#Evitative Fanart
iseliljathedreamer · 6 months
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Another scene from Vichan's Evitative that I drew a while back. It turned out really colourful.
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rezal-art · 6 months
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Fanart Advent Calendar: Day 16
For Evitative, by Vichan. An absolute must-read. It's actually one of the first fics I read, and it's brilliant. In the story, Harry gets resorted into Slytherin in 5th year.
This piece is part of a personal challenge: an advent calendar that will feature one fanart a day for some of my favourite fics, from the 1st of December to the 24th. We are slowly approaching the last week... I'm tired!
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jube-jube-bird · 11 months
Some rough sketches I did after reading Evivative by @k-vichan
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apmnwq · 5 months
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Unfortunatly yes ✌️ je l'ai vu pour la premiere fois en conv en... 2016 je crois ? Et on a commencé à parler avec un groupe de pote et lui du design de Belette dans l'imaginaire collectif, et comment elle avait souvent des mini short et crop top et c'etait pas realiste quand tout le reste des persos a des grands manteaux pour eviter les zombies (<- c'etait avant meme que EmilieMaria fasse les premiers dessins de Black!Belette) (i am Ancient 🧓). Et je lui ai montré quelques fanarts de Belette sur le carnet que j'avais sur moi, en tournant des pages, et il a pris le carnet en demandant "je peux?" et a commencé a tourner les pages. Bon, 80% des dessins la dedans etaient vdf ou tomitch-related, donc ca tombait bien. Mais au milieu il y avait aussi... du moins s f w ?... (j'etais tres rouge) (lui il a rigolé d'un air admiratif et en a PRIS UN EN PHOTO) (il est un amour. Il regardait chaque dessin avec la meme excitation que nous dans le fandom on reagit devant un nouveau fanart. Cette phrase n'etait pas française. Mais bref il trouvait juste ca incroyable et il etait tout excité qu'il y ait des fanarts mais vraiment dans un mood 'oh vous aussi vous aimez mes blorbo !!!' Il est super nice <3)
Bref un an et demi plus tard il y a une sorte de convention specifique a un site de fans de frenchnerd, et Francois est invité mais arrive souvent tard. Pour reconnaitre mon verre, je dessine la tete de Henry et du Visiteur sur le gobelet rouge. Puis je m'eloigne pour aller prendre l'air. Quand je reviens, Francois a vu mon verre et me dit "Au moins ils sont habillés !" en pointant mon verre.
Parce qu'il a reconnu mon style.
Et qu'il se rappelle que je suis la seule personne qui dessine du porn.
Bref Francois me connais comme la personne qui dessine du cul avec ses persos et c'etait la deuxieme fois de ma vie que je le voyais ✌️ (je n'ai pas de regret car c'est : une immense fierté :D )
C'est absolument insane mdrr françois est vraiment une crème ça m'étonne pas du tout, et se faire reconnaître par son style de dessin c'est vraiment 👌 merci pour l'histoire haha t'es carrément une célébrité !
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esthermgray · 2 years
Gracias por estar aquí
Llevo en Tumblr desde 2015. Durante años desayunaba *cada mañana* mirando Tumblr, en verano de 2017 cuando empecé a jugar al Dragon Age me podía tirar aquí un buen rato aquí reblogueando y guardando memes y fanarts y edits. En fin, siempre ha sido mi sitio de confort porque esta red social consiste en pasar un rato agradable y ya está, sin tener que ir con pies de plomo midiendo tus palabras cada vez que vas a escribir cualquier cosita (siempre y cuando evites ciertos círculos más puñeteros, claro. Pero, en general, hay menos disposición a juzgar y señalar).
Esta turra viene a que me alegra muchísimo tener cada vez a más mutuals por aquí y poder compartir este espacio seguro con vosotres, tengo muchas ganas de leeros e interactuar de una forma algo diferente <3 Esta red social siempre la usé como el cajón desastre de todos los fandoms que sigo, pero a partir de ahora hablaré también de mis proyectos por aquí. Subiré aesthetics, playlists, textos pequeñitos... En fin, cualquier cosa relacionada con lo que escriba. 
No sé cuánto durará este Tumblr revival, igual me estoy emocionando como un chorlito para que luego dure dos semanas y si te he visto no me acuerdo. Lo que sí tengo claro es que voy a disfrutarlo mientras dure y, si en algún momento este sitio vuelve a perder fuerza, me quedaré y seguiré disfrutando igualmente, aunque se sienta como hacer castillitos de arena en una isla desierta.
¡Mil gracias por seguirme! Nos leemos :3
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queenvalruna · 9 months
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Artist log
StarDate: September 21, 2023
Subject: using mid journey , also America is a sinking ship
Currently, I am learning to utilize mid journey, AI. I was completely, and I totally against using AI art, however after seeing the abundant posts on Etsy of unedited six fingered stock art of pictures made with no editing that are actually selling …my frustration as an artist pretty much exploded. I made a clip art pack sometime ago that has never sold but once and see that people are with no artistic Ability ( and by ability I mean, they never worked at it therefore they can’t )throwing together these packs and selling them. It’s not to the similar from how I can’t sell an actual original acrylic painting mind you , well painted because people would prioritize a $30.00 pizza over a painting that last forever. So being a stay at home mother, and not have currently having a job because daycare cost as much as anything I can earn where I live., I’ve decided screw it I’m going to be using the AI to make clipart, but I sure as well I’m gonna be editing it. In this process I feel like in many ways it might overall be better to paint over all the original drawings over the AI rather than touching it up. I think AI as a resource used much like stock images are is perfectly OK and doesn’t conflict, too much on my moral compass. However, I’ve already started my first pack with just touching up the images. Mind you a lot …. So my first clipart pack for Etsy be of the AI I’ve touched up, I do believe I’m going to have to find a way to sync all the colors together, more seamlessly with some color touchups, and don’t get me started on having to individually crop them and put them into a file that is 600 dpi and more or less 6 inches for each file. That’s gonna be a real pain but ultimately I am learning from this experience. I definitely will be using the  Artificial intelligence as a tool to quickly make initial drafts for damn I’m not going to just touch it up because it needs to be redone entirely. That said, how are use AI for fanart is a whole different story since I won’t be making profit off of fanart , I’m gonna be abusing the living $hit out of it while I use the AI to actually learn from as I touch it up. I think I can study many different techniques that I prefer as a touch of these images. I would never probably use the AI for any of my own personal works that I would wanna make a profit from but since I have a one year old and I have never been able to make a profit off of my artwork that point is moot. I hope I can make some money off my Etsy store that for god sake, because groceries in America are ridiculous, almost all of the paycheck goes to the important bills we need and then we spend the rest of it on food? Like really? America is absolutely in the dump right now scratch that it is at the dumpster on fire part of me just wants to move to Scotland or Germany, because they at least treat their people better. it’s kind of ironic that we were Germany which we fought in and World War I and World War II is slowly becoming the new country of the free while America is enslaving their people with corporate bullshit. and we really don’t have that much in the way of fighting it either because we’re all poor and just trying to survive. I do think the people want the guillotine back though . I hope my fellow Americans learn to rise up to the power but right now we’re trying to get bread that is a moldy. Well, no more political thoughts they just spin me into a dark spiral.
Conclusion still mixed feelings about artificial intelligence art I do think it’s evitable though.
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ventus-the-fox · 2 years
I finally did it! I printed @k-vichan 's Evitative into a book! It's 748 pages long!
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(Cover drawn by me!)
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mejev · 2 years
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evitative was so nice
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nobelowz · 3 years
evitative doodle but this time its fully colored
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thank you @k-vichan for writing such an awesome fic!! its truly wonderful
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aquaflora17 · 3 years
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More stills from my evitative fan video! (It’s not reallllly an animatic ...more like... sketches set to music? )
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dandelionstars · 3 years
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iseliljathedreamer · 6 months
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I re-read Evitative by Vichan a couple of years ago and I drew this Pansy all her splendor.
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senwitt · 4 years
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Me and my friends did the fan art thing
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bunncat-art · 3 years
Fanart for Vichan's Evitative!
I love @k-vichan 's Evitative so much, it is literally my all time favorite. I absolutely love how they wrote pansy, and her friendship dynamic with Harry. Thanks for your AMAZING writing!!!
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blogitalianissimo · 3 years
sai che sono anni che mi scervello per capire come trovare il tuo blog principale ma nada? Non ho idea di che username tu abbia, ma in compenso di tanto in tanto sono incappat* nei blog dei tuoi personaggi regionali (?)
@pomodorotiamo è il mio main, c'ho 'sto nome orrendo dal 2012 e non lo cambierò perché ci sono affezionata. 'Sto blog è confuso adesso, non ho fandom veri e propri, e no, non seguo più manco Hetalia (sebbene l'icona e il nome del blog traggano in inganno, ma sono tipo 5/6 anni che sono fuori dal fandom). Ci trovi shitpost generico, roba molto tumblr, ogni tanto robe di fandom vari, e qualche volta disegni e fanart.
Se invece cerchi dove posto i disegni sui miei oc al momento mi affido a @putesseessereallero, disclaimer: pure in questo blog parlo in ita, ma è incentrato sulla mia regione, perciò onestamente se non gradite vedere foto del Vesuvio nella vostra dashboard evitate di followarmi. Comunque prima o poi aprirò un blog dedicato solo ai miei disegni/oc (che doveva essere questo, ma poi non è finita bene/?/) ma più poi che prima.
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More people should read Evitative, because I am talentless but really truly want to see some fanart for this fic. IT'S SO GOOD I'm pretty sure this is my 10th time reading it.
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