clangenrising · 4 days
Month 14 - April Gathering
“I’m so excited!” Fogpaw squeaked, bouncing along beside Floodpaw and Slatepaw. 
“We know,” Floodpaw rolled his eyes with a groan, “You’ve said so like a million times.” Fogpaw frowned and suddenly didn’t feel like bouncing anymore. She hadn’t realized she was being annoying. 
“It’s alright,” Slatepaw said, “I’m excited too.” 
“It’s your first Gathering,” said Pantherhaze on Slatepaw’s other side. “It’s completely normal to be excited about it.” He glanced at Floodpaw who looked away. 
“Well, I am,” said Fogpaw. She looked up at the full moon and smiled. “Do you think StarClan will cover the moon?” 
“I hope not,” said Pantherhaze. “If they did it would mean they disapproved of the Gathering.”
“I just think it would be cool,” shrugged Fogpaw. She imagined a roll of thunder and a sudden stormy sky, a powerful sign of StarClan’s wrath. She hoped that, at least some day, she got to see it.
The RisingClan cats - her, Slatepaw, Floodpaw, Pantherhaze, Scorchplume, Goldenstar, Russetfrond, and Sagetooth - emerged from the trees into the clearing. Fogpaw made an awe-filled sound of wonder at the sight of the Cornerstones towering up ahead. A white she-cat and a ginger one were sitting on top, bathed in moonlight, their deputies conversing on the rubble beneath them. Goldenstar whispered something to Scorchplume and then went to join them. 
Floodpaw was moving to meet a group of cats who looked close to his age and Fogpaw decided to follow him. Slatepaw followed her, both of them trailing after Floodpaw like ducklets. 
“Have fun and be respectful!” Pantherhaze called after them.
“We will!” squeaked Slatepaw. 
“Hey!” A pale, spotted tabby looked up as Floodpaw approached. “Floodpaw, how’s it going?”
“Great,” purred Floodpaw, “We’ve got some big news tonight. I’m excited for you to hear it.” 
“Ooh, well now I’m invested,” he grinned. 
“You’ve got some kittens stuck to your fur,” said a white she-cat with a ginger striped tail. The ginger cat wearing moth wings next to her smiled in a way that struck Fogpaw as mysterious.
“Oh,” Floodpaw turned to look at them and grimaced a little. “Right, uh, this is Fogpaw and Slatepaw.”
“Hi!” Fogpaw grinned. Slatepaw pressed into her side nervously. 
Floodpaw continued, “Uh, guys, these are my friends.” The white cat huffed a mean laugh. “Boldmoth and Fishtrick are from EarthClan and Fernpaw is from SkyClan.” 
“It’s Fernspeckle now!” beamed the spotted tabby. 
“Aw, really?” frowned Floodpaw. “I mean, congrats, but I was sure I was gonna get my name before you!” 
“Having a leader as your mother has its perks,” Fernspeckle laughed. 
“An admission you graduated before you were ready,” Fishtrick hummed. 
“You’ll get your name soon,” Boldmoth said, looking at Floodpaw. 
“Thanks,” he blushed under her cool, golden gaze.  
“Your mom is the leader?” Fogpaw asked loudly. Floodpaw and his friends all winced. 
“Yeah,” said Fernspeckle, “Snowstar’s my mother.” 
“That’s so cool,” Fogpaw said seriously. “My mom’s dead.” Fernspeckle froze in surprise. Fishtrick raised a brow skeptically. Boldmoth frowned sympathetically.
“Hey, uh,” Floodpaw said quickly, “Look, there’s an apprentice your age, why don’t you guys go talk to him?” FallenClan had arrived and Fogpaw followed Floodpaw’s gaze to a pale ginger tom who looked just a little bit older than her and Slatepaw settling down beside a warrior with brown points. 
“Oh, okay,” she said, wilting a little. She couldn’t help but feel like Floodpaw didn’t want her around. Still, she was interested in making a new friend so she looked at Slatepaw and said, “Come on, let’s go say hi!” Slatepaw gave a worried noise through pursed lips and glanced over at Floodpaw’s friends before nodding. Fogpaw started to make her way through the crowd, Slatepaw pressed against her side.
Behind her, she heard Floodpaw say, “Yikes, sorry about that, guys.” She sighed a little. 
“Fogpaw, why did you say that?” Slatepaw asked quietly. 
“Huh?” she asked, looking over. “Say what?” 
“You know,” Slatepaw chewed her lip worriedly. “About mama.” 
“Oh,” Fogpaw shrugged. She had already forgotten about that. “Cause it’s true?” 
“Right,” Slatepaw said softly. Fogpaw frowned, confused. Shaking her head, she decided to ignore it and focus on meeting this new apprentice. 
As they drew close, she raised her tail and said, “Hi there! I’m Fogpaw and this is my sister Slatepaw! What’s your name?” The apprentice looked over at her apprehensively. 
Beside him, his mentor smiled and said, “I’m Duskstep and this is Lionpaw. We’re from FallenClan.” He nudged Lionpaw’s leg gently.
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Lionpaw, barely audible but in a listless way, not like Slatepaw’s nervous whispering. It was like he didn’t have the energy to speak any louder. Fogpaw immediately decided that he seemed extremely boring. She glanced back over to where Floodpaw was joking with his friends and wished she could just go back and hang out with them. 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” smiled Slatepaw as they sat down. “Do you know Poppybird?”
“Yes,” purred Duskstep, “she’s our Clan’s mediator.” 
“She was friends with our mama,” Slatepaw said. “She comes and visits us sometimes.” 
“That’s nice,” said Duskstep. 
“She mentioned you,” said Slatepaw, looking at Lionpaw. He sat up a little straighter and blinked at her. Fogpaw yawned. 
“She did?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Slatepaw said. “We asked her about the kits in FallenClan and she talked about you.” Fogpaw groaned and stood to go find someone else to sit with. She wasn’t going to stay here and listen to boring small talk all gathering. 
“W- Fogpaw, where are you going?” asked Slatepaw. 
“I dunno,” Fogpaw shrugged, “to find Scorchplume or something.” 
“Oh, okay…” Slatepaw frowned. Fogpaw wasn’t sure why she was upset but it annoyed her. Huffling she turned and stomped away. 
The meeting was packed. Fogpaw hadn’t seen this many cats since they had gathered in camp for the big battle. The noise of it made her hackles prickle unconsciously. She reared onto her hind legs to try and spot her mentor’s bright ginger pelt. It was difficult with the height of the other cats. She padded a bit to the side to try and find a better vantage point, then someone right next to her spoke, throwing her off guard.
“Oh! Look at that!” said a she-cat nearby. Fogpaw looked on instinct and realized the grey tabby was looking right at her. 
“Uh…” She glanced around to make sure there wasn’t something else the cat could be looking at. 
“I know that pelt,” continued the cat. “You look just like the old tom Snowstar was fighting in the snowstorm battle!”
“Really?” asked the brown tabby next to her. This one narrowed her eyes at Fogpaw, making her want to squirm. “One of the rogues?” 
“Yes, exactly,” said the first cat. “Hello there, kit, what’s your name?” Fogpaw swallowed. At least they were talking to her now instead of about her. 
“Fogpaw,” she said. “Who are you?”
“I’m Greyvoice,” said the first cat with a smile, “and this is Perchingcall. Please, why don’t you come sit with us?” 
“Um, okay,” said Fogpaw. The idea that two grown ups wanted her to sit with them was exciting. Smiling, she settled down near them. 
Greyvoice scooted closer to her and said, “This is your first gathering, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” nodded Fogpaw. “I got apprenticed last week!”
“That’s so exciting,” purred Greyvoice, attentive and warm. Perchingcall smiled too but it didn’t feel right to Fogpaw. “You’re, um, Smokyrose’s kit, right?” 
“Yeah,” Fogpaw nodded again. 
“Such a shame about her, by the way,” Greyvoice frowned briefly. “I hope you’re doing alright.” 
“I’m fine,” said Fogpaw. Her tail tip twitched a bit - she hated when cats pitied her - but Greyvoice moved on quickly so she let it go.
“I’m so curious though,” said Greyvoice, “I mean, I’ve only heard rumors, so I have to ask: Is it true your father is the rogues’ deputy?” 
“Um,” Fogpaw screwed her mouth to the side as she thought. “I think so. His name’s Ghost. He’s the reason our mom is dead.” Or something like that. No one would tell her for certain what had happened. She had been forced to glean a few details from overheard conversations. 
Greyvoice and Perchingcall at least didn’t get those weird, surprised expressions on their faces like Floodpaw's friends had. Perchingcall frowned like she wanted to tear Ghost’s pelt and Greyvoice let out a soft little noise of sympathy.
“That’s terrible,” said Greyvoice. “What do you mean, he’s the reason why? I only heard that she had died, I didn’t hear what happened.” 
“And you won’t,” said Scorchplume, appearing suddenly behind Fogpaw. Her sharp blue eyes were narrowed at Greyvoice as she said, “Fogpaw get up. You’re going to come sit with me.” 
“But-” Fogpaw bristled in protest, “But I was just making friends!” 
“We don’t make friends with other Clans,” Scorchplume scowled, still not looking at her. “A warrior should know better.” Her words felt pointed at Greyvoice, just as sharp as her eyes. Fogpaw frowned and got to her feet. 
“Fine,” she grumbled. Maybe her spell had been wrong and Scorchplume wasn’t a good mentor. 
Greyvoice preened her chest a bit and said, “Well I’m fine considering us friends, Fogpaw. Maybe I’ll see you some other time.” 
Scorchplume growled a warning. “Stay away from my apprentice, Greyvoice.” The warrior in question huffed irritably but made no further comments. Scorchplume nudged Fogpaw towards the back of the crowd, saying, “That way.” 
“I’m going!” Fogpaw griped, stomping off. When they were nearing the back of the crowd, she added, “What was that for? I thought Russetfrond was the one who’s all ‘don’t talk to anybody ever!’” She bobbled her head and deepened her voice as she imitated him. 
Scorchplume flicked her tail and wrapped it around Fogpaw to urge her to sit. “Oh, I don’t care about talking to other Clans,” she said, and Fogpaw’s mouth fell open in confusion.
“Then, what-”
“Greyvoice was taking advantage of you,” said Scorchplume simply. “She doesn’t actually want to be your friend, she just wants to know the gossip about your father.” 
“Wait, really?” Fogpaw’s ears slid back against her head. She hadn’t been able to tell at all. Her stomach turned into a heavy, nauseous lump.
“Mhm,” said Scorchplume, glancing sideways at her. “I’m not going to let someone like that take advantage of my apprentice.” Her voice caught in her throat on the word, a growl that made Fogpaw feel like Scorchplume would fight a lion for her.
“But, then, why did you lie?” asked Fogpaw. 
Scorchplume glanced around as if making sure no one could hear before she said softly, “It’s better if I let her think I haven’t noticed what she actually wants. That way, she underestimates me. That way, I have the advantage next time we meet.” Fogpaw’s eyes were as wide and round as the moon. “So I got you out without tipping her off. I hope I wasn’t too harsh.”
“No, that’s amazing!” Fogpaw breathed. “It’s like magic! You have to teach me!” 
Scorchplume’s eyes flickered over her again, a tiny smile poking at the corners of her mouth. “It would be my pleasure,” she said. Fogpaw grinned, kneading the dirt with her paws. The spell had definitely worked. 
“Where do we start?” she asked. 
Snowstar’s voice boomed over the crowd. “Alright! I think it’s about time we got started!” The assembled cats hushed each other and fell quiet. 
“The first step,” Scorchplume spoke quickly and quietly, like she was giving Fogpaw an urgent secret, “is to figure out what cats want. Once you master that, you can start using it to your advantage.”
“Got it,” Fogpaw whispered back. 
“As a bit of good news to start off with,” Snowstar continued, “SkyClan welcomes a new warrior, the first of the kits to have survived Red Gut! Fernspeckle has shown himself to be a cat with a quick tongue and a quicker wit and we are beyond proud to have him among our ranks!” 
“She’s Fernspeckle’s mom,” Fogpaw whispered to Scorchplume.
Scorchplume raised a brow in interest. “Good to know.” 
When the crowd finished chanting Fernspeckle’s name, Snowstar said, “As well, Newleaf has been kind to us. Prey is flowing well and we are happy to continue sharing with our less fortunate neighbors if need be.” 
“What does Snowstar want?” Scorchplume whispered to Fogpaw. 
“Um… I don’t know.” Fogpaw shrugged. How was she supposed to be able to tell from that?
“She wants to be seen as strong and generous,” answered Scorchplume. “See the way she’s offering to help us like it makes her special? Sometimes what a cat wants is to look a certain way to other people. Remember that.” Fogpaw hummed as she nodded. This was harder than she had expected. 
“It’s most appreciated,” Orangestar said, voice wobbling tiredly. 
“Yes,” Goldenstar agreed, much firmer, “but RisingClan would like to be self-sufficient again as soon as possible. It is in that vein that I would like to propose another alliance, like the one we made for the battle of the snowstorm.” 
“Has there been another prophecy?” Snowstar asked. 
“No,” Goldenstar said, “but we have a plan.” She stood and raised her tail confidently and none of the other leaders tried to interrupt her so she continued. “It has recently come to my attention that Razor, the leader of the rogues, is interested in a one on one meeting with me. This meeting will almost certainly be a trap in which he intends to kill me, who he believes to be the Clans’ only leader. We will give him this meeting but we will spring a trap of our own instead!” 
RisingClan’s warriors and a few other Clan cats cheered in response. Scorchplume stayed silent so Fogpaw did the same. 
“And you need our help to do so,” said Flightstar as if he’d caught her trying to sneak it past him. 
“Yes,” said Goldenstar. “RisingClan alone won’t be able to stand against Razor but together we will most definitely be able to overpower him and put an end to this war.” 
“Then SkyClan will be there,” said Snowstar. “We would see this conflict put to rest for the good of every Clan.” 
“FallenClan as well,” said Flightstar with a twitch of his ear. “Where there’s a fight to be fought you will find the warriors of the deep woods.” A few FallenClan cats crowed proudly. 
“What does Flightstar want?” Scorchplume whispered again. 
“Um… is it to look a certain way?” asked Fogpaw.
“Um… He wants to look brave?” 
“Good,” purred Scorchplume. “He wants to look brave and strong and to tell everyone that they couldn’t beat him if they tried.” 
“Huh,” Fogpaw squinted up at him. That made sense, she thought. 
“What about EarthClan?” Goldenstar asked, looking at Orangestar. “We were hoping to use the edge of your forest for the meeting spot, to help hide our warriors and provide a terrain advantage.” 
Orangestar shifted and nodded. “Yes. EarthClan will stand by you. StarClan willing, this is the final battle of this war.” 
“StarClan willing,” nodded Snowstar. 
“Excellent,” Goldenstar said. “I will reach out to you to pick the location of the ambush. After that, I’ll send for a meeting with the leaders and things will be put into motion.” She shifted her posture to something a little more open and said, “In other news, we have two new apprentices with us today, Fogpaw and Slatepaw.” 
Fogpaw jumped to her feet and stood up tall so everyone could see her. A few cats tossed glances her way. She noticed Greyvoice among them. Scorchplume’s tail swished over her back, urging her to sit, and she did. The meeting moved on. The other Clans had very little news to share and soon after, RisingClan was heading home. 
“Thanks for teaching me,” Fogpaw said as she padded with Scorchplume to join the others.
“It’s my job isn’t it?” asked her mentor.
“Yeah, but I don’t think this is part of normal warrior stuff. I knew you were special.” 
Scorchplume huffed a laugh. “Good,” she purred, “and don’t forget it.”
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shadeclan · 6 months
Decided to make doodles of the leaders of the 2 other clans I've been messing around with!
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Needlestar has gone through shit. Broke up with a mate like 3 times but they kept getting back together and then she died (RIP Hyacinthflood). Then she got together with another cat who's previous mate was exiled for MURDER. But she moves.
Flightstar only became leader 2 moons ago, and the 2nd leader of Hellclan! Had Watermouse not retired early, he would've been leader instead, but frankly, he's old as shit (124 moons) so Flightburn was a much better option.
Speaking of Flightstar being the 2nd leader, here's the 1st leader!
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Also old as shit and trained 5 APPRENTICES?? like holy shit girl give yourself a break
She didnt have any mates or kits but was a very beloved leader. I'm pretty sure almost all of the clan founders have died but one or two are still haning on lol
I didnt't draw her but one of my favorite cats from Hellclan is Jumbleclaw purely for her name. I mean cmon. Jumbleclaw. I love that name you should too (/j)
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farfromthetree · 5 months
A great flood washes away what once was a great clan, many perish in the frantic search for dry land, claws grabbing hold of anything they can latch onto. Many souls are sent to StarClan that night, and those who are not killed drift further and further away from their clanmates, assuming the others are dead, the two groups form new clans. Flightpelt, the thoughtful and straightforward  deputy of the previous clan, forms SeedClan within the forests north of the orchard they originated from. While Stembriar, the playful and vain warrior, gathers to the south near Twolegplace with the divided cats and forms her own clan, naming it after herself - StemClan. 
This Blog is co-written by the totally cool and awesome duo of
Ren as SeedClan - @trelning 
Cheston as StemClan - @druidshollow
StemClan Allegiances
Leader: Stemstar
Strict, good storyteller, immature, a bit full of herself. Tends to rush to action rather than thinking things through. During the flood she saved Roseholly’s life and was greatly involved in rescue efforts among Appleclan. After the flood, when her small group met up, some Starclan cats approached her and gave her nine lives, in secret from the rest of Starclan. 
Deputy: Amberstem
Adventurous, very clever and great climber, patient yet stern. She was relieved to have surviving family in her daughter Stembriar after the flood and is very aware of the privilege of this. Tries her best to keep Stemstar in check, offers her guidance often.
Medicine Cat: Runningbat
Ambitious, good mediator, very clever, calm and calculated. Runningbat typically puts her own interests first and is very analytical. Seems to have a soft spot for Amberstem.
Warriors: Roseholly
Compassionate, renowned hunter, quiet, observant. After some time searching came to accept his mate Robinstripe and kit Flintkit had been lost in the flood. Misses them deeply but hopes they watch over him in Starclan. Roseholly wants to find something to make him as happy as they once had.
SeedClan Allegiances
Leader: Flightstar 
Deputy of AppleClan, wise and great with kits. Got into a tree right before the flood and managed to save Robinstripe and Flintkit, unfortunately she now blames herself for the supposed extinction of their clan, as she wasn’t able to help much without risking herself.
Deputy: Berryshade
Flightstars sister, she is very friendly and tries to encourage those around her, though she is filled with grief for her lost clanmates. She was very nearly killed in the flood, being dragged away from the clan, she saw many of their clanmates drowning. 
Warriors: Robinstripe
Charismatic, friendly, and not afraid to speak her mind. Before the flood she had a mate in Roseholly, whom she had Flintkit with, she still holds on hope that he’s not lost and keeps an eye out for his pelt on patrols.
Kits: Flintkit
Charming, cunning, and headstrong. Being just a kit when the flood happens she doesn't remember much besides the fear, she remembers her father, and hopes that one day she can reunite with him in StarClan
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#Moons - the actual moon updates! Anything that happens within the game goes here
#Lore - any non-moon non-ask posts about the characters
#Asks - characters answering questions
#OOC - Anything OOC, pretty self explanatory
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kybee-the-bee-cat · 2 years
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Been a while since I did another OC family tree, huh? Well, continuing where we left off (except for one family tree I forgot to put in the first family tree post, which I’ll get to later), here’s the four siblings’ families. I’m deciding to do Flightstar’s in pairs as she has the longest tree out of them all (when it comes to her descendants).
I know that ‘Flaze’ isn’t a real suffix, nor does it make sense, but I named him after a character my cousin had, called Flaze. 
Actually, Remorsestar’s kits were born around the same time as Adderbark and Sparrowfeather’s. She and Marsh’heart just wanted to wait for the right time, y’know?
(This next bit is longer than I wanted it to be. I’m just saying.)
Ripplestar is the oldest of all four siblings’ kits, being old enough to be a warrior by the time the Clans were created. I don’t have a name for his mother yet, and that’s because initially, I was never going to make a mother character for him. It’s only recently that I changed my mind about that. Just because I never had the thought of her appearance yet never meant I didn’t have an idea of what her personality would be like. At first, I imagined she’d be mean and aggressive to her mate and son, and that it was the reason she never was a thing before, at least in universe. But I think I can do better than that. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for a character to be, but I already have a character like that (two if Beesting counts. Who’s the other one? I’ll talk about her later), and I don’t think I need another one. 
Instead, I kind of like the idea that yes, she was aggressive towards her mate, but it wasn’t out of malice or ill will. During the war, she was angry with Heartstar for allowing so many cats to die for something as dumb as him wanting to lead cats. She did love him, but it was hard to support someone who was causing so many of their peers to lose their lives. And since Ripplestar was already in the picture (and young at that), she was worried that the foolishness of the grey tom might kill or seriously alter the life of their son. I might not know how young Ripple was when he broke his leg falling from a tree, but he was still young, and when the war came rolling around, he was still stuggling to make his way around. Raids on enemy shelters were not uncommon at this time, and what would happen should one happen during the time Ripple was still learning to walk with his leg like that?
The she-cat knew that was not the future she wanted for her kit, and decided to travel to Remorse’s Sanctuary (Remorsestar’s name for her shelter/home during the war). Since Remorsestar’s group weren’t participating in the war, she thought that mountain shelter was one of her son’s hopes of safety. Before the war ended, she and Ripple (who was almost at the age of warriorhood by then) intervened and tried to convince the three warring sides to stop. During those pleads, her attention was mostly on her former mate. The war may have stopped then, but she wasn’t yet willing to forgive Heartstar for doing what he did. She calmly told him that she was no longer his mate, and neither did she want to be a Clan cat. She said goodbye to the newly-named Rippleheart, telling him that if he wanted to, he could visit her in her new home (which might become twolegplace). 
(End of rambling about those characters.)
As for Duckfeather, she was born a bit after the Clans were formed. I like to imagine Palesun lived somewhere else even before the war, so she’s coming into the Clans with fresh eyes. I also like to imagine that her reasons for being with Mothstar were more about power than about him.
As for the blue line going down from Duckfeather, that’s basically me saying that I have a character from a later point that might be related to her, but I don’t know how. Maybe I’ll never know if it never becomes important (it likely won’t. Some things ar ebest kept secret after all). 
And along with that, some more trees that formed around the same time as those four:
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Rowen was kind of made from scratch, because I hadn’t yet thought of a father for Turtle and Flower at the point of making this. But because I liked the name I would’ve given him, I decided to make a father character anyway. He’s not important, but he can exist I guess. I decided to make him a rogue to keep his name the way it is. Then again, what kind of name is ‘Flazeburr’?
Speaking of his name, it’s pronounced the same as “ rowan “. 
“ Then why didn’t you call him ‘Rowan’? “
I like messing with people. Besides, I kinda like messing with words like that. I don’t see anything wrong with the word ‘rowan’, but mixing things up couldn’t hurt, y’know?
Like with Ripplestar, Adderbark, and Sparrowfeather, they were born before the Clans were created, but they were too young to pick a Clan for themselves, so they ended up living with their mother in RemorseClan. When they were both older though, Flowerstorm decided she’d rather live in MothClan, and so that’s what she chose. Turtlecrawl stayed with Splitleaf.
In the cannon Warriors universe, it’s illegal for Medicine Cats to have kits. But, well, my Warriors OC universe isn’t really a part of the cannon books or universe (other than the Clans and name system), so that rule doesn’t exist here. Even if it did, I already established that Flower and Turtle were born before a code could be made. Yes, I’m implying Splitleaf was a Medicine Cat in her life (the first in fact).
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Likewise, Willowleaf was also the first Medicine Cat of FlightClan. He was actually born just a little bit of moons before Heart, Moth, Flight, and Remorse’s parents, but in my defense, I decided on making him Shaggyfur’s father after making their trees.
Aww. I made Shaggyfur look cuter than I wanted him to be. He might have missing fur in some spots, but it’s still adorable :)
Speaking of which, I haven’t yet decided where he got them from. I guess he could have gotten into a fight with someone, but I also like the idea that he might have had a problem with nipping and scratching, to the point where his fur would come out. 
Shaggyfur didn’t suffer that much for his looks, but I will say that he was surprised that a cat like Firesky would fall in love with someone like him. 
Remember when I talked about what Rowen’s name was about? Yes, so Firesky and Sorrelspot both had names like that too before they got their warrior names. Sari was Firesky’s (pronounced ‘sorry’. Imagine introducing yourself with that name.), and Sorral was Sorrelspot’s (as you can guess, it was a spin on ‘sorrel’). Here’s some needless trivia: Both former names and Sorrel’s design came from some old “MLP” OCs. Since I didn’t have them anymore, I decided to have them live on in those two.  
Sharkfang was born before Witheredrose, if you’re wondering why he’s higher up than her. He was an OC I made for my sister for her birthday a while back, who’s favorite animal is the shark. I just thought that was interesting to share.
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clan names part two!
this will be focused on hierarchy/role names
babies are still named by their parent(s), with the “kit” suffix. they can be named after an animal, plant, etc, or a physical characteristic. less common are concept names, like hopekit, and naming a kit after a relative or important cat. if a kit is named after another cat, it is usually to honor a sacrifice or death.
apprentices get “paw” on the end, just like normal, and my previous post was about warrior names, go check it out.
leaders can take either their suffix or prefix and slap “star” on the end. for example, someone named deerflight might become deerstar or flightstar. it depends on what they prefer and the names of leaders past. let’s use deerflight again. they might choose to become deerstar, or they might remember a deerstar, and so choose the name flightstar instead.
elders can also take a new name if they choose, though most don’t. 
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airmanisr · 6 years
Flightstar IISL ‘N9080V’
Flightstar IISL ‘N9080V’ by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: c/n 364. Built 2004. On display at the Aerospace Museum of California, McClellan Airport, CA. 4th March 2016
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official-darkforest · 4 years
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heart of glass
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Warrior cat OC idea:
A leader named like Waxstar or Flightstar or Candlestar
Who as leader let that power get to their head and made a lot of stupid choices
And is finally taken down by a warrior or deputy or something with the Sun prefix
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'Mountain lions are the tribe cats gods' oh fuck would that make Sharptooth like, a vengeful god or vessel of the gods in the tribes eyes??? Do all their gods have names like that? Would they view the clans as heretical bc they take names like the gods have????? This is an interesting line of questioning i think
it would be very conflicting because they would think the sharpclaw IS their god, but then it kills cats so they would think that they have done something wrong, some cats think they should allow it to take whoever it wants, saying it’s the will of their god, some think it is a different, vengeful, god, and some think they must kill it, the cats who think they must kill it are the ones sent to kill it because everyone knows they will fail and for their sin of wanting to kill their god, are killed themselves
when clan cats kill it, a lot of the tribe turn their backs and hate the clan cats for killing a deity/their deity, some even panicking that their god is dead, while some of them see the clan cats as pseudo-deities themselves for being able to kill a god, feathertail is put down as the deity of stalactites and stalagmites generations later and is depicted as a silver mountain lioness hero who saved the tribe from a vengeful god who’s spirit lives on in the pointed stones, protecting the tribe cats
i don’t really know how the gods would be named, i guess basically depicting what they’re the god of, like the lion gods of the clans would thunderstar, windstar, skystar, shadowstar, and riverstar and no one can be named the same names as a god, so it’s kind of weird to name a kit after a clan/a god, but if somehow a kit that shared their name with a clan they’d have their suffix be used for their name, like if windflight were to be leader he would be named flightstar instead of windstar
i don’t think the tribe cats would be upset by that because the clans are supposedly DESCENDED from the big cats, so of course they would share the same naming conventions, the tribe’s gods would probably have like, a name like the ancients, so their tribe god would probably be like mountain’s roar and their sun god would be bright fire and their moon god would be named night’s shine
also the tribe’s sun and moon gods would both be male, but the clans’ sun and moon gods would both be female and just named sun and moon
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clangenrising · 3 months
Month 11 - Leafbare
The snow had been falling all morning. The drifts piled up over the course of the afternoon, higher than Floodpaw had ever seen before, and he and the other apprentices had to clear out the den entrances once or twice to keep the dens from being completely sealed off. They’d also spent a good few hours fishing at Goldenstar’s request but Floodpaw hadn’t been able to focus much.
That morning, she had told the three of them that if they wanted to join the war party she would let them. He had been thrilled, to say the least. The assessments had been tough but the hardest part had been the lack of a reaction from Goldenstar and the silence on the matter she had maintained for the last few days. The anticipation had nearly eaten him alive. Now, all of that energy had been turned into excitement. He had immediately asked to go and Goldenstar had agreed. Even Sparrowpaw was going. 
Barleypaw was staying behind, as expected, but she had specifically asked to stay and protect Smokyrose and the kittens. 
“You won’t need to,” Floodpaw had said, “We’re going to beat the rogues, easy. The prophecy said so.” 
“It never hurts to be safe,” Yarrowshade had said. 
Floodpaw wasn’t sure how much he agreed with that but he’d forgotten about it easily enough when the other Clans started gathering in their camp. EarthClan was first. Floodpaw scrambled out of the apprentices’ den when he heard them. Orangestar and Darkmoon were there, along with three warriors he had met before on patrols. He also spotted Fishpaw and Boldpaw among the crowd and he hurried across the clearing to talk with them. Fishpaw wasn’t interested in conversation but Boldpaw sat and humored him which made Floodpaw swell with pride. 
Shortly after, FallenClan arrived with Flightstar, his deputy Pigeoncover, and three other warriors. Flightstar immediately ducked into Goldenstar’s den to talk with the other leaders but unlike the EarthClan cats, FallenClan didn’t mingle at all with RisingClan’s warriors. Floodpaw frowned. 
“Can you believe they almost didn’t show up?” he asked Boldpaw. 
Fishpaw looked over and said, “I can. FallenClan are a bunch of heartless snakes.” 
“They are?” he asked, squinting at the cluster of cats, two of which looked very similar to himself. 
“Flightstar at least is bad news,” Boldpaw said. “Darkmoon says the patrols have only gotten more standoffish since he took over.” 
“Huh,” Floodpaw said. He used to think that Flightstar was a strong and admirable warrior but now he wasn’t sure. What was a warrior without concern for others? Even he knew how important that was! 
Soon after, Snowstar, Tangletooth, Coyotechaser, and four other SkyClan warriors arrived along with Fernpaw who bounded over when Floodpaw waved at him. 
“Hey!” he grinned, joining them. “You guys ready to tear some rogue pelts?” 
“Definitely!” Floodpaw nodded, kneading the ground with his claws. 
“Shouldn’t be long now,” Boldpaw said. “Everyone’s here.”
“Who all from RisingClan is coming?” asked Fernpaw, looking around.
“Um,” Floodpaw tried to remember. “Me, Sparrowpaw… Goldenstar and Russetfrond, of course, and then Ospreymask, Branchbark, and I think Pantherhaze?” 
“Okay, not bad,” Fernpaw said, looking around.
“So everyone is bringing more warriors than FallenClan, then,” Fishpaw scoffed. 
“I heard they’re the smallest Clan there is,” Fernpaw said. “They don’t even have any apprentices or anything.” 
Floodpaw flicked an ear dismissively. “Who cares,” he said, “We’re all going to battle together! I can’t wait.” They didn’t have to wait long, which was a good thing, given the snow. After a few more minutes, the leaders emerged and Goldenstar jumped onto the Stoneperch to call a meeting. 
“Warriors!” she cried, and everyone fell silent. “We’re finally ready to drive these city rogues from our territory once and for all!” The cats cheered and Floodpaw joined in as loudly as he could. The energy was intoxicating, all of their bodies gathered in the little camp, hearts beating in time, their purpose aligned. He felt like a part of something bigger than himself and it was amazing. 
Goldenstar continued, “StarClan is with us today and our victory has been foreseen! All we need to do is follow through. Thank you all for joining us in this endeavor. It would not be possible without you and for that Orangestar and I are grateful.” Flightstar and Snowstar puffed up a little, looking proud of themselves, although Flightstar was the only one wearing a smirk. 
“Here’s the plan:” said Goldenstar. “We attack in two waves. The first wave will be led by Snowstar and made up of cats with pale coats. We’ll call them the Stoat Group. They’ll blend into the snow and advance stealthily, making way for the rest of us to follow. The second group, who we’ll call Eagle Group, will follow in their pawsteps about four fox-lengths behind.”
Snowstar lifted her voice and said, “Stoat Group will make the first approach, assess the rogue camp, and then attack. Once Eagle Group hears signs of combat, they’ll move in as well.”
Goldenstar nodded, looking a little perturbed. “Stoat Group will be Snowstar, Charredbranch, Pebblefall, Fernpaw, Bogmist, Fishpaw, Pigeoncover, Tumblefang, and Floodpaw.” Floodpaw gasped. He was going to be a part of the first attack? And without anyone else from RisingClan with him? He couldn’t believe it. “Everyone else, you’re with Eagle Group. Are there any questions?” 
No one spoke up, instead looking around to identify the cats they would be fighting side by side with. Floodpaw bumped shoulders with Fernpaw excitedly and Fernpaw grinned back. 
“Alright then,” said Flightstar, standing up. “Let’s form up and move out. Good hunting!” A few of the cats cheered but Floodpaw noticed Goldenstar frown. 
“I’m gonna check in with my mentor,” he said, “and then I’ll be right back, okay?” 
“Okay!” Fernpaw nodded. Floodpaw jumped up and bounded over to the food of the Stoneperch just as Goldenstar jumped down. 
“Hey,” he said, “Thanks for letting me go with Stoat Group!” 
Goldenstar looked down at him and a smile spread over her worried expression. “They need all the cats they can get and you’ve got the right coloring,” she said. “Just be careful. Stay close to the other warriors and don’t let the rogues overwhelm you. We’ll be right behind you but there’s probably going to be a good few seconds where you’re outnumbered.” 
“Got it,” he said, nodding. “I’ll see you there then.” 
“Good luck, kid,” Goldenstar purred, butting her head against his. He pressed up into her touch and then turned to go find Stoat Group. Before he got too far, he ran into Sparrowpaw. 
“Hey,” Sparrowpaw said, stepping in front of him, “Be safe out there, okay?” 
“Yeah,” Floodpaw said, “you too.” 
Sparrowpaw smiled. “Will do.” Floodpaw rubbed up against his brother fondly, then hurried towards Stoat Group. Luckily, nothing else got in his way and soon enough he was standing in a circle of mostly white cats, belly deep in the snow. It was almost surreal. He didn’t think he’d seen this many cats like him in one place all his life. 
“Alright,” said Snowstar, as he and Bogmist joined the huddle, “that’s everyone. Let’s move out. Stay within sight of at least two other cats at all times. Once we get there, watch me for the signal to attack, understood?”
“Affirmative,” said Pigeoncover with an obedient nod. Most of the others nodded or voiced agreement. Floodpaw puffed his chest up and nodded. What an honor to be among such a capable group of warriors!
“Good,” said Snowstar. “May StarClan guide our claws!” She looked across the camp to Goldenstar and the others and made eye contact before nodding and heading up the slope and into the thicker snow. 
“Good luck!” Floodpaw heard Oddstripe calling after them. He looked back at the healers’ den to shoot a grin at his papa who seemed worried. Don’t worry, Papa, he tried to say with his smile, I’ll come back a hero! Just watch!
Stoat Group fell into a small arrow shape with the apprentices in the middle, directly behind Snowstar and Pigeoncover. Floodpaw made sure to check regularly that he could still see Fernpaw and Fishpaw on either side of him as they made the long and silent journey to the border, or rather, to where the rogues had pushed the border. Despite the biting cold, he felt like he was burning with anticipation. It felt like at any moment they would suddenly be in the thick of battle. 
Eventually, Snowstar lifted her tail to stop them, and Floodpaw craned his neck to see the tracks ahead of them, covered heavily with freshly fallen snow. He wanted to ask if they were close but managed to keep a hold on his tongue. Snowstar looked at Pigeoncover and seemed to convey a message without a word. The FallenClan deputy nodded, glanced at Tumblefang, and then the two cats peeled off to the East, making a wide circle. Snowstar glanced at Charredbranch and he grinned, then flicked his tail at Fernpaw and the two of them split off to the West. 
Floodpaw started to vibrate in excitement. This must be it, he thought, we’re about to attack! He opened his mouth to try and catch any scent but the snow had muffled all of it. If the city cats were here, he had no idea where. 
A tense moment passed. Then another. Floodpaw strained his ears for any sound. He couldn’t hear anything above the blood pounding in his own ears. He spotted Charredbranch’s ears poking out of a snow bank to their right. He couldn’t see Pigeoncover anywhere.
Snowstar chirped, like a chattering bird, and all of the cats surged forward in an instant. Floodpaw moved as soon as he realized what was happening, flowing through Snowstar’s pawprints like rain water finding the fastest way down a hill. She bounded down a small slope then turned sharply right. Floodpaw blinked and suddenly there were dens in the snow in front of them. Snowstar crashed through into one and one of the cats inside screamed. 
“What’s going on?!” he heard a stranger cry out.
“We’re under attack!” another voice shouted, “Get up! Everyone up!” 
Pebblefall was in front of him and a rogue rose up to meet him, barring the entrance. Floodpaw shifted from foot to foot and glanced at Fishpaw. She growled in frustration and glanced around so he did the same. There was a second den where the two offshoots had converged and were being held at bay by a big ginger tabby with a jingling collar. There didn’t seem to be another den to attack. 
“Back up!” he heard Pebblefall hiss and the rest of the group hurried back to allow Pebblefall and Snowstar back out into the snow. Floodpaw gaped in disbelief. Had they been driven out so easily?! Then, he saw the genius in their plan. As they retreated, the city cats inside followed, leading them out where the other warriors could more easily attack them. 
A silver speckled tabby dashed out of the den and was tackled by Bogmist before she knew what was happening. A pale ginger she-cat with bengal spots lunged for Pebblefall only to have Fishpaw pounce on her from the other side. Snowstar arched her back in a hiss and a pale silver tabby tom, bleeding from a nasty claw wound above his eye, leapt to meet her. The tom looked just like Fogkit and Floodpaw realized suddenly that he must be Ghost.
Spitting furiously, Floodpaw darted in and grabbed Ghost’s back leg in his teeth. He gave a tug and Ghost stumbled, crying out. Snowstar took the opportunity to lunge for his neck but Ghost managed to roll out of the way. 
“What do we do?” a ginger tom cried from inside the den. More cats huddled behind him, reeking of fear scent. Floodpaw frowned. That wasn’t right.
“Get out of here!” Ghost barked, backing away from Floodpaw as he desperately tried to blink the blood from his right eye. Snowstar pursued him with a hiss but something unnerving twisted in Floodpaw’s gut.
“You will stay and fight!” shouted the ginger kittypet from across the way where he had Charredbranch pinned. “That’s an order!” Several kittypets had poured out of the den to join the fight. Pigeoncover and Tumblefang were trading back and forth between a black and white tom and a brown and white tabby she-cat. Fernpaw danced in circles, avoiding the swipes of two more kittypet rogues. 
Floodpaw immediately sprinted to his friend’s rescue. Snowstar would handle Ghost. Fernpaw needed him. 
He sprang at the bigger of the two, a scarred black smoke tabby tom and landed on his back. He clung for dear life, biting at the tom’s neck, but the kittypet rolled over and he wasn’t quick enough to avoid being crushed under the heavier cat’s weight. 
Still, he had drawn one of the cats off of Fernpaw who called out, “Thanks!” as he finally turned to attack his pursuer. 
Floodpaw rolled to his paws just in time. Right where he had been, the scarred kittypet slammed his paws down with enough force to crack Floodpaw’s sternum in half, he thought. Floodpaw darted to nip at his hind legs and followed the movement to circle the tom as he tried to round on Floodpaw. 
“Big-eared brat!” the rogue hissed, snapping for Floodpaw’s tail. Floodpaw squeaked but managed to leap out of the way just in time. 
A roar sounded on the hill, a dozen cats crying out. Eagle Group descended into the circle of trampled snow and crashed into the rogues. Russetfrond barreled into the tom Floodpaw was fighting and took him to the ground. Floodpaw panted heavily, glad that he’d been saved but unsure how to help now. 
He backed up to try and get a better look at the battlefield. The noise was suddenly overwhelming, a cacophony of yowling, writhing bodies. Now that the second wave had arrived, the Clans outnumbered the city cats more than two to one. All at once, the smell of blood became overwhelming. It wasn’t a tantalizing smell like prey blood. No, it was all wrong, like a sinister corruption of the taste. Floodpaw instinctively crouched low to the ground, trying to get his bearings against the tide of sensory information. 
“We need to go!” shrilled the silver speckled tabby, bleeding heavily from her shoulder. 
“Do not break rank!” bellowed the black and white kittypet, dodging blows from Tumblefang and Branchbark. 
“Kill the damn pests already!” hissed a voice behind Floodpaw and he twisted suddenly to see the ginger tabby kittypet bearing down on him. 
“Floodpaw, look out!” shouted Ospreymask as she heaved herself back onto her feet, a gash on her leg spraying blood over the snow. Floodpaw twisted to try and get out of the way but the kittypet slammed into him, pushing him onto his back in the snow. Floodpaw kicked with his hind legs, felt them connect with the soft flesh of the tom’s belly, and tried to dig his claws deep into it. Meanwhile, teeth snapped at his neck, grazed the skin, then made contact, tearing into the loose skin there. Floodpaw shrieked in pain. 
The tom’s head twisted suddenly, pulled off course by Ospreymask’s claws hooked into one of his eyes. The kittypet roared, spun around, and swiped at her. Floodpaw acted on instinct and lunged, grabbing the skin beneath the tom’s arm in his teeth. He pulled hard. Blood gushed over his face, hot and sour. 
Ospreymask slammed the tom face first into the snow, pulling him out of Floodpaw’s grip. He backed up and pressed a paw against the wound in his neck. 
“Floodpaw!” suddenly Goldenstar was beside him. “Are you alright?” He nodded silently, reeling.
He couldn’t look away from Ospreymask. Fury burning in her eyes, she rolled on top of the rogue, ignored his claws swiping at her face, and sank her teeth into his neck. Floodpaw had never seen such ferocity. The tom twisted his hind legs to strike at her. His claws tore at her belly, blood spattered the ground. She adjusted her grip on his neck and tore. 
Blood, more blood than Floodpaw had ever seen, spurted rhythmically from the kittypet’s neck and bathed the snow red. The tom gurgled and fell over, eyes staring blankly as he shuddered in the throes of death. 
Ospreymask looked at Floodpaw with an intense stare. “Are you alright?” Her whole chin and a good portion of her chest were drenched in blood.
“Uh, yeah-” he said, trying to meet her eyes, but he couldn’t help looking back at the kittypet - at his body.
“Sycamore!” screamed the kittypet she-cat. Suddenly she was tearing across the clearing towards Ospreymask. “You little bitch! I’ll tear you apart!” Robinswoop was behind the kittypet and hooked his claws into her tail, causing her to tumble into the snow. Then Ryestripe was on her, raining down blows. 
“Shit!” cursed Ghost. When he turned around to look, Snowstar swiped out and deepened the wound above his eye. Sparrowpaw leapt onto his back and sank his claws in, forcing him to refocus on the fight in front of him. 
“Sycamore’s dead!” cried the cat who had been fighting Fernpaw. “Retreat!” 
“Retreat!” chorused the street cats. There was a pause as everyone took a step back and the rogues started to flee. Some of the warriors cheered or spat insults at their backs. The brown tabby she-cat snarled furiously and lunged for Ospreymask again, but the black and white tom caught her by her scruff and pulled her back. 
“We have to go, Bella!” he snapped. Tears in her eyes, the she-cat looked at the horde of warriors hovering at the ready around them. They were the only two city cats left. Floodpaw watched the gravity of the situation sink in on her face. 
Backing up against the other kittypet, she glared at Ospreymask and said, “This isn’t over! You’ll pay for what you’ve done! All of you degenerates will pay!” 
“Yeah, yeah!” laughed Tumblefang.
“Beat it, flea bag!” jeered Fishpaw. 
Seething through gritted teeth, the kittypets turned and fled after their compatriots. 
“We are victorious!” shouted Flightstar and the crowd whooped and hollered in response. Cries of triumph went up throughout the group as cats turned to each other with wide smiles and bloody pelts. 
“Sparrowpaw!” Russetfrond barked above the noise, “Go fetch your father!”
“Yes, sir!” cried Sparrowpaw and he bounded over the hill the way they had come. Snowstar started moving among the cats, checking for serious injuries. Goldenstar rasped her tongue over Floodpaw’s neck, cleaning away the blood, and he suddenly came back to his body. 
“Are you alright, kid?” she asked, making eye contact with him. 
“Yeah,” he said, “I think. Is it bad?” He tried to look down at his wound. 
“It’s not that bad,” said Goldenstar, licking over his ears fondly. “We’ll get some cobwebs on it and you’ll be right as rain.” 
“Who got the kill?” shouted Tumblefang, moving through the crowd.
“Ospreymask!” said Robinswoop. A few cats called their congratulations and Ospreymask blushed, running her tongue over her dripping red muzzle. 
“As prophesied!” declared Snowstar with a dawning wonder. “Behold, the raptor that crushed the snake in its beak!” Floodpaw’s eyes widened. That had been a part of the prophecy? Cheers went up among the group. Branchbark appeared to try and lift Ospreymask onto his shoulders and the two of them laughed and began to wrestle. Floodpaw found himself staring at the body again, at the blood coagulating in the cavity she had made in its throat. That had been a person before but now it was just a stiff thing lying in the snow. Floodpaw couldn’t even remember its name. 
“Hey,” Goldenstar said, nudging him. “Maybe we should head back to camp, yeah?” 
“Oh,” he said, tearing his gaze away. “Yeah, maybe.” He looked back at the body. “Is it always so… scary?” 
Goldenstar laid her tail over his back and mumbled. “The first time is the hardest. It gets easier. But it’s a good reminder. Warriors try not to kill to win their battles.” 
“Because it’s scary like that?” he asked, looking back at her.
“And because the dead never get to see their loved ones again. You remember how much it hurt people when Nightfrost died, right?” He nodded. “When possible, you should try not to cause that much hurt. Nothing good ever comes from it.” 
“But we won,” he said. “We won because she killed him.” 
“We did,” Goldenstar said, lips pursed. “We probably could have won without killing anyone. But what happened happened. Sometimes you try your hardest and it still happens like that. We can’t change the past. We can only try and make a better future.” 
“Gotcha…” he said, swallowing as he looked at the bloodstained snow. 
“Floodpaw!” Oddstripe cried, rushing down the slope in front of Sparrowpaw. “Oh, StarClan, are you alright?” He reached them and took Floodpaw’s face in his paws to angle him this way and that. 
“The wound isn’t serious,” Goldenstar said reassuringly. “He fought well.” 
“They both did,” said Russetfrond, coming to join them. Sparrowpaw beamed at his brother but Floodpaw was too busy trying to break free. 
“Papa, stop! I’m fine!” he protested, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. 
“Oh, I was so worried about you, is-” Oddstripe stopped as he looked up and saw the body. “Oh- Stars above!” 
“It’s alright,” Goldenstar said, “He’s one of the rogues.” 
“There aren’t any other casualties,” said Coyotechaser, approaching, “but Pebblefall has a lot of wounds and Furrowleap can’t move his leg properly.” 
“And I should probably get my belly seen too,” said Ospreymask, stumbling over, leaning on Branchbark.
“Oh,” Oddstripe seemed suddenly overwhelmed. “Right, yes, let me look at your belly. If you could fetch Pebblefall…”
“Will do,” said Coyotechaser, moving away. 
Goldenstar reared up on her hind legs and called out, “Everyone who can should start heading back to RisingClan’s camp! Sagetooth and Tangletooth will be waiting to tend to your wounds and there’s a feast of fish waiting for all of you!” The war band cheered uproariously and began to meander back in the direction they had come. 
“Russetfrond,” Goldenstar said, dropping back to all four paws, “take the body over the Thunderpath please. Take whoever you need with you.”
“You got it,” he said, then looked at Branchbark. “Come on, you.” 
“Wh- me?!” protested the warrior. 
“Yes, you,” grumbled Russetfrond, “now hop to it. The faster we get this done the faster you can go back to doing whatever you wanted.” 
“Can I come?” Sparrowpaw asked. 
Russetfrond hummed then shrugged. “Alright. You can be our look out.” Sparrowpaw nodded seriously and moved with them as they went over to the body and began to drag it through the snow. 
Fernpaw appeared and butted heads with Floodpaw. “Was that awesome or what?!” he cried. 
“Yeah,” Floodpaw said, letting the other apprentice’s energy infect him. “You were amazing! When you were fighting those two cats at once-?!”
“Don’t forget when you saved me!” Fernpaw beamed. “I can’t believe you’re younger than I am!” 
“Yeah, well, I didn’t eat death berries and spend a moon in the healers’ den,” Floodpaw joked, swiping playfully at his ear. 
“Hey! I told you that in confidence!” Fernpaw laughed, looking around to see if anyone had heard. 
Floodpaw gave him another shove and said, “I’ll race you back to camp!” 
“Okay, readysetgo!”  Fernpaw blurted quickly and then tore off through the snow.
“Hey! No fair!” Floodpaw laughed and chased after him. Already, the shock of what he had seen was fading away, replaced by the sound of cheerful voices and the promise of a fish dinner with friends. The Clans had won, and he had helped! Thanks to tonight, their home was safe and he was eager to celebrate it.
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idolcoord-archive · 5 years
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ill fuck U up if ur mean 2 bugs
( my oc flightstar from @wcturningtides ! )
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beeksphotos · 2 years
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kybee-the-bee-cat · 2 years
I’ve been thinking of making OC family trees (more specifically for my Warriors OCs because that’s pretty much all my OCs anyway), because A) It gives me an opportunity to draw characters I don’t draw often or have never drawn before. I mean I can’t just give the main guys attention. And B) For the background characters that have family, I want to map them out not before I forget later. My memory is fuzzy when it comes to characters I hardly think about. Basically I’m a virtual crazy cat lady, and I need a way to keep track of all these guys.
It also gives me an excuse to talk more about them.
Of course, it would be best to start from the beginning. The first generation (or the first generation you’ll probably ever see)
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Cloudy, Rose, Lunar, and Luna were all born around the same time, as were their kits.
(Also just to get this out of the way early, I actually made a mistake when I was typing in Rowan’s name. I forgot I named him Rowanstorm and went with whatever I thought I named him. Uh . . . Which it wasn’t lol)
Lunar and Heather were your average couple (assuming all the couples you know of are good to eachother), and they were excited at the thought of having kits. However, the Clans were not made yet. There was no medicine cat to heal the sick or wounded. Heather would go on to have their children, but would pass away soon after their birth, leaving Lunar devastated. Luna was the first cat he thought of when he went to find a cat to raise the kits (saying he’s a tom and they’re still newborns, he didn’t have any milk to give them). She had her kits sooner, though the father wasn’t around. Luna, hearing what happened, agreed to raise her brother’s litter as well. 
And as there was not yet a system yet, their kits weren’t given any suffix. Well . . . except for Nightshade, but she was named after a plant with the same name. Everyone else was just Owl, Charcoal (who never joined the Clans, so he kept that name), Heart, Moth, Flight, and Remorse. Lunar’s kits eventually growing up to create the Clans. Not being able to choose between their children, Luna and Lunar decided to live together in a different area away from the new territories. Charcoal joined them too.
I would go into too much detail on that, but I’ll get to that later. I actually should get around to this lore, so it’ll definitely happen. Just not here. Weve also got another family to talk about, plus I think I explained some of this before in some discord screenshots a few months back.
But anyway, let’s move on to Rose and Cloudy’s group. Again, their relationship isn’t anything special, they’re your average couple. Unlike Heather, Rose actually lived to see her kits grow up. Both of them did. Blossom and Rowan grew really close to their parents. Cloudy would take them on adventures to explore the territories. Rose was more relaxed, but she was the one who usually broke the two up when they were fighting. And if she noticed something bothering either of her kits, she was almost always the first to reach out. 
When Lunar’s kits began warring against eachother over who should rule, both Rose and Cloudy took Flight’s side. Rowan and Blossom didn’t know what side to pick, and neither were they willing to potentially fight their parents if they ended up disagreeing with them. For a short while, Rowan and Blossom escaped to Remorse’s group (she made a shelter for the cats who didn’t want to be involved in her siblings’ war, or planned to stop it). 
When they found out their parents had died in the war after it ended, they were torn between joining the newly-founded FlightClan in honor of what their parents were fighting for, or to stay with Remorse’s group (now RemorseClan). Eventually, they both decided on the former, saying their good-lucks and good-byes to their old groupmates. One of Flightstar’s first acts as leader was giving everycat under her care a new name, while staying respectful to the names they were given, thus Blossom and Rowan’s new names: Blossomheart and Rowanstorm. 
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pifovukakos · 2 years
Expo aprende manualidades octubre 2014 gmc
            Expo aprende manualidades - YouTube. Empresa dedicada a la Porcelana en Frio y a difundir las artesanias y manualidades peruanas y a valorar la Expo Aprende Manualidades : Cursos y Talleres en madera country, manda, tejido, pasta flexible, vitrales, pintura en tela, velas y jabones. 30. 8 758 360. Ma ideas, expo aprende manualidades. Мексика Добавлен 9 сен 2013. 2020. Музыка онлайн: Aprende Manualidades. Recorrido por Expo Aprende Manualidades segundo dia. Expo aprende manualidades. 2014-06-16 04:5632,462. Слушать / Смотреть онлайн. Стоп. Expo Alimentaria Peru. Expo merceria y manualidades tradex exposiciones internacionales norvec oslo skomesse How fair expo center coral way harta maramures ulmeni flightstar 40 manual logo ifa celtics 2013 nfl final preseason standings nickelodeon 2014 schedule the shadows collection cd. Expo aprende manualidades - YouTube. Somos un espacio creado y pensado para los grandes emprendedores, apasionados y creativos de las artes manuales. Expo aprende manualidades Inicio: 01 de Octubre de 2014 Termino: Manualidades DIY - Expo Manualidades Naucalli. Expo Aprende Manualidades es un evento realizado en la Ciudad de Mexico con mas de 10 anos de experiencia, realizandose dos veces al ano, en ExpoReforma, la primera edicion es en el puente del natalicio de Benito Juarez (NOVEDADES) y la segundo los primeros dias de Octubre (NAVIDAD). Miercoles, 08 Octubre 2014 en WTC Ciudad de Mexico, Imprimir · Email · авто новости Quiero asistir a EXPO MANUALIDADES Y NAVIDAD 2014. Tambien iremos a EXPO MANUALIDADES Y NAVIDAD en WTC Ciudad de Mexico stand 719 del 7 al 10 de octubre no faltes pronto 5 entradas!!! Una Navidad Diferente 17, 18 y 19 de Octubre Te esperamos este Jueves 17, Viernes 18 y Sabado 19 de Octubre en Expo Aprende Manualidades. 2014 Asier Garcia pregonera y txupinera de Aste Nagu- No podria quedarse con un 2015 Gurutze Beitia Bea Sever, la pregonera, es portavoz de la Expo Merceria y Manualidades 2013 - Ferias y Expos. Revista Especializada en Turismo de Reuniones. Octubre 2014 Una idea original de washitape.com.mx. MA Ideas, Expo Aprende Manualidades, Ciudad de Mexico. 103.317 Me gusta · 8 personas estan hablando de esto · 1.014 View the daily YouTube analytics of MA IDEAS, EXPO APRENDE MANUALIDADES and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. 10 марта 2020 г. 1:30:00 MA IDEAS, EXPO APRENDE MANUALIDADES. Decorando Macetas con Pinceladas. 10 марта 2020 г. 1:30:00 MA IDEAS, EXPO APRENDE MANUALIDADES. Decorando Macetas con Pinceladas. The 2021 GMC Acadia Denali luxury SUV includes driver-centric technologies, leather-appointed seating, bold exterior, up to 3-rows of seating You are currently viewing GMC.com (United States). Close this window to stay here or choose another country to see vehicles and services specific to your
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itsgettingeasier · 3 years
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Thank you, @mauriceposada, for making my morning! I appreciate the surprise! (at Flightstar Aircraft Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKkkiGLP2Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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digital-dragoon · 6 years
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Fallendusk, my trans-male warrior cats oc from StormClan, who has a v supportive mother and friends
In later years, he takes over as Fallenstar once Flightstar passes away
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