#GOP sycophants
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Here’s another one for the atheist crowd.
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rejectingrepublicans · 2 months
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sher-ee · 14 days
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You just now figured this out?
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
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Dear Obsequious Republicans: Don't expect much for your souls. Trump is a notorious tightwad who stiffs his workers and doesn't pay his lawyers. And given your own moral turpitude and willingness to inflict suffering on those different from you, your souls are probably not worth more than a degree from Trump University anyway.
Kissing Trump's butt will only leave you with smelly brown noses.
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inthereownwerds · 2 years
All of them
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odinsblog · 7 months
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Look closely enough and you’ll find that Eric Johnson was always a Republican, or at least very susceptible to becoming one. Conservative “Democrats” are one bribe or one hurt feeling away from switching parties.
This highlights the significance of how much more important primaries are, because after the primaries are over, then it becomes an endless chorus of, “vote for the lesser evil” and “vote blue no matter who,” and we have more than enough bad examples of where that can lead to, right??
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Honestly, always vote for the most leftist, progressive candidate you can in the primary elections, before it comes down to voting for a Republican vs. Republican-lite in the general election.
I don’t think there are primary elections for mayoral races, but I still love the idea that if a candidate switches political parties (any time after the primaries, I’d suggest), then they should A) not be allowed to hold the office they ran for until they run + win as a member of their new party, B) pay heavy fines from their personal funds, C) they should be forced to resign, and D) the election should be re-done.
The Democratic Party needs to tighten up and make some rules regarding who can and cannot run as a Democrat.
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Literally months before SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Nancy Pelosi was backing a homophobic, anti-abortion, “Democratic” 🙄 candidate named Henry Cuellar, saying that a candidate’s stance on abortion wasn’t important. And Cuellar’s opponent was a young pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ immigration attorney named Jessica Cisneros! And it was a relatively safe blue district, meaning that whichever Democrat the DNC backed, they were likely to win and a Republican hadn’t won that district in forever. AND before that, Pelosi and the DCCC threw their weight behind another openly homophobic “Democrat” named Dan Lipinski.
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Could you even imagine Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy openly throwing their support behind a pro-abortion candidate who wanted gun control? No? So why tf does Democratic leadership constantly foist GOP-lite candidates onto the Democratic Party when other viable options exist?
Just a guess on my part, but if you want fewer anti-abortion laws getting passed, then you should probably back fewer anti-abortion candidates. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Vote blue no matter who” has bitten Democrats in the ass wayyy more than any converse slogan has bitten Republicans. Because Republicans actually vet their candidates and make sure that those candidates want the same deplorable things that their deplorable base wants.
And just for clarity, because I know how the internet works and how sycophants love twisting words: I am NOT saying don’t vote for Biden in 2024. I’m not even saying to support a third party candidate. I want Trump and all Republicans gone in the next few election cycles. What I am saying is, once the election is over and hopefully Trump/DeSantis have been vanquished, we need to seriously rework how the Democratic Party has been run. Losing Roe v. Wade is indicative of how poorly it’s been mismanaged.
Anyway, new laws can be made, so especially after the Supreme Court has ignored and undone so many standing legal precedents, I don’t wanna hear jack shit about “pie-in-the-sky” or “be realistic.”
This centrism bullshit ain’t working, yo.
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
Just wondering your thoughts about the GOP 2024 nomination. Common wisdom seems to view Trump as the inevitable heir apparent for obvious reasons like poll numbers and De Santis tanking (as anyone outside the conservative bubble probably could have seen coming once a breathing human who was undecided actually met him on the campaign trail).
But I feel these assessments are missing the inherent chaos of real life. Trump could very well get indicted and struggle to run anything close to the 2016 campaign or run at all if in theory he’s in jail or otherwise disqualified. He’s in his late 70s, he could genuinely just die of any number of health issues before then. This “foregone conclusion” seems somewhat naive to me.
Really, the GOP was screwed when they didn’t turn on him on January 7th. The nation would have been with them as much as it would ever be, they could have harnessed that outrage to peel off all but the most fanatical cultists, and they could have started looking into building up new candidates. Trump was always going to tear down anyone who competed with his spotlight and he’s more vicious to former allies than to enemies. Now they risk losing any promising candidates to his vitriol AND something could happen where he ends up not even being able to run.
I mean don’t get me wrong, I’ll be overjoyed if they fall apart in 2024. And even if he is the nominee and squeaks out of all the court cases with his liberty and reputation intact, I think Trump is toast with independent and undecided voters (people forget how many votes he picked up in 2016 just being a new thing with no record to point to, he refused to get pinned down on any issue, so people figured they’d take a chance on the new thing over Hillary but now he’s got a record and can’t just say he would have done the opposite on anything that went wrong in the past). He couldn’t win while he was the incumbent. He’s a weak candidate.
Anyway, just curious about your thoughts. Am I the only one who thinks the GOP is naive or aware and screwed when it comes to their 2024 nominee?
Welp. There are a lot of things going on here. It goes without saying that they are all a flaming dumpster fire of absolute squalid seditionist anti-democratic bullshit, because that's literally all the Republican party is these days. So, you know. Cheerful!
First, barring him literally keeling over and dying before November 2024 (oh please oh please oh please), Trump WILL be the Republican nominee, even if he is actively in the process of being convicted/has been convicted and is trying to appeal to every court he can possibly think of (since as noted before, he will do his DAMNDEST to get them all to his pet SCOTUS under the flailing hope that they will exonerate him). I think there's still a certain amount of denial about this: the hope that because we are all so sick and tired of dealing with the orange psychopath and his Nazis, that he will just finally fucking DISAPPEAR and not force us to go through another election with him. Unfortunately, this isn't going to happen. The entire crumbling skeleton and gasping oxygen of the once-vaunted GOP is sucked up by Trump. The people theoretically running against him, aside from Chris Christie (who was a Trump sycophant until he wasn't) won't even mention THAT HE IS UNDER MULTIPLE STATE AND FEDERAL INDICTMENTS FOR TREASON-LEVEL CRIMES. You'd think that would be great for an opposition candidate! But since the only way they can win the primary is by getting enough of Trump's insane fans to vote for them, they're walking an impossible tightrope of not being Trump but still also trying to be Trump. Vote for them, please! They promise they can be just as heinous!
Now, the establishment GOP, or what's left of it, is perfectly well aware that Trump is a treasonous loser and a massive electoral liability, but they can't say so because of the same problem of Trump's rabid masses turning on them. See all these accounts of Republicans being plenty brave in private when it comes to criticizing him, but in public: crickets. They know that they've lost every election since 2016, when Trump became the leader of their party, but they also can't stop the insane GOP primary voters, still drunk on that Orange Trump Kool-Aid, from renominating him. As I said in a recent post, there is about 35% of this country that is just, as of now, totally beyond help. They love Trump and only Trump, he's the manifestation of the absolute worst of all their racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. impulses, and they love him more the more awful he is (and the more "Joe Biden's Mean Evil Government!!!" punishes him, in true martyr fashion). There's no helping them. They WILL vote for him no matter what, and there's no way, as it currently stands, that any other GOP candidate has a prayer of getting past him. DeSantis was once hyped as the Alternative to Trump, but the instant actual people get a single look at him, they're repulsed. He's fucked.
Basically, the Republican party, as in the career elected officials, are well aware that Trump is a deadweight loser, but there's no getting out of the trap they've created for themselves. They KNOW perfectly well that Trump is a weak candidate and a perennial loser, but they can't stop their self-created monster of the radicalized Republican electorate from putting him in there again. Their entire toxic self-sustaining right-wing media ecosystem has been churning out lies for decades, that has only kicked into overdrive in the Trump era, and there is nothing they can do about it, because they're craven miserable anti-democratic power-hungry shitstains who will say or do anything to cling out a scrap of influence and money for just a little longer, and their whole platform now consists of being outrageously cruel to other people. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Nazis, etc. Witness them all vigorously condemning Trump in various interviews (looking at you, Bill Barr) and then either admitting they'll vote for him if he's the 2024 GOP nominee, or cowardly ducking the question. Because... they themselves will vote for him, so it's no wonder the primary voters will do the same. As long as he puts in more religious zealot judges and destroys everything the Democrats are trying to do, they're cool! Democracy? Don't know her. They're over it. See the Wisconsin GOP already running their mouths about trying to impeach state Supreme Court justice Janet Protasiewicz, elected in a landslide in spring, if she does anything to overrule their insane gerrymanders. They're all just as bad.
So in short, yes: they may very well screw themselves into a situation where Trump is totally unviable for 2024 AND there's nobody else they can have to replace him, because that is the devil's bargain they have made. They've all sold their souls. Trump will insist he's running until the very last moment, because it's his final gamble to keep himself out of a hefty prison sentence and the one thing he has escaped for his entire misbegotten existence: i.e., real consequences for his terrible actions (as like any good sociopath, he has no concept of those and they all seem outrageously unfair). If they were going to ever actually do anything about Trump, that was a long, long time ago. Now they're stuck with him, they're too cowardly to denounce him, they're left hoping that Jack Smith and the indictments will eventually take him off their hands, but in the meantime, to save their own necks, they fundraise and whip up public outrage and tell endless lies about how Trump is such a blameless martyr. So yeah. They're fucked, they've made themselves fucked, and they're awful and they deserve it. Etc. etc. never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Fuck 'em all.
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sher-ee · 4 days
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Yes, stormy indeed! 😏
Trump is dragging his party down and most Republicans seem content to go to the ocean bottom with the sinking ship the USS Trumpanic.
Why it matters: By aligning with Trump's grievances and promoting tougher abortion restrictions, it's increasingly difficult for the GOP to win outside of deep-red strongholds.
Driving the news: Every potential Republican challenger to Trump (with the exception of former Govs. Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie) has adopted the MAGA narrative that Trump is being treated unfairly by a politicized justice system — even when it's in their interest to criticize the GOP frontrunner.
The GOP is still an extremist MAGA cult with only a few exceptions.
At one of Trump’s Nuremberg-style rallies, somebody should insert the classic “Stormy Weather” by Etta James into his playlist.
Oh, yeah Life is bad Gloom and misery everywhere Stormy weather, stormy weather
Trump allegedly banned use of the word “stormy” at the White House.
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odinsblog · 11 months
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I swear to God, from mass incarceration crime bills, to undermining abortion rights, to healthcare, to Clarence Thomas, to student loan forgiveness, it feels like Joe Biden’s entire presidency has been him tepidly and ineffectually “fighting” against every bad thing that he was instrumental in creating when he was a Senator, but reliably failing to completely repeal or correct as POTUS.
Sorry if this truth upsets some 🙈🙉🙊 neoliberal diehards, but it’s infuriating to see how student loan forgiveness was thrown under the bus in the name of “bipartisan compromise” that Biden values so fucking much. Acquiescing to the GOP’s manufactured “debt default crisis,” no matter how marginally, only guarantees that they will continue using these hostage taking tactics in the future.
And before any braindead Blue MAGA sycophants regurgitate their tired lines about how the act of even remembering these facts is somehow “helping Trump,” or “oh you must be a Russian bot,” I fucking dare you to 1) refute anything in this post as misleading, patently untrue, or false, Or 2) search through my blog and see what I’ve posted regarding Republicans, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Russia. NONE of that changes the fact that Biden, bipartisanly partnering up with Republicans, helped plant the seeds of many of the problems that we face today. The bad guys being bad guys does not magically absolve Biden for helping them achieve so many of their goals in his “younger” days.
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antidrumpfs · 11 months
Fox News responds to federal Trump indictment with unhinged demagoguery
“A dark day in America,” “the stuff of banana republics,” “the day that we ceased to be a democratic republic,” and much more
Trump is the first former president ever to face federal criminal charges and is expected to surrender in Miami, Florida, on Tuesday. The charges were not a surprise — even Trump’s own former attorney general Bill Barr had repeatedly acknowledged that the former president’s own conduct put him in serious legal jeopardy.
But on Fox, host Jesse Watters announced the news by saying that “the president, former, calls it the boxes hoax” and suggesting that the indictment was an attempt to distract attention from the House GOP’s investigations of President Joe Biden.
The situation rapidly devolved from there. Over the following hours, Fox’s hosts and the menagerie of Trump cronies and sycophants the network put on the air unleashed unhinged demagoguery. 
The throughline is that any legal attack on Trump is inherently corrupt and a signal that America has been lost — and that, if Trump is brought down, Fox’s viewers may be next.
Trump needs the powerful propaganda apparatus of Fox to keep his supporters in line and his primary opponents at bay, and the network’s hosts and executives are happy to oblige. But we’ve seen the disastrous consequences that can come from Fox’s overheated rhetoric in the former president’s service.
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pizzastallion · 7 months
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Begging on my hands and knees for people to stop saying the 2 US political parties are the same. They’re both bad, but one of them IS MUCH WORSE THAN THE OTHER.
At this point the Dems are the party of society is generally ok, we could tweak some around the edges but mostly it’s fine. Which is bad bc society is not generally ok right now.
But the modern GOP is the party of rich sycophants, white hoods, and state violence. Which is bad bc it’s rich sycophants, white hoods, and state violence.
I don’t know how else to explain that 1 of those is much, much worse.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
Donald Trump increasingly is acting like a James Bond villain – albeit a particularly mindless one. He spends a disproportionate amount of his time plotting revenge against his perceived enemies.
The really sad part is that the bulk of the Republican Party fully understands that he's a psychopath but refuses to call him out.
Even worse than those GOP sycophants, there are rightwing think tanks and attorneys plotting out the details of Trump's revenge.
Rosters full of MAGAfied lawyers are being assembled. Plans are being laid for an entire new office of the Justice Department dedicated to “election integrity.” An assembly line is being prepared of revenge-focused “special counsels” and “special prosecutors.” Gameplans for making Smith’s life hell, starting in Jan. 2025, have already been discussed with Trump himself. And a fresh wave of pardons is under consideration for Trump associates, election deniers, and — the former president boasts — for Jan. 6 rioters. The preparations have been underway since at least last year, with Trump being briefed on the designs by an array of attorneys, political and policy advisers, former administration officials, and other allies. The aim is to build a government-in-waiting with the hard-right infrastructure needed to turn the Justice Department into an instrument of Trump’s agenda, according to five sources familiar with these matters and another two people briefed on them.
Number one on Trump's list are Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team.
This year, close advisers to Trump have begun the process of assembling lists of the names of federal personnel who have investigated the former president and his circle for years, and are attempting to unmask the identities of all the DOJ attorneys and others connected to Smith’s office. The obvious purpose of this, according to one source close to Trump, is to “show them the door on Day 1 [if Trump’s reelected]” — and so “we know who should receive a subpoena” in the future. Such subpoenas would of course be instrumental in Trumpland’s vows to its voters that, should he return to power, Trump and his new attorney general will launch a raft of their own retaliatory “special counsel” and “special prosecutor” probes to investigate-the-investigator, and to go after their key enemies.
Stalin's NKVD and the Spanish Inquisition would be jealous.
Trump's second term special prosecutors whose job it would be to go after his targets would be based inside the White House rather than at the Justice Department.
Some far right grovelers have already begun to kiss up to Trump to get a place on his revenge squad.
Some lawyers and operatives close to Trump have pitched themselves for these kinds of roles, telling either Trump or some of his closest advisers that they’d be more than happy to take the gig in Trump’s possible return to power in 2025. And along with having dreams of sweeping retribution and purges, the upper ranks of Trumpworld have spent years putting together projects to vet and prepare a new generation of appointments — for “special prosecutor” posts, as well as much else — and administrative talent. In this informal vetting for Justice Department candidates, former senior Trump aides and well-connected activists have sought lawyers with a track record of loathing DOJ, particularly what they deem its supposedly “liberal,” “left-wing,” or “Marxist” elements. Between these different Trump allies, different private spreadsheets have been created in recent years, some laying out dozens of possible contenders, while some include upwards of a hundred names, sources with direct knowledge of the situation say. Former top Trump White House policy adviser Stephen Miller and other key Trump diehards have contributed names to several of these lists. 
Yep, if you smell fascism then there's a good chance Stephen Miller is nearby.
Trump got elected once and he could get elected again. People on the moderate to progressive part of the spectrum need to unite and make complacency a thing of the past.
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Nick Anderson
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DeSantis drops out of GOP primary campaign.
Ron DeSantis nearly destroyed Florida in his attempt to prove that he is meaner and more extreme than Trump without the craziness of Trump. It didn’t work, as an editorial in the Miami Herald noted on Sunday evening: DeSantis was supposed to save the GOP from Trump, not endorse him
Per the Herald,
It’s not just that he was steamrolled by Donald Trump. DeSantis never appeared to want to save the GOP. He was more interested in making it a more ravenous, angrier and intolerant party. That worked for Trump, but didn’t work for the governor with all the charisma of burned toast. So now DeSantis’ presidential campaign has ended. But the damage of the laws he has pushed through in Florida, as he landed more appearances on Fox News, will live on. Without his political ambitions, there likely wouldn’t be “Don’t say gay,” woke wars and the waste of state resources to fight meaningless battles against drag queen bars.
DeSantis has fallen in line behind other Republicans to “kiss the ring” of Trump—even though DeSantis railed against Trump sycophants only a week ago. DeSantis said,
You can be the most worthless Republican in America, but if you kiss the ring he'll say your wonderful.
Six days later, DeSantis “kissed Trump's ring” by endorsing Trump in the same announcement in which DeSantis suspended his campaign. And, on cue, Trump responded by saying “Ron” (rather than “DeSanctimonious”) was a “gracious” candidate who ran a good campaign.
There will undoubtedly be a lot of good analyses about the reasons for Ron DeSantis’s failure, and I look forward to sharing them with you. Tonight, I want to add what I see as a glimmer of hope in DeSantis’s political demise.
To begin, DeSantis was a miserable candidate because people understood he was disingenuous, cruel, and angry. Let’s agree on that fact and move on.
DeSantis fashioned himself as “Trump but competent.” Accepting that premise, the rejection of DeSantis shows that the support for Trump isn’t really about his policies (or his competency). It is about personal support for Trump. That’s good! Why? It suggests that if we can get past the latest (and last) effort by Trump to take the presidency, running on his policies is not enough to garner more than a few thousand votes in Iowa. (No disrespect to Iowa.)
This theory is discussed by Zack Beauchamp in Vox, Ron DeSantis got the Republican Party wrong. Beauchamp writes,
DeSantis was betting that Trumpism could be separated from Trump: that enough of the GOP’s radical factions wanted the right-wing populism without the chaos of the man who brought it to dominance in the party.
When Trump is finally gone, we will see a raft of Trump wannabes in the style of Ron DeSantis come to the fore—Don Jr., Mike Flynn, Matt Gaetz, etc. They will run on Trump's policies, but that won’t be enough. They are not Trump.
All of this suggests that there may be the remnant of a political movement that can rise from the ashes of the GOP to form a different, new party that sheds itself of MAGA extremism as it leaves Trump in the rear-view mirror.
The above is a bit fuzzy and inchoate, but the failure of DeSantis should be reassuring. If DeSantis gained traction and appeared as a serious contender for election in 2024, we could have been looking at another eight years of MAGA extremism in the presidency.
If we beat Trump in 2024—and we can—the Trump wannabes don’t appear to have the toxic brew that runs through Trump's veins. This is why we should do everything possible to defeat Trump at the ballot box in 2024. Doing so may foreclose the last chance for a MAGA extremist to gain the presidency.
To be sure, MAGA extremism will endure in the states and in Congress, but we will have avoided the threat to democracy of Trump (or an imitator) as president. That matters a lot.
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