#Greek Enid my beloved
burningdonuts · 2 years
Out of all the headcanons the Wednesday/Wenclair fandom (‘cause let’s face it they’re almost the same thing) has, I love the “Enid is Greek” and “Wednesday is touch starved” ones the most. LIKE IF SOMEONE COULD MAKE A LIKE 3K WORD FANFIC OF THAT I WILL LITERALLY START SINGING THEIR PRAISES
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (‘my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 3
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No trace ch3
Words: 1.2k
Relationships: Wednesday x Reader
Warnings: threats, weapons mentioned
Note: Is anyone else's comments thing glitched? talking about how I can't comment on things. Anyways thank you for the likes :)
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The typewriter clicking was inconsistent, Wednesday was usually able to pour out her thinking throughout the whole hour or more, but this was an off pattern, she constantly took pauses, ripping up pages she didn’t like, and the flow was all wrong. Enid caught on, obviously worried.
"Are you okay? Your typing is off balance, and it’s ticking me off." 
"I’m fine." Frustration filled the goth’s tone.
The blonde scoffed. "Clearly not; you sound like you’re about to chuck a knife into someone." 
"I just might."
"Come on Nes, talk to me!"
"Why should I?"
"Oh my gosh, I’ve never seen you this stubborn about something." Enid picked up Thing as well as herself to walk to the grumpy sack in a chair. 
"Do you happen to know what Mr. Kovacs assigned today in class?" The raven asked
"The anatomy teacher? I don’t have him remember; wait a minute!" Enid started to get giddy. "You don’t know the assignment because you were having a little staring contest with your rival fencer! Ajax and Kent told me, "You guys couldn’t stop looking at each other!" She started to laugh.
Wednesday going to make those two into a belt and a village meal.
"She’s nothing but a distraction. Of course Fish sauce, and that Greek tragedy wouldn’t be paying attention." 
"Plus, you know, Mr. Kovács doesn’t give periods the same work, you’re going to have to ask someone that was in your period. Or," the wolf’s smile bared her fangs. "You can ask your rival in staring contests and fencing."
That was the last thing she wanted to do, but she understood that might be the route she needed to take. "Enid, question. Do you know anything more about this little pesky insect?"
"Uhm, kinda! She’s usually at the school gym, but the furs gym, which is pretty impressive because we have heavier equipment, you remember Eugene’s theory, it’s a possibility it could be true because she has this huge tattoo on her back, the wolves said it was a big scorpion with the Roman numeral X, no idea what that means, but it looks pretty cool." Enid blabbered 
Wednesday nodded. "Do you know where they’re from?"
"Actually, last year when I looked them up, nothing popped up, not a social media account, not even family accounts that match up, but what’s funny, that rich female billionaire has the same last name as them, they look nothing alike though, so I doubt they're related. What’s her name again? Something with an I? Anyway, nothing with the place of birth, not a birthday, zero, nada." Enid continued to annotate. 
"How formidable. The rich billionaire is named Integra, my father envies her." 
"Anyways," Enid added emphasis to the s. "I’m going to hang out with Yoko, Divina, and Bianca. You should come with, get your mind off Y/n for once." 
"I’m alright; sadly, I need to find the creature. I desist from holding a zero in that horrid class."
"Well, you better hurry." The colorful girl turned to face the window, the crescent moon almost hovering in the middle of the world. "Almost curfew, If admin catches you you’re done for." 
Wednesday roamed around the school, heading for the gym, hoping to find you there, but no luck. The next best thing was to find your dorm room. She found herself at the door of her beloved principal, opening the double doors like she owned the place. 
"Why Wednesday, what are you doing here at such an hour?" Weems looked up from her laptop. 
"Where’s Y/n L/n’s residence located?" The raven asked.
"I believe in the administration’s hall. Why do you ask?" 
"Work purposes, a project for anatomy."
"Oh, the one that Mr. Kovács assigned? That is partner work. I heard you and Y/n dueled in your fencing class; I’m pleased you didn’t take it to heart and are now befriending them."
Wednesday grimaced, "This isn’t befriending; we merely conversed. I don’t think I can have another conversation with anyone in that class again, they just know what we’re doing but just so happened to distract me. I presume it was a part of their plan to become mutuals." 
"You said similar things about Ms. Sinclair, look at you now, your eyes softening when she speaks." Weems smiled behind her coffee mug.
Wednesday rolled her eyes "I must be going now, thank you for the minute amount of help." And with that, Wednesday was off to your dorm room.
When she reached your door, there was a small whiteboard hanging on the door with the large words knock written on it. She complied with the request, hitting the door two times. 
She heard a somewhat muffled voice from behind the door: "Come in!" It sounds like you
The girl opened the door and was immediately bombarded with new scents, sounds, sights, and feelings. It was almost overwhelming. Her nose was filled with blue lotus, You smelled like that a lot; it was very euphoric. The aroma forcefully calmed her down. The low sound of some artists played on a record she’s never heard of and didn’t want to know the room looked pretty neat and looked overcluttered, but everything had a place that made it look clean—lots of knick-knacks. An abundance of vinyls; special ones were placed on a wall-mounted shelf; they were signed; plants; and tanks for animals, but none of them looked like they had any animals for it just built like the perfect environment; you clearly weren’t sharing a dorm with anyone (lucky you); you had a variety of electronics, from a TV to a handheld device which was the newest model of the brand; lots of jewelry, almost all gold; large diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and others. Who paid for this? This stuff really fits you; oh yeah, that's what she came here for—you.
You were standing near a tank; almost half of it was filled with sand, and the top had a small plant to create a sort of shade. There was a tunnel system in the sand—some sort of bug? You looked around for something in it until you turned to your visitor.
"Oh hey Wednesday, how can I help you on this lovely night?"
It would be lovely if she wasn’t here. "I want to accept your offer." She spoke up 
You flashed a smile "Oh really? "I'm surprised you came to me instead of the teacher."
How did you know that, Wednesday was still stuck in thought, and she looked you up and down. You wore a baggy tee just past your hips, and wrapped around said hips were black shorts stopping at your knees. She continued to look down at your legs. You had pretty strong legs, muscles were prominent even though you didn’t flex them at all. She kind of wanted to see what they looked like when flexed. What is she thinking? Your shins are almost covered by high socks. The goth met your eyes again. 
"I would have been scolded if he found out, but are you going to join me or not?"
You would join her in anything—death, life—what in the world are you thinking? "You don’t even know what the project is about." 
"Then what is it?"
"We have to pick a creature and gather its diet. Then give it to Mr. Kovy." You explained 
"Okay, that seems simple enough, but are you going to join me or not?" She repeated 
"Of course, madam." You grinned and jokingly bowed 
This was going to be a long week.
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raven-moon33 · 1 year
What r some wenclair headcanons you have or things you’d want to see in S2
Ooh, let's see, Wenclair headcanons:
Enid speaking Greek, and Wednesday going feral over it because of a dormant Addams gene that makes them absolutely weak for languages they don't know.
The Gomezification of Wednesday Addams once she's fallen in love with Enid, because I personally find the idea that in her determination not to become her mother she accidentally becomes her father, which is made evident when she falls in love with Enid, too hilarious not to love.
Wednesday doing creepy Addams-type things while attempting to court (ask out) Enid, who doesn't get the message and thinks Wednesday's threatening to kill her. (Gets me every time).
Thing, Eugene, and/or Yoko being the biggest Wenclair shipper(s) in-universe.
Wednesday keeping the majority of their dating relationship relatively chill in public (some light hand-holding, a pet name or two, maybe even a kiss on the cheek every once in a while), but then going all out with grand romantic gestures and midnight serenades and adoring kisses when it's just the two of them.
All this amongst a plethora of others, but since this is already getting a bit wordy, I'll move along to the next bit.
As for things I want to see in Season 2, literally the first and major thing that comes to mind is PLEASE NO MORE FORCED ROMANCES OR LOVE TRIANGLES.
The only thing that made the boring love triangle from Season 1 at all bearable was from how clearly Wednesday did not give a shit about it and how she repeatedly told both Xavier and Tyler that she really did not give a shit about their feelings or their crushes on her, she has more important and much more interesting things to do with her time, thank you very much.
There was an interview with the writers of the show where they mentioned their plan was to focus more on Wednesday's relationships with her mother and Enid, and I am on my knees BEGGING that this will happen.
Wenclair shipper though I am, I adored the platonic friendship between Enid and Wednesday more than anything else in the show, especially since I feel it contributed the most to Wednesday's character arc over the first season.
I am well-aware that Wenclair ever becoming canon is probably a long-shot, despite some of Netflix's recent major, original, and successful works including leading gay characters. (I'm looking at you, Fear Street trilogy, my wonderful beloved).
So if we are never given the blessing of seeing Wenclair becoming canon in a natural progression of their relationsip, I am of the firm opinion that aroace Wednesday is probably the most realistic and best outcome we're going to get in canon.
Besides that, I'm hoping for a mystery just as interesting and complex as the one in Season 1, seeing the character arcs for Lucas Walker and Bianca hinted at in Season 1, and seeing Enid trying to convince Wednesday to use her brand new phone for more than just investigating the stalker, and maybe even trying to get her to download social media. (I also enjoy the idea of Thing either getting a phone of his own to do that stuff with or using Wednesday's phone for it, like downloading Twitter and friending Enid).
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seidnuf · 5 years
Since we have confirmation from Siren they're doing an ABC theme, and I love names, here's some early thoughts* on names I think they'll use..
Calia (english, "lily")
Charles (english/french, "man", n.b. Dwain Swanson's middle name)
Daphne (greek, "laurel")
Darius (biblical, "possessing goodness")
David/Davis (biblical, (family), "beloved")
Eden/Edna (biblical, "pleasure")
Enid (welsh, "soul/life")
Emmanuel (biblical, "G-d is with us")
Florence (english/french, "prosperous")
Felix (biblical, "lucky, successful")
Gail (biblical, short form of Abigail, "my father is joy")
Gabrielle/Gabriel (biblical, "G-d is my strongman")
Gaspar (biblical, Spanish form of Jasper, "treasure")
*these are all subject to change once I have more than Bella's name to go off of. It's also why I stopped at G. I expect they'll have more than 6, but by then my predictions will have changed anyways.
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ofparrish · 7 years
- ̗̀☾ wiccan / pagan names ̖́-
so i was actually looking for some wiccan names and was getting a hard time trying to find some that i actually liked enough to use, and when i searched through tumblr i really couldn’t see much ?? plus it’s almost the best time of the year — aka halloween my dear spoopy friends — so why not !!!!!!!  under the cut you’ll find a list of wiccan/pagan names you could use for witchy purposes. they are sorted by female, male and unisex, but they’re definitely not restricted by those labels. please like and/or reblog if you found this useful in anyway, and most importantly, enjoy!
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adamina (of the red earth)
adalia (noble one)

adara (beauty)

adonia (beautiful)

adora (beloved)

airlia (ethereal)
alaine (dear child)

alaura (laurel)

alena (bright one)

alida (small winged one)
amadore (gift of love)

amara (immortal, steadfast)

amarande (immortal)

amaris (child of the moon)

amber (jewel)

ambra (jewel)

angeni (spirit)

apollina (gift from apollo)

aquene (peace)

aradia: (a character from the “gospel of the witches” book)
ariadne (greek goddess of fertility; most holy) 
autumn (season)
azura (clear blue sky)

bonamy (good friend)

brynn (hill)
callia (beautiful)

calliope (beautiful voice)

cameo (skin; pinkish stone)

caterina (pure)
catriona (pure)

ceridwen (the celtic goddess of poetry; beautiful as a poem)
chantal (stony, song + my actual name so it’s always a bonus asgfk)
charis (charity)

chenoa (dove)

creissant (to create)

cressida (gold)

dabria (an angel)

dakota (friend)

damara (gentle)

daralis (beloved)

deheune (divine one)

divone (divine one)

dyani (deer)

ebony (dark beauty)

edana (passionate)

eleta (chosen)

ena (fiery; passionate)

enid (spirit)

enola (solitary)

ermin (universal; whole)

esme (kind defender)

ethne (fire)

fanchone (free)

faye (fairy)

filia (friendship)

gaia (mythological goddess of earth)
galatea (pygmalion’s inspiration behind “my fair lady”)
gavenia (white hawk)

gemma (jewel)

glenys — or glennis, glynis (someone living in a glen)
grainne (love)

halcyone (tranquility)
iris (goddess of the rainbow)
jacy (the moon)

javan (angel of greece)
kassia (pure)

kendra (prophetess)

kimi (secret)

ladonna (lady)

leala (loyal one)

lena (light)

lona (solitary one)

lorna (alone; solitude + personal favorite, and actual character from over the garden wall)

lucia (light)

lucretia (brings light)

mai (coyote)
maida (maiden)

meda (priestess)

natane (daughter)

nenet (goddess of the deep)

neona (new moon)

niamh (bright)

nimue (memory)
nokomis (daughter of the moon)

obelia (pillar of strength)

olathe (beautiful)

orela (announcement from the gods)

orenda (magic power)

orianna (golden; dawn)

oriel (golden; angel of destiny)

panthea (of all the gods)

panya (crowned with laurel)

persephone (goddess of the underworld)
philana (lover of mankind)

philomena (lover of the moon)

rain (self explanatory)
raissa (thinker)

raven (self explanatory)
roisin (little rose)
rowena (slender and fair + a tiny harry potter reference, too)
sage (prophet; aromatic plant used for cleansing)

soleil (sun)
solita (alone; solitude)

tania (fairy queen)

terentia (gaurdian)

thadea (courageous)

thalia (to blossom)
topaz (gem)
vala (chosen)

verena (defender)
wind (self explanatory)
willow (a tree that is believed to possess magical powers)
acelin (noble)
adonis (manly beauty)
alastair (defender of mankind)
albus (white + very cool for potterheads)
altair (star)
angus (special; unique)
athan (immortal)
balder (god of light)
bardo (son of the earth)
bedwyr (knower of the grave)
brencis (crowned with laurel)
cadmun (warrior)
caedmon (wise warrior)
caradoc (dearly loved)
castor (a twin from the gemini constellation)
caton (knowledgable, wise)
cedric (bounty)
delano (of the night)
desmond (a knowledgeable man)
dimitri (lover of the earth)
einar (warrior; leader)
eoin (young warrior)
evander (good man)
fergus (strong and manly)
gawain (defender of the weak)
gunnar (bold warrior)
herne (hunter god of forest and vegetation)
kaspar (a treasured secret)
keene (wise)
koen (honest counselor)
laramie (tears of love)
lars (laurel crowned)
leaf (self explanatory)
leif (beloved)
llyr (celtic god of the sea)
lucian (man of light)
lysander (liberator)
maddock (generous)
neptune (god of the sea)
oberon (noble)
panas (immortal)
percival (one who pierces the valley)
pilan (supreme essence)
pollux (a twin from the gemini constellation)
rainer (counselor)
rune (secret)
tierney (lord)
zelig (the blessed one)
adair (oak tree)
aidan (fire)
bevin (old soldier)
blair (child of the field)
cyrus (young lord)
devin (divine)
kieran — or keary (little dark one)
lark (a song bird)
morgan (lives by the sea)
phoenix (deep red)
quinn (wise)
river (self explanatory)
rowan (little red one, tree)
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healthiernfit-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.healthiernfit.com/71-beautiful-and-original-girl-names-for-your-baby/
71 beautiful and original girl names for your baby
Choosing the name of the baby is one of the first big decisions we will make as parents. And it is not for less, because it will be the name that will accompany our children throughout their lives.
Some parents choose to look for one that is different from the classic names, so if you are expecting a girl, we share 71 beautiful and original girl names .
Ada: short form of Adelaide, which means Germanic origin and means “of noble lineage”.
Amaris: of Hebrew origin, means “daughter of the moon”.
Amira: name of Arab origin, means “princess, sovereign.”
Aneu: of Basque and Celtic origin, makes reference to the virgin of Aneu.
Anya: Russian diminutive of Anna, which means “that with grace and compassion.”
Avis: was a popular name during the Middle Ages, associated with the Latin “avis”, which means “birds”.
Ayla: of Turkish origin, means “moonlight”.
Bathsheba: of Hebrew origin, means “the seventh daughter”.
Brunella: Italian name and of German origin, means “brown”.
Cala: of Arab origin, means “castle, fortress”.
Cara: Italian name of Latin origin, means “dear, beloved”.
Céline: of French origin, means “heaven, divine”.
Clio: of Greek origin, means “to praise, to sing”. In Greek mythology it is the muse of history and heroic poetry.
Cora: of Greek origin, Korë, latinized in Cora. It means “maiden, young virgin girl”.
Dalila: Swahili name, means “peaceful”
Dánae: also of Greek origin, derives from the word “danós”, which means “arid, dry”. In Greek mythology Dánae was princess of Argos and mother of Perseus with Zeus.
Dara: of Hebrew origin, means “pearl of wisdom”.
Eira: of Gaelic origin, means “snow”.
Elodie: French variant of Elodia, means “wealth of others”.
Enid: of Welsh origin, means “that which has life”
Estel: Catalan form of Estela, which is of Latin origin and means “star”.
Gaia: of Greek origin, in mythology was the mother goddess of the earth.
Gala: short form of Galina, Russian name of Greek origin meaning “calm”.
Greta: Germanic diminutive of “Margarita”, name of Greek origin meaning “pearl”.
Idara: of Latin origin, means “one that is farsighted”. Ilse: German and Dutch diminutive of Elisabeth, which means “My God is an oath”.
Ines: of Greek origin, means “caste”.
Ingrid: of German origin, means “beautiful”.
Irina: French name, means “peace”.
Iris: in Greek mythology, was the goddess of the rainbow, whose function was to transmit messages to the gods.
Jade: of Spanish origin, which means “stone from the side”.
Juno: in Roman mythology Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the Queen of heaven and goddess of motherhood. It protected marriage and women.
Kala: means “art, virtue, grace” in Sanskrit. In Hawaii it is used as a variant of “Sara”, which is of Hebrew origin and means “lady”.
Keyla: of Greek origin, means “beautiful”.
Kira: of Persian origin. It means “bright sun”.
Laia: Catalan diminutive of Eulalia, name of Greek origin that means “to speak well”.
Lara: this name has two possible etymologies. One indicates that it is a Russian diminutive of the name Larisa. The other notes that it comes from Roman mythology and he was the name of one of the water nymphs.
Léa: French name meaning “strong, courageous”.
Levana: comes from the Latin and means “white as the Moon”.
Light: means “the one that brings light”.
Lys: means “lily”.
Malika: name of Arabic origin, means “queen”.
Maxine: means “the biggest” in French.
Maya: means “illusion” in Sanskrit. In the Buddhist tradition, this is the name of the Buddha’s mother.
Mina: means “fish”.
Mirari: equivalent in Basque of Milagros.
Moira: in Greek mythology, the Moiras were the personifications of destiny.
Nadine: French name , means “hope”.
Nain: of Arab origin, means “of great beauty”
Nakia: Of Arabic origin, means “pure”.
Nessa: Irish name, means “ambitious”.
Nia: Of Gaelic origin, means “lustrous”.
Noa: Of Hebrew origin, it means “delight”.
Olena: Of Greek origin, means “ray of sun” or “bright light”.
Olivia: of Latin origin, means “the one that brings peace”.
Oriana: of Latin origin, means “golden”.
Rita: short form of Margarita, which means “pearl”.
Saida: of Arab origin, it is the feminine form of the masculine name “Said”.
Salma: of Arab origin, means “protected by God”.
Sasha: of Greek origin, means “protector”.
Tabita: of Aramaic origin, means “gazelle”.
Tara: means “place where the kings met”.
Tiaré: of Hindu origin, means “flower”.
Ula: Russian diminutive of Úrsula, which means “bear”.
Vania: of Russian origin, it is the feminine and familiar form of the masculine name “Iván”.
Vega: of catholic religious origin, by the Marian invocation of the Virgin of the Vega.
Vera: from the Latin “verus”, which means “true”.
Yara: of Tupi origin, means “lady”.
Yue: means “moon” in Chinese.
Zaira: of Arab origin, means “flowery, fruitful”.
Zoé: of Greek origin, means “life”.
Zuri: Basque name, means “white”.
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healthiernfit-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.healthiernfit.com/71-beautiful-and-original-girl-names-for-your-baby/
71 beautiful and original girl names for your baby
Choosing the name of the baby is one of the first big decisions we will make as parents. And it is not for less, because it will be the name that will accompany our children throughout their lives.
Some parents choose to look for one that is different from the classic names, so if you are expecting a girl, we share 71 beautiful and original girl names .
Ada: short form of Adelaide, which means Germanic origin and means “of noble lineage”.
Amaris: of Hebrew origin, means “daughter of the moon”.
Amira: name of Arab origin, means “princess, sovereign.”
Aneu: of Basque and Celtic origin, makes reference to the virgin of Aneu.
Anya: Russian diminutive of Anna, which means “that with grace and compassion.”
Avis: was a popular name during the Middle Ages, associated with the Latin “avis”, which means “birds”.
Ayla: of Turkish origin, means “moonlight”.
Bathsheba: of Hebrew origin, means “the seventh daughter”.
Brunella: Italian name and of German origin, means “brown”.
Cala: of Arab origin, means “castle, fortress”.
Cara: Italian name of Latin origin, means “dear, beloved”.
Céline: of French origin, means “heaven, divine”.
Clio: of Greek origin, means “to praise, to sing”. In Greek mythology it is the muse of history and heroic poetry.
Cora: of Greek origin, Korë, latinized in Cora. It means “maiden, young virgin girl”.
Dalila: Swahili name, means “peaceful”
Dánae: also of Greek origin, derives from the word “danós”, which means “arid, dry”. In Greek mythology Dánae was princess of Argos and mother of Perseus with Zeus.
Dara: of Hebrew origin, means “pearl of wisdom”.
Eira: of Gaelic origin, means “snow”.
Elodie: French variant of Elodia, means “wealth of others”.
Enid: of Welsh origin, means “that which has life”
Estel: Catalan form of Estela, which is of Latin origin and means “star”.
Gaia: of Greek origin, in mythology was the mother goddess of the earth.
Gala: short form of Galina, Russian name of Greek origin meaning “calm”.
Greta: Germanic diminutive of “Margarita”, name of Greek origin meaning “pearl”.
Idara: of Latin origin, means “one that is farsighted”. Ilse: German and Dutch diminutive of Elisabeth, which means “My God is an oath”.
Ines: of Greek origin, means “caste”.
Ingrid: of German origin, means “beautiful”.
Irina: French name, means “peace”.
Iris: in Greek mythology, was the goddess of the rainbow, whose function was to transmit messages to the gods.
Jade: of Spanish origin, which means “stone from the side”.
Juno: in Roman mythology Juno was the wife of Jupiter, the Queen of heaven and goddess of motherhood. It protected marriage and women.
Kala: means “art, virtue, grace” in Sanskrit. In Hawaii it is used as a variant of “Sara”, which is of Hebrew origin and means “lady”.
Keyla: of Greek origin, means “beautiful”.
Kira: of Persian origin. It means “bright sun”.
Laia: Catalan diminutive of Eulalia, name of Greek origin that means “to speak well”.
Lara: this name has two possible etymologies. One indicates that it is a Russian diminutive of the name Larisa. The other notes that it comes from Roman mythology and he was the name of one of the water nymphs.
Léa: French name meaning “strong, courageous”.
Levana: comes from the Latin and means “white as the Moon”.
Light: means “the one that brings light”.
Lys: means “lily”.
Malika: name of Arabic origin, means “queen”.
Maxine: means “the biggest” in French.
Maya: means “illusion” in Sanskrit. In the Buddhist tradition, this is the name of the Buddha’s mother.
Mina: means “fish”.
Mirari: equivalent in Basque of Milagros.
Moira: in Greek mythology, the Moiras were the personifications of destiny.
Nadine: French name , means “hope”.
Nain: of Arab origin, means “of great beauty”
Nakia: Of Arabic origin, means “pure”.
Nessa: Irish name, means “ambitious”.
Nia: Of Gaelic origin, means “lustrous”.
Noa: Of Hebrew origin, it means “delight”.
Olena: Of Greek origin, means “ray of sun” or “bright light”.
Olivia: of Latin origin, means “the one that brings peace”.
Oriana: of Latin origin, means “golden”.
Rita: short form of Margarita, which means “pearl”.
Saida: of Arab origin, it is the feminine form of the masculine name “Said”.
Salma: of Arab origin, means “protected by God”.
Sasha: of Greek origin, means “protector”.
Tabita: of Aramaic origin, means “gazelle”.
Tara: means “place where the kings met”.
Tiaré: of Hindu origin, means “flower”.
Ula: Russian diminutive of Úrsula, which means “bear”.
Vania: of Russian origin, it is the feminine and familiar form of the masculine name “Iván”.
Vega: of catholic religious origin, by the Marian invocation of the Virgin of the Vega.
Vera: from the Latin “verus”, which means “true”.
Yara: of Tupi origin, means “lady”.
Yue: means “moon” in Chinese.
Zaira: of Arab origin, means “flowery, fruitful”.
Zoé: of Greek origin, means “life”.
Zuri: Basque name, means “white”.
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