#Exkhart Tolle
idk if anyone knows this here, but supposedly Elsa is in Cañada and mentioned that Alba is with her. It also happens to be during the same time that Tolle Exkhart is hosting a training for a 5month program in Cañada.
She didn't say AB is with her, she said it was taken with her camera.
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relaxandsucceed · 7 years
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Your greatest weaknesses can also be your greatest sources of peace: https://wp.me/p2jD75-4gB
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A vida não é tão séria quanto a mente faz.
Exkhart Tolle.
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2bodiesaflame · 7 years
The best day
1. Saw solange in the airport 2. Got some thx chocolate 3. Felt my feels 4. Was Exkhart Tolle 5. Met the most awesome white family From Chicago in Minneapolis. The husband was British the wife was American and son was American to in dentist school. We talked politics and management style for hours 6. Called my coworker and gave the secrets to managing 7. Had breakfast with a stranger
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patbertram · 9 years
You Are the Universe . . .
You Are the Universe . . .
This quote expresses my current philosophy of life, though that philosophy is subject to change without warning at any moment.
Pat Bertram is the author of the suspense novels Light Bringer, More Deaths Than One, A Spark of Heavenly Fire, and Daughter Am I. Bertram is also the author of Grief: The Great Yearning, “an exquisite book, wrenching to read, and at the same time full of profound…
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radselfcare · 11 years
On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.
Eckhart Tolle
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stepping-on-the-moon · 11 years
"To the ego, the present moment hardly exists. Only past and future are considered important. This total reversal of the truth accounts for the fact that in the ego mode the mind is so dysfunctional. It is always concerned with keeping the past alive, because without it - who are you?"
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
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Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.
-Eckhart Tolle
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idk if anyone knows this here, but supposedly Elsa is in Cañada and mentioned that Alba is with her. It also happens to be during the same time that Tolle Exkhart is hosting a training for a 5month program in Cañada.
Isnt that Chris favorite writer?
Well yes but he has a lot of fans (not me 😅)
*thanks to @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory for sending the link
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