a number of other early learning centers that are located in close proximity to the Chatswood Learning Center, such as the Silverado Learning Center and the Ramble Learning Center.
Chatswood is located on the east coast of Colorado. This area has seen much development in recent years. Many of these developments have been geared towards helping more middle class families be able to afford homes in this part of the state. In addition to the various educational facilities here, there are also many retail shopping centers in the area as well.
As you can see, there are many options available here. If your family is interested in finding an early learning center in the Chatswood area for your child, you may want to keep these factors in mind. These centers often offer special programs that help children master the art of speaking Spanish. They also offer art activities that are designed especially for learning how to draw. Lastly, they can also provide music lessons for your child as well as classes in dance and arts and crafts.
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bloodfcst-a · 4 years
✧ can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME:  i used to go by my middle name, nina, but now i go by pacifica or paci.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: i have a bunch of weird ailments that honestly are just wild. like sometimes my nerves make me spasm or collapse or i’ll become hyperflexible. my kidneys decided they were lonely so they are... snuggled together... and i’ve had cancer a few times. it’s exhausting. 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:  - smile /  facial features. outside of aesthetics, you can tell if someone is superficial or genuine through the intensity of their smile, or if they’re fabricating their appearance or background. i wouldn’t want someone to pretend for me. i want them to be how they are. - personal care. i don’t have preferences on hair / grooming outside of being well-kempt. file your nails & clean them ( like if ur a mechanic or factory worker or other types of physical labor, i get it-- but like an office worker with black nails? ick ), brush/comb/finger detangle/style your hair, make sure your clothes are reasonably presentable... clean, like you actively tried to come up with an ensemble. - physique. not saying people need to be like 8 pack or straight out the gym. nor am i saying i need someone to be like mega massive or mega thin. but preferably someone who like... is comfortable in the skin they’re in, and cares about their body. at the least, cares about what goes in their body and how much their body does for them. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: i cannot handle the smell of mustard or mayonnaise. i will literally walk out of a room.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  i try to cut out needless carbs and snack foods, but y’all........ throw some good naan or pita at me and i’m a sucker. i love my hot cheetos and takis, pls don’t take them from me.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:  a sweater and panties tbh. i’ve turned into that basic single person in their 20s. if i’m cold i’ll throw on sweatpants too.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  i vastly prefer serious relationships, but there’s got to be a lot of build up to it for me to pursue someone in that manner. that being said, idk why, apparently i seem unapproachable or intimidating, but i’ve always had to ask out the person i liked.... ask me out first, u fools. i’ve tried to do flings but like i always feel guilty afterward bc i’m not invested, i just pretend hoping maybe i’ll fool myself in the process and i don’t lmao. that being said, it’s been like over a year since i’ve last dated, and two years had passed between that partner and the previous one. 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: nothing. maybe switch my triple minor to an interdisciplinary double major because that sounds cooler in this point in my life. but other than that? i feel like i did well with the cards that were handed to me. they shaped me into who i am now. and now i’m trying to continue to be a person past me would be proud of. i want to live a life with little to no regrets. to pursue everything i can while i have the opportunity to. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: physically, yes. emotionally, it depends. my coworkers are always either thrilled to see me or are like “ it’s paci being over the top cute. ” i love coming into the room to give hugs or do random acts of service or to shower someone with surprise gifts just to say i appreciate them. however, i can be emotionally distant at times and i don’t like to involve people into things. i still feel guilty on most occasions when i vent,  even though i know it’s healthy to do. i feel like it’s not other people’s responsibility to deal with my problems or have to endure them, even if it’s as little involvement as listening. such an attitude isn’t great, but... at least i can recognize that now? lmao. u know. baby steps. i’m still learning to trust and let people in. when my former best friend broke my heart it really messed me up in a lot of ways.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: i love pocahontas, mulan, princess and the frog, and peter pan starring mary martin. i’ve been watching that specific peter pan since like..... birth......... and it’s still one of my favorite films.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:  dante’s divine comedy.
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: a long-haired cat, preferably a tortoise color. i’ve always thought munchkin cats were the cutest. i’d want something that is as independent and self-sufficient as i am.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  yufi & age-appropriate love and joy. tseng also deserves love. & literally everyone in ace attorney could get it..... except dahlia hawthorne, forget her. also... all the important people in devil may cry deserve someone. so.... that’s what i have for you. 
15. PIE OR CAKE: pie. i don’t eat nearly enough of it. kinda underrated in the pnw, i feel like? but in the midwest we loved pies... kinda miss that.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  sandalwood, vanilla, lavender, and gentle scents like  ‘ ocean ’  or  ‘ linens ’.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:  shrugs? no one atm. i do not keep up with pop culture these days. can i count kyo from dir en grey? i’ve thought he was hot for the last 15 years and counting........ 14 y/o me was really like “ he’s the one ” too!! 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: i love visiting friends. and like... idk? japan is still interesting, as is italy and greece and jerusalem. but i don’t have like... a burning urge to go anywhere. i’d like to return to vietnam & cambodia at some point as well. people tell me melbourne is my kind of vibe, but... i’ll get there when i get there. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:  ambivert. though for all that i project in personality, i do take a lot of time to myself to kind of recharge, as you will.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:  i do. but i still like scary games bc i enjoy the thrill and chase. suspense is really cool-- gore is not, imo.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:  android. i’ve been using samsung galaxy phones since like 2013 and i’m not going back now. i had an ipad once and........ i’m over that. but i’m not like gonna participate in the dumb android vs apple debate........ we’re adults and it’s 2020, c’mon now. put ur energy into something else.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: y’all......... i wish i could be like ‘ i’m a gamer grl ’ but the truth is that i mainly collect games and say i’ll play them but it takes me a trillion years sfdgiohfgiohdf. my backlog is shameful. we don’t talk about that. that being said, i just took up ace attorney: spirit of justice this evening & i’ve been playing through kingdom hearts iii and yakuza 0 as of late. 
23. DREAM JOB: to write poetry & creative nonfiction at my leisure dfogihdohg. travelling writer, sharing about cultures all over the world & the beauty of interaction. very whimsical, i know! i also love studying languages and culture...... so it’s no question writing, sociology, cultural anthropology and linguistics were/are my fields of study. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: pay off my loans, throw like half of it in savings for it to grow, give some to my mum bc she deserves to live comfortably, and..... take some time off work to just relax and rediscover myself. while work does give me purpose, it also takes away from my creative pursuits so like... that blows.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: it took me like 10 years for sorceress adel to stop giving me nightmares, so like. probably her. the pennywise energy was too strong. and on that note...... all clowns and clownlike energy should just burn. pennywise, saw. y’all got to go.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: final fantasy, ahaha. also metal gear. xeno like doesn’t have a place for it to gather and it’s ridonk small..... but i love xeno games. and i used to love watching sbfp but since they disbanded... it’s a sad world out there. 
✧ tagged by: @burmecias-protector​ + @enshijou​  i got this from both of y’all xoxo
✧ tagging: @shimmerseas​ @extremepath​ @east--moon​ @evercharmed​ @verumking​ @dawnled​ @90smagicalboy​ @meyvn​ @breselin​ @petallines​ @redsown​ @starszakrew​ @onlyliberty​ @angereve​ + if this suits your fancy! 
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump administration backs off plan requiring international students to take face-to-face classes (Washington Post) The Trump administration on Tuesday dropped its much-criticized plan to require international college students to leave the United States unless they are enrolled in the fall term in at least one face-to-face class. The abrupt reversal, disclosed in a federal court in Boston, came a little more than a week after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued an edict that stunned U.S. higher education leaders and students worldwide. Under the July 6 policy from ICE, international students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities for the fall semester faced a mandate to take at least one course in person. Those students, ICE said, “may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States.” That mandate posed a major obstacle to plans for online teaching and learning that colleges are developing in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had sued to block the new policy. In a hearing in that case on Tuesday, held before U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs, the judge announced that the schools and the federal government had reached an agreement that made the lawsuit moot. Separately, 20 state attorneys general had also challenged the guidance in court in recent days.
Patients are still delaying essential care out of fear of coronavirus (Washington Post) Jim Johnson was elated when his hip replacement, canceled in March along with other elective surgeries, finally was performed in May. For months, his pain had been so severe he couldn’t sleep, golf or do his job. Just a few weeks after the operation, he tossed his cane away. Hospitals and doctors practices across the country are hoping there are a lot more Jim Johnsons out there—patients willing to shake off fears about the coronavirus and come back for tests and treatments put on hold early in the pandemic. Yet persuading them to return for non-emergency care is a tricky message right now, with the virus slamming the South and West. In parts of Texas, Arizona, Florida and other states, elective procedures have been halted again. For some patients, the spike in infections is reigniting fears about catching the virus in a hospital or a doctor’s office. Doctors worry that could undermine their efforts to win people back, and lead to more lives being lost from other, often preventable causes, such as cancer and heart disease. Doctors say “elective procedures,” including for cancer, can’t be delayed indefinitely without ill effects. Hospitals, meanwhile, see orthopedic, cardiac and cancer surgeries as their key to survival after losing billions of dollars on the shutdown of lucrative procedures.
Global surge in coronavirus cases is being fed by the developing world—and the U.S. (Washington Post) When the United States began shutting down this spring, a virus that emerged months earlier as a mysterious outbreak in a Chinese provincial capital had infected a total of fewer than 200,000 people worldwide. So far this week, the planet has added an average of more than 200,000 cases every day. The novel coronavirus—once concentrated in specific cities or countries—has now crept into virtually every corner of the globe and is wreaking havoc in multiple major regions at once. But the impact is not being felt evenly. Poorer nations throughout Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia and Africa are bearing a growing share of the caseload, even as wealthier countries in Western Europe and East Asia enjoy a relative respite after having beaten back the worst effects through rigorously enforced lockdowns. And then there’s the United States, which leads the world in new cases and, as with many nations that possess far fewer resources, has shown no sign of being able to regain control.
Rules once lifted are reimposed to try to curb new outbreaks (AP) Virus restrictions once lifted are being reimposed, shutting businesses and curbing people’s social lives as communities try to curb a disease resurgence before it spins out of control. Residents of Australia’s second-largest city were warned on Wednesday to comply with lockdown regulations or face tougher restrictions. Melbourne’s 5 million people and part of the city’s semi-rural surroundings are a week into a new, six-week lockdown to contain a new outbreak there. Indian authorities will impose lockdowns in high-risk areas in nearly a dozen states as the nation’s coronavirus caseload approaches 1 million. Renewed restrictions took effect in Hong Kong on Wednesday, with public gatherings limited to four people, restaurants restricted to takeout after 6 p.m., and a one-week closure for gyms, karaoke bars, and selected other businesses. Masks also are mandated on public transit for the first time, with the non-compliant being fined. In the U.S., places including Washington state are delaying timetables for reopening their economies. Gov. Jay Inslee said counties will remain at their current stage of economic reopening at least until July 28.
Chaotic protests prompt soul-searching in Portland, Oregon (AP) Nearly two months of nightly protests that have devolved into violent clashes with police have prompted soul-searching in Portland, Oregon, a city that prides itself on its progressive reputation but is increasingly polarized over how to handle the unrest. Divisions have deepened among elected officials about the legitimacy of the more violent protests—striking at the heart of Portland’s identity as an ultraliberal haven where protest is seen as a badge of honor. Small groups of protesters have set fires, launched fireworks and sprayed graffiti on public buildings, including police precincts and the federal courthouse, leading to nearly nightly clashes with police who have used force that’s caused injuries. Similar unrest engulfed many U.S. cities when Floyd died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee to his neck on May 25. But in Portland, which is familiar ground for the loosely organized, far-left activists known as “antifa,” or anti-fascists, the protests never stopped. Lost in the debate are the downtown businesses racking up millions in property damage and lost sales and the voices of the hundreds of thousands of Portland residents who have stayed off the streets. “The impact is terrible because what people have seen on the TV ... has scared people who live outside the downtown. They feel it’s that way 24 hours a day,” said David Margulis, who said the protests have caused sales at his jewelry store to drop more than 50%. “I talk to people, on the phone, who tell me: ‘I don’t know if I’ll ever come downtown again.’”
Drug cartel ‘narco-antennas’ make life dangerous for Mexico’s cell tower repairmen (Reuters) The young technician shut off the electricity at a cellular tower in rural Mexico to begin some routine maintenance. Within 10 minutes, he had company: three armed men dressed in fatigues emblazoned with the logo of a major drug cartel. The traffickers had a particular interest in that tower, owned by Boston-based American Tower Corp, which rents space to carriers on its thousands of cellular sites in Mexico. The cartel had installed its own antennas on the structure to support their two-way radios, but the contractor had unwittingly blacked out the shadowy network. The visitors let him off with a warning. The contractor had disrupted a small link in a vast criminal network that spans much of Mexico. In addition to high-end encrypted cell phones and popular messaging apps, traffickers still rely heavily on two-way radios like the ones police and firefighters use to coordinate their teams on the ground, six law enforcement experts on both sides of the border told Reuters. Traffickers often erect their own radio antennas in rural areas. They also install so-called parasite antennas on existing cell towers, layering their criminal communications network on top of the official one. By piggybacking on telecom companies’ infrastructure, cartels save money and evade detection since their own towers are more easily spotted and torn down, law enforcement experts said.
Massive flooding in Southern China (Foreign Policy) Floods in Southern China are a recurring threat, but they are worse than ever this year—with some 38 million people evacuated and at least 141 dead. Rainfall has been double than the predicted amount in many places, threatening millions of lives and numerous important cultural sites. Thousands of soldiers have been dispatched to help shore up defenses against the rising tides. Water control has been a preoccupation for every Chinese ruler, and it will only worsen with climate change. China’s worst-known flooding, in 1931, killed over 2 million people.
South China Sea positions (Foreign Policy) The United States has dispatched two aircraft carriers—likely to be backed by British support—to the South China Sea, increasing the possibility of a regional flash point. It has also declared its formal alignment against China’s disputed claims for the first time, saying that it would use “all tools” to oppose them. In the last decade, China has made significant gains in the South China Sea, building a formidable infrastructure of artificial islands to act as bases while strengthening its naval militia. It is also increasingly aggressive in challenging rival claimants, including stalking Vietnamese oil ships and clashing with fishing boats. The U.S. move is long overdue, but it’s also risky: Xi stakes considerable credibility on the South China Sea claims, and there’s no likelihood of Beijing backing down. The pressure on Chinese officials and military personnel to demonstrate their nationalist enthusiasm is growing, increasing the chance of serious conflict similar to the deadly clash on the Indian border.
Trump signs Hong Kong sanctions law (Foreign Policy) On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump continued a week of moves against China by signing a new law that imposes sanctions on Chinese banks doing business with Chinese officials involved with new national security laws in Hong Kong. The president also signed an executive order, largely mirroring existing policy, that revokes the special treatment Hong Kong had received from the United States under the “One Country, Two Systems” doctrine.
Red alert in Tokyo (Reuters) Tokyo raised its coronavirus alert to the highest “red” level on Wednesday, alarmed by a recent spike in daily new cases to record highs, with Governor Yuriko Koike describing the situation in the Japanese capital as “rather severe”. The resurgence of the virus could add to the growing pressure on policymakers to shore up the world’s No. 3 economy, which analysts say is set to shrink at its fastest pace in decades this fiscal year due to the pandemic. “We are in a situation where we should issue warnings to citizens and businesses,” Koike told a press conference, urging residents to refrain from unnecessary travel.
Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis (AP) Facing a worsening economic crisis and with little chance of Western or oil-rich Arab countries providing assistance without substantial reforms, Lebanon’s cash-strapped government is looking east, hoping to secure investments from China that could bring relief. But help from Beijing risks alienating the United States, which has suggested such a move could come at the cost of Lebanese-U.S. ties. A tiny nation of 5 million on a strategic Mediterranean crossroads between Asia and Europe, Lebanon has long been a site where rivalries between Iran and Saudi Arabia have played out. Now, it’s becoming a focus of escalating tensions between China and the West. In recent months, the Lebanese pound has lost around 80% of its value against the dollar, prices have soared uncontrollably, and much of its middle class has been plunged into poverty. Talks with the International Monetary Fund for a bailout have faltered, and international donors have refused to unlock $11 billion pledged in 2018, pending major economic reforms and anti-corruption measures. Left with few choices, Prime Minister Hassan Diab’s government—supported by the Iran-backed Hezbollah and its allies—is seeking help from China.
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antho-logy · 4 years
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Hi Miles,
I understand that you moved around a bit in your younger years; being born in South Australia before heading north-east to Ballina and Brisbane. Did the consistent moving around allow you to pick up new musical influences on the road or did your musical taste and style grow in a more insular way? I’ve never been to Brisbane - but I imagine as a young lad with budding interests in punk and alternative rock that it would have been hard not to be impacted by bands like The Saints and The Go-Betweens, especially if one was living in the place where both bands (and other contemporaries) first cut their teeth.
Miles: My family brought me up on a good mix of music. My grandparents were always playing classical music, real dramatic stuff. Then my mum and dad listened to heaps of 60's and 70’s bands like the Beatles, Bowie, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane etc. Mum ran away from home when she wasn’t allowed to go see the Beatles in 64’. My brother also introduced me to loads of interesting stuff ranging from Britpop to Sebadoh to Dr Octagon. We both were into skateboarding BIGTIME and skate videos were always a rich source for music too. I’d say my time in Brisbane introduced me to more of the lesser known punk type stuff and going to see live local bands. Like you say, Brisbane has a good history with punk music and it was for sure evident in the music scene there. Go-Betweens records were always spinning at mates’ houses. I lived on Petrie Terrace in Paddington real close to the “Saints house” and every time I'd pass I would stare at it like it had magic powers or something.
Turning now to your lyrics, in particular those of a satirical nature found in songs like 'Photo Op', 'Work/Life, Gym Etc', and a newish one - that (as far I know) hasn't been released - which mentions Clive Palmer in some capacity (I've only ever seen it live and whilst pissed so my memory of what the lyrics specifically entail is hazy to say the least), do you feel you have a responsibility to include your take on sociopolitical issues in your songs? Especially in a world that is seemingly so fucked? Or is this something that just comes naturally to you - perhaps subconsciously informed by the music you listen to? (there are definitely some clear similarities between your words and that of The Fall's Mark E Smith).
Miles: I'm not sure I feel a responsibility to do so. I think it’s more of an outlet to life's frustrations and oddities. I think that with all of the world's current skullfuckery comes a certain amount of hopelessness and feeling powerless. I’ve tried writing love songs or more positive stuff but I'm not very good at it. I’m more interested in creating tension in music not good vibes. There are admittedly similarities and it's no secret I’m a huge fan of the Fall. I think I was initially drawn to MES because he was singing about stuff I was interested in, like history and taking the piss. I've been an avid reader of history books since I was a kid and have watched every bloody war film and doco out there and have always been a fan of taking the piss. I write about what I know over the top of odd sounding guitar music, which at times can be pretty Fall-esque.
Now, this question is one from a place of curiosity based on my observations, as opposed to criticism (as you know I am a big fan of The Shifters), but I have noticed that your sound and that of The Shifters has remained pretty consistent throughout your discography. Do you have any aspirations of taking the sound of The Shifters in a different direction whilst still maintaining the band's musical identity? Or have you considered taking part in the prevailing trend of Melbourne musos seemingly needing to play in a dozen bands at once? Are there other creative avenues that you think you could be expressing yourself through that are limited by The Shifters' already established sound? Again, I love the band's sound as it is, so if it never changes I think myself and fellow punters will cope.
Miles: Well I doubt we will be doing any classical rap/jazz or metal fusion records anytime soon. I think the next album will be weirder. All the new demos for it sound like they could be used in a sneaky spy film or something, which I’m diggin’. SPYTONES. It’s a hot new Melbourne genre. HA! I don’t feel the need to be in other bands really. The Shifters scratches my musical itch. We write a lot more music than what's on the records. I’m always recording music at home that only some friends and the band hear. I even did a Cher rendition a while ago! One day I might make a cassette or something of some it. Sometimes I like my home versions of songs more than when the band do them.
This is a bit of a cop out, but I remember that in our chat outside the Curtin you were saying something about the Melbourne music scene, and that it made more money for the city than the footy? Or was it all sports combined? Or have I made this up? If you remember what I'm talking about, please elaborate - 'cause while I can't really remember the conversation, I do recall it being very interesting.
Miles: I was reciting some stats to you that I read somewhere (I think it was the ABC) about the AFL grand final weekend and how live music for that weekend generated more money for Melbourne than the football did. I'm not totally sure how valid the source was though but it's pretty interesting if true.
Is the album title a reference to Tony Robinson's character in Blackadder?
Miles: It sure is. We were recording with Al Montford at his place discussing titles. We were enjoying throwing around ones similar to it like The Shifters are Bored Stiff, or The Shifters aren't Home as we just did that 7” called The Shifters Just Sat Down, then Al suggested Have a Cunning Plan, and I thought it was hilarious and we rolled with it. I LOVE Blackadder.  
As I mentioned, there are quite a few songs in your live set that are yet to be released. Naturally, I must ask when will we receive the gift of new music from The Shifters?
Miles: We have a new 7” coming out in the new year. I don’t think I can say by who yet but it’s being announced really soon. There’s also a live in France cassette coming out at some stage and we are busy writing stuff for a new LP next year!  
Also, please speak to whoever you gotta speak to about putting the 2018 demo tape on Spotify. It slaps!
Miles: Hahaha. Yes, will do. That’s another job on the to-do list. To put all the records on Spotify and generally try a bit harder in the admin department as I'm sure we are the laziest band in town when it comes to self-promotion and general organisation. We’ve a manager/minder type kind soul taking over all that side of things really soon as I'm hopeless at it all.
Cheers Miles and I look forward to whatever’s next for The Shifters.
Miles: Thanks for having me Anthony.
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gdwessel · 5 years
Full Kizuna Road, Southern Showdown Lineups; Super J-Cup 2019 Announced: 3 Dates in USA; Kojima at Fortune Dream 6
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Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 54 on Pro Wrestling Only
In the aftermath of Dominion, the lineups for not only the Kizuna Road tour, but also the Southern Showdown tour of Australia were announced today.
The tour headliners are two RevPro UK titles being defended. On the final day, Zack Sabre Jr. will defend the Undisputed British Heavyweight title against YOSHI-HASHI, coming from the latter’s shock pin of the former yesterday in a tag match. RevPro’s Undisputed British Cruiserweight belt will also be defended, as El Phantasmo takes on Ryusuke Taguchi.
Earlier on, at Tokyo Korakuen Hall, Roppongi 3K will meet the challenge of Bullet Club’s Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo for SHO & YOH’s IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team titles, whilst the NEVER Openweight Comedy 6-Man Tag Team belts will also be on defense the next day. The two shows will also feature announcements for the participants, blocks and feature matches for G1 Climax 29.
The tour also features two wrestlers returning from injury, as Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Yujiro Takahashi both return to the lineups. Mikey Nicholls, Lance Archer and DOUKI also make their returns. Neither Jon Moxley nor KENTA feature in this tour, Moxley having AEW commitments during this time.
As for Southern Showdown, as promised, Will Ospreay defends the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title against Robbie Eagles in Melbourne, in a show that will be on both NJPWWorld and FITE TV. There are also a ton of Aussie wrestlers, including Gino Gambino teaming with his Bullet Club stablemates.
Kizuna Road 2019 - 6/14/2019, Shizuoka Kira Messe Numazu
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV & Shota Umino v. Lance Archer, Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Togi Makabe & Ren Narita v. SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS], SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] v. MInoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/15/2019, Tokyo Machida Gymnasium
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV & Ren Narita v. Lance Archer, Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] & Shota Umino v. Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS], SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. MInoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/16/2019, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], Tomoaki Honma & Ren Narita v. Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club]
Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV & Shota Umino v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] & Toa Henare v. MInoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & Lance Archer [SZKG]
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: SHO & YOH [CHAOS] (c) v. Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
- 6/17/2019, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Yuji Nagata & Shota Umino v. Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare
Hiroyoshi Tenzan Return Match: Kota Ibushi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask IV v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Jay White, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Ryusuke Taguchi (c) v. Yujiro Takahashi, Chase Owens & El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
Elimination Match: Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii, SHO & YOH [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer, Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
- 6/19/2019, Saitama Mainichikogyo Arena Kuki
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yuya Uemura
Tiger Mask IV & Yota Tsuji v. Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Jushin Thunder Liger v. EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi & Shota Umino v. Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Ryusuke Taguchi, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi, El Phantasmo, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/20/2019, Fukushima City National Memorial Gym
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yota Tsuji
Tiger Mask IV & Yuya Uemura v. Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Jushin Thunder Liger v. EVIL, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi & Shota Umino v. Tetsuya Naito & SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Ryusuke Taguchi, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Chase Owens, El Phantasmo, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/21/2019, Niigata City Gymnasium
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yuya Uemura
Tiger Mask IV & Yota Tsuji v. Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Jushin Thunder Liger & Shota Umino v. Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi, Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Ryusuke Taguchi, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi, El Phantasmo, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/23/2019, Iwate Morioka Takaya Arena
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yota Tsuji
Tiger Mask IV & Yuya Uemura v. Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Jushin Thunder Liger v. SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi & Shota Umino v. Tetsuya Naito & EVIL [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Ryusuke Taguchi, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Chase Owens, El Phantasmo, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/24/2019, Aomori Hachinohe City East Gymnasium
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yuya Uemura
Tiger Mask IV & Yota Tsuji v. Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Ren Narita v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Jushin Thunder Liger v. EVIL, SANADA & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
Kota Ibushi & Shota Umino v. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, Ryusuke Taguchi, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi, El Phantasmo, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & DOUKI [SZKG]
- 6/25/2019, Miyagi Sendai Sunplaza Hall (NJPWWorld)
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Yuji Nagata & Yota Tsuji
Kota Ibushi, Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Shota Umino & Ren Narita v. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] 
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood] & Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga, & Tanga Loa [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toa Henare, SHO [CHAOS] & YOH [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], Toru Yano [CHAOS], Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask IV v. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Lance Archer, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
RevPro Undisputed British Cruiserweight Championship: El Phantasmo [Bullet Club] (c) v. Ryusuke Taguchi
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG] (c) v. YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
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Southern Showdown - 6/29/2019, Festival Hall, Melbourne (NJPWWorld, FITE TV)
Toa Henare, Shota Umino & Ren Narita v. Mark Tui, Andrew Villalobos & Michael Richards
Aaron Solow v. Slex
Toru Yano, SHO & YOH [CHAOS] v. Gino Gambino, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Rocky Romero [CHAOS] v. El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood] & Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga, & Tanga Loa [Bullet Club]
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] (c) v. Robbie Eagle [Bullet Club]
HIroshi Tanahashi & Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] v. Jay White & Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club]
- 6/30/2019, University of New South Wales Roundhouse, Sydney
Andrew Villalobos & Michael Richards v. Tome & Stevie Filip
Rocky Romero [CHAOS] v. Tony Kozina
Jack Bonza v. Mick Moretti
Aaron Solow v. Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Mikey Nicholls [CHAOS] & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Gino Gambino [Bullet Club]
Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] v. Toa Henare
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & Will Ospreay [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale & Robbie Eagles [Bullet Club]
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The announcements didn’t stop there, as Jushin Thunder Liger today announced the return of Super J-Cup for 2019. The difference this time, it will be a 3-day event, and take place entirely in the USA. I just hope it’s better than the 2016 edition, which was very hyped and seriously failed in many ways. No announcements have been made for talents, although it is assumed that CMLL and ROH will be sending participants to this event.
Super J-Cup 2019 - 8/22/2019, Temple Theater, Tacoma, WA - 8/24/2019, SFSU Student Life Events Center, San Francisco, CA - 8/25/2019, Walter Pyramid, Long Beach, CA
Tickets go on sale on Monday 6/24/2019 12pm PDT (3pm EDT). More news as it comes.
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Earlier today at Tokyo Korakuen Hall, the legend Kenta Kobashi (not KENTA) ran his 6th self-produced Fortune Dream card, which was shown live on G+. The semi-main feature NJPW’s Satoshi Kojima, fresh off his loss to Shingo Takagi yesterday. Today he won, teaming with ZERO-1′s (and NJPW veteran) Shinjiro Otani, as they defeated a Big Japan tandem of Daisuke Sekimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani. It looks like it was a really good show, featuring a “talk battle” between Kobashi & Akira Maeda, and a whole host of other talents from all over the spectrum of Japanese pro wrestling. Check it out if you can.
Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 54 on Pro Wrestling Only
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xfcnoblepark-blog · 5 years
XFC Noble Park
XFC Gym 24/7 Noble Park is a brand new gym located in Melbourne’s South-East that features four designated fitness areas, personal training, 12 month, 6 month and flexible-plan gym memberships, casual sessions, free wifi access - all within a state-of-the-art facility that is open and staffed for your convenience, 24 hours a day. The XFC 24/7 Noble Park gym opened its doors on the 9th of December 2012 marks the fifth operating Victorian XFC complex – and the first traditional fitness gym for XFC since the brand launched its Australian martial arts training centres in 1986. XFC is in its 27th year of operations and is renowned for instructing martial arts and training some of Australia’s best fighters.
XFC Gym Noble Park
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
VCAT rules in favor of the developer of the Melbourne Forward Port project
Grace appeared before the broad-based Independent Anti-Corruption Commission in 2020, as part of an investigation into alleged corrupt land deals in southeast Melbourne, over allegations he paid $230,000 in 2016 to former Casey Mayor Sam Aziz weeks after the Casey Council sale. Action Group Holdings Shopping Center. IBAC has not released its report after this investigation. Nehme said he was preparing to start construction on Port Melbourne early next year. .attributed to him:Monique Westerman “It was a great result,” he said. “We look forward to moving forward and developing the site.” Port Phillip Mayor Marcus Pearl said the council was disappointed and reviewing the VCAT’s decision. The site, which has been ramshackle with broken windows, graffiti and fire damage for years, has been the subject of several court and VCAT cases since it was acquired by Mubarak’s company in 2007. Various iterations of the project have been opposed by residents, council and former planning minister Richard Wynne, the Victorian Port Company, and local MP Martin Foley and TT Lines, which operates the Spirit of Tasmania ferry. An artist’s impression of the planned development of 1-7 Waterfront Place, Port Melbourne.attributed to him:working group australia Previous proposals included a structure that was twice as large, but those plans were gradually scaled back. The latest plan includes 119 apartments and townhouses, with retail spaces, a café and a public gym. Community members, exhausted by years of fighting, have mixed feelings. Some want to keep pushing for a better shade solution; Others want to improve the long-neglected ugly eye. Jill Maddox, Save Port Melbourne Gateway member, said it was “really sad” to think the site was once a community center with a gym, tennis courts and childcare center, protected by a charter that forbids a high-rise building. Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah in 2016.attributed to him:Tertius Picard Maddox said she wanted a development that preserves the sunny foreshores in winter, which have been popular with locals and visitors. “That means I won’t be walking there in the future in the winter,” she said. “We’re losing it forever.” Beacon Cove Neighborhood Association President Eddie Micallef said that while most residents felt it was a poor outcome, the approved plan was better than previous versions. He said the drawn-out process has left the community drained. “They want to see something done on the site,” Micallef said. “The cruise ships come in and the first thing they leave is a blast site.” Spirit of Tasmania will dock in Geelong from the end of October, but Station Pier will remain a major cruise ship destination, with 107 visiting in 2022-23. Heather Consolo, a Port Phillip council member, said that while community fatigue was high, blackout was a priority because it was important to protect the sun in key public spaces on cold days. “You still want to do it right because it’s a massive thing that’s coming into the area,” Consolo said. “My pain is that this goes on for so long.” Sunlight determines whether a space is used for six months out of the year, urban designer Andy Fergus said, and people are “shunning for the sun” in winter because wind and cold affect us the most. loading “If a building overshadows a beach or a park, they will not use that space during the hours of shade,” Fergus said. He said that this is not an argument against development, but more about taking into account orientation and design; For example, a 10-story tall building creates a greater shadow effect than a tall, narrow shadow effect. West of Waterfront Place is 11- to 13-story buildings, while the eight-story buildings are to the east. Micallef said his organization will push for stricter planning controls to prevent future developments from casting a shadow on the foreshore. TThe Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the most interesting daily stories, analysis and insights. Register here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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