#Domaine Javier
yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Domaine Javier
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: Born 1992
Ethnicity: Filipino, Chinese, Pacific Islander, Native American, white
Nationality: Filipino
Occupation: Actress, nurse, reality star
Note: First openly transgender woman to appear on the Food Network
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bouxmounir · 2 years
OM : comment Javier Ribalta a-t-il travaillé avec Pablo Longoria ? - Saison
OM : comment Javier Ribalta a-t-il travaillé avec Pablo Longoria ? – Saison
En décembre 2020, lors d’un entretien pour La Provence, Pablo Longoria avait été interrogé sur les modèles qu’il avait dans le pied. Ceux qui n’étaient pas encore président de l’OM avaient alors spontanément parlé de… Javier Ribaltason compatriote mais surtout son supérieur hiérarchique lors de son transfert à la Juventus entre 2015 et 2017. Les rôles dorment inversés, avec un Ribalta directeur…
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
You know, regarding Lloyd's achievement in history and whether ordinary citizens know him or not made me crave post canon modern au.
Imagine seeing an in universe fanfic authors notes in ao3 or twitter crying about how they simply wanted to write a story set in Lloys time but they just keep diving into rabbit holes.
Kinda like
"So i was writing an historical au set in Alician era where the MC had a detour in Cremo and he was admiring a statue by the sea with a local explaining its history. Of course, I needed to do some research only to found out that Lloyd Frontera, YES, THAT Lloyd Frontera who made the Pantara railroad defeated some sea monster, nearly died and got statue for it"
Maybe someone from Beneto Kingdom being so confused because all he learned from history in school (Beneto history) is that Lloyd is just some brilliant engineer so he got specially confused on why in the movie he was watching set in Alician era is Lloyd fighting a goddamn bone dragon.
I'm interested on how scholars and political figures bemoan and analyse Lloyd's action and achievement but ordinary people's Internet discourse could be so much fun as well.
Javier and Lloyd getting the Alexander and Haphaestion treatment on whether they were lovers or not. The discourse would be so toxic lol.
oh my god forget changing the history of civil engineering forever, sparking the nastiest discourse ever on history/fandom internet forums is lloyd's true greatest achievement akshfksdg
he's the go to historical domain character used to set the time period for a historical movie/book/series. he's the guy writers insert to give their work a more period accurate vibe. everyone knows just enough about him to make really passionate history nerds very angry about all the inaccuracies and made up facts that are taken as common knowledge.
i'm thinking people of completely different online circles all knowing about lloyd in some capacity but regarding completely separate facets of his life and work and being so surprised when they accidentally find yet another whole field lloyd revolutionized. like.
a sword nerd who's really into the concept of the asrahan core technique and knows perfectly well that lloyd helped invent it getting gobsmacked about the fact that's the same guy that laid the ground for modern sewer systems.
a fan of historical romance stories who is used to seeing lloyd as a fun cameo in the background of stories set in the alician period being really confused when they open their book on thermodynamics and see there's a whole chapter dedicated to a method lloyd figured out to create ice without the need of magic.
a train enthusiast who is really fascinated by the rudimentary switchback system lloyd frontera implemented when the concept of a train wasn't even known in the empire being completely dumbfounded when their friends invite them to see a movie about that one time lloyd frontera and his knight defeated a knight of hell in namaran.
i think it's definitely a meme to post "so i was doing research for my asfahan au and went on a rabbit hole and guess who fucking built the qanat that's widely regarded as the only reason the kingdom didn't fall into civil war. take a wild fucking guess" "was it lloyd frontera" "IT WAS FUCKING LLOYD FRONTERA OF COURSE IT WAS"
i'm also certain there would be some guys who think he's overrated and people should really stop talking so much about him when there's so many other historical figures who are just as interesting and not as recognized 🙄. to which people immediately go "mad cause your history blorbo didn't defeat a bone dragon aren't you" at them
Javier and Lloyd getting the Alexander and Haphaestion treatment on whether they were lovers or not. The discourse would be so toxic lol.
they definitely get the alexander and hephaestion treatment you are so correct. they're also the achilles and patroclus of the modern magentano girlies. there's a bunch of 'queer retellings' of their lives. they're the go to example for homoerotic friendships. there's a bunch of edits that mix historical paintings of them with ship fanart with that 'history hates lovers' song playing over them. dudebros get really angry about it. llojavi truthers pull out their 20 pages long annotations that start with "they fucking slept in the same bedroom for years" and it only gets worse.
there's one poor person online who just really fucking wants to know how and why lloyd frontera changed faces one day out of the blue with no one ever explaining it. there's no official records. no member of the royal family ever made a statement about it. why is everyone acting like the frontera family didn't have one eldest son for 25-29 years and one day suddenly had a completely different one. what the fuck is going on.
so. yeah. i'm a little obsessed with this concept actually ajkshdksa
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mask131 · 10 months
Fantasy throughout the world
On top of having an article centered around the French fantasy specifically, the "Modern Success" issue of the BNF Fantasy series also has an article (again written by Anne Besson) covering the topic of "Fantasy throughout the world". Here is, once again, a rough translation by your humble servant:
While heavily dominated by an English-speaking production, fantasy literature found its place in numerous European countries, and managed to cross several continents.
Born in England, grown in parallel on the two sides of the Atlantic oceans, and becoming a mass-phenomenon in the United-States, fantasy is without a doubt an anglophone genre. Even today the fantasy market has a MASSIVE unbalance, and the modern fantasy successes prove that the mondialization of the imaginations is dominated by the cultural superpower of the USA. But ever since the 1970s, as the translations of Tolkien spread across the world and role-playing games conquered the heart of teenagers, "native fantasies" started to appear in various European languages.
German fantasy is a good example of one of those "local takes" - it does help that Germany has a literary background including the Romantic movement, and the brothers Grimm fairytales. After the enormous success of Michael Ende's Never-Ending Story in 1979, the German fantasy did not stop. Many successful authors appeared. Wolfgang Hohlbein gained an internal fame, with his 1982 Märchenmond or his 1999's Chronicles of the Immortals. Cornelia Funke was a famous German youth author, with her trilogy "Inkworld" in 2003. Kai Meyer reworked Germanic legends in his 1998's Loreley or his 2001's Nibelungengold. Walter Moers created the continent of Zamonia, and popularized the character of Captain Blue-Bear (hero of a 1993's children television show, of two novels, and of a 1999's movie).
But very often, international fame only latches on one specific author that is well-known outside of their country's frontiers. In Poland, this author would be Andrzej Sapkowski with his 1986's Witcher series, adapted in 2007 as a video game, and in 2019 as a television series). In Spain, it would be Javier Negrete with his 2003's Tramorea.
Crossing the continents, it becomes very tempting to mix together the magic of fantasy literature with specifically cultural supernatural domains - the Hindu pantheon, the Chinese ghost stories, the kami and the yokai of Japan, the witchcraft of Africa or the Caribbean Isles...
South-America is rich of a literary tradition that in France we compare to our own "fantastique": the short stories of Argentina's authors Jose Luis Borges or Adolfo Bioy Casares in the 40s, the magical realism of Alejo Carpentier in Cuba (The Century of Lights, 1962), of Gabriel Garcia Marquez in Columbia (A Hundred Years of Solitude, 1967) or Carlos Fuenta in Mexico (Terra Nostra, 1975).
On the side of the African continent, The Road of Hunger, in 1991, by Nigerian author Ben Okri, is also part of this more "legitimate" current, a form of fantasy much closer to "general literature", but there is a new African generation, dominated by English-speaking women (Nnedi Okorakor, Nisi Shaw, Lauren Beukes) that fully appropriate and absorb the fantasy genre.
Up until a very recent date, it was considered more respectful to not assimilate these works, born of very different cultures, with a genre that is both modern and Anglo-Saxon. However, the numeric world and the mondialized economy have today destroyed a lot of cultural frontiers, and today we assist to a true "meeting of the imaginations" mixing various cultures together. The author of this article mentions as an example several works coming from East-Asia: the Japanese manga Full Metal Alchemist by Arakawa Hirowu, the other Japanese manga Witch Hat Atelier, or the Sino-American movie The Great Wall (2016).
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legend-collection · 8 months
The Patasola or "one leg" is one of many legends in South American folklore about female monsters from the jungle, appearing to male hunters or loggers in the middle of the wilderness when they think about women. The Patasola appears in the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, often in the likeness of a loved one, who lures a man away from his companions deep into the jungle. There, the Patasola reveals her true, hideous appearance as a one-legged creature with ferocious vampire-like lust for human flesh and blood, attacking and devouring the flesh or sucking the blood of her victims.
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The Patasola derives from vampire legend. According to popular belief, she inhabits mountain ranges, virgin forests, and other heavily wooded or jungle-like areas. At the edges of these places, and primarily at night, she lures male hunters, loggers, miners, millers, and animal herders. She also interferes with their daily activities. She blocks shortcuts through the jungle, disorients hunters, and throws hunting dogs off the scent of their game. The Patasola is usually regarded as protective of nature and the forest animals and unforgiving when humans enter their domains to alter or destroy them.
Additionally, the exact name and attributes of the myth vary according to region. For example, a creature similar to La Patasola is called La Tunda in the Colombian Pacific Coast region. Other mythical creatures similar in description to La Patasola but differing in name are found throughout Latin America.
La Patasola's most notable feature, from which her name derives, is her one leg. She is believed to possess only one leg, which terminates in a cleaved bovine-like hoof and moves in a plantigrade fashion. Despite only possessing one leg, La Patasola can move swiftly through the jungle. In her natural state, La Patasola has a terrifying appearance; she is described as possessing one breast, bulging eyes, catlike fangs, a hooked nose, and big lips.
La Patasola can metamorphose into different shapes and appearances. She commonly takes on the appearance of a beautiful woman to lure men to their death. She then uses her feline-type fangs to suck the blood from her victims. It is also believed that she can transform into other animals, materializing as a large black dog or cow.
According to Javier Ocampo Lopez, when pleased, La Patasola climbs to the top of a tree or mountain and sings the following song:
"I'm more than the siren / I live alone in the world: / and no one can resist me / because I am the Patasola. / On the road, at home, / on the mountain and the river, / in the air and in the clouds / all that exists is mine."
La Patasola's origin story varies, but usually follows the pattern of a scorned, unfaithful, or otherwise "bad" woman. Some believe that she was a mother who killed her own son, and was then banished to the woods as punishment. Others believe that she was a wicked temptress who was cruel to both men and women, and for this reason they mutilated her with an axe, chopping off one leg and throwing it into a fire. She then died of her injuries and now haunts the forests and mountain ranges. In a third origin story, she was an unfaithful wife who cheated on her husband with the couple's employer, a patron. Upon discovering her infidelity, the jealous husband murdered both her and the patron. She died but her soul remains in a one-legged body.
More common in Colombian folklore, they are similar to the Sayona (Venezuela), the Tunda (Colombian Pacific), and the Madremonte or Marimonda (Colombia).
The La Tunda myth of the Colombian Pacific region also tells of a vicious woman who sucks the blood of men. However, in this legend, "La Tunda's shape-shifting abilities are far from perfect…for whatever form she assumes will invariably have a wooden leg in the shape of a molinillo (wooden whisk). The monster, however, is very cunning, and is adept at concealing this defect from would-be victims."
Similar in behavior to La Patasola is "Matlacihua, a phantasm in the beautiful and svelte form of a woman dressed in white. Sometimes called the White Lady or the Bride, she would appear at night and with her seductive songs and irresistible beauty, lure men of bad conduct into the forest, scaring them half to death." Though not described as sucking the blood of her victims, the White Lady supposedly deterred men from seeking amorous relations in the woods, jungles, or mountain ranges.
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longlistshort · 1 year
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Soonoqo: We Become Body in Waves of Light and Sound at Dunedin Fine Art Center is a multimedia exhibition of 18 artists from around the world who “share a common desire for healing, communal growth and interdependence with nature” curated by S. Toxosi.
S. Toxosi’s statement about the exhibition (from the gallery wall)-
I do not possess the language to truly describe the be-holdings within Soonoqo. As a term within the Somali language, it would be difficult to translate into contemporary English. It considers a pluralistic worldview that allows ‘becoming and returning’ to bear witness of itself, within oneself while conjoining through space and time. Soonoqo, basks in the universal soul. Its otherness is imbued as the ‘physical cosmos’ and all its avatars and manifestations.
To speak in metaphor or in a sense of ‘poetic meditation’, one would engulf whirling vortexes, volcanoes and maelstroms that end up in other universes from which bring new revelations or images, The senses are engaged as viewed in Bruno Ferreira Abdala’s video art When Mother Breathes. It is here we can see a pluralist’s sensibility where the cohorts of Soonoqo ‘become and return’ with offerings that contend with the mythical genesis through the acknowledgement and practices of ancestral wisdom, queering mores, spirituality and love. Thus creating fission through initiating and remembering. There is a subtlety of conjuration, ritual, humility, vulnerability in K. Tauches’s Q.A.L. video-making that unfolds and reveals the sentience of a Nature that provides true sustainability.
Soonoqo is a web of interconnected lights in continuous synchrony. It enables manifestations from varied domains of areas of perceptibility through human inner weavings of life experiences and becomes a variety of communicative prowess that encompasses video arts, film, photography, the written word and sonic compositions. These forms all ultimately resonate with and point toward healing where one/all is purified, catalyzed and cleansed through cooperation with nature, technology, shadow matter, dark matter and invisible matter. As can be seen in the film Womb not Tomb by Dea, where she investigates and yields to the teaching of the four elements or in Kiara Mohammed Amin’s Black Presence, a short film of talismanic energy and transformation.
Artists included in the exhibition- Brandy Eve Allen, Viveka Krumm, Harry Wilson Kapatika, Cara Judea Alhadeff, Sadie Sheldon, Chelsea Rowe, Micaela Amateau Amato, Saudade Toxosi, Jennifer Pyron, Amadia Shadow Rabbit, K.Tauches, Javier T. Dones, Bruno Ferreira Abdala, Sall Lam Toro, Kiara Mohamed Amin, Nayetesi, Dea
For more information on this exhibition check out @soono.qo and this conversation with S. Toxosi and DFAC Curators Catherine Bergmann and Nathan Beard which is very informative.
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javiersalcidousa · 3 months
Resilience Amid Turbulence- Adapting to Oil Field Dynamics with Javier Daniel Salcido
Javier Daniel Salcido Odessa Texas
Resilience Amid Turbulence: Adapting to Oil Field Dynamics with Javier Daniel Salcido
Embracing Industry Evolution
In the arena of the oil industry, resilience and adaptability have become instrumental for continued success. The global landscape of oil field operations is fraught with dynamic fluctuations, daunting challenges, and transformative shifts. Navigating within these challenging waters necessitates a robust strategic approach, the harnessing of innovative thinking, and above all, a resilient mindset that is prepared to face and overcome the transient uncertainties of the sector. One professional who embodies these qualities is Javier Daniel Salcido. With a decade-long journey as a Wireline Engineer and now serving as a Wireline Asset Manager, Salcido's story is a testament to the unwavering commitment and resilience required in this industry. His experience in gyroscopic surveys, pipe recovery, cement bond logs and caliper logs, among others, underscores the diverse challenges and responsibilities that come with the territory. In this dynamic industry, Salcido's journey offers valuable insights into the art of thriving amidst turbulence.
The oil industry is no stranger to volatility. Price fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, and global economic shifts continually impact the sector. Organizations operating in this domain have had to navigate through turbulent waters, understanding that adaptability is key. By diversifying portfolios, investing in technology, and fostering agile operational models, companies are better equipped to weather market storms.
In the face of unrelenting industry fluctuations and a global shift towards sustainable energy, innovation serves as a guiding light for the oil sector. This transformation is not just a trend but a necessity driven by the increasing demand for cleaner and more efficient energy sources. The industry recognizes the urgency and is thus inspired to innovate; it is exploring renewable energy sources, more eco-friendly extraction methods, and substantial investments in green technologies. This innovative approach ensures that the oil sector does not just keep pace with the evolving market demands, but that it is also future-proofed against potential shocks and disruptions. While generating a harmonious balance between resource utilization and environmental sustainability, the industry is embracing a direction of unprecedented change. One of the individuals at the forefront of these innovative strides is Javier Daniel Salcido. His extensive experience as a Wireline Engineer and his current role as a Wireline Asset Manager have made him a key contributor to this transformative journey in the oil industry.
Resilience in Operations
Efficient operations form the bedrock of a resilient oil field. Streamlining processes, adopting advanced technologies, and prioritizing safety protocols mitigate risks and enhance productivity. By leveraging data analytics and automation, companies optimize performance, reduce downtime, and navigate complexities effectively.
In the dynamic world of oil field operations, the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles is highly critical, hinging significantly on the strength and resilience of supply chains. Javier Daniel Salcido, knows first-hand the potential ramifications of supply chain disruptions on these operations. It's an observation that underscores the importance of developing robust and diversified supply chains. This approach involves a strategic selection of suppliers, ensuring that reliance isn't placed on a single source, thereby mitigating the risk of significant operational interruptions. Implementing durable logistics strategies is also paramount in building resilience within supply chains. The goal is to ensure transport efficiency, reducing the time taken for goods and services to move from suppliers to the oil field operations. Javier Daniel Salcido's experience also highlights the value in embracing digital solutions in order to enhance visibility within the supply chain. The integration of digital tools can offer real-time insights into the supply chain, enabling proactive measures against potential disruptions. Ultimately, fostering flexibility within the supply chain is a crucial cornerstone for ensuring continuity of operations. Amidst the unpredictability of challenges that may emerge, a flexible supply chain can adapt swiftly, maintaining the smooth functioning of oil field operations irrespective of unforeseen obstacles.
Human Capital and Resilience
In the complex universe of oil field dynamics, one factor stands out as the key to adaptation and progress - a resilient workforce. The resilience of your staff is not just an inherent quality but a trait that can be developed and fostered through strategic investment in continuous training initiatives and upskilling programs. When we prioritize employee education and skill development, we pave the way for an organizational culture that is characterized by a versatile approach to problem-solving. This adaptability, in turn, contributes to a more robust infrastructure capable of weathering the inevitable shifts and uncertainties in the oil field landscape. Furthermore, this culture of adaptability is instrumental in nurturing a diverse range of skill sets among our staff. The nature of the oil field industry demands a versatile set of skills, and empowering our workforce with such a diverse skill palette equips them to tackle the evolving challenges that they will inevitably encounter. This is not just about problem-solving in the here and now, but fostering an environment that continually drives innovation and efficiency into the future. It is in this context that the contributions of individuals such as Javier Daniel Salcido become invaluable. With a professional ethos rooted in adaptability and resilience, they embody the very qualities that we strive to cultivate throughout our organization.
The well-being of the workforce is non-negotiable. Prioritizing health and safety measures not only safeguards employees but also fortifies the resilience of operations. Implementing stringent safety protocols, providing adequate training, and promoting a culture of well-being contribute to a robust workforce.
As the oil industry continues to navigate uncertainties, resilience remains central to its evolution. Embracing change, fostering innovation, optimizing operations, and investing in human capital are integral to adapting and thriving amidst the turbulence. Resilience is not merely a response; it's a proactive strategy that propels the oil industry forward in an ever-changing landscape.
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telkomuniversityputi · 4 months
WP Briefing: Episode 72: Why Your Website Matters
In the latest WordPress Briefing, Josepha Haden Chomphosy explores the reasons for choosing a website supporting your digital presence, covering topics from trust-building to professionalism to owning a unique online domain. Credits Host: Josepha Haden ChomphosyEditor: Dustin HartzlerLogo: Javier ArceProduction: Brett McSherrySong: Fearless First by Kevin MacLeod Show…
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truthblockchain · 5 months
Congresswomen Probes Metas Involvement In The Blockchain Space
Waters wrote a letter to top Meta executives Mark Zuckerberg and Javier Olivan on Jan. 22, highlighting a series of trademark applications that suggest a potential expansion into digital currency and blockchain technology, raising questions about the company’s intentions and activities in this domain.
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marichulambino · 7 months
Media Law classmembers join UPCMC Dean Ernan fundraiser Nov. 15 after game-based learning activity answering Qs on copyright topics, media workers rts, using songs written by Danny Javier, Taylor Swift, David Yuhico of Lola Amour, Peping Almojuela, Ding Achacoso (original version of Rody Vera), public domain songs “Sampung mga Daliri”, “Bahay Kubo”, UPCMC veranda, lobby
The UPCMC Law on Mass Media and Communication class members +2 (with many more students, faculty, and staff) join the Nov. 15 Dean’s fundraiser for scholarships and projects organized by Dean Ernan on his birthday after their class game-based learning activity where class members answered quiz questions on media workers’ rights and copyright topics using songs written by Danny Javier, Taylor…
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earaercircular · 8 months
Artificial intelligence and robots that take advantage of waste
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With almost half of the waste accumulated in landfills, Spain faces the crucial challenge of its management and optimization, in which innovation is key.
Spain generated approximately 22 million tons of waste in 2020, according to statistics from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Miteco)[1]. And about half ended up in a landfill[2]; a scenario that poses a significant risk to the environment and sustainability. In addition, there is a European commitment to reduce this amount to 10% of the total generated by 2030.
However, the waste management sector in Spain is already moving forward to contribute to the objectives of the circular economy, hand in hand with companies that are betting on technological and strategic innovation[3]. As stated by Marta Contreras Hernández, director of ESG assurance & circular economy at KPMG, significant investments have been made “that were able to increase the recycling rate both in selective collection systems and in the selection and treatment processes. Without forgetting public-private collaborations.”
To learn more about these innovations, just talk to some of the main players in the sector. Like Jordi Payet, general director of FCC Medio Ambiente[4], who highlights the company's progress in domains such as “the optimization of the use of plastics[5], the use of the energy contained in waste and the development of service vehicles with clean energy; with the commitment to invest 1% of our turnover in R&D, which last year amounted to 4.2 million euros.” Or Javier San Millán, general director of Valoriza (Sacyr)[6], whose main commitment consists of “the generation of pyrolytic oil, a fuel of renewable origin; in addition to the use of recycled waste for the asphalt, such as tires or alpechín, a 100% biological product.”
Another example worth highlighting is PreZero,[7] which in 2018 launched the world's first robot with artificial intelligence (AI) in a plant in Barcelona for the selection of municipal waste, highlights Mónica Ramos, its director of operations and engineering for Spain. . “Both technologies (AI and robotics) have also been applied since then in other fields, such as the selection of used medicines and hospital waste, but also in collection vehicles,” adds Ramos.
The squaring of this circle of excellence is closed by Carlos Albi, general director of corporate development, strategy and sustainability at Urbaser[8], who emphasises different areas of the company's circular economy strategy, “including compost and biostabilised material from wastewater to biogas production. Or the use of cutting-edge technologies in the SENSIoT-Platform solution, a particularly innovative project that uses the Internet of Things to reduce environmental impacts.”
Continental leaders
In Contreras' opinion, thanks to initiatives such as those mentioned above, “the large Spanish operators are not only at the same level as their European counterparts, but are also leading some trends in the sector. Especially with regard to technological advances, but also highlighting the use of information and data to improve the quality of service and optimize waste collection.” [9]
An example of this are some of the PreZero projects in our country, such as the fourth largest biogas treatment plant in Europe, in Valdemingómez (Madrid); the largest biomethane injection project in Spain, or one of the PET plastic treatment facilities with the largest installed capacity on the continent, which manages more than 45,000 tons of this material per year.
In fact, this trend is not only limited to the European level, says Jordi Payet, highlighting that “FCC Medio Ambiente has been a pioneer in the US in the implementation of ecological technologies in waste management. Such as the use of vehicles with CNG engines or optical and AI systems in sorting plants.” [10] A case similar to that of Urbaser, with a presence in 15 countries on four continents, and which just a few weeks ago received the 2023 National Innovation Award thanks, above all, to an average annual investment of more than 10 million euros in R&D.
Now, waste management companies have the opportunity to develop technologies[11]  that allow efficiency in recycling, as well as a favourable regulatory framework and market. But they should not lose sight of challenges such as “European regulatory uncertainty, the need to certify and ensure traceability, the drive to reduce operating costs associated with recycling or the objective of minimizing energy valuation,” warns Pilar Daranas, senior sustainability and climate change manager at the consulting firm KPMG.
In this sense, and in accordance with the European Union's commitment to reduce food waste and increase recycling levels, it emphasizes that the responsibility for achieving them "is not exclusive to waste managers, but falls on the entire value chain of the product, hence the need to promote public-private collaboration.” Something in which the financial support of the Next Generation Funds[12] is fundamental, as Payet and Ramos agree.
Although Spanish companies are already taking action on the matter, as is the case of Valoriza's Cents4Pack project[13], which uses AI to recognize whether an individual is recycling correctly. Or the 10,000 tons of aluminum that are recovered each year in PreZero treatment plants in Spain, thanks to solutions based on circular processes for packaging in the food industry.
Jaime Rodriguez Parrondo, Inteligencia artificial y robots que aprovechan los residuos, in: Erl País, 22-10-2023, https://elpais.com/extra/infraestructuras/2023-10-22/inteligencia-artificial-y-robots-que-aprovechan-los-residuos.html
[1] The tasks of the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) are: proposal and execution of the Government's policy on the fight against climate change, pollution prevention, protection of natural heritage, biodiversity, forests, the sea, water and energy for the transition to a productive and more ecological social; development of state legislation on waters and coasts, climate change, protection of biodiversity, environment, forests, meteorology and climatology; direct management of the public hydraulic domain of the inter-community basins, of the maritime-terrestrial public domain; preparation of state legislation on energy, the development of the national energy policy, together with measures aimed at ensuring energy supply; elaboration and development of the Government's strategy and policy against the demographic challenge, as well as the proposal and execution of the policy to combat depopulation. https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/ministerio/funciones-estructura.html
[2] Brussels warns that Spain is on the way to once again failing to meet European objectives for the reuse and recycling of urban waste.https://elpais.com/clima-y-medio-ambiente/2023-06-19/un-pais-adicto-al-vertedero-seis-graficos-para-comprender-el-suspenso-de-espana-en-reciclaje.html
[3] To the classic rule of reduce, reuse and recycle, others are added such as repairing, recovering or re-educating, keys to preventing resources from ending up in landfills. https://elpais.com/extra/medio-ambiente/2023-06-05/las-nuevas-erres-del-reciclaje.html
[4] FCC Medio Ambiente is one of the world's leading environmental services companies that has been operating since 1911. Today, it provides urban sanitation services throughout Spain and other countries in Europe and America, through: FCC Medio Ambiente (Spain) , FCC Ámbito, FCC Environment (UK), FCC Environment (CEE) and FCC Environmental Services (USA). The assets of the Environmental area of the FCC Group are owned by “FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding, S. A.U.”, which in turn belongs entirely to “Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S. A.” https://www.fcc.es/presentacion-medio-ambiente
[5]Every year more than 400 million tons of this material are produced in the world. Half is intended for single use, less than 10% is recycled and much of the waste contaminates lakes, rivers and seas. It is urgent that governments, companies and consumers take measures to tackle this major threat to human health and biodiversity. https://elpais.com/extra/medio-ambiente/2023-06-05/que-hacemos-con-tanto-plastico.html
[6] Valoriza Agua is a water treatment company that belongs to the Sacyr Group. The main speciality of Valoriza is desalination and other advanced water treatment technologies. We have more than 1.9 million m3/day of installed or under construction desalination capacity, including a 200.000 m3/day EDR project, which is the world's largest using this technology. Valoriza has built many large size wastewater treatment plants as well, including facilities with tertiary processes and new technologies like MBR systems. We have also provided water solutions for industrial projects, such as ultra-pure water production (RO+EDI) for power plants, chemical dosing, EDR, electro chlorination, ultra/micro filtration and MBR both for process water and effluent treatment. Finally, wastewater reuse is another important activity with technologies including different treatments (UV disinfection, filtration, MF, UF, and desalination). https://energy-utilities.com/valorizasacyr-group-comp292455.html
[7] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/674889822187536384/much-more-than-just-waste?source=share&ref=_tumblr
[8] Urbaser is a world leader in environmental solutions, a global company, based in  Madrid, focused on leveraging the value of the world’s resources to build a more sustainable tomorrow, serving more than 70 million people in 15 countries through a huge network of more than 50,000 employees and 150 plants that work every day to achieve real circularity. https://www.urbaser.com/en/
[9] It happens beyond our sight. Every time we throw garbage into the yellow bin, an effective technological gear is put into motion. 'Big data', sensors and artificial intelligence are some of the systems that are transforming packaging recycling. Getting waste to have a second life requires the good conscience of a citizen and increasingly sophisticated technology. An example: when a container is full, a volume sensor tells the truck fleet that it is time to empty it. Another: those same trucks always travel the best route thanks to the calculation of artificial intelligence. The objective of these technologies is to achieve increasingly sustainable recycling. These are the most notable tools. https://elpais.com/publi-especial/ecoembes-espacio-eco/tecnologias-que-revolucionan-el-reciclaje/
[10] The Peruvian company that transforms company waste with artificial intelligence. In a virtuous circle of circular economy, Sinba has managed to generate millions in profits by recycling and reusing waste from hotels, restaurants and industries.. https://elpais.com/america-futura/2023-10-03/la-compania-peruana-que-transforma-los-residuos-de-las-empresas-con-inteligencia-artificial.html
[11] In the circular economy, almost everything is used. New technologies reinforce their role in the collection, management and processing of waste and materials in the move towards greater sustainability. https://elpais.com/extra/infraestructuras/2023-10-22/inteligencia-artificial-y-robots-que-aprovechan-los-residuos.html
[12] NextGenerationEU is the EU's €800 billion temporary recovery instrument to support the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and build a greener, more digital and more resilient future. The centrepiece of NextGenerationEU is the Recovery and Resilience Facility - an instrument that offers grants and loans to support reforms and investments in the EU Member States for a total of €723.8 billion in current prices. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/eu-budget/eu-borrower-investor-relations/nextgenerationeu_en
[13] The "CENTS4PACK" project has been awarded to Candam Technologies and Valoriza Medioambiente within the framework of the LIFE 2022 European call for the environment "Circular Economy". It consists in the implementation of a "Reward as you throw" system in which the citizens are rewarded for recycling correctly. The project is focused on plastic packaging, bricks, cans and glass. With the project also the local economy is promoted, as it provides a platform for local businesses advertising. The innovation of the project consists in the use of a device designed by Candam, which is capable of distinguishing from the sound made when the waste falls, its typology among the classes mentioned above. In this way you can know if the user recycles correctly, preventing optical recognition systems, which are not simple and fast for daily use and also break down easily when they are located outdoors. https://www.sacyrservicios.com/en/-/proyecto-cents4pack
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 370
Comic Reviews:
Batman: One Bad Day – Two Face by Mariko Tamaki, Javier Fernandez, Jordie Bellaire
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special 1 by Paul Dini, Jimmy Palmiotti, Rob Williams, Sam Humphries, Cecil Castellucci, Mindy Lee, Rafael Scavone, Stephanie Phillips, Kami Garcia, Terry Dodson, Stjepan Sejic, Amanda Conner, Riley Rossmo, Guillem March, Rafael Albuquerque, Mico Suayan, Chad Hardin, Jason Badower, Rachel Dodson, Dan Hipp, Erica Henderson, John Timms, Marcelo Maiolo, Ivan Plascencia, Annette Kwok, Alex Sinclair, Tomeu Morey, Amy Mebberson
Titans United: Bloodpact 1 by Cavan Scott, Lucas Meyer, Tony Avina
Edge of Spider-Verse 4 by Dan Slott, Tee Franklin, David Hein, Jordan Blum, Ty Templeton, Jethro Morales, Luciano Vecchio, Michael Shelfer, Chris Sotomayor, Brian Reber, Rico Renzi, Dono Sanchez Almara
X-Terminators 1 by Leah Williams, Carlos Gomez, Bryan Valenza
It’s Jeff by Kelly Thompson, GuriHiru
Creepshow 1 by Chris Burnham, Adriano Lucas, Paul Dini, Stephen Langford, John McCrea, Mike Spicer
Vanish 1 by Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Sonia Oback
Stuff of Nightmares 1 by R.L. Stine, A.L. Kaplan, Roman Titov
Crashing 1 by Matthew Klein, Morgan Beem, Triona Farrell
Chilling Adventures Presents Weirder Mysteries 1 by Frank Tieri, Joanne Starer, Ron Robbins, Juan Bobillo, Ryan Jampole, Federico Sabbatini
Action Journalism 1 by Eric Skillman, Miklos Felvideki, Mariane Gusmao
Bloodshot Unleashed 1 by Deniz Camp, Jon Davis-Hunt
Mayor Good Boy Goes Hollywood by Dave Sheidt, Miranda Harmon
Order of the Night Jay: The Forest Beckons by Jonathan Schnapp
Ray’s OGN Corner: Anne of West Philly by Ivy Noelle Weir
Additional Reviews: Clerks III, Howard the Duck by Chip Z, Andor 1-3, Umbrella Academy s3, She-Hulk ep6
News: Dark Horse leaves Diamond, Rogues Gallery headed to TV, Tini Howard and Sweeney Boo taking over Harley Quinn, James Earl Jones retires from playing Vader, WB Discovery madness, Wayne Family Adventures s2 release date, next Snyder book (Book of Evil, with Jock), live action Avatar casting, Giant Days Kickstarter (and Glenn’s questionable buying choices), Grendel adaptation canceled, Deadpool 3, Blade loses director
Trailers: Midnight Club, Hellraiser, Strange World, Knock at the Cabin, Enola Holmes, Inside Man, Devil’s Hour, Last of Us
Radiant Black 18 by Kyle Higgins, Laurence Holmes, Stefano Simeone
Usagi Yojimbo 31 by Stan Sakai
Wynd: The Throne in the Sky 2 by James Tynion IV, Michael Dialynas
Flash 786 by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Pete Pantazis, Jeromy Cox
Nightwing 96 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas
Ice Cream Man 32 by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo
Lonesome Hunters 4 by Tyler Crook
Batman: The Knight 9 by Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia
Public Domain 4 by Chip Zdarsky, 
Strange 6 by Jed MacKay, Lee Garbett, Javier Tartaglia
Check out this episode!
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legend-collection · 1 year
The Patasola appears in the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, often in the likeness of a loved one, who lures a man away from his companions deep into the jungle. There, the Patasola reveals her true, hideous appearance as a one-legged creature with ferocious vampire-like lust for human flesh and blood, attacking and devouring the flesh or sucking the blood of her victims.
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The Patasola derives from vampire legend. According to popular belief, she inhabits mountain ranges, virgin forests, and other heavily wooded or jungle-like areas. At the edges of these places, and primarily at night, she lures male hunters, loggers, miners, millers, and animal herders. She also interferes with their daily activities. She blocks shortcuts through the jungle, disorients hunters, and throws hunting dogs off the scent of their game. The Patasola is usually regarded as protective of nature and the forest animals and unforgiving when humans enter their domains to alter or destroy them.
Additionally, the exact name and attributes of the myth vary according to region. For example, a creature similar to La Patasola is called La Tunda in the Colombian Pacific Coast region. Other mythical creatures similar in description to La Patasola but differing in name are found throughout Latin America.
La Patasola's most notable feature, from which her name derives, is her one leg. She is believed to possess only one leg, which terminates in a cleaved bovine-like hoof and moves in a plantigrade fashion. Despite only possessing one leg, La Patasola can move swiftly through the jungle. In her natural state, La Patasola has a terrifying appearance; she is described as possessing one breast, bulging eyes, catlike fangs, a hooked nose, and big lips.
La Patasola can metamorphose into different shapes and appearances. She commonly takes on the appearance of a beautiful woman to lure men to their death. She then uses her feline-type fangs to suck the blood from her victims. It is also believed that she can transform into other animals, materializing as a large black dog or cow.
According to Javier Ocampo Lopez, when pleased, La Patasola climbs to the top of a tree or mountain and sings the following song:
"I'm more than the siren / I live alone in the world: / and no one can resist me / because I am the Patasola. / On the road, at home, / on the mountain and the river, / in the air and in the clouds / all that exists is mine."
La Patasola's origin story varies, but usually follows the pattern of a scorned, unfaithful, or otherwise "bad" woman. Some believe that she was a mother who killed her own son, and was then banished to the woods as punishment. Others believe that she was a wicked temptress who was cruel to both men and women, and for this reason they mutilated her with an axe, chopping off one leg and throwing it into a fire. She then died of her injuries and now haunts the forests and mountain ranges. In a third origin story, she was an unfaithful wife who cheated on her husband with the couple's employer, a patron. Upon discovering her infidelity, the jealous husband murdered both her and the patron. She died but her soul remains in a one-legged body.
More common in Colombian folklore, they are similar to the Sayona (Venezuela), the Tunda (Colombian Pacific), and the Madremonte or Marimonda (Colombia).
The La Tunda myth of the Colombian Pacific region also tells of a vicious woman who sucks the blood of men. However, in this legend, "La Tunda's shape-shifting abilities are far from perfect…for whatever form she assumes will invariably have a wooden leg in the shape of a molinillo (wooden whisk). The monster, however, is very cunning, and is adept at concealing this defect from would-be victims."
Mythical creatures with similar origin stories are found as far north of Colombia as Mexico; La Llorona (The Weeping Woman) is said to roam the streets moaning for her children, whom she killed.
Similar in behavior to La Patasola is "Matlacihua, a phantasm in the beautiful and svelte form of a woman dressed in white. Sometimes called the White Lady or the Bride, she would appear at night and with her seductive songs and irresistible beauty, lure men of bad conduct into the forest, scaring them half to death." Though not described as sucking the blood of her victims, the White Lady supposedly deterred men from seeking amorous relations in the woods, jungles, or mountain ranges.
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bamoguduk · 2 years
Satrap cafe medea no 40 bedienungsanleitung polar
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rootsanalysis-blog · 2 years
Growing at an annualized rate of 12%, the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturing market is projected to reach USD 25 billion by 2030
Manufacturing highly potent drug products is technically and financially demanding; as a result, drug manufacturers are becoming increasingly reliant on contract service providers
 Roots Analysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “HPAPI and Cytotoxic Drugs Manufacturing (3rd Edition) 2020-2030.”
 The report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and future opportunities associated with the contract manufacturing of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs. The study also features a detailed analysis of the key drivers and trends related to this evolving domain. In addition to other elements, the study includes:
§  A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies offering contract services for manufacturing HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs.
§  A competitiveness analysis of HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturers, featuring insightful representations.
§  Detailed profiles of leading contract manufacturers of HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs (shortlisted on the basis of proprietary criterion).
§  An analysis of the partnerships that have been established in this domain, in the recent past.
§  An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertaken by the players in this domain.
§  An estimate of the overall, installed capacity for manufacturing HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs based on data reported by industry stakeholders in the public domain.
§  A qualitative analysis to decide whether to manufacture the potent products in-house or engage the services of a CMO.
§  A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers and challenges which are likely to impact the industry’s evolution.
§  A case study on the antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) manufacturing market, highlighting a list of contract service providers and in-house manufacturers in this domain.
§  A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listed below)
§  Type of Product
§  Highly Potent Finished Dosage Forms
 §  Company Size
§  Small-sized
§  Mid-sized
§  Large / Very Large
 §  Scale of Operation
§  Preclinical / Clinical
§  Commercial
 §  Type of Pharmacological Molecule
§  Small Molecules
§  Biologics
 §  Type of Highly Potent Finished Dosage Form
§  Injectables
§  Oral Solids
§  Creams
§  Others
§  Key geographical regions
§  North America
§  Europe
§  Asia Pacific
§  Rest of the World
 The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the following senior level representatives of stakeholder companies:
§  Antonella Mancuso (Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, BSP Pharmaceuticals) and Maria Elena Guadagno (Business Director, BSP Pharmaceuticals)
§  Klaus Hellerbrand (Managing Director, ProJect Pharmaceutics)
§  Kevin Rosenthal (Business Head, Formulations and Finished Products, Alphora Research)
§  Jennifer L Mitcham (Director, Business Development, Catalent Pharma Solutions) and Stacy McDonald (Group Product Manager, Catalent Pharma Solutions)
§  Roberto Margarita (Business Development Director, CordenPharma)
§  Allison Vavala (Senior Manager, Business Development, Helsinn)
§  Mark Wright (Site Head, Piramal Healthcare)
§  Javier E. Aznárez Araiz (Business Development Technician, Idifarma)
 Key companies covered in the report
§  AbbVie Contract Manufacturing
§  Catalent
§  Evonik
§  Formosa Laboratories
§  Intas
§  Lonza
§  MabPlex
§  Pfizer CentreOne
 For more information please click on the following link:
 Other Recent Offerings
1.      Antibody Contract Manufacturing Market, 2020 – 2030
2.      Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 – 2030
3.      Biopharma Contract Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 – 2030
 About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing market research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights are driven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years of significant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growing business needs, get in touch at [email protected]
 Contact Information
Roots Analysis Private Limited
Ben Johnson
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091
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puutterings · 2 years
suttera puttera; ja, doch, schon
  the p-utterance itself no longer provides       1 does not warrant the truth of p-utterance... hedges the truth of p-utterance: negotiates truth by seeking ja, doch, schon       2   taking each P_utterance in turn       3 commitments were proposed, accepted witnessed : P_Utterance ∀ u1 ≠ u2       4   A woman who Joan knew fainted Suttera Putterance u : e woman ( Ou ) use me last       5 of a word and the next word in an 発話 [hatsuwa] Putterance begin       6   We may also observe that the child does not switch because such a Putterance O       7 the decline in Putterance Similarly, for Futterances       8   putterance Domaine roman.       9 putterance - or Langatandandan Pour Animals.       10   Girle, thou art to[o] folith,                                     so, are we to[o] long, putterance in this may grow to further wrong.       11 may be dragged into the light of day, to be destroyed or and upleten for putterance the fresh breath of balmy the first element the time spent in it is so much       12   whether in all Putterance and all know       13 the pressure of moistened thumbs, as the solemn times, is now restored an agony too great for putterance the application of restoratives .       14  
1 discussion of “Non-Declarative p-Utterances,” in Markus Egg, “Discourse Particles, Common Ground, and Felicity Conditions” in Daniel Gutzmann and ‎Hans-Martin Gärtner, eds., Beyond Expressives : Explorations in Use-Conditional Meaning (Curent Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface 28; 2013) : 125-149 (135) 2 ex OCR confusion at “Table 6-2 : Mood-Modality differential,” in Werner Abraham, “(Inter)Subjectification or Foreign Consciousness / Other’s Mind Alignment as Synchronic and Diachronic Concepts of Change? Conceptualizations and Data Fidelity,” in Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss, eds., Covert Patterns of Modality (2012) : 24-78 (49) 3 from Chapter 7, “A Forensic Case Study” — something about a Cumulative Paedophile Index (CPI) — in David Crystal, Internet Linguistics : A Student Guide (2011) : 127 4 R. A. Flores, P. Pasquier, and B. Chaib-draa, “Conversational Semantics with Social Commitments” in Agent Communication : International Workshop on Agent Communication, AC 2004 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3396; 2005) : 18-32 (22)
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aside — The symbol ∀ means “for all” or “for any”. The symbol ∃ means “there exists”.5 snippet — We now combine such determiner specifications with the linking account of relative clauses ( again omitting the steps of Modus Ponens ) : ( 7 ) A woman who Joan knew fainted M dlm Si , Os ; — from Semantics : Discourse and Dynamics, vol. 6 in the series Critical Concepts in Linguistics edited by Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (2003) : 416
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and more —
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Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (1967-2016) was prolific and interesting — “...his research interests span from linguistics to other areas of studies such as film studies, philosophy, literature, sociology, and arts. He increasingly devoted himself in the last 15 years to the research of sociopolitical and ideological changes towards democracy in Latin America, Picasso’s poetry, and Conrad's oeuvre. Javier’s true passion however was cinema...” — Ohio State University, In Memoriam 6 OCR confusion at marginalia in Japanese — 発話 (hatsuwa) over “utterance” 子音 (shiin) over “consonant” — at Nancy Bonvillain, Language, Culture, and Communication : The Meaning of Messages (2000) : 154
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Nancy Bonvillain, wikipedia; faculty page (Bard College at Simon’s Rock ) 7 Pilar Belendez-Soltero, Repetitions and the Acquisition of the Spanish Verb System (Harvard GSE thesis, 1984; also found as 1980) : 35
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and preview snippet —
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8 snippet only, from Nathaniel Otis Owings (1945-), Examining object grouping behavior and utterance meaning in late stage I nonretarded and Down’s syndrome children (University of Wisconsin thesis, 1976) : 78
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better metadata at hathitrust son of Nathaniel A Owings (architect, 1903-1984), wikipedia stepson of artist Margaret Wentworth Owings (1913-99) wikipedia, obituary (New York Times, 31 January 1999) see also the bookplate designed for her stepson, by Margaret Wentworth Owings, in report about her Oral History (and papers) at the Bancroft Library, in Bancroftiana 105 (December 1992) : 1-2 9 snippet — ... y los dialectos hispanoromances y gascones 196-7 ( Madrid 1956 ) , as cited in Hall's article , 551 . ( 3 ) Hall , ibid . , 552 . ( 4 ) Hall , ibid . , 554 . Position Proto - Romance West Romance I 2 ## putterance Domaine roman. ... from Orbis : bulletin international de documentation linguistique (1966) : 68
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10 OCR misread, putterance for “difference,” in an interesting, alliterative mess involving “Brown Swiss Sires,” List of Sires Proved in Dairy-Herd-Improvement Associations, 1950 (USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 7, July 1950) : 32
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bound with Handbook nos. 1-9 (for 1950), and misidentified (by Google) as No. 1, Forest Fire-danger Measurement in the Eastern United States 11 OCR misread of “sufferance” at John Day (dramatist), The Fair Maid of Bristow (1912) : snippet view and — ana [Anabel, “in her wastcote”].       O say not so, deeere father héele repent,       And I shall have a husband of new birth. god [Sir Godfrey]       Girle, thou art to[o] foolish, so are we to[o] long,       Sufferance in this may grow to further wrong. — Act IV, Scene 1, lines 602-605, The Faire Maide of Bristow : A Comedy Now First Reprinted from the Quarto of 1605, Edited and with an introduction and notes by Arthur Hobson Quinn (Philadelphia, 1902) : 61 John Day (1574-1638), wikipedia 12 OCR misread, at Great Thoughts from Master Minds (London; 1899?) : 222
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13 OCR cross-column misread, at 1 Corinthians 1, The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Greek : Being the version set forth A.D. 1611, Compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881 (Cambridge, 1881) : 261 aside — see remarkable, errata-like “List of readings and renderings preferred by the American Committee, recorded at their desire,” pages 407-419 14 OCR misread of utterance, and “proclaimed” the line below (quite a mess) at review of Scotland, Social and Domestic. Memorials of Life and Manners in North Britain. By the Rev. Charles Rogers. in The Athenaeum : Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts (No. 2182, August 21, 1869) : 234-235  
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