#Eben Figueiredo
asraeas · 1 month
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Cyrano and Christian + physical touch "Is there a version of life where two men can live as one person?" National Theatre Live: Cyrano de Bergerac (2020)
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First look: A Christmas Carol at The Bridge theatre
Photos by Manuel Harlan
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oughttobeclowns · 2 years
Review: Much Ado About Nothing, National Theatre
Review: Much Ado About Nothing, @NationalTheatre Masses of pec-flexing, gelato-destroying, Margaret-solving, Wendy Kweh-elevating fun. I want to see it again already - even with aircon, the NT really is on fire right now for me.
John Heffernan and Katherine Parkinson are perfectly cast and perfectly matched in Simon Godwin’s joyous Much Ado About Nothing at the National Theatre “I do love nothing in the world so well as you” Putting John Heffernan and Katherine Parkinson at the heart of any show is pretty much tapping into my ideal fan-casting but the real joy of Simon Godwin’s Much Ado About Nothing for the National…
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James McAvoy as Cyrano & Eben Figueiredo as Christian  NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: CYRANO DE BERGERAC (2019) | part 1
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ride-a-dromedary · 18 days
There is never a time I am not thinking about the kiss from the Crimp adaptation or Cyrano, specifically the 2019 filmed version, but it's the way James McAvoy's entire body *freezes* on the second attempt; he shakes his head, his mouth opens and his lip curls like he wants to recoil but he *tilts his jaw up* as Eben Figueiredo continues to move closer. And they both pause in that position where their teeth are slotted together but their lips aren't moving, they just tremble, and then when Christian goes for it and fully commits and grabs his face so he can't run away and can't hide, Cyrano's expression *melts* and it's *bliss* a moment, confliction the next; and for all Cyrano tried to deny the beginning, he's the one who clutches onto Christian's arm to keep him close. *He's* the one who follows after him when he rips away, and when they part it's violent with its reluctance and denial and hurt and *realization*...
And I just think that's neat, you know?
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waitingforeddyneddy · 6 months
are people fake-worrying about that after-saga guy being part of simone's movie? i guess if casting is such a topic for them, they'd also mention that eben figueiredo, who's also part of the movie, was james mcavoy's cyrano de bergerac to rave reviews? they only have eyes to white guys, so it doesn't even surprise me they didn't know to be honest!
Lmao yeah. I didn’t personally see cause I have them blocked and it’s been a while since anyone sent me screenshots but that’s exactly what they are doing, I bet they’re making passive aggressive jokes in the name of “joking around cause Simone’s my fave and I can do that 🙄”
They conveniently ignore Eben Figuereido and Nikesh Patel cause they wanna joke about that guy and make fun of Simone’s new movie cause he is in it 🤡
I would be worried about their fave almost making out with a married zionist on stage during a strike to promote their anti communist show 🤡
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theimpossiblescheme · 9 months
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westsahara · 1 year
Der Autonomieplan, die einzig glaubwürdige und realistische Lösung zwecks der Beilegung der Sahara-Frage (dem Außenminister von Kap Verde zufolge)
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Rabat–Der kapverdische Minister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, für Zusammenarbeit und für regionale Integration, Rui Alberto de Figueiredo Soares, bekundete am Dienstag, dem 09. Mai 2023 in Rabat die „felsenfeste“ Unterstützung seines Landes der Marokkanität der Sahara gegenüber, unterstreichend, dass die vonseiten des K��nigreichs Marokko unterbreitete Lösung die „einzig glaubwürdige und realistische Lösung“ zwecks der  Beilegung dieses Regionalkonflikts sei.
„Wir bekunden unsere felsenfeste Unterstützung der territorialen Integrität des Königreichs und etlichen Anstrengungen gegenüber, die Marokko auf Ebene der Vereinten Nationen geleistet hat und leistet“, um die Sahara-Frage lösen zu dürfen, behauptete Herr Soares auf einer Pressekonferenz am Ende der 2. gemischten Großkommission für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Marokko und Kap Verde, deren Vorsitz er gemeinsam mit dem Minister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, für afrikanische Zusammenarbeit und für die im Ausland lebenden Marokkaner, Herrn Nasser Bourita, führt.
Bezugnehmend auf die bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Rabat und Praia würdigte Herr Soares das Interesse, welches Marokko der Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit mit Kap Verde anlässlich dieser 2. gemeinsamen Großkommission schenkt, die Unterzeichnung von neun Kooperationsabkommen mit dem Königreich begrüßend, die viele Bereiche abdecken.
In diesem Zusammenhang verwies der kapverdische Diplomat auf die Unterzeichnung eines Visumbefreiungsabkommens für normale Passinhaber, das den Touristenfluss und den Handel zwischen den beiden Staaten ankurbeln  dürfe.
„Wir freuen uns überdies mit großer Begeisterung auf die bevorstehende Einweihung der marokkanischen Botschaft in Praia, die sich als ein weiteres Zeichen für die Vertiefung unserer Beziehungen herausstellen würde“, fuhr er fort.
Herr Bourita erklärte seinerseits: „Marokko entbietet der Republik Kap Verde seine Danksagung für ihre beständige Haltung in Hinsicht auf die Frage der  marokkanischen Sahara.“
„Seit dem Entzug der Anerkennung der Marionettenrepublik in 2007 hat es in dieser bezogenen Position eine große Entwicklung gegeben, wie kürzlich die Einweihung eines Konsulats von Kap Verde in den südlichen Provinzen im August 2022“, fügte er hinzu.
Herr Bourita stellte fest, dass sich die bilateralen Beziehungen beständig weiterzuentwickeln haben, klar herausstellend, dass die 2. gemeinsame Großkommission und der Austausch sektoraler Besuche dieser positiven Dynamik unter die Arme greifen würden.
„Der Wille des Königreichs den Hochanweisungen seiner Majestät des Königs Mohammed VI. nach besteht, etlichen Entwicklungsanstrengungen der Behörden von Kap Verde Beistand leisten zu haben“, sagte er, hinzufügend, dass Marokko etliche Reformen befolgt, die in diesem Land in die Wege geleitet wurden und werden, sowie die klarstehende Vision seiner Behörden in Hinsicht auf die Entwicklung würdigt.
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picolin · 2 years
Much Ado About Nothing
by William Shakespeare
dir. Simon Godwin
2022年7月23日 NT Lyttelton
アンナ・フレイシュルの美術はピンクを基調にしたもので、中央の二階建ての円形のセットは二階がベランダ、一階が回転によってホテルロビーと玄関に切り替わる。ベランダでは5人編成のバンドが生演奏を繰り広げることが多い。空いた左右にそれぞれ小部屋が競り上がり、1幕では女性キャラがガールズトークを、2幕では男性キャラが風呂でボーイズトークを行うという対比になっている。このプロダクションはとにかく衣装(Evie Gurney)がかわいらしく、なぜかピンクの軍服から女性陣の帽子、パンタロン主体のコーディネート、男性のリゾートファッションも清涼感があってとても素晴らしい。
メインの二人は軽みと真剣さのバランスが最高に噛み合っており流石である。クローディオがジェイミー・ロイド版『シラノ・ド・ベルジュラック』のクリスチャン役だったEben Figueiredoで、また似たキャラじゃないか...と思ってしまったのだが、似たタイプのチャームを振り撒きながらも悲嘆や怒りの表現が一味違う、より真面目さを強調するものになっており好印象。一番驚きだったのがセキュリティのドッグベリー(デヴィッド・フィン)で、なんと『The Office』のリッキー・ジャヴェイスと『The IT Crowd』や『What We Do In The Shadows(ドラマ版)』のマット・ベリーと『The Boys』のカール・アーバンを足したような奇矯なキャラとなっている。彼が出てくるたびに完全に場を攫っていた。
中央の二階建てのセットを中心にしたプロという意味では、ゴドウィンが過去に手がけた『The Beaux' Stratagem』に近い作りだが、時代と場所の設定、そして基調色のせいか『グランド・ブダペスト・ホテル』や『マンマ・ミーア!』映画版のような度を越した浮かれ感が支配しており(特に1幕)、ロンドンにいながらにして地中海リゾートを楽しんでいる気分が味わえる。
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Young Marx @ Bridge Theatre 2017 (#219)
Title: Young Marx
Venue: Bridge Theatre
Year: 2017
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Condition: Good condition
Author: Richard Bean and Clive Coleman
Director: Nicholas Hytner
Cast: Duncan Wisbey, Rory Kinnear, Joseph Wilkins, Nancy Carroll, Oliver Chris, Laura Elphinstone, Logan Clark, Rupert Turnbull, Joseph Walker, Tony Jayawardena, Eben Figueiredo, Dixie Egerickx, Matilda Shapland, Harriet Turnbull, Scott Karim, Alana Ramsey, Fode Simbo, NIcholas Burns, Miltos Yerolemou, Duncan Wisbey, Sophie Russell
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open-box-arts-blog · 2 years
Cyrano at BAM
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Cyrano at BAM May, 2022
Cyrano de Bergerac is having a pop culture moment lately. It’s been 400 years since the real Cyrano lived and more than 100 since Edmond Rostand made his life into an 1897 play, but the skilled writer who, believing himself ugly and therefore unlovable, uses his talents to help another man woo his love was just the subject of a musical film starring Peter Dinklage. Now, British director Jamie Lloyd’s fresh take on Cyrano de Bergerac is making its American premiere at the BAM Harvey Theater, three years after debuting to acclaim in London. It’s different from the lavish period film in every way, and it’s worth the trip to Brooklyn. Lloyd’s Cyrano lives comfortably in anachronism. Classics purists will still find the rhyming-couplet poetry of Rostand’s play intact, but Martin Crimp’s freewheeling adaptation will also delight the Gen-Z crowd: 19th-century verse gives way to 21st-century spoken-word poetry and rap, including plenty of red-hot roasts. Think Hamilton, but faster (yes, it’s possible) and with no accompaniment but a single beatboxer (Vaneeka Dadhria). To that point, Lloyd has stripped Cyrano de Bergerac down to its bare essentials: no props, no period sets or costumes, only a torrent of words. Lloyd’s reasoning? Words are powerful, needing nothing else to make them effective when crafted well. Nothing else besides a deft wordsmith, of course, and here it’s the intoxicating James McAvoy in his New York stage debut. As the lovestruck yet insecure Cyrano, he delivers ferocity, vulnerability, and passion in quick succession, and you’ll want — and need — to hang on every word that Crimp has given him. Ferocity comes first: He introduces himself by leaping downstage and challenging another character to a “swordless” swordfight (no props, remember) at a Hamlet performance. But McAvoy wields a microphone like a weapon and has a sharp enough tongue to rival any blade. (He also unleashes insults at the middling Hamlet actor — Adrian Der Gregorian, a great actor parodically playing the part as a “misunderstood,” artsy bro at a poetry slam. If you know, you know.) But lest that first scene make you think Cyrano is all anger, he divulges his love for the beautiful, intelligent Roxane (Evelyn Miller) to a friend five minutes later. Suddenly, this self-assured showstopper in leather is as flustered and giddy as a schoolboy with a crush. Cyrano can be a tough protagonist to root for, with his self-destructive pride, lofty way of talking, and constant deception, but the versatile McAvoy brings unexpected humility and humor to the character. And you can’t help but be enamored by the balcony scene toward the end of Act 1, the show’s most arresting sequence. Cyrano feeds dialogue to Christian (a sweet Eben Figueiredo) to woo Roxane, but inadvertantly ends up speaking for Christian himself under cover of darkness. With Roxane’s back turned, Cyrano delivers his love confession, a seductive monologue, straight to the audience. No matter how far you’re sitting from the stage, McAvoy makes the moment feel truly intimate, an admirable feat in an 897-seat theatre. Ultimately, the only flaw in McAvoy’s casting is that it’s difficult to imagine him wanting for admirers, especially since he doesn’t wear the honking prosthetic nose that supposedly makes him ugly. (It’s worth mentioning here that Lloyd also gives Cyrano and Christian some serious homoerotic chemistry, creating a true love triangle.) Although McAvoy’s presence commands constant attention at every turn, don’t overlook Miller, who gives a quietly strong performance as Roxane and makes us think twice about our endearment to Cyrano. She especially shines in Act 2 — which discards much of the humor of Act 1 and digs into tragedy — with a speech decrying both Cyrano and Christian for objectifying her beauty and overlooking her intelligence. To both Crimp’s and Miller’s credit, the monologue doesn’t feel preachy, but righteous. Cyrano wields his anger like a battering ram, bowling over everyone in sight, but Roxane wields hers like a dagger, striking pointedly at the heartstrings.
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talkaboutyourday · 2 years
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Come on, Christian, a partnership. Say yes.
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Simon Russell Beale, Lindsey Marshal and Eben Figueiredo in rehearsal for A Christmas Carol at the Bridge Theatre
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nkp1981 · 2 years
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James McAvoy and Eben Figueiredo in 'Cyrano', 2019
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James McAvoy as Cyrano & Eben Figueiredo as Christian NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: CYRANO DE BERGERAC (2019) | part 2
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ohdeargodwhy · 4 years
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James McAvoy and Eben Figueiredo in Cyrano de Bergerac directed by Jamie Lloyd
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