#Guardian Ally || Knuckles
How would your muses react to meeting their Sonic Movie counterparts?
All of them would be confused, but besides that... Sonic would ask if the other him wanted to race. Knuckles would be wondering what exactly is with the other him. While Tails would probably be exchanging information.
Eggman would probably be on edge, seeing how the movie him has more screws loose. And would be hiding his important things.
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The Knuckles Series, Sonic 3, and SCU Expansion
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Toby Ascher shares some more information concerned the Knuckles series, Sonic 3, and the plans for SCU expansion. He explains how Knuckles will help SCU branch out and create a new interpretation of Sonic lore.
Down below are some of the main points in Toby’s interview with Screenrant (2024):
Sonic's actions from the first and second film directly influence Knuckles' experiences with G.U.N.
The quills and scattered rings from Sonic and Knuckles have had a major effect on the world and Guardian Units of Nations' personnel.
Toby explains that key events in the first film build in top of one another and everything moving forward, “how the next entity in the franchise is affected from the last entity” as he puts it. The example he used was how both Sonic and Dr. Robotnik’s fight in San Francisco inspired the creation of Guardian Units of the Nation (G.U.N.).
He reiterates that G.U.N.’s purpose in SCU is to fight aliens and to protect the humans. They’re very weary of Sonic and Co. and fight fire with fire.
G.U.N.’s weapons are powered by rings and quills that Sonic and Knuckles leave behind. The Knuckles series is meant to explain how G.U.N. agents traveled the world to pick up quills and rings left behind, as well as how they’re turned into weapons.
The device that Kid Cudi’s character wears (the mech fists) is strictly powered by Knuckles’ quill. This device matches the strength and power that Knuckles has.
The portal that Agent Mason and Agent Willoughby travel through is the result of a Ring Gun, a device that teleports them everywhere from fallen rings and captures people against their will.
The questions that are asked for each movie/spin-off is, “if this event happened in the previous movie, what would be the consequences of that? How would the world change?”
Sonic and Co. will have to respond to G.U.N.’s desire to protect the planet for extraterrestrial life later down the road. The Knuckles series will show G.U.N.’s strength and allies that they’ve gained along the way.
Ascher was inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which uses every movie and show to build towards a connecting team-up event. He’s very excited to do some world building for SCU.
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Curious, in this au what is Marx’s role in this story. Is he changed at all or different
I try to incorporate and mix anime & game lore in order (to try) achieve a good mix of both... (but everyone is 10 x emotional & sympathetic...)
So Marx was the last creation of N.M.E and was to be the "pièce de ré·sis·tance," a monster in the guise of a friend. Not just that, but the "perfect friend for Kirby." (Planning to take advantage of Kirby's soft heart and friendly nature.)
Similar to how they used the following monsters (Chill, Galbo, Kirby's Robot-dog, etc.), but he was never finished... the Nightmare's base was destroyed when Kirby & the townsfolk blew up the base.
Marx was just left there all alone... the only thing that survived. But he didn't know what was his purpose. And the minute he's born, all he can see are these soldiers (Star Warriors) hunting him down.
Thankfully, our friendly N.M.E Salesman saves him and tells him all about it, basically his last act of revenge against King Dedede & Kirby. And he honestly feels fulfilling his purpose is what's going to make him feel whole.
He even tells him that it was Kirby and the gang's fault he's left all along up here with no one. His beef wasn't just with Kirby but with everyone in Dreamland (but the anger is mostly towards cappies... they blew up his home).
Marx is pretty central to Kirby's stories and is one of the core reasons why he wants to become a star warrior. He does serve as one of Kirby's most loyal allies and one of Kirby's closest friends.
HEAVY SPOILER WARNING FOR (KNIGHTMARE'S END & KING DEDEDE REMPTION ARC)... Keep reading if you'd like... I'm going to water down everything and skim over some details in this explanation. And there's some art content as well)
(After the events of The Knightmare's End)
After remembering his past with Meta Knight... Kirby wanted more than anything to rekindle his relationship with his long-lost guardian. With Kirby regaining his memories it was easy for him to slip and reestablish the closeness he had with Meta Knight back when he was an infant. (He missed him so much...)
Meta Knight (on his part) was determined to make up for all the lost time, teach him everything he knew, and eager to reconnect with his boy after all those wretched years alone. He was ready to give him the world... (Basically, he spoiled him rotten for a while! XD)
Being under Meta Knight's tutelage, Kirby began to mature properly, even learning how to talk... but he taught him in a way that made him excited to learn. With each lesson, he'd weave tales from his past... which allowed Kirby to learn more about Team Halberd (their family). He'd even invite Knuckle Joe & Sircia for lessons & sparring so they could learn about their parents.
For Meta Knight, spending time with Kirby managed to heal the wounds around his heart. As for Kirby, he felt like this was what he had been missing all this life (a parental figure), someone who could always be there for him & love him no matter what. The bond they shared made each other feel less lonely, and it was one in which they helped each other grow.
But unknowingly this had consequences...
With Meta Knight reclaiming as Kirby's guardian leaves Fumu in this status of limbo. Fumu basically got everything she wanted... being free of the burden she was as the keeper of the warpstar. But she didn't know how drastically his relationship with Kirby would change.
Fumu still doesn't know Kirby overheard what she said... he just doesn't want to trouble her anymore (like she wanted). The events of the whole anime series took a toll on Kirby. (Namely, with the cappies wanting to kick him out.) He found himself staying away from town.
While everyone in Cappy town tried to make it up to Kirby... and forgave them. He never really trusted them or allowed them to get close to him like they used to. Fumu sees this and tries to remedy the situation, which backfires terribly. (Is the same thing similar to the "Kirby Takes the Cake,"- episode where he runs away.)
Fumu: Kirby this is your home, everyone lo-
Kirby: Then why doesn't it feel like home-
Fumu: Kirby but why-
Kirby: Poyo... going to Meta Knight's...
This was the moment when she realized just out of touch she was with Kirby. Bun could only watch this trainwreck... and couldn't help but be upset with Kirby turning down all his sister's party. Causing a rift between the friends. (They still didn't get it Fumu & Bun.)
This divide is made even further with the (redemption arc) of King Dedede. (Events involving Dark Matter)
Kirby forgives Dedede and now considers him a friend!? This leaves Fumu & Bun desperate to convenience him otherwise... believing him to be too trusting & too naive... But who should come to back Kirby on his decision is none other than Meta Knight!
Kirby: But he means you don't see what I-
Fumu: He's tricking you, Kirby! Like he always does...
Bun: Yeah, how many times has he pulled this "turned over a new leaf junk" on everyone!
KD: It's fine kiddo... I won't stay where I'm not wanted I'll-
Kirby: Poyo, (sees KD visually uncomfortable) but Dedede...
Fumu: Meta Knight, aren't you going to do something, stop-
Meta Knight: I stand by my pupil's decision... This is Kirby's choice... I trust him... do not overstep your boundaries, both of you!
Resulting in Kirby spending more time with Dedede & MK than with them (helping the king to better himself). The siblings want nothing to do with Dedede's betterment. Bun & Fumu... they can't help but resent Dedede but this also minimizes the time their time with Kirby.
It bothers them how increasingly chummy he's they've been getting with King Dedede. (There's also a little incident that Kirby & Meta Knight swore to keep secret for KD's sake that they two don't know about... which would have probably made them more sympathetic to King Deded, it just wasn't their (Kirby & MK) story to tell...)
In truth, Marx didn't have to do that much... he just had to expose Fumu & Bun's deepest insecurities about their friendships. With Bun being the main chess piece in it all.
(Marx's arc takes place after "Kirby and the Crystal Shards" )This is Kirby's first major adventure... without them.
Fumu bottles up her feelings... but Bun is furious and extremely jealous of King Dedede: it almost feels like they've both been replaced with the guy who tried to get rid of him before.
Causing tension from the once-knit, tight group of friends (Fumu & Bun). And the dynamic of the trio has been altered... causing the cracks in their relationship undeniable... And who should take advantage of these cracks... Marx.
Marx's major role in this arc serves to expose the cracks in the friendships he has with Fumu & Bun. And show how a pile of little problems can destroy a once-strong friend.
So, without going into detail...: Marx manages to manipulate the heck out of Bun & the other kids (the group he hangs out with in the anime) to bully Kirby, leading to the kids pranking and almost killing King Dedede.
Bun receives the brunt of the punishment and reveals his jealousy and anger at Kirby, leaving him and Fumu behind (especially after the Ripple Star saga).
This leads to Kirby calling Bun a horrible friend, resulting in "Empathic touch" being accidentally used. Bun & the kid gang are forced to see and feel what they've been doing to Kirby... even before the incident. All the times they made him feel small, left out, stupid, and different...
It's finally to revealed Fumu that Kirby heard her rant about "How she never wanted to look after Kirby..."
Everything all clicks to her now and she starts to apologize profusely. But it's far too late for that... because to Kirby... Fumu's actions lately (Marx also manipulated her into ignoring Kirby) prove it otherwise.
And they (Bun & the kid gang) feel awful (AS THEY RIGHTFULLY SHOULD!) And META KNIGHT IS ABSOLUTELY LIVID, no longer trusts Bun, and says, "I'm utterly disappointed in you..." And doesn't want him and those "gutter children" (Meta Knight) near Kirby... again...
But he (MK) apologizes to Fumu... "I'm sorry Fumu... I should have never got you involved... I will try better not to..."
Fumu: Not that's not what I wanted, Kirby- *reaches out to him*
Kirby pulled away from her, disheartened... Meta Knight trying his best to comfort Kirby... with Dedede carrying him in his arms... they both bring the poor baby home.
Marx relishes this! During this incident managed to paint himself as an absolute saint... (being the one who told MK of the bullying, warning Kirby about the car, etc.) while Bun was the evil mastermind (when in reality it was Marx).
While Marx may have been the main puppeteer, these were issues that were already beneath the surface... Marx just dug them up. (This is why this friend problem is carried into the next 2 arcs... okay back to Marx...)
Taking full advantage of Kirby's low state and doing his job as the perfect friend. And he actually manages to cheer him up! He plays with Kirby and listens to his problems (slowly accidentally gets attached and realizes how alike they are and... NONONO! Marx you've got a job to do!) But the more he spent time with Kirby the more his inner guilt grew...
A few weeks later, the game plot begins with a bit of a change.
Meta Knight is still suspicious of Marx... so rather than letting Kirby go alone to collect the stars, he goes with him (plus he's too young to travel alone.) Basically, Meta Knightmare Ultra & Kirby Milky Way Wishes combined. In short, the trip ends up being a fun father-son trip... just with them having to stop the Sun and the Moon from fighting at the end.
Meta Knight takes this as an opportunity to have him unpack the situation with Fumu & Bun. However, he doesn't give him the false hope that everything will be patched up instantly... it's going to take time and effort. And friends just sometimes (unintentionally) drift apart... especially when you're growing up... they change.
Meta Knight then reveals that he had a friend like that too and they ended up drifting apart as well... but it ended terribly (Galacta Knight). They collect all the stars (yada, yada, yada) same plot line happened, "Marx Villain reveal" but with a little twist.
When it comes time to make the wish... Nova attempts to grant the wish, but they cannot grant the wish. They tried multiple times as a result of this happened:
Nova: Are you sure this is what you want?!
Nova: That's not what you want... You don't really want this...
Marx: What are you...
Meta Knight takes this as the opportunity to fly into Nova... Basically, it was Meta Knight the one to destroy the Nova Clockwork, instead of Kirby on the Starship.
While Kirby takes on Marx... he tries to talk to Marx, but he's not having it... This is where Marx's Soul kicks in as he rages on all the while tears, are leaking from his eyes. Blaming Kirby for his failures, claiming he must have done something.
Marx constantly angrily asks, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!," "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME! YOU AND YOU'RE STUPID CAPPIES ARE THE REASON I'M ALONE IN THIS WORLD! YOU DESTROYED MY HOME AND RUINED MY LIFE I HAVE NO ONE! I HAD A DESTINY! I HAD A PURPOSE, AND YOU! I WAS CREATED TO WRECK HAVC! ... so ...WHY... Why... *begins to cry* I'm supposed to hate- You and your stupid friendship... why do I feel-*
Then Kirby hits him with an "empathic touch," which shows pretty much a montage of Marx and Kirby's moments together. He pretty much shows that "he was enjoying his time with Kirby...", and "he does care for Kirby..." (Oh no did he actually want to be friends with Kirby- This wasn't so supposed to happen!?)
Kirby understands it all: feeling lost, trying hard to fit in, finding your place in the world. What happened to him after the destruction of Nightmare's base. (how he was abused by a certain someone) Kirby just felt so sorry for Marx and was oozing with empathy for him.
Kirby: It's okay Marx I forgive y-
Marx: DON'T... Don't I... I don't deserve- AAARGH!
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Due to Kirby's "empathic touch," he was able to also feel how much the friendship meant to Kirby. Marx can't help but he failed on both ends... he couldn't do what he was made for and he may have just lost his first and only friend...
And just before Kirby has a chance to forgive Marx: he flees anger at himself for everything he's done. He doesn't want Kirby's forgiveness (he doesn't deserve it...), leaving behind his balancing-ball.
Marx does make a wish, however... but it's not what you think...
Once destroying the Nova Clockwork Meta Knight, rushes to console his Kirby.
Meta Knight: Kirby, are you alright-
Kirby: If had just one person in his life... maybe he wouldn't have... he could've been my friend- poyo~*starts crying* I can't hate him, I just can't... ARE ALL MY FRIENDSHIPS GOING TO AMOUNT TO THIS IN THE END... LIKE THIS!?
Meta Knight: Oh my poor boy you've been through so much-
Kirby: Am I dumb, hoping he'll come back as my friend... IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!?
Meta Knight: It doesn't have to... *hugs him* this friendship meant a lot to you... it helped you through a tough time * Think back on his friendship with Galacta, although it hurt him in the end, he was grateful for the good it did* it made you less lonely I think that part's worth cherishing... and I don't think you're dumb...
Kirby: Huh?
Meta Knight: After the war, I kept seeing the worst in everything... expecting the worst... to stop me from-... but it blinded me from the good as well (he's referring to Kirby) and... I fell into despair. *pats his head* I'm sorry to say this probably won't be the last something like this will happen, but...
*wipes tears with his cape*
Meta Knight says something that resonates with Kirby... and it's something he carries even to this day.
Meta Knight: So keep your eyes open and beware of the bad in the world... but also *takes Marx's ball and gives it to Kirby* hold on... hold on to the good as well... you don't have to look, just know that it's there... it'll keep you from falling...
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For a while, Marx wonders galaxy... I'm not gonna reveal what he does just yet, but... the path he takes leads him back to Kirby.
One thing leads to another, and Kirby gets saved... BY MARX?! Marx tries to flee after saying Kirby, but he gets gravely injured... which forces him to have to stay put. Well, he tries to escape and is literally a feral cat the whole time. He just feels too darn guilty still about everything about Nova's Wish... and doesn't believe Kirby actually forgives him.
So, as a compromise, they let him recover in Halcandra. They cash in a favor from Magolor. Marx gets to know Magolor and basically talks about his story with Kirby. (Literally, Mags just redeemed himself recently...) This interaction makes him feel a little better... but he's still a little anxious that is until Kirby shows him his ball...
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I really love Marx's story arc... I hope I didn't spoil too much there are a few secrets still hidden, but like I said this is a very watered-down version of everything hope you stick around for the full story!
Look forward to it!
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greenyvertekins · 6 months
Sonic Supertars JP official site character profile translations.
Sonic the Hedgehog The fastest Hedgehog of all time! He runs around the world at supersonic speeds and will confront those who pose a threat to his friends, peace and nature. He's usually enjoying a carefree life with his comrades but never overlooks Dr Eggman's wicked schemes!
Miles "Tails" Prower
Tails is an eager, genius engineer and the pilot of Sonic's plane "Tornado". He can fly in the sky by spinning his two tails like propellers. He is Sonic's closest friend and partner!
Amy Rose Amy is a lively pink Hedgehog girl with the power of initiative. She has a strong sense of justice, kind heart and is an ally of the weak.
She punishes bullies with her giant Piko Piko Hammer! Knuckles the Echidna
Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald on Angel Island and the last descendant of his tribe. He uses his powerful spiked knuckles to knock down enemies and destroy walls. Though he is an obstinate person, he is chilvalrous and trustworthy. A reliable ally! Dr Eggman
An evil genius scientist who plots to conquer the world and establish the Eggman Empire. He has a might robot army and is searching for the Chaos Emeralds to reinforce his fighting power. That is why he came to the Northstar Islands. But what on earth is he planning...?
Fang the Hunter
Fang the Hunter is an agile Jerboa bounty hunter who is always on the lookout for spoils.
He is also a wanted fugitive who has used many different names over the years. Constantly attempting to outwit opponents, Fang has once again revised his beloved machine, the Marvelous Queen in his quest for plunder.
Trip the Sungazer
A mysterious girl who Fang first encountered on the Northstar Islands. She is heavily armoured but has a very clumsy side. She is submissive to Dr Eggman and Fang and ordered to guide them through these uncharted lands.
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masterqwertster · 5 months
So I made a list of possible tricks Ashton could pick up upon awakening the Shard of Ka'Mort.
This is my list of abilities I think Ashton should definitely get from Ka'Mort's Shard.
Increase to Ability Scores- Mainly into Strength. Though I don't think a little Constitution would be remiss, given Earth Elemental's have equally good STR and CON. Beef up my boi with titan strength!
Siege Monster- Given Grog barely used the siege function of the Titanstone Knuckles while owning them for a little over half of the aired campaign, I think it's safe to throw this in the pot without worrying about game balance. The worst this will do is give Ashton a really good chance of one-shotting Otohan's Echo Backpack. Which I'd give 50-50 chances he'd actually do, for "No more Echoes for her" vs "Loot her backpack!" reasons. After all, they just had an item attunement slot open up...
Earth Glide- I feel like this is what the Whitestone touching earth scene hinted at: solid ground, but also the feeling of water surface tension. Like maybe they can dive in and "swim" around in the earth.
Tremorsense- If Ashton gets Earth Glide, they're going to need Tremorsense to navigate being in the rock. I also think it's the better sensory upgrade vs Darkvision. Laudna and Chetney already have Darkvision covered, meanwhile, Tremorsense opens up some new Perception paths. Like trying to feel people through/on the other side of walls, around corners, or invisible observers, so long as they're moving on the ground.
Earth Tremor- Or more accurately, an ability to the spell's effect. Combat spells get tricky when barbarians aren't supposed to be able to cast or maintain concentration while raging. Anyways, I think an earth titan should be an earthshaker, so a small, localized quake makes sense as an ability for Ashton. Also, he might have already done this during the panic attack in Zephrah.
And a bonus few that I would like to see added to the pile:
Mold Earth- If Ashton gets a cantrip, I feel like this is the one that gets better use, because while Magic Stone is a useful bonus action, it's also a spell and concentration, neither of which Ashton can use while raging. So the utility spell of Mold Earth is more favorable for general use. And I think shaping earth (vs enchanting a pebble for a damage bonus) is more thematic for an earth titan
Conjure Minor Elementals- Give Ashton their own earth version of the Doompa Loompas!
Stone Shape/Wall of Stone- Just something strong enough that Ashton can carve out/create a little hidey-hole campsite since Bells Hells is lacking in camp making spells. It also has the bonus of potentially sparing Fearne and/or FCG from having to prepare or use such spells for travel and puzzle solving.
Guardian Pillars- I'm still really curious what extra protection this modified Bones of the Earth was supposed to offer. And my own wild fantasy version of this would channel Ashton's base rage effects into the pillars. Like a half-size radius from each pillar of the Temporal Morass, Orbital Decay, or Probability Matrix while Space maybe allows allies to walk in one pillar and out of another. But all that is overpowered, thus the wild fantasy label.
Earthquake- Of course I'd love to see the ultimate earth spell be added to Ashton's toolkit. Though if that ever happens, it'll probably be held back until they're at or much closer to Level 15, when the pure casters like Imogen and FCG get 8th Level spells.
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kookie-doodles · 3 months
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🌟Project Katedown (aka Project K)🌟
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(Reference Sheet done by HTDoodles)
Former Full Name: Project Katedown (Takedown) or “Kate/K” for short.
New Identity Name (Given by Sonic): Kookie Star the Hedgecat.
Age: Approximately, 19 years old. (Character originally created on 12/23/2020, Birthday is January, 22nd)
Species: Cat and Hedgehog Hybrid.
Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Supersonic Speed, Chaos Energy, and Phantom Ruby Energy.
Blood Type: O+
Favorite food: Healing Cookies (Especially done for her “sickness”).
Creator(s): Dr. Eggman & Dr. Eggman Nega (Associated with Infinite).
Purpose: Harness the Phantom Ruby’s Power as a whole and eliminate Sonic the Hedgehog and Princess Blaze the Cat for the Eggman Empire.
Sonic the Hedgehog
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Recurrent Hero on Action, loved by many and hated by others, Sonic the Hedgehog aka “The Blue Blur” and “Fastest Thing Alive” has been assisting the entire world from the clutches of Dr. Eggman. Right after the events of Infinite vs. The Resistance, Sonic and Tails decided to get rid of any tracks of the menace that Infinite was. On their way inside one of Eggman’s many labs, they found not only traces of a new threat but also a young but cautious naïve girl that could be either their strongest ally or their worst foe.
Miles "Tails" Prower
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With an IQ of 300 just like Dr. Eggman, this cunning yet smart young fox is Sonic’s adopted little brother and Hero in Action as well. With his skills and scientific knowledge, he was able to decipher the true origins of Project K and what was her original programming. With a bit of persuasion and compassion, Tails assisted Sonic in taking care of Project Katedown (actually known as Kookie Star) to not only “reprogram” her into not being a menace but an ally for the Restoration HQ.
Amelia Rose
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Cute yet deadly, is the Pink Fury in Team Sonic and Co-Founder of the Restoration HQ along with Ex-Commander Knuckles the Echidna. With the unexpected appearance of the mysterious “Kookie” in their relationship, Amy has to deal with the jealousy and closeness of this girl to her boyfriend, Sonic. After a while and for the sake of this poor girl, she and Sonic had to give it a break, making not only Amy her Big Sister figure, but like a mother in some way to her.
Commander Shadow the Hedgehog
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G.U.N.’s new Commander by choice, Shadow the Hedgehog (formerly known as Project Shadow) is the world’s “Ultimate Life Form”, rival of Sonic the Hedgehog and Kookie’s secret teacher. Shadow took the mission to observe and possibly assist Sonic in teaching the girl the art of Chaos Energy, and combat. Of course, his purpose is to fulfill this mission with the sole purpose of observation, and in case the situation gets dire, intervene in eliminating the girl if she poses a threat to humanity. However, thanks to her naivety and innocent demeanor, reminding him of his old friend, he decided to be softer and take care of the girl.
Princess Blaze the Cat
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Princess of the Sol Dimension and guardian of the Sol Emeralds, who has sworn to protect everyone she deeply cares about no matter what. Ever since Kookie’s sudden appearance, she has been another important source of learning and trust just as Sonic has been for the girl. Being her 2nd teacher, after Sonic’s Speed Control teachings, the Princess has been teaching her how to control and use her Pyrokinesis Prowers properly, and also self-control and yoga teachings to help her have auto control over her powers and emotions-inducing rage outbursts.
[More information about Project K as a whole here]
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kaylatoonz · 1 year
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Movie Amy Feather🦉
(I tried something different with procreate but I'm not sure if I like how it turned out😬)
What if they bring back Amy's warrior feather ( an accessory from SA1) and connect it to her upbringing.
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Maybe the owls and hedgehogs worked together to conceal the Master Emerald before they hid it on earth. Unfortunately when the echidnas find out about this and they take this as a betrayal from their cousin tribe (I think they refer to echidnas and hedgehogs being cousin species in the novelized version of the first movie 🤷‍♀️). They retaliate by attacking both the owls and hedgehogs nearly wiping them out many times. Each time the owls in honor of their fallen comrades, took in the children of their allies. Eventually, the owls hid the emerald on earth and spread out to different lands and worlds with what was left of the owls (and hedgehogs) to insure their secret.
Sadly we can put together what happened after that base on the second movie.
The owl and hedgehogs continued to be hunted by the echidnas until the owls and echidnas wipe out each other. The hedgehogs survived though they’re now considered very rare and very few are seen.
Amy Rose is one of the very few children that survived and was raised by an owl guardian (I'm slit between Redtail or Redheart being the owl's name). Similar to Sonic she loses her guardian at a young age (from illness not from the echidnas) and keeps their feathers as a remembrance to them.
Unlike Sonic, Amy receives more training and is given a more in-depth history of the fate of the owls, echidnas, and her kind. (She had her guardian a little bit longer than Sonic). Despite her knowledge, she holds no grudge against Knuckles when they first meet and wants to fight alongside the team.
(I think it would be interesting if they tackle Knuckles' guilt of the sins of his ancestors. Meeting another hedgehog that doesn’t blame him for his ancestors' crimes would probably make him feel even more guilty).
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hrodvitnon · 3 months
A... Less Cruel Thought
…sort of follow-up inspired by the nonnie submission of a similar name.
Earth’s Guardian Titans have the twisted monstrosity that was once Ozymandias on his last leg. Shoulder crystals shattered, body bleeding purple rivers, fungal spores peeking out from broken scales, panting and heaving for the first time in centuries.
At no small cost to them, of course. The city decided for the fateful encounter had been flattened. All of Godzilla’s allies lie in various states of injury. Mothra makes a valiant effort to stand, but cannot on her broken legs; Rodan’s left wing is burnt black from a Corona Blast he took for Goji; Dagon’s had his energy cores ripped out and lies in a low-power state; Tiamat’s back is broken; Kong’s axe snapped in half; Behemoth’s right tusk had its front snapped off; Barb has a metal rod through her hide; Shimo’s had her head crystals broken in a similar way to Xenilla’s; even Abraxas, valiant as they fought, had a breaking point. There’s was getting picked by the tail and rag-dolled by the star-born Titan until Vivienne fell unconscious. Now San tends to her and watches the last bastion stand against the demon that was once his brother.
The King of the Monsters vs The King of Kings.
Godzilla’s in no state to do much of anything, scales cracked more than they’ve ever been. But that chthonic blue fire has not fizzled out yet, and roars still like an inferno behind his eyes. He’s battered, beaten, broken- but in the zone. This is where he shines, when he knows his enemy cannot go on much longer he finds that little extra something to keep pushing until the curtain call. Today, that something was the vague promise Monarch made about saving his brother. Did he have any way of knowing it was true? No, they very well could’ve lied to give him the hope he needed to win, but it’s not like he was in the state to contemplate.
Xenilla knows this. He knows all of this. He sees the revolting emotion in his eyes, hope.
He needed to take it from him. Show him just how broken his clutch-sibling was. Show him that there was no getting back Ozymandias. Xenilla knows how utterly destroyed the once mighty King of Kings was, he experiences it all the time. Torture after torture his resisting mind has been brought to one that can only plead and beg, seemingly for a new thing every day. ‘Please, stop the pain.’, 'Please, let me dream of home.’, 'Please, let me rut’. On and on and on. But honestly? Xenilla prefers it to empty threats and shouting. He only needs to make him plea now. Plea for his brother to kill him. To relieve him of this inescapable torment. And Xenilla knows he will, as long as he gets a little push…
Godzilla charges. Roaring to the sky as the earth shudders with his approach. Right then, right there, Xenilla gives Ozymandias full control. For the first time in 2 million years. His eyes return to their glittering purple that Godzilla remembers lovingly looking down at him all those times. Xenilla then lashes him. Every pain nerve in his body lights up like a Christmas tree and Xenilla floods his mind with imagery of what he suspects Godzilla would look like chained up by Gigan, consigned to his chainsaws and endless steel agony, shows him what Tiamat would look like strung up by the sinews in Gigan’s trophy room. He expects begging, he expects him to crumple to the ground and writhe and scream and cry for his brother to rip his head from his shoulders.
But he stumbles forward, plants a foot in the earth, grits his teeth so hard they crack, white-knuckles harder than he ever has, and opens his mouth.
Xenilla rips back control from him, not ceasing his tormenting assault- not until a glowing blue fist soars up and into his chin, smashing every bone in his face to smithereens. He has to relent, and when he does the voice of Ozymandias lets out a torrent of cackling, mocking laughter. Through his white dead eyes, he sees Godzilla wind up for one last strike.
And for the first time in 2 million years, Xenilla is afraid of death.
(Lurker’s first submission, hope ya like it lol. Got inspired by that one post and I like the idea behind Ozzy.)
That’s a hell of a first submission, Lurkanon, nice! And it is at this moment Xenilla realizes that infecting Ozymandias, while it seemed like a good idea at the time, has turned out to be a fuck-up of not insignificant proportions and he is on the verge of finding out so hard it takes him off the census...
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tenebraevesper · 3 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer: The Final Haunt Arc (Part 1) - Rouge the Bat
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With the truth of Project Shadow looming over them, Shadow and Touka are forced by Mephiles the Dark and Toshiro Miwa to once again to confront their past, while the rest of Team Neos deals with Dr. Eggman’s newest scheme. Fortunately, they find an ally in the form of Rouge the Bat, renown treasure hunter and spy.
Entry 22: The Treasure Hunter
Entry 23: Stop & Rewind
Entry 24: Artificial Life
Entry 25: For Your Sake
Entry 26: The Chosen One
Entry 27: Never Turn Back
This analysis of The Final Haunt Arc focuses on Entry 22: The Treasure Hunter, as the chapter is an introduction to Rouge the Bat into the story, a recurring character who is a rival to Knuckles the Echidna and ally to Team Neos.
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The story kicks off with Rouge the Bat stealing a pink jewel from a vault inside a mansion in the middle of the night, lamenting the lack of challenge when it comes to security.
At the same time, Warren and Tails have finished their analysis of the data they had gathered at the Codex Research Facility, calling Touka and Shadow to ask them for permission to rely the information to the whole of Team Neos, as the information, while personal to the two, would be important for the whole team. The siblings agree.
The next day, as they’re on their way to the Taylor Workshop, Lily and Knuckles talk to Minami and Amy about the recent break-ins where the thief had stolen a bunch of jewels. Since Lily’s mother, Lauren, collects jewels and gemstones, she is afraid that her own collection might get stolen. However, Knuckles, as the Guardian of Lily and by extension the Crystle Mansion, is confident that he would be able to prevent this from happening.
As Team Neos gathers at the Taylor Workshop, with Warren and Tails telling them about the information they had gathered. They point out how research on Irregulars was permitted up until the incident where Shadow caused the shut down of the Codex Research Facility, with the main directive being the research of the origins of the Irregulars and how to control them. The two reveal how Prof. Sakamoto actually had a contributor to his research, but it had been redacted, so they don’t know who this contributor is. Warren and Tails then proceed to explain what exactly Irregular ARNavs are according to that research:
''The reason for that is because Irregulars are literal errors that appeared in the current system. They are amalgamations of stray data that has been caught between an AR Field and the real world, glitching out and forming into an Irregular. That also explains why we have no memories of anything before awakening. We're literally not supposed to exist,'' Tails explained. There was a moment of silence, with his teammates exchanging glances, being rather surprised, but at the same time, they seemed to be more accepting of that fact. With all the things that happened to them, this may not have been as shocking as it was supposed to be.
''That would explain why so many Irregulars have appeared in Neos City, since this place is filled with AR Fields,'' Sonic pointed out.
Tails simply nodded and continued, ''There is something else I want to add. According to Prof. Sakamoto, it is actually almost impossible for an Irregular to be artificially created. It wasn't elaborated on why though, but I have a couple of theories regarding that. More importantly, the remaining data shows that there had been several unsuccessful attempts of creating an artificial Irregular that they would be able to control, hence why I said that it's almost impossible to create one. However, thanks to the anonymous contributor, there was one, and only one, successful creation.''
As if on cue, everyone turned their heads towards Shadow. The ebony hedgehog wasn't too keen on all of the sudden attention he got, opting to just scowl and ignore it. They knew about his and Touka's past, as they had told them, and he wasn't going to answer any unnecessary questions.
They move onto the topic of BioEnergy, revealing how Prof. Sakamoto actually attempted to weaponize Irregulars via Project Shadow which, as Touka points out, failed spectacularly.
''Hmph, it is ironic that what the Professor couldn't achieve, you have managed to figure out,'' Shadow said suddenly, ignoring the looks he got.
''You mean, Chaos Surge?'' Lucas asked. Shadow nodded, then noted Sonic's curious look.
As Shadow points out, Team Neos had actually managed to achieve what Prof. Sakamoto failed - weaponizing BioEnergy alongside Irregulars via the use of Chaos Surge.
Later that night, Knuckles rummages through the fridge for grapes as he wanted to eat a late night snack. He walks past the hobby room, where he finds Rouge stealing a red jewel from the display case.
''Who are you and what are you doing with that jewel?'' Knuckles confronted the intruder. The bat ARNav gave him an intrigued gaze, still holding up the red jewel.
''My name is Rouge the Bat. Better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge,'' Rouge introduced herself, then tilted her head slightly as she gazed at Knuckles. ''And, who are you, handsome?''
''I'm Knuckles the Echidna, the Guardian of the Crystle Mansion, and you have no business being here,'' Knuckles responded, trying to ignore the ''handsome'' comment. Rouge put her fingertip on her lips, acting as if she were surprised.
''Oh, really? I had no idea!'' she said, walking around Knuckles. The red echidna was scowling, arms folded across his chest as he observed her circling him as if she was checking him out. ''I had just found some beautiful jewels and I just couldn't resist taking a closer look at them.''
''You got your chance to take a look at them, now give me back the jewel and leave before I make you leave!'' Knuckles warned her, but Rouge didn't appear to be particularly threatened.
''Don't worry, I was planning on leaving, but not without a souvenir,'' Rouge replied casually, brushing with her hand against Knuckles shoulder as she walked past him. Knuckles tensed for a moment, shivering feeling a chill down his spine, but then quickly turned towards Rouge.
''Give me the jewel back,'' he demanded. Rouge smirked, placing one hand on her hip as she turned towards him.
''Why don't you take it by yourself?'' she replied, holding the jewel up. Knuckles stepped towards her, but Rouge stepped back. Frowning, he stepped again towards her, reaching for the jewel, but Rouge leapt back. Now annoyed, Knuckles lunged at Rouge, but she quickly flapped her wings, flying up and causing Knuckles to crash into a nearby display. He shook his head, looking up at Rouge as she hovered above him. ''Huh? Is that all you've got?''
''You'll pay for this!'' Knuckles growled.
''I'm sorry honey, but I don't have any money on me,'' Rouge teased him, then winked at Knuckles. ''Would a kiss be enough?''
''Wh-ah, no!'' Knuckles stammered, his cheeks taking a sudden shade of red, being caught off guard by Rouge's question. Rouge took advantage of this, doing a two-finger salute and quickly flew out through the skylight.
''I'll be seeing you later!''
Knuckles just stared at the skylight, completely stunned. Suddenly, a pit formed in his stomach, followed by the sensation of dread as he realized that Rouge had just escaped with the jewel he was supposed to protect simply because he froze. He hated it.
Knuckles attempt to stop Rouge, but Rouge manages to stop him by simply flirting with Knuckles, who completely freezes as he has no clue how to deal with her. He is trained in combat, not how to handle flirting.
The next day Knuckles in a sour mood as he talks to Lily, who recognizes Rouge from the Sonic video games and tells Knuckles not to tell her parents about it, deciding to put Team Neos on the case in order to capture Rouge and force her to return the stolen jewel. They meet up with the rest of the team at Heizeru Park, discussing what they would be doing in regards to ambush Rouge if she returns again to steal more jewels, with Lucas coming up with a plan.
While Team Neos is busy with Rouge, Dr. Eggman overlooks Ferra and Metal Sonic’s training with the Chaos Surge. He himself had been busy with the fallout of infecting the Buddy Bots with a virus, letting the android he created, Dr. Tamago, do the talking to the public and the investigators. He knows that people wouldn't so easily trust the company after what had happened, but after some time passes, everyone would forget about it, not knowing at all that The Eggman Empire is associated with the Tamago Corporation.
Dr. Eggman is gleeful about getting the attention of Sonic and the rest of Team Neos, as this way, he can finally focus on conquering Neos City while playing his own game of cat and mouse with the hedgehog. He meets up with Toshiro and Mephiles, revealing that he is in contact with Prof. Sakamoto, who actually works for Dr. Eggman at a separate Egg Base. He orders Toshiro and Mephiles to attack Team Neos, simply to keep them busy while he keeps working on his own plans.
Back at the Crystle Mansion, Team Neos has set up a trap for Rouge, with Makoto, Silver, Minami, Amy, Touka and Shadow patrolling outside, Warren, Tails, Lucas and Sonic guarding the entrances to the hobby room and Lily and Knuckles standing guard inside the hobby room.
Knuckles is still bitter about his failure to protect the mansion from Rouge’s theft, but Lily manages to cheer him up, noting how Knuckles isn’t bothered just by his failure, but by something else as well.
''I brought dishonor to my status as your Guardian. While I swore to protect you, this also extends to your home. I deeply apologize for my failure,'' Knuckles added solemly, staring ahead. Lily gazed at him, a sympathetic look on her expression, and shifted closer to him. ''All I want is to fix my mistake.''
''Knux, listen… You haven't failed anything,'' Lily told him in a comforting tone. Knuckles just frowned harder.
''You're just stating that to make me feel better,'' he responded. Lily just rolled her eyes, humming.
''Yeah, you're right, I do want to make you feel better because I feel like you're too hard on yourself,'' she admitted, tilting her head. ''Also, I think there's a bit more to it than you just losing a jewel to Rouge.''
Knuckles stiffened, a slight shade of red tinting his cheeks as he clenched his fists tighter. He then looked at Lily. ''Do you swear you won't tell anyone about what I'm going to tell you?''
''Of course not, cross my heart and hope to die if I ever do,'' Lily replied, with Knuckles sitting next to her, crossing his legs and taking a deep breath as he placed his hands on his knees.
''I believe that Rouge has somehow charmed me… or at least she put me under a hex,'' Knuckles started. Lily gave him a surprised look.
''What do you mean by that?''
''During our encounter, we had a conversation and I… I started feeling weird, to the point that I just froze. I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't able to do anything at the moment and my inaction allowed Rouge to escape,'' Knuckles admitted.
''Was it something specific you guys were talking about?'' Lily asked, prying for more details to make sense of the situation. Knuckles shook his head.
''I… No, I just told her to hand over the jewel and she started to act weird and… bewitching, I suppose,'' he replied, remembering how he shivered at Rouge's touch. Lily stared at him for a moment, gears turning in her head as she processed the information, then snorted in amusement.
''I think I understand what's going on,'' she said. Knuckles gave her a confused look.
''You do?''
''Yeah, and rest assured, Rouge didn't put a hex on you,'' Lily assured him.
''Then, why-?'' Knuckle's voice died in his throat. Frankly, he felt quite foolish. He sighed, leaning back against the display case. ''I feel as if I should focus on my task rather than think about what had happened.''
''If you want to do that, that's okay. I'll be with you the whole time. If Rouge appears and tries to 'charm' you again, I'll have your back,'' Lily assured him, holding up her fist towards Knuckles. Knuckles smiled, lifting his arm and doing a fist bump.
''Thank you,'' he replied, grateful for Lily's presence. Whenever he felt like he doubted his actions, she was there to clear his mind and give him a proper direction. Sure, he was supposed to protect her, but he had to admit that he was content with Lily looking after him.
As it turns out, Knuckles believes that Rouge has somehow charmed him, causing him to freeze and feel weird around her. Lily quickly figures out that Knuckles either has a crush on Rouge or it’s just his inability to deal with someone flirting with him, with Rouge taking advantage of that. She promises him to have his back next time this happens.
Hours pass, with Team Neos falling asleep on guard duty. As it turns out, Rouge had been waiting for this to happen, observing the team from outside. Once she is sure that everyone is asleep, she sneaks into the hobby room, attempting to steal a green jewel.
Rouge had to admit that they looked kind of cute like this. Unfortunately for them, she was planning to leave this place completely empty. She walked up towards the display case, reaching for the green jewel inside it, only to get startled when a gloved fist grabbed her arm. Her eyes widened as she stared at Knuckles, now fully awake and glaring at her.
''I… I thought you were asleep,'' Rouge said, completely stunned.
''No, you have been tricked,'' Knuckles replied. To Rouge's surprise, Lily suddenly got up, giving her a victorious look.
''I had figured that you might stick around, which is why I told everyone to meet up at Heizeru Park to talk about what we should do. Once we were done, I just sent everyone a message about the actual plan, which was to bait you here,'' Lily explained. Rouge smirked.
''You're a smart cookie, sweetheart,'' she said, ripping her arm out of Knuckles' grip and stepping back.
To her surprise, she gets grabbed by Knuckles, with Lily revealing the true plan. Having a hunch that Rouge would spy on them, Lily suggested they all pretend to fall asleep to lure her into a false sense of security, something Rouge praises her for. When Sonic, Tails and Knuckles attack her, she throws a smoke bomb at them, attempting to escape through the skylight, only to be stopped by Silver and Shadow. She manages to get past them, as well as dodging Amy’s attack, only to see Knuckles flying after her on his own hoverboard, with the two resuming their chase in the city.
''You know, I had a lovely time playing with you,'' Rouge said, avoiding the punch and going for a kick in the gut, but Knuckles managed to catch her leg.
''I'm not pleased with any of your games,'' Knuckles responded, holding onto Rouge's leg and swinging her around before letting her go. Rouge flew back, but used her wings to stop herself, hovering on the rooftop.
She was about to attack Knuckles, when she and the echidna suddenly heard the sound of buzzing. They looked up, surprised to see a swarm of wasp or bee-like robots, which suddenly started to fire lasers from their stingers. Knuckles and Rouge dodged the laser blasts, being pushed back towards the edge of the rooftop. Rouge then flew up in an attempt to escape the barrage of laser blasts, only for one to hit her right in the right wing. She cried out in pain, finding herself plummeting towards the street below her. Rouge closed her eyes, aware that she couldn't fly herself up due to her injured wing and already accepted her fate, when she suddenly felt someone grabbing her. She forced her eyes open, stunned to see Knuckles carrying her bridal style and gliding towards the ground. She realized that she probably jumped after her when she got hit.
''Y-You saved me?'' Rouge stuttered in awe as they landed safely on the ground.
''You may be getting on my nerves, but I'm not going to let you die,'' Knuckles replied. Rouge stared at him, feeling her heart racing. ''Are you okay?''
''Uh, I am…'' Rouge replied, her mind fuzzy and her cheeks slightly red. She was stunned that Knuckles had saved her, despite the fact that he made it clear that he disliked her. ''You can let me down now.''
''Oh, right,'' Knuckles mumbled, letting go off Rouge. Both looked up at the wasp-like robots, which flew after them. Knuckles glanced at Rouge. ''How about a truce until we take care of those robots?''
''Gladly,'' Rouge replied, both turning towards their common enemy. She flapped with her injured wing, feeling a sting of pain, but she figured she could handle it.
During their fight, they get attacked by Buzz Bombers (sent my Toshiro and Mephiles), which shot down Rouge, only for Knuckles to save her. Rouge is quite stunned that her rival had saved her from falling, slowly developing a crush on him, with the two agreeing to a truce to deal with the robots.
After getting some help from Sonic, Silver and Shadow, as well as the rest of Team Neos arriving on the scene, Knuckles suddenly realizes that Rouge is gone.
Knuckles turned to Rouge to see what she had to say, only to realize that she was gone. He looked around frantically, only to see her suddenly fly down and holding her bag, having gone to the rooftop to pick it up.
''It appears that our truce has come to an end,'' Rouge said, turning to Knuckles. She was startled when he suddenly held her hand, a faint blush tinting her cheeks as she looked at Knuckles in astonishment. However, the strange feeling of fuzziness came to an sudden end when the echidna threw her over his shoulder and slammed her right into the ground. Rouge felt her back ache, but it didn't stop her from jumping on her feet and yelling at Knuckles, her face red, ''What the hell was that for?!''
The echidna warrior was taken aback by her sudden outburst, a look of guilt forming on his expression, ''I-I thought we'd be continuing our fight.''
Rouge groaned, rubbing her temples, then reached for her bag and took out the jewel, tossing it at Knuckles. ''I hate to part with it, but I guess I need to repay you for saving my life. You can have it back.''
Knuckles was genuinely stunned to see the red jewel back in his hands, looking down at it, then back at Rouge. ''I'm sorry… for hurting you earlier.''
''Don't worry, Big Guy, it's fine. I've been through worse,'' Rouge replied, blowing a kiss at him and then flying away. ''Bye!''
Knuckles stared at her as she vanished into the night, still a little stunned, with Lily approaching him. ''Are you okay?''
''I'm fine,'' Knuckles replied, still trying to process what just had happened. He was glad to have managed to get back the jewel and be done with everything, but at the same time he felt as if his interactions with Rouge weren't over yet.
As for Rouge, she managed to find a good spot on a building, allowing for her injured wing to rest. She sighed, enjoying the cold breeze that cooled the burnt spot and gazed down at the streets. While she felt a bit bitter for returning the jewel to Knuckles, she realized that it didn't really matter. As a matter of fact, she had a lot of fun tonight and she was looking forward to interacting more with Knuckles and his friends.
''I guess I had finally found my match.''
After some misunderstanding between her and Knuckles, who believed they were done with their truce and supposed to continue the battle, Rouge returns the jewel she stole as a thank you for saving her life. Knuckles is a bit stunned that Rouge would do that, feeling that this is indeed the beginning of something.
As for Rouge, while a bit bitter about the loss of the jewel, she admits that she had a lot of fun tonight, finding her match in Knuckles and looking forward to interacting more with him.
Rouge the Bat
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Rouge the Bat is a recurring character of Sonic Cyber Revolution. She is an Irregular ARNav based on her in-universe video game counterpart and is an ally of Team Neos and the leader of Team Dark.
Rouge strong-minded female bat with a collected and convivial voice. She is, in short, an enigma, as her motivations are always in question. In truth, she is usually just out for herself. She is incredibly smart, sassy, and seductive, and knows how to get what she wants. Once she has a target in mind, she always goes for it, regardless of the costs. Beneath her ditsy exterior though, she is a calculating realist and her motives are always mercenary in nature. Regardless, she is loyal to her closest friends.
Rouge is a renown treasure hunter, insisting on being called that instead of a thief (even though she technically commits theft), and a spy, having a weakness for jewels which she always obsesses about. She is quite skilled in combat, stealth and infiltration, possessing both super-level kicking power and flight.
While Rouge typically looks out for her own interests, she becomes a valuable ally to Team Neos, teaming up more often than not with them whenever there is some kind of crisis and giving them hard-to-access information.
Rouge’s unquenchable thirst for gemstones tends to land her often in hot water with Knuckles, as she has a tendency to specifically target the Crystle Mansion. She shows to be very carefree and has a playful devil-may-care attitude around Knuckles, often flirting with the echidna. This tactic is usually used to get Knuckles’ guard down, as he doesn’t know how to respond to Rouge’s flirting, but it appears that Rouge might actually have genuine feelings for him, showing a bashful side whenever she actually gets a response from the echidna.
Rouge’s rivalry with Knuckles brings her a lot of entertainment, as she likes to interact with him, but she can also get exasperated by his clueless nature whenever she tries to show her true emotions in regards to him, a sentiment she shares with Lily.
During The Team Dark Arc, Rouge forms, along with Shadow, Omega and Touka, Team Dark due to the circumstances they find themselves in. Rouge acts as the de facto leader of the team, being the one to handle finding missions, the briefing and information gathering. It should be noted that, while Team Dark is officially disbanded at the end of the arc as a team acting within the ARMS organisation, Rouge reforms the team later on, calling Shadow, Omega and Touka to help her with whatever mission she finds for them. She also shows to care a lot about her teammates, looking out for them whenever necessary.
Rouge also owns Club “Rouge”, a club that also has her apartment above it. Club “Rouge” also serves as the headquarters of Team Dark, where the team is usually briefed for missions. When not on a mission or a treasure hunt, Rouge is the one who manages it, with Omega working as the bouncer.
Insert Themes:
Fly in the Freedom by Sonic Adventure 2 (Theme of Rouge)
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer (Masterlist)  
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ask-teos · 2 months
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Nicole: Thirdly, Relic Orkney. Another ex-ally of ours just like Shadow, though through different circumstances.
Nicole: Born on April 16th, 1983 in the Isles of Britannia, Relic was known in her community as a sort of budding prodigy for archeology, going so far as to take college classes alongside still being in highschool so that she could begin her career as an exploring archeologist as early as possible. 
Nicole: She traveled all across the world, making numerous discoveries. And at the very end of her journey, she managed to reach the legendary Angel Island while it had been grounded due to the awakening of the water goddess Chaos that occurred in early 2004.
Nicole: It was because of this that she became friends with one of our allies, Knuckles Guardlander, the guardian of Angel Island.
Nicole: She lived on Angel Island for a little over 4 years, moving out in late 2008 just shortly after the Shattered World Crisis had come to a close.
Nicole: While at first, she was seen with an unknown cool gray colored hedgehog in the days following the reuniting of Aerth, Relic ultimately would move in with and start working for Doctor Ezrieal Clysdale as an assistant.
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plasma-studios · 1 year
yall wrote a super cool & angsty cream/errorink fic (ao3 link)
foolish to love, foolish to not
Dream shifted his ring. An indulgent smile rested comfortably against his cheeks. His circlet sat two feet away, glinting with glows even though it had last been gilded some time ago. It was strange. He was a God of the Heart, a Guardian of the Mind— yet, he found it so hard to love. He found it impossible, even, to love, whether it be the people or the daunting world that greeted him upon his newfound freedom of the stone.
Maybe it couldn’t be changed. He always wandered back to the same thought on the colder, lonelier nights, ironically. Maybe I’ll always be craving for something I cannot have . Then he’d drift right off to sleep of his own volition. 
On those nights, he almost wished he could dream. If only he could withstand the nightmares. Maybe then the world would be kind enough to let him.
He didn’t know what love was. Perhaps, upon his freedom, he should’ve asked someone, but who would he ask? He’d missed many important life lessons while imprisoned anyway. He’d just pick things up along the way.
So love, he decided, was affection . And who would argue?
"I may not understand it, but..." Dream sighed wistfully, happy as Ink had ever seen him, which was quite a feat. "I'm so glad my brother agreed to leave us in peace."
"You are a fool." Ink was quiet but Dream still heard it. "Don't you understand why Nightmare approved of your relationship with Cross?
Dream didn't take the bait. "What does it matter?"
Ink's back was turned, yet the frown was heard in his voice. "I told you once, I'll tell you again, Gods cannot love."
"We've already had this conversation," Dream reminded him.
"You weren't listening," He bit back.
Dream shook his head. "No, but I didn't need to. Besides, do you not love that Destroyer?"
Ink chuckled and turned to meet his eye. "It is not love. We may be bound together, but the bond we share is far too bloody and hateful to be love." The smile dropped. "That's because, well, a God's love will always be just that, bloody, hateful, and tragic. You may be the best of us in heart, but that means you're the only one with a breakable heart. That will be your downfall."
"Enough. Cross loves me, as I do him."
"If you loved him, you would forbid this indulgence. It will only hurt him, and you even more so."
Dream paused. "You do realise you're the only God who opposes us?"
Ink grimaced. "Do you not see? Cross is my adoptive brother while you are my closest ally. The others do not oppose because it will not hurt them, but it will me."
"That's not true." Dream was soft. "My brother's given his approval."
The frown fell into something unreadable. "Do you not see it, even now?"
"Spell it out, I've no time for your mind games." Still, he had answered, and it was an answer that called for its namesake silently. Dream wasn't meeting his gaze.
"Dream," Ink grew softer. "We both know Nightmare seeks your downfall, at least for his own gain. Then, you must ask yourself why he approved of this love."
Dream's knuckles grew white.
"Please, Dream." Ink was weary. "I am tired of this. This love will only end in tragedy. Nightmare knows it, I know it, and so do you. Let Cross go. Clinging on will only hurt you both more."
Dream's fingers were shaking. "You know," His voice quivered but he forced it to continue. "I missed a lot of life lessons while in that stone."
"That you did." Ink didn't take the bait but he didn't need to.
"One of them was learning how to hurt." Then, finally, he looked up.
Ink smiled. Dream didn't return it. "Forgive me," He whispered. He rose from the armchair, eyelights dim as the glint against an arrow shot. "I will not lose love a second time. I am sorry. But I do not care what devastation it will bring."
Dream's voice was steadier than ever. "I am owed it."
Ink’s gaze was unreadable, but still the smile was there.
“Very well.” The words burned. “It’s none of my concern anymore then. I only hope you don’t live to regret it.”
“I’m curious,” Error mused. “Dream already understood your meaning. Why, then, did you allow him to continue?”
Ink toyed with what little astray strings there were. “He is a God of the Heart. His mind will always be secondary to it.”
Error looked thoughtful. “I thought you truly cared about him.”
“As an ally, yes. He was— still is— one of the most valuable out there for his unique skillset. If we wish to ever incapacitate Corrupted, he is essential. But he was of little use back then, with his wandering heart and wavering head.”
“Ah, I see.” Error looked away, disinterested. “No wonder. A broken heart always learns quicker.”
“And how quick it would be for a God of it.”
Error sighed wistfully, the pained cries echoing from the window of code. “He’s almost pitiful.”
“Yes, he is.” Ink shrugged. “I did warn him.”
Error tugged the strings away from him. “I can’t help but feel sorry.”
“Me too,” Ink sighed. “If only. This was so easily avoidable.”
“He will come looking for you soon.” Error spoke offhandedly, as if the grief of a broken Guardian wasn’t raging through his anti-void through the viewpoint of a hidden window of code.
“That he will.” With that, Ink rose and adjusted his slightly askew scarf. “He will come to break his vow of nonviolence.”
“Wait, let’s make a bet.” The calculating sheen had returned to the mismatched eyelights. Ink cracked a smile, the playful hint creeping through. “How long till Dream realises Nightmare died long ago?”
Ink hummed. “To be honest, I think he already suspected it. But I doubt he’ll care now."
“Hm.” Error shrugged it off. “I was hoping not, but no matter. Get some rest.”
Ink nodded, his bones turning the hue of ink and halfway melted into the liquid. 
“See you on the battleground tomorrow.”
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sonicheroesnvillains · 9 months
♡ + future
Anon || (X) || Knuckles
He's worried about what the future will bring. Eggman planning something big, with GUN and their experiments, even with his friends fighting against them, he can't help but worry. Its one reason why he works so hard to protect the island!
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sydsaint · 6 months
Repost! From my AO3 but its spooky season so enjoy 🖤
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Summary: The reader goes to a Halloween party dressed up as an angel. While there she meets Malakai Black, conveniently dressed up as a pastor.
"I don't know, I still say that this is a little cliche, Allie." You frown in the mirror while she fixes the fake angel wings on your back.
Allie giggles with a mischievous smile and sets her chin on your shoulder. "Come on, Y/N. You look...well.." She tries to find the right descriptor.
"Like an angel?" You let out a small laugh.
"Exactly." Allie grins and hands you a halo headband, the last piece of your Halloween costume. "Now come on! We're going to be late for the party." She grabs your hand and pulls you along.
You and Allie arrive at the annual AEW Halloween party thrown by Tony Khan dressed as an angel and devil, respectively. The place is already ablaze with lights and music so you both head in and jump into the mix of things.
You make a B-line for the bar to grab a drink while Allie gets caught up talking to Ana Jay.
"Hi, can I get a pina colada, please?" You bat your eyelashes at the bartender.
The bartender nods, flashing you a flirty grin. He mixes up your drink and hands it to you across the bar. You smile at him as you take your drink and turn around to face the crowd. You search the crowd for anyone interesting to chat with for a bit. That is until someone leans against the bar next to you.
"An angel, huh?" Malakai Black observes you with a curious glint in his eyes.
"Hmm?" You turn to your side and lock eyes with Black. He's dressed in a pastor costume, rosery wrapped around the hand he's got resting on the bar. "Malakai!? A pastor, huh?" You let out a small laugh. "That's kind of ironic, don't you suppose?"
Your joke earns a small chuckle from Black. One that sends a small shiver down your spine. "Yes, I suppose that one could see the irony in a man such as myself dressed as a holy man." He tilts his head to the side and eyes the glitter rolled onto your skin. "It appears that both of us are liars tonight. Wouldn't you agree?"  He asks you.
You furrow your brows at his question not noticing Malakai's hand inching towards you. You don't notice his movements until the back of his knuckles gently slides down your arm and rub off some of the glitter.
"Can I get you another drink?" Malakai asks you suddenly, examining the glitter on his hand.
Your heart skips a beat at the dark look in his eye. "Yeah, sure. Thank you." You thank him with a hard swallow.
Malakai nods and motions for the bartender to top both of your drinks up. The bartender refills both glasses and walks off again in silence.
"Malakai, may I ask you something?" You sip your drink quietly. Black nods and you contemplate if you should ask your question. "Why a pastor? If you don't mind me asking?" You ask him.
A playful smile appears on Black's face and he turns to face you. "An interesting question, Miss L/N." He admits. "I suppose that I was ultimately interested in playing the righteous man for a night. Halloween is all about taking a chance to hide behind a mask and conceal who you truly are, right?"
"I find that if you give people a chance to hide behind a mask, they only end up showing you who they truly are inside." You reply, staring deeply at the half-empty drink in your hand. "Of course, that might just be the alcohol talking." You giggle.
Malakai turns fully to you again, he smiles at the rose of your cheeks from your drinks. "Well if that's true, then maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something, I suppose." He shrugs. "What's a pastor's true purpose in life? To help others? Listen to their problems and pile their sins on so that they may live in peace?"
You turn fully to Black and meet his gaze. "It sounds to me like the pastors you've met were all in need of a guardian angel." You joke with a small giggle.
"Yes, perhaps they were." Malakai agrees. "For what is a man but a martyr to the promised pureness and beauty of an angel?" He stares down at you.
You fumble with your glass, now hyper-aware of Malakai's intense gaze. Part of you wants to flee to the safety of the crowd just feet from you. But the other part is frozen in awe and intrigue at the man in front of you. On his holiday no less.
"Well, what's an angel without the men that worship her?" You counter Black's earlier statement after a moment's thought.
A sly smile plays on Malakai's lips as he reaches out and grabs your hand. You watch as he lifts it up and places a ghost of a kiss on the back of your hand. "Please, allow me to be the lowly martyr of a man that worships your beauty tonight, Miss L/N." He asks you.
"Oh!" You take your hand back with a look of surprise. "And what if I'm not up to the task of saving a man that's been so damned?" You ask him, a surge of confidence running through you.
Malakai chuckles and finishes off the last of his drink. "Never underestimate the lengths of a damned man will go through to drag his peers down with him, my dear." He smiles at you. "I find that it is always the purest of angels that are the easiest to fall."
Black offers you his hand as he nods to the door on the other side of the room. You hesitate for a moment but take his hand. curious about who will prevail in this little tussle of the angel vs the damned soul seeking redemption in dragging everyone down with him.
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kamenrideryeets · 1 year
To talk about Surge and Kit in a positive light, and from a character standpoint rather than a legal one…
You know, Kit’s “you’re all the same” remark was right in more ways than just one.
Yes, Sonic and Eggman both only project themselves and their own ideals onto Surge and Kit, only see them as “more friends” or “more weapons/minions.”
But “you don’t need us, you want us” means more than that.
They AREN’T needed by either side. Sonic and Eggman will both be fine without them. Because they both already have a million other allies.
And if Surge and Kit joined either of them… they wouldn’t be needed. They wouldn’t be “main” characters. They wouldn’t be integral to the series.
To Sonic, Surge or Kit wouldn’t be the brains and little bro like Tails, the heart and “love interest” like Amy, or the Emerald guardian like Knuckles.
To Eggman, they wouldn’t be the face of his rivalry with Sonic like Metal, his child and tether to humanity like Sage, or his silly right-hand men like Orbot and Cubot.
They’d just be reduced to side characters, like Tangle, Whisper, Team Dark, the Chaotix, or take your pick from the supporting cast.
Not naturally there, not needed to tell a story, only appearing when a story was specially built to include them, or it was able to contain a bunch of characters without needing to deeply invest in any of them.
If they joined Sonic or Eggman, they’d just be part of a large collective from which characters are selected.
They’d be optional.
They’d be unnecessary.
They’d be forgettable.
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justtrash202 · 5 months
Knuckles just ask
Sonic the hedgehog Fanfic
Rated: T
Pairing: Sonic The Hedgehog/Knuckle the Echinda
Summary: Knuckles finally asked Sonic out
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Caught in a mix of feelings, Knuckles, the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, found himself reflecting on recent changes in his life. His usual sense of duty was transforming into a newfound warmth from connections and a sense of belonging to a tribe that felt like family. Amidst these changes, Sonic emerged as a standout figure – a shining star in Knuckles' world.
As Knuckles thought about their adventures and shared victories, he realized that Sonic had become more than just an ally. Their bond went beyond their roles as guardian and adventurer, evolving into a deep friendship. Memories of their battles against Dr. Robotnik and other challenges played like a highlight reel in Knuckles' mind. Sonic's carefree spirit had a way of breaking through Knuckles' tough exterior, offering him a different perspective on duty. Together, they faced adversaries that tested not only their strength but also their trust in each other. The connection they shared wasn't just about protecting the Chaos Emeralds; it symbolized the strength found in unity.
As Knuckles navigated his emotions, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for Sonic's role in his life. Sonic had transformed the once chaotic landscape of Knuckles' existence into a canvas painted with moments of laughter, daring escapades, and authentic friendship. Duty, once a solitary path, had now evolved into a collective effort, made lighter by the companionship of those, particularly Sonic, who stood by his side. In acknowledging Sonic's influence, Knuckles came to a realization – his strength stemmed not only from the power of the Chaos Emeralds but also from the connections he had forged with others. Continuing in his duty as the guardian, Knuckles embraced the notion that duty and joy could coexist, intertwined with the bonds of friendship. The whirlwind of emotions he felt settled into a calm assurance that, with friends beside him, he could confront any challenges the future held. Together, they would overcome the chaos the world threw at them.
However, Knuckles found himself entangled in a different kind of complexity. Sonic's impact on him had transcended the realm of friendship. The once stoic guardian now felt his heart quicken at the thought of Sonic's light green eyes and infectious smile. What began as admiration for Sonic's carefree spirit had evolved into a profound connection that left Knuckles utterly captivated. Sonic wasn't just a friend; he had become the focal point of Knuckles' newfound happiness. Yet, as love blossomed within Knuckles, so did the weight of a secret he carried. Despite the joy they shared, an undisclosed truth lingered – Sonic's curse. This hidden knowledge added a layer of urgency to Knuckles' feelings, casting a shadow on the burgeoning romance. The ache of this unspoken truth became a poignant undercurrent amid Knuckles' emotions, a testament to the complexity of the bonds they shared.
With the decision to ask Sonic out hanging in the air, Knuckles found himself weighed down by the significance of his emotions. What once started as admiration had blossomed into a profound and undeniable love. As he stood on the precipice of taking that leap, the impact Sonic had on his life echoed within Knuckles, creating a symphony of emotions that fueled his courage to bear his feelings. As he remained immersed in the watchful duty over the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, with his characteristic exuberance, approached.
"Hey, Knux! What's happening?"
Sonic's lively greeting cut through the serene atmosphere. Knuckles responded with a warm smile, and Sonic, in his typical fashion, wasted no time in suggesting a hangout.
"I was thinking we could catch up, you know? It's been too long since we just chilled,"
Sonic proposed, his eyes sparkling with the promise of excitement. Caught off guard by the unexpected invitation, Knuckles found himself captivated by the enthusiasm in Sonic's gaze.
"Sure, why not?"
As the words left Knuckles' lips, he couldn't help but marvel at the serendipity of the moment. It felt like the universe was conspiring to bring them together. As they embarked on this casual hangout, Knuckles couldn't shake the anticipation bubbling within him. The decision to express his feelings lingered in the background, creating an undercurrent of tension beneath the surface of their seemingly ordinary rendezvous.
As Sonic and Knuckles found a comfortable spot to sit, Sonic took the lead in the conversation, sharing exciting stories of his recent adventures. He animatedly described loop-de-loops, daring chases, and encounters with robotic adversaries, painting a vivid picture of his dynamic life. Knuckles, genuinely intrigued, listened intently, getting caught up in the energy of Sonic's tales. Continuing with his exploits, Sonic delved into more personal thoughts.
"You know, Knux, I've been doing some thinking lately. Life's full of twists and turns, right? But that's what makes it exciting. It's like every loop-de-loop brings something new,"
Sonic mused, maintaining his trademark grin. Knuckles, a bit surprised by the shift in the conversation, nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, life's unpredictable."
Sonic continued, sharing reflections on appreciating the positive aspects of life amid all the chaos. "Sometimes I wonder if we focus too much on the chaos around us and forget to appreciate the good stuff, you know? The friendships, the moments that make us smile. It's easy to get caught up in the rush and miss what really matters."
As Sonic shared these thoughts, he noticed a subtle change in Knuckles' expression. The usually stoic guardian seemed to be processing Sonic's words on a deeper level.
"You've been acting kinda off lately, Knux. Everything cool?"
Sonic's genuine concern was reflected in his furrowed brow as he inquired about Knuckles' well-being. Caught off guard, Knuckles stumbled through a few vague excuses, attempting to divert Sonic's attention from the underlying unease. However, the weight of the unspoken truth lingered. Knuckles felt an increasing need to be honest with Sonic. With each passing moment, the burden of secrecy became more pronounced. Eventually, taking a deep breath, Knuckles confessed,
"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Sonic."
The anticipation hung in the air as Knuckles summoned the courage to share what had been on his mind.
"I need to ask you something important."
Sonic's genuine concern was reflected in his furrowed brow as he inquired about Knuckles' well-being. Caught off guard, Knuckles stumbled through a few vague excuses, attempting to divert Sonic's attention from the underlying unease. However, the weight of the unspoken truth lingered. Knuckles felt an increasing need to be honest with Sonic. With each passing moment, the burden of secrecy became more pronounced. Eventually, taking a deep breath, Knuckles confessed,
"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Sonic."
The anticipation hung in the air as Knuckles summoned the courage to share what had been on his mind.
"I need to ask you something important."
Knuckles hesitated, struggling to find the right words. He started, stopped, and then began again, his usually confident demeanor faltering. Sonic, sensing Knuckles' struggle, remained patient, a supportive expression on his face.
"I, uh, it's just that, you see..."
Knuckles stammered, his words getting tangled in his attempt to express his feelings. Sonic, ever the understanding friend, refrained from interrupting, offering a reassuring smile and an encouraging nod. Finally, Knuckles blurted out,
"Okay, let me just say it. I've been feeling... weird lately, and I think it has something to do with you, Sonic."
A moment of silence hung in the air before Sonic broke into a grin, teasingly saying,
"Weird, huh? Never thought I'd see the day when Knuckles gets all tangled up in emotions. Go on, spill it, buddy."
"So… what were you about to say?"
The confident facade that typically adorned Knuckles' demeanor faltered, presenting an unusual vulnerability. Sonic found the stumble in Knuckles' words endearing, a departure from the usual self-assured stance he exuded. As Knuckles struggled to find his footing, a blush crept onto his face, adding an adorable layer to his usually stoic appearance. Sensing the nervous energy, Sonic couldn't help but appreciate this unexpected display of vulnerability from the typically composed echidna.
"I-I - well,"
Knuckles began, attempting to gather his thoughts. His purple eyes briefly flickered away before settling back on Sonic. With a small huff, Knuckles closed his eyes, summoning the courage to express his feelings. Throwing caution to the wind, he blurted out,
"W-will you like to go on a date with me?"
The shy inquiry revealed a charming vulnerability that Sonic found irresistibly cute, melting the cool exterior of the echidna. Sonic, responding with his typical nonchalant charm, flashed a grin and casually quipped,
"Sure, why not?"
The words hung in the air, a pleasant surprise for Knuckles, who couldn't help but break into a relieved smile. Sonic's teasing and casual acceptance transformed the tension into a lighthearted moment, making Knuckles feel at ease with his bold confession.
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masterqwertster · 5 months
How about some speculation on what powers waking up the Shard of Ka'Mort will grant Ashton.
This list is compiled based on the abilities of the Titanstone Knuckles, Earth Elementals, and just general earth/rock-themed spells pulled from the Druid spell list.
I, in no way, expect Ashton to pick up even half of these. It's just a fun exercise in possibilities. And a very long post.
From the Titanstone Knuckles:
I'm gonna use their Exalted state for the full ability list. And while I don't think Matt's going to go one-for-one with the Shard, I won't be surprised if there's a fair bit of overlap given the Knuckles were crafted from a fragment of an earth titan's heartstone.
Increase Strength Score to 26
Honestly, considering the Quintessence Array is supposed to boost Stat Scores from other items and such, I expect some Stat boost. And given that the basic earth genasi racial boost goes to Constitution and Strength, those are the ones I'd expect it for. And a big strength one like this given a) Belts of [Type] Giant Strength give similar boosts and a titan, who is essentially a walking mountain, should be stronger, and b) Evontra'vir literally said "the dormant strength of the empress."
I would personally like to see Ashton's Constitution restored to what it was, if not further boosted. But also understand that it's probably not gonna happen because that was their (further) punishment for trying something crazy and stupid.
Double Damage to objects and structures (siege damage)
Considering this is also in the Earth Elemental abilities, I think Ashton should get siege damage. It's very situational, but definitely could be useful down the road seeing as Destroy the Malleus Key is on the To Do List. And it's helpful for the bane of all adventuring parties: Doors!
Once a day Enlarge/Reduce, though they may only choose the enlarge effect. The spell lasts for 10 minutes rather than the usual 1 minute
Very much a take it or leave it ability. Titans are impossibly huge, being able to take on a very small fraction of that size makes sense. But the bonuses besides size/weight it offers are kind of meh for a barbarian when Rage already offers advantage on Strength roles, so only a d4 of extra damage is new.
Resistance to cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage while enlarged
I honestly doubt Matt is going to give Ashton Resistances. Certainly not multiple ones like this unless it strictly follows the Knuckles' rules or some other similar restrictions on use.
From the Earth Elemental:
Guardian Pillars: The guardian creates pillars of stone. Allied creatures within 5 feet of the pillars are protected in some way.
So this was shown by the Earth Guardian Elemental that Abbadina summoned for the assault on the Dawnfather Temple. We don't know what protection the pillars offered, but this is an Earth Elemental ability and Ashton does want to protect Bells Hells, so I think this would be a fun one to pick up.
Darkvision 60 ft. Can see in the dark within a specific radius. Can see in dim light within the radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
More Darkvision for the party is always good. And, in the more recent release for genasi (Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse vs Elemental Evil Player's Companion, which Ashton was built off of), they do just get Darkvision. So not a bad little upgrade to slip Ashton.
Tremorsense 60 ft. Can detect and pinpoint the origin of vibrations within a specific radius, provided that the monster and the source of the vibrations are in contact with the same ground or substance. Tremorsense can't be used to detect flying or incorporeal creatures.
Basically an earth-based Blindsight. Useful for keeping an eye out for invisible enemies following them and navigating and keeping an eye out when using Earth Glide. I would think Ashton would only get Tremorsense if they also got Earth Glide.
Earth Glide: The elemental can burrow at a speed of 30 ft through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves through.
This could be an interesting ability for Ashton to pick up too. It can open up some interesting mobility work, both in and out of battles. Definitely some potential for sneaking around some places if Ashton can semi-walk through walls at will.
Slam Attack: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. 2d8 + 5(STR bonus?) bludgeoning damage
I mostly put this in as a different/upgrade to an Unarmed Strike for Ashton's new arm. Very doubtful it will happen.
Siege Monster: double damage to objects and structures
As mentioned up in the Titanstone Knuckles, it's an easy gimme that has very situational good use.
Damage Immunities: Poison
Considering I think Ashton getting Damage Resistances is low, I also doubt he'll get Damage Immunities.
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
I could see the Immunity to Petrified happening, since Ashton is, technically, already made of stone. I really doubt any of the other Condition Immunities would happen.
From general earth-themed spells pulled from the Druid spell list:
I don't expect many, if any, spells to be picked up. Ashton can't use them while Raging. And no spell above 6th level at the moment since that's as high as Imogen and FCG can go currently. But I also wanted a full list, so here we are.
Magic Stone:
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone. If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.
Use a bonus action to make magic rocks to throw at people. Semi-useful, and it provides a range option with a bit of prep time since Ashton can't cast while Raging.
Mold Earth:
You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways: 1) If you target an area of loose earth, you can instantaneously excavate it, move it along the ground, and deposit it up to 5 feet away. This movement doesn’t have enough force to cause damage. 2)You cause shapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt or stone, spelling out words, creating images, or shaping patterns. The changes last for 1 hour. 3)If the dirt or stone you target is on the ground, you cause it to become difficult terrain. Alternatively, you can cause the ground to become normal terrain if it is already difficult terrain. This change lasts for 1 hour. If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Definitely strikes me as a powerful, primal entity of earth ability to do some shaping of earth to your will. Good for traps, brief navigational markers, and easing travel for the party or making it difficult for pursuers.
1st Level
Earth Tremor:
You cause a tremor in the ground in a 10-foot radius. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until cleared.
Another one that definitely makes sense. A titan shakes the ground with its mere footsteps. This also has the potential for crowd control by making a decent sized circle of them all fall down.
2nd Level
Dust Devil:
Choose an unoccupied 5-foot cube of air that you can see within range. An elemental force that resembles a dust devil appears in the cube and lasts for the spell’s duration. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the dust devil must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and is pushed 10 feet away. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed. As a bonus action, you can move the dust devil up to 30 feet in any direction. If the dust devil moves over sand, dust, loose dirt, or small gravel, it sucks up the material and forms a 10-foot-radius cloud of debris around itself that lasts until the start of your next turn. The cloud heavily obscures its area.
Useful for distractions and a bit of ranged coverage. Also calls back to Ashton being spat out in a desert when they were teleported upon receiving the Shard.
3rd Level
Erupting Earth:
Choose a point you can see on the ground within range. A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared away. Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand.
Heaving earth always makes sense to me as something a titan can do, and thus an ability one would grant.
Meld into Stone:
You step into a stone object or surface large enough to fully contain your body, melding yourself and all the equipment you carry with the stone for the duration. Using your movement, you step into the stone at a point you can touch. Nothing of your presence remains visible or otherwise detectable by nonmagical senses.While merged with the stone, you can’t see what occurs outside it, and any Wisdom (Perception) checks you make to hear sounds outside it are made with disadvantage. You remain aware of the passage of time and can cast spells on yourself while merged in the stone. You can use your movement to leave the stone where you entered it, which ends the spell. You otherwise can’t move.
If Ashton gets Earth Glide, this is useless. And honestly? Pretty low value for Ashton in general.
4th Level
Conjure Minor Elementals:
You summon elementals that appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within 90 feet. You choose one the following options for what appears: One elemental of challenge rating 2 or lower Two elementals of challenge rating 1 or lower Four elementals of challenge rating 1/2 or lower Eight elementals of challenge rating 1/4 or lower An elemental summoned by this spell disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The DM has the creatures’ statistics.
Considering the Spark idly spat out the Doompa Loompas, which probably fit in this category of Elementals, I think it wouldn't be out of the question for Ashton to get their own minions once the Shard awakens. Number games are useful. So are scouts.
Stone Shape:
You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5 feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. So, for example, you could shape a large rock into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is less than 5 feet thick. You could also shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn’t possible.
Shaping earth feels like a titan thing. And this can take some burden off of Fearne and FCG to have this spell prepared.
5th Level
Conjure Elemental:
You call forth an elemental servant. Choose an area of air, earth, fire, or water that fills a 10-foot cube within range. An elemental of challenge rating 5 or lower appropriate to the area you chose appears in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of it. For example, a fire elemental emerges from a bonfire, and an earth elemental rises up from the ground. The elemental disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The elemental is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the elemental, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the elemental, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. If your concentration is broken, the elemental doesn’t disappear. Instead, you lose control of the elemental, it becomes hostile toward you and your companions, and it might attack. An uncontrolled elemental can’t be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. The DM has the elemental’s statistics.
A titan probably should be able to whistle up a full Elemental. And given what happened in Hearthdell, I feel like it wouldn't be impossible that Ashton wouldn't have to worry about Concentration since he's higher up the Elemental food chain as a baby titan. But if Ashton gets a summon ability, it's probably going to be one or the other on full or minor.
Transmute Stone:
You choose an area of stone or mud that you can see that fits within a 40-foot cube and that is within 120 feet, and choose one of the following effects. Transmute Rock to Mud. Nonmagical rock of any sort in the area becomes an equal volume of thick and flowing mud that remains for the spell’s duration. If you cast the spell on an area of ground, it becomes muddy enough that creatures can sink into it. Each foot that a creature moves through the mud costs 4 feet of movement, and any creature on the ground when you cast the spell must make a Strength saving throw. A creature must also make this save the first time it enters the area on a turn or ends its turn there. On a failed save, a creature sinks into the mud and is restrained, though it can use an action to end the restrained condition on itself by pulling itself free of the mud. If you cast the spell on a ceiling, the mud falls. Any creature under the mud when it falls must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Transmute Mud to Rock. Nonmagical mud or quicksand in the area no more than 10 feet deep transforms into soft stone for the spell’s duration. Any creature in the mud when it transforms must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes restrained by the rock. The restrained creature can use an action to try to break free by succeeding on a Strength check (DC 20) or by dealing 25 damage to the rock around it. On a successful save, a creature is shunted safely to the surface to an unoccupied space.
Again, shaping and manipulating earth is very much in the titan wheelhouse. Could be useful for ambushes.
Wall of Stone:
A nonmagical wall of solid stone springs into existence at a point you choose within range. The wall is 6 inches thick and is composed of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with at least on other panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by-20-foot panels that are only 3 inches thick. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid surface), that creature can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, it can use its reaction to move up to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the wall. The wall can have any shape you desire, though it can’t occupy the same space as a creature or object. the wall doesn’t need to be vertical or resting on any firm foundation. It must, however, merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. Thus you can use this spell to bridge a chasm or create a ramp. If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length, you must halve the size of each panel to create supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create crenelations, battlements, and so on. The wall is an object made of stone that can be damaged and thus breached. Each panel has AC 15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing a panel to 0 hit points destroys it and might cause connected panels to collapse at the DM’s discretion. If you maintain your concentration on this spell for 10 minutes, the wall becomes permanent and can’t be dispelled. Otherwise, the wall disappears when the spell ends.
More earth manipulation. And hey! Potential camping spell. Could make a little rock tent to protect everyone while camping. ...And potentially destroy it really easily with siege damage in the morning.
6th Level
Bones of the Earth:
You cause up to six pillars of stone to burst from places on the ground that you can see within range. Each pillar is a cylinder that has a diameter of 5 feet and a height of up to 30 feet. The ground where a pillar appears must be wide enough for its diameter, and you can target ground under a creature if that creature is Medium or smaller. Each pillar has AC 5 and 30 hit points. When reduced to 0 hit points, a pillar crumbles into rubble, which creates an area of difficult terrain with a 10-foot radius. The rubble lasts until cleared. If a pillar is created under a creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be lifted by the pillar. A creature can choose to fail the save. If a pillar is prevented from reaching its full height because of a ceiling or other obstacle, a creature on the pillar takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage and is restrained, pinched between the pillar and the obstacle. The restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (the creature’s choice) against the spell’s saving throw DC. On a success, the creature is no longer restrained and must either move off the pillar or fall off it.
This is, essentially, the Guardian Pillars from the Earth Elemental section. Just without whatever protection those were supposed to offer.
Investiture of Stone:
Until the spell ends, bits of rock spread across your body, and you gain the following benefits: You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. You can use your action to create a small earthquake on the ground in a 15-foot radius centered on you. Other creatures on that ground must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. You can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without spending extra movement. You can move through solid earth or stone as if it was air and without destabilizing it, but you can’t end your movement there. If you do so, you are ejected to the nearest unoccupied space, this spell ends, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
Honestly, this offers a mix from earlier spells and abilities as well as some of Ashton's barbarian abilities. So it's got potential to be highly redundant. So probably not this spell, but maybe the small earthquake ability in general.
Move Earth:
Choose an area of terrain no larger than 40 feet on a side within 120 feet. You can reshape dirt, sand, or clay in the area in any manner you choose for up to 2 hours. You can raise or lower the area’s elevation, create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar. The extent of any such changes can’t exceed half the area’s largest dimension. So, if you affect a 40-foot square, you can create a pillar up to 20 feet high, raise or lower the square’s elevation by up to 20 feet, dig a trench up to 20 feet deep, and so on. It takes 10 minutes for these changes to complete. At the end of every 10 minutes you spend concentrating on the spell, you can choose a new area of terrain to affect. Because the terrain’s transformation occurs slowly, creatures in the area can’t usually be trapped or injured by the ground’s movement. This spell can’t manipulate natural stone or stone construction. Rocks and structures shift to accommodate the new terrain. If the way you shape the terrain would make a structure unstable, it might collapse. Similarly, this spell doesn’t directly affect plant growth. The moved earth carries any plants along with it.
Yet more earth manipulation. Also another potential camp spell, though honestly more limited in such applicability than Wall of Stone.
8th Level
You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the ground that you can see within 500 feet. For up to 1 minute, an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 100-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area. The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s concentration is broken. When you cast this spell and at the end of each turn you spend concentrating on it, each creature on the ground in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone. This spell can have additional effects depending on the terrain in the area, as determined by the DM. Fissures. Fissures open throughout the spell’s area at the start of your next turn after you cast the spell. A total of 1d6 such fissures open in locations chosen by the DM. Each is 1d10 x 10 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and extends from one edge of the spell’s area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall in. A creature that successfully saves moves with the fissure’s edge as it opens. A fissure that opens beneath a structure causes it to automatically collapse (see below). Structures. The tremor deals 50 bludgeoning damage to any structure in contact with the ground in the area when you cast the spell and at the start of each of your turns until the spell ends. If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature within half the distance of a structure’s height must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and doesn’t fall prone or become buried.
Ah, the big earth spell. I'd love to see Ashton become an earthshaker with this spell, but also know that if the Shard is going to give them access to this, it's not going to be until they're at a level that the full casters can use 8th Level spells.
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