#Elizabeth Detention Center
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ashton-glover · 10 months
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𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 “I do very bad things, and I do them well.”
☠ B̵͚̪̫̯̤͉͌̓͗̎͘͠͠ͅÄ̴̛̳͑͛̓̎̐S̸̡̡̻̲̜̘̖̜̘̍I̸̯̟͐̽C̷̦̈́͐͜Ș̵̬̱̮̰̮͚̾̓̋͋͝ ̸̮̰̯̠͙̪̙̰͙̅̋̇̀͜
Name: Ashton Damien Glover Nickname(s): Ash, Devil (only Blake) Date of Birth: 31 July 1998 [25] Place of Birth: London, England, UK [English] Hometown: London, England, UK Current Residence: Las Vegas, NV, USA Occupation: Fry Cook
☠ Ṙ̶̡̰͖͖̯̮͎̘͙̙̃́̌̿Ė̶̪̦̓͛͆͂̆̐Ľ̴̦͎͎̦͓͜A̴̢̤̠̩̮͍̣͔̗̅̀̑̔̔̎̏͘ͅT̶̞̽̀͑Ḭ̸̛̯̠̭̲̟̐̒̈́͋̂͠Ơ̶̢̖͉̘͍͙͓̠̽̎̀̆́̕͝N̴̡̮̬̦͇̝̰̳͖͆̔̑̑͘͝S̷͓͎̲̟͛̎H̸̨̡̜͕͈͚̮̉̊̀̓̕I̷̢̭̤̳̯̘̖͌͌̃̚ͅP̴̧̮̣̬͠S̵͚̬͐͒͊́͒̾̄̉͠ ̸̢̡̢̧̳̻͉̝̆͆̒̉̓ͅ
Status: In a relationship with Blake Pastelle — October 31, 2023 Father: Arthur Glover Mother: Elizabeth Glover (née McDermott) Sibling(s): Lysa Glover Pet(s): Melvin (a cat) — with Blake
☠ B̴͎͙͈̀̂͌̿̍̈́́͝A̵̧̦̰̞̳̘̭̺̐̿̄̔̎́͋͑͠C̷̨͖͗̾̍͋̈́̊͒K̸̲̬̰̞̠̥̫̆̂̈̀͊̀͘͜S̴̨͔̼͎̪̬̤̗͔̍T̸̫̹͇͊͌̾̆O̸̯͖̜̩̟̭̳̬͆͜͠Ŗ̸̫͇̝̹͕̞̲̮̄̾Y̴̨̬̖̪̲̾̍̆̿̄̆̌͒͛ͅ ̶̰̥͇͓̥̲͇̿̇͊̋͆
While most families dote on their children, Ashton was the black sheep of his. Often regarded as "different" and "difficult", he was quite the opposite of his prim and proper household. But the difference did not stop there. Not only did he not follow his parents' footsteps, but he also didn't think like them, either. Then again, Ashton didn't think - or act - like most people. This behaviour got him into a lot of trouble in his youth, dragging his parents to school every so often. But with their very busy schedules, they focused their energy on Lysa, Ashton's older sister and a violin prodigy in her own right, purposefully neglecting their burden of a son. Leaving him in the hands of therapist after therapist, though none could help his ever-growing mental issues or his desperate need for medication. Ashton resorted to drugs instead, to calm the demons in his head but weed could only do so much. The switch to harder drugs eventually led him to numerous juvenile detention centers where he was frequently detained. By eighteen years old, his parents finally had enough, sending him to Portland, Oregon where his father's brother, a retired military man, resided with his wife. Intent on escaping a life of prison, Ashton didn't meet his relatives at the airport as agreed upon. Instead, he hitched-hiked his way to Los Angeles, California and eventually, Las Vegas, Nevada, determined never to look back.
☠ T̶̡̗̍̌̇̾É̸̛̘̻̯͇̗͔̤̫̭̿̀̌̋͂͗̚͝M̴̰̫͙̀̈̓̌̈́͊̈̕͘P̸͔̫̬̣̯̉̀̋́̑̋Ḛ̶̰̦͉̘̭̩̖́̒̒͘͜͠R̴̰͎͔͚̭̓̓̇͆̈À̶̩͍͑͋M̴̨̗̤͎͍̜̬̹̈̇͗͊̿̿̔͒͝Ȩ̶̫̠̣̙̘͈̇̐̀͝͝N̴̫͊̔͗̐̇͒͘T̷̥̎̔̐ͅ ̸̙̩͙̙̼͐̇͋̒̈́ͅ
✓ clever, passionate, self-reliant ✗ asocial, belligerent, sociopathic
☠ A̴͖̫̲̞̥̗͚̓̌̈́R̸̫̱̠̼͇̖̥͔͠ͅC̴̛̹̳̪͕̹̩̮͖͉̒̽́̒̈́͆H̶̥̯̱͙͓̰̓̈́Į̵̫̱͈̖͈̝̍V̵̛̠͍͈̤̊́̉͗̽̃͘͠Ë̷̛̫̩̱̙̟̲́̅̍̀͂̕͜ ̵͐̒͜
N01 | N02 | J01
DISCLAIMER This account is for roleplaying purposes only and is not associated with any individuals depicted herein. All written content are original works of fiction, and any resemblance to existing works, characters, and/or persons should be considered coincidental and free of malicious intent. Please do not reproduce/redistribute. Thank you.
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Rowaida Abdelaziz at HuffPost:
A group of Democratic senators led by Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter Tuesday night to the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to shut down four private detention centers. The letter, first reviewed by HuffPost and signed by Sens. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), targets facilities in New Mexico, California, Louisiana and Virginia. All of the facilities have faced serious complaints over treatment of detainees. Contracts for two of those facilities are up for renewal this week.
“We do not support a system that detains people in inhumane conditions that result in long-term medical issues, psychological trauma, and sometimes death. We urge that these facilities be shut down, in a step towards building an immigration system that welcomes and respects migrants,” read the letter. The letter, addressed to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Patrick Lechleitner, the acting director of ICE, also demands immigration officials to hand over a list of all public and private ICE detention facilities as well as a timeline for ending contracts at those four facilities. “After reports of inhumane conditions, including sleep deprivation, dirty drinking water, and psychological trauma, independent watchdogs and other experts have recommended that the Biden administration close the worst of these facilities,” Warren said. “This would be a meaningful step toward ending the federal government’s reliance on private detention centers.”
10 Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), sent a letter calling for the closing of the inhumane ICE detention centers. It's also why ICE should be abolished.
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blue-bujo · 2 months
Hogwarts Legacy: Hiding in Herbology
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Summary: Elizabeth Shallowbrook, now in her seventh year at Hogwarts, is taking refuge in the greenhouse basement after receiving a letter from her mother when her sulking is interrupted by the potions professor, coming to gather ingredients from storage.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Family drama, old injuries, scars, physical contact between teacher and student (platonic)
Author’s note: This is a follow up to my first HL fic, Care of a Magical Creature, but can be read separately. MC is a Ravenclaw.
Elizabeth Shallowbrook, now in her seventh year at Hogwarts and finally caught up in her studies, was hiding in the Herbology Basement, sitting in the water-filtered light of the submerged tank of tree roots. It was dim, and quiet, and one of her favorite places in the castle because it was almost always empty. Professor Garlick mainly used it for storage, and had recommended it as a good place to be alone during an extra assignment the previous year. The herbology professor also, very sweetly, tried to discourage other students from using the space when she knew Elizabeth was down there, for which the Ravenclaw was immensely thankful. She quickly began frequenting it when her schoolmates started hailing her as the Hero of Hogwarts. It was easier to be normal when she was alone.
The school year had only just started, but she had already spent a fair amount of time in the dimly-lit basement. She needed the distance, after an uncomfortable summer in her mother’s house in London. Mrs. Shallowbrook had never been very maternal, or taken much interest in her only child, but for whatever reason, she’d been intent on transforming her into a proper Victorian lady during the span of the break. Elizabeth had never hated being the center of her mother’s attention before, but she’d learned to after being stuffed into stays and paraded through society for two months.
The more she’d thought about it, the more she was certain that there’d been an ulterior motive. September hadn’t been able to come fast enough. But the Ravenclaw tried to please her mother, and wrote her regularly when the term started and she’d been able to escape. She’d even adopted an owl, a funny barred owl that she’d named Hermod, after the swift messenger god in Norse mythology. The large bird zipped back and forth between Hogwarts and London for the first three weeks of term, until one day he returned from a delivery with empty talons, and then a second time.
It was now a few days past Hallowe’en, and Elizabeth was sheltering in her spot. Hermod had finally returned with a letter, and she was trying to discern her feelings on it. It was dark outside, nearly time for curfew, but she wasn’t ready to face humanity yet. As usual, her mother’s words had cut her deeply with their carelessness.
The young witch was of-age now; she was frustrated with herself for caring. She knew better than that, especially after being raised in that environment. She knew her mother was a cold, jaded woman. She shouldn’t have been surprised.
Elizabeth was deep in her thoughts, so she didn’t notice at first that someone was approaching. It wasn’t until she heard a heavy step on the stairs leading down to her from the greenhouses that she realized. It didn’t advance for a few seconds, but when it did, it came unevenly. A moment later, a familiar pair of braced boots limped into view, and the girl sat up straight.
She was comfortable with Professor Sharp – he’d been there for her after the goblin rebellion, his similar history making him the only one who’d been able to truly understand – but she didn’t want him to see her like this, moping over a sheet of parchment. It was embarrassing how many times he’d seen her upset. He’d told her that she could come to him, and welcomed her whenever she did. They’d shared meals for two months of an unofficial detention when she’d been tutoring a first-year for him. He seemed to genuinely enjoy her company, though he pretended to merely tolerate it.
So why was she so uncomfortable with the idea of being seen by him now?
Because he doesn’t need to be burdened with this, said the harsh voice in the back of her mind. He has enough of his own problems without adding your petty little ones.
“Ah, Miss Shallowbrook! Forgive me, I didn’t mean to intrude,” called the professor, pulling her from her thoughts as he rounded the bottom of the staircase and she came into his view.
“Hello, sir,” she replied. She willed a smile onto her face as she rose. Better not to let him see the hurt that her mother’s letter had caused. “It’s odd to see you out of the dungeons.”
Elizabeth assumed, as did most of the students, that the potions master rarely ventured out of his classroom because of the hundreds of stairs one had to climb to navigate the castle, and the difficulty that his injury added to the task. Indeed, tonight he was hiding a cane behind his leg as he stood on the landing regarding her.
He only scanned her for a moment before he sighed and limped closer. She could see just how heavily he was favoring his left leg tonight; it didn’t seem like he could straighten it, and he only hobbled a few steps before he decided to stop hiding the cane in favor of leaning heavily upon it.
“Professor Garlick and I have an arrangement,” he explained as he squeezed past and sank gratefully onto the bench. “She lets me use any excess materials that she and her classes harvest to restock my stores. Normally she brings it, but she had an engagement tonight and I found a majority of my stock is low, so I told her not to trouble herself and that I would pick it up. However, I find myself wishing now that I had waited before making that commitment.”
The girl watched as he carefully stretched out his leg – it still wasn’t straightening – and pressed his knuckles into it. He was in pain, more than usual.
“Why do you wish you’d waited?” she asked.
“Hmph. One of my third-years has recently learned the Tripping Jinx, and was practicing it during class this afternoon. Suffice it to say that Ravenclaw lost a good amount of house points today. You have your housemates to blame for that; they can be a devious bunch. But by the time that class had started, I had already told Professor Garlick that I’d pick up the ingredients.”
By Merlin, the man was proud. He was hurt, even more so than he normally was, but he wouldn’t ask for help when he’d already said that he would be okay doing something. Elizabeth was beginning to forget her mother’s letter; she was falling back into her old pattern of putting others’ needs at a higher value than her own.
“You could have asked me. I would’ve brought them for you. I’m down here all the time.”
“I didn’t know this was one of your haunts. Besides, I am perfectly capable of managing. I just need a moment.”
They both fell silent. The Ravenclaw glanced furtively at her letter, on the same bench as her professor, and prayed that he wouldn’t notice it. He was occupied for now, but he was as sharp as his name; she had to distract him, do something.
The discomfort on his face gave her an idea. She unslung her bag from her shoulder and plopped it onto the bench, on top of her letter, before she threw back the flap and had a rummage through her things. Once she found a vial of Wigginweld potion, she fished it out and held it out for him.
Professor Sharp scowled at her. “Miss Shallowbrook, I appreciate the gesture, but I’ll be fine in a moment.”
“You aren’t fine now,” she argued. “I’ve never seen you use your cane before, and I can see how pained your movements are. You’ve told me before that my potions are textbook quality, so please, take it.”
“Very well.”
Begrudgingly, the potions master took the offered vial. He held it up to the light to check its consistency, like at the end of a class when assignments were turned in, before popped off the stopper and gulped it back in one swallow. The furrow between his brows became less severe as the Wigginweld took effect. Then he gave his student an approving, almost proud gaze as she closed her bag and scooped it up, trying to sneakily retrieve her letter in the same movement.
“Top marks, Miss Shallowbrook. I’d be hard-pressed to make a better batch myself.”
“Thank you, Professor,” smiled Elizabeth. “I’ve had a lot of practice with this particular potion.”
It was meant as a joke, a reference to her fifth- and sixth-years spent running all over the valley fighting Ashwinders, poachers, and loyalists, but Sharp didn’t find it amusing. It only seemed to make him more vigilant.
“I wish you hadn’t had to make so many batches, but I am glad that your adventures gave you the opportunity to practice. And speaking of your adventures, you’re out dangerously close to your curfew tonight. I hope I’m not going to have to start giving you tutoring assignments again to keep you where you’re supposed to be?”
Elizabeth felt her heart rate quicken anxiously under his questioning. She didn’t want to disappoint her favorite professor. Gripping her bag tighter, she shook her head. “I’ll have time to get back to the common room if I hurry. I’ll get going.”
It was the man’s turn to shake his head. “No, stay a moment. I… may need some help with collecting everything that Professor Garlick left me, and I can see you’re upset.”
“I can also see the parchment you’re trying to hid, you know. You’ll have to be sneakier than that if you want to fool an auror.”
“Merlin’s beard,” the young woman groaned. “I thought you hadn’t noticed.”
“Most people wouldn’t have,” he conceded, “and distracting me with the potion was a nice touch. Please sit.”
Elizabeth dropped her bag on the ground and sat down next to her professor. She kept hold of the letter, feeling embarrassed. She knew by now that Professor Sharp was far from a threat, and she did trust him with her life. She didn’t want to admit it, but she almost saw him as a parent, ever since she had broken down in his office last year. He had definitely become a mentor to her after she’d lost Professor Fig. But she was emotional after reading her mother’s words, and not in the mood to share. The man sitting quietly beside her was in pain, and didn’t need her problems.
He seemed content to sit, which only made Elizabeth more uncomfortable. She hated when people waited for her to speak; it was a trick that a lot of the faculty used to force engagement in their classes.
“Don’t you professors know how much we hate it when you wait silently for an answer?” she demanded, irritated.
Sharp’s low chuckle only irritated her further. “We do. Students would rather speak publicly than endure an awkward silence, which is why it’s so effective. Although you tend to be more immune to it than your classmates. Why is tonight an exception?”
He’d asked. Now she had to tell him. Waving the parchment, she grumbled, “My mother wrote me. Finally.”
“Ah.” The potions master nodded. “And you didn’t like the contents of her letter.”
“No, I did not,” scoffed the Ravenclaw. “My mother has a way of choosing exactly the right words to aggravate me, and make it my fault that I’m aggravated. She never has any guilt in the matter.”
“Families can have a way of allowing gnomes in the garden,” the man said evenly. “Those little niggling issues multiply until you have an infestation. Even my own mother had her moments, rest her soul, and she had the patience of a saint to put up with my father and I both being aurors. I would hope yours doesn’t mean to antagonize you intentionally.”
Darkly, Elizabeth replied, “You don’t know Emelia Shallowbrook. My mother could make a frost salamander seem warm.”
The witch stood abruptly and started pacing, being far too riled to sit any longer. The letter was stuffed unceremoniously into her robe pocket.
“I really tried to be a good daughter this summer. I was introduced to society, and she showed me off all season, trying to marry me off to a respectable muggle, and I endured it. But then she cut me off last month, stopped sending me letters completely.”
“But you received a letter today?” prompted her teacher.
“Yes. Telling me that she’s being courted again.”
Elizabeth could feel the unasked question hanging heavy in the air around them. She hadn’t told anybody but Natty, Sebastian, and Ominis about her father, John Shallowbrook. But Professor Sharp needed to be told so that he had the context for this conversation, and he’d revealed a detail of his personal life, that his own mother had passed. It was only fair.
“My father was drowned when I was eight, before my magic emerged,” she sighed. “He ran a shipping company on the Thames, and there was an accident in the fog one night when two of the barges collided. Mother loved him, and married well below her station to be with him, and I think she’s always regretted it. She was never warm or maternal, only jaded and distant, and it got a lot worse after the accident. I was always closer to Father; he was where I could go to feel loved.
“I thought maybe, when she finally took an interest in me this summer, that she had finally found her heart again. But now I know that she was just trying to make me into a proper lady to keep me from scaring off her suiter.”
Suddenly, she was so tired, and overwhelmed. There was a reason she tried not to think about her family. She sat back down next to Professor Sharp, flopping herself onto the stone bench with a huff. He raised an eyebrow at her – whether questioning her behavior or her willingness to keep talking, she wasn’t sure. Or maybe she hadn’t left enough space between the two of them; she couldn’t read him or his silence. Elizabeth was determined, however, not to be the first to speak this time.
Eventually she heard her teacher release a neutral “hmm,” as he so often did. She turned her head to regard him, and he held out a hand.
“May I see this letter? That I may better understand?”
“I… well, I supposed there’s nothing private in it. Okay.”
The Ravenclaw pulled her now-crumpled note out of her pocket and handed it to Professor Sharp. It felt incredibly vulnerable, letting him read it, and she found herself clasping her hands as he took it. Thankfully, nothing ever escaped his notice, and he saw the nervous gesture.
“If you need something to do while I read this, you can start gathering the ingredients that Professor Garlick has left me. She typically boxes them and stores them on the shelf opposite us. I won’t be long.”
While Sharp read, Elizabeth carefully lowered the boxes he’d described from an overhead shelf and set them, six in all, in two neat stacks on the floor. She didn’t use magic, but did the task the muggle way, to make it last longer, and to try to distract herself from the disappointed tutting sounds that her mother’s letter was causing to issue from the ex-auror.
As she was dusting her hands off from handling the last box, her professor evidently finished reading. He stood up carefully, leaning heavily on the cane, before hobbling to her, her letter in his outstretched hand. She took it back silently.
“You underplayed your mother’s venom, Miss Shallowbrook. That felt intentionally divisive.”
“Glad to know I’m not overreacting, then,” Elizabeth said sarcastically. “So you saw that she was asking me to stop owling her until her beau could get used to the idea of me being an ungodly witch?”
He nodded. “He sounds pretentiously religious. I apologize that you have to endure that from your own mother.”
“It’s all right,” she mumbled. “At least I’m not in that house anymore.”
“True. Have you considered speaking to Mr Gaunt about this?”
“Why does everybody ask me if I talk to Ominis about things? I have other friends, too!”
Elizabeth usually tried to remain neutral about the Slytherin, but she knew that her tone betrayed her tonight. She and Ominis were more than close friends, but they both wanted their privacy, for multiple reasons. It was probably noticeable that they had started sharing an interest in each other. Not courting of course, not yet, but…
Professor Sharp was looking down at her, giving her a disbelieving expression, one eyebrow arched.
“Miss Shallowbrook. As the bearer of a facial scar over your eye, as I am, you of all people should know that it does not render one blind. Anybody with any sense can see that you favor each other. I’ve had my suspicions since your first year.” He paused, took a step back, and pulled the handle from his cane to remove his wand before reassembling the walking stick. “Come, we’ll take these back to my office now. Walk with me.”
He cast Wingardium Leviosa on one of the two stacks of boxes before mounting the stairs to exit the Herbology Basement. The Ravenclaw followed suit, focusing intently on her slow ascent behind him and not dropping the other stack of ingredients.
As he climbed, the ex-auror continued their conversation. “I brought up Mr Gaunt because he has experience with venomous parents. The House of Guant is widely regarded as one of the crueler pureblood families, as I’m sure you already know.”
“And is that the only reason that you brought him up?” challenged Elizabeth. She would have pushed further, but between climbing the stairs, levitating the boxes, and trying to start an argument, she very nearly lost control of her spell. The boxes rattled precariously.
Sharp, now at the top of the stairs, watched as she struggled. “Focus. Practice keeping the largest part of your concentration on your spellcasting, and let the smaller part of your brain handle conversation.
“And to answer your question, the pair of you seem good for each other. Mr Gaunt fairs much better in my class with you working beside him, and you seem as though you feel safer. If throwing the two of you into each other’s paths benefits you, then far be it from me not to do so.” His face wasn’t visible as he was walking in front, but the smirk was evident in his voice.
“Professor Sharp, are you admitting that you play matchmaker with your students?” teased the witch.
“I said nothing of the sort,” he puffed, now tackling the second flight of stairs, which led into the Central Hall. “At least, not directly. Keeping up with a few hundred students’ crushes would be an exhausting waste of resources. I leave that up to Garlick and Ronen.”
He fell silent as he climbed the rest of the steps, except for one or two pained grunts towards the top. Once he reached the landing, he looked at her, and the Ravenclaw was surprised by the softness in his dark eyes.
“However, for certain students – which may or may not be favorites – I take notice of what makes them happy, and might push them in that direction from time to time.”
Elizabeth felt herself grinning, powerless to stop. “I’m one of your favorite students?”
“I never said anything of that sort directly, either. Now, do keep up,” he ordered ironically. They both knew that she was holding back to match his pace, even concentrating this long on maintaining Wingardium Leviosa.
They slowly crossed the Central Hall together, levitating their boxes of ingredients before them. Sharp grumbled about the wretched, unnecessary split-level design of the hall and the two extra staircases that it forced him to traverse, while Elizabeth pondered their interaction. Her mother’s letter was still burning a hole in her pocket, but she was hardly upset about it. Instead, she felt similar to how she’d felt after her breakdown in the Potions classroom last year. Her emotions left her exhausted, almost numb, but she was safe and protected while she recovered from them. Professor Sharp makes me feel like Father used to, she realized. Valued and cared for. He gets me.
“I supposed I can talk to Ominis about all of this,” she admitted as they reached the classroom. “It couldn’t hurt.”
“Asking for help never does,” the man agreed sagely.
He opened the door for her and extended his spell to take her boxes from her, before wordlessly sending all six of them into his office to put themselves away. The Ravenclaw looked at him, trying to be cross.
“You didn’t need help,” she challenged.
“No,” he replied, “but you did.”
Elizabeth rubbed the back of her arm. She didn’t like how easily he’d read her; it was embarrassing.
“Don’t feel bad. I only wanted to help you if I could. You’d best get to bed now, as it’s past curfew. If you take the Floo back to your common room, you should be able to avoid the prefects.”
Sharp summoned a small container of Floo powder and pressed it into her hand. Elizabeth grabbed his fingers before he could let go and gave them a squeeze.
“Thank you for always being here for me,” she murmured.
After a moment, he awkwardly squeezed back. “You’re most welcome. Now, run along, Miss Shallowbrook. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
She slipped away to the Floo grate, avoiding the portrait of Lethia Burbley and holding a finger over her mouth to shush Ignatia Wildsmith. The letter stayed tucked in the pocket of her robes, even after she changed into her nightdress and chatted with Samantha Dale about their arithmancy homework. Professor Sharp, by accepting her emotion and showing her that it could be reframed, had helped calm her. Her mother was all the way in London, while her friends were here at Hogwarts. She could seek their company instead of having hers spurned by Mrs Shallowbrook, starting in the morning. Before she went to bed, she sent Hermod to the Slytherin dungeons with a note, to ask a certain classmate to meet her early for breakfast before potions.
The next morning, Elizabeth walked into Professor Sharp’s classroom leading Ominis, the pair of them arm in arm as the Ravenclaw navigated to their usual seats. After the potions master’s brief lecture, they murmured quietly to each other while they brewed. They’d been talking all morning, and the young wizard had no end of pointers for dealing with a distant, disinterested family.
She soaked up his words and his attention. It was almost the end of class before Elizabeth looked up at her teacher, having had her focus drawn by the throat clearing he was doing. When she met Sharp’s eye, he was wearing the smuggest – yet proudest – smirk. Then he limped back to his desk, having said everything he’d wanted to say with just that expression.
When it came time to bottle their yields, the witch found a way to deep clean her brewing station so that she was the last student in the classroom. She gathered her belongings and approached the professor’s desk, handing over her bottled potion for his critique.
Holding it up to the light, Sharp smiled. “Excellent as usual, Miss Shallowbrook. Well done today. And I don’t just mean on your assignment; I’m proud that you chose to share your situation with Mr Gaunt.”
“You just say that because I followed your advice.”
“Perhaps. But then again, perhaps not. I’m always proud of you, provided you’re not doing anything foolish.”
Elizabeth blushed under the praise. “Thank you. You’ve been more supportive than anybody else has since… well, since Father died.” This was deeper than she’d meant to go, but it had come out surprisingly easily. “Even Professor Fig had his motivations for supporting me, but I don’t feel that from you, and I appreciate that.”
It was the man’s turn to shift uncomfortably. He grumbled something unintelligible before saying, “Being compared to your father is high praise, which I don’t know that I deserve, but thank you. As aways, if you need me, I shall be here.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Yes, well. I’m sure you don’t want to be late for your next class. Run along.”
She smiled at him before following his directions and jogging upstairs to meet Samantha for Arithmancy.
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ask-the-attorneys · 27 days
Elizabeth: “alright then. Meekins-“
Mike: “don’t worry, I’ll do it.”
[He quickly brings player1 to the detention center where everyone was.]
Hello, father.
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wednesday-fanatic · 11 months
Stress Relief [Cal Stone] Manifest Smut
Note: X OC, named Elizabeth, she has red hair and sky blue eyes.
Requested by: @lizzymaeee
Warnings: Sexual content/comments, fingering, dom/sub dynamics, dom!Cal, sub!Elizabeth, and unprotected sex.
Elizabeth's P.O.V:
I left my apartment early so I could get to where Mick and Zeke lived, but now it was Cal and Olive's since Mick is in the detention center and Zeke passed away. I arrived at the house and walked up to the front door. I knocked and waited a few minutes before knocking again. This time I heard someone come downstairs, as I watched a figure opened the door that I soon realized the figure was Olive.
"Hey, come on in. Cal's up in his room." She said, shutting the door behind me.
"Thanks." I said and went upstairs to Cal's room.
As I made it to the top of the stairs Olive stopped me, "Hey can you tell Cal I'm going out?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure." I said.
"Thank you." She said and walked out the front door.
"Hey Ca-" I was cut off by a muffled crash from inside Cal's room.
"Are you alright?" I asked through the door.
"Yeah, I'm fine!!" Cal yelled back.
"Can I come in?" I asked.
"Sure whatever." Cal said, and by the tone of his voice he was frustrated.
"Hey Cal, how are you?" I asked quietly, so I didn't frustrate him more.
"I'm fine." He snapped, with his back facing me.
"You don't sound fine, you sound stressed and frustrated." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I am stressed." He said, looking me in the eyes.
"Then let me be your relief." I said, winking at him.
"But Olive could hear us." He said.
"She left to go to the store." I explained, and as soon as those words left my mouth I was pinned to the wall beside the door.
As Cal pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss, I reached beside me and shut the door, locking it also. As the kiss got even more heated, Cal slipped his tongue into my mouth. He gripped my waist and my arms hung around his neck, as he lowered his hands to the back of my thighs, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
I felt my back leave the wall as Cal carried me to the bed, breaking the kiss to lay me down. He climbed on top of me leaning forward sucking on my neck. As he left hickies all over my neck one of his hands started tugging on my shirt. I lifted up my upper body so he could pull off my shirt. Once it was off he reached behind me and unclasped my bra, as he pulled it off I tried to cover up but he took his other hand and pinned my wrists above my head.
Cal soon leaned down again leaving a trail of hickies down my chest and stomach, coming to a stop just above my pants line. He glanced up at me for approval and I nodded signaling it was ok. As I did that he let my wrists go and pulled my pants and underwear off.
He trailed his hands up my thighs before spreading them apart. As he leaned forward, his lips came in contact with my dripping core. He pushed his tongue in me roughly a few times before flattening his tongue against my clit.
"Cal~" I moaned, as the pleasure built.
I whined as he pulled his tongue away, it soon being replaced by two of his fingers roughly fingering me. I kept moaning his name, and after adding a third finger and using his thumb to rub my clit I came.
I moaned loudly, as he moved his fingers to help me ride out my high, but he didn't stop once I had he kept going. He soon sped up and I came a second time. He pulled out his fingers an licked them clean of my cum.
"Mmm, you taste even better then I imagined." He said, looking me in the eyes.
"It's not fair that I'm completely naked and your fully dressed." I said pouting.
"Hmm, your right." He said and slowly started to take off his shirt.
I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it across the room, along with his pants and boxers. I layer there in anticipation as to what was about to happen. I smiled up at Cal as he positioned himself over me, lining himself up.
He pushed in and I moaned out in pleasure. He didn't start slow he started off fast. I kept moaning in pleasure, and moved my hands to Cal's hair, tugging it slightly. He groaned and pulled out.
I was confused for a moment until I was flipped over on my stomach. He entered me again and pulled my up so my back was flat up against his chest. I moaned loudly at the new angle.
We both came quickly. We both flopped onto the bed and he pulled out. I fell asleep quickly, snuggling into the warm sheets.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A federal judge struck down a portion of New Jersey's so-called "sanctuary" law blocking private migrant detention contracts with the Biden administration's federal agencies. 
In August 2021, Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy enacted Assembly Bill 5207, prohibiting New Jersey, its political subdivisions and private entities "from prospectively contracting to own or operate any facility that detains individuals for violating civil immigration laws." 
At the time of the bill’s passage, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for detaining individuals for civil immigration violations was using four detention facilities in New Jersey, but as the legislation became law, three of those four facilities stopped housing detainees on ICE’s behalf. Now, just one remains – the Elizabeth Detention Center (EDC). Its private operator CoreCivic, Inc.’s federal contract was set to expire on Aug. 31, and afterward, the New Jersey law would have prevented the private contractor from renewing it. 
In a Tuesday ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Kirsch sided with CoreCivic’s lawsuit filed earlier this year, ruling the legislation unconstitutional. 
"A state law that wholesale deprives the federal government of its chosen method of detaining individuals for violating federal law cannot survive Supremacy Clause scrutiny," the judge wrote. "[The law] would impose on the United States an intolerable choice between either releasing federal detainees or carrying out detention in an entirely novel way."
Biden administration attorneys argued that if New Jersey's neighboring states passed laws similar to AB 5207, "ICE will be unable to detain some (or perhaps many) noncitizens who are public safety or national security risks." The United States claimed "a drastic decrease in ICE'S ability to contract for detention facilities would also result in massively increased costs in terms of both transportation needs and the hiring of more officers to ensure that noncitizens are safely transported to distant facilities." 
The administration also asserted that attempting to comply with AB 5207 by building and operating its own detention facility in New Jersey is "not a practical or legal possibility," because constructing and opening a new facility would be more expensive and time-consuming than entering into a contract with a private company or public entity for an existing facility. 
The Elizabeth center is the only facility that houses ICE detainees within 60 miles of New York City. As of mid-June 2023, the EDC held approximately 285 detainees.
The federal government has been housing immigration detainees in New Jersey since at least 1986.
If the state law forces ICE to house detainees outside of New Jersey, ICE would likely need to initiate "a competitive solicitation process for new private contracts in other States to replace the lost capacity in New Jersey," which "wouldn't be available for some time," Kirsch's ruling says. Biden administration attorneys cite the EDC's proximity to two international airports — the Newark Liberty International Airport and the JFK International Airport — that make EDC crucial to ICE'S operations, as well as the operations of other federal agencies. 
"While ICE has discretion to release certain noncitizens pending their removal proceedings if they are not flight risks and do not pose a public-security threat, ICE is required to detain categories of noncitizens who are subject to mandatory detention under the immigration laws or those who pose risk to public safety," the opinion says. "Congress has likewise granted DHS discretion over the manner in which it detains individuals for civil immigration violations." 
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals shot down a similar California law in September 2022. 
Murphy’s office told Politico that the New Jersey Attorney General’s office will plan an appeal. The state maintains "private detention facilities threaten the public health and safety of New Jerseyans, including when used for immigration purposes." 
Last week, all but one of New Jersey’s Democrat congressional delegation penned a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding the Department of Justice rescind its statement of interest in the CoreCivic lawsuit opposing the state law. The letter cites reports from detainees and legal advocates about "inhuman conditions" at the Elizabeth facility, including lack of proper air quality, sanitation violations, overcrowding, inadequate media and mental health care and alleged "incidents of retaliation and abusive treatment by guards and staff." They also cited "extensive complaints, lawsuits, protests and calls for action" against the facility. 
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orpheusterminals · 1 month
Ezra Pound in a Cage: A One-Man Play
He spent months in a U.S. military detention camp near Pisa, including three weeks in an outdoor steel cage. Ruled mentally unfit to stand trial, Pound was incarcerated for over 12 years at St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., whose doctors viewed Pound as a narcissist and a psychopath, but otherwise completely sane.
[The stage is dimly lit, with a single steel cage at center stage. ERZA POUND, disheveled, bloodied, and beaten, sits inside the cage. The sounds of echoes and the faint rustling of leaves fill the air.]
ERZA POUND: "Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down."
[He recites his own words with a mixture of defiance and despair. He paces within the confines of the cage, his movements restless.]
ERZA POUND: "In the gloom, the gold gathers the light against it."
[He speaks to himself, his voice echoing off the walls of the cage. His once sharp intellect now struggles to grasp reality.]
ERZA POUND: "Scant room for raiment but for body room."
[He gestures to the cramped space around him, a bitter irony in his words. The weight of confinement presses down upon him.]
ERZA POUND: "Touch for touch in equal scales, leaves balance."
[He reaches out to the bars of the cage, his fingers tracing the cold metal. His touch is tentative, as if seeking connection in his isolation.]
ERZA POUND: "Usura slayeth the child in the womb."
[His voice trembles with emotion as he recalls his own condemnation of usury. His thoughts drift between the personal and the political, a tangled web of memory and madness.]
ERZA POUND: "Turn your eyes to the light."
[He looks upwards, his gaze searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. But all he finds is the cold, indifferent sky above.]
[As the play progresses, Pound's mental state deteriorates further. His words become fragmented, disjointed.]
ERZA POUND: "Make it new... make it... new..."
[He repeats the mantra like a desperate prayer, clinging to the last vestiges of his poetic vision. But the words ring hollow, devoid of meaning in his fractured mind.]
[The sounds of the outside world grow fainter, replaced by the echoes of Pound's own voice. He is trapped in a labyrinth of his own making, lost amidst the shadows of his own words.]
[The play ends with Pound huddled in the corner of the cage, his body racked with sobs. The lights fade to black, leaving only the echoes of his despair lingering in the darkness.]
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n0thingiscool · 5 months
Trump's Disgusting Zero Tolerance Policy
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US home grown stages of fascism and population abuses implemented mainly by Jeff Sessions, Steven Miller, Gene Hamilton, and Tom Homan.
- These cunts ignored their colleague's concern for ethics and process in order to justify kidnapping asylum seeking children from their parents, including taking infants from their breast feeding mothers, immediately.
- They ignored the pre-emptive warnings given by Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona Marshals and district attorneys at the borders telling them border patrol didn't have the facilities or staff capacity to handle the increased prosecutions.
- They didn't even bother to consider what they would do with the kids once they stole them. They barely notified DHS of the plan and didn't tell HHS at all. Therefore the was no way to track or document the stolen children.
- All of these assholes knew Trump was too stupid to comprehend the reality of the policy, knew all he was was a dipshit reactionary, and colluded to take advantage of this fact
- The rest of the rank and files had their heads so far up their asses it took thousands of displaced children, stories of parents suffering from grief, and actual leaked audio before they accepted what they were doing was wrong and/or what the news was reporting wasn't liberal bias
The full story:
"Trump-administration officials insisted for a whole year that family separations weren’t happening. Finally, in the spring of 2018, they announced the implementation of a separation policy with great fanfare—as if one had not already been under way for months. Then they declared that separating families was not the goal of the policy, but an unfortunate result of prosecuting parents who crossed the border illegally with their children. Yet a mountain of evidence shows that this is explicitly false: Separating children was not just a side effect, but the intent. Instead of working to reunify families after parents were prosecuted, officials worked to keep them apart for longer."
"Elizabeth Neumann, Nielsen’s deputy chief of staff, told me she was shaken by the nonchalance with which McAleenan and Homan had proposed taking vast numbers of children away from their parents. “They were not grasping the humanity of the situation; they were just all about ‘I need Stephen [Miller] off my back. I need the president off my back,’ ” she said. (McAleenan denies this account.) Nielsen’s deputy chief of staff, told me she was shaken by the nonchalance with which McAleenan and Homan had proposed taking vast numbers of children away from their parents. “They were not grasping the humanity of the situation; they were just all about ‘I need Stephen [Miller] off my back. I need the president off my back,’ ” she said. (McAleenan denies this account.)"
"In February 2018, Gelernt met a woman from the Democratic Republic of Congo who had been separated from her 6-year-old daughter. The girl had spent several months in an HHS shelter in Chicago; her mother was being held in an immigration detention center in the desert on the outskirts of San Diego. When she walked into a cinder-block room to meet Gelernt, she appeared gaunt and confused—“almost catatonic from what had happened to her,” Gelernt told me. "
"The brutality of Zero Tolerance was immediately evident. The father of a 3-year-old “lost his s—,” one Border Patrol agent told The Washington Post. “They had to use physical force to take the child out of his hands.” The man was so upset that he was taken to a local jail; he “yelled and kicked at the windows on the ride,” the agent said. The next morning, the father was found dead in his cell; he’d strangled himself with his own clothing."
"González said that at the height of Zero Tolerance, about 300 children were separated each day at her facility and crammed into caged enclosures. She spent most of her time inside the enclosures, helping children call their relatives. Sometimes the younger children didn’t seem to fully understand what was going on."
"Recently disclosed internal emails from that time help explain what Bash, Patrick, and the other U.S. attorneys couldn’t figure out—why the plan for reunifying families was faulty to the point of negligence. Inside DHS, officials were working to prevent reunifications from happening. Within days of the start of Zero Tolerance, Matt Albence, one of Tom Homan’s deputies at ICE, expressed concern that if the parents’ prosecutions happened too swiftly, their children would still be waiting to be picked up by HHS in Border Patrol stations, making family reunification possible. He saw this as a bad thing."
"as the trump administration sought to defuse the anger over Zero Tolerance, White House officials proposed blaming separated families for what had happened to them. A damage-control working group developed fact sheets suggesting, without evidence, that most of the separated children were trafficking victims, according to two people who were present. At one meeting, one of these officials told me, “they were like, ‘Why don’t we just show these women throwing their children over the wall, and then people will think, How could they do this?  ’ ”"
(Two things I would to see after reading this all center around witnessing Steven Miller and his cunt wife, Kate Waldman getting their asses physically beat on public access. Absolute fascists.)
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nityarawal · 7 months
Sent to new fake boss on chauffer bad check scam at PNC bank & BBVA artificial Intelligence Centers.
To my family after the 6 year apartheid war. 
Do you care? Lol
Probably not. 
But this is reason to work. 
Do you have kids?
Going to bed for first night in my art shack! Laundry clean! 
Wish you were here! I love you! Xo
PS Mom- There's another 1 bedroom available for $500. 
Would you be able to send Anj & Isha? He can have the bigger one or kids together? 
This can be moved next to it! 
Or we can make one bedrooms & one living quarters? 
Miss you! Xo 
Hey y'all have you googled mom's name lately?
Mitra with Sun!
Wow- There's thousands of wonderful new stories since last we checked. Haydn didn't believe it meant Sun.
Isn't that bizarre someone who knows Farsi, studies planets, went to Iran etc would say something so dumb? He doesn't appreciate nor understand Persian poets either. Mind Boggling.
Bobba knows he's Varuna! Lol
Every Christmas the lovers celebrate their anniversary.
It's divine.
I miss you so much. Mitra got me.
Thankyou Mommy.
You know she's even compared to Christ? Some mythical jealousy with Mitraism.
A mystical knowing that rivaled Christianity.
We are so very lucky mom. I pray you're all feeling ok.
I enjoyed first night in my dressing trailer!(: 
It's getting very cute and I'm enjoying paint box possibilities.
I left a patched wall rustic with board and want to paint an American flag on it.(:
Swedes do these barn house style paintings that are really epic.
Helen's sis had one in the only black Swedish house in the village.
Do you remember?
Do you hear from any of my bffs & sisters.
Worried for Zivit.
Any news I'd be grateful for.
I lost touch with many loved ones in lame Facebook wars.
Elon has a divine new Joe Rogan pod f/ yesterday you must hear!
He's doing AI conference & praying he heard the prudes and our beloved family.
It was King Reza Shah's II birthday yesterday.
Great party.
Persians brought it celebrating their beloved King.
It felt like the globe danced and rejoiced for our lineage.
He's only leader never criticized.
Georgia says no American leader ever spoke to her so Elon finally gave their country Starlink.
That was nice.
We see it but only the privileged use it apparently in apartheid! LOL
Praying He's doing a savoy shuffle in UK and sorting it all out.
He seemed very strong. Did you know he does Jiu Jitsu?
Could Gracie studio help Isha get his rights back?
I was sad to see another 14yo boy- little Quazi- caged by Space x and estranged from mom in daddy detention; am worried Isha was sold out?
I don't appreciate the way Sunil Carved me out of my family. We are not for sale nor barter.
Justice is undoubtedly going to be served.
It gets worse with every passing moment.
Elon says the price just goes up.
Make today a peace day like everyday.
I love you so much. Can you send me pictures here?
Isn't there anyway for y'all to shake a dead woman's Gag orders and embrace freedom of speech? RIP Queen Elizabeth & Barracuda Mamma Lori Clark Viviano AKA Sharkbait. 
Look at Elon squirm with BBC pod next. 
They have terrorized us over lame religious shit we didn't even know of from Roman times.
It's a history of wars.
Is Sunil an existentialist?
I never fully understood his superstring theory.
Do you Isha?
Please look and let me know.
I think he probably is.
Do you remember when he'd set up little villages of cards in living room; and video while Romeo knocked them down to find the treats?
There's lots of ways you can groom in war.
It's just not the Huntley way.
I don't believe it was Gautama's way of the Rawal Gotra either. Buddha loves his mom so much and is overflowing with Empathy and compassion.
We've all cried and Sung you home.
Megxit home.
Reza home.
Do you want to visit today and trick or treat?
I want to play Halloween; hug/eat and celebrate with my beloved family. 
It's sad Britney and her family broke. Praying they forgive each other- for her heart and everyone's involved.
Between us all, we've probably been targeted by over a million Jewish attys capitalizing on our family. 
We must always trust our enlightened elders.
That's why what Sunil did was a mind "F." ):
I'm sorry.
I know it wasn't good for anyone's Psyche.
Come home.
Shall we tie up the other trailer?
It's just for now.
Hopefully Elon really will get Reparations.
I'm grateful for all the time I have to enjoy the globe, you, and choose to enjoy it.
Maybe it's rude to laugh in face of tragedy; rude to defy cancer; disobedient to angry British leaders in rages over silencing for their organized criminals kink…..
I really feel Elon could rise through this. Please hold him in light of your heart. I just want the microcosm to reflect what my family can create. 
Jyoti Nitya
Light Eternal
Mitra Nitya
Friend Eternal 
Anjali Nitya
Grace; Offering To God Eternal
And grateful for our mighty Varuna Eternal. 
Ja Nitya 
We are a Tribe of peace, light and love. 
Prosperity is Gravy. 
I feel I paid more for Twitter's freedom of speech on X than anything in my life as a citizen journalist. I had to. For the word. It's very important to us. Vows. Faith. Simple human structure honoring heart values. Lovers. Boppa doesn't believe in divorce. Nor do I. It's Barbaric for one's soul. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please. 
$44b wasn't what it really cost & I think Elon gets that.
We all worked.
Got taxed in alienation warfare. 
Every home I had was raided by Nazi Sheriff on bribes.
It was creepy.
I never broke the law. 
My job is to be a mom, a full disclosure journalist and realtor. The word means more to me than the buck. That's rare. 
I might not look like Miss Ambition but it's because priority of my life is you. To some being a mom might not bring the Britney billions they want to tax our family with. 
As far as I'm concerned my billions are voting in an arena of violence we don't appreciate. 
Return all. Elon knows this is on to-do list. 
We won't have blood money on our hands. 
We worked to hard as yogis to allow Sunil Rawal to violate our sacred family. 
My stomach is actually quaking at what nasty things hrs done. Let it go. It's just not worth it. We choose love. With you. Every day.
Every minute. 
Mitra Nitya is the eternal friend. 
We all know that's true. 
We all will be paid.
I got my X tip button. (:
This won't ever happen to another family on my time or dime. 
4 billion mothers are strong.
Hugs. Xo
With all Love,
Nitya Eternal 
(Mitra Moezzi's daughter of the Persian Qajar dynasty.)
Mom- Whom I miss with all my heart. Shouldn't we all have access to the psyche geniuses of our era? Especially loved ones. I know so many people have suffered.
(Peace is so much easier. Royals are fun and I feel lucky to be half princess getting a little crumb of respect in Woman Life Freedom Baraye Global awakening about apartheid in Tehrangeles regions too.)
"In the end, all debts must be paid, just a question of when. Later makes it worse."
| Elon Musk
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creative-pens · 9 months
US Airport Officers Caught On Camera Stealing Money From Passengers' Bags
The officers allegedly stole at least $600 in cash and other items from passengers' luggage.
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A shocking video of two Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers stealing money and other items from bags of passengers at Miami International Airport has gone viral on social media. According to the New York Post, the officers allegedly stole at least $600 in cash and other items from passengers’ luggage on June 29 this year. The officers identified as 20-year-old Josue Gonzalez and 33-year-old Labarrius Williams, were arrested in July when enforcement officials began investigating claims of theft occurring at the checkpoint.
A video of the theft has emerged now, showing the agents working together to take money from wallets and purses that passed them on the way to the X-ray machine. In the footage, one of the officers is seen putting his hand inside a wallet and slipping the money inside his own pocket.
As per Fox News, the duo along with Elizabeth Fuster were arrested in July and initially charged with organized scheme to defraud, according to Miami-Dade County jail records. They were booked into Turner Guilford Knight Detention Center.
Fuster and Gonzalez confessed to ‘’numerous thefts’’ from travelers, admitting to stealing an average of $1,000 daily while working together. Both of them have pleaded not guilty to the third-degree felony grand theft charges they face, while charges against Fuster were dropped in August.
The officers have been removed from screening duties pending the completion of the investigation and administrative actions, according to the TSA.
The statement by TSA stated, ‘’The Transportation Security Administration holds its Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) to the highest professional and ethical standards and has no tolerance for misconduct in the workplace.’’
‘’We actively and aggressively investigated these misconduct allegations and presented our findings to the Miami Dade Police Department, and are working closely with them. Any employee who fails to meet our fundamental ethical standards is held accountable,’’ the statement added.
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argus-news · 9 months
US Airport Officers Caught On Camera Stealing Money From Passengers' Bags
The officers allegedly stole at least $600 in cash and other items from passengers' luggage.
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A shocking video of two Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers stealing money and other items from bags of passengers at Miami International Airport has gone viral on social media. According to the New York Post, the officers allegedly stole at least $600 in cash and other items from passengers' luggage on June 29 this year. The officers identified as 20-year-old Josue Gonzalez and 33-year-old Labarrius Williams, were arrested in July when enforcement officials began investigating claims of theft occurring at the checkpoint.
A video of the theft has emerged now, showing the agents working together to take money from wallets and purses that passed them on the way to the X-ray machine. In the footage, one of the officers is seen putting his hand inside a wallet and slipping the money inside his own pocket.
As per Fox News, the duo along with Elizabeth Fuster were arrested in July and initially charged with organized scheme to defraud, according to Miami-Dade County jail records. They were booked into Turner Guilford Knight Detention Center.
Fuster and Gonzalez confessed to ''numerous thefts'' from travelers, admitting to stealing an average of $1,000 daily while working together. Both of them have pleaded not guilty to the third-degree felony grand theft charges they face, while charges against Fuster were dropped in August.
The officers have been removed from screening duties pending the completion of the investigation and administrative actions, according to the TSA.
The statement by TSA stated, ''The Transportation Security Administration holds its Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) to the highest professional and ethical standards and has no tolerance for misconduct in the workplace.''
''We actively and aggressively investigated these misconduct allegations and presented our findings to the Miami Dade Police Department, and are working closely with them. Any employee who fails to meet our fundamental ethical standards is held accountable,'' the statement added.
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conandaily2022 · 9 months
Essex, Maryland's Luis Borunda being held without bond at Anne Arundel County Detention Center
Luis Esteban Borunda, 65, of Essex, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States previously lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He and his wife Sharon Elizabeth Borunda, 60, have six children together. Aside from Essex, Luis has lived in other parts of Maryland including Baltimore and Glen Burnie. He co-founded the Maryland Hispanic Business Legislative Reception and the Maryland Hispanic…
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hack1872 · 11 months
The Department of Justice and ICE jointly submitted a "statement of interest" in federal court in Trenton on Wednesday supporting CoreCivic's lawsuit against Gov. Phil Murphy and Attorney General Matthew Platkin to continue operating the Elizabeth Detention Center, also known as the Elizabeth Contract Detention Facility.
Murphy's office and activist groups rallying this summer to ensure that the detention center closes for good all expressed dismay at the federal government's statement of interest.
Elizabeth Detention Center NJ: Support for lawsuit to stay open (northjersey.com)
detention #immigrants #lawsuit #NewJersey
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trustimpact · 2 years
Mississippi fire dogs
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Mississippi fire dogs skin#
Mississippi fire dogs series#
The Tunica Humane Society and the Tate County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to Newsweek's requests for comment.STARKVILLE, Miss. They will always serve as his badge of courage and his undeniable will to live." "He is a happy, energetic, robust, typical lab except for the horrific injuries that he suffered at the hands of his abuser," it said. The shelter said Buddy would best fit in a home with older children where he is the only dog. The Tunica Humane Society's post said its employees have worked to teach Buddy "manners and all kinds of commands," adding that he loves to play fetch and go on walks. "To allow this act to go unpunished is like saying that it's ok to keep doing this- as the child surely will again and further down the road, perhaps torture other animals or children," the petition says. The petition says the child needs "time in a detention center" and long-term "psychological help." It also insists the parents pay for the medical care Buddy needed to recover from his injuries. So far, the petition has amassed over 203,000 signatures. Shortly after Buddy was harmed, Georgia woman Sheri Webb started a petition titled "Justice for Buddy," which demands consequences for the 12-year-old who burned the dog. Sheriff Saves Dog With Swollen Head From Zip-Tie on Its Neck: 'Sick People'.Man Charged After Some Pigs' Ears Froze Off From Living in Cold Conditions.Watch Abused, Crippled Elephant take First Steps to Safety.Watch Rescue Bear Cubs Play with Snowman after Being Used as Selfie Objects.Tonga's "Dog Lady" Swept Away by Tsunami From Volcano While Saving Dogs.Animal Sacrifice Sees Drunk Priest Allegedly Behead Man Instead of Goat."He deserves to be with the perfect family that will love him for all the right reasons." "It's so important to us at the Tunica Humane Society to get this right for this precious dog," the statement said. That means he wears a smaller bandage on his face than before. The humane society said in its post that a spot between the dog's eyes was having trouble healing, but the wound has started to close in recent days. His eyelids and tear ducts were also damaged in the fire, which means Buddy requires artificial tears to keep his eyes moisturized.
Mississippi fire dogs skin#
According to the Clarion-Ledger, Buddy needed two skin graft surgeries in April using North Atlantic Cod fish skin. In the Sunday Facebook post, the animal shelter said it is trying to find a family near Mississippi State so he can have follow-up visits with Swanson. The humane society told Action News 5 it had planned to find a home for Buddy by the holidays, but "things did not work out" with a foster family. Elizabeth Swanson at Mississippi State University, a Facebook post from the animal shelter said. Due to Mississippi law, a child that young cannot be prosecuted.īuddy has since been recovering with the Tunica Humane Society under the supervision of Dr. Tate County Sheriff Brad Lance told the Clarion-Ledger the investigation concluded that a 12-year-old child had set the dog on fire.
Mississippi fire dogs series#
A Mississippi dog that was burned by a child last year is still looking for a home after a series of treatments.īuddy, a Labrador retriever mix, was found in Tate County on April 22 with his face badly burned and an extension cord around his neck, the Jackson, Mississippi, Clarion-Ledger reported.
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ask-the-attorneys · 2 months
(As player1 went to see Diane, Elizabeth went to see someone at the detention center)
Mike: “What can I do for you ma’am.”
Elizabeth: “I want to see a mister Furio Tigre please.”
Mike: “sure ma’am, I’ll bring him here for you.”
//This is under the assumption I'm representing Tigre
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