#Graveyard Rats
movies-tv-more · 2 years
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peach-coke · 2 years
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➤ Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities || 1.02 - Graveyard Rats October 25, 2022
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moongirldreamer · 2 years
I want to send a appreciation letter to everyone who worked on cabinet of curiosities for making the audience aware it is night time while still seeing everything that's happening in the scenes
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Graveyard Rats - Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities by Guy Davis
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catspook · 2 years
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Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: Episode 2 Graveyard Rats
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lavalamprat · 2 years
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Full 360° of one of my best models I've done
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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Guy Davis’s concept art for The Cabinet Of Curiosities episodes “Pickman’s Model” and “Graveyard Rats.” (2022)
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artsy-kitten · 2 years
Not enough love for the Graveyard Rat episode I am busting a gut ya almost gotta root for this poor guy he really do be going through it
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None of the eight episodes for Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities fails to be entertaining, but they’re all entertaining for wildly different reasons. For some, it’s simply the cast being balls-to-the-walls awesome (“Lot 36” & “Graveyard Rats” come to mind). Some are legitimately just scream into the abyss horror (“The Outside” being the greatest female body horror short ever, and no I will not be taking questions). You’ve got some that are just gut punches because you want so badly for things to actually work out for the main character (hello, “Pickman’s Model”). And at least one good del Toro ghost story (“The Murmuring”).
Then you have whatever the fuck “The Autopsy” is which might be my favorite.
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aahsoka · 2 years
rip in peace to the guy in graveyard rats but i just would have been content with my haul and not taken the necklace off of the creepy posed corpse
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dearorpheus · 1 year
the second ep of cabinet of curiosities was made for me actually because i looooove rats i love pestilential rats i love sylvatic plagues i love the flesh eating pandyssian bull rats of dishonored i love the seething masses in a plague tale i love drinking and subsuming them in vampyr i love chittering amorphous swarms of rats and i think we need more of them in media. lovecraft’s rats in the walls, poe’s pit and the pendulum, camus’ plague. room 101 in 1984. 1922 nosferatu which has the pale and withered—plague-victim-esque—titular vamp arriving by ship with an army of rats which disembark and begin besieging the village... rats as portents of death, vessels for disease, vehicles for divine judgement, deeply imbued with our cultural fears. and rat kings are like those elk whose antlers intertwine irrevocably and who become fattened with knowledge of each other having been forced to contemplate one another until death (djuna barnes’ words not mine). they interanimate, they become conjoined, a something rather than many things, and they are fattened with horrible knowledge in doing so. which to me is also grotesquely godly (as all godly things ought to be grotesque). nebulous boundaries and monstrous understanding are at the heart of godhood. to me
i love them as metaphor i love them as single organism and aggregate whole i love them chaotically good or bad and also. they’re god's smiting palm. to me 
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headlamprey · 2 years
Me watching Cabinet of Curiosities:
Pffft this idiot has the wrong gun for shooting rats
A few moments later:
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rebelumbrella46 · 2 years
Gabinet of Curiosities Episodes Rank (personal opinion)
I enjoy both the works of Guillermo del Toro and the horror/thriller genre.
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And the first thing I have to say... is that GoC is not like Netflix's Haunting Series... Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor are masterpieces compared to the simplicity of Cabinet of Curiosity... however, I think that simplicity was what each episode wanted to achieve... and although I was always left unsatisfied by the end, I still enjoyed most of the episodes... while other episodes I ended up feeling like I had wasted my time...
So to rank them from my least favorite to favorite
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8. The Viewing
This is the episode that disappointed me the most, the premise was really good, but the episode was too slow and the action only happened at the end, none of the characters actually call my attention and i didn’t care if one of them was eventually going to die... when I was finally getting interested in the plot, the episode was over and all the monster/alien thing it was more disgusting than terrifying.
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7. Lot 36
Great way to start a series. The setup was good, and the conclusion was even better...the part where the monster chases him through the corridors is great...the feeling of not being able to escape...it really made me want to watch more episodes.
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6. The Graveyard Rats
I loved the period-time in which it was set. The whole plot taking place in the tunnels gave me a lot of suffocation, the feeling of being trapped. The ending has a very good message.
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5. The Outside
It wasn't the scariest but its plot entertained me, I cared about the characters, it has a great message. And the plot kept escalating and escalating without disappointing at the end
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4. Dreams in the Witch House
Classic story of a witch and a curse, but the characters were good, the witch design was scary. The story behind the twins made me root for them, and the tragic ending was a nice change.
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 3. The Murmuring
Also a classic haunted house story but very interesting, I liked the story behind the ghosts, I cared about the story of the main characters, it had beautiful visuals and messages... it had a very good conclusion and it was a great way to end the series, especially after the disappointment that was episode 7.
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2. Pickman’s model
Interesting story, by far the most disturbing. Was for me the one that I built the best, it felt like a whole movie with a great background, a good plot and then the conclusion. It didn’t feel rush or cut short. 
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1. The Autopsy 
Where do i even begin? It was my personal favorite, it had me all the time on the edge of my seat. The ending was great. The storyline was very unique. I could easily watch a movie with the same plot. 
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crumbargento · 2 years
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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities
Graveyard Rats - Vincenzo Natali - 2022 (TV)
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smallgraygames · 2 years
Let it be Pulp
I've been watching this Cabinet of Curiosities show from Guillermo del Toro, and I particularly liked the second episode, "Graveyard Rats." It was simple and straight-forward pulp horror, the kind of thing that it seems like the show wants to be, and fully delivered on that level. Kind of goofy, kind of spooky, with monsters and stuff.
I glanced at some reviews after I was done, and one complaint I kept seeing about the episode was that it was too simple. It wasn't putting a new spin on the genre, wasn't giving you anything beyond what you expected. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way, because it didn't seem to me that the episode had any intention of doing that. How can you complain about pulp horror being what pulp horror is?
If it set out to do something and failed, that'd be worth criticizing, but so often reviews seem to fall into this trap. I see it in game reviews constantly: "this didn't build on the genre in any meaningful way," with no argument made for why that was something the game should've done. It feels like a strange assumption to make, almost like some kind of unconscious carry-over from the basic mechanisms of capitalism that insist on continuous growth for survival.
Not everything has to reinvent the genre. A straight-forward entry in a well-established genre is a perfectly valid thing to be. It's called "Graveyard Rats," so I went into it hoping to see, at a minimum, a graveyard and some rats. I was not disappointed.
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lavalamprat · 2 years
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Haven't painted much lately but had a fun idea for a base and went to Walmart for a slug and a tech dech
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