#Francisco Labbe
movienized-com · 2 months
Mystery Island
Mystery Island (2023) #NicholasHumphries #ElizabethHenstridge #LukeMcGibney #CharlieWeber #KeziaBurrows #FranciscoLabbe Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Drama / Mystery Regie: Nicholas Humphries Hauptrollen: Elizabeth Henstridge, Luke McGibney, Charlie Weber, Kezia Burrows, Francisco Labbe, Henry Twohy, Noelia Rothery, Andres Morales, Mike Martinez, Melanie Martinez Sanchez … Filmbeschreibung: Dr. Emilia Priestly, die dringend eine entspannende Auszeit benötigt, reist auf die Mystery Island, ein beeindruckendes…
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badgaymovies · 2 years
The 355
The 355 by #SimonKinberg starring #JessicaChastain, #PenelopeCruz, #DianeKruger and #LupitaNyongo, "there's not nearly enough of the indulgence required of this brand of escapism, and it's only Nyong'o who brings in moments of self-effacing caprice", Now reviewed on MyOldAddiction.com
SIMON KINBERG Bil’s rating (out of 5): BB.5 USA/China, 2022. Universal Pictures, CAA Media Finance, FilmNation Entertainment, Freckle Films, Genre Films, Huayi Brothers Media, Perfect World Pictures. Story by Theresa Rebeck, Screenplay by Theresa Rebeck, Simon Kinberg. Cinematography by Tim Maurice-Jones. Produced by Kelly Carmichael, Jessica Chastain, Eugenia Cheng, Simon Kinberg, Patty Tsai.…
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sybilius · 7 years
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“My god, that was cathartic. Didn’t expect to see you here, you look good , how was your flight and all that shit– wait, can we do small talk after I get what I want from this one?” B jerks his thumb backwards to the mess of a human being behind them.
 “But you remember how it is, right?”
Beyond Birthday x Francisco Goya - Black Beats Moodboard (2/??)
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Starring Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Alex Sharp, Dean Norris, Ingrid Oliver, Tim Blake Nelson, Emma Davies, Casper Christensen, Meena Rayann, Sarah-Stephanie, Celine Abrahams, Aaron Neil, Douggie McMeekin, Francisco Labbe, Raffaello Degruttola, Deano Bugatti, Christophe de Choisy, Eloise Lovell Anderson and Philip Desmeules.
Screenplay by Stanley Shapiro & Paul Henning and Dale Launer and Jac Schaeffer.
Directed by Chris Addison.
Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer. 94 minutes. Rated PG-13.
I can’t help but wonder why anyone would bother to remake the classic 1988 con-man comedy Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which had starred Michael Caine and Steve Martin and is one of my favorite movies ever. It is considered a classic film and still is widely available and is not thought to have aged poorly in the three decades since it came out.
Then again, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was a movie remake itself. It is one of the rare occasions when the remake is better than the original, which was a mostly forgotten 1964 film called Bedtime Story with David Niven and Marlon Brando. (Strangely, this story has been filmed three times over the years with three completely different titles.) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is surprisingly faithful to the basic storyline of the original film, but they came up with an infinitely stronger ending.
So, The Hustle is going against two former versions of this plot. The question is: What do they have new going for it to make it worth our while not to just re-watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? That is, other than the now-ubiquitous stunt of changing the sex of the main characters, and also making them significantly younger with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson now taking on the roles of con men (con people?) seeking prey on the French Riviera?
Is there any chance that they can once again up the game in this story, becoming a remake that is even better than the film it was remaking?
The answer, not surprisingly, is no. More like, hell no! In fact, it’s kind of shocking how badly they have botched this smart and funny story and turned it into something of a chore to sit through.
I had a bit of hope at first. The storyline was relatively faithful to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, there were even quite a few lines lifted directly from the last version. (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels screenwriter Dale Launer is one of the four credited screenwriters for the remake.) However, even when they are quoting the original dialogue, it all feels a little off, the clever lines landing with a bit of a thud.
It is quickly obvious that the two lead actresses are completely wrong for the roles. I like both Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson in other films, but they do not connect with these characters in even the tiniest ways. Hathaway is talented enough to pull off the character, but confoundingly has been instructed to play her as an unfeeling, brittle, slightly bitchy ice queen. She has none of the charm or openness that would be needed to be a successful con artist.
Rebel Wilson, on the other hand, plays her normal shtick; the fat, fast-talking, loud but ultimately sweet, clumsy, uncouth extrovert. It can be a very funny persona in the right kind of film, but it just does not work in this more intricate, plot-based storyline. And a little of Wilson’s slapstick humor goes a long way. There are way too many dumb pratfalls by the actress shoehorned into in this film, to the point that they lose any power to amuse.
Not that this story is averse to slapstick. Just compare the competing scenes of the young con trying to talk themselves out of a French Riviera jail. In Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Steve Martin played the scene as a physical extension of the character’s desperation and frustration. Wilson, on the other hand, tried to add a cringeworthy half-hearted awkward sexuality which ultimately falls very flat.
The new film is going along okay, not really working but being somewhat faithful to the older storyline, giving it a slight nostalgic charm. Then, for no apparent reason, about 2/3s of the way through the film the characters suddenly swap personalities and storylines, which is both confounding and annoying at the same time.
The Hustle does do its own variation of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’ smart and cynical climax, happily ignoring Bedtime Story’s more toothless finale. Well, not completely ignoring it, The Hustle’s end does add back one old-fashioned aspect of the original 1964 ending which was jettisoned in the first remake, but it is somewhat underplayed here in comparison to Bedtime Story.
However, The Hustle totally screws up that ending, over-explaining everything which is happening to the point where it is metaphorically banging the audience over the head with its clarifications. The filmmakers apparently don’t trust its own audience to understand what they just saw with their own eyes. Less can be more, particularly in the con game. Always leave the mark a little bit confounded. By adding so much unnecessary exposition to the climax, the movie significantly dulls the trick we just witnessed.
The Hustle even fails to live up to its inspiration on the most basic levels. It’s hard to believe that a film that takes place on the French Riviera could have so little in the way of interesting scenery – some spectacular establishing shots, but otherwise this could have been filmed just about anywhere. Even the established con man’s spectacular seaside chateau has been replaced by the large-but-dull boxy modern architecture of the Hathaway character’s house – though at least it does have a similarly nice ocean view.
If you have never seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels – or even Bedtime Story – then The Hustle may make for a painless but not-overly-stimulating night at the movies. There are some decent laughs mixed in, and the clever plotline does shine through, even when it is not portrayed all that well. Still, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is widely available on video and through streaming, so you are definitely better off just watching that.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: May 10, 2019.
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verdadpresenteadv · 3 years
Blasfemia no es cuando una persona alza la mano al cielo y desafía abiertamente a Dios. La Biblia nos da 2 definiciones.
📌 Definición #1
Blasfemia es cuando un mero hombre dice que tiene autoridad para perdonar pecados.
Cuando Jesús perdonó los pecados de un paralítico, los líderes religiosos se desquiciaron diciendo:
📖 Marcos 2:7
“¿Por qué habla éste así? Blasfemias dice. ¿Quién puede perdonar pecados, sino sólo Dios?”
En todo templo católico hay confesionarios a donde los pecadores le confiesan los pecados a un sacerdote humano con el fin de recibir absolución.
San Alfonso de Ligorio definió el poder que tiene el sacerdote católico:
“Si el Redentor entrara a una iglesia y se sentara en un confesionario para administrar el sacramento de la penitencia, y un sacerdote se sentará en otro confesionario y Jesús le dijera acada penitente, ‘ego te absolvo’ y el sacerdote le dijera igualmente a cada uno de sus penitentes ‘ego te absolvo’, los penitentes del uno y del otro serían igualmente absueltos.” San Alfonso deLigorio, Dignity and Duties of the Priest or Selva, p. 28
El Catecismo de Baltimore reza:
“El sacerdote no tiene que pedirle a Dios que le perdone a usted sus pecados. El sacerdote posee en sí mismo el poder para hacerlo en el nombre de Cristo. Cuando el sacerdote le perdona suspecados es lo mismo que si usted se arrodillara y se los confesara a Jesús.” Lorraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, p. 197.
El papa Francisco I ha declarado que del 8 de diciembre del 2015 al 20 de noviembre del 2016 es el año de la misericordia. Ha declarado que aún las mujeres que han abortado bebés pueden recibir absolución del sacerdote con tal que el arrepentimiento de ellas sea genuino.
📌Definición # 2:
Según la Biblia, la blasfemia es también cuando un mero hombre se jacta de ocupar el lugar de Dios como su representante en la tierra. Jesús fue acusado de blasfemia por decir que era el representante de Dios en la tierra:
📖Juan 10:30-33
“Yo y el Padre uno somos.
31 Entonces los judíos volvieron a tomar piedras para apedrearle.
32 Jesús les respondió: Muchas buenas obras os he mostrado de mi Padre; ¿por cuál de ellas me apedreáis?
33 Le respondieron los judíos, diciendo: Por buena obra no te apedreamos, sino por la blasfemia; porque tú, siendo hombre, te haces Dios.”
El papado enseña que el papa es el Vicarius Christi que significa ‘el que ocupa el lugar de Cristo’. Al papa también se le ha denominado Vicarius Filii Dei que significa ‘el que ocupa el lugar del Hijo de Dios.’
Algunos ejemplos de la historia de la iglesia cristiana:
En una homilía ofrecida al papa en la cuarta sesión del Quinto Concilio de Letrán (1512), Cristóbal Marcelo dijo:
“Pues tu eres el pastor, tu eres el médico, tu eres el director, tu eres el labrador; finalmente, tu eres otro Dios en la tierra.” (Labbe y Cossart, History of the Councils, tomo XIV, col. 109)
La Enciclopedia Católica dice:
“Además, la autoridad y el poder del pontífice romano no solo se refieren a las cosas celestiales, a las terrenales y a las que están debajo de la tierra, sino que llegan hasta sobre los ángeles pues es mayor que ellos. De manera que, si se pudiera dar el caso que los ángeles errasen en la fe o pensaran en forma contraria a la fe, podrían ser juzgados y excomulgados por el papa. El papa tiene tan grande dignidad y poder que forma uno con Cristo el mismo tribunal.” Enciclopedia Católica, tomo 3, p. 139, articulo ‘Papa’.
“El papa es como si fuese Dios en la tierra—solo soberano de los fieles de Cristo, principal rey de reyes y señor de señores, que tiene la plenitud de poder, a quien el omnipotente Dios le ha confiado no solo la dirección de lo terreno [el estado] sino también del reino celestial [la iglesia]. El papa tiene tan grande autoridad y poder que puede, modificar, explicar, o interpretar aun las leyes divinas. El papa puede modificar la ley divina porque su poder no es del hombre sino de Dios y actúa como vice-regente de Dios sobre la tierra con plenitud de poder para atar y desatar a sus ovejas.” Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, 8 volumes, vol. 2, articulo ‘Papa’).
“El papa ocupa el lugar de Jesucristo en la tierra. . . Es el verdadero vicario de Cristo, la cabeza de iglesia y el padre de todos los cristianos. Es el gobernante absoluto, el fundador de los dogmas, el autor y juez de los concilios, el gobernante universal de la verdad, el árbitro del mundo, el juez supremo en el cielo y en la tierra, que puede juzgar a todos pero no puede ser juzgado por nadie. Es Dios mismo en la tierra.” The New York Catechism, citado en Lorraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, p. 127
El papa Francisco I, al concluir una semana de oración en favor de la unidad cristiana en la iglesia de San Pablo Fuera del Muro el 25 de enero del 2014, se sentó en un gran trono blanco y en cada lado del trono había un querubín. Ya el papa Benedicto XVI había hecho lo mismo en el mismo sitio el 28 de junio del 2009. ¡Esta fue una usurpación descarada de la posición que ocupa el gran Jehová quien está sentado entre los querubines!!
📖 Salmo 80:1:
“Pastor de Israel, tú que guías a José como a un rebaño, tú que reinas entre los querubines, ¡escúchanos!”
📌El apóstol Pablo explicó que el anticristo final se sentaría en el templo de Dios haciéndose pasar por Dios.
📖 2 Tesalonicenses 2:4:
“el cual se opone y se levanta contra todo lo que se llama Dios o es objeto de culto; tanto que se sienta en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose pasar por Dios.”
📌El Hijo de Perdición
Al hombre de pecado también se le llama ‘el hijo de perdición’ así que debemos examinar el significado de este enigmático nombre. 2 Tesalonicenses 2:3.
📖 Hechos 20:28
“Por tanto, mirad por vosotros, y por todo el rebaño en que el Espíritu Santo os ha puesto por obispos, para apacentar la iglesia del Señor, la cual él ganó por su propia sangre.
29 Porque yo sé que después de mi partida entrarán en medio de vosotros lobos rapaces, que no perdonarán al rebaño.
30 Y de vosotros mismos se levantarán hombres que hablen cosas perversas para arrastrar tras sí a los discípulos.”
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brandinginasia · 7 years
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Interview: Filmmaker Jeff Labbe, on His Work, His Life and His Upcoming Work in Asia⠀ ⠀ Whether you’re in the ad industry, or just the casual consumer flipping through what’s on the tube, chances are you’ve seen Jeff Labbe’s creative film work for a wide range of brands including Levis, Nike, KFC and Volkswagen.⠀ ⠀ What stands out most about Labbe’s work is a deft use of narrative and depth in both the story & characters, an artistic effort that helps brands engage with viewers on a deeper level than simply pitching a product. As Ad Age described it: “Many say the construction of his themes are anything but commercial.”⠀ ⠀ Born in Louisiana, Labbe started his career as an agency creative working with Wieden + Kennedy, TBWA/Chiat/Day San Francisco and Leo Burnett, where he won awards for his work on campaigns that include Nike’s ‘Beautiful’ and Fox Sports ‘Beware of things made in October’.⠀ ⠀ …⠀ ⠀ #BrandinginAsia #Advertising #Campaigns #Design #Creativity #Creative #Asia #trending #love #advertisement #instagram #content #style #graphicdesign #business #cool #news #instadaily #Brand #Branding #Culture #Marketing #PR #PublicRelations #ad
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giftsfordesigners · 6 years
Completed in 2017 in Puerto Varas, Chile. Images by Francisco Gallardo. The project was a resting house, located on the shore of Lake Llanquihue, a few kilometers to the east from Puerto Varas, a small city in the north... https://ift.tt/2K8pKW3 {https://ift.tt/2sexDEj}
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goalhofer · 6 years
1st 10 Results Of Player Jersey #s By Sport On Google: #78
Hockey: Timothy Liljegren (Toronto Maple Leafs), Beau Bennett (St. Louis Blues), Pierre-Edouard Bellemare (Philadelphia Flyers), Filip Chlapik (Ottawa Senators), Nathan Noel (Chicago Blackhawks), Dylan Labbe (Minnesota Wild), Pierre-Edouard Bellemare (Vegas Golden Knights), Jake Hansen (Columbus Blue Jackets) & Maxim Mamin (Florida Panthers).
Baseball: David Huff (San Francisco Giants), Slade Heathcott (New York Yankees), Ehire Adrianza (San Francisco Giants), Luis Ysla (Boston Red Sox), Maikel Cleto (St. Louis Cardinals), Taylor Jungmann (Milwaukee Brewers), Angel Nesbitt (Detroit Tigers), Brian Goodwin (Washington Nationals), Santiago Garrido (Tampa Bay Rays) & Julio Urias (Los Angles Dodgers).
Basketball: Lou Pucillo (North Carolina State University Wolfpack).
Football: Alejandro Villaneuva (Pittsburgh Steelers), Art Shell (Oakland Raiders), Anthony Munoz (Cincinnati Bengals), Todd Fordham (Carolina Panthers), Bruce Smith (Buffalo Bills), Jack Conklin (Tennessee Titans), Michael Schofield (Los Angeles Chargers) & Jason Spriggs (Green Bay Packers).
Soccer: Aurelien Collin (Orlando City S.C.) & Aurelien Collin (New York Red Bulls).
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Australian Reiki Connection
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Step 2: Step 2 requires Breath of Hearth, which is a fast fluttering of your diaphragm whereas you start to breathe in a short time in and out of your nose. The diaphragm extends on the inhale and contracts on the exhale. To make sure you realize what this looks like, you possibly can place your hand in your stomach and really feel it broaden as you inhale and chill out as you exhale. He was additionally a student of various martial arts. His memorial states that he was a talented exhausting working scholar, he favored to learn and his knowledge of medication, psychology, fortune telling and theology of religions world wide, including the Kyoten (Buddhist Bible) was vast. He married and his wife’s title was Sadako, they'd a son (born 1907) and daughter.
The definition of alternative medication as given by the western world consists of all healing practices which might be outside the world of typical medication. Different medicine contains nutrient based mostly therapies, Ayurveda, chiropractic therapies, yoga, naturopathy, hypnosis, homeopathy, meditation, herbalism and acupuncture. Largely they are grouped as complimentary medication which means a combination of conventional and natural medical practices. The concept of different medication dates again to ancient times and natural cures and supplements has been known to exist for centuries. The sudden renewed recognition of these medication varieties has earned its fair share of criticism from the medical community.
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despuesdelhorror · 11 years
Más del 100% de las viviendas fueron censadas
Francisco Labbé - Ex director del INE
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