#Fight! Iczer One
soulspark · 4 months
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izuku · 3 months
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@animangacreators badge battle #2 ↳ SEINEN [x,x,x]
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valkyroid · 1 year
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Fight! Iczer One  - Jun Suemi  
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amandarey-art · 1 year
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Warm up drawings - [1. 28]
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Anyone else see this wild-ass ova
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tagong-boy · 1 year
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直筆原画 当時物 計3枚
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roseillith · 10 months
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guywhowatchesanime · 6 months
"Man, I've got so much free time during winter break, what should I do?" And so, following this thought, I decided to watch 10 movies, forming a whole decade. I'll list what I watched, with a small summary and review for each!
1980 - Toward the Terra, the Humans and Mu are fighting, but eventually the greater foe, the huge world controlling computer system, and win. I liked how all of the characters changed and stayed affected by things that happened to them. A solid 9/10, and a good general recommendation!
1981 - Mobile Suit Gundam I, Humans fighting with big robot suits, Gundam, but war is hell. I'm sorry Gundam fans, but this movie to me was way too long and repetitive, I feel like it could have been two smaller movies. 5/10
1982 - Space Adventure Cobra The Movie, Cobra's just a guy fighting with his cool psycho gun, and he is always smoking a cigar. I didn't realize it was a power fantasy until he was surrounded by women and lots of people were in love with him, but still pretty good! 5.5/10
1983 - Crusher Joe, space fights and conspiracy! Really good, my other favorite of what I watched, and a solid 9/10!
1984 - Birth, humans vs inorganics, I did not really understand or like this movie, but I feel like it was more than likely pretty influential. 6/10
1985 - Fight!! Iczer-One, battling space aliens for the sake of the earth. I love the designs and horror elements, but I hate how Iczer treated her partner so that made it hard to watch for me. 6/10
1986 - Call Me Tonight, whenever he's turned on, he turns into a horrific monster for a little bit. Honestly? A fantastic, cute romcom were I liked both characters, plot, and design! 7.5/10
1987 - Laughing Target, is she a stalker, obsessed, or possesed? It's all three, and makes for a really good horror movie. 7/10
1988 - Appleseed, humanity fighting for a right to their future against a place with no room for them. I didn't really like it, but the Devilman level dub with all the added swears was pretty funny. 5.5/10
1989 - Demon Hunter Makaryūdo, devils vs humans and a fight for humanities future. Holy shit the harpy designs are really funny, and s pretty solid movie. 7/10
Sorry for the long post, and sorry if I didn't like your favorite movie. I might do this again for the 90s, but ten movies in five days is a lot so I'm tired. On a side note, it's really hard to find lists of all movies per year, and for some reason there were so many movies that I wanted to watch from 1986 so maybe I'll have another huge post about that year alone.
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classicanime79 · 1 month
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soulspark · 4 months
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animenostalgia · 11 months
The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 121: ReView: Project A-ko Versus
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This month’s episode is another short ReView! What is a “ReView” episode, you might ask? Well, it’s my highly-clever (ok not really) name for episodes where I go back and revisit an older title I haven’t seen in a long time, and see if what I remember (and what my opinions on it) are still the same now that some time’s gone by. This month, I’m going back in time to revisit a Saturday Anime title that I only ever watched once before, and never again, until now--it’s Project A-ko VERSUS! ....y’know, that official Project A-ko AU? Where A-ko & B-ko are bounty hunters? And they live together?.........no, really, that actually happened! I’m serious!! THEY WERE ROOMMATES!!! 
Stream the episode above or [Direct Download] Subscribe on apple podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify
Relevant links:
Buy the out-of-print Project A-ko: Uncivil Wars DVD on Amazon
Buy the original Project A-ko on bluray at Rightstuf or Amazon
Visit Project A-ko.com, probably the biggest Project A-ko fansite still active!
Other anime mentioned in this episode: Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis, Maris the Chojo, Fight! Iczer One, Dangaioh, Queen Emeraldas
Big thanks to the Shoujo Sundae Podcast for sponsoring this episode! They just recently celebrated their podcast anniversary this month, so if you love shoujo or want to learn more about it, check them out!
My theme song music was done by Kerobit! You can find more about them on their website!
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at [email protected].
Thanks for listening!
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anthyvarietyhour · 6 months
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If you want robot yuri watch fight iczer one mootie!!! Lots of robot yuri, it’s on YouTube for free
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maniacalshen · 3 months
Fight! Iczer One
I recently watched Fight! Iczer One, an anime OAV from the mid-1983s. I think you should watch it, too. Imagine:
An even older Pacific Rim predecessor than that Evangelion episode
But with eldritch horror-themed aliens
And Oops! All Lesbians
Also the most reluctant protagonist I have ever seen. Shinji Ikari has nothing on this kid.
I don't mean to imply it's unjustified, but it's still hilarious to watch a girl spend a good chunk of her own movie like
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The one caveat to my recommendation is that there's nudity. It's mostly non-sexual, and nothing with our unhappy protagonist is sexual, but said protagonist is in high school, so that's not something everyone will be comfortable with.
If you can get over that, my first sentence has a link to the whole subtitled movie on YouTube!
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scope-dogg · 2 years
Thoughts on the first episode of G-witch under the cut for spoiler reasons - I know it's just the first episode but it just came out and people will probably want to watch it first.
OK, interesting beginning. I'm not sure if gundam-meets-school-drama is what I expected from this - it definitely feels like it's borrowing the setup from other recent non-Gundam series - it was bringing Darling in the Franxx to mind for some reason, but there's enough interesting about the setting to make me want to give it a shot. I'd be willing to bet that it moves more towards the typical Gundam plot as it progresses, they wouldn't set up all these different megacorps with differing mobile suit designs if they weren't all going to fall out and get into a big slamfuck war at some point, but as things stand right now it's probably the most relatively constrained in scale setting I can think of when it comes to Gundam, save maybe War in the Pocket, and it's pretty obvious that things are going to be more character-driven for now.
And obviously characters are going to be a big deal in this one. Let's address the elephant in the room - it's the first Gundam series to feature a primarily female main cast, so a lot of attention is going to be on protagonist Suletta Mercury and the other primary characters, especially after the plot of this first episode - it seems like this series might be about to make a play for Fight! Iczer-1's crown as the mecha series with the most overt lesbian overtones out there - I feel like the plot of this episode and perhaps the series as a whole is going to bring a lot of strongly-worded opinions from a lot of annoying people.
That particular aspect of the characterisation so far doesn't bother me at all, but there was another problem for me - I dropped Sunrise's other recent mecha series Kyokai Senki after just a few episodes primarily because I was annoyed at how much a wet blanket the protagonist was, with him stammering his way through most of his dialogue and kowtowing to and getting pushed around by other people constantly. The impression I got of Suletta from this first episode was unfortunately similar. Now, she did show the right amount of fortitude when it mattered, and I'm sure that her growing out of that kind of behaviour is going to be a big part of her character arc, but I do hope that A) that doesn't take her too long and B) that they take her growth as a character in an interesting direction, and that for now they at least dial down the woobieness of her character from the levels on show in this episode. Of course, it couldn't be more clear that a huge part of this show is going to concern her relationship with the secondary protagonist Miorine Rembran, who I got a better first impression of - she's a much more serious and cool personality who's obviously going to be to Suletta's counterpart over the course of the series, but even though I liked her more from the get-go I also really hope that she gets some good characterisation going forward - there is the potential there for her to become a boring character if the writing team make too many wrong choices.
As for the show's presentation, I liked it. The show's got a nice artstyle and the quality level of this first episode was pretty high, though we need to wait and see if it stays that way. The mobile suit designs on show were pretty strong - the Dilanza, the big pink machine with the feathery crest and big beam spear, serves its purpose nicely firstly as an imposing adversary and then as a convenient victory for the Gundam Aerial, who makes about as impressive a combat debut as any other lead Gundam I can think of off the top of my head. The visuals of it taking the poor Dilanza to pieces with its remote bit weaponry was honestly really impressive, and I hope we got plenty more battle scenes animated to the same standard. I already liked the Aerial when it was revealed, but I think I might just have to spend some cash on that 1/100 full mechanics kit of it that they just announced when it comes out. As for the other mobile suit scenes, some were very obviously hand-drawn, and some are quite apparently done with 3DCG, and there were actually a few shots where I had a hard time figuring out whether they were one or the other. Just shows that we're getting to the point where 3D animation's no longer the kiss of death for a mecha anime's visuals. While bad 3D can still look rancid (last year's Getter Robo Arc is a prime example despite being a modern series) when it's done with care it can look quite good now. I just hope they adhere to the same standards as this episode.
At any rate, things could still go either way, but it was a decent enough start. The fact that this is only 13 episodes for now with another 13 in 2023 is on the face of it a little disappointing, but at the same time I'm hoping that that fact might keep the pacing tighter than IBO, the last new non-Build-series Gundam to hit TV screens. There's still many other ways this could all go badly wrong but for now I'm glad that the Gundam experience of big cool robots with a veneer of thinly-disguised homoeroticism isn't just for boys anymore.
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robinenrico · 2 years
Support my madness.
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Fight! Iczer One with both English and JP audio, plus subtitles. For the scenes where there is no English audio subtitles will click on. Download the file for all those options though. Enjoy this very queer 80’s shock OVA in glorious 640 × 480.
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valkyroid · 4 years
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Fight! Iczer One  - Jun Suemi
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