#Gundam Amazing Exia
erika-mr · 2 days
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Playing with the Macro lens. I need to adjust the resolution on the camera a bit
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athena-gunpla · 2 months
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RG 1/144 Celestial Being Mobile Suit GN-001 "Gundam Exia"
Another Real Grade!!! I've been working on this one for quite some time, and applied a lot of new techniques when weathering it. One which i found pretty cool was using a lead pencil over raised edges to add paint chipping and wear - I found this gives a really really cool effect.
Like a lot of older RGs, the Exia has a pre-built inner frame, which can become a little loose with manipulation. Like my RG Zaku II, I tried to stiffen it with PVA glue, however, I still feel like the shoulders and hips are a little weak.
In terms of build quality, this kit is a much better build than the Zaku. The panels sit a lot more securely, and the small little details really pop and look amazing. The colour separation is excellent, although there are a lot of very small parts that can be difficult to deal with.
The kit has a lot of really cool gimmicks, including the deployment of the beam daggers on its back skirt, the GN drive being able to open and close, and holographic stickers over the exposed GN particle conduits.
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The kit has great articulation and can hold some pretty impressive poses, which is good because Exia is animated in a very fluid style. The articulation helps match some of the on-screen poses.
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Overall, the RG Exia is a great kit and a really enjoyable build with plenty of fun gimmicks and details that any 00 Gundam fan will enjoy. Despite issues with older RGs this one definitely holds up.
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lordromulus90 · 2 years
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Sun Heroes are back and this time they are going full force with their new and improved Gundam Armors from Cuteness defenders. Equipped with the latest gear, Gimmicks and more they are ready to take on any intergalactic threat even other Gundams they have never seen before (I am looking at you, Witch from Mercury!!). While this is not the full roster it will be updated in time and a nice little fun fact, Most of these Armors are based on Gunpla I actually made in a Game called Gundam Breaker Mobile
FUSE: WOW!! My Fuse Burning Armor looks incredible. It nearly looks identical to the Gunpla model
KAI: ALRIGHT!! I’ve been wanting to get in my A-Z Gundam Armor Again. Plus I’m digging the color scheme 
TYLER: The Grimoire Red Beret Has never looked this good. And I even have that Tiltrotor Pack I wanted. Awesome
KALE: Oh wow. He really pulled off the Exia Siren Armor. It looks exactly like the game. And the Colors look amazing not to mention the clear blue on the GN Partizan
ZERO MIZUKI: Zero. That Prototype Mobile suit you have been creating. It’s finally finished. And now, you shall see for yourself the fruits of your labor
MOKI: G Thunder Moki. I kinda like that name. Perhaps I should call it that from now on
JEM: Heehee.. Now my co workers should be extra jealous that I got this
CARAMEL: Ready to save the Galaxy Okai Chan?
Art done by @murumokirby360​
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vidfreak727 · 3 years
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I love this design!
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gundamfight · 4 years
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murumokirby360 · 7 years
1/144 HGBF Gundam Amazing Exia | REVIEW
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gundamboy55 · 7 years
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Haven't done Gunpla shots in a while, sooo...
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mwmodelworks · 7 years
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Since, I've finally caught up on old posts, here's a new one. Some updates on the #AmazingExia heels #gunpla #gundam #plamo
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I hear you like building Gundams. So ... what if Team RWBY built custom Gundam models?
//Okay, I spent a while on this. Well if this is going to be a thing (I hope this’ll be a thing), Blake and Weiss would be the ones to get their team mates in on it. Blake due to her being an otaku who got really into mech anime’s. Weiss being the first to actually discover how much fun it is building gunpla.//
“So you’re telling me there’s an anime about these?” Weiss asked, her eyes wide while she pointed to the 1/144th scale RG 00 Raiser she was holding in her arms.
Blake nodded while grabbing Weiss’ arm, leading her to their teams dorm room. The cat Faunus was sure that her white haired team mate was going to love this. 
And love it Weiss did. The two had gone through All  of the build series in one weekend. Blake, loving the fact that in the Build series all the Gundam series were popular anime’s. Weiss on the other hand, upon finishing Build Divers had grabbed her scroll, and ordered as many of the kits as she possibly could. 
Upon returning to Beacon, after having spend the weekend in Patch with their father, Ruby and Yang were in for a big surprise.
“Uh,Weiss...?” Yang asked, cautiously eyeing all the boxes lining Team RWBY’s dorm room. Only Weiss had the funds to purchase all of ... whatever these were. 
Weiss at least had the decency to look embarrassed. “Okay, I went really overboard. But I thought it could be a good team bonding exercise...?”
Ruby, who might not have been as big of an otaku as Blake, was going crazy over all of the models. Like Weiss, she too loved building gunpla, and experimenting with putting together different kits and seeing how well they worked together. 
“See, Ruby’s taking to it~” Weiss smiled, while gesturing to her team leader ... who was pulling different boxes down into her arms.
“I’ve got SO many ideas!” The reaper practically squealed. Using her semblance, Ruby zipped about the room, taking down different boxes, and placing them not only in Yang’s arms, but in Blake’s as well. 
“Here Yang!” Ruby had placed an HG God Gundam, and an HG Nobel Gundam box in her elder sisters hands.
“Blake here! You’ll love this!” Ruby squealed, zipping past Blake with her semblance, and depositing an HG 00 Shia Quan[T].
Blake’s cat ears perked up. She was both excited and upset with herself. Exited that this particular kit had cat ears, and upset that she had somehow not noticed that little detail during her countless rewatches of Build Fighters Island Wars.
“Alright!” Ruby declared, after placing an HG Knight Gundam and an HG Rose Gundam into Weiss’ arms. “Weiss is right! This is gonna be a team building exercise!”
Weiss gasped in surprise. She knew just what Ruby had planned for the team. “Y-yeah! We’re making our own Gundams!”
Throughout the next week, during any down time that Team RWBY had, the four were working on making their own custom kitbash gundams. Weiss and Ruby who had the most experience in building with the models, and were more than happy to help Blake and Yang. Detailing how to properly remove the needed parts from the runners, sanding down the nub marks, how to properly place in the stickers and decals from the sheets. 
By the end of that week. each of Team RWBYs models were fully complete.
Ruby had used HG the Astraea F-Type for a base, using the skirt from the Nobel Gundam, the cloak from the Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth, and the Scythe from the Death Scythe Hell. 
Ruby had decided to call her own kit the Red Reaper. Yes, she had modeled the kit after herself, though it appeared she wasn’t the only one. 
Weiss’ gundam also resembled her appearance. She too had used the Skirt from the Nobel Gundam. Actually, she had used the entire lower half of the Nobel, except for the feet. Those had been swapped for those of the Amazing Exia Dark Matter. For the upper half she had used the Rose Gundam minus the shoulder cloak it came with. For the head unit, Weiss had opted to go with the head of the Amazing Exia. Weapon-wise, it had taken a bit of extra work, but Weiss had finally gotten the rapier of the Rose to look like her own rapier. 
But Weiss wasn’t done there. Using the Knight Gundam, she had also built herself a replica of her Gigas summon. Both kits had been panel lined, and of course, it had all been painted to match her outfit. And gotten a topcoat spray for that added touch. Once finally completed, Weiss stood back to admire her Heiress Gundam.
Yang being a relative novice, had only gone with the two kits that her little sister had given her. Like Weiss, she had used the entirety of the Nobel, but had used the upper half of the God Gundam, except for the head, as she liked the blonde hair piece that the Nobel came with. 
With Weiss’ help, Blake had the whole thing painted to match her normal outfit. The gauntlets had gotten a nice gold paint job, whereas the rest of Yang’s model kit resembled her biker-like attire. though Yang had some more upgrades planned in the future, she was going to wait until she was more confident in her building. But all in all, she was rather proud of her creation, she had decided to call the Gold striker. 
Blake had done a strait buildup of her Shia Quan[T]. She had made sure it was painted to match her color scheme, but had made some addition weapon wise. she had taking the katana of the Astray Red frame, a GN pistol from the Cherrudinum Gundam, and the beam whip from the Nobel. That took more work than Blake wanted to admit, but she had created a perfect replica of Gambol Shroud. 
Yes it was a relatively simple build, but Blake was rather proud of her Black Cat Gundam.
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qitblu · 4 years
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PGGN-01 Gundam Amazing Exia 1/144
finished this little guy yesterday hehe ~^.^~
July 26th, 2020
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erika-mr · 1 year
Almost done. So many botched cuts and lost pieces....whoops.
Despite some weird solutions for some of the parts I still like this kit
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kixyur · 4 years
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2/6 Gunpla completed (from my current batch).
Gundam Astraea and Gundam Astraea Type F.
They're slightly modified to have some Exia similarities, but it's pretty subtle. Also want to point out that I'm an amateur at making these so the quality isn't amazing, but good enough.
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the-stray-liger · 4 years
What is the best gundam series in terms of mech design?
OOF that’s a tough question for me bc I literally can’t answer in an objective way. For starters I’m stupid as shit so I wouldn’t be able to say what is a “good” mech design if it stepped on me and turned me into a pancake on the street, but also idk what you’d think makes up adequate criteria to measure the quality of mech design? is it just aesthetics? function? how well the design translates into model kits? 
Like usually my knee jerk reaction when the words “best” and “gundam” are in the same sentence is to lose all domestication, start foaming at the mouth and say GUNDAM 00!!! so I guess that’s my first answer? Like for me the design of certain mobile suits like the Dynames is PEAK design because every part of it has a function (every piece of armor hides a gun or missiles, it has a sniping module, the shields give it a very recognizable silhouette and the MG is solid as a rock and delightful to build and pose). The Exia line, starting with the 0 Gundam and the Astraea (my favorite 00 hg kit so far) is made for mobility and articulation and it shows in animation-the Exia has an AMAZING movement range and in the series I’ve never caught it go off model to move a certain way bc it just has all that movement capacity it’s bananas? And the grunt suits are so interesting, particularly the Tieren, because it is simple and blocky and chunky but it has 3847293473 variants and it just fucking works
TAKES A DEEP BREATH I WANT to say Zeta Gundam, I really do, because it’s my favorite UC Gundam series and the Zeta Gundam is my favorite UC Gundam, but I haven’t finished forgiving Bandai for what they did to me with the Zeta RG-the transformation looks amazing on screen and the Zeta is a beautiful design, but it realy, REALLY did not translate well into the model kit? Zeta is very good when it comes to aesthetics but. IDK. I think aesthetics is probably the only strength Zeta has when it comes to mech design???
SEED could be up there because it has BEAUTIFUL mobile suits, but let’s be real it just straight up ripped off Universal Century grunt designs at some points.
Turn A, which I just started yesterday, climbed its way up to my top favorite Gundams because, well. Syd Mead. And also because Mead being Mead, and Mead being an industrail designer, he studied the model kits to design Turn A Gundam but made something aesthetically his that ended up being incredibly original and special (and I’ve heard the models are pretty good yo).
Anyway I could spend months thinking about this and not give you a concrete answer because it probably will change depending on my mood and a lot of other factors and also like. As I said at the beginning it’s a VERY tough question? but thinking as objectively as I can thinking about aesthetics, function, and how well mobile suits translate into kits I’m gonna say that for me, 0079/THE ORIGIN are probably the best gundam series for mech design, and in my honest, slutty opinion, this shows particularly in the GMs and grunts and in the Zakus.
Uhhh gay rights
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lostonessoulworld · 2 years
Project Symphony file 4
MS: X-0027J-G10H: Gundam Starlight Waltz:
Primary color: Blue (Ice blue)
Secondary color: Grey
Power plant: solar energy
Armaments: Beam Magnum, beam “Sword” (Exia style beam sabers X4), Beam rifle(s) (E-2 beam spray gun+2-barrel beam gun)
Special armament: Beam shield (F91 style X4)
Special system/feature: GN drive Tau
Beam color: Shield 1 (right arm): Ice blue
Beam color: shield 2 (left arm): Ice blue
Beam color: Shield 3 (right leg): Light green
Beam color: Shield 4 (left leg): Light green 
Beam color: E-2 beam spray gun: Ice blue
Beam color: 2-barrel beam gun: light green
Beam saber 1 (left shoulder): Ice blue
Beam saber 2 (left arm): Ice Blue
Beam saber 3 (right shoulder): Light green
Beam saber 4 (right arm): Light green
Tactical Data: Regarded as the most vercitial of project Symphony, the Starlight Waltz is known for it’s speed, and it’s GN drive Tau. Threat level: PRIME 
Report: Amazing! Thanks to our computer science team, as well as our fantastic hackers, we managed to get Celestial Bio engineering’s data on there GN drive system! With this even the Gundam from project Hellfire might start lagging behind us. Due to some slight modifications we had to make in order to make sure the GN drive didn’t overload and destroy the Waltz we’ve notice that this test model drive had turned red. We given this drive the name of GN drive Tau. The results are unbelievable! The Starlight Waltz’s speed TRIPLED as soon as the Tau was activated! It was already hard to hit but now I’d dare to say it’s impossible to hit it unless you have a Tau drive as well!!! However...there is a negative side effect to this. The particles the Tau releases, since the original design made by CBE condensed the particles in the air via a system placed all over the suit’s body, are poisonous to humans of all kinds. Without these “GN condensers” if you would we are not only risking the enemy’s men, but our own. I’m currently working with our science team, lead by Dr. Akarui, to develop something or improve upon the Tau drive. Interestingly in the video we got from the CBE data the GN drive glow’s green, our Tau drive glows red. In hindsight we should’ve taken that as a sign that something was wrong. Thankfully we got rid of the poison before anyone died. Still though it was idiotic of us to use technology, even WITH the data for said tech, without fully testing it. Off the rater grim topic at hand, when the GN drive is activated it cover’s the mobile suit attached to said drive in a almost redish pink aura, as well as leaving behind, if only for a brief moment, a after-image of the suit. Our test pilot used this to there advantage by circling around there foe, then firing his guns when least expected. This “Trans-am” mode as CBE calls it does not last forever though. Once the particles are used up Trans-am ends, and the GN drive, along with the condensers begin to gather and condense the particles once more. Today has been most interesting. We gone to our particular Gundam project nearly being shut down, to now rivaling and surpassing project Hellfire, the once favored project above us. If this luck stays with us we might be able to have more then just Starlight Waltz field tested, Eclipse Orchestra, Midnight Sonata, all of our Gundam project might be able to be built and tested in the field. This has gotten very. Very. Interesting.
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toysforfun · 3 years
Amazing Exia
So.....the Amazing Exia is a good looking kit, I got the MG version of it, probably one of the worst decision of my life. Exia is one of my favourite mobile suits from the entire Gundam franchise, and wow Bandai really did this mobile suit no justice in the MG line.
The PPGN-001 Gundam Amazing Exia is a custom Gunpla from the anime series, Gundam Build Fighters, and is based on an incomplete Gunpla developed by Plavsky Particle System Engineering. It is piloted by Meijin Kawaguchi. 
Originally an incomplete Exia based Gunpla codenamed A5, it is modified into its current form by Allan Adams and Meijin Kawaguchi. However, the Gundam Amazing Exia was only 80% complete when it was used in the semi-finals, and some of its system was not yet fully adjusted. The incomplete Gundam Amazing Exia is armed with an Amazing GN Sword, an Amazing GN Shield as well as the wrist mounted GN Vulcans. It also has a Trans-Am System installed for dire situations. The completed form of Amazing Exia has an additional sword stored on the hip and a Trans-Am Booster on its back, which not only improve the suit's performance but also stores an extra pair of handheld blades. The full on Amazing Exia(with it’s Trans-Am booster has only appeared in the show for like......5 seconds before some cliche anime plot point turning it into the evil Exia Dark Matter.
The kit itself...........is kinda sh*t, but now now, let’s start with the box. The box comes in a blue filter with a crappy 3D rendering of Amazing Exia in an awkward pose. Ofc like I said the box has a blue filter it does mean it’s P-Bandai, does that mean it’s good? ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you’re smart(unlike me) and somehow still want this kit, get the standard release MG Exia Dark Matter, it’s the same old garbage but in red and black instead of white and blue.
The kit is garbage, the build feels ancient and it’s not the good kind of ancient. The kit is mainly seperated into 3 colours, grey for the inner frame, white for the majority of the armour and blue for most of the body and the accesories.
The build quality in this kit is garbage, loose parts, loose ankles, overly heavy backpack and the bad articulation just makes it worse, this kit is not the best poser and with it’s loose ankles and heavy backpack, I recommend you getting a stand.
The accesories are Amazing GN Sword, an Amazing GN Shield, additional sword stored on the hip and a Trans-Am Booster(basically a sh*tty, overly heavy backpack with next to no use other than making the kit incredibly back heavy). The standard sticker style decals are bad, I kinda expected more from a P-Bandai release like a giant sheet of waterslide decals but then again, why am I complaining about decals WHEN BANDAI CAN’T EVEN GET THE MODEL KIT ITSELF RIGHT!!!
Overall, garbage kit, don’t buy it if you’re not willing to make very heavy modifications to make this kit decent, if you want a great Exia, just pony up and get something like a PG or Metal Build Exia which I’d say is more worth than this over-priced piece of trash. This kit is what got me kinda terrified with P-Bandai kits, but there are good P-Bandai kits out there that I would whole-heartedly recommend to you. Or snother solution, you could try getting a normal Exia, heavily tighten the joints and get an Amazing Exia resin kit from sellers.
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mwmodelworks · 7 years
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Working on a thicker thigh piece. thicc
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