#Dave karp
themightyducks · 9 months
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So what do we do now... coach?
THE MIGHTY DUCKS, 1992. created by Steven Brill
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ciaossu-imagines · 10 months
Again, loving up some underloved fandoms here on Ciaossu-Imagines, so throwing out some headcanons I have about The Mighty Ducks characters! I hope anyone familiar with these movies will enjoy them!
Starting with Averman, he’s definitely Jewish. I think he and Goldberg are really good friends because both of them are Jewish. They attended Hebrew school together, their parents are good friends, and honestly they really rely on each other around the holiday season. Neither boy is ashamed of being Jewish or anything, but especially around the time period those movies are set, Hannukah was not as popular or as talked about as Christmas was. And when all your friends are talking about Christmas and their plans and the gifts they’ll get and all the celebrations you hear about are Christianity based, it’s hard not to feel a little left out so both boys’ kind of really like having another friend they can talk to about their Hannukah plans who will get it. Bonus headcanon but I think Averman has a bigger love of hockey and was the one to get Goldberg into the sport.
Hot take on Adam – I don’t think he’s this abused kid trying desperately to please Daddy. I think that while his father might have high expectations for Adam, his father isn’t really abusive. I think a lot of the pressure that Adam feels – and boy, does he feel a lot – is pressure that Adam puts on himself. I do see Adam as having some issues with perfectionism, with being way too hard on himself, and he struggles with anxiety and a need to be perfect but it’s because Adam himself knows that he’s got a lot of talent and he doesn’t want to waste that talent.
Charlie’s actually got a few hidden skills but the one that ends up surprising most people is that, at one point in his life, Charlie got really into magic and he’s pretty good with a couple of tricks, mostly sleight of hand stuff.
Tammy did enjoy playing hockey, I won’t pretend that she didn’t. But I think when it came down to it, she enjoyed figure skating a lot more. There was more pageantry in that sport, more creativity and more glamour in her mind and I think she left the Ducks before the second movie because she really did want to focus on figure skating and competing in that area. She did win several medals, but I think she largely left the sport around the time she started college.
Julie reads…for fun. While she loves being active and has various hobbies and interests, she’s been a life-long bookworm. She learned to read early, and gobbles books up. She normally gets through at least a book a week and does read a wide variety of things, though she has guilty pleasure reading that she’d be embarrassed if anyone found out about, such as romance novels and the Hardy Boys books.
Guy hates carrying change around with him. There’s just something about the weight of it and the clinking sound it makes in his pocket as he walks that drives him insane. He prefers to carry bills for cash and usually lets the salespeople keep his change wherever he goes.
Surprising thing about Goldberg…the boy is not only gifted with a green thumb, but he genuinely likes taking care of his plants. He only got them because his parents wouldn’t let him get a pet…they didn’t think he was responsible enough for a pet so they bought him a rather high-maintenance houseplant to take care of first so that he could prove that he could be responsible for another living thing. Turns out that he enjoyed caring for the plant so much, even giving it a name, that he ended up wanting more plants instead of an actual pet.
Jesse has a tendency to argue just for the sake of arguing. He legitimately enjoys arguments and I have this headcanon that he found the debate club during high school and it’s the most at home he’s felt since playing with the Ducks. Like, those are his people, that’s where he belongs. He gets really involved with debate throughout his high school career and I think he wants to go to law school after graduating.
Terry Hall…still hasn’t gotten the grasp of gum honestly. Not saying the kid is stupid, because he certainly isn’t. It’s just that he cannot, for the life of him, remember that gum is for consistent chewing, not eating, especially if the gum in question is a really fruity, sweet flavour.
I really do think that Karp is someone who is really easy to take advantage of. He gets bullied a lot as a kid and he’s someone who just naturally is the kind of person who really wants to make others happy and to have others like him. He’s a very generous friend but the fact that he’s willing to do almost anything to have his ‘friends’ like him means that he gets put into some pretty brutal situations and gets used throughout his childhood and teen years.
I think Peter’s an army brat, or something along those lines. Something tells me that this kid is someone who moves around a lot throughout his life because of his parent’s careers. He’s used to never staying anywhere really long enough to form completely solid relationships. He’s used to always being the new kid and needing to impress and be tough enough to both make friends and avoid bullies. I also think that while he really would like to settle down in one spot long enough to make serious friendships, the idea of doing so kind of scares him.
Luis taught himself how to juggle when he was a kid. He’s also really skilled at hackeysack.
Connie has the habit of pacing around when she’s deep in thought. There’s just something about moving that helps her think better and if she really has something on her mind, she tends to go running or jogging. The tougher the problem is, the faster and further she tends to go as she loses track of where she is or how far she’s gone.
Dean can burp the alphabet. Forwards and backwards. He’s really quite proud of this.
Fulton’s worst habit? He’s really bad at sitting and staying still for long periods of time and he starts fidgeting when he has to do so. He’ll stretch, move around in his seat a bit, crack his knuckles, but the worst is his leg because he’s definitely one of those guys who bounces his leg when he’s bored or restless, almost aggressively so.
Dwayne really likes to sing. He’s not horrible at it by any means, though a little tone-deaf. He’s a huge fan, because of how he was raised, of any older country, with Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, and Conway Twitty being favourites of his.
Russ has the tendency to get cold really easily. It can come out of nowhere too, with no real reason for him to have a chill or to be cold. He just is. He tends to always carry an extra layer with him as a just in case.
Ken has weird eating habits. He has to eat all of one thing before he can allow himself to eat the next thing on his plate. For example, if he has fries and a burger, he’ll have to eat all the burger before he’ll start eating the fries. He can’t bring himself to mix and match his food and not even he knows why.
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mstrickster · 4 months
Who in each of your fandoms do you believe would be the biggest stoner?
Thank you for the ask!
I'm not gonna lie my first thought was Alfred. He probably needs it for stress, and he is elderly so he could totally obtain a medical Marijuana card. It is funny thinking about Alfred being baked. However, the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. My second option was Tim. He just gives me the vibe of functional stoner.
The Mighty Ducks:
Now, this one I actually thought of a few people right away. I could see Portman or Averman smoking Marijuana. However, I think the biggest stoner would be Karp from D1. He just seems to have that air about him.
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neweramuseum · 2 years
NEM Double Exposure 37 - Curated by Mehmet Omur
FEATURED WORKS BY: Emir Kaluti, Leon Williams, Cindy Karp, Judy Lurie Wahlberg, Jane Mitchell, Dave Kent, Judith Begley Trimarchi, Lynne Jordan, Leah Chossid.
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iheartnimbassacity · 10 months
Dave is born/gets lost at the Magikarp Jump setting AU
(( this can go one of two ways
((dave accidentally electricutes all the karp
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echoequinox · 2 years
I finally finished Gideon the Ninth! And boy fucking howdy was that book a slog to get through lmfao, it’s not my favorite book, but it did make me excited for Harrow the Ninth, and I’ll explain that and also why I Didn’t Like It under a read more because lots of spoilers if you haven’t read it
There are five key parts to any given book. Narrative voice, plot, setting, character dynamics, and of course, characters. If you have even four of these INCREDIBLY solid, while one suffers, the book is hard to read.
Case and point: Gideon the Ninth.
I fucking hate Gideon Nav. I fucking hate Gideon Nav, I understand that Tamsyn was writing Dave Strider as an even more annoying lesbian, but all of the nuance and good characterization that Huss gave Dave was completely lost when turned into a late-teens/early-20-year-old lesbian who had just recently graduated David Karp’s Ermagerd Academy for Heckin Puppers.
The way she talks is insufferable. The way she THINKS is insufferable. At any given moment, I agreed with her own self loathing that Harrow should have killed her when she had the multitudes of chances, or that she should’ve died from the nerve gas that killed the rest of the Ninth. I. Hate. Gideon. Nav. 
But that’s the thing! That’s the Narrative Voice, our Unreliably Shitty Narrator. That’s one of the parts of this book that suffered, while the rest kind of excelled. The setting is interesting, the plot was compelling after I slogged past the front half of a book so exposition heavy that I felt like I, too, was a Ninth nun, and these boring, boring pages were Drearburgh itself. The dynamic between Gideon and Harrow - again, paced so terribly, only in the last like... tenth of the book do we get any resolution - was GOOD, and their mutual misplaced guilt felt nice.
The characters? Hoo boy the characters. If you took Gideon Fucking Nav out of this book, it would be easily one of my top three books of all time. Palamedes was a delight, Camilla was fun, Dulcinea?? Dulcinea?? Teacher’s revelation was neat, Magnus and Abigail were fun before 💀
But even then, I have to complain, because of the way Tamsyn writes - and writes Gideon specifically - if she had made a fucking Danganronpa “A Body Was Discovered!” joke at Magnus and Abigail, it wouldn’t have felt out of place. That’s bad!!!!! That’s a BAD thing.
I don’t think books should be stuffy. I think books should be accessible in a way that a lot aren’t, using language that’s hard for readers to connect with, unbelievable narrative voices, blah blah blah, but there’s a line somewhere, where it becomes... maybe not too accessible? But like... I guess going from Inaccessible to Ridiculous.
I asked if the books got better and someone was like “No, and later on they make a none pizza with left beef joke, lol!!” like that was a GOOD thing, like in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty two, having a semi-serious science fantasy book making a none pizza with left beef joke (a post which, for clarity, turned TEN YEARS OLD THIS YEAR) was a point of pride? This sucks! This SUCKS.
I am only looking forward to Harrow the Ninth because finally, god finally, I got the resolution I was looking for in the last 20 pages when Gideon did the one heroic thing she could’ve done and thrown herself onto spikes, killing herself instantly, and saving us from the HORRIFYING possibility of further books being written like they were churned out in 2010 by a 18 year old instead of 2022 by a 37 year old.
Please, Emperor Undying, please let Harrow be more sufferable than Gideon was. Please.
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aquarines · 2 months
so the tumbjlr ceo isn't dave karp?????
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
Is all of mobile Tumblr just broken with videos or is it just for me?
Dear Dave Karp
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Younger to youngest
#33: Shaun Weiss as Greg "Goalie" Goldberg (8/27/1978), [D1, D2 & D3]
#22: Mike Vitar as Luis Mendoza (12/21/1978), [D2 & D3]
#05: Jane Plank as Tammy Duncan (7/20/1979), [D1]
#09: Brandon Adams as Jesse Hall (8/22/1979), [D1 & D2]
#00: Garette Ratliff Henson as Guy Germaine (1/5/1980), [D1, D2, D3 & Guest by The Game Changers: 1×06]
#24: J.D. Daniels as Peter Mark (8/24/1980), [D1]
#11: Aaron Schwartz as Dave Karp (1/4/1981), [D1]
#16: Justin Wong as Ken Wu (2/10/1981), [D2, D3 & Guest by The Game Changers: 1×06]
#02: Danny Tamberelli as Tommy Duncan (2/8/1982), [D1]
#01: Jussie Smollett as Terry Hall (6/21/1982), [D1]
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thedearlydepart · 2 years
Y'all ever wonder what Dave is up to these days?
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nowiseedaylight · 5 years
what are your favorite reaction pics atm I feel like you have so manh good ones and i need more lmao
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hauntopia · 6 years
Finally cleaned out my porn blog of shit I meant to put here, that only took like 4ever
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mstrickster · 7 months
Would the Ducks go to Pride?
Yes but not until they were older. And when I mean older I mean like in their 40s+.
The Ducks were around in the '90s and even though the 90s were slightly progressive and they're nowhere near as progressive as they are now. You could argue even now they could be better.
So, for people like Adam, Charlie, Guy and Julie who I could see going pro. It would have to be at a time where it wouldn't ruin their career.
Connie, since she's a senator, I believe she 100% would go to Pride as a politician and as a supporter.
There's only a few Ducks who I couldn't see going to Pride. Most of them are in the D1 movie.
Like, I can't imagine Karp how he is in the movie going to Pride. I can imagine his actor now going to Pride because his actor has a good vibe.
Along the same lines, I can't imagine Goldberg wanting to attend Pride. He might go to support his friends, but I can't see him like actually seeking it out. He would have to be invited by somebody else.
Luis would be another one who would kind of have to get over himself. If he was like he is in D2 where he's more focused on his friends and their relationship. Rather than how he is in D3 where he's kind of a slimeball. Then I could see him 100% going to either support somebody or because he was in a lgbt relationship.
However, I can't see his D3 personality going. It kind of strikes me as the type of person that would have to go through a long process to kind of be okay with it. I'm not saying he couldn't, I'm saying it would take more.
In that same vein, though, I could definitely see Portman and Fulton going. I can see Portman being that guy who will literally beat up another person if they talk about you badly if you're one of his friends and your LGBT.
Fulton is in the same vein, but he's a little bit more held back a little more reserved. I think, however, he would best some heads if somebody was going after his friend. He's a little more of an introvert to Portman's extrovert. However I could totally see them both going and being super supportive and being like a type of person that will walk somebody if they don't feel comfortable or will take somebody if they don't feel comfortable and like give anyone a stink eye who like looks at them badly.
I could also see them like kiss in front of a bigot just to take the attention away from those who are more affected by the comments. Just in general, they seem very secure in their masculinity, and they're totally the type to be like "yeah I kissed my bro goodnight. What are you going to say about it?!?!"
Everyone else I could see either attending as an ally or as part of the LGBT. However, they wouldn't make it such a big thing it would just be like, "Oh yeah, we're going to Pride. What of it?"
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picturethisshow · 6 years
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#NewYork #Brooklyn #ParkSlope: Picture This! is BACK at Union Hall!! COMEDY BY: Dave Hill (WFMU, GQ) Sudi Green (Saturday Night Live) Griffin Newman (The Tick) Ruby Karp (UCB) Calise Hawkins (Late Night) & Farah Brook! ANIMATION BY: Bryan Brinkman (Tonight Show) Dan Pinto Patrick Hosmer Chrissy Fellmeth Justin Runfola Rachel Gitlevich & Jacob Kafka! HOSTED BY: Ian Fidance! SATURDAY 2/17 7:30p Doors, 8p Show $8 online at https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1637903 or $10 at the door! at Union Hall 702 Union St Brooklyn, NY 11215 ______________________________________________ "What is Picture This!?" PICTURE THIS! is a new show from Brandie Posey & Sam Varela: two girls who want to push the boundaries of what a comedy show can be. Picture This! is a live comedy show with stand-ups performing while they are drawn live by some of the best animators, cartoonists, and other artists in Hollywood, CA, SF, NYC and Portland. Picture This! has also debuted in Toronto, New Zealand and Australia! The comedians don’t know what the animators are drawing and the animators don’t know how the comedians will react. It may be weird. It may different. But it will be FUNNY!
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dillyt · 2 years
hi my name is Dave (NO not from home SUCK! I'm Trans and I named myself after principal Karp himself~) and I'm going to be the best student hellsite high has ever had! today I'm going to
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5bi5 · 2 years
Just watched the mighty ducks and there’s a character named Dave Karp… gonna be sick to my stomach
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