kyan-artz · 11 days
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I used to cheese this part of the game so easily-
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catallarii · 1 year
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rainworld dump + oc
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shpepyao · 10 months
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tried to play as Inv today
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jess-is-toolazy · 3 months
Made the whole dumbass host family because why not sjspabsc I was bored in class
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Yeah I'm losing motivation 😔
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I have nothing to say other than I'm not sorry.
Cat maid rot belongs to Clover
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@tentacletournament in celebration of the rot winning. catrot.
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follerys-trash-blog · 8 months
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[You could not have chosen a worse moment to disturb me.]
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angel--simz · 17 days
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Dramatice Lives Legacy Challenge
Do you enjoy storytelling? Do you enjoy drama? Do you enjoy a good sims legacy challenge? Do you only have the basegame?
Well worry not! I got a challenge for you! This dear simmers is The Dramatic Lives Legacy Challenge (DLL for short). This is a legacy challenge with heavy focus on storytelling each generation has a rather dramatic story to tell with some fun challenges along the story aswell!
This is a basegame legacy challenge BUT if you wish there are optional packs you can use for some generations and some optional story telling parts aswell.
Also if something isn't basegame and is a main task please tell me all main tasks should be basegame.
Basic Rules
Keep lifespan on normal
Your sims can live where ever you please
You can cheat for the first house but after that money cheats are not allowed
Every generation should complete tasks
Your sims can be of any gender you'd like
If you play this challenge i'd love to see it, if you wanna share it with me use the hashtag #dramaticlives so i can see it!
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Generation 1| House Sim
You dreamed of being a house sim ever since you were little, it seemed like the perfect life for you. You would do anything for your family, not to mention you loved kids and taking care of the house so you're be happy everyday! You rarely have free time but when you do you love to play chess! you have that secret smart side about you!
Traits|Family Oriented, Neat, Perfectionist
Aspiration| Succesful Lineage
Career| None
Max the Logic,Gardening and Cooking skills
Complete Succesful Lineage aspiration
Have atleast 2 children
Have a well maintained garden
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Generation 2| Annoying Younger Sibling
As a younger sibling i you admired your older sibling so much that you wanted to be exactly like them, you wanted to do all they do, you wanted to be friends with everyone who they were friends with. This made a bit of a rift between the two of you as they got older and started getting annoyed by your behaviour, they would've locked their room door from you so you couldn't get in and yell at you to stay away whenever you got too close. Once they moved out you followed you may only have been a teenager but you couldn't keep yourself away from your sibling, They allowed you to move in with them since secretly they do love you even if you are annoying.
Traits| Active, Loyal, Clumsy
Aspiration| Bodybuilder
Career| Athlete
Max Handiness and Fitness skills
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Max the Athlete career
Have a close relationship with an older sibling
Have your second child right before becoming an elder [You're Only Allowed To Have 2 Children]
Packs you need| Strangerville
Do Strangerville storyline
Replace Athlete career with Military
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Generation 3| Romance Sim
Your parents had you when they were already pretty old, you were sort of their suprise baby that they had been wanting for years but hadn't been able to get almost giving up until suddenly you were born, well they ended up dying when you were still young so you ended up being raised by your older sibling, although they did the bare minimum they gave you a roof over your head and food on the table nothing more. You grew up seeing other kids happy with their families and you hated it why couldn't that be you? As a teenager you ended up becoming a trouble maker and as you grew to an adult you fell into the world of crime. And You struggled to keep a relationship so you decided you wouldn't even try and became a serial cheater.
Traits| Romantic, Artlover, Noncommital
Aspiration| Serial Romantic
Career| Criminal
Max the Charisma,Painting and Mischief skills
Complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Max the Criminal Career
Have children with multiple different partners
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Generation 4| Musician Sim
You grew up LOUD!! Your parent wouldn't notice you unless you were loud so you grew up yelling alot, turning loud music on and whatever you could just to be as loud as you could. As an adult you were still loud! You can't stop yourself you are just a very loud person! So you became a ROCKSTAR!
Traits| Outgoing, Music Lover, Glutton
Aspiration| Musical Genious
Career| Entertainer
Max the Piano,Mixology and Comedy skills
Max the entertainer career (Musician path)
Have atleast 5 good friends
Have a social event atleast once a week
Adopt a child
Packs you need| Get Together, Highschool Years
Replace Music Lover trait with either Dance Machine (Get Together), or with Party Animal (Highschool Years)
Replace one skill with the Dance skill
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Generation 5| Quiet Sim
You were adopted to your family at a young age, you don't remember much from your past but you do know it left some deep emotional scars which is why you've grown to be quite gloomy and quiet. People often tell you that your presence ruins the mood cause of your gloomy aura, so you tend to just stick with books and being alone.
Traits| Gloomy, Loner, Bookworm
Aspiration| Master Chef
Career| Culinary
Max the Gourmet Cooking and Writing skills
Complete Master Chef aspiration
Have 2 good friends [those are the only friends you're allowed to have]
Marry a highschool best friend
Packs you need| Cats and Dogs, Cottage Living Highschool Years
Replace Bookworm trait with Cat/Dog Lover (Cats and Dogs) or Animal Enthusiast trait (Cottage Living)
Replace Master Chef aspiration with Friend Of The Animals aspiration
Replace Culinary career with your very own Vet Clinic
Replace Writing skill with Vetenarian skill
Replace Loner trait with Socially Awkward trait
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Generation 6| Good Sim
You were always very popular, but not only that but you were always a great person aswell! Always helping others and being friendly to everyone, you have lots and lots of friends. Eeveryone always like you straight away, although some people are jealous of you. You have a bad habit of trying to keep everyone else happy however
Traits| Good, Self-Assured, Clumsy
Aspiration| Friend Of The World
Max the Charisma,Photography and Logic skills
Complete Friend Of The World aspiration
Marry a childhood frenemy
Have one Enemy [Could Be A Work Rival]
Packs you need| City Living, Get Famous
Replace the Business career with the Politician career
Become atleast 3-Star Celebrtity
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Generation 7| Creative Sim
You were heavily bullied for your looks your whole life, it seems like you couldn't catch a break, what is wrong with your looks? is it the birthmark? Who knows... Nobody could ever believe that you're the child of the most popular person in town, some thought you weren't attractive enough to be their child, others said the difference in personality says it all. Cause of the rudeness of other people you isolated yourself to your room, you would just paint and paint all day, your room was messy and the walls filled with beatiful artworks. As an adult you struggled to commit to relationships and jobs, you hopped from one career to another and one relationship to another.
Traits| Creative, Slob, Noncommital
Aspiration| Renaissance Sim
Career/s| Culinary, Writer, Painter
Max the Painting,Cooking, Violin skills
Get fired from Culinary and Writer jobs
Travel to Sylvian Glade after being fired to think while fishing [both times]( Secret world in Willow Greek)
Max the Painter Career
Have atleast 5 failed relationships
Get married young but then later divorce
Marry and find final partner as an adult
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Generation 8| Stylish Sim
Your parent always told you creativity is the most important thing in life, so you ran with it. You always loved fashion, clothing was your main way of expressing yourself, you wore the most insane outfits known to man but somehow you always looked cute regardless, Your parent spoiled you rotten cause their life along with yours was a huge mess.
Traits| Materialistic, Neat, Hot-Headed
Aspiration| Fabulously Wealthy
Max the Photography , Writing skills
Max Style Influencer career
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Become Rich! [min 200k simoleons]
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Generation 9| Space Sim
You always loved space, you dreamed of going to space and being in space your whole life. Unfortunately your parent didn't like that, they always told you it was too dangerous or they'd miss you if you went so far away, but you never listened if you wanted to go to space you would go to space and nothing can stop you even the nagging of your parent. The relationship with your parent did strain a little bit cause of the arguements you would have cause of your dreams. but eventually you grew close with your parent as an adult.
Traits| Genious, Bookworm, Snob
Aspiration| Nerd Brain
Career| Astronaut
Max Rocket Science, Handiness skills
Max Astronaut career
Visit Forgotten Grotto (Secret world in Oasis Springs, requiers lvl 10 Handiness skill)
Marry a childhood best friend
Complete Crystals Collection
Packs you need| Get To Work, Crystal Creations
Instead of Forgotten Grotto visit Sixam (Alien world)
Replace Astronaut career with Scientist career
Get abducted by aliens
Max Gemology skill
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Generation 10| Mystery Sim
Your parent knew everything about you, they always seemed to sneak around in your room, so you learned to hide stuff and to keep secrets very well. Your parent always tried to push you towards a sciency career path and they always lied to you about stuff but you always found out of their lies. You learned to not trust anyone at an early age cause of your parent. Once you became an adult you cut contacts with your entire family and all your friends, you changed your name and partly your looks so you wouldn't be recoqnized, almost as if you had died. You were soon scouted to become a secret agent and you accepted, this was the perfect job for you although you did struggle with trusting your co-workers at first. On your free time you tended to paint, it relaxed your mind.
Traits| Gloomy,Foodie, Loner
Aspiration| Painter Extraordinaire
Career| Secret Agent
Stay Single Your Whole Life
Max the Secret Agent career
Max the Logic,Painting, Charisma And Athletic Skills
Packs you need| none
Pretend you found an abandoned baby while at work by adopting a child
Fall in love and get married after getting retired
I've worked really hard on this challenge and its stories, i am very happy to finally share it with all of you. Have Fun Simming!! Love - AngelSimz
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arutari · 1 year
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my dumb little headcanons!!
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shelter fails in the under hang B like
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rainworld-bestiary · 1 year
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Day31: Unfortunate developement
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Phew the final one at last remind me to not do these kinds of things when I truly shouldnt next time. In all seriousness tho this was some good fun, practice and a challenge. Tune in next time for some more manmade horrors.
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therotconsumed · 1 year
sorry rot took over this post
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nougat-rockrozma · 1 year
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*circus music intensifies* (not my video)
Rain World Art Month Day 15: D.L.L./B.L.L.
heyyyy guess whoes working on other rw stuff and realised today is DLL day?
anyways tried to follow a bright colour palette between pebs and the DLL/BLL so the DLL/BLL doesn’t truly match the mod lol 
it looked so fucking funny and sounded so fucking funny and you WILL die to it
credits to Vigaro for the Clown Long Legs (with music) Rain World mod!
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toaster-os · 1 year
Hear me out:
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What if they switched places?
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day 9, the exterior
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