#Dirk fictroject
sourcemates-finder · 1 year
I’m submitting on behalf of this alter!-Techno
Name of the headmate whom this call is for: Dirk
Introject type: Fictive
Source(s): Homestuck
Sourcemate(s) you are calling for: Basically anyone other than Jane, any Zahhaks.
Relation(s) to the sourcemate(s): Dirk just wanted people who feels familiar and comforting to him
Any extra info you want the sourcemate(s) to know (memories, ages, etc.): our Dirk is pregame (15) years old . We are bodily 21 but Dirk is someone we have concern about when it comes to friendships. We only want the people we are friends with to be bodily adult but he prefers source mates that aren’t too much older than him/ his age.
Dirk has a lot of memories. There are some specific ones about how he looks and such. He remembers being quite tall, having freckles and his hair being dirty blonde. There are memories he has of calling jake while he worked on projects at jake’s request in the middle of the night. There are many other but those are some of the only ones I expressly remember.
Tag(s) you want us to include: homestuck , Dirk strider, adult bodied , etc. We are specifically a did system so did specific tags.
Hello! My apologies for this being so late!
If there’s anything you’d like us to add to (or take away from) the tags or body text just let us know! :)
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