theawesomeally · 6 months
Farewell and Goodbye Part 4
“Is she dead?” he repeat the question, even though he think I already know the answer.
  Cade just smiles that awful smile.
“Don’t you want to know how we found her?” His voice is teasing. “It’s a great story.”
“Just because I’m a kid doesn’t mean I’m one of them.” His voice was very quiet and he wouldn’t meet his eyes but it sounded like the truth. The very first reaction he’d had to the subject was to try to put some distance between him and his peers.
There was a brief exchange of words, then, instead of showing the unseen newcomer in immediately, Billy looked up at him in surprise, stepping backward, Billy glanced around until he caught sight of a figure standing in the shadows beyond the light in front of him. Cade stood with his back toward Billy, gazing out into the hallway and the smile ran away from his face. There was something about Cade that made his blood run cold.
Billy again stepped in close, his rifle pointing at Cade’s face. “Cade?!,” he replied, holding his voice as steady as possible and then stopped. Lifting his head, Billy looked at Stefan and his blood froze.
“Stefan,” he breathed, horrified. Billy cleared his throat and peered up at Cade, hoping that he could at least delay the execution until he felt a bit better, but there was a haunted look to the eyes that Billy had not seen before.
“Hello, Billy.” The voice was unfamiliarly hesitant with his typical charm. He hid his surprise with an elegant nod of welcome. “How pleasant of you to join us! You're just in time for the moment of truth. Now, I would like to have the dagger back.”
 Cade found himself gaping at the small, blond-clad figure striding purposefully toward the hallway that had set down in the midst of battle. Though he willed himself to move, to turn away, he found he could not. He remained rooted in place, clutching his unfired weapon, staring despite himself.
And in response, the figure of Cade turned and looked sideways, directly at Billy. The Brothers saw only light reflecting off Billy, and his own fear. But he wasn’t. The glance lasted barely a second. Then Cade resumed his pace, deep in thought as he strode toward him.
Cade moved forward slightly. “Your mother is gone. She was weak and foolish, like her little Billy.” Cade’s reply was replete with pity. And anger. In what he hoped was a casual tone, so he added, “So I gave her last wish. But such a small, insignificant request is easily granted."
Be quick, he told himself. That was the solution. Don’t think too much about anything. Let your instincts guide you.
  His instincts weren’t doing a very good job on any other aspects of his life, but at least he was still alive. He felt safe trusting them once again, in the service of Cade.
Billy stood there trying to absorb all the information he was telling him. Making him hesitated in his reply, almost so long that Cade was sure he would deny his request. Finally, he answered after what seemed like an eternity. "No," he declared, and jutted his chin in his usual fashion. He winced at the movement, but Cade could see that Billy was not going to do as he was asked and so Billy shot Cade a sly grin. It was now up to Billy. In order to keep the game going, he was going to have to sacrifice his life in order to save Rocky's future.
Oh, well. Dang. Apparently, after all his mouth does work better than his brain. Or at least quicker. That was the command Cade had given him, on threat of death. “Put it on the ground,” Cade growled and the dagger, which had moved away from Stefan's throat, moved back and the point eased into his skin. The sharp pain reminded Stefan that he was helpless and he slowly reached into his jacket to bring out the few coins that he had.
Stefan snickered and then asked, “Yeah, did you notice whether it was a child or…no is he just a little guy?”
Damon shot Billy a piercing glare for a long moment before turning his attention back to Cade. Then he backed away, too late, as he reached out with claw-like hands for him. Cade couldn’t help but laugh out loud and hung his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“But why continue to toil when I on the other hand can get you your mother back just like that?” He snapped his fingers. “All I have to do is ask on your behalf. Come on, child. You’re almost there. Let’s make this deal, and I’ll get you across the finish line.” Cade made this chilling threat in a totally reasonable tone of voice. "But if the price of your cooperation is his life, then so be it.”
It was a price Billy could never have paid. He couldn’t take the chance that Cade was not bluffing. He nodded. A trace of a grin flashed across Stefan’s face. “Well, he’s got that part right.”
  Similarly drawn by the sounds of conversation and disagreement, a third group of vamps had arrived. Held rapt by the confrontation, the squad of vamp looked on as intently as did the Salvatore Brothers and Billy. Fearful of taking an initiative that might be frowned upon, they awaited a command from Cade.
Stepping out onto the walkway, Billy moved toward Cade. There was no hesitation in his stride or in his voice. “That’s what I want you to believe,” he kept his voice calm, hoping not to appear too threatening. The boy looked scared and was visibly shaking but he wasn’t pleading—just stating a fact. Oh. Honestly, that’s the only response he could come up with at the time. Sure, heroic means well, but he’s liable to give them an earful well-deserved comeuppance that only he knows how to dish out. His brain did a mental tug-of-war on whether he should stick to the basic facts or tell himself how strange things were happening and he was on a mission to figure them out.
The safe option was the basic facts. He wouldn’t be lying and yet he could continue his games without the meddling of Rocky. His mother and father had left behind a legacy of fierce love, and a history Billy now ached to follow. They had also left him behind. He had thought he was alone, but in a moment, he would not be. In a moment, he would have a vast family—a brotherhood.
Billy's head instantly arose as he looked apprehensively over at Cade. “But it’s not true. I am no longer looking for my mother, give Rocky his wish and his future!” Billy waited for a nod from Cade before continuing. 
Silence reigned in the room for what seemed like an minute. Finally, Cade answered since apparently something about the chid apparently had captured his attention. “If you want your precious friend to ever have a decent future, you’d better give me what’s mine… is also to know what I’m up to,” he laughed in a sinister manner, “well child, there’s only one thing I’m after…” he paused and stared at me briefly.
Billy looked back at him with a trace of amusement in his eyes, along a smile formed across his face, but one look at Cade showed that while he understood, he didn’t actually approve of the way he went about his plan. Raising one sceptical eyebrow, "I have the real dagger," tone was a mix of command and empathy. “You don’t need them. Not here.” he whisper to him with his tongue heavy and throat closing on him. "Not with me," he added, his voice smooth and measured. 
Shook his head in something that might be amusement and stilled, giving him that long considering look again. “Power. Sweet, sweet, power,” he began, but Cade wasn’t having any backtalk. He gave Stefan a vicious shove and his equilibrium was still so out of kilter that he tumbled to the ground. He rubbed his hands together with joy on his face, and then he stopped. He stared at him, and his smile was back on, “for that to happen child, I’ll be needing that from you.”
Billy stood up to himself so they’d be face-to-face, not him looming over to him at the thought of that, his fear heightened. “I volunteered to take their place, because I…could sense this is important to you,” The voice was quiet with not a hint of a challenge in it. Now, he was in complete agreement with Cade and damned himself as he did so.
  “Calm down child,” he annoyingly uttered as he wiped the remainder of the remnants from his mouth, “I can feel your fear from here,” added, then started walking towards him, slowly, taking his time until he was face to face with him.
“Hm.” The grunt hit a skeptical note. “Put it on the ground boy, slowly and carefully.” For some reason, the sight of the dagger was enough to give Cade a pause. He stared at him for a moment before reacting.  “That dagger—is mine.”
Cade’s grim expression did not change. “Sorry to disappoint you, Billy,” he said in a low, hard voice. “This party is over.” He gestured, and all around the area, lights blazed to life. Cade curled his lips in a combination of amusement and pleasure. This is going even better than he had hoped. “Brave, but foolish, child,” he said gently to Billy.
The crowd went perfectly silent.
  The boy was frightened and kept shifting his weight from foot to foot. He wished desperately that he hadn’t come with his ideas tonight but his fear of the man overrode any common sense. This time when he moved, it hit the old grandfather louder as it responded by chiming out of rhythm and time. As he turned the still-standing corner of a hallway, movement caused him to raise his stake reflexively.
Sparks danced in front of his eyes. The edges of his vision faded to black. Blue and dark swirls spun around him, wraith-like. He felt momentarily faint and wondered if it was possible to dissolve into the telekenisis. He was a speck caught in the updraft over a fire—yet somehow he had the audacity to try to command the fire to do his will. Frightened and unarmed, he found himself confronting inhaled sharply and froze. 
“It’s settled, then,” immediately Billy replied, his voice rising into full oratorical mode with an offsetting smile on his face, one of confidence and calm.  The fight began immediately, then an idea pops in his head. He presses the button on his watch, which transforms into a high-tech eavesdropping device. He puts it in his ear and is now able to hear The brothers and Cade talking. Quickly, Billy pushes another button on his watch, which fires a mini-dart at Cade. The dart goes into Cade’s neck line as well as injects him the venomous cure instead.
That seemed fair. Cade saw Billy throw a second grenade behind the line of approaching vamp. When it went off with a resounding crack, it blew a vamp backward like a bowling ball into other vamps knocking them off their feet. Some of them were the vamp flying, arms and legs flailing, ectoplasm exploding, knocking Cade out temporarily. But knowledge was not the same thing as experience, just as clever technology wasn’t the same thing as he was confident that he could defeat them at a fair fight.
 Billy caught the dagger in his free hand and attacked again. But even with two daggers, he could not hold back Cade for long. Billy smiled and began to toy with him, knocking the extra stake out of Damon’s hand. Leaping and spinning down from the wall, he swung his stakes at Damon, trying to close into tight defensive groups, their stakes deflecting the bolts wildly. Billy hit a trigger on his proton pack. Two smaller proton pistols popped out. A skilled deadeye, started taking down Vamps with dual-hand ambidextrous precision. He then began firing with dual-hand precision. Billy gave himself over to the open area, to his awareness of his surroundings, to his sudden oneness with the Salvatore Brothers trying to kill him.
A Bluetooth phone device stuck in his ear. Then Billy pulled a fake dagger from his pocket and threw it at the closest Cade. The dagger flew uselessly past the man’s ear and leaped into the air. He took advantage of the noise and tore through and sprang his hidden blades at ready. Billy saw Damon’s shadow and turned, too late to draw a weapon, but not too late to stare into Billy’s blue eyes as the slender metal pierced his throat from behind, closing in on the few vamp guarding the siege weapons.
Billy stared at his hand, seeing the blade activated, lean and lethal beneath the five digits—no, there were four, he had only four on his right hand, the ritual—
“I can do this,” He said, staring at the ceiling. he jumped when fingertips touched his skin, but he tried not to tense. He could see the worry in his eyes when the buzzing began.
Billy stood toe to toe with Damon, and they looked directly into each other’s eyes. He stabbed the closest enemy while running past him.
Each blades were unique. He had adjusted the mechanism on one of his gauntlets to enable him to fire his blade as a projectile weapon, turning it into a throwing knife. His other blade, knew, was twin-pronged. Two poisoned knives flew in, their blackened blades burying themselves into the backs of two vamps. In a flash now, he flicked his left wrist and plunged the two sharp metal points into the belly of the lone vampire standing beside him. As he doubled over, he snatched the man’s own stake, sprang back, whirled it around, and drew the stake’s point along the vampire's neck fell upon the enemy.
Billy caught this only fleetingly. He was busy taking down those who might follow him. He punched one vamp, who stumbled backward, whirled to slice the throat of another charging vamp behind him, then completed a full circle to seize the vamp’s head and slam it into the dusty, hard-packed ground.
At least it made him drop to his belly. The aisle he had been climbing had no cover. He had nothing to hide behind. Billy took more time to line up the second dagger, but the injured vamp was still alive and thrashing around. His elbow slammed into the side of her jaw, and pain shot through his head. Frustrated, he shoved him away. Cade in the aisle used his distraction to shoot again, but his wounded comrade was just as much of a distraction for him.
The bolt missed him and hit the chair behind him, kicking up marble debris. Billy exhaled and waited a second for the steadiness he needed, ignoring the ringing of foot steps coming up the aisle from behind his target, and threw.
  The stake slammed into Damon’s heart. He jerked, his runestaff went dark and clattered free, and slumped onto the floor. Billy shifted around to check on Stefan’s fight, only to see him further down the rows, clutching the shoulder of his brother drenched in blood. It was Stefan. One of the vamps coming up his aisle prepared to shoot again.
Without taking time to aim, Billy grabbed a stake from Damon and threw it at Stefan. The Stake hammered into his chest, and he flew backward, the staff escaping his grip. It banged on the edge of the wall before sliding back down the aisle, back into the darkness of the amphitheatre.
Billy heard a faint whistling sound. Then something thudded into his shoulder. He looked down to see that it was a bone dagger, he looked up for a moment, catching his breath, his eyes on the biggest threat present—Cade. The man was not only massive and a cunning pyschic, he was intelligent. That was why Billy, had selected Cade as his own target.
Forming, at last hearing, a request. A request that wouldn’t go away, he knew. It would never go away. He made up his mind. Instead of retreating, he advanced. Instead of running for safety, he took up the challenge. There was no real choice, he told himself as he advanced to the edge of the walkway. Looking down at his watch again, there wasn’t much time left as he knew his plan hadn’t worked. Billy looked down at his blades; he couldn’t kill him; he knew he was going to slaughter him. Billy felt cold, the dreadful feeling of impending danger creeping into his bones. A small figure knelt hunched in front of it. He raised his gun and called out, all but snarled his reply. “Cade!" The word escaped his lips involuntarily.
Billy's voice caused Cade to freeze where he was. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Billy turn his gun toward his advanced on him. Billy leapt at high speed. The gun discharged harmlessly into the air. Cade saw the dark figure at the safe lunge and heard the discharge of a revolver. He dove toward the floor and returned fire. A second shot sounded within seconds of the first.
Cade’s back arched as the bullet struck him. His hands slowly slid away from his shirt and he slipped to the floor. He watched as the light from the lamp seemed to recede into the distance and it occurred to him that he was suddenly cold. Hadn’t he remembered to build up the fire? The pain intensified and he found it harder to bring in the air that he needed.
He began to panic and with as much strength as he could summon, while still hid in the shadows. 
“Wait.” Billy breathed, trying to catch his breath he had to count to three before he dared to open his mouth.  "Come and get it.” When he felt them angling in toward him, he twirled his bone dagger in line while he took his fighting stance, and batted Cade away from the brothers. Awaiting his pleasure, rising from his hiding place.
Billy didn’t waste energy on speech, blocking each of Cade’s moves and driving Cade a step backward. Frustration made him strong, even if he presently had no outlet for that strength. Bringing down the ceiling could kill both of them and probably wouldn’t have a profound effect on the ground. If it really was distributed across the entire planet, it could be unkillable.
Billy stepped slowly at first, then came on in a sudden rush, his dagger coming in hard, right to left. But with only a slight movement, the fake dagger stabbed under the other dagger, then lifted up, and Bill'ys dagger went flying harmlessly high of the mark. With a slight reversal of his wrist, Billy stabbed straight ahead, and Cade had to throw himself backward. He brought his dagger across as he did, trying to parry, but Cade had already retracted his blade by then and had settled back into perfect defensive posture
“Don’t be embarrassed, Child. As you can see, my powers are far beyond yours,” Cade said with complete confidence and calm.
  “I don't think so,” Billy countered, moving toward him in a more measured and defensive manner, his borrowed dagger held across his body diagonally, up over one shoulder.
Against that posture, Billy's sudden flurry of attacks seemed exaggerated and inefficient, for Cade. Now, as the battle played out between Cade and Billy, who the child showed its brilliance proceed to leapt and spun, slashing side to side, chopping and thrusting, but all of Cade's movements seemed far more efficient. He followed a single line, front and back, his feet shifting to keep him constantly in perfect balance as he retreated and came on suddenly with devastating thrusts that had made Billy move backward. “Child, you disappoint me,” Cade taunted. “You holds you in such high esteem.”
Billy steadied himself and shifted his dagger from hand to hand, getting a better grip on it. Then he exploded into motion, coming on again fiercely, his dagger flashing all about. He kept a better measure of his cuts this time, though, reversing his angle often, turning a wide slash into a sudden thrust, and he soon had Cade backing, the dagger working furiously to keep Billy at bay.
  Billy pressed forward more forcefully, but Cade continued to fend off the strikes, and then his momentum played out. He was too far forward, while Cade remained in perfect balance, ready for a counterstrike.
  And then it was Cade suddenly pressing the attack, his dagger stabbing and retracting so quickly that most of Billy's cutting parries hit nothing but air. Cade had to jump back, and then back again, and again, as those thrusts moved ever closer to hitting so Billy stepped forward suddenly, stabbing low for Cade's thigh. Down went the dagger to intercept, but to Billy's horror, retracted his weapon and thrust it right back out, up high and across the other way. Cade couldn't get his weapon.
Cade gave a little growl and thrust forth his hand, loosing his grip.
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theawesomeally · 6 months
Farewell, and Goodbye Part 3
A few of the audience settled back, thinking that the show might be starting again, but most of them knew better.
There was an electricity in the air, as if the entire building had been put through a giant electromagnet. The curtains crackled with it, and a pattern of soft, vague, blue static discharges crawled over the screen, flowing, concentrating
DAMON: It's suicide, Stefan. And if you screw this up we don't know what he'll do to Elena.
STEFAN: I'm sorry, Damon. I have to do this.
Billy: "You people, are insane."
CADE: Heroic effort but it seems your bell stopped ringing. [Knocks Stefan flying] I miss this kind of violence. It's personal. Do it. Now you know what I always have: the human mind is weak and its flesh is even weaker. [Holds his dagger at Stefan's neck.]
DAMON: We had a deal, Cade.
CADE: Our deal was that you would bring me the dagger in exchange for Elena.
DAMON: So what, you got what you wanted. Now it's time to pony up.
CADE: Fine. I will give you one soul. [Sets Elena's coffin on fire.]
He heard Damons’ voice shout just before darkness overwhelmed him, “No!” and his entire being yearned for his younger brother.
Cade stiffened ever so slightly as he leaned forward. “Enough witless banter.” He held out a hand. “Boys, give it to me.” he paused, waiting for their reaction, but when he gave none, he continued. "Billy.” Cade stared across at the child. Wearing an expression that showed great sympathy, but one that Billy certainly did not trust, the regal man loomed at him. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”
Slowly, Billy reached for the pistol he kept in the back of his pocket and turned toward the sound but suddenly felt his gun against his temple. "Where is my mother?!" Billy stood and asked him furiously through his gritted teeth. He was so angry at him now that he was in front of him. He didn’t reply, his head still lowered. Cade appeared out of the darkness, Cade dragged Stefan's neck to expose his face to their view. Billy stiffened and shot him a glance, but Billy’s attention was fixed on an older man, seemingly the leader of the group.
“And so was I,” Cade looked at him not realizing he had said it out loud. Suddenly felt something sharp pricking into the back of his shoulder and knew that he was in trouble.
A hand lifted his gun from his holster and Joe, looking across the hallway at Stea’s white face, heard the sudden silence in the saloon behind him.
“…..can't give her to you. ” The pressure on the knife blade relented and Billy sighed slightly in relief, while tensing his muscles to make a break for it. Suddenly, the knife appeared against his throat and Stefan rose. Very slowly, Stefan turned his head to see who was holding the knife. The man standing behind him gave Stefan a wolfish smile. He was so similar in looks to the stranger now standing across from Billy.
 “Though, these are the stakes, boy,” Cade announced, dragging Billy’s attention back to him. “We’ll play cards and if you can make Damon kill anyone, I’ll let your friends go. If you make Damon kill again, I’ll let your mother go. But if you lose…” Sensing what Cade meant to do, Billy made a move to protect Stefan, but he was too late. He grinned unpleasantly pushed past Stefan to grab Stefan by the hair. Cade put a dagger to Stefan's chin. “He’ll die.”
Billy wondered how a harmless game of fun with Cade could have gone so wrong. Yet suddenly, a careless, throwaway remark, made in jest, had his life, and the lives of two other people, hanging in the balance. Swallowing, he forced himself to meet the man’s eyes with confidence. 
“Those two were a fool, that’s all,” Billy answered, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. He had used a voice meant to warn off any further inquiry but he should have known this would only serve to ignite the inquisitive side of his nature.
Billy was not about to give up. His bright eyes began to sparkle with the challenge. He’d get the truth out of Cade if he had to pester him to death, just like he did when he was a kid.
“Let’s just get this done,” Billy says, his voice a little pleading. “Then, I’m not giving you anything until you put him down.” he invest as much stubborn determination into his voice as he possibly can. Even if he is actually terrified.
As he extended an arm toward the dagger lying in Cade's grip. It twitched and then began to vibrate while stretching out his hand farther, straining, Cade beckoned powerfully—and the dagger rose, to come bulleting toward his outstretched fingers.
And past them.
  Taken aback, he whirled—to see the weapon land in the hand of Billy standing in front of him. Billy appeared equally shocked that he reach for the weapon had exceeded his. He gazed down at the weapon now resting in his grip.
Cade takes a step toward him. Billy take an involuntary step back. “I think there may have been a little bit of misunderstanding, kid your mother isn’t here.”
  His smile is wide and terrible.
It is a trap. The realization doesn’t even surprise me. He never should have trusted him. He should be worried about himself, stuck in this nest of vipers, but all he can think about is Rocky.
Suppressed the pang of grief he still felt when he thought of his mother, killed by Cade.  “Then, Where is she?” There’s a tremble in my voice. He only wished he held that truth as solidly as he had just proclaimed.
  “I sent some of my boys to pick her up.” Cade’s voice is full of consolation that I don’t buy for a second. “She got a little excited and things escalated. Sorry, kid. I guess you’re on your own.”
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theawesomeally · 6 months
Farewell and Goodbye Part 1
Turning his head to Billy, Rocky tried to catch Billy’s attention, but failed. He tightened his grip on his fist, hoping that Billy would look at him. As he set his concentration and burst into the open, arriving in what he hope looks like a flurry of frustration. Though, Billy couldn’t hear them, but he could see their lips moving. Josh was studying the source, trying to figure a way out, while Rocky was attacking the shield, clearly trying to get to Billy.
Billy was facing Rocky, trying to get his attention, while Ryan seemed to be doing what Josh was doing.
Finally, he was able to muster up some words. “Billy!” he cried out in recognition to the child in the room. But, the voice was low in Billy's ear. He glanced at his face. In the dim light, he wasn’t sure if he was enjoying this or not. There was something unreadable in his expression.
“We have to leave, We have to flee now. There are too many men to fight.” he detected a hint of panic in his voice, his eyes fixed on Billy. He looked at Rocky as well. It seemed surreal to know that these men had been talking about him, about this, without him being there.
Billy met his gaze, an unspoken question on his face. Where was this coming from? For him, it was like being hit in the stomach. He had often thought of Rocky. He thought of him every time he looked at the picture of their friendship that Rocky had given him. He had wondered what he would say if they ever met again.
So, Billy took a step towards still looked back at their friends at the same moment that Rocky looked at Billy. Though not looking at directly at Rocky, for a moment, everyone except Rocky could not understood why Billy hadn’t stayed around, he had expected him to wait until everyone was safe. Though his eyes stayed on his opponents, until he was sure there was going to be no trouble. So, he took a step towards Rocky. And knew that Billy would had hurt him badly when he left, but Rocky had never given up hope that Billy would return one day safely.
“Billy!” The word barely reached Billy’s ears. When he did finally look away as his head turned toward the direction of his voice. He still wasn’t used to the sightless eyes, or the way they didn’t land on his face when he spoke to Rocky, but instead, stared off somewhere beyond his shoulders.
His heart ached at how dull those eyes were now. And his heart ached over when he had that paragraph memorized, and could hear the tone of his voice each time he read it. But, became aware of someone standing looking at him.
No longer relied only on his hearing or eyesight for his brain to register someone’s presence. He lifted his head and smiled. He held out his left arm, and used Rocky's voice to guide him. His expression grew more sober and that’s when the tears began. The tears and the memories and thoughts, an emotional overload all at once, came flooding in.
Suddenly he was terrified, almost choked with a need to get out of there. Rocky took a deep breath to keep from making a sharp retort. "Get out of there." he said in a tone that warned the young boy he’d best agree with him, but for a moment he felt frozen there, as if he did not want to go.
Then Billy heard, through the darkness, his own name being called upon by Rocky. They met on either side of the glass. The beam of the lantern he unveiled turned it veined and gold as he held up a hand. Billy was silent for a moment before answering and his blue eyes had filled with tears but he fought not to cry. Billy watched his face, his expression changing from his excitement at seeing him to the realization that he still can't be freed. And he tried hard… damn, he tried so hard to push it away, but he couldn’t.
It had hurt him, leaving Rocky like that, but he hadn’t wanted to be burdened with Rocky’s emotional dependence, like Elena and Stefan were. Life had been too hard for Billy to understand that it wasn’t a burden for Rocky and his friends. He just knew that he couldn’t live up to Rocky’s expectations, and so he had left. He briefly wondered if that was disobedience, but he didn’t think so.
Where did he fit in? he wasn't sure. he was still someone who'd suffered as a result of someone's actions, so he stand at the glass wall watching him. In the last two days some change has come over him and the events surrounding his death would stay with them forever.Still, there was no given reaction, then Billy shook his head. There was a pause, and what sounded like a resigned sigh. 
Billy lost his enthusiasm for life and ignored the words and kept his own tone calm and gentle.
“I can't,” There was a forced quality to his voice, honestly. He don’t have that kind of power and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Even though they had lost contact with him, Billy told them there was no reason to lose hope.
As Rocky looked down at him, his face now illuminated by the overhead light of the door. Once he saw him smile, and shake his head. He hadn’t been sure what to expect, but this really wasn’t it.
"Billy?" There was concern in his voice, but slightly puzzled by the look on his face. He thought he was offering Billy the reassurance he wanted, but it didn’t appear that way.
Rocky's voice broke into his thoughts, it was done with a perfect unstudied naturalness. His brow creased below that expanse of his head. Then the lines smoothed out and he smiled. "I have to do this.” he said with as much sincerity as he could muster. There was a little block in his throat, and he tried to swallow it away. Began to think, looking back on it, that something bad had already begun to happen to him, but he was too fixed--mentally and emotionally--on doing his duty to notice.
During that time, he longed for home; he wished to be any place but where he was.  His wishing was in vain, as were his cries.  He was far from home and the family he loved more than life.  They couldn’t help him, not this time, for it would take a miracle to get him out of his current predicament. He’d made a fatal mistake; of that he was sure.  But he was innocent, he was sure of that as well.
Billy just caught the look of distress on Rocky’s face as he looked down. It was enough to see his eyes mist over and he gave an involuntary shudder as he fought to keep in control.
Rocky looked at Billy wanting an answer that might help him understand why he had had to cope on his own. Rocky slowly shook his head. There were tears streaking down his face. Looking at him instead; suddenly realised that he found that he hadn’t noticed his presence yet and he was able to listen to the heart to heart conversation. He had been so consumed in his own grief that he hadn’t thought about Billy and what he was going through.
 A deep sense of sadness filled him. Since, Billy doesn’t answer. Instead, he take a step back, all of a sudden feeling stupid that he asked. Why would he not tell me?
 "Billy, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be in there." he yelled on the verge of a fresh set of tears, but there was a little edge to his voice that didn’t escape Billy’s notice, who was cool and detached, apart from where Rocky was concerned and he lift his eyes to meet his through his lashes, frowning with his hands fist on the wall, getting annoyed.
Rocky looked at him with his strange eyes--bloodshot, distant, on the verge of tears . . . and yet calm, too, as if crying was not such a bad way of life, not once you got used to it. He even smiled a little.
Rocky took everything in stride, nothing ever bothered him, darkness never seeped in deep enough to stain his happy-go-fucking-lucky attitude, his hands blocking his face but not the sobs he could hear. Each one chipping away at his image of him.
  Billy backed away from his meltdown unsure of what to do. He wasn’t the comforting one and he was very close with Rocky making all of this a lot harder.
  Out of nowhere, while he watched in horror, his tight fist banged against the glass wall like it would soothe him.
Rocky inhaled his tears and congestion, swiping his shirt down his face trying to clear away the fact that he was still crying. Unfolding a paper from his pocket, he saw a photo of Billy and him.
“Go ahead. I know you’re dying to say I told you so,” his voice was horse and broken into sharp shards.
"Yeah, I am. I used to think that I couldn’t do anything right, that I didn’t deserve my powers," Billy said in a not-quite-steady voice as he spoke to him in a low voice, so not even Josh and Ryan, would overhear.
But his golden eyes just grew wider and he stared at Billy in utter disbelief. He swallowed again. And then somehow found the courage to speak. "But there’s something that I can do."
He didn’t move one muscle, the kind of confidence that didn’t need actions to prove he meant what he said, it was just clear as day. But watching the strongest person he know break… it made him feel even more fragile.
Billy was dumbfounded. He couldn´t speak, couldn´t think. All thoughts that were left whirled together in his head. And centred around one thing.
For a moment, mercifully brief, Billy saw the pain burning away from Rocky's face and revealing the watery blobs of jelly which had been his eyes.     The words hung in the air. Billy could have answered in a few ways. He could have reminded him that everyone had known the danger when it comes to the town they reside in. But that would be worse than saying nothing.
“No,” he replied, flatly, and looked up at him with steady eyes, but he cut in. " I can save all of you." his voice had grown softer with every word. He was shivering. When he finished, he found he was barely able to look into Rocky´s eyes.
Rocky couldn’t believe what he was hearing. "But it’s all or none!" he yelled in a troubled voice that reeked with unspoken fear that he might somehow lose this special friend of his. When he spoke, it was a low rumble, a half breath, like it was cracking his ribs all over again just to say it.
This couldn’t be, thought Rocky, not the kid who had saved his life on more than one occasion, only to find out later that they would become close friends, very close, each of them staring at the opposite wall. If there were mirrors, they would have seen endless versions of themselves.
And suddenly from behind them, Ryan yelled as loudly as he could, "incoming!"
A jet was howling through the air in their direction. Rocky hoped for a moment that it hadn’t spotted them, that it was just hurtling past on its way to somewhere else. That notion was quickly dashed when the jet angled straight down toward them and opened fire with a strafing run.
Everyone was scattered in all directions, and it was just Rocky’s luck—or maybe it was by design—that the jet appeared to be zeroing in on him. It chewed up ground behind him, and he knew that it was catching up. It was only a matter of seconds before it overtook him, and there was nowhere for him to hide.
  And suddenly the jet exploded, blown right out of the air.
  The concussive force knocked both Rocky off his feet, and he fell flat onto the ground. Rocky threw his arms over his head to protect it as huge chunks of the fighter bounced all around him. He saw the head of a pilot, go rolling past, and—with the sound of the explosion still ringing in his ears—he looked around to see where the blast that had destroyed the jet had come from.
 They stood outside of the open area for a few seconds, getting their bearings. Josh had equipped them with sturdy LED lanterns, but it didn't feel like the light fell very far. There could be anything lurking ten feet away, Josh thought. And there probably was. Ryan shut down his lantern and just . . .disappeared. It was startling, but they knew he was going to do it, at least; the plan was that he'd get out ahead and save the world. Ryan lifted his head and smiled. He held out Josh's left arm, and used his voice. As the walkie-talkie clicked a moment later--no voice message, just the quiet electronic signal and to guide Billy.
“Go . . .” Ryan paused for a mo­ment, seeking an appropriate descriptive based on the brief bit of conversation he had absorbed from Rocky and those who had been whispering behind him.
The radio jumped to life as Josh heard the words he dreaded most. Stood straighter, glanced sideways at Josh, and moved his lips closer to the pickup so he could lower his voice. "We're okay. " 
Billy slowly looked up. The clouds did look threatening, but there was no smell of storm in the air.  They should still have time to go and return—with all of them working together.  He hesitated and then looked into Ryan's eyes. 
Josh’s security stormed the open area, when he came running to their side hoping for answers. “Sir, there hasn’t been a breach. We aren’t sure what’s happening. We need to lock it down now. No one in or out.”    “If we are to do something, we need to do it now!” Billy voice was soft and authoritive. Then looked back over his shoulder at the people standing behind him and raised his voice so that everyone could hear his words. 
“What do you want us to do?” he asked, losing interest in the subject. “Guard Rocky,” he called back to those behind him. Josh checked his ink to Kathryn and found it closed. He sighed in relief as it showed she was shielding herself.   “and I will protect your back.” Ryan moved to stand at his side.
Then Rocky pleaded wordlessly, and to Ryan he nodded at once almost before he was conscious of doing so.  He smiled slightly at how easily he could bend him to his wishes, and it occurred to him and automatically he rose and moved to stand at Josh's side. As Ryan stepped up next to Josh as both the men nodded agreement with him, but he knew he was right.   Billy explanation was cut short by noises ahead. But, had to fake not knowing what he meant when Rocky looked at him confused, waiting for him to explain. His labored breaths had him worried enough after his heart was almost physically broken to match how he felt now.
  Shrugging, he gave him the best performance I could knowing how committed he was to being his characters. "Yeah."he said, although he felt a lot less confident now than he had before.
“What do you mean?” he says, genuinely concerned.
 To Rocky’s astonishment, Billy froze in place, and he turned his head in the direction from which the plea had come: he could have taken that moment to lash out. Instead he made no move at all, waiting to see how this unexpected interruption would play out.
Billy agreed, drawing himself up. “I… I have to do this,” he said, feeling like he was choking on the words. His voice was so faint he thought, at first, he had not even heard him. Still, insisted with all traces of seriousness embedded deeply into his dark features. He stopped in mid-sentence, reflecting on the sud­den thought, deliberating over the realization.
“You don’t understand.” his voice seemed even farther away than it actually was be seen as he nibbled on his lower lip, clearly anxious. It was totally endearing.
It took a long moments to recover his breath.Billy tried to speak and couldn't. He could, though. What he said next was the longest he ever heard him speak. Well, okay, he probably don’t like to reply. He doesn’t need to threaten him with a good time when he is already chasing death.
 Who was Rocky standing before him and speaking so res­olutely? The same tentative, almost timid youth he had so recently seen off as emotional and mental scars that had been left behind. Shifting his gaze, he eyed Rocky stand­ing silently behind him. No—he had become something else. Something more.
If he could turn back the hands of time over the last few years and foresee what would befall him, Rocky would have taken Billy out of harms way, if necessary, and made sure that Billy was safe in another town away from the dangers that lurked.
Rocky smiled through the tears that had refused to stay behind his eyelids.
There were tears in his eyes as well.
"All of my family gets to live and none of them gets hurt. " He said in a husky voice.  He looked quickly around at the confused faces, then directly into his eyes. It was like a brick wall had been built between them, and it was getting harder and harder to reach in and find the real Billy.
The boy had changed so much over the past few weeks. He had been a confident young man full of energy and laughter who filled the house with love and joy.  Now the boy was sullen and withdrawn and spoke rarely unless asked a question, and even then it was a battle to get some sort of answer.
Rocky swore to himself that he didn't care how long it took, but he, Ryan and Josh would be there every minute of the day and night, if necessary, just to bring Billy back safely.
The tears were coming faster now, tickling his cheeks and staining his lips with salt.
"Billy, I’ve never had a family. You know that. Everybody I’ve ever cared about, they all left me. My mom, my dad, everyone."
His eyes closed and he gritted his teeth tightly to force back the pain. When he opened them again Billy was still there. The expression on his face had not changed. His smile was weak and tortured, so he shook his head, reliving the pain, the suffering made real. " So when I found you guys, I had to hang on and I’ve been hanging on too tight."
Billy knows the two of them have endured enough misery in their lives. He smiled at the sight of the two, once companions, knew something more. They deserve to find that bit of happiness together.
  Yet, he found himself scanning the grounds, searching for more faces. The faces of his friends, those he’d never see again.
Billy laughed a little at their serious faces, wiping his eyes self-consciously.  “I…I didn’t mean to cause a fuss. But, you."
Tried, to speak but the words jumbled together. His throat moved and he drew in another faltering breath. “No, you need to leave,” Billy said. And he didn’t think he could explain it to himself at the moment.
Forced a smile into his voice and picked up the moonstoon Bonnie had given him, holding it out to him. As he took his free hand, holding it tight, with Rocky's blue eyes fluttered open. They could see the pain lurking in the dark depths.
“You need to get as far away from here as you can. Take the moonstone with you. Protect her at all costs." Billy spoke softly, as if he could control the agony by parceling out the amount of breath it took to speak. There was a brief silence and a subdued laugh on the line.
"He will not rest until it is his. Everyone needs to split up and go their separate ways. If we aren’t together, we can divide his resources. It will confuse him for a while. He will need to regroup, form a new plan, before he can come after any of us.”
“Split up?” Rocky asked, shaking his head and a single tear tracked down his dirty cheek. “You can’t be serious.—”
He could see Rocky didn’t really believe him, so at the expense of additional pain he took a deeper breath and relax as he spoke strongly. "Rocky, I won’t let you go on thinking this way. Look at me," he demanded, and Rocky reacted instinctively to his voice. Billy spaced his words carefully, forcefully. "It was not your fault," he said. “He doesn’t want them as badly as he wants her and the moonstone. You are a hero, Rocky. You can find someone who will give you a child, and you're gonna watch him grow."
Moved behind Billy, put a hand on his shoulder. "She will be a great asset to you. You will find a Warrior ten years after that who will protect you in your quest. Do not guard your heart against her, for she is your girlfriend. She will know things, like I do. Trust in what she says, and she is not like the others.” And then his eyes slid lower, widening a bit. 
“Yeah, yeah, ha ha, very funny,” Rocky said, but there was laughter in his voice.
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