#Dr. Noonien Soong
chainsawgirltheythem · 7 months
sorry data but 10/10 would have fucked your dad
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So, I just had a thought (& possible realization that could be canon?):
As I'm sure many of us TNG fans are aware, it's never canonically addressed where, how, or when exactly Data got Spot. However, based on the order of the episodes, Spot wasn't shown or mentioned until "Data's Day", & because we were shown Data's quarters several times throughout Seasons 1-3 without any indications of a cat living with him, we can assume that he got Spot somewhere either in the end of Season 3 or the beginning of Season 4 (I know the argument could be made that he could have still had Spot, it just wasn't very clearly established or shown, but for the sake of my theory, let's assume that not showing Spot or evidence of Data having her indicates that he didn't have her yet).
The events of "Brothers" occurs just several episodes before "Data's Day". We saw in "Brothers" that after Dr. Soong died, Data took some of his father's things with him (i.e. the toy dinosaurs that he gave to the two brothers who were also in the episode). I think it's highly unlikely that Data would have only taken those two dinosaurs from his father's place, & I think he almost certainly took a lot more of his father's things with him (i.e. he probably took some of his books, artwork, etc.).
I think it can also be assumed that Dr. Soong didn't like being alone, & always preferred the company of another being (his sons & Juliana, for example). After the Crystalline Entity attacked, Juliana left, Data joined Starfleet, & Dr. Soong was left all by himself on that whole planet, I think he got really lonely, but didn't know or have any other person in his life that he could seek companionship with. Not wanting to go through the intense emotional & physical tolls of creating another android son again, & being unable to find another partner or spouse, I think he would have probably gotten himself a pet as a last-ditch effort to curb his loneliness.
But what would his pet be? Perhaps a cat...?
Long story short, I propose this theory: Spot was originally Dr. Soong's cat, & after he died & Data was looking through his place to determine all the things he wanted to keep, he found Spot, & knew he had to take her with him.
I'd have to rewatch "Brothers" to look for any evidence of Dr. Soong having a cat, as well review the episodes after "Brothers" & before "Data's Day" to see if they showed Data's quarters clearly catless again, to support this theory, but I genuinely think this could be how Data got Spot
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wiz4rdkiss3r · 6 months
noonien soong should kiss me on my hot mouth I think
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An old sketch from around 2012. Description and transcript under cut:
Lore: Dr. Soong always liked Data better. It was always, "No Lore! You're scaring the locals! No, Lore! Don't betray me to the crystalline entity!" Why can't you be more like Data! Data joined Starfleet! Data is polite! Data joined Starfleet! Data is polite! Data isn't evil! Everybody loves Data! Data Data Data!
Dr. Soong: What do you need more emotion for?
Data: Having a hissy fit. A tantrum. Carping. Griping. Whining like a little bitch.
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quarks-pussy · 5 months
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Remade this post of mine
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startrekmemequeen · 3 months
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Soong family + reCAPTCHA
(bonus Geordi)
The one with Noonien is Cold Equations reference
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mostly-natm · 9 days
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“I always loved that face.”
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gallwithapall · 10 months
S c r e a m i n g
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Brent Spiner as Dr Soong-S6:E16 Birthright i/ii
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Knock knock ! who's there ? AUTISM.
hi uhm. hi hi Zane and Data and their fuckingn brothers and other shit i came up with (IGNORE THE OLD INVENTOR MAN YAOI!!!!!!!!!)
also theres a ninjago mcdonalds au in here. no i wont explain. just click the photos to see everything better and also the video that noodle doodle is based on is under the cut
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qsupremacy · 5 months
Data is one of the rare times the hot robot being programmed with sex sub routines and built anatomically correct and shit doesn’t have Unfortunate Implications about like, his planned usage or whatever.
Like you know it’s both bc Noonien Soong is an unhinged freak who wanted this guy to be able to do Literally Everything He Could Think Of and Do It Well because he’s a hyper perfectionist and also because he’s a raging narcissist and no android with his face wasn’t gonna be an s tier lover. His pride just wouldn’t allow Data (and Lore) to not be as accurate a simulacrum of humans as possible or anything but super mega perfect at everything. And honestly it’s why I like him so much he’s a miserable little man <3
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How would Lal surviving The Offspring have changed Data’s career trajectory?
If he lost custody of Lal, would he have accepted it? Would he really keep working for an institution that enslaved his child? I doubt it. Though he seemed ready to give her up until Picard told him to stand his ground, I’ve always thought he knew he’d have to fight for her outside Starfleet and was planning on resigning immediately.
If he successfully maintained custody, and she was allowed to stay on the Enterprise, I still think Starfleet would have eventually disrespected her, treated her as lesser, etc. Would this have soured him on Starfleet? I think it very inevitably would. I think it would have eroded his trust in the institution and he might have still left to protect her. Which would have been an interesting dilemma for him considering he originally wanted her to join Starfleet.
I also think it’s funny Noonien wanted him to be a cyberneticist, and like his father, he wanted Lal to follow in his footsteps.
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angrywarrior69 · 9 months
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Bee and Puppycat style Noonien Soong
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cpstamcostam · 11 months
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startrekmemequeen · 3 months
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Literally me
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