#Do not question sass master from Doncaster
getawayheaven · 11 months
I have conflicting thoughts about matt vines, but after everything that's happened, I think he helps in what he can understand? like it's clear that louis is banned from playing in several places,for exemple, so they see the strategy of sending him to the radio as a way for the music to play. I criticized the idea, but now I see the situation with more sensitive eyes. Not saying he's an angel, you understand? but i think they work the best they can without too much resource and i hope to see louis shine one day. it's weird, because i can't empathize with j*ff at all, i can't find a good side in his stupidities lol
We are on the same page about everything anon. Everyone has always questioned Louis' choice of sticking with Matt and everyone thought it's a stupid decision but at the end only Louis knows what's best for him and his career and he always surrounds himself with the right people and it was proved yesterday. Louis knows what he's doing and he knows why Matt's doing what he is doing. You are absolutely right, seeing the bigger picture now and knowing how difficult it is for him to survive in the industry, it makes sense that Matts decisions were best for Louis. He did what he could. But we all just think what Matt do is not enough. (Because fans knows much better what to do about Louis' career ObViOuSLy🙄) And tbh the case is same with Jeff, he do what's best for Harry and his success but I agree with you, even i can't stand Jeff. Lol. But his stupidities has landed Harry with the most successful career.
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I hope this doesn't come off as offensive, I know us Louies love doing the middle finger to Louis ( since as Twitter and Tumblr bbs said its our "love language" ) BUT PLEASE THE MAN IS SINGING FROM THE BOTTOM OF HIS HEART, THE ANGELIC VOICE WE RARELY CAN HEAR AND YOURE FLIPPING HIM OFF FOR PLEASURE??? I know it's a life time experience to get flipped off by Louis " Sass Master from Doncaster " Tomlinson himself but you know, he even said its quite offensive ( on his first show ). How about soe thumbs up? hearts? You know?? If it's okay?
hihirf you're so cute ofc you're not offensive while you're asking ppl to calm down with the non-stop flipping off qkjdhkjsrhf
it's a balance to make yk. i love tough love and the show of affection with an edge to it and so does louis, clearly. it's a way of trusting someone and being comfortable, as kind of proof that you're past the civil generalities. bc he'd love a thumbs up and a heart but i genuinely think he sees the middle finger in a similar realm, or maybe even better, bc he'll know it's a fan who actually knows what he's about yk??
but it's also something that can go too far, when the banter isn't funny anymore. like i show my sister i love her by annoying her or making fun of her but i also know to immediately counter it with a genuine remark so that she knows i'm not trying to bring her down or anything. i think with louis it's the same, in that he'll be able to tell when it's all fun and games and just a show of familiarity between fans and him, and then when it's not fun anymore and the fan in question took it too far/actually said something he didn't like or whatever (like that time when fans kept laughing at his accent and he got properly ticked off)
all in all, he's the master of tough love, as he's demonstrated since the start of time
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i'll close off this post with a quote by the man himself:
"if you've all got bored of me saying thank you, tough shit"
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.”
This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.”
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He adds, “Things happen to you and sometimes it might seem mundane but it makes you feel a certain way and it’s worth writing about.”
If you haven’t already listened to his latest singles, first of all what the heck is wrong with you? Second of all, go give them a listen and you’ll know exactly what he means by writing autobiographically.
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki] ‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
126 notes · View notes
louistomlinsoncouk · 4 years
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.”
This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.”
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He adds, “Things happen to you and sometimes it might seem mundane but it makes you feel a certain way and it’s worth writing about.”
If you haven’t already listened to his latest singles, first of all what the heck is wrong with you? Second of all, go give them a listen and you’ll know exactly what he means by writing autobiographically.
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki] ‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
“Massive thank you for your patience and your support. I’m so excited to release the album. I’m as excited, if not more, to come and see everyone on tour so thanks for your love and I’ll see you on tour.”
Final tickets for Louis Tomlinson’s debut Australian tour are available now via livenation.com.au.
95 notes · View notes
elceeu2morrow · 4 years
By Matt Galea  18/12/2019
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.
”This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He adds, “Things happen to you and sometimes it might seem mundane but it makes you feel a certain way and it’s worth writing about.”
If you haven’t already listened to his latest singles, first of all what the heck is wrong with you? Second of all, go give them a listen and you’ll know exactly what he means by writing autobiographically.
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki] ‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
“And then in the verse you have to add a bit more of a story so we’re talking about me going to visit my girlfriend at the university halls while I was on tour with the boys, so I was going off that dynamic.”
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
“Massive thank you for your patience and your support. I’m so excited to release the album. I’m as excited, if not more, to come and see everyone on tour so thanks for your love and I’ll see you on tour.”
Final tickets for Louis Tomlinson’s debut Australian tour are available now via livenation.com.au.
33 notes · View notes
hlupdate · 4 years
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.”
This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.”
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki]‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
“And then in the verse you have to add a bit more of a story so we’re talking about me going to visit my girlfriend at the university halls while I was on tour with the boys, so I was going off that dynamic.”
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
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petersasteria · 7 years
Road Trip - Louis Tomlinson Imagine
Requested? Nope.
Pairing: Louis x Reader
* * * *
Louis’ P.O.V
Today’s a really boring day. I’m sitting here on my couch doing nothing. To top it all off, I live alone. This really sucks. I’m also single. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “But Louis, you’re famous! I’m sure you can get any girl.” It’s not that easy. I’ve tried Tinder, Grindr, other dating apps, and even speed dating. It simply didn’t work out for me. Plus, there’s only one girl I’ve had my eye on. She’s the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. She’s only 2 years younger than me, but age doesn’t really matter. I’ve liked her for a long time now and I’m pretty sure the boys already know by now.
I decided to call Harry and ask him if he wanted to hang out. I’m really proud of Harry. His movie, Dunkirk, would be a hit! I can feel it. His song ‘Sign of the Times’ is amazing! I’m really happy and proud to call him my best mate. Harry picked up on the second ring, “Hey mate!”
“Hey! How are you?” I asked.
“Y’know I’m doing good, and yourself?”
“I’m great! Listen, mate, I’m really proud of you!” I cheered.
“Thank you! But I don’t get it. Is this why you called?” Harry asked. I can just imagine the confusion written all over his face.
“Uh, kind of. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. We could celebrate!” I said hopefully.
“Celebrate what, exactly?” Harry said slowly, if that’s possible. He already talks slow. I can’t think of him speaking slower than his usual slow tone.
“Yeah! We’ll celebrate you! C’mon mate. My treat!” I said in a sing song voice.
“Thanks, mate. But I-I’m kind of busy.”
“Oh. What’re you doing?” I said hiding the sadness in my voice.
“Um, I-I’m sh-shooting.”
“Shooting? Shooting what?” I asked with my hand on my hip as I stand up from my couch.
“A music video. Yeah! That’s right. I’m shooting a music video for ‘Sign of the Times’! So, I can’t really hang out today. Perhaps, next week?” Harry lied.
He’s such a terrible liar. I can hear familiar voices in the back. But I decided not to question it.
“Okay then. Bye, Haz! Congratulations again.” I said.
“Thanks, much love. Bye, boobear!” Harry said before hanging up.
Well, that went well. If Harry’s “busy”, who else would want to hang out with me? I know! Liam James Payne. I never really got to congratulate him on the baby. I guess it’s time I should congratulate him.
“Hey Liam!” I greeted as soon as he picked up.
“Oh hey, Louis! What’s up?” Liam asked.
“Not much. What about you?”
“Same. Is there any reason why you called?”
“There is, actually. I’m calling to congratulate you on the baby!” I smiled through the phone.
“Oh! Thanks, mate! It means a lot.” Liam thanked.
“Wow. We’ve really grown up now, haven’t we?” I said. I didn’t mean to start a deep conversation, but it just sparked in my head.
“Yeah. It seemed like it was only yesterday when we started Up All Night. Times really does fly when you’re having fun.” Liam sighed.
“I agree. Now, we have kids! It’s crazy.” I lightly chuckled.
“Yeah. Anyway, is there any reason why you called?” Liam finally asked.
“Oh, there is. Um, I was wondering if we could hang out today?” I asked full of hope.
“Um, I’m quite busy. Y’know with the baby and all.” Liam answered.
“Oh, I see. I totally understand. I mean, I have Freddie so, yeah. I’m sorry for bothering you, mate.” I apologized.
“It’s alright, mate. You’re not bothering me. I’m glad you called! Unfortunately, I have to hang up now. It was nice chatting with you, mate.”
“It was nice chatting with you too, mate. See you soon, Payno!” I laughed.
“See you soon, sass master from Doncaster!” Liam laughed before hanging up.
Okay, Liam and Harry are not available today. That leaves me with two- I mean one person. If you’re wondering who it is, it’s Niall. Nope, not Zayn. I ‘Still Got Time’ for other things, but not for Zayn. And yes, I quoted his song. Well, time to call the Irish lad.
“Hello Louis!” Niall greeted cheerfully as soon as he picked up on the first ring.
“Hey! How’re you?” I asked matching his cheerful voice.
“I’m grand, and yourself?” Niall asked.
“I’m great! By the way, congratulations on the Radio Disney nomination! I voted for you.” I smiled. I’m really proud of him.
“Aww, thanks man. Congratulations to you and Steve for the Radio Disney nomination as well! I voted for you guys too.” Niall chuckled.
“Thank you! Anyway, I was wondering if you’d like to hang out with me today.” I asked with every hope I could gather.
“Um, I’m babysittin’.” Niall reasoned out.
“Really? Who?”
“Theo. Greg and Denise are in town and they wanted some time for themselves so, they asked if I could look after Theo for a few hours.” Niall said, “I’m really sorry, mate. As much as I want to hang out with you, I can’t. Maybe tomorrow?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t be sorry, Nialler. I just don’t know what to do.” I admitted with a sigh.
“Why don’t you take Y/N out?” Niall suggested and I could feel him smirking through the phone.
“I think I’ll pass.” I said quickly. I feel really shy around her.
“C’mon, Louis! I think it’s time to tell her you fancy her.” The younger lad replied. He has a point. “You might miss your chonce! Sooner or later she might find someone. She’s single and you’re single. You like her and who knows? Maybe she likes you too.” Niall added.
“Okay fine. Nice pep talk, Niall.” I rolled my eyes playfully.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, mister. I know what I’m talking about.” Niall said. Tell you what, Niall knowing that I rolled my eyes at him, got me shook. But I choose not to question it.
“Okay. I’ll hang up now. Call me after your date with Y/N.” Niall said.
“Okay okay. Bye, Nialler! Thanks!”
“No problem, boobear. Bye!” Niall hung up and I stared at my phone.
Should I do this? Fuck it. I’ll do it.
I scrolled through my contacts until I found her name. I pressed it and waited for her to answer
“Hey Y/N!” I said as soon as she picked up.
“Hey Louis! Is there any reason why you called?” Y/N asked.
“I was, um, wondering if you wanted to, um, hang out with me today? It’s okay if don’t want to. I’m not forcing you or anything-“ I rambled on, but got cut by her.
“I would love to hang out with you! What do you want to do? Like, what do you have in mind?” Y/N asked.
“A road trip.”
“Where are we going?” Y/N said excitedly.
“Anywhere. I don’t really know. Wherever we end up in, I guess.” I grinned.
“Okay! I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“No! I’ll pick you up in 10 minutes.” I said.
“Really? Okay. See you in 10! Bye!” and with that, Y/N hang up. I shook my head and chuckled. I walked up to my room to change into something decent. As soon as I went inside my room to change my clothes, I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and mumbled, “I literally just got in here.”
I went back downstairs and try to not have a go at the person knocking. I opened the door and saw the boys.
“I thought you guys were busy?” I asked, confused.
“We were busy.” Liam answered.
“Then what’re you doing here?” I asked with my arms crossed.
“To hang around here.” Harry shrugged.
“But I’m going out.” I said.
“We know. We’ll wait for you to get back.” Niall said as he invited himself in my flat, while the other boys followed.
“Um, sure come on in.” I said sarcastically and closed the door after all of them are inside.
“What were you busy with anyway?” I asked as I looked at them sitting on my couch, where I previously sat.
“Getting you and Y/N together.” Liam said as he looked for the tv remote.
“What?!” I shrieked.
“Yeah. We were at Niall’s flat when you called.” Harry said as he found the remote and gave it to Liam.
“We’ll answer your questions later. Right now, you need to get dressed and pick Y/N up at her flat.” Niall said before telling Liam to change the channel to some golf channel.
“Just go, mate!” All three of them said and I rushed upstairs to change my clothes and brush my teeth. After that, I went downstairs to ask their opinion about my outfit.
“How do I look?” I asked them.
“Alright.” Liam shrugged.
“I agree.” Harry said, not even giving my outfit a glance as he focused on the tv.
“I mean, you look normal.” Niall said before turning back to the tv.
“Gee, thanks guys. I appreciate it.” I rolled my eyes.
“Okay, tell us how it went. Bye!” Niall said as he pushed me out the door and locked it.
I walk to my car and laughed. What would I do without them?
* * * *
Lmao reblog if you liked it
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