car9723-t · 3 months
"자동차를 타고 우리나라 북동쪽을 달리다 보면, 수수께끼 마을이라는 간판이 붙은 동네를 보게 될지도 몰라요..."
"When you're driving in the Notrheast area of the country, you may notice a town with a sign called Curiosity Town..."
- South Korean dub (2016 Ver.) of Weridmaggedon 4: Waiting in the Woods.
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skyheachi · 4 months
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Gangwon Gamyeong
a government office where an observer who used to work in the country used to work in the past
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The past, the original government office.
A lot of it disappeared through urban development and colonial times and wars.
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Currently, only the inner part of the red circle in the picture has been restored.
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nimosi-paik · 2 years
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강원도 양양군
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hanbaekhq · 5 months
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No penúltimo dia do ano, um evento excepcional toma conta do campus de Gangwon-do da Hanbaek University. O tão aguardado Trick Day é uma tradição peculiar onde os estudantes se entregam a brincadeiras para encerrar o ano com leveza e começar o próximo sem ressentimentos. No início da manhã, os corredores do campus ganham vida com uma energia curiosa, impulsionada pela expectativa das pegadinhas que estão por vir. Estudantes se organizam em grupos ou agem sozinhos, conspiram em segredo e preparam suas artimanhas para surpreender colegas e amigos. O sol se reflete na fachada coberta de neve do edifício, proporcionando um cenário idílico para as travessuras prestes a acontecer.
A largada é dada oficialmente ao meio-dia, quando o som da sirene preenche o ar gélido. Os estudantes se espalham pelo campus, armados com truques criativos e nada inocentes. Alguns optam por elaboradas pegadinhas, enquanto outros preferem surpreender com gestos mais sutis, todos alinhados com o espírito da ocasião. O objetivo varia para cada aluno. Alguns querem fazer novas amizades ou assustar seus colegas de forma brincalhona, enquanto outros sentem gosto em sacanear e atormentar a vida alheia. Inclusive, em todo ano é comum que algum estudante passe dos limites na pegadinha, fato que não é o suficiente para que a administração da universidade crie medidas para impedir a tradição criada e perpetuada por jovens inconsequentes, mas que vêm de famílias renomadas.
O evento tem seu fim determinado ao pôr do sol, quando alcança seu ápice com uma cerimônia de encerramento na qual os estudantes trocam votos de parceria e promessas de um novo ano sem rancores. Em um gesto simbólico, lanternas coloridas são acesas, iluminando o céu sobre o campus e simbolizando a renovação de energias para o ano que se inicia. Assim, em meio à atmosfera de muita confusão, o Trick Day se firma como um evento onde a camaradagem entre cervos e a criatividade se entrelaçam para celebrar o início de um novo ciclo.
Queridos players, esperamos que seus personagens paguem por todos os pecados do ano nesse evento! Brinquem bastante, façam confusão (não esqueçam de combinar antes) e se divirtam plotando o que eles vão aprontar uns com os outros. Como dito no texto, seus personagens poderão se preparar até meio-dia, horário que a sirene toca anunciando a largada. Às 17h30 as pegadinhas devem ser encerradas e as lanternas coloridas serão lançadas no ar às 18h00. Vocês podem fazer posts com a tag #HKTRICK. Amanhã teremos a festa de ano novo e uma declaração especial. Um beijo da moderação e até já!
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saaraeliisavaris · 8 months
Seoraksan National Park, Gangwon-Do, South Korea
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Exploring the mesmerizing beauty of Seoraksan National Park in Gangwon-Do, South Korea - a true gem of natural wonders.
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tommypark81 · 2 years
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@rayban @ksw.2021 #2022 #summer #july #breakingday #🇰🇷🔥😎 #recording #raybanstories #video #gangwondo #gangneung @lakai_sandpine (라카이 샌드파인에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgYfCIKhbuW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kafkasapartment · 1 month
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Tree and slippers, Woljeongsa temple, Gangwondo, South Korea., 2005. Michael Kenna. Gelatin silver print.
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enha-hirose · 5 months
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Personal Information:
Stage Name: Artemis
Birth Name: Kai Hirose (히로세)
Date of Birth: April 17, 2001
Position: FOTG, Main Rapper, Lead Vocal, and Main Dancer.
Nicknames: Riri, Ari, Rosey, Hiro, and Kai
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean-Japanese
Training Period: 2 and a half year
Blood Type: B
Facts about her:
Hirose was born in Tokyo, Japan but her family also maintains a residence in Seoungbukdong Village, Seoul, Korea, thus, allowing them to be able to travel back and forth between two countries.
Hirose's father holds the position of CEO at a prominent Japanese multinational investment holding company while her mother is a renowned chef. In addition, Hirose has an older brother who is two years older than her and who is also actively engaged in the business world.
Kai is a proud cat mom to two feline companions, Tsuki (Moon) and Hoshi (Star), who undoubtedly hold a special place in her heart.
She has a passion for baking pastries, using it as her love language to express affection.
Not only does Hirose demonstrate proficiency in classical instruments such as the violin, piano, and cello, but she has also delved into the realm of martial arts, having learned taekwondo and honed her equestrian skills through horseback riding.
She has a driving license and a pokemon collection (mostly pikachu).
However, it's Hirose's early fascination with archery that truly sets her apart. Starting at a young age, she dedicated herself to the sport, mastering the art to such an extent that she was able to compete at prestigious events like the Tokyo Olympics and the SEA Games, making her nation proud as she won gold medals in both events.
She is a huge fan of Red Velvet and BTS.
She was casted by Big Hit Entertainment when Hirose caught the eye of BANG PD himself during a BTS concert in Japan who recognize her overflowing potential.
She made a surprising lovely appearance in the BTS Highlight Reel, assuming the roles of J-Hope and Jimin's partner. Her exposure made her earn a substantial and passionate fanbase. From then, J-hope and Jimin immediately took her under their wing and treated her as their little sister.
She had a cameo and acted in the movie "The King" in her pre-debut.
She spent 2 years of intensive training with TXT which solidified the bond between Hirose and the members. The boys were actually hoping and looking forward for Hirose to be their female member.
She ranked 1st in the final episode of I-Land.
Hirose is often described as a tsundere, displaying a mix of a tough exterior and a warm, caring interior, revealing her softer side to those close to her. Despite her initial aloofness, her actions and gestures speak volumes about the genuine affection she holds for her friends and loved ones.
The I-Land trainees affectionately nicknamed Hirose as "Archer Siren" due to her exceptional talents, combining her mastery in archery with a voice so enchanting it's reminiscent of a siren's call. The trainees also acknowledge her as an all-rounder.
In the 1st episode of I-Land, Hirose and Heeseung were in a powerful sub-unit that left everyone in awe. Their synergy and breathtaking performance not only earned them full votes and set a high standard for the competition right from the start.
Hirose has forged strong bonds with all ITZY members, fostering particularly close friendships with Ryujin and Yeji, Aespa's Karina, IVE's Yujin and Gaeul, StayC's Isa, Viviz's SinB, and Red Velvet's Wendy and Irene.
Hirose has endeared herself to fans not just for her artistic talents but also for her pure and compassionate heart. Demonstrating her commitment to philanthropy, she donated 50 million won to aid the victims of a devastating forest fire in Gangwondo. On February 14th, 2023, she extended her generosity further, contributing another 50 million won to support those affected by the earthquake in Turkey.
Likes: classical music, mocha bread, rose tteokbokki, spicy and savory flavors, Harry Potter series, baking, traveling, coffee, photography, color green and blue, archery, and painting.
Dislikes: dust (she is allergic), tapping noises, injustice, unreliable and arrogant people, mint choco (she can tolerate it), loud crowds, disorganization, crying, invasive paparazzi or fans, and selfishness.
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bieups · 1 year
2023 세계노동절대회 / 2023 International Labor Day Rally
Yesterday was 노동절 (Labor Day) so I went to the union rally in Seoul~
This short video gives an overall of yesterday, including unfortunate events with the construction workers' union.
[CW: death]
Tragically, a manager/executive (간부) of the construction workers' union in Gangwondo self-immolated Monday morning in response to the government targeting/treatment of unions (particularly the construction workers' union). He was airlifted to a hospital in Seoul but news came out this afternoon that he passed away. Some construction workers' union members in Seoul fought with police near the presidential residence and 4 people were arrested.
My union-related vocabulary is really lacking, so I'm trying to learn in the wild as much as I can.
개악 - change for the worse, retrogressive/undesirable amendment (to the constitution)
저지 - stop, block
심판 - judgment, decision (like in court)
건설 - construction
__지부 - [place] chapter, branch
대장 - leader, head
부장 - department/division head
조합원 - union member
분신 - self-immolation (set yourself on fire)
위원장 - chairperson
탄압 - suppresion, oppression, crackdown on
정권 - government, administration (like "Yoon's administration")
분노 - anger, fury, rage
응징하다 - to punish
지긋지긋하다 - to be tedious, tiresome, fed up with
기득권 - vested rights
양당정치 - two-party politics
용납 - approve of, allow, admit
치졸하다 - dirty, petty
항의 - complaint, protest
연행 - taking someone to a police station (when being arrested)
석방 - release, discharge (from being held/imprisoned)
심문 - interrogation, questioning
이송되다 - to be transferred
쾌유 - recovery ("쾌유를 빌다")
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hitbyaminkcar · 4 months
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Gangwondo, Part 1
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pionia-milly · 10 months
Watch "설악산 또 하나의 비경! 십이선녀탕계곡 복숭아탕🍑 #shorts #설악산 #계곡 #폭포 #등산 #추천 #코스" on YouTube
Gangwondo Province, Korea
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rubyyvonne · 11 months
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Stage Name: Jiwoong
Birth Name: Kim Jiwoong
Birthday: December 14, 1998
Height: 181cm
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: official_kimjiwoong
TikTok: official_kimjiwoo
Jiwoong ranked 8th in Boys Planet.
He is from Wonju, Gangwondo, South Korea.
He was a member of the boy group INX under the stage name Jinam.
He can speak korean and japanese.
He was a trainee for 6 years before going on Boys Planet.
He is an actor and has been in multiple dramas such as The Sweet Blood (2021), Don’t Lie Rahee (2022), Kissable Lips (2022) and Roomates of Poongduck 304 (2022).
He is under the company Nest Management.
Youth in the Shade Concept Photos: YOUTH
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nimosi-paik · 2 years
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강원도 속초시
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hanbaekhq · 5 months
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Na tarde de terça-feira, em vez do movimento comum no campus, as ruas foram tomadas por ônibus de viagem com dois andares, enfileirados enquanto aguardavam os estudantes para a partida às 14h00. Os lugares eram ocupados por ordem de chegada, e os jovens se organizavam para deixar suas malas nos bagageiros antes de embarcar nos veículos. Uma tenda estava disposta no lado de fora oferecendo lanchinhos e bebidas quentes como uma despedida aos viajantes.
Uma vez dentro do ônibus, os estudantes irão percorrer o trajeto pitoresco de uma hora e meia sem paradas. Portanto, terão acesso a banheiro, televisores, rede wi-fi e tomadas nos veículos para que possam viajar sem problemas. Um documento enviado pela reitoria aos emails de todos os estudantes os informam sobre a divisão de quartos no Campus de Inverno.
Ao chegarem no horário previsto, às 15h30, os estudantes serão recebidos com casacos, luvas, toucas, meias e cachecóis estampados com o emblema da Hanbaek University como um presente de boas-vindas. Aqueles interessados em participar dos cursos oferecidos pelo programa de inverno deverão buscar a recepção. Depois de estabelecidos, todos estarão livres para explorar o que o campus tem a oferecer!
Chegou o dia! Nós criamos uma página para que vocês possam ver a ambientação do campus onde seus personagens irão passar as férias de inverno. Os cursos oferecidos e os esportes também estão lá! Vamos abrir um formulário em breve para que vocês matriculem seus personagens nos cursos livres. Segue a divisão de quartos:
101: Martina Ferrari e Han “Michelle” Miyeon. 102: Lee Junghyun e Jeon Taejun. 103: Hiyori Abe-Kirschner e Hwan Jean. 104: Hong Woonsik e Samuel Song. 105: Angelina Choi e Wu Biyu. 106: Jeong "Daniel" Minhyun e Park Yejun. 107: Bada Yoon e Kim Bom. 108: Kim Hyungmo e Jang Wonbin. 109: Ahn Yulli e Olivia Choi. 201: Karl Jung e Fredrick “Kyubok” Hwang. 202: Song Hanna e Wen Xinyu. 203: Benedict Ricci e Kim Suho. 204: Ash Rose Joonkiat e Lee Hyeri. 205: Heo Doha e Olivier Lee. 206: Saerom “Sarah” Hwang e Amy Song. 207: Zhao Chang e Park Jungho. 208: Go Jangmi e Song Haerin. 209: Park Junseok e Oh Haeun. 301: Im Nayul e Carina Yi. 302: Hwan Youngsun e Song Jaein. 303: Lee Eunha e Aria Song. 304: Min Yuno e Kang “Matthew” Eunhyeok. 305: Alexandra Maria Park e Song Chaemi. 306: Xie Yue e Ahn Nabi. 307: Carolina Jung e Crystal Park Jansen. 308: Nuelle Jang e Won Sukja. 309: Christian Jung e Kwon Seoyun. 401: Bae Woori e Baek Youngmi. 402: Pedro Henrique Song e Song Gaon. 403: Kwon Minwoo e Archie Nam. 404: Shen Kian e Park Yujin. 405: Wu Shen e Shin Minsik. 406: Choi Eunji e Sayuri Okada. 407: Ahn Ahri. 408: River Nam e Augustus “Gus” Kang. 409: Nobu Su.
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eurowon · 1 year
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Kalguksu con patatas, empanadillas de alubias rojas y otros platos de Gangwondo. ➨ https://instagr.am/p/Cls4AcLsiFc/ December 03, 2022 at 06:43PM
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dongvui · 2 years
Nhờ Thế vận hội mùa đông Olympic PyeongChang năm 2018, việc di chuyển giữa thủ đô Seoul và tỉnh Gangwon-do đã trở nên dễ dàng hơn bao giờ hết! Hệ thống giao thông được phát triển, đường xá cũng dễ đi hơn. Nên nếu bạn muốn tìm một nơi yên tĩnh tạm lánh sự ồn ào, náo nhiệt của thủ đô Seoul để thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi, thì còn chờ gì không nhấc balo lên và đến du lịch Yangyang ngay. 
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