#Dino Mele
grahamswrath · 8 months
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Il mare (1962) dir. Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
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alfredsnightmare · 1 year
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Identikit (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, 1974)
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eyes-of-laura-mars · 1 year
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minutecinema · 2 years
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regaliasonata · 3 months
Imagine if in another universe Black/Green character pairings in PR ended with them dying but getting the Mele/Rio treatment
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Walking into the sunset together before going to the afterlife💚🖤
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ilikedyourablogithere · 11 months
dislyte wishlist
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-death goddess
-skeleton lady
-queen of the star demons??? (that is so hard bro)
-The Obsidian Butterfly/ associated with moths. She’d be the games first mothgirl
I mean this is still Dislyte so any girl design won’t be up to MY mothgirl standards
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but it would still be a nice change of pace
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Ao Run Dragon King of the West Sea
-of the four dragon kings he was always my favorite (the plucky little brother that wants to help and all that jazz)
-storm dragon
-has a species of dinosaurs named after him. Dino esper is 100% something I want
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they should totally do it. they would have my wallet at least
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Egyptian (actually there is alot but I’m keeping it to just one per pantheon)
-a musician
- the sistrum instrument looks like it would make for a cool melee weapon if it was bigger
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think monster hunter hunting horn designs but dislyte
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-dude it’s pegasus
-honestly they could go any way with the design and I’d think it’s cool.
Saint Seiya reference
 Full Horse Furry
or go the brewster/tevor route and make them a my little pony
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- toads...game needs more amphibians
-rainbow breath power
- give them a jiraya reference for coolness (Jiraya is folklore not mythology so I don’t know if he’s actually eligible to be an esper like at the point they might as start making superhero espers ) and they’d be set
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- eats rich people
- associate with theater (who doesn’t love a theater kid)
- someone has to keep Narmer humble
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-associated with Neith of egyptian mythos and I like Laura. Another Laura would be welcomed
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-fire giant
-no deep think.
-that’s it
 Giant and Fire is cool
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jellyfishinajamjar · 11 months
Tau units that I think would be baller as hell please hire me James Workshop
The Tau, despite having been around for longer than the iPod mini, Webkinz, and the scramjet engine, have a strangely truncated model line. This is partially attributable to unique deficiencies in the army’s intended method of play, but nonetheless do exist. I want to fill those gaps and make Tau cool as fuck. Here’s some ideas
Plenty of armies in 40K have a simple ‘one army, three sub-armies’ make up. For example, the Drukari have the wonderfully alliterative and easy to remember Cabals, Covens, and Cults, each taking an aspect of dark eldar philosophy and filling a role in the larger army. Cabals are your boats and baddies playstyle, Covens having twisted abominations, and Cults do something that I would know about if I was a Drukari player
Necron have Dynasties, Flayers, and Destroyer Cults, with flayers filling fast attack roles and destroyers being self evident
Tau have 1 and a halfish sub-armies. You’ve got the Tau, who do shooting, Kroot, who do fast attack and some melee, and a Vespid, who have one unit. Clearly, something went wrong here. Why do we have two fast attack sub-armies despite having fine fast attack in our main army? Why do we have Kroot as bad at shooting and at melee? Why don’t Vespid exist?
I want to fix this. To do so I’m going to propose a frankly radical solution GW would never do, but I want to see anyways. Give us five sub-armies
We’ve already got Tau, Kroot, and Vespid. I’m not changing any already existing model lines, cause that’ll never happen. Instead, I’m going to round off incomplete lines and introduce a few new ones
Tau. Tau are fine as is. I’d love to see melee battlesuits, but this isn’t the place for more sword mech propaganda. Tau having gaps in their line is the whole point of having auxiliaries, so it’s fine
If I might make a personal request, I would love to see burst cannon equipped infantry. Not all of them, maybe like one in 10 strike warriors could replace their pulse rifle with a burst cannon, or have a wargear option to replace the sms on the support turret with a burst cannon. Trade indirect fire for direct anti infantry. That would be especially useful in boarding action, and not having the turret is a hit to fire warrior’s strength there
Kroot. Kroot are the second healthiest Tau Empire model line by virtue of being the one that actually exists. I think it’s good as is. I have two suggestions here, mostly for my own desire to see Kroot fuck. Give us big Kroot and enormous Kroot.
I want a Kroot melee elite unit. Elite both in unit designation and like Elites from Halo. Gimmie big beefy boys in a 3-6 unit that absolutely slaughter in melee. These will be our melee heavy hitters, our line holders, our brick shithouse with arm swords made of bone and chitin. Like a Kroot ate a space marine and got jacked. Size of a terminator big. These guys should have baller models and fill a much needed gap in the Tau as immovable objects you can park on objectives and laugh as your opponent tries to melee you off.
The other Kroot unit I would want is a dinosaur. Look, James, if you aren’t going to give us exodites at least let our Kroot be dinosaurs. I’m thinking a Knight equivalent, melee focus with big tau guns mounted on it, like that one tau’nar kitbash with the t-rex body and the tau’nar arms. Give use dinos.
And lastly for Kroot, we don’t need it but I think it would be funny lookin as hell, so I’ll mention it. Kroot flyers. They’re already lizard birds, I want to see a Kroot plane equivalent. Like a pterodactyl with a Kroot face and a Shaper on its back holding a pair of reins. Give it transport capacity so it can drop off Kroot or Krootox, or like if it overflies and enemy it can make a claw attack and if it hits it picks up a model or two and eats them to recover wounds. Just be wild with it. It’ll never see competitive play outside of Kroot only lists, but it’ll be a cool looking shelf piece and will give more for the three exodite diehards to kitbash so they don’t go insane waiting for official confirmation that they exist.
Vespid. Of the existing lines, Vespid definitely need the most work. They’re supposed to fill a fast attack role in an army that already has two fast attack infantry units. Here’s some ideas to start us off on a decently well rounded sub-army.
Vespid tank equivalent. I think we should keep with the wasp ascetic, and make a vespid tank. Big ol honeycomb on hover engines, stinger looking gun on top, that sort of thing. We’ve already got IFV and light tank roles filled by the devilfish and hammerhead respectively, so this will be our medium to heavy tank. Our Rougle Dorn equivalent. Slow, heavy hitting, tons of staying power, but weak to melee, so you can counter by rushing it. It’s not going to be taking points by itself, and you’ll want to screen with vespid to keep it safe. Anti infantry guns, big gun on top, with an alt build as a transport for Vespid. Give it some kind of energy shield to take hits and you’re golden.
Vespid shaper equivalent. Make it some kind of vespid queen or princess or something, an hq choice you would only ever use with vespid. Buffs vespid, maybe some pusdo-psychic abilities if you’re feeling generous.
Vespid melee equivalent to the current model line. Can even be one of those ‘one box, but you can build it two ways!’ things, like how the fire warrior box builds a strike team or a breacher team. Cheap trade pieces you throw at your enemies infantry to soften them up. I’m thinking some kind of stinger spear, hits once then you get shot and die for that bee experience. Maybe for every wound you do to the enemy unit, they’re moral test is worsened by one, cause the poison makes em want to run away and die. Moral tests aren’t really around in 10th, so maybe something like reducing oc on units they wound, so they’re really good at weakening enemies holding points but have like OC 0 so they’re never gonna hold it by themselves, they need other vespid to push up behind them and hold
And now, we’re truly in uncharted waters. No existing GW model lines to guide us. These last two sub-armies are going to be less standardized, and I think somewhat smaller
Gue’vesa. Was there ever any question? It’s like the most famous auxiliary, with no official table rep. Give us literally anything. IG units with an upgrade sprue, upgrade sprues for fire warriors with human legs and heads, rules for proxing in IG units wholesale, I’ll take anything. Hell, even just confirmation you can have humans in regular fire caste units, anything.
If we’re going to have a dedicated gue’vesa sub-army however, it can’t just be IG but in Tau colors. It needs its own flavor. I’d actually prefer human auxiliaries get absorbed into other castes rather than making a new one just because humans don’t have a designated shtick. But that’s just my preference. And I’m doing it anyways, so you can’t stop me.
And lastly, my final suggestion for a sub-army. This one isn’t actually it’s own ‘you could run this as it’s own army and do reasonably well in low points games’, it’s mostly just a place to stick everything else Tau need. Give use more weird one off units that fill gaps. We don’t need a full sub-army for phychic, that’d be insane. But we do need some phychic phase rep. Give us like one model that’s a psychic jellyfish in a fish tank carried by a drone that gives you deny the witch and smite. It doesn’t need to be the best pycher in the game, in fact I don’t think it should be all that good. But just something to get around the fact that we have nothing phychic going on.
A jokero weapons smith that’s buffs shooting in an aura or attaches to a unit or something. Adds ap and damage, bypasses invulnerable, just like something to make one big gun crazy good
Sentient mycanoid blob that spawns an equivalent to tyranid bio-mine balloons so you can make objectives deadly to retake
Just more weird Tau auxiliaries
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Voodood is a magic core from Spyro’s Adventure. His primary attack is to simply slash in front of him with his axe, while his secondary is to launch his axe blade on a chain and reel in himself or enemies. My favorite is his tertiary; laying down a magical tripwire that closes on and shocks any enemy caught by it, and it can catch multiple. His upgrade paths boost his magical abilities (top) and his axe proficiency (bottom). I prefer his top path, because I feel without it, he's not a very magical skylander. His top paths boost multiple abilities, modifying his tripwire and giving his axe strikes more damage. It also gives an upgrade that makes him shock anything that hits him, similar to the thorns enchantment in Minecraft. His lower path grants combos, if you like that sort of thing. I really enjoyed playing him, I think Voodood is a fun mixed-melee skylander, and he's one of the more novel skylanders I've played. Overall 8.5/10, grab him if you want some novelty.
If you want to play as a similar skylander, Voodood plays similarly to Dino-Rang and Ghost Roaster (both of Spyro's Adventure), and Sprocket (of Giants)
If you want to play co-op, Voodood would pair well with another versatile skylander, like the dragons, or a charging longranger, like Gill Grunt (of Spyro's Adventure)
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Bongoverse AU Bounty Hunters & Jedi OCs
A collection of OC bounty hunters & Jedi I plan on featuring in the Bongoverse fic.
In no particular order:
Arya Rook: Shistavanen Mandalorian bounty hunter, also a Jedi Knight who used be a Padawan of the Old Order.
Jiva Desh: Thakwaash heavy weapons specialist bounty hunter, married to Athiya Desh, 2.75 meters tall. A walking armory, goes out on the job energy shields-only. Muscular semi-cyborg full of fun & sexual confidence. Space Insta celeb (streams while on the job), slightly airheaded.
Athiya Desh: Talortai melee specialist bounty hunter. 2.03 meters tall Murder Birb. Dual-wields vibrosword . Married to Jiva, extremely High Class, 100% of Jiva's impulse control, definitely Force-sensitive but Does Not Use It due to Talortai cultural traditions.
Had-A-Name-For-Him-But-I-Can't-Find-It: male Ssi-ruu ex-bounty hunter/current GFFA SPECTR (SPecial Counter-Terrorism & Reconnaissance), basically Commander Shepard as a dino-man, related to Admiral Ivpikkis from Truce at Bakura.
Rip Tamson: male Karkarodon knife nut bounty hunter/eventual Jedi Knight; related to Riff Tamson from the Clone Wars (hates being confused for him). Has a tail because I headcanon Karkarodons have them (they look better that way).
Epona Delwesh: female Thakwaash ex-hunter turned Jedi Knight, user of a lightclub.
Iosunko'vu Kass/Iosun Kass: Mandalorian Rutian Twi'lek bounty hunter. Giant blue beef brick wearing heavy infantry armor. Married to Kuryai, sometimes does Organized Crime Things. Favors ballistic weapons over lasers for 9/10 applications. Adopted like 6 Jedi Padawans that got lost once. He is their buir now. Mess with them, you die.
Kuryai Sudaex: Sith Pureblood ex-Jedi from an entire family of Purebloods who were all Jedi themselves. Kuryai himself is not good with a lightsaber or the Force. In response, he set himself up as a minor crime lord legitimate businessman on Coruscant. Also a giant beef brick, just red flavored. Sharp-dressed man with a space Tommy Gun. Slightly less thrilled about having 6 Jedi kids, at least at the start. Eventually is also firmly in the "mess with my adopted kids, you die" mode.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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The prolific historian and biographer Philip Ziegler, who has died of cancer aged 93, was never less than scrupulously fair – but also honest – about the shortcomings of his subjects, who included some of the most prominent men and, occasionally, women of modern British history.
Lord Mountbatten’s personal vanity, deviousness and ambition, Edward VIII’s meanness and superficiality, even Edward Heath’s charmlessness were all remorselessly revealed, even though they amounted to official biographies and are books that have shaped the men’s reputations for posterity.
“The biographer’s first responsibility is to the truth and to the reader. If he is not prepared in the last resort to hurt and offend people for whom he feels nothing except goodwill then he should not be writing a biography,” Ziegler said in 2011.
The foibles of Mountbatten, the last viceroy of India before independence, were such that Ziegler wrote a note on his desk while writing the biography in the mid-1980s stating: “Remember, in spite of everything, he was a great man.” That is not necessarily the view any longer of many British and Indian historians, though it is hard to overlook Mountbatten’s significance to the modern subcontinent and his relatives in the Royal family.
If Ziegler’s patrician, establishment status and urbane charm helped to smooth his path to selection for such monumental biographies, his industry and the punctiliousness of his research meant that they come close to definitive. He said: “Ideally the biographer should know everything about his subject and then discard 99% of his information, keeping only the essential. Of course one can never hope to discover anything approaching everything, but one can find out a great deal.”
Ziegler was born in Ringwood, in the New Forest, to Dora (nee Barnwell) and Louis Ziegler, a retired army major. He was educated at Eton college and then studied law at New College, Oxford, graduating with a first. After national service with the Royal Artillery, he entered the Foreign Office, serving as a diplomat in Laos, Paris and Pretoria.
In 1966, with his wife Sarah (nee Collins), whom he had married in 1960, and two small children, he was posted to Bogotá, Colombia, as head of chancery at the British embassy. It was there the following year that, returning home from an embassy reception, he and his wife found armed robbers rifling the house. Sarah was killed in the melee and he was badly wounded.
The tragedy persuaded him to leave the diplomatic service and take a job with Sarah’s publisher father, William Collins, then the head of one of the largest publishing houses in the country. Ziegler became editorial director in 1972 and editor-in-chief of the company seven years later. He had already published two books, a biography of the Duchess of Dino, mistress of the wily French diplomat Talleyrand, in 1962, and one of the Georgian prime minister Henry Addington (later the reactionary home secretary Viscount Sidmouth) in 1965. A book about the Black Death followed in 1969, though that was to be his only venture into pre-modern history, and one on the battle of Omdurman (1973), as well as biographies of William IV (1971) and the Victorian prime minister Lord Melbourne (1976).
In 1980, Ziegler became a full-time writer, and a regular and eclectic stream of books followed: biographies of the 1920s’ society beauty Lady Diana Cooper (1981), Harold Wilson (1993), the minor poet Osbert Sitwell (1998), the publisher Rupert Hart-Davis (2005) and the actor Laurence Olivier (2013), as well as Heath (2010), Mountbatten (1985) and Edward VIII (1990), and a short biography of George VI (2014). There were also histories of Barings Bank (1988), London during the second world war (1995), the Rhodes Trust in Oxford (2008) and Brooks’s gentlemen’s club (1991). Not forgetting, Elizabeth’s Britain 1926 to 1986 and a book of photographic portraits of the Queen (2010).
All were assiduously researched. Given access to the royal archives, Ziegler ploughed through 25,000 letters of Edward VIII, revealing the shallowness of the king who abdicated and, allegedly to her displeasure, the Queen Mother’s relentless hostility towards him. His verdict that Edward was well meaning and that no monarch could have been more anxious to relieve the sufferings of his subjects though “few can have done less to achieve their aim”, was suitably waspish.
The biography of Mountbatten, for which he was chosen by the Broadlands trustees, custodians of his legacy, was followed by three volumes of the admiral’s diaries. The biography of Heath was also both official and comprehensive, but struggled to find the man’s elusive charm.
Of the Olivier biography, he told an interviewer at the Cheltenham literary festival in 2013: “In the course of my alarmingly long biographical career I have written about an inordinate number of prime ministers, kings and the like and I suddenly decided in old age that I would indulge myself and do myself an actor.” What he found to his alarm that there was very little substance beneath the parts the great actor played.
Following the death of his first wife, Ziegler married Clare Charrington, a social worker and bereavement counsellor, in 1971. She died in 2017. He is survived by the two children of his first marriage, Sophie and Colin, and by the son of his second, Toby.
🔔 Philip Sandeman Ziegler, biographer and historian, born 24 December 1929; died 22 February 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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threeuniverses · 8 months
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"To think I would get a comission by the princesses to make a special armor for one of their Rangers I wasn't expecting him to be a full blow T-rex!" -Royal Armor Smith
Special armor made for Gryphon Justin's Rex form, the armor is inspired off of earth's EOD suits though in this case was made to protect not just from explosions. Magic, small arms, melee weapons, this armor is made to ensure the protection of the dino. In a way turning him into a tank.
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grahamswrath · 8 months
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E nessuno ti dice niente, eh?
Quello che faccio io non interessa a nessuno.
Il mare (1962) dir. Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
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alfredsnightmare · 1 year
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Il Mare (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, 1962) 
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eyes-of-laura-mars · 7 months
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thedragonlover95 · 9 months
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Name: Yoshster Species: Glitch Entity/EXE Gender: Male Age: Unknown/16(in appearance) Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: Confident, Cocky, Competitive, Flirty, Sassy, Snarky, Laid back, Somewhat patient Powers: Copycat, Data Hacker, Transformation, Storage Stomach, Flight, Tentacle Tongue, Sharpen Claws and Fangs, Regenerator, Indestructible from outside sources, 4th wall gimmick(only when it's needed),Berserk Mode Appearance: Takes on the form of a raptor, sometimes other forms, wears leather attire like jackets, gloves and boots, Covered in dense Forest green and crimson feathers that can become spikes, Midnight Wings, Crimson/Blood eyes, Light blue belly, black sunglasses Height: 7.5 (can change size) Weight: 280 Likes: Music, Hunting, Bounty Hunting, Relaxing, Sight Seeing, Spending time with others, Playing his Guitar, Video Games, Arcades, Junk Foods, Helping out friends, Fun in bed and Cuddling. Dislikes: Assaulters, Being called Yoshi, People who mistreat others, People who harm those he cares about, Being Betrayed, Liars, Manipulators, Losing control. Bio: Yoshster was once like any copypasta creature, created when a virus corrupted a drawing of a child's drawing in a computer, and was brought to another dimension. Where he was taught by Lord X, only the hunting was what he lived for. But there was a point where he was tasked to do the one act, was when he grew a conscious, thus disobeying, which led to him being tormented with horrors and horrible things. He was able to break free and escape into a portal, where he would have a new path set for him. He is skilled with melee and ranged weapons, able to snatch weapons and store them, along with other items within his stomach storage, he posses two stomachs. Due to his computer virus data, he is able to hack into the systems, and even control mechanical objects, and can even fuse with it to gain a power boost. While he may appear to act like a jerk or looks scary, once people get's to know and understand him, they'll find he isn't all that bad, he's pretty chill. Yoshster is a top rank bounty hunter as well as night worker, but makes sure the client is honest with him, if they have kinks that he's not into or ok with, he'll pass. He's the leader of the Dino Trio, and can go through dimension's by a special watch. His ability let's him copy data and is similar to a pink puffball, which also works with candy that let's him gain a limited power up. He hides his eyes behind a pair of shades that keep his exe eyes hidden but will glow if he's in that mood. He uses gloves and boots to hide his tender paw pads, he isn't sure why he has those but doesn't like to feel sore.
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greendragonette · 7 months
Ark No Engrams Challenge, (ingame) days 1-5:
Tamed two garbage diplo females for eggs and storage, and after a few pathetic tries, a low-level monkey.
Moschops is a godsend. Tamed a few garbage-to-mid levels and after some leveling took my best male crate hunting. Reached snow biome, took a detour to redwood border for a yellow ringed drop that gave me a good chitin chest blueprint and a god-tier longneck rifle (so sad I won't be able to use that :( ). Snake put me asleep, but neighbouring paracers stomped it. Nice of them.
Took out low-levels alpha carno and theri too close to my base, and, emboldened by the success, an alpha raptor next to Red Obelisk. Still no spyglass, so found out it was max level only after chomping it. Both alphas were distracted for a good half of battles, named moschops Saitama anyways. He deserved that. His son was garbage though so he ended as meat. Only after returning noticed I left monkey at base *facepalm*
Took a fairly high level male moschops home, went for a green drop from Footpaw islet to Southern Islet. Alpha Megalodon in the water - no biggie, slow enough to occasionally nibble Saitama's toes, whose AOE was big enough to bite back. Beach's getting closer, suddenly something ahead jumps in water and goes for us. Baryonyx. Uh-oh. Stunned off Saitama, of course. We're as good as dead, at least left all loot at base and chopses are making a spare drop hunter.
Lo and behold, bary had to nick meg because they are going for each other hard. Took my chance, Saitama and monkey (named Oris - butchered Osiris) and left at full speed. No drop, but survived. Ark's gods were merciful so far. Returned home the long, ground way.
Wild dinos kept bothering my tames, so sacrificed two tranq arrows I had and tamed a good dilo who accosted me in the woods, instead of iguanodon I couldn't find in the night. Male, sadly, but now I have a smol base support. Hatched moschops egg, triplet males. Melee is awful, but stam and hp are very good, so considering them become Saitama's spares. For now, named them after Donald Duck's nephews and working on imprinting. Bonus speed is always nice on something so slow.
Tamed a min level diplo female. Considered offing her instead as she kept bumping kids into water, but easy tame and vision of mid kibble won. Really should tame some dodos and lystros though, got rare flowers from trip to snow border. Can be kept on neutral, too.
I drown in prime meat and own a decent ichthyosaur saddle blueprint, so maybe I should look for one.
Hesitating to move base; I have space to build and mats for a garden, but can't really see farther drops and have a very long way for good ones in redwoods.
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