thegrapeandthefig · 10 months
hey! i've been reading about the judges of the dead and i've seen triptolemos be mentioned as the judge presiding over the initiates of the mysteries but i'm having trouble finding sources. do you know if he was officially considered a judge or not? thanks!
Hi! As far as I know, the only mention of Triptolemus being a judge comes from Plato, in Apology 41a:
|41a If, when someone arrives in the world of Hādēs, he is freed from those who call themselves jurors [dikastai] here, and finds the true [alētheîs] judges [dikastai] who are said to give judgment [dikazein] over there [ekeî]—Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aiakos and Triptolemos, and other demigods [hēmi-theoi] who were righteous [dikaioi] in their own life—that would not be a bad journey [apo-dēmiā], now would it? To make contact with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer—who of you would not welcome such a great opportunity? Why, if these things are true [alēthē], let me die again and again. 
Dr. Patrick Hunt has an article published here on the passage that might be relevant to your research as well.
More generally on the topic, Jan N. Bremmer says this in Initiation into the Mysteries of the Ancient World (go grab it, it's in open access):
The connection of Eleusis with agriculture is also manifest in the equally prominent position in Eleusis of Triptolemos, the inventor of agriculture, who only in the fourth century becomes a judge in the underworld, and by the presence on a fourth-century Apulian vase of personified Eleusis sitting next to Eniautos, ‘(The products of the) Year’, holding a horn of plenty that sprouts ears of wheat.
Which is an interesting comment because it also lines up with a change in his cult in Athens at the same period, as indicated by Isabelle K. Raubitschek and Antony E. Raubitschek in The Mission of Triptolemos:
The transformation of Triptolemos from an instructor of the Athenian farmers in the art of agriculture into a hero, charged by Demeter to spread the knowledge of farming throughout the world, took place, according to the vases illustrating this mission, between 510 and 480 B.C., when renewed activity is attested both in Eleusis and in the Eleusinion in Athens. This propaganda effort with its emphasis on the Mission of Triptolemos beyond the borders of Attica may be connected with the claims of the newly founded Athenian democracy to be the mother city of all the Ionians.
Which leads to comment on the difficulty of officiality in ancient Greek religion. There is no direct mention of Triptolemus as a judge outside of Plato in the sources we know of that I could find, but his story otherwise predates the 5th century by far. Everything here seems to indicate a shift in worship that attributed this new role to him in Athenian context. And from that point on, it's possible that the idea of him as a judge spread across Greece through the cultural impact of Athens.
To add to uncertainty, we do not know enough of the specifics of his cult within the Eleusinian Mysteries to know if there was an evolution in his role during the mysteries themselves.
Before I wrap this up, just a headsup that the most important study (to date) on Triptolemus was written by Gerda Schwarz in 1987. It was never translated from German and I couldn't find a copy online but I noticed that the German Wikipedia page is more detailed as a result of that work being in the bibliography.
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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“Eleusinion” Blue spray, marker and collage on cardboard. Aerosol azul, rotulador y collage sobre cartón. Din A4 #collage#eleusinion#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory#artgallery#contemporaryart#primitivedecor#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHMN9MHopv/?igshid=10iv7jcv6vudg
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6 Suggested Historical Destinations For Student Travel
Student travel promises to be an enjoyable trip. Not only do students can visit several places, they could also learn so much on every trip. And since air travel agencies as well as airlines provide student travel discount and special student travel rate, student travel is becoming more and more available for greater number of students who want to explore and learn more about the world.
For first time travelers, here are some historical destinations you can consider for you student travel:
Athens As the center of knowledge, government, and system in the ancient world, every student would be amazed how this ancient city grew and evolved. Students can visit Acropolis, Agora, Library of Hadrian, Kerameikos, Olympieion & Southeast Athens, Pnyx, Roman Agora & Tower of the Winds, Arch of Hadrian, City Eleusinion and other ancient sites in this ancient city of Athens.
Egypt Visit one of the earliest civilizations founded in this part of the world. Egypt features 3000 years old city in the banks of River Nile. Egypt is also one of the oldest tourist spots in the world with visitors coming from the ancient Rome and Greece.
Moving your way south from Cairo, the nation’s capital, you can stop at Giza where the infamous Great Pyramid stands. It was built by Pharaoh Khafu in the year 2550 BC. Standing at 147 meters, it was the largest and the most ambitious structure built in the ancient Egypt requiring 2.3 million stone block to erect. Also at Giza, see the Pyramid of Khafre home if the Sphinx. It was built 30 after the Great Pyramid. As the second largest, the Pyramid of Khafre stands at 144 meters of 471 feet. The third pyramid located at Giza was the Pyramid of Menkaure which stands at 65 meters or 213 feet.
Further south, Saqqara is home to the Step Pyramid of Djoser built in 2630 BC. Pyramid of Pepi II, also located at Saqqara was the last pyramid built by ancient Egyptians. In Dahshur, the Bent and the Red Pyramids are located. And down south at Maidum, the Maidum Pyramid can be found.
See the temples, mummies, tombs, hieroglyphics, and Valley of the Kings and the Queens if you visit Egypt.
Rome See ancient Rome still intact with evidences of Roman structure and architectures built more than 2000 years ago. Rome presents the living timeline from the Roman Empire to the shift of the Middle Ages, to baroque and renaissance, to the dawn of the romantic period and enlightenment. Rome preserves its temples, churches, arts, and priceless paintings and murals.
Turkey A former territory of the Roman Empire which stood strong for more than a thousand years against several barbarian attack. Turkey is in the easternmost part of Europe that features a diverse culture, religion, philosophy, and architectures.
China Travel Far East and learn the history of the ancient eastern civilization that was once unknown until the last centuries. See the Great Wall, a remnant of the Zhou Dynasty along with other unique oriental culture and tradition. See the Chinese painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, and Chinese art.
Peru As the center of the Inca civilization, Peru is a great destination for student travel for discovery of South American history. The 500-year old Inca traces could be relived in the Inca Trail that is both exciting and educational. Walk to the Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, and Pisac.
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rabenzahl · 4 years
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Make shift #altar at the fence to the closed part of the ancient agora in #Athens, the closest I could go to the Eleusinion and sanctuary to #Hekate in 2018. #hecate #hekategoddess #hecategoddess #pagan #paganism #greece #greekgods #godsofhellas (hier: Ancient Agora of Athens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91043mnCc8/?igshid=1x2egwt941p0l
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quase-bruxa · 7 years
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Celebração do Dia 15 DE SETEMBO Início dos Grandes Mistérios de Eleusis, os “Mistérios da Mãe e da Filha”, oriundos de um antigo festival da colheita dos cereais. Nesta dia, fazia-se a proclamação oficial, excluindo-se todos aqueles que tinham cometido algum delito ou não falavam grego. Na véspera, os “sacra” - objetos sagrados - de Deméter eram trazidos de Eleusis pelas sacerdotisas, que percorriam em silêncio os trinta quilômetros que separavam a cidade de Atenas, com as cestas sobre suas cabeças. Os “sacra” eram depositados no Eleusinion, o santuário de Deméter na Ágora (templo) de Acrópolis, até o dia seguinte, quando eram purificados no mar. Dedique este dia para avaliar a arrumação de seu altar ou espaço sagrado. Considere o que deve ser descartado, renovado ou substituído. Talvez você queira ampliar o seu “ponto de força” ou reforçar as defesas energéticas de seu ambiente. Use os ensinamentos da milenar tradição do Feng Shui para alinhar sua casa com as correntes cósmicas e telúricas, crie o “canto da espiritualidade” colocando nele imagens de anjos, estatuetas de deusas, mandalas, yantras ou os objetos que para você representam o sagrado. Reserve algumas horas para se isolar, permanecendo em silêncio e meditando a respeito de sua busca espiritual, dos caminhos percorridos, dos desafios enfrentados e das realizações alcançadas. *informações extraídas do livro “ O Anuário da Grande Mãe”, de Mirella Faur.
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mitosenespanol · 7 years
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“¡Veneranda Deméter, que nos traes los frutos a su tiempo y nos haces espléndidos dones! ¿Cuál de los númenes celestiales o de los mortales hombres te robó a Perséfone, contristando tu corazón?” - Himno Homérico a Deméter.
Misterios Eleusinos Menores
Se cuenta que la diosa Deméter, protectora de la Agricultura, se reunió con su hija Core en Eleusis. La joven había sido secuestrada por el dios Hades y convertida en reina del Inframundo bajo el nombre de Perséfone. A raíz de este episodio, la diosa fundó su culto bajo el nombre de “Misterios Eleusinos”, un culto secreto pero fuertemente difundido en toda Grecia y que logró penetrar en la religión romana, encontrando su fin en el advenimiento del cristianismo.
Los Misterios se dividen en dos, menores y mayores. Los menores son los concernientes ahora, pues van del 17 al 23 de febrero, días que corresponden al mes Antesterión. En estos días se realizaban los ritos de iniciación a los Misterio Eleusinos y se hacían preparaciones para los mayores, que serían celebrados meses después. Se supone que todos los ritos, himnos, ceremonias y elementos del culto en Eleusis eran secretos; sin embargo, muchos escritores e historiadores griegos violaron las reglas y, para bien o para mal, gracias a ellos podemos conocer tan solo una parte de los Misterios Eleusinos. A pesar de ésto la información que se tiene no es muy clara y muchas cosas corresponden a meras conjeturas y teorías.
En Atenas, casi todos los hombres estaban iniciados, a excepción de las mujeres, niños y esclavos que no eran considerados ciudadanos. El rito de iniciación era una ceremonia individual que sucedía en Eleusis o en el Eleusinion, un espacio dispuesto en el Ágora. Cada hombre debía llevar un cochinillo con el que se sumergiría en el mar para más tarde asesinarlo, simbolizando cómo la tierra tragó a Core.
Después de dar muerte al cochinillo, el hombre debía entrar al templo cubierto por un velo para ser purificado mientras meditaba en un taburete forrado con piel de carnero. Una figura sostenía una antorcha, pues la purificación se hacía con viento y fuego.
La ceremonia terminaba cuando el hombre llegaba al Anáktoron, que en griego significa “palacio” (no se sabe si se refiere al templo o a qué otro sitio), y cargaba una cesta con utensilios de cultivo y mortero para elaborar agua de cebada. Una vez realizado ésto, podía ser llamado “iniciado”.  
Imagen extraída de aquí
Mito de Deméter: Prima parte, y Segunda parte y última parte.
Lee mitos de Japón aquí
Los mitos, antes que todo, son manifestaciones psíquicas del alma humana… - Carl Gustav Jung. Lee mitos.
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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“Eleusinion” Blue spray, marker and collage on cardboard. Aerosol azul, rotulador y collage sobre cartón. Din A4 #collage#eleusinion#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory#artgallery#contemporaryart#primitivedecor#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHMF23nIXa/?igshid=lhn620il9afm
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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“Eleusinion” Blue spray, marker and collage on cardboard. Aerosol azul, rotulador y collage sobre cartón. Din A4 #collage#eleusinion#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory#artgallery#contemporaryart#primitivedecor#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHMLImnG33/?igshid=3xac8ba4bl2l
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5NOsoO_v/?igshid=12kepry8b79gt
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5FDkoF7Y/?igshid=1xe6gj59upe3q
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oscarangelreysoto · 5 years
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"Eleusinion" This was a Birthday Gift for @galleriheikearndt at an opening of Fresh Legs. Blue spray, marker and collage on cardboard. Este fue un Regalo de Cumpleaños para @galleriheikearndt en una inauguración de Fresh Legs. Aerosol azul, rotulador y collage sobre cartón. Din A4 #collage#eleusinion#charlieparker #Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory#artgallery#contemporaryart#primitivedecor#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (en Berlin, Germany - Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LrSi9Ikfa/?igshid=14sqmu81wc3nh
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oscarangelreysoto · 5 years
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"Eleusinion" This was a Birthday Gift for @galleriheikearndt at an opening of Fresh Legs. Blue spray, marker and collage on cardboard. Este fue un Regalo de Cumpleaños para @galleriheikearndt en una inauguración de Fresh Legs. Aerosol azul, rotulador y collage sobre cartón. Din A4 #collage#eleusinion#charlieparker #Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory#artgallery#contemporaryart#primitivedecor#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (en Berlin, Germany - Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LrsVWouQx/?igshid=1q2wkorh45wk9
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
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"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5YAfoPIr/?igshid=5n1r0wkequec
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5g-1HrnZ/?igshid=1tmoyghk9waj3
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5Q5hoSyb/?igshid=1h3eacwldhx03
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oscarangelreysoto · 4 years
"Somnium" Engraving on wooden box, Japanese black ink and red spray paint on clay. This artistic object can be viewed and purchased at @kbh_kunst Grabado sobre caja de madera, tinta negra japonesa y pintura roja en aerosol sobre arcilla. Este objeto artístico se puede ver y comprar en @kbh_kunst #engraving#eleusinion#jaccogardner#Berlin#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#art#arte#fineart#figurative#arttheory #artgallery#contemporaryart#clay#minimalismoabstractart#acrilico#painting#luxury#artgallery#contemporary#artcollector#artaddict#Malerei#zeichnungen#curator#fineart#artdealer#artista (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p5IQLHQXN/?igshid=89ozobyoqnsd
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