lasvariablesdemaru · 8 months
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brasil-e-com-s · 1 year
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E Mourão e Bolsonaro são o quê?
Em 2018,a tragédia Yanomami, já estava anunciada e ninguém fez nada. Nem o Exército, que deveria estar lá para impedir o garimpo ilegal.
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Escandalos Sexuales (En Cannes)
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adribosch-fan · 10 months
La vida turbulenta de Hunter Biden, el hijo del presidente
La vida turbulenta de Hunter Biden, el hijo del presidente
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imagenprimero · 1 year
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¿Quiénes son realmente los jefes del crimen organizado en Argentina? ¿Qué secretos y escándalos esconden detrás de su poder y riqueza? En este artículo, te invitamos a conocer la historia de la mafia en nuestro país, y descubrir algunos de sus hechos más impactantes y sorprendentes.
esde la década del 30, grupos criminales organizados han ido creciendo en el país, aprovechando la corrupción y el caos político para expandir sus redes de tráfico de drogas, juego y extorsión. Uno de los grupos más poderosos de la época fue la "Mano Negra", que operaba en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus alrededores.
Sin embargo, fue a partir de los años 60 y 70 que la mafia alcanzó su máximo esplendor en Argentina, gracias a la creciente demanda de drogas y la globalización de los mercados. Uno de los personajes más emblemáticos de esta época fue el "Capo de Capos" Carlitos Arguiñano, quien lideró una organización que abarcaba desde Argentina hasta España y Portugal.
Además, la mafia argentina también se involucró en política y negocios, estableciendo alianzas con funcionarios y empresarios corruptos para asegurar sus intereses y proteger sus actividades ilícitas. Uno de los escándalos más notables de la época fue el "affaire Skanska", en el que se descubrió una red de sobornos y extorsiones relacionadas con una empresa sueca de construcción.
Pero, ¿qué ha pasado con la mafia argentina en la actualidad? Aunque ha disminuido su poder y presencia en los últimos años, aún existen grupos criminales organizados que operan en el país, y que continúan generando violencia y corrupción.
En conclusión, la historia de la mafia en Argentina es un reflejo de la sociedad y de la política de nuestro país, y nos muestra la importancia de luchar contra la corrupción y el crimen organizado.
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mondomoda · 2 years
Globo de Ouro 2023 voltará a ser exibido na TV com novas categorias
Globo de Ouro 2023 voltará a ser exibido na TV com novas categorias
Depois das polêmicas dos últimos anos, o Globo de Ouro voltará a ser transmitido pela rede americana NBC em 10 de janeiro de 2023, informou a Associação dos Correspondentes Estrangeiros de Hollywood (HFPA, em inglês). A 80ª edição do evento ocorrerá no hotel Beverly Hilton, em Los Angeles, às 17h de Los Angeles (21h do Brasil). O anúncio dos indicados será na segunda-feira, 12 de…
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houseofbrat · 3 months
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As someone who works in PR I am ASTONISHED at how bad Kensington Palace is at all of this. It’s the most interesting part of the whole thing for me. Well that, and how much it seemingly vindicates H&M and Harry in particular in what he’s said about the firm and the media’s role in protecting the Heir at all costs.
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Yeah I work in PR for a public company and anytime we want to put something out we have to run it up the chain - we need legal and Investor relations and executive approvals.
Even if KP and BP had their individual PR teams, which makes sense, there should still be one main central PR office that everyone answers to that manages the entire royal families PR, makes sure schedules and press opportunities and STRATEGY AND MESSAGING all aligns, before running up the chain for final approvals. There’d be a social team and a crisis team and government relations team and a branding team and a general “talent rep” kind of team, all working in tandem to serve the overall strategy for the royal family.
The fact that there are so many cooks in so many different kitchens is why the royal family has had so many PR disasters honestly for decades now. They’re truly doing it all wrong. So many Worst Practices here, not Best Practices.
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It really doesn't seem like there is an overall PR team. Just the separate entities
Yeah and that’s the problem IMO. They are a business that should be run like a business. They should have the individual departments I suggested, and even more, working in tandem.
The fact that there are so many separate entities with different agendas and priorities is a huge part of their problem IMO.
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But Charles has been transparent for the most part!! And photographed repeatedly. It’s so bizarre when compared to KP, and feels passive aggressive to me to be honest lolol.
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They’re really so so so bad at this 😭😭😭😭 but the British public and the media lets them get away with it 🙃🙃🙃
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For heaven’s sake. If she’s recovering nicely, why resort to recycling old photos?
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Other sources are making a pretty good case for the fact that it’s a November photo, taken after Catherine and the children visited the baby bank.
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Does nobody, and I mean nobody, know how to do PR in that place anymore? Now it's pin all of this on just-recovering-from-abdominal-surgery Kate? Why not on William since they were so proud about how he was the one that took the photo? Somehow they keep making everything ten times worse.
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I’m sorry, but I don’t believe for a second that Kate personally edited that photo together in such a way that it had to be killed as inauthentic. The pulling of the photo is likely more about the refusal to provide metadata or the raw image for proof rather than silly Photoshop choices. That isn’t an issue of “mummy going wild on the computer,” it’s a larger organizational issue about trust, transparency, and KP’s overall poor approach to news orgs and the press lately.
Why is Kate taking the fall? Why is William such a lout to let an ill Kate put this on her own shoulders rather than admit KP made an error or say KP is going to reevaluate their practices and make a change?
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Are college interns running Palace p.r.? Because I cannot understand how they're botching this so badly. If Kate couldn't/wouldn't pose for a legit photo, then just don't release anything. The Royals are basically dumping tankers of gas on the inferno by playing all these games. 
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Sorry, am I going insane? After saying they wouldn’t respond to these conspiracy theories, they
a) responded by putting out a doctored image,
b) responded to the backlash of doctored image by claiming the woman recovering from a medical issue was playing around in Photoshop, and
c) responded to the backlash of editing claims by putting out an image where the person in the photo is supposed to be Kate but could LITERALLY BE ANYBODY.
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"Kate's Back"
Well, it is indeed a picture of Kate's back
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Apparently the main symptom of her mysterious medical condition is that any photo with her in it immediately becomes grainy, blurry, or with people's wrists trying to escape into a fifth dimension.
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Good Lord, I haven't followed a disaster story this closely since Oceangate Titan and this one may be even worse. The narrative is out of control and the rules have gone out the window.
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They already lost control of the narrative at this point. No matter what they do now, they will be scrutinized more than they've ever been before. And they seem grossly unprepared for it.
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She’s not even facing camera, how is this supposed to help? This just feeds the conspiracy theorists! headdesk
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It's becoming a PR nightmare that only Olivia Pope can rescue.
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Maybe the better question is that people are concerned about Kate's welfare, and most WERE okay with waiting under the timeline KP initially offered that is she will likely return by or after Easter.
However KP has mismanaged the messaging, and with that concern grows over how weird some of the updates are. The article explains why this medical time out is turning into an absolute PR crisis. It isn't so much about Kates right to medical privacy (she definitely deserves that )
It now is about institutional reliability, the heir William's arguably erratic or unusual behavior or his courtiers' comments, the mess with the all kill photoshopped/Frankensteined photo (which has never happened before with a palace released photo), the very different approaches from BP vs KP, etc etc. It's become bigger than Kate sad to say.
And ultimately now people are worried for her, in a way they wouldn't have been, because things have become so irregular and bungled. So the urgency to make sure she is safe and okay has become louder and more insistent.
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“CNN is now reviewing all handout photos previously provided by Kensington Palace.”
“In editorial photography, photojournalists and editors commonly adjust a photograph’s exposure or color balance in order to more accurately reflect the scene. Most news organizations, including CNN, regard it as unacceptable to move, change or manipulate the pixels of an image. To do so would alter the reality of the situation the image is intended to document.”
“In the past, the family’s amateur photographs have been well received when posted on social media. But on this occasion, this photo was also released to media organizations as a handout and the palace wasn’t transparent about the fact it had been adjusted.
That will have damaged the trust between the palace and media organizations – many of which, like CNN, will likely be assessing all royal handouts. The editing storm has undermined the existing relationship and when public interest over any possible cover up escalates, as it has done recently, many news outlets will now have take that speculation more seriously.”
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brolasuite · 10 months
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ofeliiiiaaaa · 3 months
a veces me pongo cómoda acá pero después me acuerdo de como son los gringos
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br-sissy-sub · 4 months
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recadin no espelho
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userstuf · 9 months
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successfulicons · 6 days
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thelittlefrenchmedia · 3 months
Escándalos Sexuales de Hollywood
Este es una serie acerca de los escándalos mas sonados en la meca del cine.
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alex kingston in ‘the tempest’ by rsc
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mothvalentino · 2 months
@holoharbinger cont. from here
Oh boy, Val has dreaded having this conversation for what felt like an eternity.
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ཐིཋྀ "Okay, so, assuming this thing between Velvette and me would have been going on for several months without either of us telling you..."
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"... it wouldn't have been because we want to cut you out, no, not at all... it's just that we... might have liked the idea of... secretly hooking up behind your back? But just for fun! At first..."
He is digging his own grave here, isn't he?
"... until we both developed serious feelings for each other. Sorta. Kinda. Actually, we don't know what the fuck it really is. But it's there. And we wanted you to know because... you're important to us."
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houseofbrat · 3 months
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