#Fanfic Charmie
ratrrriot · 1 year
Here's some fanart of “What was stolen”! My good friend @beeextraordinary123's medieval fantasy Sonamy fic that I've been reading 🦔⚔️👑
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(Here's the snippet i based this painting on cuz I really like it!!):
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and here are some doodles and small paintings to test designs !! ( note: these designs have been updated!!)
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You can read the fic in AO3 , Just a heads up tho: Audience is teens and up and Amy and most of the characters are +20 yrs old in this fic,so while It doesn't have anything NSFW or explicit in it,some scenes are steamy.Thought i'll mention it in case that sort of thing makes anyone awkward and/or prefers to avoid it.
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coloradocharmiegirl · 2 months
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Chapter 42 here --New 4/20/24
With Armie heading out to fight the wildland fire at Murphy Creek, Timmy faces some uncomfortable truths about what loving a firefighter really means, and makes promises, to himself and others, about how he'll make sure they never end up in such a mess again.
Timmy reached up and brushed a finger over his medallion, the piece of Armie that had hung around his neck since that very first night. Life had somehow brought him back here, back to Armie–the man who made pancakes laced with vanilla to celebrate 3-month anniversaries, who touched both his body and soul in ways no other person ever had. The man who unlocked hidden desires, tied deft knots, and matched Timmy round for round–the noble man who cared so fiercely and, though he’d never said so in so many words, made Timmy feel loved.
He’d wobbled at the worst possible time, and now Armie was far away, facing danger. Timmy brought the medallion to his lips and pressed a kiss against it, sending a prayer to the universe for Armie’s safety, knowing he needed to be strong. He couldn’t fall apart, not now–not when Armie needed him to take care of the things he’d had to leave behind in the face of duty.
Or start from the beginning here.
Hello! I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. But hopefully this will have been worth the wait. I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you who has hung around and is still reading--thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly. I was recently reminded that this story has been going on nearly 3 years now and isn't finished, and that it's a lot to ask people to keep reading after so long. And I get it, I do. There's more to come, but if you ever want to stop reading, just know that these boys have a happy ending, so you can step away with a happy heart.
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renae-the-turtle · 1 month
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Art for my fanfic, Charmy and the Dad Talk; I did the drawing and line art, and @alcadanon did the colours using alcohol markers!
Link to the fic here:
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thebitetheapple · 6 months
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Been playing around. Lake Garda for Xmas would be peachy perfect wouldn’t it?
Happy Christmas from me 💙💚
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d0lly4ng3lgutz · 4 months
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Writing fanfic is wild
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0ne-shot · 1 month
night terrors as you rest.
bjsjshs could you tell i dont feel creative with fic titles rn ANYWAY my brain is still so so full from rereading the metal virus arc and a vision came to me of espio's trauma from that. nightmares are still abundant for the poor teen lol. so i wrote a small fic about it in like. a day. enjoy!
It appeared again.
After thinking those events from 2 weeks ago had finally left his mind for good…
It still creeped into his head.
The distorted images of Charmy and Vector’s metal-coated bodies didn't leave his mind, even in his sleep.
But everyone was cured..? Why was this burden, that wasn't even a result of his fault, still weighing down on his mind until it caved in?
It was an innocent inquiry.
Something that Espio would ask himself to cope with the notion that– oh no, no, he DID know why it was still there.
That heavy guilt and grief that Espio had been carrying in his heart—still after everyone was cured—stayed. Stayed with no intention of growing a wall around itself to let itself be forgotten and pulled back those past images of his friends -– no, family, still with their bodies wracked and coated with metal until there was no more trace of their individuality. Just mindless zombots. 
That’s what they were seized into during that time.
 Worst of all? 
He couldnt even fucking do anything about it except helplessly run around to safe evacuations until he himself became one with them. Maybe that was fate. The most comfortable fate there, really. Out of all the screaming, mercy-kills and trying to save others, he’d pick that time of himself being infected to relive. To pay for the same pain he couldn't save his friends from.
Any pain– any sort of pain he had gone through or could’ve gone through then didn't amount to a speck when Charmy was punished for just trying to be a helpful child. Punished by being slowly dragged down a pool of zombots before he joined with that pool.
Or when Vector had to go through heavier grief for the loss of the kid, trying to preserve him before a cure could be found—all until Charmy escaped while infected and Vector had to latch onto him so nobody else could be put in danger. Then the door shut. And that was it.
Nobody else.
Nobody there with him.
His mind kept on tampering and entertaining situations of what ifs and gruesome outcomes of both his teammates – no, family, –  not coming out cured. Stuck like that.
And with it flashed Charmy’s infected body, how the youngest had to go first, how the little kid had to go through so much pain and agony while nobody was there to answer his cries—
Reality faded.
He wasn't sure whether it faded in or out.
But the ceiling fan he was suddenly gazing at and the small voice next to him proved the former.
``Espio!? Are you…?``
Espio’s head shot up as he jabbed his elbow to the mattress and sat up straight, breathing heavily and sweating as his heart pounded—ironically after rest.
That wasn't rest.
He was better off not sleeping.
He finally turned his gaze to the voice and as he predicted; it was Charmy. Sitting next to his bed with fuzzy antennae drooped sadly and a worried look filling his bleary little orange eyes.
``Charmy!`` Espio frantically replied,  ``You’re…`` 
 It was… almost strange to see Charmy worried. Espio never got the chance to really see the bee’s face so genuinely somber and concerned.
It only pumped that guilt further and further into Espio’s heart.
But maybe that was worth the coming relief.
It wasn't real.
It wasn't real.
What you experienced. Was. Not. Real.
They’re still here. Still with you.
Espio took a deep breath and attempted to gather his thoughts.
``Why are you awake? I assume it's already late.`` Espio tried his hardest to speak in a calm, quiet voice to Charmy through the panic-induced rasp that was clogging his throat.
``You were breathing really, really fast in your sleep.. and I got worried.``
He was?
He assumed he was silent through that whole nightmarish sequence. But if he was actually hyperventilating enough to wake up and worry Charmy…
Gaia, did he disturb the kid’s sleep because of it?
``...I'm fine. It wasn't anything note-worthy. You should go back to sleep.``
Every feature on the ninja’s body screamed otherwise to being “fine”. His usually swirly tail was still stiffened straight with those images running through his mind, and his heart was pounding wildly in shock from that nightmare.
But, still. Espio didn't want to cloud the bee’s mind and remind him of what happened to him during the metal virus: he had already moved on. That was for the better. The kid didn't deserve to think about that again. But he knew Charmy was one to press on, evidently so. So, the chameleon could only silently pray that he would not ask anything that couldn't be avoided without an answer.
``Espio…`` Charmy muttered with that concern still lingering in his head, ``That’s not normal to do while sleeping. Were you having a nightmare?``
Guess the universe wasn't feeling like answering that silent prayer.
There’s not many things in the world that can explain full on hyperventilation in sleep other than a nightmare or night terror…
Maybe if he just… could set aside what the nightmare exactly.. was…
``...`` Espio nodded in response to Charmy’s question, before trying to shrug it off.
``About..? It must’ve been freaky—I’ve never seen you so.. scared before.``
``I… It’s not worth noting.``
``Are you sure?`` The little bee pressed on.
Flapping his wings, Charmy flew over and climbed onto Espio’s bed, shuffling himself closer to the chameleon with his innocent eyes eager for an answer. He seemed to want to help calm down Espio with maybe a small side hug, or a pat on the shoulder, too; but the bee was hesitant with that decision considering Espio’s hate for physical touch. Especially when Espio’s stressed, like now.
``...I- It was just a night terror that.. isn't worth getting worked up on,`` Espio spoke through slightly panting breaths, ``and besides, I don't want to remind and stress you out, too.``
``It’s not gonna help bottling up whatever scared y— wait, “remind me”?``
Espio slipped out the very thing he was trying to avoid…
Realization slowly pooled in Charmy’s eyes.
…This should’ve been expected, huh?
He shouldn’t have tried hiding this.
Hiding this from Charmy, of all mobians.
…But before Espio could try and still save himself from this, he felt a small pair of arms cling around his own—doing what they feared to do before.
``...Espio.. It was okay to tell me, y’know?... I was scared during then, too.``
Charmy then cautiously nuzzled his head onto Espio’s shoulder. 
The ninja’s breath hitched.
He wasn't used to this. Used to having a younger one who you should be looking after, looking after you. Comforting you. It felt so alien to him.
It felt so alien with anyone comforting him, really.
It was mostly Espio’s fault for it, wasn't it? He’d always try to convince himself that walling off his vulnerability was the best thing for him; the best thing for everyone around him, too. Those emotions rarely seeped out, and when they did, every thought was cancelled out for one goal to get it together again and remain stoic once more.
The same thing happened just now, too.
The last part was the only thing that varied.
 His mind was screaming about how this wasn't right, and he shouldn't even have inadvertently told the bee—let alone burden him with his own fears and emotions. Charmy suffered more pain than he did, but he was the one soothing Espio? The chameleon felt so selfish for it.
…But his body said otherwise to his mind as he gently returned Charmy’s hug, wrapping his arms around the bee’s fuzzy, warm body.
His chest felt a little lighter.
He could feel Charmy’s wings twitch a little in shock when his arms returned the favour. It was clear the bee didn't foresee Espio actually accepting the hug—let alone hugging him back.
``Mhm?`` Charmy’s eyes gazed up at Espio, face still nuzzled in his shoulder.
``Thank you.``
Espio didn't know how else to express it.
Words didn't do any sort of favour, really. But he just… needed to get it out somehow.
The ninja couldn't see, but he could definitely sense a small smile emerging onto Charmy’s face as he tightened his hug around Espio.
``No. Thank you.``
They stayed like that for a while.
It felt so soothing. Staying in that position as his breathing finally calmed down and his heart’s pace started to relax.
The images — those horrifying images — slowly faded away back into subconsciousness.
Espio would’ve remained so still for just a little while longer until Charmy’s small yawn reminded the chameleon of the fact that it was still past midnight, and now extremely late. Cases were waiting tomorrow, so was a long, long day. They should get to sleep now..
But Espio didn't feel like letting go anytime soon…
In result, wordlessly, he slowly adjusted his grip around Charmy before slowly lowering his body and putting his legs onto the mattress again as he rested his head on the pillow; now cuddling the fuzzy little body in his arms. He felt Charmy finally comfortable enough to nuzzle his head onto Espio’s chest as he let his eyes flutter shut in sleepiness. 
Espio’s chest felt a lot warmer now.
For a while, Espio’s eyes remained blinking blearily and his hands still stroked Charmy’s fluffy fur—the very thing that lulled the bee back to sleep in the first place.
He stared at the window beside him.
This was quite the long night, huh..?
Espio didn't think it’d turn out this way, but he wouldn’t have chosen anything else for it.
He wouldn't trade this moment for the world.
Exhaustion came to Espio eventually, and he let his eyes close and his hand rest still on Charmy’s head.
``G’night, Charmy…`` Espio slurred with tiredness.
A few more blinks, then his eyes closed.
And the world grew dark again as Espio finally let himself drift off.
note: charmy ily <3 best bros ever
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And here are the doodles for chapter 12
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andguesswhat · 8 months
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Just a quickie. Actually for @zuzla33, because she helped me to get sweet dreams. But I don't know if she even wants it 😅
Stay strong!
Of vegetables and fruits
Armie was in the vegetable and fruit section at a fine little supermarket in a mall when his cell phone rang.
"Hey babe..."
A deep groan greeted him. "Hhhm, Armie, mmm, please talk dirty to me.... nghh." Okayyyy, Tim was clearly jerking off.
Armie took a second. Looked around. Lots of people around him, the walk to the car too long.
"Armie, hhm, please... I need you... ahh."
Uhm yes, but really not right now.
"I miss you Armie..." Another groan on the other side of the line, begging and desperate.
Armie sighed. Okay, okay. He looked around and walked towards the fruit display.
"Uhm... I was thinking about bringing you some peaches.... They look really good, you know.... Really ripe, but firm... and uhm a bit tiny, but very tasty looking, you know.... And um... juicy, soft skin, but really juicy... and I'd really like to.... um take a bite of one right now, you know...."
"Hhm! Yes, Armie... More!"
"Aaaand... oh look, this one has a big.... notch... I can slide my thumb over it..."
"Well, I really wish I wasn't standing in a supermarket right now, but ... um... somewhere else ... so I could ... could put my mouth on it ... And uhm" Armie turned a little, whispered, "... and could lick it."
"Yes, Armie! More..."
More, more… okay...
"I want your dick, Armie."
That, too. Okay… Armie continued to look around. This was getting a little stressful here.
Okay, okay... zucchinis, carrots, there.
He walked toward the vegetable display.
"Oh yeah, that's right, I was supposed to bring aubergines. Oh, those aubergines look good. So plump and big and so ready...to...um put them in the ...um oven?" Oh man, this was ridiculous. Armie shook his head with a laugh.
"Yes, Armie, fuck me with your big aubergine! God, I'm so close..."
But apparently not quite there yet. Armie looked around again. And went back to the fruit display.
"I thought I’d bring some bananas, too. Wow, they're almost as big as the eggplants. They really look incredibly delicious. Did I ever tell you what I did with one of those really uhm... ripe bananas?"
"God, Armie, I'm so close!" Timmy's moans grew louder and louder, and Armie was beginning to worry that the whole supermarket was listening in.
"Okay, so I took the peeled banana and squeezed it, really hard, so that the thick. juicy. juice. just squirted into my mouth..."
The call was disconnected.
Armie looked around. None of the people seemed to be staring at him, which was a good sign.
But somehow he was a little lost now.
What was he shopping for again?
Peaches, eggplants, zucchini, was there anything that didn't make him think of Timmy in his hotel room now?
He stood a little indecisive between vegetables and fruit when his cell phone rang again.
"Hey, babe," Timmy chirped contentedly in his ear, "sorry, came on the button... I mean, my finger, not..." Timmy giggled.
Armie smiled. Sleepy, giggly Timmy. He missed him.
He was glad Timmy was feeling a little better. The last few days had been bad, phone calls Timmy wouldn't take, phone calls that left a stale feeling because Armie couldn’t help. Then yesterday they had finally had a good conversation. And today...
"How are you?" asked Timmy.
"Well, I'm standing in the supermarket with a boner, so nothing unusual..."
Timmy laughed again. "I'll make it up to you on the next call! Have you seen my t-shirt today? Death Trip?"
"Tyler pointed it out to me."
"Man, and you are my husband, I can't believe it!"
Armie rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Did you mean me or you by that?" he asked.
"Us both…“ was Timmy’s serious reply. „But we get through this, don't we?"
"Yes." He wished he was with Timmy now. "I'm glad you're better."
"Can't wait to see you."
"I sent you the usual dick pics later."
Timmy laughed. "Or one with the banana."
"Up my ass or...?"
Timmy laughed even harder. "Miss ya and love ya."
"Same, just more."
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dalyankiz1981 · 5 months
Penned a little one-shot (which is mostly my thoughts) centred around Timmy and Armie having a convo about Wonka. Some other things may have slipped in too… 🤭
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myymi · 5 months
apocalypse go crazy
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themightyhumanbroom · 1 month
Preview of chapter 4 of "Come As You Are"
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coloradocharmiegirl · 12 days
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Chapter 42 here -- New 5/27/24
Armie heads up the mountain with his crew, while Timmy focuses on training and figuring out a way to feel worthy of Armie again--intent on making the transition from guest to contributing member of the household by the time Armie gets back.
Timmy pulled into the parking space at the training center, shifted into park, and turned off the car. He saw the metallic blue key alongside the other keys hanging from the ignition, but unlike the nervous excitement he’d felt seeing the key on the morning of their two-month anniversary, now he only felt nervous. Armie was out there, somewhere, fighting the fire whose smoke filled the air, even here, a couple hundred miles away on the other side of the Continental Divide. The sun glowed orange in the sky through the smoky haze–a constant reminder of the peril Armie could be facing.
Taking notice of the shining blue key once more as he pulled the keys from the ignition, Timmy took a deep breath. It was hard to believe that it had only been four mornings ago that he’d sat right here in the parking lot and stared at the key, convincing himself it was okay to make the leap of faith and move into Armie’s house. And yes, he still ended up in the house, but under such different circumstances.
What a difference those four mornings made.
But things between them would be okay… were okay–maybe even good, if the last few conversations were any indication.
Welcome home, my love.
Timmy could see Armie’s words, penned in elegant script. Armie wanted him in the house, hadn’t stopped wanting that, even in the face of Timmy’s insane assumptions and ridiculous behavior. He’d refused to take his key back, even as Timmy was kicking him out, and thank fuck for that. The universe had granted him a second chance, had smoothed the bump he’d so stupidly built in the middle of their road, and Timmy wanted with all his heart to live up to Armie’s idea of the house being destined to be their home. And honestly, now that Timmy was there, he never wanted to leave.
And if it is to be my home, Timmy reasoned, I need to get with the program and quit being a guest.
Or start from the beginning here
Hi everyone! I'm back, faster than I have been lately (it hasn't even been 6 weeks!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Also, I'd be really grateful if you would do me a favor and reblog. My posting schedule isn't really a schedule and hasn't been for a while. I can use all the help I can get in letting people know a new chapter is up. Thanks so much! 💙💚CCG
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m9nwh0r3 · 1 year
When I tell you this was so hard to do let alone line up together
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Good lord
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thebitetheapple · 4 days
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Ao3 link here
#OLeever 💌
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tandaforever · 8 months
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Hi everyone 🤗
It's Week 2 of the Charmie Autumn Festival!
As promised, here are some bonus prompts! Feel free to mix them with the prompts I posted last week.
Main prompts, guidelines and link to the ao3 collection can be found here.
ICYMI: Check out @theseshipsshallsail's fic contribution here!
Have fun! 🍂
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estrellaesmoi · 8 months
Do you have any recent charmie fics to read? It's kinda sad that they're not as many now
Hi Nonny!
Sorry I’m so late in replying to your ask. I’ve returned to school, and my schedule has been super hectic lately. There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and everyone’s riding their own personal waves or even storms. But the boys will always inspire creativity in this fandom. In the meantime, here are some more fanfic treasures that I’ve found myself adding to my list of regular repeat readings.
From Out Of Nowhere by BiteTheApple
Potestas et Virtus by onlyastoryteller
Rescue Me by ColoradoCharmieGirl
Love Me 'til it's All Over by pallojaketju
Fall On Your Knees by pallojaketju
Baby, What a Big Surprise by sheisraging
Breathe by BVBjunkie
There’s so many good fics to choose out there, and such amazing talent in this fandom. Let me know if you can’t find the links to any of these.
Enjoy! And don’t worry, things will get better. ✌🏽💕
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