#Google Maps Register My Business
shubblelive · 2 years
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summary : tommy’s plan to get you and wilbur back together doesn’t work. fortunately, you don’t need it. a quiet christmas party, joni mitchell and a little bit of alcohol works just fine.
genre : fluff with some angst peppered here and there
warnings : mentions of a breakup, alcohol/drinking (one mention of being drunk in the past, no one’s drunk in the fic), swearing, very minor panic attack, tommy being a little shithead
pairing : cc!wilbur x ex girlfriend!reader
pronouns : she/her
featuring : cc!wilbur soot, cc!tommyinnit (tommy and will are the only creators with dialogue),cc!phil + kristin (mentioned), cc!ranboo (mentioned), cc!tubbo (mentioned), cc!james marriott (mentioned), cc!aimsey (mentioned)
word count : 4.3k
note : christmas fic christmas fic christmas fic!!! december is one of my favourite times of the year and suddenly i am so inspired like i haven’t written anything in ages but december rolls around and boom here’s a 4k wilbur fic. thank you to carrie for letting me yell at her about this fic.
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it wasn’t unusual for tommy to call you and ask for a ride home. he would catch an uber somewhere and sometimes he’d go to book one home and the nearest car would be over an hour away, so if his parents were busy he turned to the next best thing; his siblings. 
the internet was well aware of the younger boy’s habit of adopting older creators as family members. phil and kristin were his parents, and you and wilbur were his older siblings, and you were more than happy to give him lifts whenever you were free. 
“can you come pick me up?”
“hello to you too, tommy.” you had just ended your stream, and were processing the footage for editing to go on your youtube channel. “where are you?”
“i’m about twenty minutes from your place, i can text you the address.” tommy answered. “please?”
you were already putting on your coat. “alright, send me the address, i’ll be there soon.”
“you’re a life-saver, atom,” tommy said. you huffed at the nickname, given to you because “you barely matter” as tom had joked one afternoon a few months ago. before you could respond, he had hung up.
“shithead,” you pocketed your phone and bent down to tie your laces. your phone vibrated in your pocket, probably tommy with the address. you pulled it out one handed as you tightened your shoes. without looking, you copied the address into google maps and pressed enter, putting it on your dashboard mount. 
it should have clicked when you passed the dive bar you used to frequent. it should have clicked when you passed the corner shop.  it should have clicked when you passed the ginger stray you used to pet on your walk to the corner shop. perhaps you were in denial, but you didn’t register where you were until you were parked in front of the building.
you were nervous when you’d first moved in there. you had lived in the same shitty flat since uni, and when wilbur had tentatively asked you to to move in with him you had your doubts. not because you didn’t love will, no that was the least of your issues. you just didn’t want to step on his toes, it was his place after all. you were hesitant to bring your things in, feeling guilty when wilbur’s novels were moved to make room for your plants, when he had to install another rack to hold all your shoes, when you had come home from the bakery and found wilbur had swapped out his sheets for a set of yours. but over time, wilbur had eased you into it, and soon it was just as much your place as it was his. 
now it was just his again. it hadn’t been yours for nearly a year, and yet when you pulled into the strip of parking you had to consciously go to the ‘guests’ section. you took your phone off the dock, your knee jumping up and down as you called tommy. he didn’t answer. you texted him. and again. then you called a second time, leaving him a desperate voicemail. fifteen minutes went by and tommy hadn’t even read any of your texts, so you huffed, realising that you were going to have to physically go and retrieve tommy. 
you dug out your key card from the depths of your purse, praying that wilbur didn’t block your card. the light turned green and you breathed a sigh of relief, pushing the door open. in an attempt to make it take longer, hoping and praying that tommy would reply before you reached the third floor. you reached the top of the stairs and sighed, counting to three in your head before knocking. “tom? it’s me!” you knocked again, not wanting mr adams next door to hear your voice and come out to talk to you. he was a nice older man, but you didn’t want to be in this building for a second longer than you had to. “tommy?” you inhaled. “will?”
you heard a muffled voice, and the door swung open in front of you. “tom.” you breathed another sigh of relief. “great. let’s go, i have a video to edit.”
“wait, i have to grab my stuff.” tommy said, and then he was off, and you were alone. 
the first thing that struck you was how the place looked. it was exactly the same as when you had been there. you turned around to the end table behind the door. a few unopened letters, a small wooden bowl, and a small plant. the bowl had been your idea, weeks of wilbur coming to you with “darling, do you know where my keys are?” before you caved and bought it for him. lo and behold, his keyes were nestled inside, spotify code keychain that you had also bought him sitting face up. the plant was new, and you ran a finger over the leaf.
on the couch there was a grey woollen blanket thrown over the back, also yours. though, technically he had bought it. you were the only one who used it, complaining about the cold. as lovely as you thought will’s flat was the heating barely worked. will radiated warmth, both physically and emotionally. 
the entire flat still contained your presence. any random person wouldn’t be able to tell that you hadn’t lived there since you and wilbur broke up. 
you spun around, wilbur smiling sheepishly. “sorry, sorry. would it be awfully cliche if I said I didn’t mean to startle you?”
you laughed breathily. “yes. but it’s okay.”
he nodded, guilty smile still pinched across his face. “tommy’s just grabbing his shit. you know that kid, fucking menace.”
if tommy noticed how awkward it was, he didn’t say anything. you and wilbur both brightened visibly when he came through the door. watching wilbur hug tom goodbye, squeezing his shoulder gently, it hits you suddenly that you haven’t seen wilbur in nearly seven months.
you’re quiet as you drop tommy off, and he wants to apologise. wants to say sorry for making you pick him up and not telling you his phone was on the verge of dying. he wants to say he’s sorry for all those times you cancelled streams, claiming you “weren’t feeling well” when he knew you were upset about wilbur. 
but tommy also saw all those times wilbur was curled up in that grey blanket you left behind. buying plants to fill in the gaps of things you took and to give him a purpose, something that depended on him. he saw the way wilbur’s eyes brightened when he heard your voice, his shoulder’s slumping before the door shut when you left. 
how one time he’d had stood in front of a drunk wilbur, tear tracks running down his face and had to wrestle will’s phone off him to stop him from calling you. 
tommy didn’t know what had happened between you two; you were adults, he was only seventeen at the time. it felt naive of him to think you two belonged together, but he couldn’t help it. 
“thanks for driving me.” he said earnestly as he stepped out of the car. you nodded and gave him a pained smile. “i love you.”
it wasn’t a normal occurrence, saying things like that, but you softened. “i love you.” tommy brightened seeing your more genuine expression, but he could still see that your interaction with wilbur had left you upset. 
you collapsed back onto your sofa once you were home, not in the mood to edit your video anymore. 
wilbur always worked too much. it was something his viewers loved; how dedicated he was to them. but they didn’t see the sleepless nights, when you would wake up to wilbur typing frantically in his notes app, a muffled “go back to sleep, darling” when he noticed you were awake.
but then it turned to missing entire nights of sleep, coming back from streaming to find wilbur passed out on the couch, shoes still on from last night. sometimes he would talk to you about it, laying on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair and whispering about how he didn’t want to let anyone down.
you soothed him as best as you could, but you knew that the dark circles and the endless cups of coffee would only get worse. he didn’t have the time or energy to take care of himself, let alone you. not that you needed him to take care of you, but the two of you lived together and you probably talked to the fedex person more than you did your boyfriend.
you’d only been split for eight months, but you’d been missing him for far longer.
you were putting up christmas decorations when tommy called next. stringing lights across the shelves in your office, only bothered to decorate the one room. it wasn’t like you’d be doing anything anyway. “yeah, tom?” your phone was wedged between your shoulder and ear as you tried to detangle the lights. 
“hey, me and will were streaming together and i have to get home like, now but my dad isn’t available until three,” tommy explained, and you winced at the sound of wilbur’s name. “i totally get it if you can’t, but-“
“i’ll be there, but i’m going to mcdonald’s on the way back and you are paying.” tommy laughed and you had to move the phone away from your ear, giving up on the lights for the time being. “will still has the same office right?”
“yeah you can get there alright?” he asked. “you don’t need the address?” you assured him you’d be fine, and he paused guiltily. “we may also be locked in. the door broke again.”
“jesus,” you shook your head. “yeah, alright i’ll come let you out. dickhead,” you smiled at his noise of indignation before hanging up.
this time it was worse. the last time you’d been planning on avoiding wilbur until about five minutes before you saw him. this time you had the whole drive over to think about what it would be like. his hair was longer, you’d noticed when you first saw him. you always loved it when his hair was longer but it got in his face too much and he hated the feeling. 
you’d cut his hair for him once. wilbur sitting on a chair in the kitchen of your flat (this was before you’d moved in together) while you sat on the bench behind him, swinging your legs ever so slightly as he gazed adoringly up at you.
“let me take a picture,” you’d giggled, turning to grab your phone. “you look so cute.”
“no,” he’d whined. “darling,” he’d still smiled when you prompted, and you looked softly at your screen, completely enamoured. “do not post that anywhere, can’t have anyone knowing that i simp for you.”
“dork,” you had put your phone down and ruffled his hair, some loose hairs falling out from where you’d cut. 
you pulled your car up to the pavement and went up to wilbur’s office. it was a fairly small building, and you managed to get there without anyone asking any questions. 
you reached the office and peered inside. it was dark. you opened the door and stuck your head in, but there was no one inside. “hey!” tommy said much too loudly, him and wilbur coming around the corner. your eyes flicked between the two of them, narrowing slightly.
“i thought you said the door was locked?” you asked uncertainly.
“it’s not,” tommy said simply, and he reached a hand out and shoved you through the open door, shutting it behind you. “but it will be.”
“what the fuck?” you banged on the window.
tom pushed wilbur over, but the older man just looked at him incredulously. “have you lost your mind?”
“please?” tommy asked, gesturing to where you were glaring at him.
“no!” wilbur said, hitting tommy’s arm off his shoulder. “you’re a dickhead. now let her out.”
“fine.” tommy’s shoulders slumped and he moved out of the way. wilbur rolled his eyes at tommy, saying he’d do it and then making will. his hand wrapped around the doorknob and he was halfway through an apology to you when tommy’s hand collided with his back.
wilbur stumbled toward and you both watched in horror as tommy shut the door, triumphantly locking it with a click.
“tommy you fucker!” wilbur yelled.
“now, i may have been lying about needing a lift and being locked in the office, but i wasn’t lying about needing to go home.”
“thomas if you leave i’m gonna delete your channel!” tommy actually looked nervous at wilbur’s threat. “open the door.”
tommy sighed again, finally giving up. he jiggled the doorknob and his eyes widened. “okay i would let you out but i may have broken the door.”
he backed away, both you and will yelling at him. 
you turned so your back was against the door, sitting down with your knees up to your chest. will came to sit next to you. “are you okay?”
“i just don’t like knowing there’s no way out of a room.” you said quietly. “i don’t like being trapped.”
“i know,” he said softly. “is there anything i can do besides breaking a window?”
you exhaled, smiling weakly. “can you just talk to me?” you fiddled nervously, suddenly worried about what he would think.
“of course i can.” without realising, wilbur had reached out and was dragging his thumb gently over the back of your hand. “you know that step down the street from ou-my flat? the one that you always used to trip on? they fixed it.” you didn’t seem to notice his mistake, so he kept going. “and there’s a new bar a few miles away and we’ve been trying to get them to let us play there, so we might have a new gig bar soon.”
your breathing was more even now, and he squeezed your hand gently. you squeezed back and he smiled.
you could vaguely hear tommy saying he was going to get maintenance, and wilbur shuffled. “i’m gonna see if i can jimmy it with a card. could you grab one for me please?” 
you reached over to will’s desk and grabbed a random card out of his wallet. you went to hand it to him but before he could grab it you took a closer look. “you kept this?”
over a year ago as a joke you’d bought him one of those simp cards from the arthur meme, and it had your name written underneath it. “you’re only allowed to simp for me,” you’d say as you gave it to him, making him crack up.
“yeah,” wilbur admitted, his cheeks turning warm. “guess i forgot it was there.”
he shoved it into the lock and wiggled it around until he heard a click and the door swung open. “here.” he tried to give it back to you, but you shook your head.
“you can keep it, or throw it out. whatever you want. it’s yours,” you babbled, not meeting his eyes.
wilbur wasn’t sure what came over him in the next ten seconds, but before he could stop himself he blurted out “does this mean i’m still allowed to love you?”
your gaze shot up and your eyes met wilbur’s, warm and brown, filled with uncertainty. eventually, you nodded. “always.”
wilbur wasn’t sure if that was if that was an invitation, but before he could stop himself he was wrapping his arms around you. you burrowed into his chest, breathing deeply. “did tommy really parent-trap us?”
“well,” you replied shyly. “don’t they get back together in the parent trap? not exactly accurate to the source material.”
“well we all know how important it is,” wilbur said quietly, eyes flicking down for just an instant. 
“very important,” he could feel your breath on his face.
“it’s a christmas miracle!”
“it’s gonna be if i don’t kill him,” wilbur muttered, teeth gritted as you pulled apart to find tommy. he was holding a stick, and seemed to register your confusion.
“couldn’t find maintenance, so i went outside and found this.” he said proudly. “i was helping.”
“yeah actually,” will said genuinely, holding his hand out. “give us a look.” tommy handed the stick to wilbur and was promptly hit in the face with it. “that’s for locking us in there, bastard.”
“ow.” tommy picked the stick off the ground and chucked it at wilbur, but it just bounced off the door behind him. “okay fine. i’m sorry.”
“you better be,” you stepped towards him and he flinched, clearly sure you were going to attack him like wilbur had. “come on, let’s go.”
as tommy said goodbye to wilbur, the two of you made eye contact over tom’s shoulder. he smiled at you, and you smiled back. he raised his eyebrows slightly, grin overtaking his face. you nodded almost imperceptibly. he’d call you.
he didn’t. 
it had been two weeks since you’d last spoken, and he never called you. you didn’t want to admit that it hurt you. you had spent eight months trying to get over wilbur, all that progress destroyed in an instant.
you’d never deleted his contact, not even when you first broke up. you hovered over it debating on whether to call him, before exiting out and closing your phone.
your phone stayed dark for approximately one second before it was lighting up again. you answered, “yeah, tommy?”
“so, atom, me and a few others were thinking of having a little christmas get together on the 23rd? would you want to come?” he rushed out, wanting to get the words out before you said anything.
you considered it for a second. your parents would be going on holiday. they invited you, but you always wanted to spend your christmas with wilbur. this year, you’d declined again, without really knowing the reason. it’s not like you had other plans.
“yeah, alright,” you said, and you heard tom let out a triumphant breath on the other side. “who’s coming?”
“you, phil and kristin, tubbo, james, ranboo, maybe aimsey, a few other people maybe…” he trailed off, and you frowned.
“wilbur?” you asked.
“yeah.” tommy admitted. “but there will be enough people that you can be a coward and not talk to him.”
“tommy,” you said, voice low. “don’t.”
“okay, i’m sorry. please come?”
it’s not like you had anything better to do. “i’ll be there, tommy. don’t worry.” 
the things you would do for that fucker. he could never know. god knows his head was big enough without you telling him that.
while you were quietly dreading it, tommy seemed almost giddy with excitement. so you forced a smile and acted happy about it, even after tommy abandoned you within thirty seconds of you arriving. 
you managed to strike up a conversation with ranboo, though, grateful that you knew everyone. you’d isolated yourself quite a bit after the breakup, worried that your friends would rather be friends with will.
your worries were shattered when you were  engulfed in a hug from him. they seemed really interested in your upcoming projects and you asked about his with equal fervour. 
the night was going much better than you’d expected, and it was winding down when wilbur finally approached you. joni mitchell singing through the speakers about her lover making her weak in the knees, sipping on a drink with your head resting on top of aimsey’s.
“hey,” he was quiet, words slurred more from being tired than drunk. “can we talk?”
you looked down at aimsey, who was immersed in conversation with james and tommy, so you slid off the counter and followed him down the hall. tommy’s flat was small, so the two of you found a quiet corner. your shoulder was pressed into the wall, looking at him over the rim of your glass as he fiddled with his glasses. “i’m sorry i didn’t call.”
“it’s fine.” you said stiffly.
“no, it’s not.” he pressed. “i fucked up. not just when i didn’t call. i fucked up when we were still together.”
“will,” you tried. “it’s okay. it’s the past.”
“but you’re not.” he said. “you’re not the past, not my past. at least, i don’t want you to be.” he took a shuddering breath. “i was so worried about letting people down that i fucked up, and i ruined us.”
“you didn’t ruin anything.” it came out breathy, just above a whisper and you gave him a watery smile. “definitely not us.”
you didn’t know why you were getting so emotional, maybe it was how cold and dreary it had been, maybe it was exhaustion or the alcohol. or maybe it was because wilbur had taken your hands in his and pressed them to his lips. 
“i’m so sorry, darling,” he murmured against your fingers, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “so so sorry.”
“it’s not your fault, will.” you said. “i could have done something.”
he opened his eyes and met yours, shining as you tried to fight back tears. “i’m so hard to handle, and i’m selfish and i’m sad,” he sang along to joni mitchell softly, pulling you forward to wrap your arms around him. he smelled like cinnamon, and he let you cry for as long as you needed.
you pulled away softly, looking at him as your hand ghosted over his jaw. “you didn’t lose me, will.” 
“you’re saying you think you’re the best baby i ever had?” he asked, eyes shining, and you pushed him away. 
you giggled. “how presumptuous of me.”
“you would be correct though,” he admitted, coming to pull you close again, swaying on the spot. he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours, you threading your hands into his hair.
“you have got to let me cut this,” you mumbled, and wilbur laughed against your mouth. he pressed his forehead against your shoulder, and took a shaky breath.
“i miss you.” he said. “i stopped working so much, i’ve been taking care of myself more. let me love you again?”
his voice wobbled, clearly so sure that you would reject him. he had hurt you, he knew that. will let his thumbs stroke up and down your arms and you got goosebumps even through your jumper. “you do have a permit, don’t you?”
he laughed, relief thick in his voice. “of course, darling. have my card in my wallet.”
“then i guess that’s okay.” you said, as if it didn’t matter to you all that much. “as long as you let me love you.”
“you can do whatever you want,” wilbur kissed you again. “as long as it’s with me.”
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On The House
summary: The Pevensies have decided to run a cafe together, a cafe that the reader has come to frequent every Saturday like clockwork. As time goes on, it becomes evident that a certain blond has started to catch feelings for the reader.
requested by @theonottsbxtch
part 2 | part 3
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The family had opened the cafe two years ago. It had started as a funny what-if. A suggestion that the youngest sibling had stated aloud one day in the way we all share our unfiltered thoughts and ideas with those closest to us. The cafe was brought up again the next week by the eldest daughter after the cafe she frequented ran out of vanilla syrup for her latte. “This wouldn’t happen if we did own our own cafe,” she had said once she got home with her bitter coffee. 
The next time it was brought up was by the youngest son who saw an empty building for sale. It was on the corner of one of the busiest streets in London. “That would be the best place for our cafe,” he said to his siblings as they walked by on their way home from a day out in the city. “Lots of foot traffic and far enough from other cafes that we wouldn’t have much competition.” The others nodded along in agreement as they walked by, all of their eyes lingering on the lot for a bit longer before turning their heads back to watch where they were walking.
“I bought the building,” the eldest said a week after his brother had pointed it out. “The money from my part of the inheritance was enough to cover the down payment. And if the business becomes successful, we’ll be able to cover the monthly payments.” The others nodded, as if this was to be expected. Even the eldest daughter nodded along instead of berating her brother for doing something so impulsive. Because it wasn’t impulsive. It was something that had grown on them during the past few months.
The girl had started to visit the family’s cafe a few months ago. She was new to the city and felt the need to find a cozy cafe to spend her afternoons reading in the corner with a nice cup of tea. It had been a complete accident finding the cafe. She was following her google maps in an attempt to find another cafe, one that had been established for decades and had tons of five star reviews. But her horrible sense of direction led her straight to the door of the family’s cafe, entitled The Lamppost Cafe by the youngest of them. 
She knew this wasn’t the right cafe but she was getting tired and the sun was starting to burn her skin so she walked in, glad to feel the rush of AC. The cafe was decently populated, a good sign the girl told herself. “How can I help you?” the girl at the register had asked. Her hair was tied back and the name tag pinned to her shirt read ‘Susan’. The girl quickly scanned the menu, realizing she should have waited a bit longer before approaching the counter. She finally decided on a lavender scone and a cup of earl grey with a splash of honey. Satisfied with her choice, she scanned the room for a seat and decided on the table near the window. She sat down and grabbed her book from her bag, beginning to read when she heard someone approach.
“Lavendar scone and earl grey?” She looked up to see a guy holding her order in his hands. The one thought that went through her mind was how blue his eyes were. She wondered if that color blue could be natural. She nodded in response to his answer, smiling as he placed the food onto her table. 
“Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” he replied. The girl couldn’t help but quietly giggle at his response, thinking it to be a bit more formal than expected. The boy turned around to hide his blush as he walked back to the counter, his sister looking like she was prepared to say something smart. He gave her a warning look before walking to the back, away from everyone.
The girl found herself falling into a pattern of visiting The Lamppost Cafe every Saturday at exactly one in the afternoon. It wasn’t like she planned it, it just was the way things worked out. The fact that she got to see the cute guy every time might have contributed a bit to her constant returns though she never would admit it. The first few times she went, the same girl, Susan, took her order. But within a month of her visiting the cafe, the guy with the unnatural blue eyes stood at the register, always finding an excuse to work the register as soon as the clock neared one o’clock on Saturdays. The first time he did it, his sister gave him a look. The kind of look that let him know that she knew what was going on in his mind and was prepared to tease him about it later that day. It wasn’t hard for Susan to put it together between him constantly checking the girl’s usual seat and him taking longer than usual when delivering the food to the girl.
“Peter’s in love,” Susan declared to her siblings when they got home after the first time Peter took over the register for the mystery girl.
“No I’m not,” he argued, always one to avoid his emotions.
“So who’s the unlucky girl?” their brother asked.
“Wish I could say but we don’t even know her name,” Susan replied for Peter.
“How can you love someone if you don’t even know their name?” their sister asked.
“I’m not in love with her!” Peter exclaimed.
“Sure. Instead you just oggle at her the entire time she comes into the cafe. He even took my job at the register today!”
“I want to see her!” their sister exclaimed, excited to hear of a girl having such an effect on her oldest brother.
“Come in on Saturday and you can,” Susan replied, a smile growing on her face as horror grew on her brother’s.
“Suddenly all of my plans for Saturday have fallen through. I’ll be there as well.”
“That’s not necessary at all, Ed,” Peter said, feeling his face already starting to warm.
“Oh but it definitely is,” he replied, a smirk forming on his face.
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rosefrancaise8 · 1 year
It is hard to imagine any corner of Trieste not serviced by its bus network - from the comfortable coaches that connect the outer suburbs to the small buses that weave their way up narrow city streets from the Trieste Central railway station to the heights of the Castello San Giusto. Yesterday, about 20 little kids boarded our small bus, flanked by two kindly looking Franciscan nuns who looked like they meant business. In two straight lines they swayed in the narrow aisle holding only each other for support. Trieste buses are for everyone anytime. Except on the day that we arrived, we couldn’t find the No. 6 bus to Via Giulia. When we eventually did we realised that it went in two directions, which was a bridge too far for us. We decided to walk the 25 minutes to our Air BNB apartment instead.
We think now that Google Maps took us on the circuitous route but even if we had headed straight up to our apartment as we now know we can, it would have still been a climb. Despite the fact that I seem to have travelled too light for current weather conditions, my suitcase felt unreasonably heavy as I dragged it behind me on faltering wheels. We found an Aldi on the way and set about buying some random provisions in the way one does with Aldi. We landed in a long, stationary queue at the cash register and when it was our turn at last, we finally understood that the machines were down and they could only process cash transactions. We unpacked all those provisions and went looking for the ATM that would enable us to reclaim them. We arrived at our little apartment in tree-lined Viale Venti Settembre not long afterwards, provisions in hand and ready to explore this pedestrian zone lined with bars and seasoned drinkers in warm coats enjoying an alfresco Aperol Spritz, undeterred by wind and rain
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scribbled-writings · 7 months
digital marketing
Recently, the role of digital marketing is very important in boosting businesses. Google offers a wide variety of tools for upstanding the businesses like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business.
Digital marketing is a field involving various strategies and techniques for promoting products, services, or brands using digital platforms and technologies.
Formerly known as Google Apps and later Google Suite, Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite of tools designed to improve the efficiency of digital operations .Using Google Workspace, you are able to access a huge  range of applications, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and many more. 
A digital marketing audit is like a health checkup for your online strategy. It involves a complete analysis of all your digital marketing efforts to assess their effectiveness during every aspects like being in the top list, etc
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of digital marketing.By including keywords, optimizing your website structure, and creating important content, you can improve your website's presence  on Google's search results pages.
Google Listings is to make sure your business stands out in the crowd and show more on the suggestions . These listings are essential for showcasing your business profile in search engine suggestions. While having a  great profile in the google listing the possibility of getting more online visitors and the interactions on the profile increases which can lead to more opportunities 
There are many key tactics to upscale our profile to the top :
High-Quality and SEO-Optimized Content : optimized content ensures that your business listing appeals to search engines which converts more  customers to the business .
Strategic Keywords: Utilize relevant keywords to target audience to increase your chances of being discovered while searching.
Mobile-Friendly Design: With the majority of online searches happening on mobile devices, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.
Backlinks: Quality backlinks from reputable sources can boost your listing's authority.
Frequent Updates: Keeping your business information up to date which  provides accurate and useful information to potential customers.
Google My Business (GMB) is an essential tool within the Google Workspace for managing your online presence. Creating a GMB profile enables you to provide important information about your business , such as location and contact details. 
GoDaddy is a website for domain registration and web hosting. It makes the process of setting up a website easy. You Are able to register your domain, build your site, and even get SSL certificates for security from godaddy. It's user-friendly, which making it perfect for registrations
To sum it up, Google provides a set of powerful online marketing tools like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business. These tools help boost your online presence  and grow your business.
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bluemouseblackpad · 8 months
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @somaisbatman
Last song: "Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)" by Talking Heads has been my latest major earworm. I just made it the new opening of the playlist I’ve been slowly building for the BBEG of my D&D campaign. “Take a look at these hands! The hands of a government man”
Favorite Color: I genuinely loved the red that @somaisbatman picked but for the sake of individuality I'll say the type of pink/lilac/violet-y color that clouds take on at sunset
Currently Watching: umpteenth rewatch of Twin Peaks: The Return with friends. I also started Nichijou with friends recently, which is hysterical
Last Movie: A few: Rewatched The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, probably a top 10-or-20 all-timer for me, since I had been thinking about the late great Michael Gambon; Patlabor 2 (without any context for the rest of the franchise), which was really interesting and beautifully animated and made me want to get mechapilled; and The World's Greatest Sinner, a film directed by and starring notorious Hollywood hanger-on Timothy Carey, about the meteoric political rise of a former insurance salesman who wants to empower the American people with immortality. To quote @impish-lion, it is a glimpse into the mind of your father's weirdest friend. He also compared the protagonist to Euron Greyjoy in that he barely registers as a human being, mainlines a Mystery Juice definitely illicit in nature, and fancies himself a god
Currently Reading: Too many books. I'm making my way through The Lord of the Rings for the first time, which, y'know, it's great. Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin is pretty good so far, and it's interesting to see earlier stages for a lot of ideas that get more fleshing out in ASOIAF. Also by GRRM we have A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which like LOTR has taken me embarrassingly long to pick up. I'm slowly inching through The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu, which I'm determined to finish because I really liked its predecessor, even if this trilogy is a little out of my usual wheelhouse. Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin is great even if I need to put it down for a few weeks at a time. And lastly Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon, at whose midpoint I've been stalled for about a year. I'm loving it, I've just seen the movie so many times, and also as you can see I've got a lot on my plate already lol
Sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy
Relationship status: Single (not working super actively to change this, but I am talking very casually to people on the apps, more to feel Desired than anything. at least one connection seems promising so We Shall See. I just want to kiss cool queer people lol)
Current Obsessions: I'm in a bit of an obsession-rut, barring like, the actually obsessive things I do, i.e. washing my hands over and over lmao. I really want to rewatch the The Terror for Halloween season, that will definitely become an obsession if I do. I've also been playing lots of Baldur's Gate III but I wouldn't say that's at Obsession Status.
Last googled: the release date for Killers of the Flower Moon. I'm busy that weekend :(
Currently working on: My video editing reel. The next arc of my D&D campaign (no idea when I'll actually be running it, but I feel really confident that I've basically got it all mapped out. I've been running it for several years now and much as I'll miss it when it's finished, I am incredibly happy to wrap it up soon lol). I've also taken to writing creatively more in my free time recently which has been nice. EDIT: oh, also my mental health/gender/interpersonal relationships but that’s not Currently so much as Perennially lol
tagging my irl friend @impish-lion even though I know him pretty well. also tagging mutuals @visenyaism/@soupseason, @moss-sprouted and @pigeonz/@melasshai. Nobody do this if you don't want to lol
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redhillconfetti · 1 year
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Blog post 28-01-2023 - Attending a Wedding Fair as a guest
Attending a wedding fair can be slightly intimidating for those people that may have never visited one before. You'll be walking into a room where every single person is an expert at all things wedding, and could end up asking you a whole load of questions you may not even have considered were options or things you need to think about.
My very first piece of advice is to set up a free email address (hotmail, gmail etc) for your wedding. This can be the email you put on your wedding invitation for RSVP's, and by using this to register with suppliers, once your wedding is all done you haven't had your personal email added to a hundred mailing lists.
Next is to make sure you wear the right clothing. You're not there to impress anyone, but you could end up being on your feet for hours, so wear comfortable shoes. Depending on the venue it could be baking hot or freezing cold, with no correlation to what the weather may be doing! If you're shivering or sweating you may feel like leaving earlier than you planned and could end up missing information or meeting a supplier that is just what you are looking for.
Plan your transport there, check for parking or public transport links. Google maps is your friend as some places can be hidden down narrow lanes or streets, or in a very rural location. If you have accessibility needs I would advise you to message the organisers in advance and ask if your requirements will be able to be met. Not all venues can guarantee to have a lift or a quiet space if you have sensory needs and can get overwhelmed by noise, crowds or lights etc. Try and send these questions to the organisers before the day of the fair, as on the day they will likely have limited access to their social media channels as they will be setting things up.
Once you’re in the fair, you’ll get approached by many people, the event organisers will usually meet you at the door and check your tickets. A lot of wedding fairs are ticket entry only, though the cost is usually minimal and simply for insurance purposes. As I covered in a previous blog, goody bags are a great perk of attending wedding fairs, and can be a useful little tote bag to store all the business cards, flyers, and samples you may get given on your visit.
When you are approached by the vendors, usually the very first thing you’ll be asked is ‘When is the big day?’, as this will give them an immediate way to start a conversation with you and gauge how far into your wedding planning you already are. You can give them as much or little information as you feel comfortable to. Some vendors will be very chatty, others will stand back and let you have a look over their display of their work. There may be an option to add your details to a mailing list to be entered into a prize draw for a free service or discount, this is where your wedding email account that i mentioned at the start of the blog comes in handy! If the product is something you are interested in, take a flyer or business card, you could even write notes on your phone or on the back of the card. If however its not a product you want or need, a simple ‘No thanks’ will suffice. No one is going to chase you across the room or force you to sign up for something you don’t want. I would also strongly advise against signing any deals on the day for ‘show bonus discounts’. Go home, do your research and make sure you are comfortable with the company. Check out their reviews and online presence in your own time rather than be rushed into handing over money the second you meet someone.
Take pictures whilst you are there! This is a great way to remind yourself of who you have met and what they do. Sometimes business cards can be very neutral and not give an indication of what the company does. If after the event you can’t recall a company that you would like to approach for a service, drop the organisers a message with where in the hall/event they were and a description of what their stand looked like, and they’ll be able to come back to you with contact details for that company.
I hope this blog post has helped give you an insight into what it’s like to visit a wedding fair. They can be extremely fun to go to as a guest, and a great source of inspiration for your big day. So that’s all folks,
Until next week,
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buchelawtx · 1 year
Business Name: Buche & Associates, P.C.
Street Address: 901 S MoPac Expy, Bldg 1, Ste. 300
City: Austin
State: Texas (TX)
Zip Code: 78746
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (512) 215-4997
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.buchelaw.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Buche-Associates-PC/100054364998757/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/buche-&-associates-p.c.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@bucheassociatesp.c.1772
Description: Buche & Associates P.C. is a law firm providing legal services for a broad range of business and civil matters. We are trial lawyers and litigators, handling cases including intellectual property, personal injuries, professional athlete disability, and contractual matters. We specialize in protecting intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.
Whether securing patents, negotiating contracts, or representing parties in litigation, we pursue our clients’ interests aggressively and respect their ultimate goals. In addition to our extensive expertise in intellectual property, we take pride in a focus on civil trial advocacy and have experience with a vast array of civil litigation in federal, state.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=13864385153183224700
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Personal Injury, Professional Sports, Internet Law, Local Counsel, Legal Malpractice, Contract Law, Business Law, Patent Infringement Opinions, Licensing Of Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets & Unfair Competition, Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Litigation, Trademarks, Patents, ,Patent Attorney, Patent Infringement Opinions, Trademarks, Agreement Drafting, Agreement Negotiation, Agreement Review, Business Agreements, Business Attorneys, Business Contracts, Business Disputes, Business Law, Business Lawyers, Business Transactions, Civil Disputes, Civil Litigation, Confidentiality Agreements, Consumer Protection, Contract Disputes, Contract Law, Copyright Applications, Copyright Attorneys, Copyright Cases, Copyright Infringement Litigation, Copyright Law, Copyright Lawyers, Copyright Licensing, Copyright Protection, Design Patents, Dispute Resolution, Domain Name Disputes, Domain Protection, Due Diligence, Employment Contracts, Entertainment Law, Ex Parte Reexamination, Ex Parte Reexaminations, Foreign Patent Applications, Free Initial Consultations, Infringement Attorneys, Infringement Lawsuit, Intellectual Property Attorneys, Intellectual Property Cases, Intellectual Property Counsel, Intellectual Property Disputes, Intellectual Property Infringement, Intellectual Property Law, Intellectual Property Lawsuit, Intellectual Property Lawyer, Intellectual Property Licensing, Intellectual Property Litigation, Intellectual Property Portfolios, Intellectual Property Protections, Intellectual Property Rights, Intellectual Property Transactions, Inter Partes Review, Inter Partes Reviews, International Intellectual Property, International Trademark, Ip Attorneys, Ip Cases, Ip Infringement, Ip Law, Ip Lawyers, Ip Licensing, Legal Assistance, Legal Malpractice, Legal Opinions, Legal Representation, Licensing Agreements, Licensing Contracts, Litigation Attorneys, Mergers And Acquisitions, Noncompete Contracts, Nondisclosure Agreements, Opposition Proceedings, Patent And Trademark Infringement, Patent Cases, Patent Disputes, Patent Filing, Patent Infringement Litigation, Patent Laws, Patent Lawyers, Patent Prosecution Attorneys, Patent Protection, Patent Search Attorneys, Personal Injury Attorneys, Personal Injury Lawyers, Post Grant Review, Product Liability, Real Estate Contracts, Registering Trademarks, Sound Recording, Theft Of Trade Secret, Trade Secret Law, Trademark Applications, Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Disputes, Trademark Filings, Trademark Laws, Trademark Lawyer, Trademark Legal Services, Trademark Litigation, Trademark Searches, Trademark Selection, Trademarks Protect, Unfair Competition Claims, Utility Patents, Litigation Attorney, Personal injury attorney, Catastrophic injury litigation, Personal injury lawyer, Intellectual property registry, Intellectual Property Licensing, Intellectual Property
Keywords: Austin patent attorney, Austin patent lawyer, Austin copyright attorney, Austin copyright lawyer, patent attorney, patent lawyer, patent attorney in Austin, trademark attorney, trademark lawyer, copyright lawyer, copyright attorney, patent attorney Austin, patent attorney near me, patent lawyer Austin, patent lawyer near me, best patent attorney, best patent lawyer, business law attorney, Austin trademark attorney, Austin trademark lawyer
Payment Methods: Cash, Debit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover
Business/Company Establishment Date: 01-27-2005
Number of Employees: 02-10
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: John Buche, [email protected], (512) 215-4997
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Service Areas:
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Business Name: Harding Chartered Surveyors - Rainham Office
Street Address: Arterial Ave
City: Essex
Zip Code: RM13 9NX
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 020 7736 2383
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://hardingsurveyors.co.uk/locations-covered/rainham-office/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hardingsurveyors
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hardingsurvey
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/harding-surveyors/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hardingsurveyors/
Business Description: Harding Chartered Surveyors is an independent firm of RICS Chartered Surveyors established in 1997. We have no links or ties with any banks or building societies, allowing us to focus directly upon the client and their requirements. We take pride in offering a personal, bespoke service and will always be on hand to assist you, benchmarking ourselves against the client feedback we receive. We come highly recommended by many solicitors, estate agents and architects across the South East of the UK. Harding's cover all of London, Surrey, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and most other areas of the home counties. The Harding’s team consists of RICS Chartered Surveyors, RICS Registered Valuers and Chartered Engineers.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15167196124623689425
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Services: Surveys, Party Wall Matters, Leasehold, Valuations, Commercial Valuation, Commercial Surveys, Commercial Property Surveyor, Rent Review, Dilapidation Surveys
Keywords: Building Surveyor, Chartered Surveyor, RICS Chartered Surveyor, RIC Valuation, Homebuyers Report, Building Survey
Service Areas:
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edgarchiropracticon · 2 years
Business Name: Edgar Family Chiropractic
Street Address: 399 Pearl Street
City: Burlington
State: Ontario (ON)
Zip Code: L7R 2M8
Country: Canada
Business Phone Number: (289) 337-1202
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://edgarchiropractic.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edgarchiropractic/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EdgarChiropractic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edgarfamilychiropractic/
Description: If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy chiropractor in Burlington, we are a one-stop solution for all your health and wellness needs. Our clinic is also a fully integrated facility providing treatments like chiropractic, registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, medical acupuncture, pregnancy care, and sports rehabilitation.Treatments are provided for many different parts of the body such as the neck, low back, shoulders, knee, wrist, ankle, and feet. Many different kinds of conditions are treated such as sprains, strains, nerve pain, sports injuries, neck pain, migraines, headaches, spinal and osteoarthritis, just to name a few.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11914893728436766555
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8AM-8PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM) Tuesday 8AM-8PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM) Wednesday 8AM-8PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM) Thursday 8AM-8PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM) Friday 7AM-7PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM) Saturday 9AM-1PM (Lunch Break 1PM 2PM)
Services: Medical Acupuncture,Physiotherapy,Registered Massage Therapy,Pregnancy Care ,Sports Therapy,Custom Braces and Compression Hosiery,Custom Orthotics
Keywords: Burlington Chiropractor,Burlington Medical Acupuncture,Burlington Physiotherapy,Burlington Registered Massage Therapy,Burlington Pregnancy Care ,Burlington Sports Therapy,Burlington Custom Braces and Compression Hosiery,Burlington Custom Orthotics
Service Areas:
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hardingsurveyorsuk · 2 years
Business Name: Harding Chartered Sureveyors - Hampstead Office
Street Address: 17 Kingdon Road
City: London
Zip Code: NW6 1PJ
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 020 7736 2383
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://hardingsurveyors.co.uk/locations-covered/hampstead-office/
Business Description: Established in 1997, Harding Chartered Surveyors have helped thousands of families, individuals and businesses with their property needs for over two decades. Harding’s is proudly independent and has no links or ties with any banks or building societies, allowing us to focus directly upon the client and their requirements. We take pride in offering a personal, bespoke service and will always be on hand to assist you. The Harding’s team consists of RICS Chartered Surveyors and registered Valuers with expertise in building surveys, Valuations(Residential and Commercial), Leasehold Reform, Party Wall matters, taxation valuation, and expert witness.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=14146695851322783240
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Services: Building Surveyor, Chartered Surveyor, RICS Chartered Surveyor, RIC Valuation, Homebuyers Report
Keywords: Building Surveyor, Chartered Surveyor, RICS Chartered Surveyor, RIC Valuation, Homebuyers Report
Service Areas:
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virtualauditortn · 2 years
Business Name: Virtual Auditor - Company Registration in Chennai
Street Address: Spencer Plaza, G131(Ground Floor),Phase, 3, Anna Salai, Triplicane
City: Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu
Zip Code: 600002
Business Phone Number: 996-226-0333
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://virtualauditor.in/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virtualauditorOFFICIAL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VirtualAuditor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virtualauditor.in/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/virtualauditorca
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjfjYtitEAKYY-yZEz5FCQ
Description: Company Registration in Chennai - GST Registration in Chennai contact experts Virtual Auditor Company Registration in Chennai process it with you experts Virtual Auditor is India's largest online business services platform dedicated to helping people easily start and grow their business, at an affordable cost. #1 Company Registration in Chennai. Start your Company in a Day. Leading Business Setup Firm in Chennai. GST Registration Online at Lowest Cost For Any Business. Company Registration In Chennai made easy by your experts Virtual Auditor , our services include GST Registration in Chennai , Company Closure in Chennai, Director Addition in Chennai and Director resignation in Chennai, we also provide valuation services.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6941015631217155597
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10am-7pm Tuesday 10am-7pm Wednesday 10am-7pm Thursday 10am-7pm Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 10am-7pm
Services: Company Registration, Startup Valuation, Business Valuation, GST Registration, Taxation, Audit And Advisory, Business Advisory Services
Keywords: Business Valuation , Valuation Consulting , GST Registration , Company Registration , IBBI Registered Valuer
Business/Company Establishment Date: 29/02/2012
Business Slogan: Your Partner in Business
Number of Employees: 20
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Service Areas:
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virtualauditormh · 2 years
Business Name: Company Registration in Mumbai - Virtual Auditor
Street Address: Office No 2 , Workafella Business Centre AK Estate, Off Veer Savarkar Flyover, SV Rd, Goregaon West
City: Mumbai
State: Maharashtra
Zip Code: 400062
Country: INDIA
Business Phone: 077000 89597
Website: https://virtualauditor.in/
Business Description: Company Registration in Mumbai - GST Registration in Mumbai, Valuation services and business valuation
Company Registration in Mumbai process it with you experts Virtual Auditor. Leading Business Setup Firm in Mumbai. Virtual Auditor is India's largest online business advisory services platform dedicated to helping people easily start and grow their business, at an affordable cost. #1 Company Registration Service in Mumbai. We provide all registration services starting form company registration in Mumbai,Income Tax filing services, Digital Service Certificates, We are experts in business valuation and start up valuation we are firm of registered Valuers
Our team specialized in Business advisory Services and best business set up services.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8657467965498112244
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10am-7pm Tuesday 10am-7pm Wednesday 10am-7pm Thursday 10am-7pm Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 10am-7pm
Services: Company Registration, TAX Filing, Accounting, Annual Compliances
Keywords: Company Registration in Mumbai, private limited company registration in mumbai, pvt ltd company registration in mumbai, online company registration in mumbai, registration of company in mumbai
Yearly Revenue: 50,000-100,000
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Service Areas:
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yellowbentley · 2 months
fuzzy takes an unneccessarily long bus ride across the city because they saw somewhere that diversifying your every day route can reduce depression and holy shit shes desperate: the saga
first half was entirely fine. drove past some burnt out houses and my moms work and the edge of the city which was cool
drove through some parts of the city i legitimately havent been to in /years/
there was a little girl playing with a blown up latex glove. lmfao.
i was on there the longest. some other guy who got on at uni got off and walked past the back and saw me and poor dude looked like he saw a ghost
accidently made eye contact with a later guy n struck up a conversation but he complimented my mask so its ok
got off where i was meant to. wanted to look around. immediately got lost and didnt know where to go to transfer. cue me frantically messing about in google maps with freezing cold hands.
i probably looked so pathetic
i had gone over it on google maps several times before this bc ive wanted to do this all year. still fucked up.
figured it out! crossed a freeway and got to the stop right as bus #2 turned the corner
i DID get a transfer! im used to paper transfer tickets so i didnt even register it
two very loud children got on. one of them stood on the seat :|
dropped my phone :|| whole bunch of people looked at me. oh well.
saw a guy with earmuffs, a cowboy hat, and a fanny pack. only in sask lmao (and i say this with love)
i sat on the wrong side on the second bus so i had part of the same view both ways but that isnt a big deal
i love seeing people going about their daily lives. were all just Some Guy. very special to me.
does my brother know that every time i pass a bus i peer at the driver trying to see if its him? does he know how desperately i miss his face?
the second bus was busier then the first which i did not expect because the first time i took the first route it was PAAAACKED
i zoned out so bad the last 10ish minutes i lost track of where we were and almost missed my stop :||| i only made it because its a fairly busy stop and it was going to hang out for a few minutes anyway.
i love where i live. even if i dont want to stay here forever. its trashy as hell but its mine
i got idk a block into my walk home? 2? idk and my legs started to scream
i knew i was out of shape but holy shit
im reasonably sure i was limping bc omfg pain. PAIN. not the worst ive ever felt by far but fuck dude i dont even remember it being this bad when i first started working at walmart and that was fucking awful
ive had. a tightness in my legs for a while but i never do anything so ive ignored it. this wasnt much longer then a walk i did last month and it was fine so ????????
im in bed now. thank god.
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onebasemedia · 2 months
Rank Profitable Local Service Business #1 In Google Maps
1. **Identify Profitable Services**: Determine which services your business offers are the most profitable. This could be based on demand, profit margins, or other factors specific to your business.
2. **Keyword Research**: Use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Google Keyword Planner to research keywords related to your most profitable service in your target location. Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition.
3. **Optimise Google My Business (GMB) Profile**:
   - Claim and verify your Google My Business listing.
   - Ensure your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are accurate and consistent with your website and other online listings.
   - Select relevant categories for your business.
   - Write a compelling business description.
   - Add high-quality photos and videos.
   - Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews.
4. **Build a Localised Website**:
   - Register a domain name that reflects your business and location, if possible.
   - Create dedicated service pages optimised for each profitable service and target location.
   - Include relevant keywords in meta titles, descriptions, headers, and content.
   - Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
5. **Create Localised Service Pages**:
   - Develop individual landing pages for each town or area you want to target.
   - Include unique, valuable content tailored to each location.
   - Incorporate location-specific keywords and phrases naturally throughout the content.
   - Provide clear calls-to-action (CTAs) for users to contact or book your services.
6. **Local Citations and Backlinks**:
   - Get listed on online directories and local citation sites relevant to your industry and location.
   - Seek opportunities for backlinks from local businesses, organisations, and community websites.
7. **Monitor and Adjust**:
   - Regularly track your Google My Business insights, website traffic, and keyword rankings.
   - Analyse what's working and what's not, and make adjustments accordingly.
Remember that achieving and maintaining a high ranking in Google Maps requires ongoing effort and optimisation. Consistently providing excellent service to your customers and actively managing your online presence will help improve your visibility and attract more local customers.
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571: Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy
This Podcast Is Episode 571, And It's About Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy
Stepping up your marketing game as a construction business owner is always a welcome topic in my client conversations. Often, contractors chat with me about the best way to promote their company, primarily because no one else is running it. 
  You may focus more on accounting and taxes at times, and at other times, your business may slow down, and sales become more challenging. Given this trend, establishing and maintaining connections with existing and potential customers has become more critical. 
  So, if you're looking to do some construction business promotions to attract more quality clients, what do you do, especially on your own? Here are some practical tips that I highly suggest to consider:
  1. Build a solid online presence:
Create a website showcasing your services and experience, and make sure it's easy for potential customers and homeowners to contact you. Plus points if you know how to optimize it by location and keywords, or you can always learn a thing or two when you Google: Local Search Engine Optimization. It's essential to show up first in SERPS (Search Engine Results Page) when someone looks for "plumbing emergency in (city)" or "HVAC installer nearby."
As you build and edit your pages, keep in mind your USP (Unique Selling Proposition):
What your business does.
Whom it serves.
Why it's different from other companies?
How is it beneficial to your prospective client?
Note that some of these elements can be divided into sections and published on one page; for instance, Services and Testimonials can work well together. This gives your visitors much-needed assurance that you have had successful projects and happy clients. 
Create informative content: Share blog posts, videos, and infographics that provide value to your target audience and establish your business as an industry expert.
Remember to include your Awards and Recognition (if you have any) and place it strategically. Add value to your website footer by including your contact details, policies, and other relevant links. Include appropriate CTAs (Call-To-Action) throughout your site so prospective clients can take the necessary steps and hire your services. For example, a 'Contact Us' button or a 'Request a Quote' form can be effective CTAs.
2. Use social media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great for sharing your projects and engaging with your audience. Create posts regularly to update on services or special offers. 
Local SEO is mainly about getting listed in local online resources and optimizing your website's and other platforms' online content to reference location-relevant key phrases and regional names rather than generic keywords. 
Your construction business listing must be consistent across all platforms you use, mainly because changing it later will be challenging (think about logo placement, colors, and font).
3. Register your business on online directories: This will help increase your visibility and attract more local clients. 
Google Business Profile - This is a free tool for promoting your business profile and website on Google Search and Maps. Even if you don't have a website, your Google business profile is the most crucial resource for local businesses. Claiming and verifying your business's listing will help your efforts appear in local search results.
Bing Places - Microsoft's version, which might be less popular, still needs attention. It works the same way, allowing you to claim and verify your business's physical location and have it appear in Bing Maps and on mobile devices running the Windows Phone operating system.
Yelp. Yelp is an online urban guide that provides local business listings. It recently replaced the relatively unsuccessful Apple Maps app for iPhones and iPads, and these devices now use data from Yelp to display local information with their included mapping apps. Given the enormous popularity of iPhones, the advantages of getting listed on Yelp should be obvious.
4. Attend industry events: Trade shows, conferences, and networking events are great opportunities to meet potential clients and connect with other professionals in your industry. 
Remember, networking is about building relationships, not just collecting business cards. Be genuine, be interested in others, and follow up with people after you meet them to continue the conversation.
The key here is to stop looking at every person in your networking group as a potential sale. Especially early on, be more concerned about what you can give than what you can get from these meetings.
Give materially by sponsoring group events, donating to fundraising, or bringing bagels to the meeting. Give your time and effort by contributing to a service position, or be free with great ideas and a welcoming smile.
The long-term value of networking groups lies in building strong trusting relationships that will give you influence beyond the people in your immediate group.
5. Word-of-mouth referrals are the most cost-effective way of gaining new customers because you don't have to spend anything on advertising or marketing. Research has repeatedly shown that referrals have a higher conversion rate (inquiries to sales) and spend more than other customers. People have more confidence in a business recommended by friends or colleagues.
Referrals will happen naturally if you provide excellent service and good value, but you can improve your referral rate through an active incentive program.
Final thoughts
This seems a lot to do, especially if you're single-handedly working and managing your business. But unless your construction company has lots of work stacked up, there will be times when there is nothing to do, and that is the best time to think about Strategic Marketing and following the adage:
"Dig your well before you are thirsty."
You will only build a loyal client base if you earn your visitors' trust, which is why companies value social proof highly. Proving your construction business's value online takes a unique skill set, but boosting it during your downtime is a great practice. 
We offer free resources to help you save time and money that you can download and print now. 
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA, co-founded Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations. She offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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webmarlins · 3 months
Unlocking Local Success: The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO
A website lets you reach everyone online. Local SEO, on the other hand, boosts local rankings. Investing in it now, when people approach you more online than offline, is worthwhile. Local web visibility greatly improves your business’s survival odds. We’ll define local SEO and point you to extra information to help you promote your website locally.
About Local SEO:
Local SEO optimizes your website for a particular location. If you have a store, restaurant, or agency, you want your website to rank for local search searches. Optimizing your local company website ensures online and offline visibility. Even if your facility may not be receiving visits, you’re still addressing a local audience. You should maximize your web presence for that location. Your website can accomplish some of that, but you can do more!
How does Local SEO work?
Local search optimization tells Google via several signals that your company is in a given location and wants to be discovered by local clients. The modern norm is that a correct regional/city address makes optimization simpler. This lets you construct local landing pages and provide a store locator on your website.
Correct LocalBusiness Schema markup on your website is crucial to convincing Google that you are a local company and what area(s) you service. 
However, local search rankings demand more than website optimization. Start by creating and adding all required Google My Business data. Additionally, pursuing industry-relevant and local relationships might assist. Like local social media, citations, word-of-mouth, and print brochures boost local SEO.
What differentiates Local SEO generally from SEO?
Businesses utilize search engine optimization to rank better on search engines. Any internet company relies on it. Lack of SEO will hurt your company. Local SEO (Map SEO) helps small and medium-sized companies develop. Recent years have seen a rise in this particular SEO.
Local SEO targets locals. If you have optimized local SEO for your salon, it will appear in local searches for “salon shop near me”.Local SEO may be a subset of SEO. Local SEO targets particular cities or regions, while SEO targets your website’s pages for searches without a local component. 
Locals frequent these queries. Google can tell from the query whether the searcher wants a local “solution” for his issue. Since most small companies serve local customers, these search inquiries are very intriguing. A local SEO approach that emphasizes local ranking variables is worth investing in to rank for these local queries.
Benefits of Local SEO:
It helps local firms contact their target audience. You don’t believe local SEO’s finest feature, which every local company loves. Optimizing is simple. Simply backlinking to local events sites and employing location-specific keywords will help you expand your regional reach. When local people search for your products or services, your ranking will rise and shop traffic will improve. Lets see below following  benefits of local seo:
1. Increased Traffic:
Discover that 46% of Google queries are about local information. Everyone thrives on traffic. Registering your business online will keep you in traffic, whether you manage a large firm or a little salon. Local SEO increases traffic. Targeting local clients encourages them to visit your website and visit you. A comprehensive SEO strategy for a local business risks delayed visitors. You certainly don’t want that. Local targeting brings local visitors to your site, which boosts sales.
2. Better Conversions:
Local SEO boosts conversions by attracting new consumers. Joel House Search Media says 28% of local searches sell. Local SEO increases conversion rate and traffic, which boosts revenue. Being an authority in your area when local customers are ready to purchase will help you anchor their sales. Instead of looking for firms miles away or buying online, most local searchers desire to understand local companies.
3. Lower Ad Costs:
Local audiences boost local business. They spend more on banners, booklets, local TV ads, hoardings, etc. All of this is expensive. Optimizing local SEO may save you a lot of money. Research shows that over 80% of smartphone users choose “near me” while searching for a firm. Therefore, increasing local SEO may lower all advertising expenditures.
4. Constant Business Growth:
Local SEO campaigns usually increase traffic and search engine rankings. This boosts marketing and sales potential. Sales increase customer attention, leading to conscious business growth. Thus, investing in local SEO analytics is essential to growing your local business.
5. Long-Term Rankings:
What is the benefit of SEO over traditional marketing? You would say that doing anything once has a lasting impact, unlike conventional marketing, where we squander money every week to boost sales. Long-term rankings are major advantages of local seo.
6. Bypass Contest:
Local SEO gives you an edge over your conventional opponent. Different firms sell the same item, but one employs local SEO and others use conventional approaches. A firm with a better SERP position will attract buyers since we want to try the goods. We search on a search engine, and thus we immediately choose the first result. Practical SEO gives your organization a long-term advantage that puts you ahead of the competition.
7. Get More Local Reviews:
87% of Bright Local customers examine online reviews before buying from local companies. If you provide excellent service, customers will leave honest evaluations, bringing you additional business. That won’t happen without local SEO optimization for your organization. Local SEO increases consumer reviews. Responding to client feedback boosts search engine rankings. As an indicator of superior customer experience, per Google. Your firm might profit in many more ways from local evaluations.
8. Connect with neighboring businesses:
Healthy competition is how business works today. Local SEO allows you to create a connection with your opponent. How? Cross-promoting goods and local seo services will gain you connections with nearby businesses. Both firms will gain notoriety, making it a win-win. Additionally, it will boost your web presence.
9. Join Google’s 3 Pack:
Local SEO might also boost your Google 3-pack ranking. Being in Google’s 3-Pack—the top three local search results for a keyword—is a fantastic deal. Report Garden that Google’s 3-pack ranks first in 93% of regional inquiries. Check your business’s internet performance if you use local SEO. Unlike the seven-pack, the three-pack provides a company’s hours, description, location, and more. Being in Google’s 3-Pack is vital for local businesses.
10. Mobile Optimisation:
Convenience drives many online transactions on mobile devices. Businesses should optimize their web pages for mobile search and tablet. The purpose of optimization is to simplify site navigation. A delighted user is more inclined to buy from your site.
11. Build-Community:
Strong communities benefit small companies. Many people like buying locally to support the community. This behavior promotes local business owners, developing the community. Informing prospective customers that you are easily accessible might be useful.
Local SEO Ranking Factors:
Google is known by everyone with a smartphone. Before shopping, people enjoy browsing online. So internet presence is essential. We understand that being a digital beginner might be unpleasant. You may hire local SEO businesses to handle your internet presence while you operate your shop.
1: Google Business Profile Factors:
This list includes all Google Business Profile (GBP) elements except reviews, which are handled individually. This detailed lesson explains Google company Profiles and local company listings. We think three GBP elements greatly affect rankings:
Company Title: The search word in the company name may affect rank. 
About Categories: Businesses may choose up to 10 categories for their Google Business Profile. If a searcher is looking for a location to charge their electric car, Google is more likely to show them an “electric vehicle charging station” than a “gas station”.
Website Link: The strength of the internet page you link to from your GBP may affect your listing’s rank. If an EV dealer connects their listing to their homepage, which has many links and authority, the listing may rank better than if they link to an obscure page with little authority.
Photos, postings, Q&A, bookings, messaging, hours of operation, popular times, and hundreds of other Google Business Profile factors may not directly affect rank but may help convert and sell. Studies are underway to evaluate whether characteristics like these affect rank, and you may need to run your own to see if a field is affecting rank in your market.
2: Review Factors:
Reviews are consumer feedback on a local company. Read following information on reviews and reputation if you’re unfamiliar. Three categories of reviews are thought to be important to Google:
Reviewers submit star ratings and reviews on your Google Business Profile.
Third-Party Review Sites, Yelp reviews and Zagat professional evaluations.
First-Party Reviews on Your Website, local businesses post these reviews and testimonials on their website.
3: On-page Factors:
We think the following website characteristics greatly affect rank in local search:
Domain Authority (DA) is a Moz search engine ranking number that forecasts a website’s SERP ranking. Local businesses with strong domain authority score better in local and organic search results. Similar to Domain Authority, Page Authority measures the strength of a single page rather than a website. As indicated above, a Google Business Profile that connects to a high-authority page on the company’s website should rank higher.
NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) should be prominently displayed on a local business website seo and match its Google Business Profile.
Optimization: A local company website’s text, tags, and internal links should match searchers’ keyword phrases. If a searcher is seeking “electric vehicle prices,” a local EV dealer with a well-optimized website should rank higher than the competition without one.
Quality, a local company with authoritative, error-free website content may rank higher than one with bad content.
Technical and Security Factors, to eliminate ranking hurdles, a local firm should make sure its website is mobile-friendly, safe, displays correctly across devices, and is malware-free. For search engines to crawl, index, and trust a website, robots.txt, and page redirection must be handled carefully. 
4: Citation Factors:
Structured and unstructured citations of a local company’ NAP appear online. Yelp, Nextdoor, and TripAdvisor provide structured citations for local companies. Any reference to a business on blogs, news sites, or other non-local business directories is an unstructured citation. Google may consider both sorts of citations, but structured citations may boost local rank. 
5. Linking factors: 
Link types are internal and inbound, like citations. Website architecture includes internal linkages that take users from page to page. If you run an EV charging station, a page about pricing may connect to a page about station locations. Third-party links to your site are inbound links. Your EV charging station may be highlighted in an online news story with a link to your website. Internal and inbound connections are expected to boost local and organic rankings.
6. Behavior Factors:
How internet searchers engage with your listings and pages encompasses thousands of behavioral aspects. Local and organic rankings improve when consumers connect with your online assets.
Google may be watching how people engage with your images, reviews, blogs, menus, Q&A, reservations, items, and more. Google may also be interested in whether users remain on your website after clicking through, browse more pages, or leave quickly. Many of these characteristics may not directly affect local and organic rankings, but they should be considered.
7. Customization Factors
It includes some of the most and least significant aspects. Google says they don’t personalize generic results depending on search history. Thus, Google does not presume you want to view Chevrolet Bolts again today simply because you saw them yesterday. personalization-related characteristics are low on local SEOs’ list of priorities for enhancing local search ranks, save for searcher location. Google Discover relies heavily on personalization.
A searcher’s device location greatly affects Google’s results. One of the simplest theoretical local search ranking variables to show is “user-to-business proximity” or “distance”. Take your phone across town and search for the same keyword to see this Google behavior. The location of your device will likely affect local and organic results, and proximity also affects desktop searches.
Despite the importance of user-to-business proximity on local search results, businesses seldom have much influence on Google. If your competition’s EV dealership is across town on the High Street and the prospective client is also on the High Street shopping for an electric vehicle, your competitor will have an edge by proximity. You may not have much influence over personalization aspects, but you should know about them.
8. Bad Things:
After covering the seven primary ranking variables that are thought to benefit local firms, there is one more situation you should be aware of: “when things go wrong”. A local company owner or marketer may take numerous steps to maximize local search ranking criteria, but some acts and accidents might hurt search engine exposure. This includes:
Google Business Profile Factors:
Violating Google’s Guidelines might hurt your local ranking and potentially have your listing removed. Avoid listing unsuitable locations or stuffing the company title with buzzwords. While not a rule violation, miscategorizing the firm will hurt its search rankings. Finally, bogus listings published by others and not deleted by Google might hurt actual local companies’ rankings.
Review Factors:
Violating Google’s review content criteria may lower ranking, harm reputation, lead to listing removal, and possibly a lawsuit. Do not buy or reward reviews, publish reviews for others, commission third parties to do so, or use review gating schemes. Besides a company doing prohibited review activities, local enterprises and communities might be hurt by review spam made by others and not deleted by Google. When Google lets spammers dominate reviews, reputable local companies might struggle to rank. Finally, a local business’s local rankings will suffer if it doesn’t prioritize customer service and gets few reviews or bad reviews.
On-Page Factors:
Hacked, malware-infected, poorly linked, low-quality content, poorly optimized or over-optimized, or badly set up websites may struggle to rank locally and organically.
Citation Factors:
Inaccurate, contradictory, or duplicate citations might hurt local results. A firm with few citations on high-quality, relevant platforms may also be at a disadvantage compared to more motivated local rivals.
Link Factors:
Businesses that purchase links or participate in link exchanges and link farms might suffer. Sites may lose ranking for such activity. Local company websites without strong internal connections are losing out on SEO boosts.
Behavioral Factors:
Businesses who don’t claim and fill up their Google Business Profiles or publish low-quality websites won’t have the same visitor engagement as more active rivals. Neglected listings and webpages reduce behavioral signals, preventing search engines from deeming them relevant.
Personalization Factors:
A local business’s location is its biggest drawback. For instance, searches in residential areas in the city center may not find a restaurant on the outskirts as often. A firm outside Google’s mapped city or google maps lines may struggle to rank for clients looking within.
Read Also: YouTube SEO Secrets: Unlocking the Power of Video Search
Local SEO Checklist for Better Ranking
A complete local SEO plan can help customers discover you. To guarantee your marketing team covers everything, use below mentioned entire local seo checklist for best reanking. 
1: On-Page Optimization And Keyword Research:
A more generalist SEO strategy may benefit local firms, but it can’t replace local keyword research and on-page optimization. Here are several essential stages.
List localized keywords for your company, goods, and services.
Use keyword modifiers (e.g., near me, in ) to improve your performance.
Consider user intent when choosing keywords—what the user wants to achieve with a search.
Keyword-focused content for static sites, landing pages, and blogs.
Optimize header tags, alt image tags, and URLs using local keywords.
Use important terms organically and in context throughout your writing.
Add appropriate internal and external links to essential information about your business in your text.
Use local business schema markup to help Google understand your site and offerings.
Business name, hours, address and phone number  should be the same everywhere.
2. Google My Business Optimization:
Following website optimization and visitor experience, improving your Google My Business page is the most crucial step to local SEO. 
Create or claim your company listing in the database. To guarantee everything is correct, follow these procedures.
Choose the best category for your company, ideally one that incorporates Google search terms.
Complete as many fields as possible to inform Google and its users about your company.
Add a lively description that expresses your business’s spirit.
Make sure business hours, phone number, and location are right.
Be sure to upload several high-resolution, aesthetically appealing company photographs.
Consider adding videos to your profile if you have any.
Use your official company name on your profile.
Encourage consumers to evaluate and review your company and reply to all messages, favorable or bad.
Check and update your profile regularly.
3. Online Reviews and Reputation Management:
Social proof drives local marketing, particularly. Positive evaluations and comments from previous customers might help you sell to new or hesitant customers. 
A full local SEO audit checklist must include online reputation management. Steps to remember going ahead.
Ask consumers to evaluate your company and items on Google and social media.
Offer rewards when appropriate to promote informed, positive feedback.
Respond quickly to comments and messages from consumers and followers on social media.
Check your internet reputation and mentions often.
Claim your company directory entries to guarantee accuracy and quality.
Respond to reviews quickly and professionally, making amends for unfavorable remarks.
Develop a plan to find, manage, and react to reviews.
4. Building Local Citations:
An SEO citation encompasses any online brand or company reference, including media coverage. Local citations, also known as NAP citations, include the business’s name, address, and phone number. 
Directory interfaces, such as applications and social media platforms, are more likely to provide local citations. Every local SEO checklist should have a good citation portfolio. 
Data aggregators simplify the procedure.
Actively submit local business NAP data to key sites.
Submit your company information to specialty websites and local directories to build your citation profile.
Discover how to increase citations via media attention, influencer mentions, in-depth reviews, and more.
Google can help you manage your local citations and fill gaps.
Develop a plan to monitor and update your citations everywhere.
Improve your review catalog and customer reviews to boost your local citation profile.
5. Local Linking Methods:
Mentions and backlinks from other respectable local sites increase your brand’s reputation and let local shoppers know you provide beneficial services.
Local backlinks show Google that your site is valuable and deserves top SERP ranks. Here are some tips and actions.
Connect with local company owners and personalities and build friendly connections.
Place your firm in relevant local directories and industry-specific alternatives.
Talk to local bloggers, journalists, and influencers about backlinks.
Try to get sponsored articles from local sites and companies in your field.
Join local business groups for your sector or expertise.
Keep in touch with locals in person and on social media.
Plan and execute a local backlink catalog local seo strategy.
Keep posting high-quality material that people will naturally connect to.
Monitor and evaluate your progress.
6. Mobile-friendly and UX-optimized :
Over 60% of online traffic came from mobile phones in 2022. People aren’t only searching for global subjects on mobile devices. They use their phones to research potential customers  and identify nearby restaurants, shops, and activities. 
However, your local brand’s website and content must be mobile-friendly. They must also create a good user experience to keep visitors when they find you.
Make your website mobile-friendly and responsive.
Use big, straightforward fonts to make your site easy to read and skim.
Remove disruptive clutter from your site.
Implement link interfaces and buttons that are simple to click on smaller screens without zooming.
Mobile-friendly information includes brief phrases and paragraphs, headers, and useful graphics.
Make all calls to action clear and simple.
7. Local SEO Voice Search Optimization:
With voice assistants and search interfaces growing more popular, even with localized information seekers, voice SEO should be on every local SEO checklist. Add these important tasks to your to-do list. 
Use natural language phrasing, long-tail keywords, and conversational language to improve your content for voice search.
Think like your consumers and optimize for what they would say to a voice assistant to discover your company.
Use schema markup to boost your site’s chances of appearing in Google’s highlighted snippets, the first results in voice SERPs.
Include question words and filler phrases like to, for, I, on the, and why in your keyword strategy to make it more voice-friendly.
Create a detailed FAQ page on your website with translated voice assistant queries.
Customers may quickly reach your site with good local SEO. Perfect SEO-friendly website creation is easy. Keep a detailed local SEO checklist to avoid missing important items that might keep you on track. 
Read Also: Web 2.0 SEO: A Complete Guide to Modern Optimization
Tips for Improving Local SEO
For local SEO, Google ranking is crucial. You may have the finest website and goods, but if you’re not on Google’s top page, you won’t receive any visitors. Online shoppers will start with a Google search for your items or services. Not ranking on the first page means losing significant website visitors.
What makes your website rank better in search results? Here we’ll provide seven local SEO methods to enhance your ranks and traffic.
1. Research keywords:
Keyword research is the first step to Google ranking. Discover what prospective buyers are searching for while wanting your goods or services. Use these keywords in titles, headers, and text on your website. Tips for identifying keywords for local SEO:
Long-tail keywords:
Long Tail keywords are three or more product-specific keywords. Long Tail keywords include “plumber in Seattle”. This will boost your Google ranking by targeting a certain place and phrase.
Free and paid keyword programs:
There are free and commercial applications that investigate keywords’ monthly search volume. These programs will suggest relevant keywords to target. Moz’s Keyword Explorer, Wordstream’s Free Keyword Tool, and Google AdWords Keyword Planner are excellent as local seo tools for keyword research.
Local rankings:
Check your local ranks while undertaking keyword research. Use Whitespark or BrightLocal to check your local keyword rankings.
2. Register for GMB:
GMB is Google My Business. This free listing puts companies in Google’s Local Packs, the box containing maps and contact details on the first page.
Steps to build a GMB listing:
Login to Google.com/business.
List your firm, address, and phone number.
Classify your company.
Photograph your company, goods, and services.
You may verify your listing by phone or mail.
These are musts for local SEO on GMB:
Complete your profile.
Upload images and videos.
Check reviews.
3. Mobile-Optimize:
Your website must be mobile-friendly as more people use smartphones to search the internet. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test may assess your website’s mobile-friendliness. If it requires improvement, you may enhance your website users’ mobile search experience by:
Ensure website speed.
Make small-screen material easier to read.
Mobile buttons and links simple to click.
Make your website responsive to any screen size.
4. Post relevant content:
Relevant, keyword-rich website content is one of the finest techniques to boost your Google ranking. This might be blog postings, product details, or useful articles. The more relevant your material, the higher your Google ranking. For better local SEO, put your location or town in your text.
5. Build Links:
Link-building involves other websites linking to yours. More high-quality links to your website mean better Google rankings. Links may be built in many ways:
Requesting customer and client links to your website.
Guest posting on industry websites.
Forum and online community participation.
Listing your website in directories and business listings.
6. Business Directory Citations:
Your company name, address, and phone number are cited on other websites. Google ranks sites with more citations higher. Some methods to be mentioned are:
Listing on Google My Business.
Online business directory submissions.
Social media profile creation.
All your listings should have the same business name, address, and phone number.
7. Get customer reviews:
Customer reviews are a major Google ranking element. The more favorable reviews, the better your Google ranking. Customer reviews may be generated in numerous ways:
Requesting customers to leave reviews.
Email signature links to Google My Business.
Offering incentives for consumer reviews.
Addressing all reviews, favorable and bad. This demonstrates your customer engagement with future customers.
Follow these techniques to boost your Google ranking and website traffic. Improved local SEO will help local consumers discover you. By providing relevant information, you may demonstrate your industry expertise to prospective buyers. Building links and becoming recognized in business directories might boost your rating. Customer reviews indicate to prospective clients that your company is trustworthy and reputable.
Local companies struggled to compete online with large names. This is why people didn’t spend much on the internet while traditional methods worked, just go out and find some best Local seo agency. In 2014, Google announced the first Pigeon update, enabling local firms to compete regionally for search rankings.  Google began targeting nearby firms for location search rankings.You will research local search ranking criteria as long as you advertise local firms. Local search industry observers have noted that Google’s weighting of criteria has evolved throughout the decades and will likely continue to alter. Local business index trials and big upgrades that reorganize results are ongoing at Google. Keeping up with changes and communicating them to coworkers and customers may be challenging.
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